Aerophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment. How to get in touch with aerophobia and not be afraid to fly to the air?

Aviaphobia (aerophobia) - fear of flying on a plane, or be it some other lethal device. Sounds appear after 25 years. Fear of this type is felt by about 20% of the population, in the middle of them there are those who are not in any way flying on the flyers. Great respect for the fear of benefits is brought to oneself through those who, in modern times, the suspense practically cannot do without changes. Suffering is the life of active people. Expensive, sometimes and professional activity becomes practically impossible for a person or unbearably important.

Do not instill fear of the disease є phobia. Most of all, it is naturally restless, driven by the instinct of self-saving. As a whole, it’s normal to feel a little anxious before the upcoming flight.

We are talking about the right phobia, if a person is not free with his feelings, and anxiety turns into a panic. The adequacy of the assessment of what is being considered is involved, the logical thought is included. The fear of the floor is intense and irrational, which makes landing in the air a difficult problem. Without the help of alienated people, it is not possible to control the situation.

Sounds of fear?

Causes of the development of aviophobia:

  • Terrible podia, like a mittevo form of a development of a phobia.
  • Association dosvіd. For example, the death of a friend in a plane crash, a review of films about disasters, fear of sudidiv.
  • Accumulation of fear - with partial shifts, a constant light fear and emotional strain in the last days can give a hostile attack of phobia.
  • Genetic officials - shyness to disturbing disorders in family members in 15% of cases is transmitted in recessions.

Fear of health can be a symptom and a consequence of other phobias and fears:

  • (Claustrophobia);
  • visoti (acrophobia);
  • great crowding of people in a tight space (demofobiya);
  • vidsutnіst control in times of emergency situations;
  • zakolisuvannya, vomit (vomiotophobia);
  • the absence of a safe place for leakage during a panic attack (agoraphobia);
  • weeding over water;
  • death (thanatophobia).

Aviaphobia often irritates you already for a few days or more days before the appointed villota. The impossibility of overcoming your fear is shattered by aviophobia to be driven into the air at the last moment. Nervous companions, obstruction of flights, publications in ZMI about the details of air crashes can help or alleviate panic. The older the flock of people, the stronger the fear of yogo. People of a frail age often think about death, and the presence of chronic ailments calls out a fear about the impossibility of taking off medical care on board the aircraft.

Symptoms of fear of transitions

An attack of fear of the flood develops and is characterized by singing physiological (vegetative) and psychological reactions. The level of expression is strong right up to the panic attacks. The symptoms become worse not only when you are ill, but also just like a riddle about something new or when you look at the lethal devices.

Vegetative reactions:

  • hastened heartbeat and breath;
  • drinkability;
  • chervoninnya rebuke;
  • attack the chokes;
  • weakness, confusion;
  • tremtinnya;
  • tension m'yazіv.

Psychological reactions:

  • impossibility to relax;
  • intrusive listening to the robotic dvigun litak, otochyuchim talks, search for information about the plane crash in ZMI;
  • hysteria;
  • confusion of information.
Independently podolat tsey camp people are not under the force. Often it is necessary to stop psychotropic preparations and stimulating procedures.

If necessary, relieve some of the flu phobia may cause depression. A thought about those who, as if in fear of panic, are afraid to get used to a great amount of alcohol before the flood.

Can you stop being afraid of benefits?

Exaltation of fear in this hour does not represent great difficulties. Moreover, psychologists are stressing the need for yoga correction. Control and management of your aviophobia significantly improves the quality of life. Golovnya, do not think about transitions. Vіdmovi іlki chаnѕt vpevnіstі in sоіѕіі і pogrіrshat fear.

How to get lost in a phobia?

In the first part of the year, I would like to begin with the construction of a litak, the principles of health, the level of their safety in the same way as other ways of moving. It is possible to step-by-step knowledge of lethal devices for the help of thematic children's encyclopedias, looking at brands or models of letaks. Іsnuyut special courses, organized by airlines, on which they show how to fear. It is necessary to turn on again the insignificance of what is going on under the hour, so that an irrational panic arises.

To overcome a phobia, psychologists teach the patient to learn how to relax and control their emotional status. It is necessary to repeatedly experience a great number of obvious evils and landings, viroblyayuschi navy rozslablennya, until the brain does not cease to associate watering with panic.

People who are easily addicted to navіyuvannya, go to the victorious hypnotherapy. The healer helps the patients to know the fear and podolat yogo, instill, be a threat in the day. Dodatkovo vikoristovuєtsya autotraining.

Techniques based on victorious virtual reality. For the help of computer programs, the patient creates an illusion of presence on board the aircraft. After that, as psychological and vegetative panic reactions are launched, under the control of a psychologist, the initial relaxation begins to develop.

In some moods, one can go as far as drug therapy. Treatment with psychotropic drugs from the group of relaxants and antidepressants is prescribed only by a doctor. Often overcome fear without intermission for an hour with help of a placebo.

How to work, to relieve the psychological stress and reduce discomfort during the hour?

  1. Start getting ready for a few days before you're ready. Take care of things that bring you satisfaction. Hobі, go shopping - everything that will help you to think about the future transition.
  2. Take a light player or a book with you.
  3. Before the flight, do not record ZMI, in which there may be an inventory of air crashes.
  4. Remember that the risks for air travel are much lower, lower for other ways of moving.
  5. Don't drink alcohol before drinking, especially when taking psychotropic drugs.
  6. Come to the airport late. Concerned about the drive to the flight, there is an air phobia.
  7. Learn not to worry about speeches, as you cannot control.
  8. Choose a farther seat for landing. How to get out of the panic on the fly, connected with claustrophobia? Help the seat at the emergency exit. If you are afraid of heights, sit far away from the illuminator. And in the middle of the cabin, turbulence is the least noticeable.
  9. For the full hour of the flight, enter up to 100 і back.
  10. Vykoristovyte dihalny gymnastics: more inhalation and even more more vіlny vidih.
  11. Try to relax the m'yazi.
  12. Let the crib go, unpack the commissar of the shirt.

Psychologists vvazhayut, more often than not, more often you understand, that the fear of letaks does not have any objective implications. With a skin far away, you will be more impressed in yourself and it will be easier to deal with a phobia.

First, what can you do, to make life easier for a half hour - choose a place, where you will be more comfortable. It is possible to pay for online check-in for a flight, as it is called 24 years before the flight.

Tim, who is afraid of heights, is not recommended to sit by the illuminator. Miluvatisya gloomily, marveling at the wing of a litak and looking around, you see, not for you. It’s more fun to sit right in the aisle, but rather at the emergency exit, because there’s more space, and there’s vanity - to the toilet, stewardesses, who carry others and other passengers, like reading a book or marveling at a movie, voicing in filthy thoughts.

“Just as you sit in the center between two other passengers, then you only get your own seat and the tops of other seats and heads, and it’s scary at the window, as if you see yourself squeezed,” passenger Maria explains. For її words, the space in the aisle allows you to walk the corridor, the flight attendants, like to walk around the cabin, and more calmly in the guise of other passengers.

As if you were knocked into the air, do not sit in the tail section, so as during the hour of turbulence, it shakes the most there. Winds and turbulence are easier to carry in the middle of the cabin.

Fall asleep for the whole flight

In order to get in fear of the flight, the passengers will be able to fall asleep for an hour of flight or fly on a night flight. “I’m trying to work out before the flight for the whole day until it’s possible, so that I’ll be very tired and sleep through the whole flight,” air passenger Lyudmila continues.

Calm down with statistics

An individual way to fight against fear for an hour to lie down according to the type of specialty, the psychologist appoints. Behind the words of Deer August, rational, like closer to the exact sciences and formulas, calm yourself down with the figures of statistics.

“Especially important in the light of recent events is to pay respect to those who, in the last 10 years, our Russian airlines have transported 200 million passengers, and, also, more benefits to pass safely,” the psychologist says.

If you look back at the statistics of car accidents, if only in Moscow they travel a few times for food, then it becomes clear that the chance of being lost in a plane crash is meagerly small, and taking a taxi to the airport is not safe, lower flight.

Behind the words of a psychologist, a rich rational help helps a clear analysis of timchasovyh vitrates. In order to restore your statistics, you can help to create a painting route on the arch paper, the psychologist adds.

Think good

Emotional and infuriating figures of statistics do not help - it is necessary for them to win the strength of their own manifestation and think only about the good, for the sake of Olena August.

“In our skin, we have the help of childishness, otherwise it’s obvious that the ideal place is calm - there, where it’s good for us. Tse mozhe buti rіdny budinok, bazhane place vіdpochinku or else. Try to show yourself in this area, moreover, you need to see the skin cells of your body, so that you can relax and be aware,” the psychologist recommends.

Chi do not read the news before the flight

If you need to get watered, don’t also follow the news in ZMI and updates in social networks, if you care about “letakovo” by those: here they replaced the flight due to a technical injustice, hindered the flight or there was an emergency landing. This is how it is today, this is a regular situation, and it doesn’t mean that it will become like you. If you read the news before the flood and watch films about the plane crash, then you will hardly relax, and the skin will be interpreted as an unkind sign.

Zrobiti schos is not viable for yourself

Behind the psychologist's words, "beat" the intensity of emotions also to help the imbalance of primary response schemes. For example, you can take an arch paper and start painting on it everything that is good, or write the text of a child’s verse with your left hand, as if you’re right-handed, and on the other hand, I recommend a psychologist. Golovne zavdannya - "fool" your brain and emotions, Olena explains.

In addition, you can also accept a conversation with a judge on the armchair about the future admission, or as a country, as you were amazed.

About those how not to be afraid of litati on litaku, To be brought to the wealthy people of the whole world. Really, but how else to spend on or have mercy on the most beautiful natural architecture? Poorly those who are afraid of the plea of ​​non-transfers, wine can catch up raptly, it’s not possible to provoke the stewardess to smile at the guise of a stewardess, and kindly ask for a flight to the passenger compartment at the rest of the gangway. But you can run after him.

Serious aerophobia or temporal fear?

Do not show yourself why work, why are you afraid of flying to lettuce? Nasampered varto rozіbratisya z tim - timchasov chi tse disorder of the psyche or stіyke, more like a sickness, yak call aerophobia. If you don’t know the sounds of wine, if you don’t know it before, then you can try it with jarta or philosophize. At times, they steadily blame the fears of the accident on the fly, as if they are accompanied by somatic disorders (non-satisfying), varto turn to a psychologist.

Self-fahivets-psychologist (do not confuse with a psychiatrist) building help in order to stop being afraid of flying on flying. For such psychological training on combating aerophobia, it is not uncommon to request a large warehouse - pilots and stewardesses. First, you will change your eyes, that in front of you are people of flesh and blood, and not cyborgs. In a different way, listen to those who really stand to work, to overcome aerophobia, and what work is not possible in any situation.

And why did you get a ticket and, for example, a couple of days before the flight, you started to suffer from aerophobia, which you can’t fight with? In this moment, you need to go to nutrition competently. Ale, as practice shows, aerophobia can not be overcome with difficulties!

The most unsafe city in summer (Infographics:

Why is it not possible to work before weeding

Three of our recipes how to fight against aerophobia, the proposition to get drunk before wetting on the litak to the point of complete non-judgment is the best. Problems don’t vanish, but even if they do, then we call it inopportune. You cannot change, as your body reacts to alcohol doping. It is possible that in the minds of a reduced vice (if one takes up a train of provisions, in the cabin it is declining), the oxidation of sour, which is avenged in the blood, in the presence of alcohol (to the point of speech, maybe someone will read about it) is uncontrolled swidko. I’ve brought it to the point that a person, having calmly fallen asleep on the wickedness of a light, is more likely to feel euphoria, and even worse - panic fear. Know what is rich people are afraid of letati on letaku? And the axis through such, raptov veiled from the nirvani of the subjects. In addition, it is absolutely certain that the hangover syndrome, which is the culprit in goodness, is better tolerated. Buvayut vypadki і infarktіv zvn_ healthy people.

And one more recipe for fighting aerophobia: you can’t “cheat” yourself. If you need a flight, then do everything, so as not to read the same row about that model of the aircraft, you will fly to it. Don't talk on forums and don't collect air crash statistics. Won already selected and given more richly objective. Air transport is the most important among them. No matter what they say about the possibility of damage, the rule of the rules and other unacceptable speeches, the aviation will be filled with the most regulated gallery. As a rule, minibuses, on which you are shaking every day, are controlled more heavily. And the fall from the heights of the damp growth is looked upon by medicine as the floorings are marked out, which is 10 thousand meters.

Stereotypes, yakі us lakayut

Think about those chi varto afraid of litati on litaks, Often podkriplyuyutsya broader stereotypes, only zbіlshuyut aerophobia in people. One of the longest grounds for anti-patriotism. Chomus on the ground is choked with the chanting “Russia!” I respect myself nai-nai in the world. Ale varto stumble in rose air, so miraculous transformations begin and rose-spook-horror stories about roam in full liners, like stewardesses and pilots.

Indeed, Russian aviation has been duly introduced into the light transport system and complies with all international regulations. And the largest domestic airline Aeroflot, on the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih post-tradyanskih, mає pіvnyаnі іnіm іtakami, scho vіdіznyayutsya vіdіznjayutsya vіdnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnyh slugovuvannya. Alone, I would like to create unique benefits on the most safe and undesirable aircraft, the fall of which, according to statistics, is most often seen - tse Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Tu-154, An-24, Yak-40 and some others, and Boeing 777, ІL-86, Airbus A340 respected by the safest airliners.

Hiba, for example, to allow the anger of a technically faulty liner with an inadequate crew? Such a board is not safe for everyone who is on the ground, and no one will risk themselves for the sake of unknown commercial interests. Navit themselves pilots, looking at the typical for a man of his mysticism, so that they don’t pick up an unfair fly in the face through the threat of their own lives.

One more block of stereotypes of the cases of the behavior of the litak for the hour of the hour. Nobody especially fools around shaking them on filthy roads. Tse priymaєtsya as inevitably bіda, dominating our country.

On the winding tracks, there are also vibes, the name of turbulence (її, to say the least, to be afraid of the most). And such a phrase, like “povitryany yami” zhahay bagatioh. The ale is no more, the lower krylaty is whistling. As if fluctuation of the surface of the medium, it is very large, leaning in the zone where the wing of the letak is expending a part of the pidjomnoy force. Let's not lie, that an obvious “failure” is already acceptable for the body. Ale is mentally healthy, the person is more beautiful. Tim is better, that in the country of flight to Thailand you will be checked by the very same paradise bushes, about yaki you dreamed of the whole past river, and maybe all of life. So, do not let aerophobia take over, whisper and armor and fly with a calm soul!

It's a serious problem. Fear of transfers often makes us discover new places and lands for ourselves and simply explore. What zim robiti - is chosen together with a professional pilot and an aviation psychologist, a certifier of the center "Litaemo without fear" Oleksiy Gervash.

Let's just say, there is nothing nasty or abnormal in the fear of the police. Close to 30% of people are afraid of litati, more than 5% through ce povnistyu vodmovlyayutsya for benefits. Boxing legend Mohammed Ali did not change his career a little, having inspired to fly to the Olympic Games. For two years, the coaches encouraged Ali to take a ticket for a flight. And the boxer waited a while, but only for the sake of knowing how to fly, putting on a parachute. So our brain is already vlashtovanny. Neurophysiologists say that we are afraid of the people themselves. For fear, they show the amygdals - the areas of the brain, like, as if to say it simply, signify that the situation is not so obvious for us and how to react to them. Watering at an altitude of 10 thousand meters, obviously, not the most important situation for our entire body, it is a significant reaction. What is it about cim work?

"Litak is the safest form of transport." Qiu phrase mi chuёmo so often, scho has already ceased to mother vzagali whether it be some kind of sensation. Especially for aerophobia. And behind her stand the numbers, as if, perhaps, you will be zviuyu. And maybe, try to change your fears. On average, about 140,000 passenger flights are carried out throughout the world per day. Nearly 48 million flights to the river. It is close to five billion people to become a river passenger. To marvel at how many planes are in the sky at this moment, it’s enough to open one of three special services on the Internet (six kilka, for example) and to know not only the number of flights (simply the number of flights (six deisno more richly), but also direct, fast, flying, on the fly) stink fly.

It's a pity, plane crashes are escaping. І statistics for those who died in such disasters - an average of 500 deaths per river. Bagato, obviously. Ale z urakhuvannyam river flow in five milardiv enter one person for 15 milioniv. Just for the record, only in Russia in 2015, as a result of car accidents, 23 thousand people died. And only in the USA, on average, 450 deaths die with a fall in the leg.

Find out more about aviation

If you look at the statistics, it seems that the chance of getting lost on the way to the airport is richer, lower in the summer. Ale navit know tse, we are all the same afraid. I'm afraid already wanting to be that which is not conceivable, like "this majestic contraption" can be trimmed in the sky. Instead of that, before the flight, take a look at the facilities for the last time, read more about those, like "everything is in power." I then you know that turbulence has never been the cause of a plane crash, What can be "basic" not only in gloomy weather and what tremtyachі with turbulence and krill landing - it's normal and good, because the very bendiness of the krill ensures the machine the maximum capacity and the ability to endure strong pressure.

Oleksiy Gervash

pilot, aviation psychologist, clerk at the center "Litaemo without fear"

Finding out more about the object of your fear is a good recommendation. But I can say that even more often in such situations of healthy eyes, unfortunately, you stop practicing. You're afraid to turn on those who have no idea that everything is in order. Fear of police is irrational, and logic in the fear of flying is more than three, less in the fear of darkness are clowns. On the right, in that the main causes of aerophobia are not related to aviation. The main reasons are the global lack of confidence in life, increased anxiety, perfectionism. Therefore, it is necessary to practice with aerophobia seriously, with additional fahivtsiv. Aerophobia has long been culled and therapies are good. Axis only people with anxiety and lack of confidence do not always wait for this therapy. It’s rich who cares that they will manage calmly. One can't believe that therapy can help. Deyakі people zagalі mіrkuyu so: “I'm afraid of litati, that scho fly unsafe. I’ll turn to fahіvtsya, help me to think that it’s safe to talk. I'll believe you, I'll fly and I'll have a meal with me. Because it’s not safe to speak.” Typical logic of aerophobia. Deyakі vvazhayut, scho nіyaka not a phobia, but a healthy mind. And sometimes people start to realize that the problem is in the new one.

Stop Thinking You Control Everything

“Litaku sees nothing left for me. Not those on earth. Even if the situation is unfavorable, if I’m driving in a car, I’ll always be able to get up ”(get out, get smart, swear - you need a seat). So it’s more common to say aerophobia, contrasting the situation in a repeat of the situation “below”. We are given that everything is under our control here, and nothing bad will happen to us. We were forced to think that we would behave correctly (do not speak with unknowing people, cross the street in the green light, do not turn around home in the morning), then we fall into the cilic safety. It's a pity, tse іlyuzіya, і people, yak bi correctly vin yourself not vіv, nі vіd no insurance. We are talking about price not in order to nalyakat you and zmusity not to leave the house, but in order to understand - there is no control over not only in the field, but also on the ground. It is necessary to think about it, accept it and learn how to live.

How to overcome aerophobia in yourself and take satisfaction from the benefits.

The fear of flying in the air is called aerophobia, and it is not enough to increase fear in the current world. Shards of the fly have long become the main and most convenient way of moving, the fear of profits often calls out serious incompetence. Fear of flying can have different causes: turbulence, weeding over water, periods of summer and landing, fear of closed spaces and heights, loss of control over the situation, and so on. However, as a rule, the main reason for aerophobia is simply a lack of knowledge about those who are expected to fly. In order to overcome the fear of flying in the air, sometimes it is necessary to simply find out about the air. Below we tell you how to stop being afraid of flying to flying.

Popular pardons

  • Rozmirkovuychi about those, how to stop being afraid of lying on the fly, many who go to the rescue of alcohol. Tse decision may not be a better rank in your station, and it is less to overcome the anxious camp. In addition, dry repetition in the lungs in marriage with alcohol calls out water to the body, and physical discomfort will reach psychological discomfort. And now we are talking about napo, warto remember that caffeine is not a friend in this situation: wine can bring the nervous system into a state of awakening.
  • Fear of letakіv zmushuє bugatioh zvrnutisya before the statistics. What's the stench of bachat there? Senseless phrases about those that airplanes are the safest form of transport, and that the accidents of air crashes are rare. Ale, all the same, small, navit in a vipadkovo pobachene riddle about aircrafts clouding the mind, and the axis of people is already on the Internet in searches of statistics of accidents of their own airlines, models of aircraft, the country. Stop! By concentrating on the negative, just reinforce your fear.

How to fight against aerophobia

For the cob of varto, take into account the steps of the expression of your fear. If, in connection with the relief of the lungs, you experience uncontrolled panic attacks, not only psychological, but also physical difficulties (m'yazova naprugu, difficult breathing), then the shortest solution will be to turn to a psychologist, which is supposed to zvesti її show to the minimum.

As you can see, you are able to fight against fear on your own;

  • Accept your fear. You are far from being the only person who is afraid of flying. According to statistics, aerophobia in this world, about 25-30% of the adult population of the planet suffer. There is nothing nasty about him, so just know yourself that you are afraid. As a matter of necessity, you can tell us about your fear of flight attendants, and they will try to make the flight more comfortable for you.
  • Showing respect. Do not get hung up on the process of polio, whose deputy will take care of it, which will bring you satisfaction. It is obov'yazkovo to take a book with you, charge a laptop or a tablet, download a program or I will receive music in a smartphone. Everything that raises your spirits will change your fear at the same time. In addition, stock up on your favorite salmon, and even їzha - a helper in the fight against stress. Especially brown will be hot chocolate. For more details about those who can be engaged in flying, read in our article "The road under the clouds: what to do in flying".
  • I see it! Straighten your shoulders and take a deep breath, concentrate on breathing. Help me to calm down. Adzhe not for nothing, all meditative techniques so emphasize the importance of correct breathing.
  • Trust the professionals. The crew of the aircraft - it’s not possible to do better than you can do your own fahivtsy. The aircraft board is a mechanism with high safety parameters. Few people know, but all vitally important systems in airplanes can be installed not one by one, but by a few backup copies: two engines, two galvanized and three fire systems, three control systems, etc. What are you afraid of, if you are in such trustworthy hands?

Finally, let's talk about turbulence. Those who call out the greatest fear, in fact, do not carry absolutely no health problems. You can match with unevenness on the road, and no more than that. It’s time to talk about those who replace it, to turn it on and present the biggest scenario, just ask about more benefits.

Let's hope that this article was corny to you, and you knew more about those who, for fear of letting go, turned into lettuce.