Karniton instructions for use. Carniton tablets - official instructions for use. Application during pregnancy and lactation

When choosing diet pills, it is very important to carefully study their effect on the body, methods of application and dosage.

Description of the drug

Carnitone contains L-carnitine (vitamin B11), a substance that plays a significant role in the metabolic processes of the body and improves the process of energy exchange in cells.


  • The drug is well absorbed when taken orally.
  • Easily penetrates the liver, more slowly into the muscles
  • It is excreted from the body 10 hours after application



  • Reduces fat metabolism
  • Reduces breakdown and carbohydrates
  • Promotes the breakdown of fatty acids
  • Improves the absorption of food
  • Reduces excess body weight
  • Decreases the concentration of muscle fat
  • Increases the threshold of resistance to physical activity
  • Increases the recovery of the structure of nerve tissue
The drug is recommended as an additional source of the substance L-carnitine.


  • L-carnitine is an amino acid found in a large number of cells in our body
  • This substance is one of the main participants in energy processes. The energy generated by the breakdown of fats by carnitine feeds the muscles, heart, liver and kidneys (read what foods are good for the liver)
  • With a deficiency of this substance in the body, a person quickly gets tired, rapidly gains weight, his memory decreases, the liver and heart function deteriorate
  • 25% of the daily value of carnitine is produced by our body. Everything else a person needs to receive along with food. But in order to obtain the necessary daily allowance for this substance for an adult, you need to eat 300-400 grams of beef per day.
  • To avoid carnitine deficiency, you should take it from additional sources

Release form:

  • In tablets - 20 tablets, each 1.0 g in a cardboard box
  • In solution - a 20 ml bottle with a dosing pipette


Storage and dispensing conditions:

  • It is necessary to store the drug at a temperature of 4-25 ° C in a dry, dark place
  • The drug is sold through pharmacies and specialized stores without a doctor's prescription

Shelf life

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

The cost

Average cost - 330-350 rubles.

Indications for use. Contraindications. Overdose

The drug should be taken when the body needs energy support:

  • With mental and emotional overload. The drug accelerates energy metabolism in brain cells, as a result of which mental activity, memory improves, and concentration of attention increases
  • With increased physical exertion. The drug improves the body's performance by stimulating energy exchange in muscles and vital organs
  • After illness, during the rehabilitation period. Thanks to the action of the drug to improve energy metabolism, the recovery period of the body is reduced.
To reduce weight, the drug Karniton must be taken in combination with physical activity, active sports.
  • Increase the duration of your workouts
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Will help to endure any physical activity
  • Speed \u200b\u200bup metabolism
  • Improve muscle tone


  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women ()
  • People with individual carnitine intolerance
  • Children under 3 years old


It is impossible to overdose, but there is no point in increasing the daily amount of L-carnitine.

Side effects and special instructions

Side effects:

  • The occurrence of pain in the stomach
  • Development of dyspeptic symptoms
  • The appearance of muscle weakness

Special instructions:

  • Before using the drug, you should consult with your doctor.
  • Contraindicated for lactating mothers, pregnant women and children

Rules for taking the drug

  • The course of taking the drug - 1 month
  • You can repeat the course up to five times a year with obligatory breaks
  • Children from 7 to 14 years old should take half a tablet once a day with meals.
  • Adults and children over 14 years old - 1 tablet per day with meals
  • With high physical or mental stress and sports, the dose should be increased: for children under 14 years old - 1 tablet per day with meals. Adults and children over 14 years old - 1.5 tablets once a day with meals

Compatibility with other medicinal products

Carniton is recognized as a completely harmless food supplement, non-addictive and compatible with drugs.


Structural analogues of the drug for the active substance are:


Elkar's characteristics:

  • Stabilizes fat metabolism
  • Improves the absorption of food
  • Reduces excess weight
Carniton is not a medicine, this drug is a dietary supplement, a dietary supplement.

It is applied when:

  • Recovery of the body after illness
  • Anorexia nervosa syndrome
  • Brain lesions
  • Chronic gastritis
  • Skin diseases
  • The drug is available in the form of drops and solution for injection.

    Has such side effects as:

    • Stomach ache
    • Allergic reaction
    • Dyspepsia
    • Myasthenia gravis


    Carniten's characteristic:

    • Improves metabolism and energy exchange in the body
    • Normalizes fat metabolism
    • Helps restore alkaline blood reserves
    • Increases the degree of physical activity
    • Increases endurance during physical activity

    The drug can be taken during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, by children of any age.

    Side effects:

    • Stomach ache
    • Constipation
    • Allergic reactions

    Carniton tablets - dietary supplement containing L-carnitine.
    L-carnitine is a substance that normalizes energy metabolism in our body.
    L-carnitine increases performance, reduces fatigue, and improves endurance. Due to its properties, L-carnitine helps to better endure increased physical, emotional and mental stress.

    Indications for use:
    Karniton recommended as an additional source of L-carnitine for children from 7 years old and adults.

    Mode of application:
    Pills Karniton take once a day with meals.
    With intense physical activity and sports:
    Children from 7 to 14 years old 0.5 tablets 1 tablet
    Children over 14 years old and adults 1 tablet 1.5 tablets
    Duration of admission is 1 month.


    Contraindications to the use of the drug Karniton are: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.


    A drug Karniton not recommended for use during pregnancy.

    Storage conditions:
    Pills Karniton should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 4 ° C to 25 ° C.

    Release form:
    20 tablets weighing 1 g.


    1 tablet Karniton contains: 500 mg L-carnitine.

    main parameters



    The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

    general information

    Karniton Is a biologically active food supplement, a source of vitamin B 11 (vitamin B T, L-carnitine, levocarnitine). Improves energy metabolism at the cellular level, increases efficiency, prevents rapid fatigue, increases physical, emotional and mental endurance of a person.

    The main active ingredient of the drug - levocarnitine (L-carnitine, vitamin B 11) - was discovered by the Russian biochemist Vladimir Gulevich, who was the first to isolate it from muscle tissue. In biosynthesis, L-carnitine is close to beta-alanyl-L-histidine, a peptide that plays an important role in the biochemical metabolism of muscle tissue. The therapeutic effects of L-carnitine were studied before the molecular structure of the substance was deciphered. Previously, the substance was also called vitamin B T. Levocarnitine is also called the growth vitamin, because it stimulates the growth of a person at a young age. The body mainly receives L-carnitine from food, but under certain conditions the body is able to produce it itself. In such cases, levocarnitine is formed in the liver from glutamic acid (which is why glutamic acid is considered so beneficial for muscles).


    Tablets - 20 pieces per pack.
    One tablet of the supplement contains: levocarnitine (in the form of L-carnitine tartrate) - 0.5 g.
    Carniton solution for oral use - 0.02 l in a bottle.
    1 ml of solution contains: levocarnitine (in the form of L-carnitine tartrate) - 0.5 g.


    Carniton is a bioactive supplement, a source of vitamin B 11 in the form of L-carnitine tartrate.
    Levocarnitine is an amino acid essential for intracellular energy production. This substance provides the transport of aliphatic acids to the sites of their intracellular oxidation through the mitochondrial walls. The daily requirement of an adult for levocarnitine is 0.3 g. With heavy physical exertion, the need for this substance increases significantly.

    The main causes of vitamin B 11 deficiency :

    • hard physical labor or active sports;
    • active intellectual activity (schoolchildren, students, scientists);
    • stress;
    • transferred surgical operations;
    • some diseases.
    Deficiency of levocarnitine leads to disruption of energy metabolism, resulting in muscle weakness, rapid fatigue, decreased muscle and vascular tone, hypersomnia; malfunctioning of the heart and liver may occur. Vitamin B 11 is produced in the body, however, in order to prevent deficiency, it must be obtained from external sources.

    Carnitone stimulates fat oxidation and promotes the burning of excess body fat. For more effective weight loss, it is recommended to combine the use of Carniton with active aerobic exercise and a low-calorie diet. Foods enriched with fats (especially of animal origin) should be removed from the diet.

    Reducing fatigue, Karniton allows you to increase the duration and intensity of sports activities. The use of the supplement in combination with sports training allows you to quickly achieve the tasks set, to make training more effective. The supplement stimulates protein metabolism, which contributes to more active muscle growth. If the goal is to increase the body's energy resources, then it is advisable to combine the use of dietary supplements with the addition of fatty foods to the diet.

    By stimulating energy metabolism in the body, Karniton maintains stable heart function during periods of high physical exertion. Reduces muscle soreness after exercise by reducing the accumulation of lactic acid. Promotes rapid recovery of strength after exercise, preventing tissue oxygen deprivation and post-load lactic acidosis.
    There are no dyes and preservatives in the dietary supplement Karniton.


    Carniton is recommended as a dietary supplement :
    • in order to prevent L-carnitine deficiency;
    • with high mental and intellectual stress, to increase performance and reduce fatigue (stimulates energy metabolism in the neurons of the brain, as a result of which mental activity is stimulated, improves concentration and memory);
    • with intense physical labor and sports training (improves energy metabolism in muscles and organs, which helps to increase the body's energy resources);
    • during the recovery period after illnesses and surgeries (stimulates cellular energy exchange, which makes it possible to shorten the rehabilitation period);
    • for the prevention of various pathologies in children with weak immunity;
    • for prophylaxis, and also as an adjuvant in heart disease.

    Method of administration and dosage

    Carniton is consumed once a day during meals. Before using drops, they must be dissolved in a small volume of purified water.
    Carniton is taken at the following dosage :
    • children 3-7 years old: 2-3 drops a day;
    • children 7-13 years old: 6-8 drops or half a tablet a day;
    • persons over 14 years of age: 17 drops or one tablet per day.
    The duration of the course of taking dietary supplements is 30 days.

    In sports training, the dosage of Carniton is calculated individually, taking into account age, body weight and the intensity of energy expenditure. The recommended dosage for athletes is 1-2 g of levocarnitine (2-4 tablets or 2-4 ml of solution) 50-70 minutes before training.


    • hypersensitivity to the components of the dietary supplement Carniton;

    special instructions

    Carniton is a dietary supplement; is not a medicine.
    It is recommended that you seek medical advice before using this supplement.

    Storage conditions

    Store in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 4 to 25 degrees.
    The shelf life is 3 years.
    Distributed in a network of pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

    Levocarnitine and human fat reserve

    All healthy people have a fat reserve. Thus, the body stores the energy that is required for its vital functions in the short term. The body creates a certain energy reserve to replenish the forthcoming energy losses. As energy is expended, thanks to the fat reserve, it is continuously replenished. At the same time, the use of these reserves covers about 95% of all energy costs. We can say that the normal functioning of the body is impossible without this process, in which the main role belongs to levocarnitine, which transports aliphatic acids into the mitochondria of cells. It should not be forgotten that it is not only the striated muscles that need nutrition. The brain consumes about a fifth of the energy used by the body. Energy is also required by the heart muscle, smooth muscles of the airways, intestines, etc. With a lack of the required energy level in the cell, metabolic processes either stop or slow down significantly. Deficiency of levocarnitine in the body does not allow full use of the fat reserve, and, despite the sufficient amount of fatty acids, the body needs additional nutrition. Unoxidized fat is deposited in adipose tissue, which increases the likelihood of developing a number of serious pathologies, for example, such a dangerous disease as diabetes.

    Today, the fight against excess weight is one of the most pressing problems of modern medicine. Hundreds of medicines are produced, thousands of diets and nutrition systems are being developed, but the number of obese people, despite the economic crisis, not only does not decrease, but is constantly growing. Obesity is too broad a problem and requires special attention. On the basis of levocarnitine, a number of drugs have been developed to combat excess body fat, including the dietary supplement Carniton.

    What is human fat? Its chemical composition is relatively uncomplicated. Mainly subcutaneous fat is formed by triglycerides - esters of glycerol with monobasic aliphatic acids. Fat molecules are broken down at a constant rate, and a certain amount of aliphatic acids and glycerin enters the bloodstream. Approximately the same amount of aliphatic acids and glycerol is transported from the blood to the subcutaneous adipose tissue. All weight loss products that are not based on L-carnitine work in this way: the breakdown of fat molecules is accelerated, a large amount of fatty acids and glycerin enters the bloodstream. In this case, the rate of fat formation does not change, since the ability of aliphatic acids to be transported into cells is strictly limited. When fat is oxidized, 2 times more energy is released than when oxidizing saccharides or proteins. However, aliphatic acids are difficult to oxidize, so the conversion of fat into energy has its limitations. The ability of fatty acids to enter the cell depends on the status of a particular protein in the cell membrane. An excess of aliphatic acids in the blood leads to a number of negative phenomena: hyperthermia, irritability, heart palpitations, etc. In addition, during oxidation, they release toxic molecules - free radicals, which are highly reactive. Free radicals easily react with any compounds in the body, thus damaging cell membranes, and, as a result, disrupting the structure of all tissues and organs. Oxidation of membranes by free radicals is considered one of the main factors in human aging. It is also believed that they play one of the main roles in the development of atherosclerosis and cancer.

    The unique property of levocarnitine is that it increases the permeability of cell membranes for aliphatic acids. Without accelerating the breakdown of fat molecules, it stimulates the conversion of fat into energy and thus inhibits the formation of neutral fat in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. With the beginning of the use of Carniton, a continuous loss of fat reserves begins. Sometimes a person loses 10-15 kg per month without any diets. At the same time, the efficiency of burning fat molecules increases sharply, since now aliphatic acids release not free radicals, but energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate. The ability of levocarnitine to break down fat is due to the presence of methyl group radicals in its molecules.

    Effect of Carniton on the circulatory system

    The energy supply to the heart is especially enhanced, since the heart muscle receives most of its energy from aliphatic acids. Acceleration of the penetration of aliphatic acids through cell membranes with subsequent splitting significantly increases the strength and energy intensity of the heart. Protein stores in the heart increase and, most importantly, glycogen stores. Karniton is extremely necessary in cases where it is required to increase the body's endurance in sports such as athletics, swimming, football, etc. An important feature of L-carnitine is its property to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vascular intima. Under the action of levocarnitine, the synthesis of lecithin in the liver is accelerated. This is also facilitated by the methyl radicals contained in its molecules. Lecithin has the ability to extract cholesterol from atherosclerotic plaques. Thus, Carniton prevents early aging and increases life expectancy.

    Effect of Carniton on the liver

    The property of L-carnitine to increase the body's energy reserves has an extremely positive effect on the liver. This makes it more efficient in breaking down toxins and synthesizing proteins. The concentration of glycogen in the liver increases. In addition, the liver begins to more efficiently convert lactic and pyruvic acids, the excess of which in the body causes fatigue and rapid fatigue. Thus, Karniton increases endurance and reduces fatigue in all sports (including anaerobic - bodybuilding, weightlifting, etc.).

    The mechanism of action of Carniton

    L-carnitine acts primarily on the mitochondria, which are energy producers in the cell. It is in the mitochondria that fats, proteins and saccharides are broken down. The mitochondria of the cells of the heart muscle work most intensively, breaking down aliphatic acids, and the mitochondria of the liver, which provide energy to all tissues and organs. The main factor limiting muscle growth is its protein synthesis function. For intensive muscle growth, a sufficient amount of amino acids is required from which protein is synthesized. However, protein synthesis also requires energy supply. Evolutionarily, mitochondria are the youngest cellular organelles. Therefore, under any unfavorable conditions, they suffer first. With any disease, energy exchange is primarily disturbed. Levocarnitine in this case serves as a favorable factor for any disease. After restoring and improving energy metabolism, you can improve the state of the body in any pathology. A strong organism is able to cope with the disease itself.

    Anabolic effect of Carniton

    The anabolic effect of levocarnitine is manifested in a significant increase in the rate of protein synthesis. Especially L-carnitine accelerates the growth of a young organism before puberty. The anabolic effect of levocarnitine on the adult body is less pronounced, but it is still quite noticeable. Clinical experiments have shown that when adults suffering from malnutrition use Carniton, their appetite increases dramatically and body weight increases significantly.

    In sports, Carniton is considered an effective and safe tool for muscle growth, stimulation of the absorption of proteins, vitamins and saccharides, and reduction of fatigue. The combination of the protein-synthetic and strengthening effect of Carniton with its complete safety has made it a very popular remedy in all sports.

    The use of Carniton for various diseases

    Sports diseases
    Specific sports diseases are caused by overvoltage, competitive stress. Knowledge of the therapeutic properties of Carniton allows you to act in two directions at once: to stimulate anabolism in the body, and to correct the disorders resulting from training.

    In mild forms of hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland), levocarnitine corrects the increased basic metabolism (the amount of energy required by the body in a calm state), evens out body temperature, eliminates heart palpitations and nervous irritability, general fatigue, etc. Thyroid hyperfunction always leads to loss of body weight even with a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, since thyroid hormones, although they accelerate the formation of proteins in the body, further contribute to the breakdown of protein molecules. This pathology is quite common. In some regions of the Russian Federation, almost a third of the population suffers from diseases associated with thyroid dysfunction.

    Inflammation of the stomach and pancreas
    After the course of treatment with Karniton, in persons suffering from chronic disturbance of the secretory function of the stomach, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as well as chronic inflammation of the pancreas, an increase in appetite and restoration of normal body weight were observed. Long-term and frequent courses of taking Carniton did not provoke the side effects characteristic of other medicines used in this field of medicine.

    Cardiac ischemia
    Carniton serves as a prophylactic agent against ischemic heart disease (a decrease in blood flow in angina pectoris, which often leads to a weakening of the contractile function of the heart muscle and, subsequently, to acute heart failure), and helps to reduce the duration and severity of a heart attack.

    Carniton also relieves people with angina (chest pains resemble those of coronary artery disease) and can be used as a supportive and revitalizing drug.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome
    Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition characterized by a constant lack of energy and loss of energy. With this syndrome, the level of levocarnitine in the blood drops significantly. The effectiveness of levocarnitine in energy metabolism is also confirmed by clinical studies, which have shown that the intake of this substance improves the general condition of people diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Clinical studies have been carried out, during which it was found that Carniton improves the condition of persons diagnosed with AIDS who received Zidovudine. In such patients, as a rule, there is a deficiency of levocarnitine, which can lead to a violation of fat and, as a result, energy metabolism.

    External sources of levocarnitine

    The body of an adult is capable of producing small amounts of levocarnitine - a maximum of 10% of the required amount. But even endogenous synthesis of this substance is possible only in the presence of two aliphatic amino acids (methionine and lysine), nicotinic and ascorbic acids, cyanocobalamin, vitamins B 6 and B 9, iron and a number of enzymes. With a deficiency of one of the above elements, the endogenous synthesis of levocarnitine is significantly reduced, and with a deficiency of ascorbic acid, it practically stops. The main source of vitamin B 11 is seafood, fish and meat. 1 kg of beef contains 0.5-0.7 g of this substance, a kilogram of pork - 0.3 g, apples - only 30 mg. It is not contained in potatoes at all. Most of all vitamin B 11 is found in crab meat - about 9 g per 1 kg. Thus, to maintain a sufficient level of levocarnitine in the body, it is necessary to adhere to a diet with a predominance of seafood. However, the diet of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation cannot be called healthy. According to statistics provided by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, two-thirds of Russians are chronically deficient in ascorbic acid. The content of seafood in the diet, incl. fish hardly reaches 4 kg per person per year, which is 4 times lower than the body's needs. The problem is aggravated by a deficiency of micronutrients in food (the result of one-sided selection): there is not enough iron in apples, beta-carotene in carrots, etc. Thus, replenishment of the L-carnitine deficiency through the consumption of special drugs, including dietary supplements Carniton, is an urgent need for a resident of our country.

    Levocarnitine and children

    In children, the mechanism of endogenous production of vitamin B 11 is formed only by the age of 15. Newborn babies get this substance from breast milk. During the period of breastfeeding, hormonal changes in the mother's body trigger the mechanism of active synthesis of levocarnitine, which accumulates in breast milk. Therefore, it is often called the growth vitamin. The fact that vitamin B 11 deficiency is unacceptable for a child has been widely discussed, and recommendations have been made according to which it should be included in the diet of children under two years of age. Although levocarnitine is sufficient in human breast milk, the concentration of this substance has not been established in infant formula based on soy protein. Baby food made from cow's milk loses a certain amount of levocarnitine during industrial processing. Fortunately, many baby food manufacturers have already introduced the addition of levocarnitine to their products. The fact that L-carnitine is added to baby food suggests that this substance is extremely important and completely safe.

    The body's need for vitamin B 11 directly depends on the metabolic rate, which in a developing child's body is comparable to that of professional athletes. It is only necessary to adjust the amount of product with the child's body weight.

    The Federal Children's Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Protection has conducted clinical studies on the effects of levocarnitine. Two groups of children aged 6-12 years were formed - 20 people each. All children lived in regions subject to radioactive contamination and had similar symptoms. The duration of the course of therapy was 20 days.

    The first group was given a placebo. The second group received a drink based on levocarnitine. In children from the second group, suffering from pathologies of the digestive tract and bile ducts, after 15 days there was an increase in appetite and a significant increase in weight (up to 1 kg). In the first group, appetite returned to normal more slowly, and body weight increased by a maximum of 0.5 kg. At the same time, hemoglobin indices increased by 1.6 g / dl, against 0.6-0.8 g / dl. Also, the normalization of humoral immunity and phagocytic parameters was established. In 80% of children in the second group, the heart rate was equalized, versus 20% in the first group. In 18 children of the second group, there was an improvement in working capacity and normalization of blood flow, while in children of the first group, such improvements were not observed.

    In the course of research conducted by the Children of Russia Federal Target Program, school doctors recorded a number of improvements when drinking beverages enriched with levocarnitine:

    • reduction in fatigue;
    • increased efficiency;
    • correction of the psycho-emotional state;
    • improvement of vascular and muscle tone.
    Regular consumption of L-carnitine :
    • ensures the breakdown of excess fat mass;
    • increases physical performance;
    • accelerates the recovery process of the body;
    • improves cellular respiration;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • lowers cholesterol levels.

    Carniton in the fight against excess weight

    Karniton appeared on the market of Russian dietary supplements relatively recently. When using Carniton in a therapeutic dosage, it is completely safe, as indicated in the instructions and documents certifying the certification of the drug by the state. Carniton is available in tablet and solution form. 1 tablet or 1 ml of solution contains 0.5 g of levocarnitine, an amino acid that plays a key role in the transport of aliphatic acids across the cell membrane, i.e. in the process of intracellular energy production. Since the acids themselves are not able to penetrate into the cell, the intensity of cellular metabolism depends on the activity of levocarninite. Karniton is completely safe, because the amino acid levocartinin is found in all cells - the body receives it not only from external sources, but also produces it in the liver and kidneys.

    The daily norm of levocarnitine for a person is about 0.3 g. However, for athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor, 2-3 times more of this substance is required, since its deficiency can cause a deterioration in all functional indicators, the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, decline strength and decreased mental activity. Its lack often becomes a factor in weight gain, general disruption of the body. And, on the contrary, if the body receives the necessary volumes of levocarnitine, then the metabolism accelerates, there is a need for physical activity, resistance to diseases, endurance increases - all this contributes to the intensive breakdown of excess fat deposits. However, there is a limit to the body's need for this substance. A healthy adult with average physical activity requires no more than one tablet per day. The supplement should be consumed during meals.

    It should not be forgotten that Karniton promotes weight loss only when a person is engaged in physical activity. Taking the drug without sports training is useless for losing weight - and vice versa, if you use dietary supplements during intense training, the metabolism will accelerate, and fat deposits will be intensively burned. Carniton also increases endurance, which helps untrained overweight people get used to exercise.

    The use of Karniton as a means for losing weight is also advisable from an economic point of view - it is a completely affordable drug. Thanks to this supplement, you can lose weight quickly and without danger to health.

    The drug "Carniton" is a biologically active supplement containing a large amount of l-carnitine. The medication is recommended for everyone who wants to improve their vitality and lose weight.

    Purpose of the drug "Karniton"

    Reviews of women who took are completely positive. The tool accelerates the flow of oxygen to the brain, which helps to stimulate mental activity, improve memory, and concentration.

    The drug adds strength and energy during a diet, relieves fatigue. This is due to the active substance l-carnitine contained in the preparation, which converts part of the fats (fatty acids) into special intracellular structures called mitochondria. In these cells, fatty acids are broken down with the formation of additional energy, which is spent on the functioning of the body. Of particular interest is the fact that fatty acids cannot penetrate into mitochondria on their own, therefore, the productivity of energy metabolism in the body depends on l-carnitine.

    Pharmaceutical preparation "Karniton": composition

    The medicine is produced in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution. One tablet contains half a gram of the active substance, which is equivalent to 1 ml or 17 drops of solution. The auxiliary components include MCC, aerosil, calcium stearate.

    Contraindications and side effects of the drug "Karniton"

    Reviews of pharmacists and instructions for use do not recommend using the medicine during breastfeeding and pregnancy. Before going to the pharmacy, you need to consult a doctor about the appropriateness of using the drug.

    The side effects are mainly caused by the excess of the permissible dose of the pharmaceutical agent. In case of an overdose of medication, allergic reactions may occur, pains in the stomach area, diarrhea, and even increased appetite are observed.

    The safety of taking, the effectiveness of the drug "Karniton"

    The doctors' comments speak of the absolute harmlessness of the drug, subject to the dosage indicated in the instructions, because the drug is a completely natural biological supplement. At the same time, self-produced L-carnitone is a vital amino acid.

    With regard to efficiency, this characteristic depends on the following factors. Due to the fact that l-carnitine only accelerates the metabolism in the body, and does not directly burn fat, then to reduce weight, you should combine the intake of the drug with aerobic exercise (dancing, running, aerobics). The tool allows you to extend your workouts, as it promotes the production of additional energy. Thus, you can lose up to three kilograms per month.

    If you combine the intake of the drug "Carniton" (solution) with power loads, then weight will grow along with the muscle mass. Therefore, in order to lose extra pounds, you have to work, and the medicine will help with this.

    Some people who have taken the drug "Karniton" leave reviews that after taking the drug sometimes you want to eat. Indeed, the supplement can increase appetite, so food lovers need to be careful with it.

    Rules for taking the drug "Karniton"

    The food supplement Carniton contains the amino acid L-carnitine, which regulates metabolic processes in the human body. It is with the help of this substance that fatty acids are transferred into cells and there they are broken down. L-carnitine is able to reduce fatigue and increase efficiency, it improves reproductive function in men and helps in the recovery of the body from diseases. The amino acid is often used to improve the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, during physical, mental and emotional stress.

    Karniton: composition, instructions for use, price

    Today, many people know that L-carnitine is the best fat burning agent... It converts fats into energy, is not hazardous to health and has virtually no side effects. However, many nutritional supplements, which include it, sometimes not only do not help you lose weight, but can even add extra pounds. It all depends on the quality of the drug itself.

    The drug Corniton is intended just for weight loss and has many positive reviews. It contains L-carnitine and auxiliary agents:

    • calcium stearate;
    • microcrystalline cellulose;
    • aerosil.

    Drug dosage

    The recommended duration of taking the nutritional supplement Corniton is 1 month. Children aged 7 to 14 per day can be taken as ½ tablet... Adults - 1 tablet. The drug is taken with meals.

    For people who are actively involved in sports or have a fairly large physical activity, the dosage can be increased. Children playing sports between the ages of 7 and 14 should drink 1 tablet a day. Teenagers over 14 years old and adults are recommended one and a half tablets per day.

    The price of Karniton depends on the region and can be from 300 to 400 rubles for a package of 20 tablets.

    Since L-carnitine does not break down fats, but converts them into energy, it is recommended to use it in parallel with physical activity. He's good combined with aerobics, dancing, cardio and cycling, walk, light jogging, and vigorous exercise.

    It is recommended to take pills immediately before training. During intense exercise, L-carnitine increases the heart rate by 50%. You need to do at least 30 minutes a day from 4 to 6 times a week.

    It is recommended that you follow a fitness diet while taking L-carnitine. It is better not to apply a rigid diet and fasting. They will not bring anything good, except for a breakdown. When using Karniton, you can use fractional meals, which means taking about 300 g of food at least five times a day... It should be excluded:

    • refined sugar;
    • simple carbohydrates;
    • alcohol;
    • sweets.

    You can use:

    • not less than 60 g per day of fat;
    • fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities;
    • proteins at the rate of 1 g per kilogram of body.

    Indications for use

    L-carnitine can be taken not only for weight loss, but also for energy support of the body. Its often recommended in the following cases:

    Results when taking Karniton

    The uniqueness of L-carnitine is that it does not accelerate the breakdown of fat molecules, and reduces the rate of formation of fat and its deposition in the subcutaneous fat fold by converting it into energy. Therefore, when you start taking a dietary supplement for weight loss, fat loss begins. In one month without any diets, a person can lose from 5 to 15 kg. Of course, everything is very individual. But physical activity also helps to break down fat and get rid of it.

    According to numerous reviews on the Internet, taking L-carnitine had a positive effect on endurance and toned the body. The main thing is to take the drug correctly, eat right and do not forget to move. And before using a supplement for weight loss, be sure to consult with your doctor.

    Contraindications and side effects

    The drug Karniton is not recommended for taking pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as people with individual intolerance to its components. In some cases, it is contraindicated in combination with other drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

    L-carnitine practically does not cause side effects. In some cases, intestinal upset, nausea, and stomach pain may appear.

    Reviews about the drug Karniton

    Since now i am on a special diet, and the strength for intensive training is not enough, I started looking for a source of L-carnitine. I know about him that during training he burns fat well and gives additional strength for training. I read the recommendations and reviews, and settled on the manufacturer Carniton, since the magic L-carnitine in it is as much as 500 mg. In the nearest pharmacy, the price for the supplement was 252 rubles. I have been taking it for a week and already feel the result. In addition to the increased endurance during exercise, improved sleep, markedly increased brain activity and does not tend to sleep during the day.

    Today I had a serious workout - 57 minutes of intense strength training and 40 minutes of cardio work. For the first time in 8 months I did it easily and with pleasure. Before training, however, I took two pills. On top of that, my stomach is gone, but this is thanks not only to L-carnitine, but also to a balanced diet. To everyone who leads an active lifestyle, I recommend taking Karniton to add energy. Supplements increase appetite, therefore without physical exertion, on the contrary, you can gain weight... Keep this in mind. I have become a fanatic of this drug and will take it once a month before intense training.

    Anyone who knows about the properties of L-carnitine and wants to lose weight, he definitely dreams of a diet pill. The amino acid found in our bodies, in simple terms, captures our fat and drags it to oxidize. Thus, energy appears from the body's fat reserves. L-carnitine comes in with food and is produced in the body, but people involved in physical activity are sorely lacking in it. Also, a lack of L-carnitine is felt in some diseases. Therefore, for active people and athletes, the drug preferably taken additionally.

    I chose Carniton for its relatively low price and high L-carnitine content (500 mg). So, for example, in Sport drink it is only 320 mg, but it costs more. My husband and I go to the gym, so we need a food supplement with L-carnitine. But you should know that it must be taken intermittently, otherwise the body will get used to it and stop producing this miracle amino acid.

    Anna Koroleva

    I regret that I had not thought of "nourishing" my body during training earlier. For me, sports nutrition has always been associated with muscular uncles and seemed unnecessary. I heard about L-carnitine on TV. After reading the reviews, we decided to test it on ourselves. At this time, I did not play sports and my muscles are weak... I want to tell you a little about L-carnitine. The substance is a natural fat burner that our liver produces in the body. But the amount of foods that contribute to this production, we are unlikely to consume enough. To replenish them, you need to take dietary supplements.

    I decided to start with the domestic drug Karniton. The manufacturers promised that it will help with both physical and mental stress. I started going to workouts again, before which I drank one and a half tablets. The effect was amazing - I just fluttered like a butterfly! I immediately joined the sports rhythm and did not die on the steppe. In addition, the next day after intense physical activity, the body did not hurt. I felt just fine. Even during exercise, the drug increases perspiration. Therefore, if you are actively exercising, then it is worth trying L-carnitine. If not, then it won't help you.

    My review will be useful to those who want, but cannot lose weight in any way. I did intense workouts every day for a month and refused harmful products, but as a result she lost only 1 cm in volume. Therefore, she began to look for special fat burners. Based on numerous positive reviews, I chose Karniton. I take two or three tablets 30 minutes before training. I know that the instructions say a lower dosage, but for a normal result you need at least 1000 mg of L-carnitine. Since there are 500 mg of Carniton in one tablet, you must drink at least two tablets before training.

    There are no weight loss results yet, but endurance appeared immediately. I can handle an hour-long workout with ease. Since I hate sports and am very lazy, this is a great achievement for me. I also noticed two serious minuses. Firstly, sweating increases very much, and secondly, a wolfish appetite wakes up. Hunger begins to pursue the very next day, and during training you almost only think about food. Be prepared for this and hold on so as not to break loose and lash out on food. For 20 tablets I gave 400 rubles, which is not very encouraging, so I will look at the results of losing weight, and then I will decide whether to take further L-carnitine or not.

    I have been drinking L-carnitine from different manufacturers for a long time. I also bought Karniton at a price of 300 rubles for 20 tablets. They are only enough for 10 days, since you need to drink two tablets a day. The biggest disadvantage in this drug is a strong feeling of hunger. When taking pills from other companies, I felt only a surge of energy, and my appetite did not wake up. Here everything is the other way around, so there were no results. Everything that was burned in training was then recruited for lunch and dinner. It is very attracted to sweet and fatty foods. In short, I do not recommend spending money on this drug.

    All my life I was a chubby, all the time I fought with this and bought Karniton in the hope of losing weight. I read a lot of reviews about it, realized that it breaks down fat, and decided to try L-carnitinine as an aid in sports. For six whole days no did not notice the effectuntil for some reason she took the drug at about 9 pm. Recently, I was very tired at work, and already at 19.00 there was no strength at all, and I went to bed. And this time, for the first hour after taking the supplement, I did not feel the difference, and I was still drawn to sleep.

    But then something happened that is beyond words. The impression is that something was injected into my blood, as a result of which the brain turned on, sleep disappeared like a hand, I wanted to move and do something. I began to do those things that I had been putting off for a long time. Now I take the drug in the late afternoon. Things began to be resolved, fatigue went away, energy appeared. She also transferred sports to the evening. Karniton did not bring the desired effect of weight loss, but the burst of energy in the evenings is such that I give him the highest mark.