Radish warehouse. How many calories in fresh radish. Radishes for the body of a woman.

One of the first vegetables, yak zestrichayut us porch, є radish. After winter avitaminosis, this product helps to store the lack of brown speeches in the body and remove slags. And the axis of how many calories to replace this vegetable - we can look at our statistics.

Calorie content of radish per 100 g

This vegetable is considered a low-calorie product, however, there is one particularity: the more wine you save, the calorie content of your growth. Tse v_dbuvaєtsya for rahunok accumulated tissue starch.


Energetic value of radishes, zirvanoy from the garden:

  • proteins: 1.2 g (about 5 kcal).
  • fat: 0.1 g (1 kcal).
  • in carbohydrates: 3.4 g (about 10 kcal).

Vіdsotkove spіvvіdnoshenja BZhU - 24:5:68%. Calorie content of fresh radishes - 16 kcal per 100 g.


When frozen, radishes can become rich, which changes their calorie content and how many calories are found in that frozen vegetable. Calorie content of frozen radish, trocha vishcha, lower fresh, - 20 kcal per 100 g of the product.

For freezing, only young dried fruits are suitable. They need to see the badilla and the root, resolutely wipe it and dry it, and then cut it with circles.

It’s impossible to freeze in the morning, shards of water, which are hidden in root crops, transform into ice crystals, like a piznish, after defrosting, just break and flow, having filled the place of crispy sheep’s soft breasts. Moreover, a lot of vitamins are ruined.

Important!Frozen radishes are not stored for more than 3 months. According to this term, relish and crispness are reduced, and the pulp becomes less crunchy.

That's why there will be a need for a deep express freezing mode. Sliced ​​radishes should be placed on a plate and placed on 15 quills in a freezer with a very low temperature close to -40 ° C. Let's wine it up, pack it up in bags and fix it at the big freezer on the storage shelf.

Chemical warehouse

Radish revenge different vitamins, zocrema like this:

  • C - 25 mg;
  • PP (niacin equivalent) - 0.30 mg;
  • B5 - 0.20 mg;
  • B6 - 0.10 mg;
  • E (tocopherol) - 0.10 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.04 mg;
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.01 mg;
  • B9 - 6 mcg.

Important! It is recommended to store fresh radish at once from the leaves in the refrigerator for 1 day, and without badilla and with trimmed tips - no more than 5 days.

Rich tsey ovoch and mineral rechovins:

  • potassium - 255 mg;
  • middu - 150 mg;
  • chlorine - 44 mg;
  • phosphorus - 44 mg;
  • calcium - 39 mg;
  • magnesium - 13 mg;
  • sodium - 10 mg;
  • saliva - 1 mg;
  • zinc - 0.20 mg;
  • manganese - 0.15 mg;
  • vanadium - 185 mcg;
  • iodine - 150 mcg;
  • boron - 100 mcg;
  • fluorine - 30 mcg;
  • lithiumm - 23 mcg;
  • nickel - 14 mcg;
  • chromium - 11 mcg;
  • cobalt - 3 mcg.

Korist that Skoda radish

  • Positive power of vegetable culture:
  • I root crops, and inspire leaves to avenge the natural antiseptic speech - girchichnu oliya. A fresh view of the vegetable can be applied before the wound, and the injection into the ointment can be used to protect the mucous membranes of the internal organs.
  • The radish increases the appetite and positively influences the activity of the SHKT.
  • Roslinn_ anthocyanins, which are found in the product, can build up a bulge in the expansion of the cells of the cancer.
  • Radish is an effective detox product: it reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and removes toxins from the body.
  • In the active phase of respiratory illnesses, and during the first hour of wearing it, it will help to improve immunity.
  • Tincture from badilla radish relieves inflammation in the empty mouth.
  • Tsey ovoch korisny in a dietary diet.

You know you?The famous mandriving man Marco Polo brought fresh radishes from China to Europe for the XIII century.

  • Regardless of the great melancholy, Skoda in vegetable culture is also used:
  • Dovge zberіgannya radishes to produce until the appearance of the pulp of coarse fibers. As a reminder, such a filthy vegetable is overetched and torn off by the mucous membranes of the mucus membranes and intestines.
  • The product is categorically contraindicated for those who suffer from chronic gastritis.

Kharchova value

Root crops of radishes can be stored in their warehouse in such a way:

  • water - 93 g;
  • monota disaccharides - 3.1 g;
  • food fibers - 1.6 g;
  • ash - 0.6 g;
  • starch - 0.3 g;
  • organic acids - 0.1 g.

Peculiarities of planting radish

Vegetables are most often eaten just like that. Creamy yogo is added to the variety of straws, such as okroshka, fresh salads, vegetable stew. Also, radishes can be preserved and marinated for the winter. Koreneplid vіdmіnno go with other vegetables and fresh greens. From sliced ​​radishes, black bread and butter, we make a miracle vitamin sandwich.

From the leaves of the radish, you can cook the lower green soup. And so that the badilla does not grow hot, before cooking, it is necessary to soak the yogo in cold water for 15 quills.

Radishes are rich in protein, which is practical for all diets for weight loss. Vaughn gives a little sieve for a minimum set of calories. It is important that by stretching a month for two days to grow a salad with radish, you can easily throw off 3 kg of zavoi vaga.
In our region, it is customary to take root sirim, and few people know that yoga can be cooked or lubricated, otrimuyuchi juicy herbs. Lubricated radish will become a wonderful side dish to meat, and boiled, at once from chibula-leek and meat assortment, embellish the Christmas French soup.

Radish - even a brown vegetable, although it may be contraindicated before being implanted, it may not be necessary for some years. If you have problems with the duct-intestinal tract, it’s better to take care of the doctor before him, like її є. In other types, radish is an irreplaceable source of vitamins and micronutrients, a dietary product that removes toxins and spices for the prevention of heart disease.

Fresh radish is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, PP, C. The product has minerals calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, salt, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, fluorine , chrome.

Calorie content per 100 g of salad with ogirkiv, radish and tomato 26.5 kcal. For a 100-gram serving of straw:

  • 1.12 g protein;
  • 0.87 g fat;
  • 3.61 g in carbohydrates.

To prepare a salad, you need:

  • cut into slices 85 g of tomatoes;
  • cut with circles 65 g of ogirkiv and 85 g of radish;
  • add 5 g of cibula;
  • all vegetable zm_shati z|іz| 20 g sour cream in a deep bowl.

Calorie content of radish salad with sour cream per 100 grams

Calorie content of lettuce with radish and sour cream per 100 g should be added to the recipe for preparing grass. More ideas of salad іz radish, ogirkіv and tomato, calorie content of 100-gram servings, which becomes 26.5 kcal.

Another simple salad is prepared like this:

  • cut into circles 300 g fresh radishes;
  • 30 g of green cibula are fried dry;
  • radish and cibula are mixed in a salad bowl, dressed with 100 g of sour cream;
  • salt salad for relish.

In the prepared salad with radish, that sour cream will be reduced in 100 g:

  • 40 kcal;
  • 1.5 g of protein;
  • 2.4 g fat;
  • 3.4 g in carbohydrates.

radish crust

Radishes can have the same power:

  • the product stimulates the exchange of speech, activates the work of the heart and vessels;
  • with regular vzhivannі in їzhu ovočіv prophylaxis of anemia is ensured;
  • radish moves hemoglobin in the blood;
  • gіrchichna olіya radish maє expressions zhovchogіnny effect;
  • radish indications for the prevention of swelling;
  • ovoch normalization of intestinal peristalsis;
  • low calorie content of radish allows you to eat yoga in the diet when you lose weight;
  • ovoch of cellular content, which is necessary for the purification of the body from toxins and slags;
  • doctors recommend eating radishes for improving immunity, preventing colds and viral illnesses.

Skoda radish

Regardless of the impersonal authorities, such a product, like radish, may have a number of contraindications:

  • the product is included in the diet of eating when the stool is virazed, pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • a large amount of radish juice can destroy the work of the endocrine system and provoke goiter ailments;
  • with long-term harvesting of vegetables, the veins are oversaturated with coarse fibers and starch, which excite the teasing of the mucous membranes of the shell;
  • part of the development of allergic reactions to radish and individual intolerance.

The radish, becoming a radish, is a way of numerical samples of breeders to introduce a variety suitable for the royal table. As a result, the well-known radish appeared, like the same garna on the Christmas table and on the menu.


I know a radish looks like a radish that grew wild in Asia five thousand years ago. From China to Europe, radishes were brought by the famous mandriving Marco Polo from the 13th century. The sheep immediately took root and expanded near Venice. Russia has a sheep vine for Peter I, which brought yoga from Holland in the 17th century. A bunch of radishes were planted at the order of Peter I and only in order to divide the beds with carrots, potatoes and cabbage.

The bright-green badilla served as a kind of demarcation swarm of the city; In Russia, the radish was called the "French radish". This root has its own name, having filled the hearts of French cuisine, which was reputed for its majestic popularity in the 18th century.

The world has two types of radishes of great size and, according to the geographic position, the stench is divided into European and Asian groups. Asian is made up of Japanese and Chinese radishes.

In Russia, the selection of this type of roslin was carried out by the family of Grachovs, for example, the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. The result of their work was the numerical varieties of radish, bred in the minds of the pivnіchno-zahіdny region of Russia. Pratsi Є. A. Grachov was honored with the honor at the international exhibition of Paris in the 19th century. After naming the famous catalog of Sim'ї Grachovs, the names of radishes were introduced, as they were irrevocably consumed.

The radish is a single growth of the crossflower family with a short growing season. Tsey ovoch is formed from the ground part of that succulent root crop. Bulbi covered with a red skin, under which the flesh was known. The shape of the bulb is: round, oval, fusiform to wrinkled and cone-shaped. Juicy fruits are living in my life, like a hospitable spicy relish and a characteristic ethereal smell - a calorificator. Yozhu also live young badilla roslini.

With good watering in the spring-summer period, you can grow radishes up to half a harvest. The radish is not viable, but it will require speckled flour. In other times, the pulp of yoga becomes hot, it is harder and becomes unsuitable for living. Radish є speedy veggies nevipadkovo. Vin first appears on spring beds and is respected by a cold-resistant culture.

Frosts down to -5 degrees are not terrible. Frost does not inject into the taste of vegetables. The highest temperature of the wind is +18 degrees.

Vegetables hang in early spring or autumn. Radishes grow on the edge of the winter from spring to early autumn.

Tsey ovoch grows well on loamy soils at once with rape, potatoes and cabbage. To love the sleepy space and the garne of life. It is bad to endure the shadow, for that, when planting, it is necessary to have a unique ability to shade. Having planted radishes near the soil, they sip with wooden ash for shvidkoy, having come down and out of sight of the shkidniks. Volagolyubnaya roslina in spekotny days watered by the method of doschuvannya dvіchі: vrantsі and in the evening.

The radish is grown at a speed that has reached the variety. The windshields swirled the hinges, to the one that the stink of the stench went to the badill and shot. The late varieties of radish have a long growing season. Then the stench is bigger, the brothers brought in are lower, they save more richly. Hanging їх autumns.

Qiu roslina was selected from poor vegetable crops for cultivation in the minds of negligence in space. The experiment is far too rich, which is why radish has a short period of ripening, it has a little warmth and light, it’s even more difficult to see, and it’s also more true at once with badillas.

Radish revenge rich protein and a minimum of calories, so you can beat it in a dietary meal. Vin is a fast helper for people with diabetes and obesity. This vegetable is the middle of the insignificant living elements, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the diet of a person. With a high livelihood of vegetables, calorie content per hundred grams becomes a total of 20 kcal (90 kJ). Zmist BZHU in radish:

  • proteins - 1.64 g/100 g;
  • fat - 0.25 g / 100 g;
  • in carbohydrates - 5 g / 100 g of the product.

100 g of radish contain 90 g of water, otherwise micro- and macroelements are occupied, in the middle 1.6 g is occupied by grub fibers.

Vitamins groups In the following line: B1 (thiamin) - 0.01 mg, B2 (riboflavin) - 0.94 mg, B3 (niacin) - 0.18 mg, B4 (choline) - 6.5 mg, B5 (pantothenic acid ) ) - 0.34 micrograms, B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.100 micrograms, B9 (folic acid) - 6 micrograms.

Other vitamins:

  • C - 27 milligrams per 100 g, which should be 30% more according to the additional norm of ascorbic acid retention;
  • K (phylloquinone) - 139 micrograms;
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 0.2 mg;
  • salicylic acid - 1.24 micrograms;
  • A (beta-carotene) - 4 micrograms;
  • lutein and zeaxanthin - 10 micrograms;
  • vitamin U (methylmethioninesulfonium) - 1.7 mg;
  • E - 0.1 mg.

Middle micro and macro elements:

  • potassium - 255 mg;
  • magnesium-13 mg;
  • calcium - 39 mg;
  • sodium - 10 mg;
  • sirka - 29 mg;
  • zalizo - 1.2 mg;
  • phosphorus - 44 mg;
  • chlorine - 44 mg;
  • fluorine - 30 mg;
  • vanadium - 185 mg;
  • boron - 100 mg;
  • silicon - 39 mg;
  • cobalt - 3 mg;
  • chromium - 11 mg;
  • mid - 150 mg;
  • lithium - 23 mg;
  • iodine - 8 mg;
  • manganese - 150 mg;
  • molybdenum - 15 mg;
  • nickel - 14 mg;
  • selenium - 0.6 mg;
  • zinc - 200 mg;
  • aluminum - 570 mg.

The total amount of non-replaceable acids is 0.31 g, substitution - 0.54 g per 100 g of the product. Among them: isoleucine, tryptophan, valine, glutamic acid, lysine, phenylalanine, arginine, alanine, glycine, histidine, glutamic acid, tyrosine, leucine, cystine, proline, aspartic acid and others.

The amount of phytosterols in 100 g of the product is 7 micrograms, which is close to 12.7% of the norm of precocious life. Sucrose – 0.1 g, glucose – 0.89 g, starch – 0.3 g. This warehouse also includes phytoncides, fats and acids, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and purines.

Vitamins of the group In vіdpovіdat for beauty and healthy looking skins and hair. Other vitamins help boost immunity and protect the body's powers. Potassium normalizes the work of the heart, legens and blood-bearing system, and calcium enhances the integrity of the human bone apparatus and the life-giving material of cartilaginous tissue. Vitamin U, which can be found only in the vegetables of the family of crossflowers, including in radishes, sprays the liquor of virazkovy ailment and twelve-fingered intestines.

Korisn_ authority

The entire vitamin and mineral complex supports healthy and normal life, as well as maintaining the necessary balance in the human body. The bark of radishes for healthy people is unappreciated. Tsey ovoch is rightly considered to be a good old man of health. The new one has all the speech and microelements necessary for the health of the people. Long time Greek healers zastosovuvali radish for the rejoicing of various eye ailments and shlunk. Sik іz neї vikoristovuvsya like a type of hemoptysis. Plіnіy Srіdіv іv vіvvatіt tsey ovoch іn razіrі nіzhennya statії ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї і chilovіkіv.

Radish enhances the secretory function of the mucus, promotes the appearance of the mucus juice and reduces appetite, normalizes etching and intestinal function of the intestines in the great place of the cellular tissue, and also reduces cholesterol and normalizes the vice. For a long time, radishes vicorist for blood circulation and healing of heart-sudine diseases. Improvement of blood rheology, normalization of the work of hematopoietic organs and liver.

Vegetables may have a weak analgesic and rozmoktuyucha diyu, which is brought about by the presence in the warehouse of potassium and magnesium. Our forefathers rejoiced at the blisters, sadna and gout with a compress of rubbed radish.

Chemіchnі spoluki, scho enter to the yogo warehouse, so like hot oil, spray the rosemary and the removal of the zhovchnogo kamіnnya and іnshih nebazhanyh utensils in the viljadі pіsku z organism.

The youth of leafing the badilla is also maє kuvalnі dominion, that їх vikoristovuyut for the preparation of vitamin herbs. The badilla of the radish is shorter than the root itself. Vaughn to avenge those components, and therefore the greater world.

Someone who knows the power of the fruits and the badilla of the radish oxidizes when stuck on the red surface of the knife. As a result of the chemical reaction with metal, the important power of brown speeches is ruined. It is recommended that vikoristovuvat kornepid whole, and parostki just tear with your hands.

The radish is known for its bactericidal powers. Vіn є miraculous prophylactic method for combating flu and cold viruses. However, it copes well with angina and bronchogenetic infections. For pneumonitis, cough up the cough with radish juice, half diluted with cibula juice. Otrimanu sumish zadnuyut іz honey and drink a tablespoon of trichі for a day.

Instead of inappropriate carbohydrates, it is an indispensable tool for detoxifying the body. Radishes are 80% made up of water, which is why they are used for preparing medicinal products for diseases, for example, cystitis. It is not recommended for a fresh looking person to drink through the large amount of acidic enzymes. It is also unacceptable to live in people with ailments of the mucosa with increased secretory function, such as gastritis, enterocolitis.

With radiculitis and rheumatism, effective compresses from radish juice. They wipe the vegetables, process them, see the sik. Then clean gauze bands leak out and put them across, twisting them with foil for a better effect. The compress should be trimmed until the liver appears, then we will take it off and wrap the ailment with a wrinkled scarf. In case of local pains of unclear movement, rub a small amount of radish juice on the sick area.

With the leaves of radishes, children are rejoicing in the sight of a night cough. V_dvarom from leaves, bred from radish juice, rub the body with hot camps. Rubbing the cranial region with radish halves relieves headaches. With radishes navit vikoristovuyut with oblisenni, rubbing it with your fingertips near the scalp. Then we put on a warm coat and in one hour wash our hair with shampoo.

The radish improves the water-salt balance, regulates the exchange processes and activates the defense mechanisms of the body. It is important to reevaluate the role of the activation of healthy cells in the fight against pathogens.

Few people know that they rejoice in the spirit of alcoholism. For whom to make a salad of sumish warm radishes and prunes. Zasіb priyaє znyattu alkoholї abstinentsії and dopomogaє pіdtrematі organism pіd hour stress.

The radish is not recommended to undergo thermal processing before being implanted, as it is the wine with which you use all your authority. It is better to live small fresh fruits. The radish has overtaken and becomes hard and unsuitable for living.

In some countries, vegetables are conserved and cooked on the basis of yoga, the most delicious dessert - radish pie.

In the number of ailments that are successfully treated with radish, they see:

  • bloody diabetes and obesity;
  • constipation and disruption of intestinal motility;
  • a cold and a viral infection;
  • head bіl;
  • neurological disorders;
  • disease of the heart and circulatory system, including disruption of sinus rhythm;
  • asthma, tuberculosis, inflamed leg, respiratory failure;
  • fungal infection of the skin and feet;
  • cholecystitis;
  • damage to the state sphere in people, impotence;
  • amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea in women;
  • arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism;
  • vugrovy visip and sverbіzh shkіri;
  • oncology at an early stage.

In case of gout, it should be treated more carefully, shards instead of purine can provoke an aggravated illness. Tse is not a new copy of all illnesses. Not long ago, from the skins of the vegetables, a special speech was seen - anthocyanins, which shriveled the abundance of cancer cells. The stench is giving the sheep a dark color.

There are ongoing investigations, the result of which is a new preparation based on drawings from the purple parts of the rind of radish, building a swollen swelling of various etymology, oncology and cancer. Vegetables can produce radionuclides after chemotherapy.

This element protects the body of a person in the form of free radicals that old. It is recommended for chickens to take a sprat of radishes each day to replenish vitamin C, which is destroyed by cigarette smoke, as well as to neutralize the ruinous injection of carcinogens.

Smist iodine in radish sprya zmіtsnennyu memory and respect. Vitamin B, which is found in radishes in the great population, relieves nerve damage, relieves anxiety symptoms and stress, helps to normalize sleep. Zavdyaki great in the place of ascorbic acid tsey ovoch zastosovuetsya as an effective zasіb against colds and viral diseases, improves immunity and helps to fight against disease-causing bacteria in the body.

There is no better way for mouth emptying, lower radish. This way, it doesn’t infect the empty mouth, like the fibers blow on the toothbrush, cleaning the tooth enamel from the scum. For any problems with a shkir, you can vicorate alcohol roses with infusion of badilla radish. Zilla is prepared from fresh radish leaves, poured with rose alcohol and saturates the dark place with 14 deb. Gnіnichki and visipka after the dressings of the shkir shvidko and pass without a trace.

Zasіb is also suitable for the infection of fungal infections of the surface ball of the shkir.

For women

The first spring vegetable - radish - is the champion of healing powers. Tse and hedgehog, and faces of the hour. Among others, it is necessary to fight against spring avitaminosis, and phytoncides to prevent viral infections.

The radish is korisna, but few people know why this vegetable is good for women's health. Adzhe in women is the style of periods in life, if it is simply necessary to clay the radish. In the period of winemaking, children won’t need any microelements and organic parts that are stored in this vegetable. After the people of the child, it is necessary to return to normal and, for the necessary, throw off a couple - three more kilograms. At tsimu їy znovu still help the radish.

Yogo spozhivannya zbalansuє zharchuvannya, vyvede product disintegration and spriyaє zagalny rejuvenation of the female organism, as well as spriyaє reduction of lactation. For young mothers who are aged, follow the care and in small quantities, to those who can be injected into the peristalsis of the intestines of the newborn, start stimulating yoga.

For future mothers, this is an indispensable source of calcium, which helps the development of the fetal cystic system, as well as folic acid - speech, which significantly shortens the risk of pathological processes during the period of pregnancy and depression.

Vitamins of the group B and zinc should be used to cleanse the skin from the pimples and rotten wounds of the skin. It is healthy, which is complex: on the one hand, it cleanses the body of toxins, and on the other hand, it normalizes the water-fat balance, adhering to the change in the vag. Give us a positive twist on the skins - and before us is the finished product of the paint.

Vegetables are also vicorous as a mask for disguise, for which the flesh of a radish is mixed with olive or other oil and starch. Zasіb may have a rejuvenating effect, miraculously hydrate and live a dry skin. A tonic from the juice of radish vicorist is added after the bath for combined shkiri, as well as shkiri, delicate to the point of teasing. Vitamin C, which goes into radishes, improves the penetration of cellular membranes for the penetration of living speeches.

The power of the radish vikoristovuetsya from long ago, like rejuvenating and regenerating. Even the ancient healers knew that radishes were saved, and to instill zastosuvannya zovnishhnіh koshtіv іz yogo zmіst є zaporuka zhіnochoї beauty dovgi roki. Sik radishes vikoristovuyut for clarification of the last and the distance of pigmented patches on the skins of that body.

In addition, radishes are a good antidepressant, so women in menopause and on critical days are recommended to take three-chotiri bulbi radishes a day.

For people

Radishes take revenge on a large number of flavonoids, which fight against the early manifestation of erectile dysfunction (impotence) in humans. Vecheni z'yasuvali, scho flavonoid anthocyanin, sho mіstsya in radishes, building wrap back pathological processes, so old. On a human body, it’s right, it’s right, it’s right. Experimental way far away to see the clear results in people with a constant cooling of radishes three times a day.

A lot of doctors vvazhayut impotence by manifestation of circulatory diabetes. True, the people, who suffer from it, showed a steady advancement of equal tsukr. For those who want to enter the zone of rizika, fahіvtsі recommend shkodennya spozhivannya radish in salad with green tsibulei, seasoned with syrup and sour cream. Fats to absorb the best assimilation of vitamins, microelements and minerals.

On a diet

Radishes are a vegetable with negative calories. Tse means that for this transformation, that acquired organism gains more energy, lowers the appearance of the new itself. Tsya nadzvychayno korisna power is widely vikoristovuєtsya in dietology.

The radish is already dear to people from the zayva vaga. One molecule of water takes three molecules of fat, so due to the need for a decrease in the vag, it is necessary to get rid of water before entering the body.

More beautifully, lower radish, for which it is simply not possible. Vіn vyvodit zayva water, and at the same time from it і zayvі kilograms. Before that, the radish changes its swollenness and sprays it into the flow of light from the misery. For reasons fahіvtsі to please a dietary eater to quickly save salt, even if it’s salty and spicy, you want to drink so much. Dietologists are encouraged to keep radishes alive with schilicity to the full, as well as persons with obesity of a different level and broken speech exchange.

On this basis, a special diet is broken down, which will help you lose weight.

The doctors determined that when the radish was reduced, the straining effect of emaciation gave speech under the name Rafanol. The principles of healthy diet are grounded on the step:

  • make it a rule to add radishes to salads and garnishes as a rule;
  • drink juice from radishes, half diluted with some other vegetable and fruit juices;
  • supplementary consumption of boron, licorice and fat, replacing tvarinni fats with rosemary;
  • according to the ability to speed up the zucru and salt;
  • so that the curly speeches with radish were more quickly conquered, next, slather the salad with the vegetable oil and the chasnik.

Radishes also help reduce cholesterol levels in the human body. To this, people from the court's ailments of the testimonies are among the main products of eating. The new one has a lot of cells, yak, as it seems, it has a natural shield, which strengthens the organism of the avian hare. As a result, the exchange of speech is improved and, as a result, a decrease in the voice is observed.


Ale, do not plant the radish, however, it is brown. Before that, how to start planting radishes in the unimproved kіlkostі, next be aware of the contraindications. This product is necessary for the protection of people with ailments of the duct and twelve-fingered intestines. It is not recommended for persons suffering from diseases of the pharynx, mush, pancreatitis, cystitis and during the acute phase of the ignition processes in the body.

In orphan-looking people, radish is not recommended for people with gastritis, enterocolitis, flatulence, and ailments of the intestinal tract with elevated acidity, as well as people with cuts and zhovchnokam'yanoy ailments in the phases of inflammation.

Tim, who had a bite to eat with a swedish radish, didn’t have to work for a hungry slut. Concentration of sіk can be the cause of shkodi, ruining the walls of the slug, which can lead to severe pain and illness. Radishes love the oily middle and that’s why it’s necessary to get used to it with fats for the very reason.

Too many people try to grow up on their own business, savory and brown sheep. For whom the vicarist is good at the great kіlkost. Above the world, produce radishes with chemicals until they accumulate in the pulp of the root crop.

In order to get rid of the trash, it is necessary to take a look at chemistry, in the store choose vegetables without visible signs of goodness, that it is not too big and not too bad fruits, without the characteristic "chemical" smell of acetone and other conditions.

Most often, under the appearance of a hot root crop, there is a yoga analogue from a great set of otrutochem_kativ. At the time of the outbreak of this product, it is necessary to call “Shvidka help me”, and before the arrival, take a dose of potassium permanganate, saturate the tube in excess of water, and drink salted water. Try not to be on your own and ensure fresh air access to your accommodation.

It is contraindicated to radish after suffering a heart attack; For children of the early age, this vegetable is also not recommended. Up to three years, a childish slug is more sensitive to ethereal oliy.

The radish is not recommended for people with thyroid disease, because the presence of new cyanogenic glycosides can provoke a goiter. That's why people with endocrine disorders in fresh-looking radishes are not happy to live.

It’s better to put yogo in the okrip before the vzhivannyam, or just add a sprat of khvilin near the water.


Dobovі norms vzhivannya radishes are kolivayutsya in the fallow land in the age of people and її silience to raznyh zahvoryuvan. For a healthy body, 150 grams of radishes per day are sufficient, which will give approximately a couple of pieces of root crops (a bunch), so that you can take all the necessary speech and strengthen immunity.

Deyak fahіvtsi to please їsti radish no more than twice a day. The skin can be appointed by itself from the norm of keeping that sheep. Aje wine is accepted by the body in a different way. There is one rule to follow: do not give radishes to children until two and a half years, and sometimes the term continues until the fifth century.

No one else has exactly won the formula for saving radishes. In the first place, it’s too early to break up the consumption of the skin organism in quiet minds, and in a different way, the great robot had a chance to viconati. It would be possible to pick up a great number of people and carry out a follow-up of the skin people until then after the planting of the vegetables for a long time. Potim pіdsumovuvat otrimani danі and svіvіdnіst їх іz zagalnymi scientific ostentatious.

But the simplest experimental way for the skin is to show the need for sapling radishes, shards of varietal rosemary allow it to grow.

This vegetable flooring is popular, which is the basis of holy radishes. It is carried out in the chest at the Mexican town of Oaxaca. Radish banquet is usually held at night. The tradition goes back to the 16th century, the very same way of being brought to the edge with one of the black orders. On the quiet feast of the 23rd of the day, all the most important settlements flock to the ground grandiosely holy, which is formed from the walk with tar-skips and figurines from radishes. In unimaginable varieties of root crops, a positive message sent to the people for the selfishness of living that glorification of that vegetable.

For the saint, gigantic radishes, yaks, naturally, are not possible through the lack of pesticides, and the axis has mercy on such a species of varto. In competitions for the biggest vegetable, the one who does not waste time in the city, but with all her strength, that vminnya stained glass for the next year, wins the cherg marvelous radish. And if you can, you can take over a thousand dollars, but if you want, you can get it like a trace.

How to choose and save?

In order to choose the right radish, it is necessary to start from a normal look. Root crops due to buti stable erysipelas or dark red color with a smooth smooth surface. Badilla is guilty of a mother, fresh, not withered looking, without third-party blotches, that is a sign of illness.

Arriving at the store, follow the tough rules for choosing which product. So, spring fruit to talk about the fresh harvest, soft on the dotik remind about those that the stench either lay for a long time, or was taken incorrectly. Black blotches and indentations indicate that the sheep have begun to rot. Overripe fruits with empty ones - a sign that the vegetable is unsuitable for eating. Having tasted a small piece of such a radish, you can find a lot of jug-like threads in the pulp. Tse cellulite fibers are radishes that have spent their power. Such a product is not possible in any other time.

If the fruit is cracked in front of you, then the sheep was not watered enough. Tse svіdchennya zayvoї bitterness in root crops.

Picking the right one is not easy. The leather variety has its own vіdminnі rice and smoky nuances. Korisno nobility varietal perelіk tsy root crop. So, the widest varieties of vegetables: "Early red", "18 days", "Spek", "Greenhouse", "Rhodes", "Korund", "French snidanok". All varieties of radishes are endowed with miraculous savory flavors, which are widely used for the preparation of various herbs in the kitchen.

Dark root crops, deakis with a white tail, that white springy m'yakottu є embellishment for a table. To finish, just put a plate of radishes on the table, to freshen up the look and increase your healthy appetite. Children can't get up, so as not to gnaw on the juice plaid. If you drink radishes, you should know that in front of you is the Helios variety. Yogo pulp reeks of licorice with relish and bitterness. Varieties "Daikon" and "Rampoush" are freshened with a daily pigment in the skin and a medium-strong relish.

One of the new famous radish varieties of our time is “Kavunova radish”. This marvelous selection called out the right boom among French cooks to the indescribable savory look and relish of the vegetables. On the right, in what is called a radish, it is covered with a green swarthy skin, like a kavun, and in the middle - a juice of a red heart. Shkіrka for relish gorchit, as well as the inner part of licorice for relish.

Different varieties of radishes are presented by "Wurzburzkiy" and "Chervonim Veletniy". Great fruits of thick red color with erysipelas and juice pulp are stored for a long time, without losing vigor, without becoming sluggish.

Save radish roots from the refrigerator at a special vіddіlі for vegetables. At the same time, the badillas are saved significantly less, only two days, at that hour, as cleansings in the leaves, the plaid is saved less than a day. On average, radishes can be saved at the right temperature for three hours. Taking care of your own life, we take care of the life price of power.

Do not think about freezing a vegetable, otherwise, when defrosting wines, transform into a small slimy breast without any pressure on relish. Vzagali, frozen ovochi - even an unbelievable sight. This is the name of the cold body, which, without heat, is also used for frozen products, like natural bacteria. But the trick is that if you freeze radishes under a vacuum, you can save more richly, lower with access to sour.

At any time, you cannot take radishes from a plastic bag. Vegetables can "suffocate" in the dark. Practice shows that in the package of roots, the attacks of disease-causing bacteria are more visible, lower in the eyes. In addition, there is condensate in the package, which should lead to the product being dried beforehand.

Often in stores on the shelves you can grind radishes in vacuum packs. This type of saving is not effective and should be turned off as a whole and completely. In these packages, brown elements break down into starch and zukri. The recovery of such vegetables is not safe for health, it can provoke intestinal problems and problems with a slug.

Straws with radishes are stored in the refrigerator in special containers. The period of their savings is not guilty of revisiting 72 years. If you want to add mayonnaise to the warehouse of salads, the terms of savings are shortened to dobi. After their completion, the products are disposed of as a waste. Marinated vegetables are stored in the refrigerator this day after the jar is opened. For a closed-minded person, his kind of conservation can be saved for a few months, more precisely, close to fate. Vkrai nebazhano to live їх after the completion of the term of appurtenance.

The radish is not saved in a dried viglyad, but the axis of the yogo badilla miraculously saves all its values ​​in a dried viglyad. With such a quality, the product is rich in vitaminization of ready-made herbs, as well as seasonings.

What to cook?

First, the radish began to be tasted, as it is called, from the royal table of the first Russian emperor, which brought his loves of vegetables from Europe and literally zmushuvad his yogis. Let's forgive people for their ignorance of wines, zdavavsya marvelous overseas diva. The unmistakable bitterness and the tart relish of the first varieties of radishes made it unacceptable. The inhabitants of Russia were taken aback by Peter's innovations;

Significantly, Russian breeders have created varieties of radishes that exude mild relish and pleasant fresh aroma. Since then, the radish miraculously took root in the Russian expanses and is present in the rich culinary recipes of various cuts of the country. The shape of that color of this vegetable is varied: from dark purple to white, from small oval radishes to right giants in size from potato plaids. Spindle-like and cone-shaped forms of radishes are sharpened. But most of all, we have vicorists with round, dark-colored roots with small ponytails.

Radishes are the only ingredient for preparing rich national herbs in the world cuisine. Yogo looks at the orphan, and also eats the leaves of fresh radishes. In China, savory frying is prepared from radishes. In India, from generation to generation, an old recipe for preparing a white root vegetable with chickpeas is passed down, and pea sauce on a milk basis is used as a seasoning. In an average smoothie and Siberia, radishes are planted in a natural way with sauerkraut, mushrooms and cibulae.

Cicavia and a simple recipe for cold radish soup. For the preparation of herbs, fresh vegetable radishes are taken from a quantity of 12 pieces, sprats and parsley. Everything is cut into cubes, mixed. Let's add some yogurt to the liter, salt and sip generously with spices: tea leaves, turmeric, pepper, and everything that you need to lean under your hand.

For a dietary meal, sirnette with radish is recommended. The stench is prepared like this: a loaf of wheat bread is cut into small pieces, smeared on olive oil, then the beast is smeared with a thick ball of low-fat syrah and embellished with thinly sliced ​​radish circles, ogirka and basil leaves. A tasty vitamin snack is ready.

The radish will go far away with an egg, potatoes and ogirkom. I'm ready to mix in equal proportions with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and add fresh mint. Before the salad recipe, instead of potatoes, you can also include boiled rice or kvass.

Tsey ovoch garniy stravah іz thermal processing. For example, the baked one looked like cheese. This independent dish is prepared quickly and easily. Appropriate for emergency visits, if there are guests at the door, who need to be slandered. Small root crops are cut into pieces, put in a special room, filling the bottom without excess, add spices, greens and that strength, grate the beast with cheese and sip off the sum at a temperature of 180 degrees, about 20 fines in the oven.

Try robiti chips with radishes. To prepare, you need to cut a kilo of radishes in circles, lower them for a couple of seconds, then go for the help of drushlyak, cool and rub the bag with a teaspoon, salt and spices. Let's sweat everything on the foil with a thin ball and beat it in the oven with a stretch of 10-15 strands at a temperature of 200 degrees. In view of such frequenting, one should not be tempted to make small picks.

Bagato gospodarki go to the conservation of radishes for the winter. Narizanu radish is made from green crops. Okremo prepare marinade from water, salt, red pepper, olії and otstu. Bring the marinade to a boil and fill it with a warehouse of radishes from greens, as they are placed in pasteurized jars in front. Marinated preserves are closed and left on the krishtsi until chilled. You can try the salad for a day, but it’s best to save that small piece of summer until the winter days.

Good lady, if you don’t win the battle of the radish, even with it you can cook a delicious seasoning. For this green part, the parts tremble shatteringly, lowered unnecessarily into okrip, then we remove, pick up and mix with spices, sill and chasnik. With all your brains, you can season with rice, potatoes and beans. The seasoning is taken from the glass bottles on the police of the refrigerator chamber.

For cholovіkіv garnoy pіdmogoyu will be salad with radish with peas and seafood. To prepare the herb, you need a kilogram of root crops, peeled badille, boiled shrimp, mayonnaise, the juice of one lemon, pea hairs, two cigars, peeled peels, sprats of cherry tomatoes, rose navpil, and five boiled eggs. Everything is mixed at the salad bowl, salted, seasoned with lemon juice and dried barberry fruits.

Tsya sumish is superbly savory and stovіdsotkovym in the way of support of human strength for the trival hour.

No one should be guided by the hot weather of the day. Prepare fragrant radish stew, chicken and mushrooms with sour cream. For this, you need to take a chicken fillet, cut it into cubes and brush it in a frying pan in olive oil until golden. The cibula is grazing well, and the radish is torn by great kilts. Add marinated pecherits and sour cream to otrimana sumish and continue to quench more sprats of quills. Sweat everything is taken from the stove, laid out on plates and garnished with rosemary needles, and the m'yati is served at the hot table.

Knowing the roots of the power of the radish, pluses and minuses, as well as recognizing a lot of new things about the vegetable, it is necessary to learn how to value the product and take the most crusty from the yoga.

Zastosovuchi in practice, for the sake of, and also dotremuyuchis blatant recommendations fakhіvtsіv in tsіy galuzі, try not to be evil with radishes and to protect all the crooks of power and counter-indication.

About those, how to pickle radishes, marvel at the coming video.

Calorie content: 20 kcal

Proteins: 1.2 g

Zhiri: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 3.4 g

A handful of radishes began to be grown in the lands of Asia, and we ate less then at the common tables of Europeans. At Russia's wines, the veil of Peter the First appeared. Radishes are most often added to soups and salads, and it is more common to add yogo to sauces. Already often in the last hour they began to vicorate not only the radish itself, but ale and її leaves, so like the stench to give the grasses an unusual relish and aroma.


Radishes vikoristovuyut as zasіb obrobki small porіzіv, so vin can heal the wound from infection. Good for the mucous membrane of various internal organs. Vіn zmіtsnyuє іmunіtet і serve as a prophylactic of rich ailments, viklikayuchi appetite. Well, obviously, in folk medicine, radish knows its own place. Vіdvar z yogo leaf of vicorist against burning is clear.


If you save radishes too early, then you start to spend your power, and also add calories. Also, there is no trace of yogo to live, as if there is an ailment of the intestines.

The quality of any product is determined by the storage of necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements. Product radish to take revenge on the greatest number of offensive, necessary for our body, speeches:
- Middle vitamins are seen high in the place Vitamin C, I guarantee 27.8% additional norm per 100 g of the product, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)- 5% ta Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 4%;
- Among the macronutrients are seen potassium, Phosphorusі calcium(100 g of the product is available for 10.2%, 5.5% and 3.9% of the additional consumption of elements, apparently);
- Among the microelements, the best indicators are breathed Vanadium, Cobaltі Chromium, including those in 100 grams of the product radish secure 462.5%, 30% and 22% of additional norms.

Below are the tables with the stock of goods. In the tables, krіm krіm zharchovoї tsіnnostі, give data on how to change and additional consumption of such speeches, like vitamins, macro- and microelements. On the graphs of micro-macro-elements, the data of the amount of 100-100 instead of these elements are shown according to the recommended additional norm.

The caloric content diagram shows the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the calorie content of the protein product and to the weight loss. Skin gram protein gives 4 kcal, carbohydrates - 4 kcal, fat - 9 kcal. It is important to know these data for the support of the current diets, as well as to take into account those chi else in the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the diet.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

A radish is called a sheep odnorichnik, which is carried to the genus radish families Cabbage. Yard varieties of radishes are trapped, while vegetables are mostly single-growing. Root crops of radishes, schіlnі, juicing, which can give a gostry relish and fresh aroma (calorizator) live in the house. It is not uncommon to give young radish leaves to scary, because the stench is not prickly.

Radishes are one of the few vegetables, which were grown on the International Space Station in the minds of lack of space, a short vegetative period and the possibility of victoria in їzhu and “tops, and root”.

Calorie content of radish

The calorie content of radishes is 19 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Root crops of radish to revenge: vitamins, as well as mineral speech necessary for the human body: natural cellular tissue, phytoncides. Trohi of hotness, hospitable relish gives radish, which is avenged in products, there can be power to stimulate appetite. Implantation of radish normalizes peristalsis, reduces the appearance of color, lowers cholesterol, activates the exchange of speech, increases the elasticity of the walls of the vessels, thereby improving the activity of the heart-vascular system. Radishes can be anti-abryakov, zhovchogіnі power, corysnia in gout, diabetic and obesity. Fresher badilla radishes should be more and lower roots, only vicorist need to get more young leaves. Cicavius ​​fact - radish, pored for preparing salad, oxidized when poured with metal, less vitamins, less wholesome root.

Skoda radish

See that sort of radish

Radishes can be grown like in a greenhouse, so in wet soil. Radishes are one of the early spring vegetables that are seen in the beds. The radish is inspired by the shape and color of the root crop - from round to cylindrical, the color of the radish can be red, erysipelas, violet and yellow, chervonim with a white kinchik, erysipelas.

The widest varieties of radishes are Rondar, Pershenets, French Snidanok, Child, Duro, Rubin, Zorya, Vira, Zlata, Alba and other. The radish looks like a sprat of tizhniv, to that, if you correctly select the variety, you can pick up fresh radishes from a quarter of a day.

The low calorie content and the presence of the raspberry protein and the cellulite make radish a bazhan ingredient of the occasional diets and special days, for example, include radish in the menu of the day. In the spring-summer season, if the radish is seen in the middle smoothness, by giving 3-5 pieces of radish every day, you can step by step reduce the weight by a kilo of kilograms.

Select and save radishes

When buying radishes, pay attention to the current appearance of root crops and badilla - springiness and freshness of guilt in the presence. Softness, depressions and dark patches on the surface of the root crop may become the cause of the product. You can store fresh radishes with badillas in the refrigerator for a long time, cut root crops without greenery - no more than five days.

Radishes in cooking

The widest variety of radishes in a fresh look - whole, as an ingredient in salads or rich cold appetizers. Radishes are usually eaten with fresh vegetables, greens, savory and brown snacks - a sandwich with, and radishes, you can add extra for the bagan. Sometimes radishes are treated with thermal processing - boil or bake, vicorist as a garnish or warehouse part of a vegetable stew.

You can find out more about radishes and the power of authority from the video clip of the TV program “About the head of the head”.

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