Beautiful sayings that touch to the depths of the soul. Touching phrases. Beautiful statuses to the depths of the soul

Everyone has their own level of soul development !!! True, many, being at the beginning, exalt themselves to the skies, but the wise, silently, observe!

My soul is of all ages, except for one — the age of my body.

You, now I know, you are in the world ... And every minute I breathe you, I live with you ... And in a dream, and in reality.

In 585g. at the Macedonian Ecumenical Council they discussed the question: does a woman have a soul? After a long discussion, a majority in one voice recognized that there is.

This is a kind of divine catastrophe. "When you are in love, you are able to study everything and know what you never dared to think about, because love is the key to understanding all the secrets." When compounds are real, they just never die. They may be buried or ignored or gone, but never broken. If you resonate deeply with another person or place, the connection remains, despite any distance, time, situation, lack of presence or circumstance. If in doubt, then just try - go and go to the person or place and see if there is any meaning in the whole space between now and then.

The soul-vessel that you accumulate is that ...

And this night they will disturb my soul! Memories that you were the best in my life.

The soul is a god who has found shelter in the human body.

If a person looks great, why change something ...

Loneliness is a state of mind ... This is for life ...

As for the weather - yes, he spat on it a long time ago. I have my own weather, in my soul ... and there, you know, it is always sunny.)))

If it were really real, you instantly plunged into the moment when he left - during the same year and place with the same surprise and hope, comfort and heartbeat. Real connections live forever. From our first meeting, our spirits began to touch each other. You were recognized by my heart before my eyes understood who you were.

Have you ever felt very close to someone? So close that you cannot understand why you and the other person have two separate bodies, two separate skins? "The human heart feels that the eyes cannot see, and knows that the mind cannot understand."

I am insane, but with severe frequent bouts of mental health.

Having sold himself to the devil, a man realizes how little he stands.

My body was measured so that the soul died ...

In the blood of the lips ... soul shatters ... only your eyes burn in the memory ... with a smile left you ... but, God ... how my soul hurts ...

Soul is not an ass - can not get out.

“Love is only discovery of oneself in another, and joy in awareness.” For it was not in my ear, I whispered, but in my heart. These are not my lips that you kissed, but my soul. Together we are much stronger. "It is he, he always was, and it always will be, now there is only time left."

Love is like a friendship caught in a fire. At first, the flame is very beautiful, often hot and cruel, but still only bright and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature, and our love becomes coal, deep and unquenchable.

Lovers finally do not meet. They are all time with each other. "There are no chance encounters between souls." This is what love says, it is not a split, opening up the possibility that it can change your life. A new woman and a new man are partners in the journey of spiritual partners in the path of spiritual growth. They want to make a trip. Their love and trust keep them together. This is what spiritual partnership is: partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.

Vaguely, deep down, we know who we really are. This is what caused the sorrow of our soul: we are not the ones we would like to be.

Our thoughts can work wonders: to inspire, inspire, captivate the soul and unite our destinies.

I am not the past - I am real ... I am not a pipe dream - I am real ... I am not an outlet - I have a soul ... and it hurts ...

"You love not finding the perfect person, but seeing the imperfect person perfectly." "There is a special connection between the twin twins - unconditional love, respect for each other, identifying the best in each other and high compatibility." This is an absolute human confidence that no one can know their own beauty or perceive a sense of their own value, until it reflects on it in the mirror of another loving, caring person.

"Our hearts speak the same language, but more importantly, our souls share one voice." Our Universe gives each soul a deuce - a reflection of itself - a kindred spirit. And no matter where they are or how far they are from each other, even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find each other. This is destiny; this is Love.

Hearing during the time is very important for the soul. Statuses that touch the soul

After all, the SOUL is not an organ! But how much you feel when it hurts, just as you feel an incredible surge of strength and energy when the SOUL is healthy ...

If the heart prompts, the mind whispers, and the soul is not ready, then it is better to wait for them to agree)

Maintaining inner harmony is much more important than curbing external stimuli.

"If you do not live when in love, then you, my friend, love the wrong thing." “A roommate is someone to whom we feel deeply connected, as if the communication and communication that takes place between us were not the result of deliberate effort, but rather divine grace.”

"The bond between ancient souls is older than the planet." A classmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys that are suitable for our locks. When we feel safe to open the locks, our true selves come out, and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are, not for who we pretend to be. Each one represents the best part of the other.

In your soul either darkness or light. You either live or not. The pain of the other is your pain, or trifle. You are a person in this life, or so ...

Thank you for this emotional simulator, for the massage of the soul ... It turns out she can do a lot more ... Thank you for the awakened feelings and thoughts that are now rushing around, looking for ...

Everything is very scary and difficult only for the first time, then the soul acquires the ability to somehow cope with it.

"A classmate is one whose love is strong enough to motivate you to meet your soul, to do the emotional work of self-knowledge, awakening." “Our souls already know each other, don’t they?” He whispered. "These are our bodies that are new." "With some, we are confident that our hearts must have been acquainted long before we met them."

In any relationship with soul mates, you will need to let go of the illusion that you are expecting the perfect person who fulfills all your expectations and gives your individuality whatever he wants when you are together. "When you are deep in the depths of your being, you believe that your girlfriend exists, there is no limit to how he or she can enter your life."

I did not trample your soul ... I danced on her lezginka !!!

To live by the soul, not by the mind - this is our way!

Sometimes we open the soul to the wrong ...

From someone else's happiness to pick up parts, - A difficult thing, and perhaps a sin ... It would be better to think about the soul-ballast: Sorry for the cracks who have flown into the precipice

Apparently my fate is this, I can understand everyone ... but not myself ...

Instead of treating excitement and lust, relationships between relatives in the soul are characterized by such things as the general way of life, a feeling of comfort and ease, and sincere sympathy for each other. Know that we have met before and that we will meet again.

"I came to this earth to find a way back to my Beloved." The person is a guest house, every morning a new arrival. Even if there are whole masters of worries. who are rushing over your house and robbing it. Still treat every guest with dignity. He can cleanse you to make room for new blessings. Be grateful to everyone who comes, because everyone has been sent by a teacher from another world. Conscientiousness without love makes it sullen. Responsibility without love is merciless.

The brightest of all the springs ... is that in the shower.

Be careful ... not only bees can eat your soul nectar ...

December is some kind of grace, Fall like snow and wait for a miracle. To lie and not think about anything, To breathe and listen — only the soul ...

Our souls, like the leaves of a cactus, dried up so that they turned into needles.

The best healers of souls are those who have repeatedly experienced the pain of emotional wounds !!!

Wisdom without love makes you deceptive. Without love, you become hypocritical. An order without love makes a petty examination without love, makes one boss. Power without love makes you cruel without love makes you proud, without love makes you whine.

Without love makes you fanatical. Every meeting that concerns your soul goes away. track that never completely blown away. Some meetings are like snowflakes, they are. touch you gently, cause flour. and disappear again. Some meetings are like raindrops, they kiss. Your forehead, touch your heart and bring yours.

Put your soul in a woman, and live on interest ...

The soul you are requesting is out of your reach.

The wretchedness of the soul cannot be compensated by beauty ...

- Sincerely asking for forgiveness is when you are on your knees ... your soul has become.

And I closed my gates to my soul. Someone simply does not understand me ... I am often told that I am beautiful ... I’d like to exchange beauty for happiness ...

Some meetings are like the wind, they are. caress your skin, bring your smile. Face and you feel comfortable with them. Some meetings are like the sun. hug you with love, open your hands and heart. and give your soul security.

Some meetings are like stars, they are fascinating. You, make your eyes shine and stay. Look in the mirror and be amazed. “Go ahead,” said the soul to the body, “he does not listen to me, perhaps he is listening to you.” "I will be sick, then he will have time for you," said the body to the soul.

Examining the sun to keep warm. Learn from the clouds, swim easy. Studying the wind, giving impulses. Learn from the birds to get the height. Examining from the trees to be solid. Learn luminosity from flowers, learn from stones, stay, learn from the bushes of spring renewal. learn to fall from the leaves of autumn. learn passion from the storm.

“The inexplicable thing is the soul.” No one knows where it is, but everyone knows how, bitch, it hurts.

Statuses that touch the soul