1 person in Russian. What is the face of the verb in Russian

A person is a verbatim grammatical category of a verb, denoting a carrier of a procedural sign and expressing this meaning in the system of forms 1, 2 and 3 l. units and mn. present and future tense indicative moods, as well as in the imperative mood. Verbs that have forms of inflection on persons are called personal. Form 1 l. units indicates that the bearer of the procedural characteristic is speaking, form 2 l. units - addressee of speech, form 3 l. units indicates that a person who is not involved in speech, or an object or phenomenon appears as a carrier of a procedural sign. The form 3 l., Possessing subject-personal meaning, is opposed to the forms 1 and 2 l., Characterized by its own personal meaning. To indicate the carriers of the procedural characteristic, appearing in the amount of more than one, the plural forms are used, and the form is 1 l. mn indicates such a set in which the speaker is included. Thus, the categorical meaning of the personal forms of the verb is an indication of the carriers of the procedural sign, as well as the relatedness or unrelatedness of this sign to the participants of speech: writingwe are writing; you writeyou write; he's writingthey write; The album is on the table.Albums are on the table.  In their meaning, personal forms of the verb are correlated with personal pronouns-nouns.

Personal forms belong to verbs in the indicative mood (except for the past tense, the forms of which represent gender and numerical differences), as well as in the imperative mood.

Personal verbs are opposed to impersonal verbs, representing the process as occurring by itself, regardless of the actor, i.e. without a person or subject: get dark (On the street getting dark ), to breathe (In the open air is easy breathe ). The impersonal includes verbs denoting:

  • a) natural phenomena or conditions ( soar, to freeze, overnight, dawn, get cold, get dark);
  • b) the physical or mental state of the living being ( feel sick, fever, shiver, to stitch, to hurt, feel sad, take heed, to live, doze off);
  • c) obligation or desirability ( to do, be appropriate, want);
  • d) the presence or absence of something ( to miss, grab, get: Knowledge from him will get ).

The system of forms of impersonal verbs includes the infinitive, as well as forms that coincide with the form of 3 liters. units present or future simple time and form sr.r. in past tense and subjunctive mood ( light up, light, light, it would be light).

In Russian, there is a limited number of impersonal verbs. Often, impersonal verbs are formed from personal using postfix - xia: sitsit down (not home is sitting ), sleepto sleep (he is not sleeping ). In addition, many personal verbs are used in some of their meanings as impersonal: blow (From the window blowing ), melt (On the street melting ), to pull (Spring it pulls  in the forest).

Personal forms of the verb, as well as personal pronouns-nouns, are often used in a figurative sense. Forms 2 l. units and 3 l. mn can be used in the value of 1 l. unit: Home you come heart rejoices. Turn on  television, staging any look. I want to buy another sofa  (V. Shukshin);

You say  (i.e. speak) stop making noise!  The same use is characteristic of 1 l form. pl, used as the so-called modesty: we believe (those. I guess), we we consider , we stick to  different point of view.

Form 1 l. mn can also be used to indicate that the bearer of a procedural sign is the addressee of speech, one or some of them. The speaker himself does not participate in the verb-named process, but the use of the form is 1 l. mn allows you to express such additional nuances as condescension, empathy, or irony: How are we ourselves feel , sick?; Are we good have a rest , children?  Form 2 l. mn is widely used in the case of polite treatment of "you" to one addressee of speech: Vladimir Ivanovich, not tell me  it about your trip?

In cases where attention is focused on the action or state itself, and not on its subject, the generalized-personal use of verbal forms is quite widespread. With such a meaning, usually in proverbs, sayings and aphorisms, 2-l forms come out. units and mn. and 3 l. unit: what you sow , then and reap; Open up  the bookyou will get  to the world of knowledge; That's because people happen pushes and will not apologize.  With a similar value, forms of 1 l are often used. units and many others, which indicate that the subject of action may be not only the speaker, but also any other person: Another troubleby hands reconnaissance; What we havenot keep , lostcry.

For instructions on indefinite producers of action, 3-l forms are used. many hours: To me they say , that the climate of Petersburg becomes harmful for me  (F. Dostoevsky); In the city of his are waiting.

In proverbs and sayings form 3 l. mn Expresses a generic-personal meaning: Head off, not hair cry; Chickens in the fall think.   Forms 3 l. in indefinite-personal or generalized-personal use, they always designate a person who is a carrier of a procedural sign.

Verbs 2 faces: What are you doing? The value of the 3rd person in grammars is called subject-personal, since The subject of the situation, denoted by the form of the third person, can be both a person and an inanimate object. Conjugation is the modification of verbs in the present and future simple tense according to persons and numbers (similar to declension for nouns).

A person is the most important category of a verb, with the help of which it is indicated who performs the action. The category of a person is inherent in the present and future tense verbal forms of the indicative mood, as well as the imperative mood forms. 1 person verb - indicates that the action relates directly to the speaker, he is the subject of speech (I make coffee, I buy apples). 3 person of the verb - expresses the attitude of the action to the person or to the object that does not participate in the speech (he goes to the cinema, she strokes his shirt).

Verbs 1 person answer the questions: What am I doing? What will I do? In the imperative mood of the form of the 1st and 3rd person are formed with the help of particles let's, yes, let, let them. Among them are tiny, with a pinhead, and large ones, such as whales. In the oceans live sharks. They are also different.

What is the verb face in Russian?

The face is the inflectional grammatical category of the verb, peculiar to the finite (see) forms of the present-future tense (see. Time) (presentation). The face has features of both syntactic and nominative categories. In the Russian grammatical tradition, forms that have a personal-numerical index are called personal, or conjugated (see. The system of verb forms, Finiteness).

The verb is given and its derivatives are in the plural. the end of the second conjugation in the 1st and 2nd person (dad-im, dad-ite) and the end of the 1st conjugation in the 3rd person (dad-ut). There is a verb and its derivatives are conjugated in many ways. by the second conjugation. Conjugated forms of the verb to be (I will, you will be, etc.) refer to the future tense. In the imperative paradigm, traditional grammars include forms of the 2nd person singular and plural, and forms of joint action.

1.2. Facial category expression: imperative

NOTE. In the forms of the imperative mood, elements of agglutination are found, which are not generally characteristic of Russian morphology. A typical way of expressing grammatical meanings in Russian is inflectional - the expression of several (or all) grammatical meanings within one indicator, inflection. In perfect verbs and verbs of unidirectional movement (such as walking, flying) of an imperfect type, the form of joint action is synthetic.

Synthetic forms without them can also be used when referring to several persons: Guys, run !; Girls, let's go to the store! Analytical form let's be used only when referring to one addressee: Masha, let's go to the store!

2.4. The use of personal forms in its own meaning

The question of the status of a category of a person does not have a clear-cut solution in the national grammatical tradition. There is an approach in which a person is treated as a purely syntactic (concordant) category that does not have its own nominative meaning.

2.3. The face and semantics of the verb. Personal and impersonal verbs

With such an approach, even in impersonal and vaguely-personal sentences, the zero subject is postulated. The verb face category has too many deviations from this pattern to consider the choice of the face as canonical agreement. First, the approval controller does not have a grammatical category of a person. In personal pronouns, the face is a lexical, not grammatical meaning. Another thing is that in the form of the 3rd person, in contrast to 1-2 persons, it is impossible to determine the referent of the subject of the verb.

2.4.1. Indicative

2nd person to the addressee. The use and interpretation of personal-numeric forms of verbs is influenced by various semantic, syntactic and communicative factors. The value of the third person’s construction (Let it enter!) Also seems to contain an implicit “addressee” component (something like tell him to enter ’). Personal verbs, i.e. verbs that formally have a complete personal paradigm, the use of certain forms of a person depends on the lexical meaning of the verb.

The meaning of the verbs face category

12) I am currently studying evening form at the 5th year of the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, faculty: “Finance and Credit”. In addition to its own (direct) use, each form of a person has improper (expansive or portable) uses. The form of the 1st person singular is practically not amenable to generalization.

54) Sometimes you play with her in the same stage and you don’t understand what she does until you watch the footage. 58) I look at him with a sort of gloating, he turns to me, salutes and, handing over the documents, says: "Everything is in order, you can go." And vice versa, in modern colloquial speech, sometimes there is a choice of the predicate's form according to the real number of the referent of the subject, contrary to the polite “You”, cf .: * Drank the medicine?

There are also verbs that are used only in the form of the 3rd L. unit. h and in an impersonal sense: It is getting dark; I am shivering (see Impersonal Verbs). In this case, they do not require with themselves the infinitive form, but the plural form of the 1st person (cf. the synthetic form of joint action from the same verbs).

In Russian there are verbs that have an incomplete set of personal forms.

So, do not have the form of 1 person unit. Verbs: to conquer, persuade, outshine, kink, cheek, buzz, revel, groan, rustle.

Do not have forms 1 and 2 persons verbs: to whiten, blacken, yellow, shine, darken, whiten, yellow, swell, grow, do.

The absence of forms 1 and 2 of the persons in these verbs is explained primarily by their semantics: they denote actions, the subject of which cannot be 1, 2 persons.

From verbs cheek  it is possible to form 1 person, but these forms are not used, because completely coincide with verb forms keep awake

Impersonal Verbs

Verbs that vary in persons are contrasted with impersonal verbs. Impersonal verbs denote processes that take place without the participation of the subject, are accomplished by themselves.

Such processes, actions include:

Natural phenomena ( It's getting light. Cold.)

Physical states ( Nausea Shit)

Involuntary actions ( How did it get you?).

In terms of education, the following groups of impersonal verbs can be distinguished.

1. The core of BG consists of impersonal verbs proper ( It's getting dark. It's getting dark.).

2. BG, formed from personal verbs as a result of changing the semantics of the word (the development of homonymy): The horse carries a cart. - I'm lucky.

3. BG, formed from personal verbs with help from I am reading. - Today, something is not read. I sleep soundly. - I can not sleep.).

4. BG, formed from the impersonal with the help of consoles ( Tickles in my throat. - My throat closed.).

5. Widespread use of personal forms of the verb in an impersonal meaning ( He pulls the rope. - From the window pulls. The wave overturned the boat. - Boat overturned wave.).

BG have a peculiar grammatical characteristic, different from the grammatical characteristics of personal verbs.

Thus, the paradigm of BG forms differs significantly from the personal verb paradigm, which gives scientists the basis to consider BG to be independent verbs rather than impersonal forms of personal verbs.

BG should be distinguished from personal verbs, which act as predicate indefinitely personal and generalized personal one-component sentences:

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Noise outside the door.

On the street blinks.


1. The question of participles in modern linguistics

The question of the status of participles is controversial in linguistics. Since the participle exhibits signs of the verb and the adjective, it gives one scientist the right to classify participles as adjectives (L. A. Bulakhovsky), others consider the participles to be a special form of the verb (AG-80). There are linguists who define the participle as an independent part of speech (N. M. Shansky, D. N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, school grammar).

Communion is a very ancient verb form. In the old Russian language there were already valid and passive participles, as well as complete and brief forms of participles. Brief participles, like brief adjectives, in Old Russian were inclined. Full participles were formed in the same way as full adjectives, namely, by adding demonstrative pronouns –and, –and, –e to short forms of participles. In the Old Russian language real participles of the present have special suffixes. –Chutor, юyuch (1 spr.), –Ach, –chach (2 sphr).Modern forms of participles with suffixes –Usch, -yush, -ash, -yashthey are of Old Slavonic origin. And in ancient times, the ancient Russian original participles became adjectives ( hot, burning, prickly, sedentary).

Hello! I want to ask whether the particle is used -ka- in the indicative mood with 1 person verbs. for example, "I'll go home." It is written in all the rules that -k is used only in the imperative mood.

Particle ka  used after the verbs in the form of the 1st person units. and many others numbers bud. seized time. inclinations. In the first case, she expresses an urge to action directed toward herself, for example: Or not, I'll tell you better how I got married(Turgenev I. S. Hamlet Shchigrovsky County). In the second, it is used to eliminate the categorical expression of the verbal form of the impulse to the joint action of the speaker and the interlocutor, eg: “Let's go for a word, Lyuba,” called Yegor.(Shukshin V. Kalina red).

Question number 282403
Hello, I want to check what letter (a or o) to write in a word I approve (I approve), but for some reason in your dictionaries there is not one of these words.

The word “approve” of the dictionary prompts “to add,” and the word “approve” of the dictionary says “give”.

How to solve these problems?
  Thank you in advance for your response.

Answer help desk Russian language

Words approveand to complimentnot in the Russian language. There are verbs approve(perfect look what to do?) and approve(imperfect view what to do?). 1st person form imperfect verb numbers: i approve.

Question number 282066
   Does the word "blame" (in the sense of "guilty") exist in the Russian language?

Answer help desk Russian language

Yes, in Russian there is a spoken verb to blame  "confess his guilt", the shape of the 1st person unit. numbers of this verb - blame, eg: i blame you.

   Hello. Please tell me how it will be correct:
  You - bold (ie, behave arrogantly).
  He, she - sass.
  We are bold.
  I - ??????

Answer help desk Russian language

cheekdifficult (in other words, this form is not used in speech, cf .: to win).

Question number 256292
   Hello! Help form the form of 1 person singular bud.time from the "enjoy" infinitive.

Answer help desk Russian language

From enjoy  (imperfective verb) 1st person form future numbers: i will enjoy.From enjoy  (the verb of the perfect form) forms the form of the 1st person enjoy

Question number 255428
   Good evening! Please help put an end, if possible. Is there a future tense for the first person singular of the verb "to win"? Thank you very much!

Answer help desk Russian language

From the verb to win  I will win, I can win.

Question number 253803
  Does the verb “vigil” with the pronoun “I” use, if so, how?

Answer help desk Russian language

Formation of the form of the 1st person verb numbers watch out  is difficult.

Question number 252179
   Tell me, please, how correctly: upload (leg) or roll up?

Answer help desk Russian language

1st person form part of the verb roll up - roll up.

Question number 250001

I want to ask you a question about the verb "climb." Recently I heard from someone "get on." Long laughed, because I was sure that the correct form "climb". Out of curiosity, I searched the Internet and ... was surprised. Ushakov's dictionary states that the corresponding form of the verb to climb is a climb, and to climb I get on. Ozhegov's dictionary says that “climbing” is a colloquial form of the verb “climbing.” At the same time, I found a study on the forum lingvo.ru, which says that, at least in St. Petersburg, the verb "climb" is used in the vast majority of cases.

So how is it right? Is it right to say "lazh" (Brrr ...)? Is it true that “climbing” is a colloquial form of “climbing”?

Thanks in advance for the answer!

Answer help desk Russian language

Yes it is. There are two verbs in Russian: climb  and to climbVerb climb -common and stylistically neutral, the shape of the 1st person unit. numbers of this verb - get on. And the verb to climb(the form of the 1st person unit - i climb) is noted in the dictionaries as colloquial, that is, its use is permissible in oral speech, but it is undesirable in writing.

Question number 249082
  I am tormented by one question:
  How to write and say “I will come” or “I will come” and if there are any such words, if not, then what can be replaced with them?
  thanks for the answer.

Answer help desk Russian language

1st person form numbers from to come - i will come.

Question number 246915
   How to "vacuum" or "vacuum"? And "win" or "win"?

Answer help desk Russian language

Right: vacuuming.  From the verb to win1st person form numbers are not formed, a descriptive construct should be used: i can win, win.

Question number 242974
   Good day!
  Can you please tell me how to properly conjugate the reflexive verb to make sure.
  will i be sure i am sure or this form is missing?
  Thanks a lot in advance!

Answer help desk Russian language

Make surei am convinced. Make sure  - the form of the 1st person h is not used.

Question number 240034
   How to say: run or win, vacuumed or vacuumed?

Answer help desk Russian language

Right: i will vacuum, I will win(the verb to defeat the form of the 1st person units. not used).

Question number 239868
   Make sure, make sure, make sure - how to? Some kind of "clumsy" word, usually I try to avoid it in speech, because None of the options seems to me sounding and literary correct. Thank.

Answer help desk Russian language

1st person form h. this verb is uncommon. It should be avoided.