Christmas decoration on. Christmas tree, as the main decoration of the apartment. Video: master class making garlands for the house

Among the various tinsel and other options for decorating the home on the eve of the Christmas holidays, they will be very popular new Year's compositions  do it yourself for 2018.

Making such a decor yourself is quite easy. It is enough to attract your inexhaustible imagination to realize creative ideas. You can create New Year compositions 2018 both for yourself and for the whole family, especially such a creative process will appeal to inventive kids.

To bring to life original ideas  You can use the recommendations below or choose a master class.

A wonderful decoration of any room will be the star symbolizing Christmas. It can be not only the subject of New Year’s home decor, but a gift for this holiday to relatives or friends.

For the New Year composition for 2018 in the form of a star you will need:

  • artificial flowers of a plant called eustoma;
  • sponge used in the flower industry;
  • artificial or possibly natural spruce branches;
  • pink silk ribbon;
  • two types of wire, one of which must be made of aluminum;
  • wire for bouquets;
  • scissors;
  • secateurs;
  • plain paper with print;
  • christmas tinsel.

The process of creating a future composition should begin with the formation of its framework. When working with aluminum wire, a pentagonal sprocket should come out.

The contour of the resulting star must be decorated with New Year's balls or beads of preferably one color scheme. It is necessary to take into account such an important nuance that the middle of the composition should remain free at this stage.

Another type of star decor will be imitated New Year's gifts. For this purpose, the sponge is cut into small cubes in size, each of which is wrapped with printed paper. The edges of the paper are bound.

Each of the impromptu gifts must be tied with a narrow silk ribbon.

The selected flower is framed with fir branches. Satin ribbon firmly fastens the structured structure. After that, miniature gifts are inserted inside it.

To hold the finished New Year's composition will be a large fragment of the sponge. At the end of the formation of the crafts, a floral wire is attached deeply to it, attached to the base of the star.

Do-it-yourself Christmas composition 2018 can be represented by a traditional coniferous wreath with one exception: it can not be hung on the door as usual, but statically placed on a festive or coffee table.

For the independent manufacture of such an option for home or office decor, you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • wrapping;
  • fir branches;
  • secateurs;
  • scissors;
  • thin wire;
  • twine;
  • tapes;
  • christmas beads and balls;
  • spruce or pine cones, walnuts;
  • silicone glue.

First of all, two identical diameters of a circle are cut out of thick cardboard, between which paper is laid to give volume.

Parts of the structure are firmly interconnected by twine, at the same time I arrange spruce twigs in a circle, thereby forming a wreath.

Sprigs of spruce or other coniferous plants are located on both sides of the wreath. They can slightly bend around the structure.

Coniferous wreath is decorated with small Christmas balls of contrasting flowers located at a distance from each other.

Alternate them with ribbons, as well as cones and walnuts planted on silicone glue, which can previously be coated with special paint or artificial snow.

The original idea of \u200b\u200bhome decor will be New Year's compositions for 2018 with candles. In order to create them, you can use both natural wax candles and paraffin candles.

To form the composition shown in the photo above, stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • large paraffin candle;
  • decorative satin ribbon;
  • raffia;
  • flower flasks made of plastic;
  • flower wire;
  • needles;
  • pine or spruce cones;
  • live or artificial carnations;
  • checkered fabric with some kind of print;
  • cotton or any filler;
  • golden color foil;
  • a variety of Christmas decorations;
  • balls for playing table tennis;
  • thin rubber band;
  • with scissors.

First of all, in the process of creating a composition, wire loops are formed from pieces of wire. Each of them must be inserted into a tennis ball, after which it is carefully wrapped with foil chosen to your taste and decorated with raffia or organza, which is also successfully used in this process.

In the future, it is advisable to complement the decor of the balls with chiffon or satin ribbons.

At the next stage of work on the structure, using a thin rubber band, fix around the candles plastic flasks intended for long-term moistening of short colors.

Reliably fixed around the paraffin body of the candle, flower flasks should be carefully filled with water. Spruce or pine branches preliminarily trimmed to the same length and carefully removed from below from excess needles are carefully inserted into them. Several tubes, alternating with filled, are left empty.

A candle so framed by coniferous branches is placed in a bag pre-sewn from checkered fabric. To give the product volume, cotton wool or another variety of the filler chosen at its discretion is also placed there.

At the end of the work on creating the composition, it is necessary to cut off the cloves, leaving only 7-10 centimeters from the bud, and place them in the empty flower tubes left before this.

In upper mounts christmas balls  thread a thin wire. With it, balls are tied in different places of the structure. Cones can also become an additional decor.

Using a floral sponge, you can create very creative New Year's compositions. Such a sponge is also called floristic polystyrene foam or an oasis. This porous material allows you to reliably fix the stems of a wide variety of plants inside it.

For a Christmas composition with hard coniferous branches, it is advisable to purchase a sponge of gray or brown colors. If the composition is planned to use fresh flowers, you need a green foam that effectively absorbs moisture. Its main advantage is an impeccable ability to hold plants fixed in it at different angles.

The green floral sponge is made in a rectangular and round shape. Absorbed moisture, it increases its weight thirty times. This kind of foam can be cut with a knife without problems, which makes it possible to give it, if necessary, a variety of shapes.

The acquired floristic sponge is prepared in advance for working with the composition. Even in dry form, it is cut, giving the necessary size and shape. In the case of using material for living plants, it should be immersed with light pressure in water and immediately released. After waiting for the top of the sponge to reach the water level in the container, the material must be removed to prevent it from getting wet. For the whole process you need no more than half a minute. Having done the described manipulations, the sponge is placed on a napkin so that excess liquid drains.

So, having become acquainted with the features of the material that is basic for the composition presented, you can prepare everything you need to create it:

  • wire or peat basket for ceiling pots;
  • floristic sponge;
  • container for sponge;
  • spruce or pine branches;
  • secateurs;
  • artificial or natural moss;
  • christmas tinsel.

First of all, it is necessary to give the shape of the chosen sponge the size necessary for the cache-pot.

Given such a nuance as the use of coniferous branches for decoration, you need to opt for a gray-green sponge that does not need to be soaked in water.

A floral sponge is placed in a special container for it.

Armed with a secateurs, you need to cut branches. Coniferous branches for this composition are preferred to form different lengths and subsequently placed inside the floristic sponge in a chaotic manner, but so that the sponge does not peep through them.

A filled container with a sponge and coniferous branches is lowered into the basket. For greater effect, the top of the basket is covered with moss.

The final touch will be a spectacular outfit of coniferous branches. For this, it is recommended to use New Year's beads, cones and even a luminous garland with small lanterns.

Another intricate variety of New Year's compositions is the glasses-candlesticks that decorate the festive table, the template of which this article offers.

For such a spectacular decor you will need:

  • several transparent wine glasses;
  • the same number of paraffin candles;
  • christmas tinsel;
  • salt.

Glasses for the New Year's composition can be grouped on the table or put in a row along the entire table.

The lack of decor on the glasses is a significant plus, allowing you to choose their own content.

Glasses are placed upside down on which candles are placed. It should be noted that candles may not be the same height.

Glasses can be placed on a spacer or saucer and in this case, imitate snow on their bottom using fine salt.

The entire cavity of the glasses, if desired, can be filled with small Christmas balls or sweets in a colorful shiny wrapper.

The legs of the glasses at their base can be bandaged with shiny serpentine.

The Christmas compositions of various kinds presented in the article will give an opportunity to creatively decorate your home for the holiday.

20.08.2017 21.08.2017 Detki-malavki

Annual preparation for the New Year is an integral tradition, which takes quite a bit of time. Buying gifts and a Christmas tree, choosing the right outfit and decorating the house are pleasant chores that bring pleasure and joy only if all the details are thought out in advance, and there are several weeks left for unforeseen circumstances.

The latter is especially important, as the interior plays a large role in the atmosphere. new year's eve. A magical fairy tale created with your own hands - will allow you to plunge into the New Year's atmosphere not only for children, but also for adults who are tired of constant work, daily workload and home life.

How to decorate the house for the New Year 2018 to attract luck, happiness, financial well-being and health, satisfying the needs of the patroness of the coming year - the Yellow Earth Dog? The best design ideas are proposed in today's article, along with photo examples that are easy to repeat with your own hands, making small changes to the color scheme or materials.

To make a harmonious decor that meets not only the holiday atmosphere, but also fashion trends, you need to think through all the details. Stylists working with the interior of the house recommend paying special attention to the color scheme and the combination of shades among themselves. In their opinion, it is best to choose two bright colors and one neutral. For example, green-red in contrast with gold or yellow-red with silver.

It is impossible not to mention the Christmas-tree decorations. Before you hang them on the New Year's beauty, you need to conduct an audit, checking the safety and purity of each toy. This will allow you to select only the most beautiful and memorable attributes, gathering all the household for an interesting pastime.

For those who want to please the patroness of 2018 - the Yellow Earth Dog, then they should pay attention to brown, yellow, golden, orange and pastel colors. They will fit well into any interior and will cause favor from the hostess of the year.

Christmas tree decorations

Unfortunately, most people decorate the tree in a chaotic manner, not knowing anything about the tricks of the Christmas tree decor and signs. Therefore, the elegant beauty does not look like in the storefront ... to avoid this, it is enough to choose one of the three decoration methods proposed below.

The first is spiral

Unusual and very bright decor is obtained when decorating tree branches in a diagonal way. Each row is a new color or transition from one tone to another. For example, if gold and red are chosen as the main colors, then you can choose the following colors as decoration for your Christmas tree decorations: dark golden, light golden, golden pink, deep pink, golden pink, raspberry, red, burgundy.

Such decor according to Chinese belief will bring financial prosperity and stability to the house.

The second is chess

Fans of intellectual games, Feng Shui offers an arrangement of Christmas toys in the form of a chessboard. This will attract good luck in all endeavors, including financial ones.

The third is under each other

The vertical arrangement of the balls is a classic, which includes in addition to Christmas toys, bright tinsel and rain. Smooth lines, shiny highlights and a combination of several colors at once - a stylish solution for those who prefer stability and silence.

This decor is best suited for couples with children and the elderly.

Symbols for the New Year of the Dog 2018

To make hostess of the coming year to the family, it is enough to decorate the house with hand-made crafts. A dog from plasticine or paper, hand embroidery on a pillowcase in the shape of a small puppy or a dog in a harness depicted in the picture - it does not matter! The main thing is that all the decorations combine with each other, giving the house a stylish and truly New Year's look.

And if there is a dog in the house, do not forget to please your beloved pet with tasty meaty bones, tasty food and new toys.

Table decoration

In addition to the question of how to decorate the house for the New Year 2018, each housewife thinks about choosing festive dishes, creating a menu and decorating a festive table. Last, especially important! Since the purchase of souvenirs, New Year's tablecloths and napkins will take more than one day.

The tablecloth can be decorated with New Year's prints such as: snowflakes, snowmen, deer, cute puppies, red candles, fairy-tale characters. In the middle of the table you can put a basket of small cones, ikebana made of mountain ash or nuts.

For a romantic evening, candles arranged in a chaotic order, orange skins folded in roses, fir branches are suitable.

The air in the street is already full of frosty freshness and purity. With a quiet rustle, falling snow falls to the ground, covering everything around with its snow-white shroud. Cold-boiled tits and other types of winter birds, eagerly eat orange rowan beads on twigs. And the snow is pouring and sprinkling all over, and as if by magic, on the roofs of houses and on the crowns of trees differently shaped silvery hats appear. Everything in the district put on “fur coats” and is waiting for something with a sinking heart. And this is not surprising, because New Year's days will soon come. The approaching celebration with great joy and laughter will burst into our cozy houses, and into them ... Exactly, you need to transform your home! You do not know how to do this simply and in an original way, then our article will provide you 73 photos of the idea of \u200b\u200binexpensive decoration of an apartment New Year  2018 DIY made by all members of a friendly family. By the way, if you don’t have enough ideas in your head regarding decorative eats created using your own materials at hand, our videos with step-by-step master classes will solve this problem. Relax and have fun with us!

New Year's decoration of the apartment

When the New Year 2018 knocks on our windows, then, as everyone already knows, it will come under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. Although this animal is peaceful, the warmth and comfort in the apartment are above all for her. Therefore, you need to try to decorate all corners in your home, even the most inconspicuous at first glance. The better you try, the kinder and more favorable the Dog will be for you and your family as a whole. The whole year will be accompanied by luck, prosperity and a positive attitude. You want to get these gifts without fail, then forward to the preparatory measures for decoration. Shurshim, as they say, throughout the living space. But what is it all the same worth paying close attention to, you ask ?! Yes, here's the thing:

  • entrance and room doors (Christmas wreaths, pendants made from Christmas toys, etc.);
  • windows and window sills (mechanical garlands, paper snowflakes, decorative candles, etc.);
  • walls (snowflakes made of foil, rain, tinsel, pendants made of Christmas balls, mechanical garlands and much more);
  • ceilings (garlands of own production, flags, cotton balls in the form of snow on threads, snowflakes and other beauty);
  • furniture (soft Christmas toys, decorative pillows, figurines, candles in bright themed candlesticks and more);
  • gender (confetti, tinsel, decorative gifts, Christmas trees, fairy-tale characters and more).

Here in general - that’s all it’s worth turning your eyes to so as not to miss out on any details in your room interior. Remember one thing that everything in the apartment should literally breathe in the New Year 2018. Turn on the imagination and turn each room into your own hands fairy tale. And our prepared photo ideas, videos and invaluable tips will help you with this. Forward towards festive beauty!

Video: decoration of the apartment for the New Year 2018

Decorate the front door

What do you think, dear friends, where do we begin our christmas decoration  apartments ?! Correct, of course, from the front door! And we do this not just like that, but in order not to forget this most important moment. And then we plunge such inspired ideas into all the rooms at once, plunge headlong into homework for making decorative products with our own hands, and forget about the doors! And guests will pay attention to this matter without fail! So, how can you cheer up our doors? Let's look at our photo ideas!

Here, as you can see, you can create real masterpieces of art for the New Year 2018 with your own hands. And for this you need everything - if there is not enough money to buy New Year's decor, a little of your time, a wagon or a small cart of rich imagination and desire, naturally. Indeed, without it even an elementary snowflake from paper cannot be made! Let's go further, dear friends!

Video: DIY Christmas wreath

Solemn Corridor

Moving smoothly from the front door of the apartment, completing its decoration, we should go for a run through the dull corridor. Where is the smile, fun and brilliance of tinsel and lights ?! If you have not planned a radical restructuring in your plans, then we recommend that you deal with them. No need to change everything upside down, just work on mechanical garlands falling from the ceiling interesting and rich, as in the photo. To make with your own hands something like stars from tree branches and pieces of wood lying in the garage of your noble spouse. Suspend such coolness on the ceiling, supplement the idea with large cones, clusters of some bright berries, for example, holly. Do not forget to place catchy thematic figures of forest animals directly on the floor, a dog, by the way, would also need, well, some fairy-tale characters that your child will choose. Something else can be added, well, it seems to me that is enough, otherwise it will turn out nagging. Through such unimaginable beauty, His Majesty will enter your New Year 2018! Let's see what kind of ideas exist among the people.

If you also want to decorate your apartment in an original way, imagine yourself a connoisseur of art, even for a moment, then your ideas will spill out in an unstoppable flow and create something like that.

Merry Christmas windows

To unforgettably decorate an apartment for the New Year 2018 with your own hands with your family, you need to try not to bypass the side of the window. Yes - yes, in every room! But to cheer them up will not be a big deal, because there are always hand-made paper snowflakes on hand, garlands of dried citrus peels, cones, spruce branches, Christmas balls, felt toys, and much more. Wait a minute, because candles can also be included in the category of decorative gizmos ?! From them you will create whole compositions with the addition of some additional improvised materials of your choice. Put such charm on the windowsill, for example, in the living room, so that friends and relatives admire this masterpiece. And do not want to bother for a long time, so just hang mechanical lights on the windows, decorate the glass with ready-made New Year stickers, bought in the store, scatter mandarins and candies with cones on the windowsills! Well, that seems to be all! Of course, if you are an artist, then indulge in stained glass paints or gouache. Imagine your soul mood on the windows. It will be transmitted with a new positive force to the whole environment. And if there are no paints, then toothpaste and a brush will help you! As they say, the old grandfather method is always good! Well, let's finally see a photo of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe best design work on decorating windows.

Video: New Year 2018 and Christmas window decoration ideas

With this learned method, you can make a wide variety of snowflakes not only for window decoration, but also for doors, walls, ceilings and more.

Mesmerizing walls

To Santa Claus said admiring: "Ho - ho - ho!", Stealthily placing gifts under the Christmas tree for New Year 2018, you need to captivate his eyes not only with the windows, but also with the walls in your apartment. And what is required for this, you ask ?! Yes, everything you want, well, for example, the same pictures depicting winter beauties or New Year's rejoicing; bright pendants from Christmas balls and felt toys made in advance by yourself; fabulous garlands created from various materials - paper, Christmas tree branches, cones, snowflakes, cotton balls, sweets and more; rain and tinsel, amusingly hanging from the walls, boots of bright bard colors waiting for their presents; New Year-themed stickers purchased in specialized stores; and, of course, if you do not have, unfortunately, Christmas trees in the apartment, then it can be placed on the wall in the form of mechanical lights and Christmas tree miniature balls. Well, more information about decorating walls will be provided by our photo ideas.

Naturally, for each room it is necessary to select the appropriate New Year's decor. So for a children's room, for example, you can not only use the large amount of rain, tinsel, Christmas balls, but also soft holiday toys, gifts located under the installed Christmas tree or placed in the corners. Place all bright postcards, flags, New Year's boots, socks, funny looking in the assembled garland around the room. Create more light, shine, warmth and sweets! After all, what else do children need in this magical time ?! As for the living room, then, of course, an elegant Christmas tree must express it! The feast will most likely take place in this part of the apartment, so it is worth paying special attention to decorating. All of the above methods are suitable, although you can also add a snow mobile above the table, made with your own hands from paper, decorative flowers, twinkling stars, Christmas balls, or something like that. But the most important thing that should captivate everyone gathered in your house for the New Year 2018 is the solemn lighting of all rooms, especially your bedrooms. It will give your holiday mystery and expectation of a miracle. Check out our photo ideas about this.

As you have already seen, garlands are an excellent and indispensable option for illumination. They are quite easily and conveniently combined with all kinds of exterior elements. Of course, you need to think carefully about where to place them so that there are sockets nearby. That's so gorgeous you can make a room for the New Year 2018 , and any, starting from the corridor and ending with the kitchen.

Video: master class making garlands for the house

Such superb DIY garlands on new year holidays, you can beautifully and unforgettably decorate your apartments, both their walls and windows. And what exactly you want to make depends on your personal preferences.

Rainbow ceiling

The windows shine with the glitter of lights and silver rain, the walls idly stand in the attire of decorative beads, various pendants and bows, but the ceilings? What can you come up with so interesting and inexpensive for this part of the rooms? It is necessary to arrange them somehow so that the jewelry does not “crush” their appearance, do not strain their eyesight and cause some discomfort among the gathered environment. Everything should be airy, shimmering and light. Well, for example, it would be nice to hang small snowflakes on thin elegant strings, made with your own hands from thin polystyrene foam, hot glue with sparkles, paper, cardboard or plastic, but the latter is easier to buy in the store. They are not so expensive, and the view simply fascinates you. Small lumps of cotton wool hanging from the ceiling, swaying measuredly, will also contribute to the decor of the rooms of your apartment for the New Year 2018. They will remind you of falling snow, which lies so silently lying on the ground. Huge and tiny balls of thread will complement your interior lively and catchy. Small Christmas wreaths also fit perfectly into the expanses of the room "sky", bewitching with its unusual appearance and beauty. In general, everything that your eyes fall on will serve as an excellent building material for transforming ceilings. Now, we recommend that you look through our photo ideas in order to expand your imagination.

In addition to all these beauties, you can build your own and a hanging mobile from cardboard, which will look cool on the ceiling in each room. The ideas of such products may be different, but we suggest you look at one option that we liked. It is simple in its execution.

Video: outboard mobile workshop

Christmas tree as the main decoration of the apartment

Whatever you say, and the tree is still the most striking and original festive decor. All eyes are riveted to her, a feast takes place near this coniferous beauty, funny dances and loud laughter of adults and children is pouring. If your imagination is on the verge, you do not know how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2018 with your own hands quickly and without any special financial costs, then the forest guest will come to your aid. Install it where your heart tells you, in any room, on the floor or on the chest of drawers, on the TV or even on the ceiling. It all depends on your desires. The main thing is that she should please everyone and charge with positive! As for the Christmas tree outfit, things are very simple: inexpensive Christmas balls, real cones in the form of toys, voluminous snowflakes made of corrugated paper, garlands, flags, tangerines, sweets, rain, bows and tinsel. The selection is quite large and varied for decoration. Browse our photo ideas and see for yourself.

And if it turned out that you didn’t have enough finances to purchase a Christmas tree, then there is certainly a way out. Get everything that you have in the house in the pantry and create something like a coniferous tree. Books, tree branches, gift boxes, old accumulated jars painted with acrylics or gouache, paintings, spruce branches and much more can become building materials. The most important thing is to mentally see the image of your future Christmas tree in order to understand what to sculpt! You can erect such a miracle on a floor, on a wall, on a cabinet, on chests of drawers or wherever you may think of. Immerse yourself in the world of fantasy photos with us.

Video: master class on making a miniature Christmas tree fromsisal

Photo ideas of modern apartment decoration

Do you have a tree for the New Year 2018 or not, and you still need to meet the gala night in a beautifully decorated apartment. Either Christmas toys bought at the store and other decorative things can help you with this, or a simple rain, tinsel, spruce garlands and pendants, made in the original form with your own hands from various types of paper - cardboard, corrugated, color, foil and more. Also, natural materials such as cones, tree branches, nuts, berries, corks and much more will serve as a good help for your creative work. You can get more detailed and visual information from our photo materials.