Invisible Muscat Pea. Muscat Pea

Muscat Gorіh - the whole tree of spicy fruits. Yogo was introduced into mythological plots and shamanic rituals, and at the same time, nutmeg peas were an essential ingredient that live in a large bakery, in home and restaurant cuisine, in food industry, perfumery and cosmetology. And yet, as you look at the nutmeg mountains and de wine growth - few people know, even wine to reach the present day at the sight of powder or olive.

Muscat gorіh may be anonymous names - nutmeg, nutmeg, myristic. In Arabic translation, tse means "from the smell of musk." For other tribute, Roslin took off its privileges along the port of Muscat - the capital of Oman, which was a transit point for transportation to Serednyovichchya. Yogo fruits in that chi іnshоmu raznovidі sprout in dozens of variаnt chagarnikіvі trees. But the most popular, fruitful and wide-spread roslin, whose fruits in the world are called nutmeg peas, is a perennial green tree, as it can be planted on the territory of Brazil, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The main characteristics of the tree:

  • the first time they appeared in the world - the Moluccas Islands;
  • can grow up to 20 m;
  • trivality of life - up to 100 years;
  • crown - thick, pyramidal shape;
  • leaves in the middle close to 5 cm;
  • the tree begins to bear fruit actively after reaching the decimal age.

Nutmeg fruits

Those who called me “nutmeg peas”, for the sake of the fruit. In order not to buy an inaccurate product, remember that a good nutmeg can be uniformly brown-gray infested, spotted with wrinkles, and has an egg-like shape. Go out like this:

  • fruits are taken three-chotiri razi on the river;
  • after picking the fruits, they see a navcolous pad, covered with bright-red-colored pellets;
  • nasіnnya - future peas - they see from the nursery, and then dry them in the sun;
  • for the fullness of the savory kernels, they place the sea water and coral water in the sea, then dry it again.

The seedling is also spice, added to the planting, navit dear, lower the gorіh itself, it is called "macis" or "nutmeg color". Macis є lamki napіvprozorі plates up to 3 cm in diameter, with a lapel in the middle, through the yoke and pressure of nutmeg peas. The fresh look of the wines has a bright-red color, which after the dryness changes to orange. The best muscat color comes from the so-called other leaves, which lie closer to the night.

Viroshchuvannya features

How to grow a nutmeg tree? Vono love:

  • supіschany ґrunt;
  • dead watering;
  • vologe povitrya;
  • a lot of sleep.

A trace of remembrance, that the fruits to bring only the lives of a woman's family, and the tree to bear fruit with women's and human lives. You can grow a nutmeg from a freshly planted booth. At the room's minds, the vines, like tropical growth, do not grow tall like a trace. With regular watering, good lighting and well-drained vines, it grows up to two meters in height and bears fruit.

Trochs of history

Arab merchants first brought nutmeg to Constantinople near the sixth capital of the island of Moluccas along with other spices.

The widest breadth of that greatest value in Europe is nutmeg, having taken off less than 12 centuries, then one pound of spicy beer is equal to three sheep.

Until the 18th century, Portugal and Holland had a monopoly on the sale of nutmeg peas, and they raised the price of popular spices to the heights of the world.

In England, in the New Hour, it was considered with the greatest chic to carry whole fruits and small graters with you, when you were visiting or in taverns, to rub fresh peas and add yoga to the dish.

In 1769, France succumbed to the quests of nutmeg by a military-marine expedition, which ended successfully.

At this hour, the nutmeg began to grow in various tropical lands, right next to Grenada, as it took away the name "Island of the nutmeg".

The nutmeg pea has a special spicy aroma and a hospitable relish that gives spice to the sea. Ale wine may not only be pluses, there is speech in the warehouse of the nutmeg, when it is implanted in a great number of people, changes begin in the light and hallucinations. That is why the nutmeg was won by the shamans for an hour of ritual intercourse with the spirits. In the kitchen of yoga, it is necessary to stir the vicor in the world, meanwhile, through a strong smell and relish, it’s very important to eat a lot of nutmeg.


The name of the nutmeg pea is similar to the Arabic "mesk", which means "musky", "may smell of musk".

Indeed, nutmeg peas - tse gorіkh are rozumіnі, for whom we called to take peas. The core is a hard, sour fruit, similar to a peach.

The fatherland of the nutmeg tree is a small archipelago of Banda, which includes the Indonesian group of the Moluccas. When ripe, the fruits of the nutmeg pea burst open and bare the nose, open it with a hard shell. From the successor, the spice of nutmeg color is taken off, that is the same as from the most common nutmeg pea.

The nutmeg itself is prepared for about 4 months, the great and round, which may be the thinnest aroma, is valued. For a river, one tree gives up to two thousand fruits.

There are two varieties of nutmeg pea - Indonesian and Grenadian. The Indonesian mountain may be brightly-hot-hot, with a high concentration of essential oils, a high concentration of licorice-spicy relish and aroma, and, obviously, a higher price. Indonesia is the leader in the selection of spices from the world, and Indonesian culinary specialists cook vicor for eating the pulp of the fruits of the nutmeg tree, from which you can come out even savory jam.

The Grenadian mountains began to flourish in the 18th century on the English island of Grenada. Muscat gorіh from Grenadi is reminiscent of the yellow color of the skin, soft relish and affordable price.


If the fruits of the nutmeg are ripe, the stench crackles, exposing the core of the pea. They take them, take the pulp, carefully water the seedlings from the core, press yoga and hang it on the sun. So win macis. Macis - richly expensive spice, lower hot. Vykorist yogo is mainly used in cooking, the shards of wine may have a greater savory relish and aroma.

Today we also dry under the sun for a few days, and then we dry for about two months on metal grates. At the same time, the brushes of the nutmeg are turned over today. If it hangs leftover, beat the shell and remove the core, like we do with nutmeg peas. The kernels should not be omitted for a long time at the vapna z sillu, in order to protect it from the coma and continue the term of saving, and after that the spice is taken into account ready for packaging and sale.

From the kernels of nutmeg, they also produce ethereal oliya, as it is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Save nutmeg gorіh better in the milled camp. Tse allow Yomu to save his power longer. To save, it is recommended to pick up a foil bag, metal or glass jar.

More expensive for pennies

For a long time, the Muscat mountain flooring was highly valued, because the profits of Arab merchants, who are engaged in resale and took away the spice from baggies of India and Yavi, they claimed 1000%.

In Europe, spice gained its popularity from the end of the 12th century. Її vikoristannya was a kind of privilege for the most important and most distinguished, because the price was more than affordable for the majority of the population. Balance: 1 pound of nutmeg on the market in London at 16 centuries costing 90 shillings; one cow - 15 shillings. For 100 g of nutmeg you can buy a cow and a cow.

In order to save such high prices for nutmeg mountains, the colonialists on the Moluccas Islands did their best, so that no one dared to grow up the “planned” tree. And vikritih in the svilny cultivation of nutmeg peas was punished by others with death.

Muscat peas were victorious and in magical rituals, were used as amulets that protect against the approaches of dark forces and the ailment of a rich shtibu. Before that, peas were often carried with them at a silver box with an ivory brush, one side of which was a miniature grater, so that you could season the herbs to your taste. Fashionistas wore Muscat namistos. And the street vendors, snarling at the popularity and ignorance of people, as if guilty of looking, were selling imitations of peas, vipilyans from a tree seeing them for spices.

10 reasons to love nutmeg

Muscat Mountain is a miracle of brown minerals (such as copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc, salt, magnesium) and vitamins (vitamin C, riboflavin, folic acid, niacin, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 ). This spice has a lot of flavonoids with a high antioxidant activity, smuts have beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin.

As you see, you rarely win the spice in your life, then you have a few reasons to correct this situation:

  1. Brain activity stimulator . This charming pot improves the concentration, allowing people to get as angry as possible with the robot.
  2. Naturally pain reliever . Nutmeg is one of the key components of ancient Chinese medicine. The Chinese from ancient times vicorated this spice, to feel the pain in the empty heart. And if you suffer from pain in the swamps, m'yazakh and іn.
  3. Spray the right pickling . It stimulates the appetite, helping to solve such problems, as a disorder of the intestines and intestinal infections, tonic, antibacterial and viscous powers.
  4. Natural liver drug . Detoxification of the body is an important storehouse of health. Shkіdliva їzha, ієti, zabrudnennya, nervous tension, chicken, medicines and other zvnіshnі factors spriyat accumulated toxins in our organs. The liver suffers because of whom we are in front. Muscat mountain helps in the cleansing of the body in the form of otrub, positively pouring into the liver.
  5. Stone maker at nirkah . Oliya of nutmeg peas is used as a cord for nirok. It helps them fight infections and build a small stone building.
  6. Deputy dentist . Due to its antibacterial powers, nutmeg successfully copes with halitosis and other causes of bad breath. For this very reason, spice is often vicorous when making toothpaste. The crowns of the power of the nutmeg pea are expanding so that the toothache is clear on the ailment.
  7. Lightweight . Chi do not go out quickly fall asleep? And here I will come to the aid of this miracle product. Just drink a bottle of cow's milk with 1 teaspoon of honey and codfish powdered nutmeg.
  8. Sprinkle the exuberance of certain forms of good-natured puffs , zocrema mastopathy. It is also recommended spice for premenstrual syndrome in women and other disorders, for example, dysmenorrhea (disruption of the menstrual cycle). For these problems, a milk brew is prepared with supplements from equal parts of nutmeg and turmeric.
  9. Likuvannya vugrovyh visipiv . Muscat Mountain can help you grow your skin healthy in practice. Homemade scrub, made from nutmeg grated peas and chalky orange opium, helps to get rid of blackheads, clean clogged pores, get rid of dead skin cells.
  10. Aphrodisiac. Korisny for the normalization of both female and human hormonal levels.

Nutmeg Pea near Strava

Most of the Muscat Mountains stagnate in the preparation of licorice herbs - desserts, savory and cocktails. This seasoning is indispensable for flavoring cheese masa, puddings, cakes, baked goods, pastries, muffins, pretzels, buns and zucchini. Homemade jams, jams, jams and compotes with additions of nutmeg peas, which give the classic homemade malts an original relish and delicate aroma, look even more savory.

Nutmeg is marvelously combined with watermelon, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, leeks and spinach, with liver fruits and berry puree, and often vicorist for canning mushrooms and vegetables. In Italian cuisine, pasta with Bolognese sauce or bechamel sauce is popular, which includes nutmeg peas, and in Central Asia, nutmeg peas, mixed with zucr, sip chalks of cut fruits. Qiu spice is also added to kava, milk, beaten tops, chocolate drink and frosty. In European cuisine, nutmeg peas are most often found in German, French and English cuisines. The Italians add yogo to the fillings for tortellini and ravioli, and the inhabitants of Switzerland flavor it with syringa fondue.

Nutmeg peas are harmoniously paired with fennel, green cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, paprika and turmeric.

In what way do you see the nutmeg gorіh

Muscat Gorіh can be bought in a whole look, or in powder, with which the whole mountain can be crushed before being implanted, or rubbed on a special terci, which is in the kitchens of rich gospodarok. Nutmeg can be even more spicy and strong aroma, interrupting weak smells, and in great numbers to be healthy, the recommended dose of whiskey spice per serving is not more than 0.1 g.

Add nutmeg to the dish next to the brew, otherwise it will fill up with a bitter taste. As wine is victorious for vip, it is recommended to introduce yogo into dough in the mixing process. Soda fresh nutmeg vicorist vomits at the same time, shards of vines quickly absorb their unique aroma.

Contraindication before implantation

Regardless of the crux of power, nutmeg peas, if not used properly, can lead to total health damage, cause severe intoxication, damage to heart activity and lead to death.

Vin may be in his warehouse, so called, fat oil with a brittle speech under the name - elimycin, which may be narcotic and hallucinogenic.

To live more than three pea kernels is unsafe for health.

It is not possible to get the spice to the women of the vagina, so that they die off the weekend, the shards are accompanied by rushes of blood to the uterus. Do not varto vikoristovuvat її і to people who suffer from epilepsy and allergies, to persons in the summer of a child's age. An overdose of nutmeg peas is not safe for the health of that life of a person.

In case of overdose, such reactions can be caused, like hallucinations, apparently hangover, frequent heartbeat, restlessness, drowsiness, headache, reddening of the eyes, impaired coordination of the hands, increased temperature and lethal tension x ups and downs. It is necessary to prudently win the heart of the power of the line of growth, without worrying about your health.

If you cultivate nutmeg in reasonable doses, then you will bring more greed, help you get into trouble with various ailments, give the grasses an unusual relish and aroma.

Nutmeg gorіh at the likuvanni ill

Zavzhd respectfully remember: First, proceed to the expiation of the symptoms of any illness, it is necessary to find out and find out the cause of your guilt. Without this jubilation, the timchas effect may appear to be ineffective. It is possible to reveal the primary cause of illness (or the totality of causes) using an additional method AURAGRAPHICS or vicorist methods work with assistance . After all, at the same time, due to the stosuvannyam of different methods in the correction of the first cause of the disease, the varto is to be planted in the form of spices or herbs. And here is the renewal of health, I will definitely hurry up.

Yak dopomіzhny zasib with the treatment of colds (Rotate for breasts), with treatment of myositis (inflammation of the ulcers), rheumatism, arthritis, deep pain, osteochondrosis and other. , it is possible to vicorate sumish (paste) of powdered nutmeg peas and olії. Stepwise pіdmіshuyuchi to olії powder, prepare a paste of the consistency of thick sour cream, like a warm look, apply to the affected area (rub with light massage rubs).

For headaches

Prepare a jubilant sumish: up to 3 tbsp. give milk 2 tsp. chalking muscat peas. Soak the cim warehouses for a small bavovnyanu servlet and make a compress for the chola area.

With disturbed sleep

If you suffer from sleeplessness, then drink 1 bottle of warm milk before going to bed, in which stir ¼ tsp. nutmeg powder. Tsey zasіb dopomozhe fall asleep and zmіtsnit zahisnі forces of the organism.

To improve the diameter of the hose

What could be simpler - add 1 drop of olії nutmeg peas on a bottle of tea and more grassy. A similar recipe for pleasure is to improve the functioning of the intestinal tract, to help with diarrhea, intestinal infections, flatulence, to improve appetite, to help with injuries, associated with menopause.

With diarrhea

The choice in this recipe for nutmeg peas, for the guidance of other diseases, does not give a salutary effect, so that, having swallowed diarrhea, the wines do not cause constipation. Mix ½ bottle of natural yogurt and boiled cold water, add 1/3 tsp. ground nutmeg peas and stilki and ginger. Drink, and for the need to repeat the glee.

You can use 1 banana, zmіshati yogo z|іz| nutmeg powder (1/3 tsp)

With hemorrhoids

Nutmeg pea for women

A strong spicy aroma, characteristic of nutmeg, robs this product with a natural aphrodisiac. Let’s make it even better for the life of the woman’s body. Components in the warehouse of nutmeg, similar to women's hormones, normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce the strength of periodical pain.

In addition, nutmeg pea will be brown with mastopathy. At the same time, it is not necessary to prepare on the basis of yoga, whether it is a medicinal product - it is enough to supplement the product with different strains. At the same time, it is better not to add yoga to the injection of high temperatures. Muscat peas can, for example, sip salads from fresh vegetables.

Become a nutmeg mountain and a true helper for all mothers who yearn. In the period of lactation, a spice is given to help increase the amount of breast milk and allow you to live your baby forever. For example, for which you can prepare a special kefir-nutmeg cocktail.

Getting ready for wine is easy. It is necessary to add in 200 ml of kefir a pinch of finely ground crop and nutmeg powder.

Nutmeg peas for weight loss

Can nutmeg peas help you lose weight? What rank? All right here at the synthesis of insulin. When elevated blood acids are present, the production of insulin in the body increases. Tse change almost hunger, moreover, without the intake of fats and carbohydrates to the body. In this way, you can confirm that the calorie content of nutmeg peas carries more crust and is not afraid of її not a trace.

Nutmeg peas for varicose veins

Varicose veins can be enlarged by ailments, for which the recipe for a cure can become rich. Important is the fact that nutmeg pea vodka gives a disgraceful result, and as a splendid zasib of yogo zastosuvannya it’s cheaper, lower prices, creams and ointments, so you don’t have to cope with the set tasks and costs a lot.

Porada: chalking muscat peas, which are sold in bags, not added for juicing, through the supply of new oil.

If you are tormented by severe pain, and the veins on your legs swell, then prepare for the offensive. Take 1 nutmeg medium rosemary and trim evenly (until I become chalky cavi). Shoranka, Natshe, chvilin 20-30 before departure, shove 1 tsp. nutmeg powder and drink it with water. Continue the jubilation, doti, the veins do not change, and the pain does not appear. As a preventive measure, follow yoga intake, and then again 1 time in 2-3 days.

Muscat Gorіh for denunciation and shkiri

Efirne oil, which is taken from nutmeg, has a warm, intoxicating-spicy, slightly peppery aroma. Helps to relax on the chest, cleanses, improves the elasticity of the walls of the bronchial tree. Positively pouring into the skin is the appearance of that body, the veins of which are victorious at the warehouse of various creams, lotions and gels. Oliya from nutmeg pea can rejuvenate, rejuvenate and improve the day. It’s even worse if you enter into anti-vice and anti-cellulite concerns. You can also just add a drop of nutmeg oil to your wonderful cream - the color and tone of the skin will brighten up. Zavdyakov to its soothing and warming infusion, nutmeg oil stagnates in massage cosmetics. With nasal, wound, uterine and other bleeding, as well as with hemorrhages, there may be a blood spinal diarrhoea.


1) aroma smokers: 5 - 7 drops;

2) cold inhalations: trivality 5 - 7 minutes;

3) hot inhalations: 2 drops, duration of the procedure 3-5 minutes;

4) spreading: 3 - 4 drops per 10 g of transport oil;

5) baths: 1 - 2 drops;

6) compresses: 3 - 5 drops;

7) massage: 3 - 5 drops per 15 ml of licorice almond oil;

8) enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos: 2 drops per 30 g of base;

9) aroma medallions: 2 - 3 drops;

Contraindications: increased alertness, vaginess, epilepsy, mental illness, individual intolerance to nutmeg.

Maybe, for its versatility, nutmeg must give up (that and tse food spirne), only black pepper - the flooring is wide area of ​​​​yogo zastosuvannya. And to those who know about the power of the people, like zastosovu spicy in their kitchen, the need for obov'yazkovo. To see the nutmeg mountains, to be able to practically repeat the feat of helping Koschiya the Immortal - to know the high (up to 20 m at the height) evergreen tree of the arable nutmeg (Myristica fragraus), the fatherland of the Moluccan Islands, the dawn of the new sight, that breaks in half. hot - tassel, dressed with a fluffy bag - navkoloplіdnik, neatly, not ruining bags, pulling the tassel, hanging out for a month, warming the drying sieves from the bottom with the heat of the warm wind, and okay, already just for a dream tsі, in one day, hang up in the field And only a little while away, ready to get used to it - spice, like a joke.
Withered fertilizes also go to the right, tse іnsha spice, scho to wear a sprat of synonymous names: nutmeg color, mace, mace.

Obviously, a modern lover of spices does not have to climb trees. You can buy nutmeg peas, the main postal leaders of this year are India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China, Singapore, Brazil, Trinidad. And, cupping, varto remembering about those who look in the chalky, still not properly clogged, tsya spicy spice shvidko squandering its power. To that, we bathe the nutmeg gorіh more quickly, podribnyuchi yogo for the help of a grater or mortar already without middle in front of vikoristannyam. In addition, I will buy a trace of the nobility, who will consume nutmeg hot dekilkoh species on the market. The best of them are egg-like,

and not a podovzhenu, airship-like form.

To finish the characteristic veins seen in the nutmeg pea on zrіzі,

and by their quantity you can judge the brightness of spices - the more streaks, the better the brightness of nutmeg.

The aroma of nutmeg is even stronger, at the same time licorice and hot, fresh and spicy, noteworthy, even though modestly introduced, the wines actively expand the savory expanse of grass. It is important that the nutmeg is the best way to go to chocolate, confectionery varieties, cheese, eggs, cowbass, drink, including alcohol, ale, really, it’s richer. In fact, nutmeg is nothing else, like a universal savory agent - a catalyst for savour, building up with a homeopathic dose can significantly improve and enhance the savory taste of herbs. The aroma of nutmeg color is different: muted, lower, thin and coniferous. It is a miracle to see dairy products: dairy soups, cheese casseroles, cheesecakes. Pіdіyde vіnі і іnshih strav z vishukami relish: thin sauces, straws with seafood, lower egg straves.

Often nutmeg peas and nutmeg colors appear in tandem, mutually supplementing one another, and their fate is typical for rich rich national spice mixes of universal zastosuvannya: Indian garam-masali, Moroccan ras-el-khanut, Tunisian galat-dagga, different international curries others. In the Russian cuisine, nutmeg hot tezh having fallen to relish, when the Portuguese seafarers crushed the spice available for European potions, and, later, with the French infusion, nutmeg hot came from Russia culinary arts, de and vlashtuvavsya nastіlki zvichno, nіbi buv vіdomiy pokonviku here. However, not only is the nutmeg pea a strong spice, but the thing is not safe to finish. Adzhe, until the fragrant nasіnnya miraculously approach the historical viraz of Paracelsus "Everything is disgusting and everything is faces. To the right is less than a dose." The usual dose of ingestion of nutmeg is approximately 1:5000. At the same time, for one portion of the finished herb, there are only ten spices of a gram or spice. And being taken at a single dose in two and more than a bunch of mountains (5-10 gr.), wine shows itself as a strong hallucinogen. It is true that such a quantity of really strong spices is unlikely to go into a vipadkovo, without a special order placed in such a rank. Ajjyn, the recipe does not vymagayu, the gaping bilsh is half the tea spoons of Gorich (and in the Bagatookh vipads are chicheh), I wanted, through those, they are taken from the value of the value, the muscular mountains of the lung izhi izhi smacks, auntary at the saucer.

To independently evaluate the miraculous work of nutmeg pea (or yoga mix with nutmeg color) as a savory agent, try yoga with the simplest and kindest speeches. Add a trio (fourth part of a teaspoon) of grated peas to an omelet, then, if you beat eggs and change, how to get rich and drink a bag of relish. Prisipte їm, only three roubles, sliced ​​tequila orange. Add nutmeg, cocoa butter or make compote. Do not forget about the new and pratsyyuchi with lower minced meat, for example, chicken chi ribnim. Just one pinch of chalky peas and the taste of cutlets is truly your most savory point. Not a lot of nutmeg peas (or rather, a milky brew of nutmeg color) is not enough to make a wonderful mashed potato. Did you think to cook yushka? So the axis is tezh, smiley, here yogo, on the tip of a knife, at once with saffron. Well, small doses of nutmeg peas calm down and can serve to relieve tension or praise, and three large doses, on the other hand, excite and practice as an aphrodisiac - a substance that relieves one to one.

Muscat mountain (Myristica fragnans) grows up to evergreen trees and enters the Muskatnikov family. Yogo is also called nutmeg or nutmeg. Name my German roselin Bandanuss, Suppennuss, Muskatsamen, English - nutmeg, French - noix de muscade.

Starry look

Muscat mountain is a whole tree, yak in wild minds it can grow up to 20 m, prote on plantations it is hardly possible to grow nutmeg higher than 6 m. In dozhin, reach up to 0.15 m, sit on short petioles, with a pointed shape, make a lancelet.

Muscat trees can be human and feminine and bloom with white-yellow flowers. From flowers of a female tree, yellow fruits are formed with tassels, similar to apricots. The stench is represented by single berries, laid in a smooth shell of a tree.

Obolonka otochu yaskraviy violet ink - nutmeg color abo, how to call it another, matsis.

The nutmeg pea can have a brown tint and it is often on the surface, it reaches 0.2 cm in the dozhina, 4 g in the dermis. Muscat color is pale when dry and becomes orange to soft brown in color. Matsis reaches a few centimeters of the zavdovka.


Muscat mountain can be nine species, among the most important of them, it can be less nutmeg.

De growth?

Looks like the nutmeg peas are the islands of the Moluccas, and more precisely, the Indonesian islands of Banda. At the same time, a greater world of expansions in the pivden and pivden-shidny lands of Asia, Pivdenniy America, as well as in the shidny part of Africa and on the island of Madagascar.

Another source of nutmeg in the world is the small island of Grenada, which can be seen as far as the Lesser Antilles.

Method for preparing spices

As a rule, nutmeg peas are rubbed without intermediary before adding to the dish, to the fact that with a trimmed-looking wine, the shvidko ceases to be so fragrant. The matsis hangs and podrіbnyuyut, after what to add to the strain. The spices are absolutely different savory and aromatic, that cannot be replaced one by one.

How to choose a spice?

To know the matsis richly folded, lower nutmeg, which is sold in a chalky look or in a whole. It is better to bathe yogo cilim, to that at the sight of the powder of vines it is easy to use its aromatic qualities.

Muscat mountain of high brilliance is easy to dredge, as if to tickle a new naked, after which you can see the trochs of olives. The color of the pea can be buti is bright. A sieve streak passes through the whole mountain, and on the horizon there are marmur's little cicadas.


Nutmeg and mace have a spicy licorice aroma, but mace has a thin and soft smell. The gorіha has a taste that is more tart and resinous. In nutmeg peas, 30% to 40% olії can be removed.

It is not possible to live more than 4 g of peas;


Muscat Gorіh maє such characteristics:

  • vikoristovuetsya like a spice;
  • zastosovuєtsya for medicinal purposes;
  • grows in tropical regions;
  • shkidlivy in times of perevischennya norms vzhivannya.

Kharchov's value and calorie content

100 g of ground nutmeg contains 525 kcal.

Kharchov price of the product includes the following warehouses:

  • proteins - 5.84 g;
  • fat - 36.31 g;
  • carbohydrates - 28.49 g;
  • food fibers - 20.8 g;
  • ash - 2.34 g;
  • water - 6.23 g;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides - 28.49 g;
  • rich fatty acids - 25.94 g.

For more information about nutmeg peas, you can watch the broadcast of the program "1000 and one spice of Scheherazade".

Chemical warehouse

The warehouse of nutmeg has the following components:

  • vitamins: A (PE) - 5 mcg, B1 (thiamin) - 0.346 mg, B2 (riboflavin) - 0.057 mg, B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.16 mg, B9 (folic acid) - 76 mcg, C - 3 mg, PP (niacin ) equivalent) - 1.299 mg, choline - 8.8 mg, β-carotene - 0.016 mg;
  • macronutrients: calcium - 184 mg, magnesium - 183 mg, sodium - 16 mg, potassium - 350 mg, phosphorus - 213 mg;
  • microelements: zalizo - 30.4 mg, zinc - 2.15 mg, copper - 1027 mcg, manganese - 2.9 mg, selenium - 1.6 mcg.

Before the warehouse of nutmeg, elemicin, myristicin, safrole are included. bud. A lot of components call out the effect of sp'yanіnnya.

Korisn_ authority

At the nutmeg pea there is a lot of vitamins, but the list of brown yakos will not end on it:

  • Vіn helps with sleeplessness and nervous disorders;
  • improve immunity;
  • relieve the development of impotence;
  • improve mood;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • remove toxins;
  • dopomogaє at vіdnovlennі pіslya ailment.


It is important that nutmeg peas in great cultures may have a narcotic effect. For the body, this is a colossal Skoda, so you can show it like this:

  • liver injury;
  • accumulation of toxins;
  • blackening of the eyes;
  • water content;
  • headaches;
  • increase in arterial pressure and body temperature;
  • vomiting;
  • hallucinations;
  • waste of information;
  • damage to the robots of the ShKT.

In order to eliminate these negative naslіdkіv, next dotrimuvatisya dozuvannya.


Nutmeg mountain contraindications in such cases:

  • with vaginosti;
  • with epileptic attacks;
  • with high sensitivity to components;
  • with nerve disorders.


Efirne oil of nutmeg peas is obtained from mature fruits. Also, you can use the oil and the mace, and there may be a greater tint of flavor. Efirne oil of nutmeg peas is taken after the fruit has been refined by the method of distillation with water vapor. The sale of yoga is often false, replacing it with analogues from synthetic speeches.

Yakіsna olіya prozor, but with it lightly infuses with beige color. The smell of new yaskraviya, spices and with a slight effect of sp'yaninnya. Dotrimanny zaproponovanie minds zberіgannya allow olії zberіgat voї kosti protyazh five rokіv.

In a clean looking oil, the oil rarely stagnates, the shards of the temple, the concentration of the spray, will show toxic powers. Oliya of nutmeg peas is famously combined with other spicy oliyas, which the villages can smell or smell.

Dominance of olії nutmeg pea:

  • May I calm down and calm down. There is a quick sense of anxiety and the effects of stress, nada venenosti. The same oil of nutmeg peas is used to strengthen sexual cravings. It is important that it gives you new insights and emotions.
  • Stimulates the work of the heart of that vessel, helps to repair the cold, normalizes the dichal system, improves the elasticity of the bronchi. It helps to increase the pressure on the snow, and also positively influences the work of the ShKT.
  • Vikoristovuєtsya in cosmetology, stimulating growth of hair and fighting against skin diseases. For a look behind the shkiroy, it is rare to see the shkir, only with the method of marking the shkir, which is in the yane. It is not recommended to vikoristovuvat for shkіri with a sensitive olіyu.
  • They also flavor oil with oil, including kava or alcohol.

It is impossible to vicorate in aromatherapy concentrated oil. It is necessary to dilute it, in order to get rid of the guilt of nervous disorders. Long-term contact with the skin can end with opiums, as if the vicarious oil turned out to be in a clean look.


At the culinary

Culinary zastosuvannya spicy duzhe widely:

  • vikoristovuєtsya to add flavor to confectionery virobs;
  • added to sauces, eggs and soups;
  • victorious in vegetable and potato herbs;
  • go to the siriv, meat straw and pate;
  • reach out to ribi;
  • їm sip puddings, fruits, desserts;
  • add pasta;
  • vikoristovuyut at variant compotes on the basis of fruits.

Italian cooks add muscat peas to vegetable stews, Englishmen add spiced oranges. In the exporting countries of peas, they make jams, jams, and zukerki.

Spices vicorate for flavoring hot drinks, they often add a lot of cocktails.

Hot white chocolate

At home minds, you can prepare a sweet hot drink from white chocolate, piquancy to add spicy relish of nutmeg.

  • Consume 0.5 l of milk, nutmeg chickpeas, sprats of star anise and a bar of white chocolate.
  • Milk is poured into a saucepan, star anise and nutmeg are added to the glass, mixed and the milk is brought to a boil.
  • After boiling milk, cook for five more khvilin with constant stirring.
  • White chocolate is rubbed on the great third.
  • Milk is taken from the fire and chocolate is melted into the new.
  • It is recommended to pokat, while vin trochi ocholone. After that, you can pour yogo into mugs, sipping trochs with nutmeg peas.

bechamel sauce

Nutmeg is the main ingredient for bechamel sauce, which can be easily prepared at home.

  • For what you need: a teaspoon of nutmeg, 50 g of butter, 0.3 l of milk, 30 g of borosna that strength for relish.
  • Vershkov's oil is spitted at the casserole and boiled there boroughly.
  • Sumish heat up and mix until the stump appears.
  • Pour colder milk into the giblets, do not forget to constantly stir the sauce.
  • Sumish is boiled, until you find a thick consistency, after which you add strength and nutmeg to it.
  • The sauce is known from the fire.

In medicine

The exuberant power of the nutmeg pea was described by Avicen.

Muscat Mountains are important for medical authorities, like they are stagnating in the coming floods:

  • for pain relief with sooty and m'yazovyh pains;
  • for treatment of ailments of the intestinal tract;
  • for relief of headache;
  • for usunennia sleeplessness and exaltation of nervous disorders;
  • to improve immunity;
  • to improve the robotic heart;
  • to improve erections in men;
  • for purification of blood and organs from toxins;
  • to fight against flamboyant illnesses;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • for self-repair with varicose veins;
  • for the prevention of oncological diseases

Nutmeg peas are often added to creams, like vicorist to warm up the slush and dry wounds.

Yak zastosovuvati

  • To make the head bil, a teaspoon of nutmeg peas is diluted with three tablespoons of milk. Otriman native vikoristovuyut like a compress on the forehead.
  • To improve the robotic herbal system of pіvsklyanka yogurt without additives diluted with half a bottle of boiled water at room temperature. At each warehouse add a third of a teaspoon of grated ginger and nutmeg and sip on the night.
  • To sleep better, before going to bed it is recommended to drink warm milk, 250 ml of a quarter of a teaspoon of grated nutmeg.
  • For pains in suglobs and m'yazakh, they prepare porridge from grated nutmeg peas and olives, taken in equal proportions. Sumish grіyut and smear it on the burning spot, until it's cool.

When losing weight

For weight loss, it is recommended to add nutmeg to the zhu, so that you can help win better. Also, we will soon etch and remove toxins, which also play an important role. Navit fat stravy, like a slut it is important to over-pick, for the help of nutmeg peas, get richer better.

In the booty

Pobutov zastosuvannya nutmeg peas:

  • Vinyatkovo fragrant spice, which reaches richness of herbs;
  • oliya vikoristovuєtsya for polypshenya hair growth;
  • so the oil is smoothed in the "yalu" and in the "yane shkir";
  • aromatization of the drinks, including the meds;
  • straining medicinal zasib, korisny for the whole organism as a whole;
  • a strong aphrodisiac that potentiates sexual potions;
  • add the ol in small doses to similar perfume compositions.


Muscat gorіh is the whole tree that grows in a smoky climate. But it is possible to inspire yoga on pіdvіkonnі in home minds, it's true, you can create a very tropical atmosphere.

Muscat gorіh shards are two-house roslin, then it happens to grow and live a person, and a person. For normal growth and development, it is necessary for you to ensure the presence of a large amount of sony light, sufficient moisture and constant warmth. The temperature is due to drop below 21-22 degrees. Watering is due to regular watering.

Landing zdіysnyuєtsya for help nasіnnya, laid in the shell, the cleansing of the hot is not pіdіyde. Visajuyut plіd at the soil, which let the water pass that povitrya. In the world of that, like a mountain of growth, it is necessary to transplant yogo into a mountain man of greater capacity. As for the creation of a friendly mind, the first fruits appear after 6 years of life. In the natural environment, the growth of the selection of the birth of trichs on the river. But it’s difficult to cut the peas while growing a tree, it’s more difficult to finish it for the sake of interest and for the sake of miluvannya with flowers.

When growing nutmeg at home, it is important to rely on varto for success and individual dosvіd.

  • First, a new nutmeg pea was brought to the island of Grenada in the middle of the 19th century. After that, as plantations were planted, nutmeg pea became the leader in export.
  • On the island of Grenada, nutmeg is more important, so in the 1970s, yoga was placed on the island's ensign after it was declared independent.
  • At Serednyovichchi peas, vicarious was brewed exclusively for medicinal purposes, and not like spices, and only until the 16th century did yogo rozkvit appear. The Dutch East India Company controlled for the second century the trade in nutmeg peas of the highest rank, and then the monopoly was sunk.
  • Muscat peas were spat at the hour of the coronation, so that they could infect again and give you a pleasant aroma, and the ethereal oles were victorious with the method of special hygiene of the royal courts.
  • A small number of deaths due to an overdose of nutmeg have been recorded.
  • Before the Dutch, the monopoly of the trade in nutmeg peas lay with the Portuguese.
  • On the Indonesian farm and in China, muscat peas began to grow, no wonder the English, as they organized wet plantations there.
  • In the 18th century, the French stole nutmeg and planted yogo on plantations in Madagascar. The tree has taken root there.
  • Until the beginning of the 20th century, the largest part of the export of nutmeg peas fell on Grenada, after the most severe hurricane in 2004, many plantations suffered, and they had a chance to be remembered.

Botanical name: Muskatny gorіh or Myristika fragrans (Myristica fragrans). To belong to the Muskatnik family, the Muskatnikov families.

Batkivshchyna muscat: Molucki Islands.

Lighting: vіdkritі soniachnі dіlyanki аbo pіvtin.

Priming: supishchana, loamy.

Watering: died.

Maximum tree height: 20m.

Average trivality of life: 100 years.

Landing: now.

Fawn Muskatnik is an evergreen tropical tree that reaches up to 20 m. The crown is dense, pyramidal. The bark is called sulfur, the middle of the red. The leaves are whole, chergovі, schіlnі, shkіryastі, the animal is dark green, bluish below, without leaflets, up to 15 cm near the dozhin. Flowers of nutmeg are yellowish-white, fragrant, up to 5 cm long, picked in Chinese. Three female flowers develop ovoid - fruit stalks with a yellow-orange slit shell, about 4 cm in diameter. Shkaralupa is covered with bright-red-colored pellets on the bottom. After the ripening, the fruit bursts, after one hour, after that, it ripens. M'yakush is woody and sour.

The fatherland of the roslina and the Moluccas islands, prote on this day myristics grow wild in all lands with a tropical climate. Cultivated in Northern America, Northern Asia, Northern Africa, Brazil, Madagascar, West Indies, India, Sri Lancia.

The nutmeg mountain tree will outperform the hot wet climate. It is not uncommon to settle on the highlands. Good develops and bears fruit on muluvatih, supishchanyh and loamy soils. At fruiting enters on 6-8 days of life. Blossom and bear fruit tsiliy river. Bring good birth to the 60th century. Harvest 3 times per river. One mature tree gives close to 2000 fruits.

Reproduce the culture of our days, like a visajuyut vіdrazu after the selection I give birth. Descend z'yavlyayutsya in 2-3 months after sivby.

After picking the fruits of the navcoloplidnik, they see it, we see it from the nose. Then we put on a flat shape and dry it. After drying, they turn into thin, horn-like plates of a light-yellow color, called "muscat color" or "macis".

It is cleared to dry in the sun for 2-3 days, after which it is laid on the ground and dry in a well-ventilated place for 1-2 months. In withered trees, they break the skin and pull the kernels, like a year they gain the name "nutmeg peas". In order to increase the term of applicability and the rise of the savory flavors of peas, we bury them on sprats of quills near the sea waters of the coral vape, wilt and dry again. The next kernel is packed in foil bags, which allows you to save more power.

Like looking nutmeg pea and yogo kviti (from photo)

What a sight of maє yakіsny nutmeg gorіh, ready to live, obov'yazkovo next to the nobility when buying a product. Attachments for eating peas, have an egg-like shape and a gray-brown color. The outer surface is covered with dry wrinkle.

Muscat color and bitter vicarious as a seasoning for preparing herbs, as well as for flavoring cold and alcoholic infusions. This spice has a light, delicate aroma, which step by step becomes more hospitable and rich. Add some spice in small doses, which will improve the taste of food and bring melancholy to the body.

The smell of gorіha is rich in why lie in yoga form. So, the large cores of the kulyastoy form may have a thin and rich aroma, the lower ones are oval.

From now on, tsієї rosliny otrimuyut efіrnu oliya, scho zastosovuєtsya in medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

In our myristics, in small numbers, there is a lot of rubbish speech, to that superworldly living in mountains calls out tedium, hastened heartbeat and hallucinations. Z tsієї Well, cause like a seasoning nutmeg color and hot traces to live with protection, reaching the world.

The name of the muskat resembles the Arabic word "mesk", which means "musky".

The fruits of this culture were highly valued from long ago. For example, 12 st. spice nabula became very popular in Europe, it was vowed with vishukana seasoning to the fears of noble, noble people. So, for example, in England, the right gourmets carried graters with them in order to add fresh details of nutmeg to the bowl or drink. Until the 18th century. the price of the spice was high on the floor, so that they could have allowed it to become more. In order to save high prices, the colonialists on the Moluccas Islands hired observers, as if they were following him, which did not grow on the estate of the city dweller "zayve" tree. As such a tree was known, the ruler was slaughtered with chickens.