Kolishniy zaproponuvav devoid of friends and jealous. Let's get rid of friends: virok, what's the chance? Yakshcho lad saying, let's have friends

Yakshcho lad saying, let's have friends

Do not be embarrassed, it may sound wonderful and stupid for you, even at first glance, the filth will always lead to the best. Without a doubt, it’s not your people, and as if they didn’t resist, but pishovshi in front of you, in a place for a found, loving and right person. Vіn tse zrozumіv earlier for you, the axis of that self-sustaining. Do not need to turn it, do not chip for it. Bіl pass, vіn nebіbny in order, schob іn this time they didn't let in some kind of pardons and bless the little ones. And in the meantime, you calm down, analyze, think about it and build your visnovki. Do not call yourself that you are not guilty of becoming a man in your life. It is not necessary to stand Snow Queen with a crying heart, not a warty.

Throw yourself headlong into the robot, this is a way of perverting, which helps to get the bad thoughts out of your head. Navit yakscho wine and turn around, then at that hour you will walk until a new one, or a new hoarding will appear.

Zdіysnіt far more expensive. You can also have a trip to a picnic, or in a countryside place, or a fashionable tour to an exotic land, or a more expensive one, which will bring you in the face of unacceptable thoughts about it.

Go in for sports. Here you can work on uvazі intensively engaged in sports, tse shortest way to kick out of the head all fools and grow up.

Find out for yourself a new experience, you can take a course of advanced qualifications, extreme carving, macrame and so on. No hvilini do not sit idle and who knows, at the price of a new hobby, we can give you a major role in your farther life.

Do you know what is trite to you? Tse look after yourself. Use your energy and work on manicures, face masks, dance in front of the mirror at the most beautiful sleep, turn on relaxation music and take baths with sea-silly and herbs. Do not listen to any old song, as if we are telling you about something new, use all sorts of rubbish and dried flowers. It’s not guilty to leave anything like that, to tell you about the ex-lover. This is the way to “heal your wounds”. Just throw yourself at the virus of life. For a little bit to come to you, you need about a month. Chase away deaf thoughts about those who are in the mind, whom you have drawn in and turn around to you. You can’t help it anymore, the new one has developed an enmity about you and you can’t see the new one.

Nasamkinets can be added - to marvel at the sight, the world is so beautiful, and those who are experiencing it at once are only a little difficult, you will soon overcome them and think about it with a smile. Radіte dolі, scho she rose you out of such a person. Your heart is bound to see right kokhannya And a person, as if with you, will be the best person for you.

I live! At the grass, they began to chat with a young man, you were 27 years old, less than 24 years old. On the first flicker on the right, I went to sex, I thought that it would all end, but no. We began to write and call for our initiative, we began to chat, after two years of acquaintance, calling on the fun of our friends. Everything went miraculously, like a Kazakh - everyday welding, incompetence. Today to zv'yazku, navit if some of us are out of sight. The bed is also perfect. For two or three days, the skin was battling, they were left one on one for the night. Once we went to another place. There was no tsukerkovo-bouquet stage behind the great rachunk. Win bringing me bread, eggs and milk, if you come home. As if I had put in some kind of document at home, asking me to scour Yogo's apartment. We went to IKEA at once, chose some furniture (we didn’t live together). It looked like everything was growing taller.
In Veresnі mi offenses were small to enter graduate school. Offended not na_yshli, with the same balls. On the day of the announcement of the results, my lad went to the entrance to Spain (I will declare that we are offended by living in Poland, I am a Pole, I am Russian). In two days I entered the correspondence postgraduate course. Spain has two tyzhn. For the first 8 days everything went like a dream - calls, SMS around the world. Then three days without going to the call (planned, shards near the mountains, problems with the call). And then we didn’t get in touch with each other, writing on facebook, what to turn and what to call me in two days. Two days later, he came home to me (I just moved, I haven’t been to my apartment yet) and said, I’m still in the mountains, thinking a lot about “life without graduate school.” And that no one has shown me, that I should love and, better for everything, not love. We don’t know the truth - we’ve shown that we’ve died, calling me a kohana thinly. Having proponuvav be deprived of friends, even on tsoma napolyag. Having said that, all the same, it’s not hard to come to the trivalent term from Poland (having tried to join the MZS, it didn’t go anywhere and didn’t go anywhere).
I was in such a situation that I could not eat or sleep for a few days. I sat on the robot and marveled at one point. I asked yoga for a rose. She calmly explained her position - that I care, that I need to try to save money, that everything is unsustainable, that I’m ready to take a break in graduate school. And if I didn’t say “I love you” to me, if I didn’t say “I love you”, but if I didn’t - and I got into it - they looked good, then don’t shave them. Vіn vysluhav, having said, scho think, buv dosit zbentezheny. For a few days I have come again and said that there is no sense and that we are all separated. One of the arguments was that those in the older classes were separated from the girl, then they tried to stink anew, and they got together so that they pinned the splintering. Those who have passed 10 years, yoga does not bless.
From that moment we are so called friends. Tobto tse looking like this: listing on facebook (mostly, for my initiative), staring at me at home. I haven’t been to the new one for two months. Tsikh zustrіchey vin is not unique; last time I spent 2.5 years. We don’t talk about the special life, only about the road (offended mandrivniki), about books, plan thinly.
Until recently, I didn’t have any serious stoksіv, everything was shaved. I didn't start trusting you on the cob. Possibly, one of the reasons was those that once I had less knowledge of my knowledge, and after that, I’m going to make contact with other people. Young people don't know about it.
I do not know what to work. Gras among friends begins to be stubborn. I don’t understand why I left me and why not until the end? If I tore a kimono from a hundred, then it’s good for good. At the same time, I do not shave off contact with him only to those who rely on those who are so many times inspired. Why I don't shave my hair - I don't know.
New didn't show up new girls, Vchiniv vіn vіn vіdnoshnâ to me, mabut, dosit honestly. Mustache stats to tell the negative moments in the minds, but we didn’t have them. No weldings, no conflicts, no jealousies.
Now I’m being asked to tell you, and all sorts of rubbish (such as spending an hour sleeping or preparing some caviar). I'm crying. The idea of ​​joking around is still a good one. I beg your pardon: why did it happen like this, why did such a situation develop all at once and what can you do? Behind the hell. Olga

Otrimano 3 years - consultations with psychologists, for nutrition: A young man asked to be deprived of friends

Dobriden, Olgo.

The situation is really complicated. Foldable not with pod_ami, but with it, as you emotionally fit into it.

1. What is it like?

So, boo, if you're angry beautiful vistas cholovіk raptom knows without clear explanation, chi distancing.

It is especially important for us, that the reason has not dawned on me, and the girls start shukati її in themselves, tormenting themselves with food, what is wrong, and that the stench can grow.

2. Yak buti?

Accept the fact that you’re not guilty of anything and you can’t do anything, otherwise it’s bad for you. Make a decision to quit flour or continue it. Tell a person about those who hurt you more and such stosunki do not rule you. It’s definitely not friendship, to that friendship was motivated only on the mutual interest and satisfaction, trust and breadth, and your stoks were sooner awakened on streaming width and increased tension. You feel dull and awkward.

so you can cry out that either you can accept everything and accept it, mourning it and forgetting it, or continuing the checks, rozumiyuchi, that you can be tormented and you can never lead to anything.

I can add to myself that I can take a man down in such vodnosins, for example, a little guilty, or just a little more power. but only one thing is richer than what is possible.

Biryukova Anastasia, Gestalt therapy in St. Petersburg and Skype for the whole world

Garna vіdpovіd 3 Pogana vіdpovіd 1

Good afternoon, Olgo!

It is important to say why your young man has transferred your pictures to a friendly format, if you happen to accept it. While they did not accept Wee, but reconciled, you will recognize that. You still can spodіvannya that everything will turn back.

Accept that at once I’m ready only for friendship, and after that, I’m sorry, that You’ve given robitime - to be friends, without pragnennya mother more, checks, without terms and guarantees, if I want to renew stosunki man-woman, yang abo a friend of wines is not necessary for you, complete these blues.

Just accepting this situation. yak won є, You can rob your own choice. Having accepted your own decision, You will recognize yourself as a “gachka” of ochіkuvannya, like it hurts. Until you check, the situation is unlikely to change. Read my article.

If you need help, get involved. You can try skype.

Stolyarova Marina Valentinivna, psychologist-consultant, St. Petersburg

Garna vіdpovіd 3 Pogana vіdpovіd 0

Good afternoon, Olgo!

So buvaє, if you look at your іsnuyuchi vіdnosinі mіzh partners themselves do not zbіgayutsya shоdo їх prospects. "Ideal picture" is for everyone. In addition, on the basis of a person’s eligibility, someone in a couple can move a point of contact to their address, like to an individual: “good - not good”, “I’ll pull it - I won’t pull it”. Tse nutrition ambitions. Most often, it is more similarly heard by people who move from positions: “A person is guilty of being better for a woman, illumined, wiser, etc.” While I was reading your question, I guessed the episode from the old Radian film “The Great Change”. there head hero- the young historian Nestor Petrovich, not having entered the graduate school, was named Polina, who was named after the results of the examination committee, having taken the same budget field. Nestor Petrovich used to end up being self-sufficient, to instill self-destruction, and if he recognized the blows, in fact, in his name, he turned the world upside down in his eyes. It became impossible for the new one to continue with the successful Polina.

The axis and your mind is not worth the food about the mess, about the continuation of the hundred years until the feast, until the person accepts himself with his own strength and defeats, real, not ideal.

Someone thinks that the separation of the blame for the welding, the unscrupulous separation. Tse tezh pardon. For someone who z'yasuvannya stosunkіv stupidly, for the stench has long been virilized for themselves. And if it doesn't work out, then there's a whole problem.

Take it as a fact. Do not "write off" in searches of the truth, do not overwhelm yourself with an analysis of other people's vchinkіv, with a search for guilty chi shortcomings from your own selves. Do not wait on the blue, as you yourself do not need. Take an hour, to “chill” in the old ways in a special life, deprive them of the memory, as an invaluable report of the aforementioned pluses and minuses, and then we will clearly formulate for ourselves how much we will need for you.

Success! With respect, psychologist-consultant, Oksana Spasichenko. Saint Petersburg.

Spasichenko Oksana Mykolaivna, psychologist at St. Petersburg

Garna vіdpovіd 4 Pogana vіdpovіd 0

Dekilka rokіv that I wrote an article under the title "Which have enough friends with a lot?" Tobto passed, scho turning is not your method. In an hour, after passing the moment of tієї publication, in the comments before my articles, they often ask: “What work, how much more after I’ve been ripped off by saying “too many friends”? Chi varto wait for the new format to see "friendship"? How can such "friendship" be turned around a lot more? Today, I'm going to ask for advice on qi supply.

Why accept the proposition of a great lad "to be deprived of friends"?

It is hardly possible to know what other factor, which is more negatively invested in the chance to turn the lad, lower "to be deprived of friends." Nothing can help the process of renewal of a stronger one.

Imovirno, do you think that the translation of friends at the camps of "friendship" will help you get closer to the lad, but in fact, more strongly, you are farther away from the new one. The more three "friendship" is, the more you will close in the role of a friend, and the less chances that the lad will again play with you not a platonic, but a romantic partner.

In addition, varto respect that this "friendship" will not give you joy. To show, for example, how your big lad is more likely to chat with another girl, and you happen to sit with your hands clasped and marvel, even if you are a friend. Moreover, when you need it, you will need to imagine happiness, adzhe vie is a friend. Now you can see how the lad walks with the girl "by the hand" there, the girls walked with him and how to lead him "your missions." And now try to find out how to call you on the coming day, to talk about it, listen to your thought and ask for it.

Think, hiba you can be so "friendly"? - Obviously, no! Just like before, love yoga, you can’t fool yourself and go in, you don’t know any cheating. The passive role of a friend will bring you less to the highest jealousy, bitterness, and in the final rahunka to anger.

If the lad sings like this: “Let’s get rid of friends”, “I don’t want to spend a tie with you”, “we all talk together” or so, it’s easy to have mercy and wait for tsim. The reason for such a pardon is banal: you don’t want to “spend a little more.” But “there is a residual waste”, about how to talk about more girls is just an illusion and self-deception. You cannot and cannot have any “non-residual” spending. Romantic stosunki chi є, chi їh no, the third is not given. Aja, you need the most romantic stoks, not yaks. And the axis for the lad, like a pishov in front of you, is just a residual waste, so that friendship with you is more powerful, and only having spent this friendship, there’s enough to spend on you.

You are lucky that you are "too many friends" and do not lose contact with him. You can, as before, call and write to you, talk to him, and start hanging out here all at once. Do you think that after an hour on a new raptom, you will shine, you will understand, how to love you, after which the stokanki are inspired by the natural rank. At first glance, it is simple, that easy strategy was understood. Prote reality is such that it is practically in no way practicable. If you become a friend to a lot of lads, you won’t increase your chances of turning, but on the other hand, you’ll lower them, the turning turns will be very small.

Why? - Zreshtoy, the lad has everything that is at that hour, if you have changed at the hundred-sacks, but if you have wine, there will be some goiter in front of you. And if you call on those who, in their rich ways, “friendship” also includes “friendship” sex, then the boys are all over the top.

Look at the situation from the look of your big lad:

Vіn maє mozhlivіst vіlno zv'azuvatis z you, if it is necessary for you;
Vіn can flirt with you, if you are tempted, otherwise, if vіn miss you;
we can have fun with you free hour and navit to promote sleeping on the road, admission, trips, evenings, picnics (and you are advised, do not risk it);
Vin is not guilty of calling you, writing, respecting, giving respect, listening, etc., even if Vin is not your lad, but just a friend;
you can calmly chat with other girls, without risking you;
Vіn otrimuє shche y mozhlivіst save with you іtimny zv'yazyok.

I would like to name one reason, through the lad lad, looming all the same, if you want to renew your dreams for you. Seriously, think about it. Your big boy has no incentive to turn to you. Having taken you as a friend, I can win everything that is possible for a mother and a woman.

A lot of lads take away the maximum benefit for themselves from “friendship” with you - you love it, talk about something new, try to catch up, being able to turn around, and the lad is only “friends” with you. In fact, a lot of lads exploit your feelings, giving you a hell of a lot of hope, as if you are afraid of being kind for a new friend, an ideal friend beyond everyone else. You can’t be imaginative, respond to rudeness, or you don’t know, because if you’re happy, then your hope is futile. You are lucky that you should “spend the rest”, and the lad will be shriveled up by your tension and instill fear unseen (and others are aware).

The situation is already unacceptable, isn't it? - Ale naigirshe, you yourself are guilty of tsoma, as if you were lucky enough to "have enough friends" to wind up after that, like a lad pishov sees you. Do not varto silence yourself with illusions. Promoting friendship, the lads do not turn around exclusively with crystal clear promises. Think about it, if you don’t have enough garni for him, so that you become a girl, then why should you have a garni with whom, so that you become your friend? Hiba tse does not look wonderful? If you like being a friend, you yourself will be fine with lowering your status, but it’s demeaning.

Reveal that your best friend voted b, that now she won’t respect you best friend, but only as a friend, but when you do it, you go to the length of the conversation, to the spent hour and to mutual help: “I want you to continue to be put up to me like your best friend, but you won’t be the best friend for me anymore.” Condescending? - So! Were you dominated? Would you be good on this? - Ni! And why do you need to wait for even more humiliation in front of a big lad? Navit as if you were guilty before him, then it was only for vibachen, for working on yourself, but not for humiliation and wasting your wetness.

The solution to the problem is actually even simpler and more obvious: you should say “no” to you. Axis so directly and say: "Dakuyu, ale ni." You love too much too much, to allow yourself to be satisfied only with the status of a friend, come on, don’t dare to show your right feelings. To that, either love, or nothing. Possibly, if you can become a friend to the future, but not at once and not in the next hour. Just indulge the lad of all the best and say goodbye to him.

If you can do it yourself, lad, naturally, there will be no satisfaction, to that we call not those who have blamed me. Raising stosunkiv is an unacceptable thing, not only for the one who is being thrown, but for the one who is throwing. Obviously, this is the same “unacceptability”, but at the same time - this is the unacceptability of the experience for both sides. With such minds, the lad wants to secure his own will to maneuver, but with whom you will be spared by your will.

Youmu has become uncomfortable with you (because of your wines and breaking the walls), but you still don’t know how you will be without you. Axis of guilt and pragne to work the transition from I will become "with you" to the camp "without you" as painless as possible for myself. The lad, as if he were inserting his foot in the door, so that you didn’t fix it, from the other side, you piled on the wall of the door, so that you didn’t fix it, but the gap that was established, the width of which, before speech, is known under yoga, under control, called "friendship". In this rank, youmu does not need to work vibir, - buti youmu with you or without you, the shards of you nibi are left with him. You don’t spend anything and don’t risk anything.

Varto respect that such a behavior of the lad is not angry with us, with the method of raising your suffering. In such situations, most people are behind such a scheme. Likewise, the possibility of not being shy of choosing and not punishing yourself for risk with a year of fooling around about your decision, a person will win over the possibility of laying a long time, allowing you to allow it.

True, - one on the right is shukati a new robe, while the old one is left with you, but we call it otherwise, - if before buying a new one, the old one needs to be rehabilitated. Tse already zovsіm іnshiy riven vіdpovіdalnosti for іє іs decision, rіshennya z'yavlyayutsya, right?

Promoting the lad in “friendship” after the rise of stosunkiv, you allow some freedom to maneuver and shy away the choice, which is unique in every way, to the one that, as a result of your choice of wines, it’s hard to waste you “residually”.

Vidmova in the proposition “to be deprived of friends” is an even more exhausting walk, like a frightened lad, to think about the correctness of the decision he has made. Aja in such a state of mind, you will also take away freedom of maneuver, the same, like wine. Ozhe, you can live your life, chatting with other lads, have a fun hour without a big lad, and we don’t know wine, with him, if that’s the case. Chi quiet yogo such a prospect? - Obviously, no!

In rich vipadkah, otrimav vіdmova in "friendship" in the sight of the girl deprived of him, the lad can really, after a remarkably nontrivial hour, realize that he had enough time to pick up a hundred and not prepare until the yogo girl got to him. Tse mozhe pіdshtovhnuti clapping to the thought, scho, it’s possible, varto vіdnoviti stosunki, but before this, it’s better to improve over the mind.

Really, the boys are not so zhorstok, as if they were chasing after their toppings and not so foldable for reason, as if they were going to. Know that, if the lad seems to say: “Everything is over with us”, and this solution is residual, irrevocable, and if you don’t turn around for the next set of wines, then it’s true there - in the middle, everything is not so simple. And as if I were propagating “friendship” to you after I opened it, then I prepared it ambiguously.

Why is it not necessary to give respect to try to be friends with a great lad

The fantasy of a practically skin-depleted lad of a girl looks something like this: Raptom phone a phone, and a maiden to work, what a big lad. Shvilyovana, she’ll make sure that her name is displayed on the screen of the phone ... or else a sheet will appear, or information from the social community, or else. Shorter seeming, in some way, but you want to get in touch with her. Now she’s out to you and you feel that you love you, you can’t live without her, and you want to remember your daughter.

Ale chi tse so? - As a rule, we call it wrong. Now this big guy wants to contact you? What can you mean?

In such a situation, you are already in trouble, in order to understand the reasons why, try to get in touch. Most of the time, contact with a big guy is not needed for the sake of resurrecting a girl. Ring out - tse "rozvіdka" with a method of recognition, chіlne zvіlnené him "your lad's place" and chi take away after him. You need as much information as possible, in order to understand how much wine you have in maneuvering and how much time you need to change in the camp, if you don’t need to work the residual choice between “be with you” or “be without you”. To put it simply, the lad wants to know, how much the great risk will spend the rest of you, so that you feel free in your distant deeds.

It is not included that the contact would be supported by a decent drive, for example, "take your speech." It is possible for you to want to marvel at you, to flirt with you, to visit you at home, so that the “research data” about your assessment of your current position will be as accurate as possible. You can also collect information through friends, colleagues and relatives. Under the hour of contact chi zustrіchі, vіn, ymovіrno, if you want to secure your fortune, let's keep up the constant contact (“let's talk, even if you are not a stranger to me”), and ideally - “become friends”, so that for yourself a guarantee of freedom of maneuver (about scho I already wrote more). Sometimes a lad can go as far as manipulation, - often pretend, as if you were friends and blackmail you with a residual cost, but you will only work in order not to lose control over you.

Obviously, there can be other fluctuations and other reasons, but, as a rule, the most important thing is to control you, the whole situation as a whole, and be calm for your free place in your heart, serve as a spontaneous motive, so that the stunned lads do not get in touch with you after attached vіdnosin. The axis of why the opening of contacts is so important, especially in the first few days, or to call the last few days after the separation.

To show respect, I don’t say anything about the need to ignore the big guy, or not to respond to his notification and telephone calls, about putting him on the “black lists” and that other “friends” social measures, About writing you a devastating sheet of words for all your images ... Better than nothing, don’t work, shards showing not strength, but weakness. In addition, do not start to get so excited that you can practice or read at once, live in the same house, mothers of sleeping friends and hang out in the quiet places themselves.

Your mission is not about the fact that for the next hour you can bring out a big lad from your life. Everything that is necessary - put your foot out of the door slot and put your own there, want control over the door, and show the lads, what you want to show - a strong girl, a good experience big hit share and straighten at the future, but not those who want to be swayed - weak and zhalugidne are ready to move in the future, for the sake of consecrating all your life to ochіkuvannu yoga turn. Let the lad not think of anything and constantly hesitate, - from kim vy, de vy, how do you spend an hour thinking about what, or maybe you already have an appointment ...

However, since you are not able to reach such a level of self-control like a huge lad, think better before him, how to be happy with your call in a couple of days, or later, after I open it, you can think of a million reasons for it. And then you see yourself and give the mind to the big boys, who are still checking for this turn, this place is free, and you can’t rush anywhere and don’t worry about it. I’m against ignoring that gri “in Movchanka”, ale, if you already happen to choose between “full ignorance” and “be friends”, it’s better to choose first, to that, having lost friends with a lot, you strongly turn your turn, or start to stop yoga.

Only if you are ready to turn the big lad, if you understand what the bula right reason I’ll open it up and see if I’ll make new dreams, only then you can start all over again and become friends. And yet there will be another friendship - up to hundreds of years, but not after them. I'm guessing, what do you think about the price?

AUTHOR ID: My opinion in the comments is the thought of a private individual, and not the recommendation of a specialist. I try to testify to everyone without blame, but it’s a pity I don’t physically grasp the history of the past, analyze them, put food on them and then report back, and I also can’t support your situation, because it’s more important for you. I don't have much yoga.

At the link with the cim, I also ask you to put specific information on the topic of the article, do not try to write comments for listing, or chat and do not worry about what I will consult in the comments.

Obviously, you can ignore my prohannya (what a lot of someone to rob), but then be prepared before I ignore yours. This is not based on the principle, but on and off the hour of my physical abilities. Don't pretend.

If you want to take a qualified help, be kind, ask for a consultation, and I will dedicate my hour of knowledge to you again.

With respect, that hope for understanding, Frederika

Yakshcho vin zaproponuvav - be deprived of friends
To be deprived of friends - the lads often pronounce the same after roaring to their many girls. Why do you want to stink and really want to be friends.

How do people experience separation?

After separation from a person, worried, the skin woman wonders about those, but what does the person look like at this moment? Obviously, the skin woman will be accepting to think that the person is suffering without her and weeping in the soul of hope to turn around.

Man building vіdchuvati feel strong to a woman, and tse means that it is not easy for him to be separated after separation. Food about those who want to turn the wine to you, lie down in the situation and that situation, through yaki you parted with him.

A lot of people, experiencing separation from a kohan woman, know their soul in alcohol. Women cry into their pillows at night, and men, through their immaturity, express emotions, drown out their spiritual strength with a similar rank. Aje all know that alcohol dulls a little and clouds the mind. Same tsim vin so privablivy. People, in their period of drinking, can not go to work, but only work hard to drown their grief.

It’s not like thinking that once you forget a woman, I love you. Some people remember about their life until the woman's life, and here in the depths of the soul sink hope for those who could have been otherwise. But often, a little pride does not allow them to grow the first cry, drink for reconciliation, let it out of the past. Tі, cholovіki, yakі can not probachit, bury tse a little more yaknaiglybshe. Stinks do not drown Yogo in alcohol, stinks just become more closed.

How do people behave after separation? If a person tells you that you will be deprived of friends, it means that in an hour your hundred sons have really become a dear person for him. And behind such a friendship, hope is often cast on those who can turn everything around.

Other people are on the alert, after the separation they burn the mustache, but at the hour of the morning they don’t wake up. So you get into that mood, like a woman has given a great pain to a man, you can’t get into it with such a wine.

A lot of people are aware that new shorts and short flings will help them better forget the kokhan woman. Sex takes a strain and brings physical satisfaction, prote wines are not built to fill empty, as I have settled as a result of separation from a person, I love you.

It is easy for a person to survive a breakup with a kohan woman only in that moment, as the decision to part ways came abundantly, through hundreds of dollars, which they drank for themselves. If two people take a similar decision, they don’t cry out from them sickly minds and empty hopes. Only in such a state of mind a couple that has parted, may mother have a chance to become good friends, otherwise, accept, support friendly stosunki.

It is not a thought to think that people are easier to experience the growth of a kohan woman. The stench can not show their own life, on the vіdmіnu vіd us, zhіnok.


It’s easy to separate from a person, but you still feel more like a new one, lower just a pretense. However, irrevocably cut off the stosunki, not depriving the place of navit elementary human intercourse, richly folded. For people, who have learned that a love link between them is impossibly, friendly stosunki become a dzherel with the help of someone who is close to the spirit, and simply accepting.

Have you been deprived of friends? What is possible?

It is impossible to give an unequivocal opinion to anyone. All fall in vіd vіhovannya, zbіgu і interesіv i pochutіv, yak_ you pov'yazuvali. Most often, the lad shows, if in the new one they are still almost deprived of the girl. Vіn іn vіdmovlyаєєєєєєєєєєє vіd ії naі і ї scho shcho kohana vіdne vіdnogo respect again, and then everything will turn out differently. Explain to this rift richly, but the smut of them - warmly, like people understand one to one, and do not want to be influenced by them.

If your version of the development is suitable for the appointment of "warm feelings", then friendship can come. When you traplyayetsya, scho partners save the same blue. old age. The initiative of one of the partners is not possible for that person. Having come in handy for friendship, it’s more than enough to rob a friend of a person out of a little pity.

Think well, are you ready to deprive the past of all the pretensions of that hour, if yours? Do not dedicate your girlfriends and friends to the experience, but there are more than a hundred dollars with a partner. Do not forget that now you are a free person, like it is necessary to joke your other half. Why not friendship with so many new friends?

Let's make friends

Do not hurry to move people, like asking you to be deprived of friends. Think about the blessings that will give you money. Adzhe the person herself propons to save those good things that were between you long hour. Having waited, you will know a friend, having learned - you will be left alone, about which you will soon be fooled yourself.

Hurry in joys quietly, who has gone through such an experience:

A look from the side.

Look at your partner from the side. Not from the look of a woman, she loved a yak, but like a person. Do you like it? Look at yours, are the judgments that are overturned? As if you are in this people of the cіkavogo svіvrozmovnika, good, nadіnu people, there is no sense to act in connection with tim, with whom the styles will show you.


You have long remembered that the girls with a partner went into a deaf kut. It became clear that you don’t have much sleepy future and you can’t go far. Do not be primary illusions, do not check for conflict. Dim your promo, and tell the lads everything is like that. Listen to the recitation and prove the greed of the one you have mercy on. To come to an unequivocal decision - to separate.

Just don't give primary hopes for updating the stosunkiv. Get ready before the young man will lose his friends. Say what you think, don't be unique. Put the dots over the "i". Tell me how you bachite rose:

Remaining that;
You are overwhelmed with friends, so that you can keep in touch (don't go on the phone).

Warm words.

Separated, bets are not only worried about saving friendly feelings, the stench literally burns the bridges behind them. New? Adzhe vie bless you, if you went ahead of time. If they marveled at the stars at once, they lay embracing at the bed. You had a lot to talk about, you have sleeping friends, you know those friends.

However, don’t forget about these temperaments, if a person doesn’t explain to them that they will be deprived of friends. Zhіnka, vіd priroda, vіdchuvaє, if її kohaniy breshe. Yogo spiritual weakness does not call out from her hoarding. Close, what a man, marvel at you at the vіchі, through the door is a hole. So, you are simply taken care of in the most acceptable way for him (without looking at and scandals). You don’t lose yourself with such a human friend, even if it’s low for someone who loves you to feel low. Especially unworthy of a man.

To that, first give a positive opinion, analyze the situation that has developed. Guess how many hours you spent together, how many dots do you have, how to explain your friendship to the future? How often wine tsіkavivsya your thought thinly. As you have understood, nothing will tell you that the union of foundations is less on physical proximity, or, more, on deceit, do not hesitate, say "no". It’s easier for you to survive this problem on your own, lower the check, to be shy and guess about your girlfriend. Possibly, this will never happen, and you will be quiet for yourself with your primary hopes for another hour, instead of calling your heart for new feelings.

February 24, 2014, 17:33