Hoshi min. Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh for Honor

Ho Chi Minh was born on January 19, 1890 near the province of Ngean of Central Vietnam. His reference name is Nguyen Tat Thanh, he has a lot of party pseudonyms, one of them is Ho Shi Min. Vіn studied at the National College in Hue, then worked as a teacher - sang French and French language.

In 1911, Ho Chi Minh, having broken to Europe and the next few years, was alive on the cob in England, then in the USA, and in 1919 he settled in Paris. Himself in France, Ho Shi Min, taking up politics, actively joining the activities of the French leading organizations, observing their elections and rallies, writing articles and becoming popular with political stakes.

Ho Chi Minh took part in the creation of the French Communist Party, and then the inter-colonial union. In 1923, a number of wines arrived in Moscow, devouring the nourishment of party life and remaining formed as a communist leader. In 1925, he worked for two years, Ho Shi Min, as a translator at the Radian Consulate in Canton (China). The very period of wines was organized by the Association of Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam.

In order to escape the arrest, I’m alive for a day in Cambodia, having worked with pidpilli in Thailand. At that hour in Indo-China, there were already active communist groups. Ho Chi Minh was far from uniting them, and in 1930 the Communist Party of Indo-China was created.

In 1941, in Indo-China, which was occupied by the Japanese, Ho Shi Min, having fallen asleep and choking the League of Struggle for Independence V’etnam (V’etmin), yakіy went into action against the US Administration (the CIA’s champion) and China against Japan. After the capitulation of Japan in 1945, V'etmin took power in Indochina into his own hands, and became the head of the independent order of Indochina, Ho Chi Minh.

Being the Prime Minister of Pivnichny V'etnam in 1946-1955, Ho Shi Min actively helped those who were under control.

The communists of the National Front allowed Pivdenny V'etnam to fight for the felling of the Pivdni order, like the United States encouraged. In 1955, Ho Shi Min became the president of Pivnichny Vietnam. Youmu went on, navigating between the SRSR and China, to take help from both powers, regardless of the difference between Moscow and Beijing.

From the beginning of the bombing by the Americans of Pivnichny V'etnam in 1965, Ho Shi Min, having taken the position of fighting and conducting any negotiations in the minds of the continuation of the military aggression. At the edge of the wines, becoming a symbol of the struggle for independence, being a politician, who was most involved in the turn of the history of Vietnam and the entire national and arbitrary movement of the 20th century.

So Ho Shi Min buv gifted creative specialty. Let the pen lay verses, descriptions, draw, promote. Vin is the author of works dedicated to the problems of the industrial and national-voluntary movement, the national revolution, the unification of the country and the encouragement of socialism.

Ho Chi Minh often saw the Soviet Socialist Republic after becoming a certifier of V'etnam, and was awarded the Order of Lenin. Vin constantly stood up for the recognition of that development of friendship between the Vietnamese and Radian peoples.

V'etnamtsі with great honor to be appointed to the successor of their independent state. Saigon, the capital of Pivdenny V'etnam, has been renamed to Yogo honor. Near Hanoi, there is the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh. Monuments were erected to Iom near Moscow and Ulyanovsk, a memorial plaque was erected near Vladivostok.

Ho Shi Minh (Ho Chi Minh) (1890-1969), leader of the V'etnamskoy revolution and the first president of the Democratic Republic of V'etnam (DRV, or Pivnichny V'etnam). Name Ho Chi Minh, which means Ho-Enlightener, was one of the numerous pseudonyms. Yogo spravzhnє im'ya, ymovіrno, Nguyen Tat Thanh. Vin was born around 19 May 1890 near the province of Nghe An (Nghotinh, Central Vietnam). Not long before the ear of the First World War, I broke to Europe on board a merchant ship like a deck sailor. After settling in London, I spent some time working in the kitchen of the grill-bar in the Carlton hotel with the famous chef Auguste Escoff. Potim vіdpliv u USA, and after turning back to Europe, having ruled in Paris, having made money on life as a helper of the photographer.

But politics has become the main yoga catch. Ho Chi Minh was actively involved in the activity of the French left forces, holding out for many years in the form of elections and rallies, writing numerical statistics. At this hour of wine, he was called by the pseudonym Nguyen Ai Quoc (Nguyen-patriot). In 1919, at the hour of signing Treaty of Versailles, Ho Shi Min turned to the kerіvnіkіv powers-peremogi to give freedom to the peoples of Indochina

In 1920, a number of wines were present on the z'їzdі of the French Socialist Party in Turi, on which the wings of the lion were split, after which the French Communist Party (PCF) was named. In 1921 taking part in the creation of the Intercolonial Union and writing anonymous articles for the newspaper Le Paria (Pariya). In 1923, as a delegate of the FKP, he went to the Congress of the Selyansky International to Moscow, depriving himself of the method of training the food of party life. From 1925 to 1927 he worked as a translator at the Russian consulate in Canton (in Guangzhou, China). In the same period, Ho Shi Min organized the Comradeship of Revolutionary Youth in Vietnam to prepare young soldiers for revolutionary struggle. Together with the Indian communist M.N.

In 1929, having worked at the pіdpіllі in Siamі (Thailand), the signs of letters were sent to Hong Kong (Hsyangan) in order to reconcile the three communist aggregations in Vietnam. Which one was far away to reach in 1930, if the Communist Party of Vietnam took shape, the same fate was transformed into the Communist Party of Indo-China. Ho Shi Min representing the Soviet Bureau of the Comintern on the 3rd star of the Communist Party of the Pivdenny Seas near Singapore. The last time I was arrested by the British rule in Hong Kong as an agent of the Comintern, and after the call I turned to SRSR .

In 1940, roci in Indo-China, occupied by the Japanese, fell asleep in the League of Struggle for Independence in Vietnam (V'etmin). Under the cob of yoga won the daytime spivpratsyuval z USA the Kuomintang China at the right support of militaristic Japan, prote after the surrender of the rest of the century, taking power to the hands. Vinikliy Nezalezhny Ocholiv Ocholiv Ho Shi Min.

In 1946, Ho Chi Minh cherubov visited the Vietnamese delegation at the conference at Fontainebleau, de bouw was accepted by the French side as the first person of the state. Prote conference, called for the regulation of the independence of Vietnam with the Indo-Chinese Union that France, could not fail to set the task. At the chest, 1946 The military DRV gave a blow to the fighting forces of the French near Tonkin, which unleashed war, which ended with the signing of peace treaty at the Geneva Conference of 1954. and split V'etnam along the 17th parallel. Under Ho Chi Minh, Pivnichniy V'etnam actively helped the National Front, which was under the control of communists, sent Pivdenny V'etnam to fight for the fall in the order on Pivdnі, yak supported USA. After the death of Ho Chi Minh in a heart attack on the 2nd of September 1969. talk about pripinennya viyskovykh diy, rozpochati in travnі 1968 p. in Paris, went into a deaf kut.

Vikoristani materials of the Encyclopedia "Krugosvetlo" - http://www.krugosvet.ru

Ho Shi Min(Ho Chi Minh) [reference name - Nguyen Tat Thanh; long time ago there were a lot of party pseudonyms, including Nguyen Ai Quoc (Nguyen-patriot), and on the cob 1942 - Ho Shi Min] (19.5.1890, the village of Kimlіen, Ngean province, - 3.9.1969, Hanoi), diyach v' єtnamskogo and international communist rukh and national-voluntary rukh, the head of the Central Committee of the Party of Workers of Vietnam, the president of the DRV. Having been born to this strong teacher. Having studied at the National College in Hue, then I spoke French and Vietnamese language. For example, in 1911, having left the fate of V'etnam, he became a cook's assistant on a French ship. In 1912-16, he worked on steamboats of the French and English companies as a sailor and a sailor, in 1916-19 he lived with UKі USA, in 1919 he settled in France. On the eve of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-20) in the name of the Vietnamese patriots, sending a memorandum to the participants of the conference in order to give independence to the peoples of Indo-China. In 1920 having taken the fate of the work of the Turkish Z'їzd of the French Socialist Party, on which the French Communist Party was established. Ho Chi Minh immediately joined up to її lava. In 1924, taking part in the work of the 5th Congress of the Comintern, de acting from the spivdopoviddu of the colonial nutrition. In 1925, on the basis of communist groups that were in Vietnam, organizing the Association of Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam. In 1930, under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh, the communist organizations united in the united Communist Party of Indo-China. For revolutionary activity, repeatedly acknowledging arrests and exposing them. In 1929 he was sentenced in absentia to the strata. In 1934-38, having studied at the Communist University of the Working People of the Gathering and practicing near Moscow, in 1935, taking part in the work of the 7th Congress of the Comintern. In 1941, Ho Chi Minh turned to the Fatherland, de yogo kerivnitstvom at the rock of the 2nd Holy War of 1939-45, a revolutionary movement broke out against the French colonialists and the Japanese occupiers; in early 1941, for this initiative, the League of Struggle for Independence of V'etnam (V'et-Min) was created, which united the patriotic forces of the country. Ho Shi Min buv shaking the head of V'et-Min. After the victory of the Serpnevoi Revolution of 1945 at the hands of the Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh in the sickle 1945 - birch 1946, the head of Timchasov's order of the DRV, from the birch of 1946 the president of the DRV, from 1946-55 one hour the prime minister of the DRV. On the 2nd star of the party in 1951, praising the decision to rename the Communist Party of Indochina into the Party of Workers of Vietnam (PTV; from 1976 it was called the Communist Party of Vietnam), Ho Shi Min was shaking the head of the Central Committee of the PT In i hugging tsyu posada to end of life. In 1946-55, the honorary head of L'en-V'et, from 1955 the honorary head of the Vitchizny front of V'etnam. Being the head of the Central Committee of the WPV, he was simultaneously general secretary of the Central Committee of the WPV from 1956-60. Under the support of the Central Committee of the WPV on the grounds of Ho Shi Min, the Vietnamese people ignited the fight against the aggression of the US imperialists, which brought the Vietnamese patriots to victory.

Ho Chi Minh is the author of low works, dedicated to the problems of the robotic and national-wisdom movement, the development of the "tnamian revolution", the struggle of the "tnamian people" for freedom and the unification of the land and encouragement of socialism among the Vietnamese. In his works, Ho Chi Minh especially emphasized the majestic contribution of the Zhovtnevoy revolution in Russia to the development of the "tnamskoy" revolution, the significance of the SRSR for the life of socialism in the "tnam". Awarded with the Order of Lenin (1967). At his Commandment, Ho Shi Min, calling out to the party and the people to fight for the creation of a single, independent and prosperous nation, for the unity of their lava, for the formation of an international communist revolution on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and the proletarian internationalism. In the name of Ho Chi Minh in the 1976 session of the National Assembly, which praised the decision about the resurrection of the country and the establishment of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the city of Saigon was officially named.

Wicked materials of the Radyansk military encyclopedia. Volume 8: Tashkent - Oseredok strіletska. M. 1980 rock.

Ho Shi Minh (Ale Chi Minh) (May 19, 1890, Nghe Anh Province, Central Vietnam - September 2, 1969, Hanoi), Vietnamese political gamer. In 1913-14 he moved to Europe as a deck sailor of a merchant ship. He lived in London, worked in the kitchen of the grill bar at the Carlton hotel, then moved to the United States, and after returning to Europe he settled in Paris, de practiced as a photographer's assistant. Taking an active part in the activities of the French leading organizations. Drukuvavsya at different sights, zokrema. under the pseudonym Nguyen-patriot (Ngu-en Ai Quoc). The hour of the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 having turned to the kerіvnikіv kraіn-vymozhnits with the help of giving freedom to the peoples of Indo-China. In 1920, taking part in the creation of the French Communist Party (FCP), in 1921 - the Intercolonial Union; publicist, author of a large number of articles. In 1923 p. vyihav to Moscow, de vivchav nurturance of party life. Member of the 5th Congress of the Comintern (1924). In 1925-27, the Radyansky consulate in Canton (China) was transferred. Having created the Association of Revolutionary Youth V'etnama, one of the initiators of the creation of the League of rotten peoples. In 1929, the rozі pratsyuvav pіdpіllі in Sіami (Thailandі), and then moved to Hong Kong. In 1930 he created the Communist Party of Vietnam (since 1930 - the Communist Party of Indo-China). Representing the Soviet Union Bureau of the Comintern at the 3rd party of the Communist Party of the Pivdennih Moriv (Singapore). Afraid of retracing, duck at Shanghai, and then - to the SRSR. In 1941, the parties in Indo-China, which was occupied by the Japanese, voted for the creation of the League of Struggle for Independence V'etnam - V'etmin. An effective hour spіvpratsyuvav іz the USA and the Kuomintang. In 1942, the Kuomintang order was interned and 1.5 years passed by the military. In 1943 p. zvіlneniy pomoga Office of Strategic Services, yake rozrakhovuval z yogo to help organize anti-Japanese movement in Indo-China. Having taken control of that order from the United States, the deputy began to fight against the Japanese, setting up his army in the mountains of Tonkin and becoming a guard against the Japanese in order to organize an anti-colonial struggle. After the capitulation of Japan at the sickle. In 1945, he occupied Hanoi, took power in Indochina from his own hands and became the head of the independent order of Indochina. Z 1946 also the president. At the chest 1946 the troops of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) attacked the French troops in Tonkin, which became the beginning of the 1st Indo-Chinese war, which ended with the defeat of France at Dyen B'en Fu in early 1954, p to the letters of peace at Geneva, please and divide the V'etnal according to 17 In 1955–56, the X. order carried out an agrarian reform, in the coming years X. it was given to take additional help from the USSR, and from China. In 1965, after the Americans bombarded Pivnichny V'etnam by the Americans, having taken a position of irreconcilable struggle and leading any negotiations in the minds of the military aggression. X. becoming a symbol of the struggle of the peoples of Indochina for independence.

Zalesky K.A. Who else is at the other world's war. Allies of the SRSR. M., 2004.

Vistup of Ho Shi Mina on the z'їzdі near Turi (France)

Ho Chi-Min (born 1890) - political fiend and president of the Republic of Vietnam. X., widely known in Indo-China under the name of Nguyen Ai-kuon, which means "to love one's fatherland", yet still came to the national-wilderful rush. At the age of 19 years of X., he was a sailor in America, England and France. Having settled in 1913 in Paris, he suddenly became a member of the "League of Human Rights", and then joined the Communist Party of France. Under the hour of the peace conference 1919 p. X. turned to Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd-George with "Zoshit vymog Annamіtskogo people", in a way that impinged on Annam's independence. The conference recognized the greatness of X., and the text of "Zoshiti" was reproduced in France and Indo-China, playing a great role in bringing the national-voluntary movement of the Indo-Chinese people. While staying with France, X., having seen a good newspaper, lied about the policy of the French colonialists in Indo-China. In 1924, X. moved from Paris to Canton, de viv revolutionary work, organizing the "League of rotten peoples" and the "Association of Annamites' Revolutionary Youth". Turning to Indo-China, X. in 1930 achieved the unification of all communist groups in a single Indo-Chinese party. Ryatuyuchis vіd perezlіduvan vlady, X. spent an hour on emigration in Sіami, China and other lands.

At the rock of the Other World War and the Japanese Occupation of X., having organized a support at the edge of the country, which in 1941 united at the Liza independence of Indo-China.

At the sickle, born in 1945 the independent democratic republic of V'etnam was voted, and X. having created the Timchas order. The French authorities did not recognize the republic and decided to conduct negotiations with the X order. Ale after unsuccessful attempts to slander the opposition of the Republic of Viysk by the force of the French order of embarrassment at the negotiations, and on 6. III 1946, the agreement was signed, for which the French order was recognized as V'etnam (at the warehouse of Annam and Tonkin) as a free power , what to enter before Indo-Chinese federation union with an independent order, parliament, army and budget. France wanted to hold a plebiscite at Kokhinkhin about coming to Vietnam.

Tsya pleasing, without a bar, the bula was destroyed by the French rule. In the course of further negotiations X., with the method of the most obvious pinning of the military actions, pishov on a number of deeds and signing on 14. IX 1946 a new favor (div. Franco-in'etnamsky favours). But this place was destroyed by the French. By the birch tree of 1947, the stench rose up anew in the wake of the Vijskovian spirits and they sacked the capital of V'etnam - Hanoi.

Trying to split the unity and weaken the strength of the Vietnamese people, the French, together with the Americans, created in red 1948 a puppet "order" of the Vietnamese.

As a result, Prote overcame the Republican army over the French interventionists until September 1950. Squad X. has already controlled 90% of Vietnam's territory. U vyazku z tsim 14. I 1950 X. having turned to the order of the ukrainian countries of the world with the proposition to establish diplomatic vodnosiny. The first democratic republic of Vietnam was recognized as the SRSR (30. I 1950) and the People's Republic of China (18. I).

Diplomatic dictionary Goal. ed. A. Ya. Vishinsky and S. A. Lozovsky. M., 1948.

Ho Shi Min (right name - Nguyen Tat Thanh; 1890-1969) - the leader of the Vietnamese communists. Having been born into a Russian teacher, before the first world war he was hired as a sailor on a ship going to Europe. Lived in London, spent an hour working in the kitchen of the Carlton hotel, then in the USA, and, on the other hand, in Paris, de becoming a photographer's helper. Here I got close to the French socialists, seeing their struggles, writing articles for the people of the world under the pseudonym Nguyen Ai Quoc (Nguyen-patriot). In 1920 joining the French Communist Party.

In 1923 p. Ho Shi Min came to Moscow. In 1924 taking the fate of the work of the V Congress of the Comintern, after which it begins to work as an agent of the International: it is established to China from 1925 to 1927 pp. acting as an interpreter at the Radianian consulate in Canton (in Guangzhou). At the same time, Ho Shi Min organized the Comradeship of Revolutionary Youth V'etnam, to train personnel for driving activity. In 1929 as a secret agent of the Comintern pratsyuvav pridpilli in Siami (Thailand), the letters of the letters to Hong Kong (Xianggang), to reconcile the enemy one by one in the "tnamsk communist grouping". In 1930, he managed to create the Communist Party of Vietnam (for the sake of the independence of the SRSR, it was renamed to the Communist Party of Indo-China). Ho Shi Min representing the Soviet Bureau of the Comintern at the Third Star of the Communist Party of the Pivdenny Seas near Singapore. Vіn repeatedly poddavavsya to arrests and vіdbuvav yaznennya; 1929 Buv in absentia of judgments to strati.

Turning to the Soviet Socialist Republic, Ho Chi Minh went to the Communist University of Workers' Gathering (1934-1938), taking part in the VII Congress of the Comintern (1935). At 1941 p. turning to the fatherland, de cheering the fight against the French rule and the Japanese, who paid off Indo-China. Having fallen asleep the League of Struggle for the Independence of V'etnam (V'etmin), for which the second fate was in the v'yaznitsa. Torishny sickle 1945 V'etmin took vlada pivnich from V'etnam. Ho Chi Minh became the head of the Timchas order of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV), March 1946. - її President, from 1946-1955 rr. also the post of Prime Minister. Have 1951 r. from the Communist Party of Indochina, the Workers' Party of Vietnam was seen; Ho Chi Minh became the head of the її Central Committee and was deprived of it until the end of his life, having planted the mustache in his hands on the edge of the beer.

In 1946 Ho Shi Min cherubov the Vietnamese delegation at the conference at Fontainebleau, called to regulate the Vietnamese with the Indo-Chinese Union and France. Alecia did not go far. At the chest, 1946 The troops of the DRV led the blow of the French forces at Tonkin, which unleashed the First Indo-Chinese war. The war ended in 1954, if, according to the decisions of the Geneva Conference, we were divided into two parts along the 17th parallel. Pivnich became a stronghold of the communists, Pivden became the protector of the United States. For Ho Chi Minh, the creations of the National Front of the Pivdenny V'etnam, who fought for the expansion of the power of the communists throughout the country. After the bloody war with the Americans in 1965-1973. association in 1976 vіdbulosya. The order of Ho Chi Minh laviruvav mizh SRSR and China, obediently help in both countries and carrying out mass repressions.

Ho Chi Minh, having lain down to quiet foreign-communists, as if they were "prepared" for Stalin, as the future agents of the world revolution. Wanting creations for the sake of the revolution, the Comintern and the breakup, the radyansky order right up to the end of the rozbudov. continued to live in the world of communist regimes, zokrema and regime, creations of Ho Chi Minh. Near Moscow, on the lane, 60-Richcha Zhovtnya avenue and vul. Dmitry Ulyanov, the square of Ho Chi Minh was planted.

A black book of names, like a place on the map of Russia. order. S.V. Volkov. M., "Posiv", 2004.

Further read:

The fight against the currents in the robotic and socialist Russia. Education FKP ( chapter 3 of the book: History of France. (Vidp. ed. A.Z. Manfred). In three volumes. Volume 3. M., 1973).

Anti-French rebellions in the Vietnamese 1930-1931. (chronological table).


Ho Shi Min. fav. statti and movi, [Trans. s v'є, і fr.]. M., 1959;

Ho Shi Min. About Lenin, Leninism and indestructible radian-v'etnam friendship, Izbr. articles and movies. [Trans. s in'et.]. M., 1970

Ho Shi Min. vibrane. Prov. s v'et., French. that hanwan. M., 1979.


Kobelev E.V. Ho Shi Min. M., 1979;

President Ho Chi Minh. (Polit, biogr.). Prov. from French M., 1963.

Ho Chi Minh City from A to Z: map, hotels, reminders, restaurants, travel guides. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and videos about Ho Chi Minh.

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How to get to Ho Chi Minh


My place Ho Chi Minh

Cuisine and restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City

Straws of Vietnamese, French and Chinese cuisine are far from being a replica of Ho Chi Minh's gastronomic spokus for lovers of delicious food. At expensive restaurants, promote European and Asian cuisine in the author's style. You can rate it at the EON51 restaurant on 51st version of Biteksko. Supper with wine and views of Ho Chi Minh City cost 2,000,000 VND per person - it’s not cheap to visit for European worlds.

For the cost of the general vartosti zamovlenih strata and drink will be added 5% for the service fee of 10%.

Mіstseva cuisine is less hot, lower in other parts of Vietnam. In Tshomu it is easy to change places in colorful restaurants and cafes on the tourist streets of Pham Ngu Lao, Nguyen Thai Hoc and Than Hung Dao. Another popular place is the Ben Tan market, when the sun comes up and the impersonal small cafes are seen. For the first time, garniy blue yalovichi soup "pho bo" with lokshina, ginger and greens, as well as soup "lau", which is prepared right in front of the eyes of the spectators. On the other varto, remember "ga kho" - grass from juicy chicken meat and licorice-salted relish. Fans of the exotic can try the meat of a snake, a crocodile or a turtle, or else it will be crunchy with oats smeared in olives. Turbuvatisya about gamanets not varto - the cost at the cafe cost no more than 250,000 VND.

Lotteria fast food is suitable for a snack on the go. Okrimnykh hamburgers, they have happy-box sets for 40,000 VND with meat, rice, a small portion of soup, eggs and vegetables. Compete with French baguettes with various fillings 10,000 VND.

Guide to Ho Chi Minh City

Rozvagi and reminders of Ho Chi Minh City

Remembrances of Ho Chi Minh City are a chimera of Asian exoticism, French charm and American cosmopolitanism. The colonial spirit of Indo-China, like before, hovered in the area of ​​Dong Khoi with trendy bars and cafes, which were inspired by the heroes of Gram Greene's novel The Quiet American. I’ll wake up for a lot of time, I’ve been called to Paris, now I’m borrowing the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh. The Opera House with the Vishukani facade was once the epicenter of the worldly life of the French beau monde, like the court hotel Continental, which kept the tradition of drinking tea.

Hotel Rex also began to be the French, but became a reminder to the Americans. Under the hour of the Great War, the top officials of the US Army were quartered here, the legendary The Rolling Stones raised the fighting spirit of the soldiers with outbursts, and at the famous bar on the dakha of the Viysk, correspondents chatted with American officers.

Palace of Resurrection

The Palace of Resurrection - the governor's palace - is still like the 19th century in Saigon from the French colonialists. Irrespective of those who in 1963 were significantly hurt as a result of the bombing, but three years later, they were again vindicated. Potim until 1975 the palace was the residence of the presidents of the pro-American order and after the permission of Pivdenny V'etnam, becoming called the Palace of Resurrection.

Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre-Dame Cathedral, roztasovaniya, as you can easily let, on the Parisian Square in the center of the city, but in the colonial style near the apartment 1880 r. Dosi vvazhaetsya one of the most unique budov at V'etnami.

Charming Saigon

Saigon parks

The park "Dam-Sheen", the largest cultural center of the city, deserves the credit for the mystery. There you can see a changed copy of the Jacques-V'en pagoda, a lake that predicts Western Lake in Hanoi, a bird show, a bird garden, an aqua park, a sports center and the Royal Garden of Nam-Tu. It's also not bad to spend an hour at the zoo and the botanical garden, which is like the design of the 19th century. The first inhabitants of the garden were native trees and trees from India, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Today, here you can see thousands of roslins, hundreds of species of animals and birds, unique and motor-motor plazuns.

Temple of the Jade Emperor

The chimerical temple (vul. Mai Thi Luu, 73) is a gift from the Chinese community to the Taoist deity Ngoc Huang, who appoints the share of a person after death. Flour, like a check on sinners, is depicted on the walls of the "hell room". At the Head Hall there is a statue of Ngoc Huang himself in the sharpened Chotiryoh of the Heavenly Wards and other deities.

Thien Hau Pagoda

At the temple, roztashovanuyu in the Chinese shopping district Telon (st. Nguyen Trai, 710), panuє the goddess of the sea Thien-Khau. Viruyuchi rewarded sailors and fishermen with the patroness of the postal order. They write their prohannya on prayer ensigns - red paper wives, yak, rustling in the wind, pass them on to the goddess. The decor of the temple with wooden panels and ceramic friezes is one of the most beautiful in the city.

Ku-Chi tunnels

Doschі, scho to go from the grass through the fall of the leaves, ryasnі, ale short. Hmari fast to go, zalishayuchi on my own I will take freshness. The maximum amount of fall falls during spring. Short boards can go a few times a day. Daytime and nighttime temperatures drop to quite comfortable values, and the place is filled with tourists.

Kerіvnik sickle revolution, the first president of Pivnіchny V'etnamu, the creator of V'etminya that V'etkong, philosopher-Marxist, sings.

neudomium, Public Domain


Early rock

Ho Shi Min was born on May 19, 1890 in the village of Kimlien, Namdan county, Ngean province. Yogo im'ya with the people (before or dairy im'ya) - Nguyen Shinh Kung. Batko - Nguyen Shin Shak - a confederate of the Confucian patriotic party, who was the most distinguished person in the countryside, having taken away the honorary title of fobang (friend for meanings), asking for the head of the district for a year. Mati - Hoang Thi Loan - died at the age of 32 rokiv at half an hour of the fourth child.

Following the Vietnamese tradition, before entering the school, Nguyen Sinh Cung took a friend (officer, or "book" name) - Nguyen Tat Thanh (in "etn."). Nguyễn Tất Thánh, "Nguyen the triumphant").

Period of emigration

In 1911, Tat Thanh was appointed as a sailor for a steamboat.

I turned back to the Fatherland in less than 30 years. For tsі roki having seen America and Europe. In 1916-1923 he lives in the USA, Great Britain, France.

At France

In Paris, I take the pseudonym Nguyen Ai Quoc (v'etn.). Nguyễn Ái Quốc, ti-nom 阮愛國, "Nguyen-patriot").

In 1919, having turned to the core states, they signed the Treaty of Versailles, so that they gave freedom to the peoples of Indo-China.

In 1920 he joined the French communist party. From the 1920s - activist of the Comintern.

In 1923, roci arrived at the request of the Comintern from Paris to Moscow. For conspiracy, the transfer of the SRSR was written in another name. I had a chance to travel through Nimechchina: to Berlin, to Hamburg, on the 30th of October 1923 I arrived by steamboat to Petrograd, and then by train to Moscow.

At Moscow pratsyuvav at Vikonkomі Komintern (ІККМ). Even though he wanted to flirt with Lenin, he didn’t have a chance to protest, because the leader of Radyansk had already died seriously ill and unhappy. Nguyen Ai Quoc saw the farewell ceremony.

Giving an interview for the Vognik magazine to Osip Mandelstam.

Graduated from the Communist University of Workers Immediately. In the Radian Union, Nguyen Ai Quoc was residually formed as a communist leader.

Tara-Amingu, CC0 1.0

Look at your own Nguyen Ai Quoc viklav at the 5th Congress of the Comintern in 1924, when he spoke out of the colonial agenda.

In China

At the birth of 1924, if Sun Yat-sen stood on the revolutionary Canton order and joined the communists in nadії on the vіysk and financial support of the Comintern, Nguyen Ai Quoc and directions near Canton. In the same place, having taken away Chinese documents with the new Chinese pseudonym “Li Qu” and having begun to work on the improvement of communications in the Comintern with revolutionary migrants from Vietnam. Under the gaze of a hired Chinese, he officially dominated the work as a shifter at the Central Political Center of the Central Exhibition Commission of the Kuomintang and at one hour the representative of the Comintern in China, Mikhail Markovich Borodin.

A few hours later, having organized a “Committee for Special Political Training” at Canton, under the pseudonym “Comrade Viong”, he taught the methods of organized collective revolutionary struggle against individual terror. Zustrichavsya from Fan Boy Chau.

In 1925, following the arrest in Shanghai of Phan Boi Tiau, "comrade Viong" organized the Association of Revolutionary Youth in Canton to Vietnam, with his other body - the newspaper "Youth", and more revolutionary organizations - women, villagers, pioneer. For organizational work with the revolutionaries of the southern lands, he created the "Union of the Inferior Peoples of Asia". I also know some information about yoga knowledge and love at the same time with a Chinese woman, Zeng Xuemin, who was called “Tang Tuet Min” in Chinese.

In 1926, through Borodin, “comrade Viong” organized the first group of Vietnamese revolutionaries in Moscow, headed by the Communist University of Workers of the Gathering. At the same time, having written and expanded the beginning of the Vietnamese communist initial pamphlet "Ways of the Revolution" with a summary of the political program of the forthcoming communist party of Indo-China.

In April 1927, the fate of the coup d'état of Chiang Kai Shek was evacuated. "Li Qu" did not lose his work, but he leaned against the threat of arrest. In order to get out of prison, at the grassroots of 1927, the term tried to move to Hong Kong. However, they didn’t let Yogo in and had to go through an important path to China, but to the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

Znovu in Europe

Arriving to Moscow, near the chest in 1927, Nguyen Ai Quoc, having broken his working trip through the European countries. From Brussels, having taken the fate of the recently created international "Anti-imperialist League". Then, through France and Switzerland, I crossed to Italy, and in the port of Naples I went to the steamboat, which reached the Indo-Chinese state of Siam.

At Siami

At Siami Nguyen Ai Quoc, again, like before in China, having settled in towns, there was a large number of foreign migrants - near the province of Udon. There, under the new pseudonym "Thau Tin", he gave credit to the work of organizing revolutionary groups among the Vietnamese. At this hour, at Siami, the middle of the Association of Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam was founded.

On November 11, 1929, Nguyen Ai Quoc near French Indochina was sentenced to death in absentia by the imperial court. On the Vietnamese lands of French Indo-China, at that time, there were already active communist groups. The Comintern handed over the mandate to Nguyen Ai Quoc to carry out the work from the 1929th anniversary of the union and in March 1929, crossing the sea route through Singapore to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong

Nguyen Ai Quoc, for the affiliation of the Communist Party of France (and especially Maurice Thorez), the Communist Party of Vietnam respected the name of that, moved to unite the divisions of the party groups, and in 1930 the Communist Party of Indo-China was created.

Rukh for independence

In 1941, roci in Indo-China, which was occupied by the Japanese, having fallen asleep V'etmin. After my arrival to Pivdenny China to establish a connection with the Chinese communists and the Vietnamese emigrants, they were arrested by the Kuomintang ranks and proving the second time at the village. After the arrival of the Japanese, V'etmin took power in Indo-China.

Palosirkka, CC0 1.0

Became Prime Minister (1946-1955) and President (1946-1969) of Pivnichny V'etnam.

At the plantation of President Pivnichny V'etnam

In the years 1955-1956, a number of agrarian reforms were carried out. Having taken the material and military assistance in the PRC and the SRSR. In 1965, they got in touch with the bombing of the USA Pivnіchny V'etnam by Ho Shi Min, voicing about the uninterrupted struggle against them and taking part in any negotiations.


Died in 1969, on the 80th anniversary of life. Embalming with Radian fakhіvtsy, wanting to ask for creaming yourself at the commandment, put gunpowder in three ceramic urns and pohovat at the skin part of the edge - on pіvnochi, pіvdnі and in the center, de people. Burial near Hanoi, at the mausoleum on Badin square.


Ho Shi Mіn (v'єtn. Hồ Chí Minh, ti-nom 胡志明, Ho Ti Mіn (іnf.)); Reference names: Nguyen Shinh Kung, Nguyen Tat Thanh; pseudonyms: Nguyen Ai Quoc, Ho Shi Min; (Tranny 19, 1890, Kimljen, Namdan county, Nghean province, French Indo-China - Spring 2, 1969, Hanoi, DRV) - in "Tnam political fiend and follower of Marxism-Leninism, the founder of the Communist Party in 'єtnamu, scythe mason and V'єtkong, Marxist philosopher, poet.

Early rock

Ho Shi Min was born on May 19, 1890 in the village of Kimlien, Namdan county, Ngean province. Yogo im'ya with the people (before or dairy im'ya) - Nguyen Shinh Kung. Batko - Nguyen Shin Shak - a confucian patriotic party, who was the most distinguished person in the countryside, having taken away the honorary title of fobang (friend for meanings), having asked the head of the district for a year. Mati - Hoang Thi Loan - died at the age of 32 rokiv at half an hour of the fourth child.

Following the ancient tradition, before entering the Nguyen Sinh Kung school, having taken a friend (officer, abo "book", im'ya) - Nguyen Tat Thanh (v'etn. Nguyễn Tất Thành, "Nguyen-triumphant").

Period of emigration

In 1911, Tat Thanh was appointed as a sailor for a steamboat.

I turned back to the Fatherland in less than 30 years. For tsі roki having seen America and Europe. In 1916-1923 he lives in the USA, Great Britain, France.

At France

From Paris, I take the pseudonym Nguyen Ai Quoc (v'etn. Nguyễn Ái Quốc, chin 阮愛國, "Nguyen-patriot").

In 1919, having turned to the core states, they signed the Treaty of Versailles, so that they gave freedom to the peoples of Indo-China.

In 1920 he joined the French communist party. From the 1920s - activist of the Comintern.

In 1923, roci arrived at the request of the Comintern from Paris to Moscow. For conspiracy, the transfer of the SRSR was written in another name. I had a chance to travel through Nimechchina: to Berlin, to Hamburg, on the 30th of October 1923 I arrived by steamboat to Petrograd, and then by train to Moscow.

At Moscow pratsyuvav at Vikonkomі Komintern (ІККМ). Even though he wanted to flirt with Lenin, he didn’t have a chance to protest, because the leader of Radyansk had already died seriously ill and unhappy. Nguyen Ai Quoc saw the farewell ceremony.

Giving an interview for the Vognik magazine to Osip Mandelstam.

Graduated from the Communist University of Workers Immediately. In the Radian Union, Nguyen Ai Quoc was residually formed as a communist leader.

Look at your own Nguyen Ai Quoc viklav at the 5th Congress of the Comintern in 1924, when he spoke out of the colonial agenda.

In China

At the birth of 1924, if Sun Yat-sen stood on the revolutionary Canton order and joined the communists in nadії on the vіysk and financial support of the Comintern, Nguyen Ai Quoc and directions near Canton. In the same place, having taken away Chinese documents with the new Chinese pseudonym “Li Qu” and having begun to work on the improvement of communications in the Comintern with revolutionary migrants from Vietnam. Under the gaze of a hired Chinese, he officially dominated the work as a shifter at the Central Political Center of the Central Exhibition Commission of the Kuomintang and at one hour the representative of the Comintern in China, Mikhail Markovich Borodin.

A few hours later, having organized a “Committee for Special Political Training” at Canton, under the pseudonym “Comrade Viong”, he taught the methods of organized collective revolutionary struggle against individual terror. Zustrichavsya from Fan Boy Chau.

In 1925, following the arrest in Shanghai of Phan Boi Tiau, "comrade Viong" organized the Association of Revolutionary Youth in Canton to Vietnam, with his other body - the newspaper "Youth", and more revolutionary organizations - women, villagers, pioneer. For organizational work with the revolutionaries of the southern lands, he created the "Union of the Inferior Peoples of Asia". I also know some information about yoga knowledge and love at the same time with a Chinese woman, Zeng Xuemin, who was called “Tang Tuet Min” in Chinese.

In 1926, through Borodin, “comrade Viong” organized the first group of Vietnamese revolutionaries in Moscow, headed by the Communist University of Workers of the Gathering. At the same time, having written and expanded the beginning of the Vietnamese communist initial pamphlet "Ways of the Revolution" with a summary of the political program of the forthcoming communist party of Indo-China.

In April 1927, the fate of the coup d'état of Chiang Kai Shek was evacuated. "Li Qu" did not lose his work, but he leaned against the threat of arrest. In order to get out of prison, at the grassroots of 1927, the term tried to move to Hong Kong. However, they didn’t let Yogo in and had to go through an important path to China, but to the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

Znovu in Europe

Arriving to Moscow, near the chest in 1927, Nguyen Ai Quoc, having broken his working trip through the European countries. From Brussels, having taken the fate of the recently created international "Anti-imperialist League". Then, through France and Switzerland, I crossed to Italy, and in the port of Naples I went to the steamboat, which reached the Indo-Chinese state of Siam.

At Siami

At Siami Nguyen Ai Quoc, again, like before in China, having settled in towns, there was a large number of foreign migrants - near the province of Udon. There, under the new pseudonym "Thau Tin", he gave credit to the work of organizing revolutionary groups among the Vietnamese. At this hour, at Siami, the middle of the Association of Revolutionary Youth of Vietnam was founded.

On November 11, 1929, Nguyen Ai Quoc near French Indochina was sentenced to death in absentia by the imperial court. On the Vietnamese lands of French Indo-China, at that time, there were already active communist groups. The Comintern handed over the mandate to Nguyen Ai Quoc to carry out the work from the 1929th anniversary of the union and in March 1929, crossing the sea route through Singapore to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong

Nguyen Ai Quoc, for the affiliation of the Communist Party of France (and especially Maurice Thorez), the Communist Party of Vietnam respected the name of that, moved to unite the divisions of the party groups, and in 1930 the Communist Party of Indo-China was created.

Rukh for independence

In 1941, roci in Indo-China, which was occupied by the Japanese, having fallen asleep V'etmin. After my arrival to Pivdenny China to establish a connection with the Chinese communists and the Vietnamese emigrants, they were arrested by the Kuomintang ranks and proving the second time at the village. After the arrival of the Japanese, V'etmin took power in Indo-China.

Became Prime Minister (1946-1955) and President (1946-1969) of Pivnichny V'etnam.

At the plantation of President Pivnichny V'etnam

In the years 1955-1956, a number of agrarian reforms were carried out. Having taken the material and military assistance in the PRC and the SRSR. In 1965, they got in touch with the bombing of the USA Pivnіchny V'etnam by Ho Shi Min, voicing about the uninterrupted struggle against them and taking part in any negotiations.


Died in 1969, on the 80th anniversary of life. Embalming with Radian fakhіvtsy, wanting to ask for creaming yourself at the commandment, put gunpowder in three ceramic urns and pohovat at the skin part of the edge - on pіvnochi, pіvdnі and in the center, de people. Burial near Hanoi, at the mausoleum on Badin square.


Order of the Golden Zirka (1963) - following the Order
Order of Lenin


In 1947, the Order of Ho Chi Minh was founded by the Vietnamese.
In 1976, the city of Saigon, the capital of Vietnam, was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.
In Moscow, in 1969, Ho Chi Minh Square was named, and in 1990, a monument to Ho Chi Minh was erected in Moscow.
Street near Leningrad.
The stitch that leads to Yastrubinoye Lake in the Leningrad Region is named after Yogo.
In 1987, UNESCO came up with a proposition to mark the 100th anniversary of the National Day of Ho Chi Minh
Near Saint-Petersburg, at the School of Education of St. Petersburg State University 19 May 2010 Ho Shi Min Institute and monument to Yomu.
The avenue was named after him and a monument was erected in Ulyanovsk.
Monument near Buenos Aires (Argentina, 2012).
Park im. Ho Shi Mina (since the 1960s) and youth football championship named after. Ho Chi Minh in Santiago (Chile).
Yogo im'yam named Kyiv Specialized School No. 251