I am staring at one thing, I love the one. Scho robiti

I am going to kill you with great funnels, to help me virishity in the coming of food. At me in Danish moment є boy and wine I do not love much, but I love іnshu lyudin. I have known people for 11 months already. We were friends, loved one one, spent a good life. The first axis, I have quite a bit of a knowledge of the people’s friendliness. If I didn’t know anything about it, I am still suffering. Win part with his squad, or speak not through me. Vin is 6 rocky older than me. All the same, I still love yogo very much, I can say that I love me very much. And even if you don't show your life without me. I don’t know, I don’t know. I am a Muslim and it is not accepted for us to marry a divorced people. I know that my daddy will all be against it, but I don’t know about the stench. If you know, then you shouldn't allow one to get in your mind. If I will not be with the people, then I will be all the life of suffering. Thank you very much late. Ike

Aizhan, Kyrgyzstan, m Bishkek, 21 rik

as follows:


Privit, Aizhan.

Wonder how to go - They didn’t say anything to the fathers. Oh, the negative reaction of V tilka allowance. Why don't you be negative? If you have a vipadku, persh, nіzh judge about tse, it is necessary to talk with daddies. Try to get there, explain why your love and happiness are more important, more important than the voices and traditions. It’s possible, it’s an hour, it’s a little early, it’s clear, daddy is smart. Especially, if you will become happy and happy with your cohanim. According to the facts of the nikudi's development.

To the teacher, Alberti Oksana.

Psychologist's nutrition:

Good afternoon. There were 31 rubles for me, and 36 for a colossal person. 13 years lived with a person. Shlyubi Buli has 7 rockies. No one has a dumb child with us, no one has a bully before. Tse my persha love, know me, if I was in the 11th grade. The children were planning, but they didn’t go. From that father, the miracles came out, until one moment, then everything collapsed. Yogo mom took a part in our vidnosiny, worked hard, radila. The less was fiddling. At the shlyubi boules of welding, ale, they reconciled, in an hour the blues sank, there was anger, I didn’t see myself as a bazhana, cohana woman. Bybuti was unreasonable. We have ceased to be in our own life. Problems, interruptions, were reckoned with the incentive. I pidtrimuvala, missed the beast to fakhivtsіv. I know that the problems with the wicks of the bully are at the cholovik, in the child the psychological grip is in his homeland, the cholovik is talking, that all the children are. Separated through those, as viyavilsya, but not like children. In the rest of the rock is often cooked. Intima did not get, we lived at the same time, albeit like a family of souls, a cholovik of buv streams in the manifestation of feeling before me, I got all the innovations magical, ala, buvstinoyu. I am guilty in the fact that I was admitted, and in some moments I was rude, sharp, I didn’t move. Vіn viznaє, scho it is also vinous. They parted peacefully, more painfully, as the Lubljachi parted one by one. Alively okremo, magalas after new vidnosini, ale continually in the others whispered similar to the cholovik. For the whole hour they spluttered with him, leafed through, there was no intimacy. Zustrіchі sounded to zero, then try to forget it. Ale tse is unhappy. Infection є every day, like 4 months, or I just allow myself to love. The head is the head. Cholovik is younger for me by 2 rocky, yomu 29, lives with daddy, I want to be with me, children, but I am not ready at once before children, in the new there are no quiet positive moments, like in colishy.

I didn’t sing it, but it’s a person who is needed for me. Vin is not such a husband, as I wanted bi. One day it’s for me to be built, it’s a child’s fault. I love the cholovika. Not long ago she beat the coli-doc to the heart and soul. Bil, slyozi, image. Zrozumila, I love you even more. I’m ready to throw everything and turn to the best. Have fun, talked. An offense beloved one of one, the number of people may think to go back, ale the problems in іntimі zalishayutsya. Zupinilis on the fact that you need to think it over, if you don’t see it like that, if it’s going to come and be remembered all over again, I don’t think about it, I’m ready to love him and lose without children, I want to love and be with the cohanim at once. Vibir in front of me. Get lost in the days and allow yourself to love or drink to the cohanned cholovikov, or without physical intimacy.

The psychologist Bashtinskaya Svitlana Viktorivna told me about the nutrition.

Oksana, hello!

You have become native souls, you have lived all your life at once. We took mercy at once, radіli at once, went through viprobuvannya. Obviously, such trivial stosunki lishayut a trace in the soul, the stench cannot pass without a trace, that and is not guilty. The stench itself, among other things, ruined you like that, like vi є at once, the stench nailed you a lot, gave you admission. And so it’s that, in an hour, people get a rise in growth, especially from the stage of growing up. Your cholovik did not want children, but if they did, it’s a strong sparseness, and it’s unlikely that someone else can be sacrificed. It turned out that way, it didn’t work out physically, but it didn’t work out for you.

And here it is important to think about it, how to see between you - what is the meaning of love. If you are interested and you are interested in one one, if you have your own style, and you have your own skin. For the tse depletion. If you just don’t know, like a life without a crowd of people, if you don’t want children, you don’t want to. Lyubov tezh buvaє rizna, yak to cholovik, yak to brother, yak to close friend. I won’t be even stronger.

Naygolovnishe, you need it. What do you want? If you ask the food on the site, it means you know, it means you get the fuel. Dizno іntim and sex tse part of the innocent in love, tse signal and symptom, as it is dumb in the life of a man and a woman, then it’s just thinking about it.

Maybe it’s so, that you’re more comfortable one by one, if you think one is one, appreciate, and at the same time yours are more similar to those of both brother and sister, or mother and blue. It's not shitty, so boo.

It is so important for him to see what you want. Schob zrobiti vibir between oneself and oneself in tsikh vidnosin. I will be more beautiful for you, but for the right to choose. I still wanted to brutalize your respect, so that your vibration is between the heads. I can have mercy, and here I am bachu, do not look at your life okremo, independently. Nachebto you can only sleep in stosunki - quiet chi nshih. In the first place, I recommend that you ask for food and try to learn more about them - how do you back your life in the future? What do you want, what a bula? What do you need to see? What do you not want to see? why are you trimmed in 100s? that in. Tobto food, as they swear your respect to you and your consumer. And you can change your life and your life in such a way that you will be really happy. If you have a power supply fault, you can write here, for me on the post

Nutrition psychology

Zapuє: Margarita (2014-03-15 22:02:27)

Good day! I took the plunge into an ambiguous situation and was ruined. For less than 20 years, because of that, I got to know the boy on the elder for me. We have a splash, a romantic connection. Everything was good with spatka, and in an hour I became less tired. It takes less than an hour to juggle the dot, and the closeness. And the axis is a lad without everything, you can't love me so much.
At a given moment, the lad will know me with his friends. I just drowned in your friend. Tsei Sami friend turned out to be the ideal cholovik, as I was joking. Yogo character, yogo behavior, yogo drowning - everything is ideal for me. We often pick up with friends, lads, to be amazed by the philmy, or just sit in if and play with a song for a guitar. To go, I hardly ever come to the company with one boy, and for the day I come here and call for the best people. I can’t do anything with me, I am less attracted by a magnet to the whole people. I kicked him, and life became easier. We had a good conversation with him. However, I won’t be surprised at me only as a friend of my friend, and I don’t wonder at me as a girl. And I would have thrown everything, I would be with him. Vidnosin with a lad yak didn’t bulo such, і dumb, we steadily boil, immediately reconcile and know laєmosya. Ale, I can’t say, as if I’m just one to say, how should I be like me, but say to someone that I want to be not with him, but with his friend. I don't want to go out when I’m a lads, but I don’t want to go out and do it all through solidarity.
And just recently, it happened by chance that one of the details of our intimate life with the boy was known. Nachebto nothing like that, grown-up people, z kim not buvaє. Ale me now is so disgusting in front of one lad, stingingly awkward, I can't wonder in my eyes now. I also saw that I was happy with that, I was happy with that. Why not? Aje vin me nichto. I don’t know about those who are like me. Besides, I take care of the zhakhliv jealousy, if I’m talking about how the girls are. I am ready to destroy the whole apartment, ale sidzhu, using my fists, without having to worry about anything.
I need more help, so go back and forth. Chi varto ziznatisya? An hour later I want to open all my pictures, so I don't live with nonsense and deceit. What if you can do it, how can you show initiative? What about me in the principle of work? At such a grown-up camp, I can’t take care of myself, I want to be brown. The axis is already 2 months, I sleep for 4 years at a time, in the day there are no strengths, I am not shy about anything, I can’t put on a robot. Someone just wants to system and cry out of desperation, but I don't have the strength to be able to see my emotions. It’s quite a bit to say, when I’ve written a new rock, I’ve become wondrous, like I’m like an amoeba, I’m just smart: I don’t think about food for an hour, I’ve become nasty, the simplest speeches didn’t reach me much, I don’t think I’m in a good mood. for the nasty one, she became unimportant. I began to think for myself, so I live, only if it’s bachu yogo - I’m cheerful, balakucha, kind, humbled - and in an hour, my camp can be described, like “without eyesight”
Help, be weasel, I'm lost!


Privit Margarita!

You know in the middle of the neighborhood. yake need to assess the call. Tobto on the whole stage. Well, let everything be so good for YOU, you need to pin the spilkuvannya from the volume .... and live for yourself ... take care of your team. do not fit YOU ..... read, take a walk, take a look ..... At the place of sight, you can see it as one of the best for you ... for it doesn’t need one.

Trotsenko Natalia Yuriyivna, psychologist Vladikavkaz

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