The Pivden-Russian Institute of Management - the branch of the Russian Academy of People's Government and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation. Pivdenno-Russian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of People's Government and State Services

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Kolishnya name Rostov Oblast Party Courses
Rostov region party school
Rostov mіzhoblasna vishcha partyіyna school
Pivnichno-Caucasian Social-Political Institute
Pivnichno-Caucasian Personnel Center
Pivnichno-Caucasian Academy of State Service
Head organization Russian Academy of People's Gospodarstvo and State Service for the President of the Russian Federation
Rik asleep - de facto
Type of institute
Director O. V. Lokota
Legal addresses 344002 Rostov region m. Rostov-na-Donu vul. Pushkіnska bud. 70
Before: First mortgages, dated 1944 to rock

Pivdenno-Russian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of People's Government and State Service under the Presidents of the Russian Federation (YURIU RANHiGS) - the chief mortgage of Rostov-on-Don.



In 2014 roci Pivdenno-Russian Institute of Buv renaming into Pivdenno-Russian Institute of Management.


  • Faculty of Management
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Politics
  • Faculty of pre-professional education


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  • D. Dubonosov... - Rostov n / a: RDPI, 1970 .-- 152 p.
  • Selyunin V.A. Trudovy Don - to the front: a historical sketch. - Rostov n / a: Rostov knikkove vidavnistvo, 1985 .-- 198 p.

Urivok, which characterizes the Pivdenno-Russian Institute of Management

An ugly smile, as soon as the hour was growing, again appeared on the individual of the vіyskogo ministr.
- By the way, dyakuyu you. Sovereign Emperor, Mabut, zazha you bachiti, - repeating vin and nahilia head.
If Prince Andriy viyshov from the palace, he saw, then all the interest and happiness, delivered to this side, is now deprived of him and transferred to the canoe hands of the vice minister and the secular adjutant. The whole storehouse of thoughts is mittєvo changing: the battle was fought long ago, in a distant fall.

Prince Andriy zupinivya at Brunny's at his well-known, Russian diplomat. Bilibina.
- Oh, my dear to the prince, he doesn’t receive a guest, - having said Bilibin, he asked Prince Andriy. - Franz, the prince's speeches are in my bedroom! - he turned to the servant, as if he saw Bolkonsky off. - Well, the visitor of the peremogi? Perfectly. And I am sick, yak bachite.
Prince Andriy, pushing in and stretching himself, viyshov at the diplomat's office and siv for obid. Bіlіbіn spokіyno sіv bіlya kamіna.
Prince Andriy did not only take his own rise in price, but for the whole march, before the hour of what would be the hour of the day when all the purity and vitality of life were added Besides, it’s okay to talk to the Austrian receptionist, I want to talk not Russian (they spoke French stench), but from the Russian people, who, having let go, let’s go to the back home, I’m looking forward to it (warmly).
Bilibin buv cholovik rokiv thirty-five, disagreement, one partnership with Prince Andrew. The stench of a blistering peterburzi, more nearer to be known in the last visit of Prince Andriy to the next day from Kutuzov. Yak Prince Andriy buv is a young cholovik, who has thought to travel far away to the Vyiskovy fields, so he has even more looked at Bilibin as a diplomatic one. He was a young man, even an older diplomat, more than sixteen years after serving in Paris, Copenhagen, and now from Vidnia, having taken the meaning of the place. The First Chancellor and our envoy knew him and valued him. It’s not because of the great number of diplomats, who are guilty of mothers who aren’t overwhelmed, don’t use any kind of speeches and speak French in order to be good diplomats; win one of the quiet diplomats who love and witness pratsyuvati, and who do not care about their line, spend the nights at the writing table. Win pratsyuvav, however, is good, who would not have the day of the robot. Yogo tsіkavilo not eating "now?", But eating "yak?" Chomu polagala is diplomatic on the right, youmu were all the same; a little bit more mysterno, vluchno and vitonenno a circular, a memorandum and a report - we know a great deal of satisfaction. The merits of Bilibin were appreciated, surrounded by letters of robots, which are also due to the mastery of the evil spheres.
Bilibin loving rozmova as it was, just like loving a robot, only todi, if rozmova could be vitonically ample. At the suspension of wines, every day a miracle has been said, and having entered into the office of a rozmov not an innakhe, like for a cycle of minds. Rozmova Bіlіbіna steadily peppered with original, up-to-date, ending phrases, which may cause some special interest.
These phrases were prepared from the internal laboratory of Bilibin, none of them, portable quality, but no small people could easily remember them and transfer them from the windows to the living. I fair, les mots de Bilibine se colportaient dans les salons de Vienne, [Bilibin's helpers were scattered across the Viennese] and they were often injected on so called important fair.
Losing weight, visnazhene, zhovte denouncing yogo bulo everything in the great sniffs, as they always looked so cool and diligently promit, as the fingers of the fingers were sent to the lazy. Rukhs of cich zmorshok became a head of gross physiognomy. Either the cholo wrinkled in wide folds, the eyebrows went down, then the eyebrows went down, and the cheeks flickered. Glibo posed, small eyes, they were amazed right at that merrily.
- Now tell us your exploits, - having said Vin.
The Bolkonian most modest rank, who has never been misunderstood about himself, will be right with the reception of the vіyskiy ministry.
- The stench took me away from the sound of the sound, as I take the dog, if you put the grains in the pins, - pidsumuvav vin.
Bilibin chuckled and let go of the folds of the skirts.
- Cependant, mon cher, - having said win, looking out nearby with all the care and attention to the shkira above the livim eye, - malgre la haute estime que je professe pour le Orthodox Russian military, j'avoue que votre des victoire n'estuses. [However, my dear, with all my povazi to the Orthodox Russian war, I vvazhayu, that your victory is not for the most boring.]

Pіvdenno-Rosіysky іnstitut upravlіnnya - fіlіya RANHіGS Je provіdnim mіzhregіonalnim NAUKOVO-osvіtnіm center of pіdgotovki, perepіdgotovki that pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії kadrіv State Service that mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya, spetsіalіstіv rinkovoї Economy, NAUKOVO-methodical that іnformatsіyno-analіtichnogo zabezpechennya organіv State Vladi that mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya Rostovskoї oblastі, republics of the Pivnichny Caucasus, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories.

At the YURIU RANHiGS students are welcomed from all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as from the regions of Russia. Professional training of students to work on the basis of rational understanding of the theory of practice. Students undergo training, start-up and pre-diploma practice in the state and municipal authorities, provincial institutions and organizations.

An important form of detailed theoretical knowledge and practical tips, creative jokes of students є active participation in the robotics of science groups, preparation of additional studies and occasionally at student scientific-theoretical conferences, which are routinely held at VNZ.

Students of the philia - scholarships of the President and the Uryad of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Rostov region, dozens of funds and community organizations, for the sake of it.

The VNZ has successfully carried out highly qualified victories, such as those at the top of the steps, the great practical awareness of the critical robot in the bodies of state and world power, organizations of the huge sector, banks, banks.

Vikladachi actively carry out independent pre-slidnitsky projects, may publish in foreign science journals, regularly undergo qualifications.

In the YURIU RANEPA, miracles have been created for the development of students: the Orpheus cultural center, the discussion club, the sports sections, the students are actively involved in student development. A good supplement to creative zd_bnosti є vlasne TV tabachennya that newspaper.

License No. 1138.0000 dated 04/12/2011 00:00, without a line.

Accreditation No. 953.0000 from 25.06.2012 00:00, valid until 25.06.2018 00:00.

Director: Rudiy Vasil Volodymyrovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, State Radnik of the Rostov Region, 3rd class
The head of Vchenoi for the sake of the Pivdenno-Russian Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
It was born on 28 October 1974 near the Gulkevichi metro station in the Krasnodar Territory.
In 1992 he graduated with a "gold medal" graduating from school No. 1 of M. Gulkevichi and joining the faculty of sovereign and municipal management of the Pivnichno-Caucasian Personnel Center (since 1995 - Pivnichno-Kavkazka Academy of State Service).
In 1996 he was awarded a special state scholarship by the Uryad of the Russian Federation for his successes.
In 1997 he graduated from the Pivne-Caucasian Academy of State Service and joined the postgraduate course of SKAGS at the Department of Economic Theory and Education.
In 1999, he took a dissertation on the scientific level of the candidate of economic sciences on the topic: "Economic ambush of the world self-production for the minds of the ear of the market."
2006 rock was awarded the title of associate professor.
In 2001, a request was made for a robot in the administrative department of the Rostov region. From 2005 to 2008 rik keruv in the center of informational-methodical robotics and training of personnel in the administrative region. Specialization to the center - development and implementation of innovative projects in the sphere of state and municipal administration, organizing the training of personnel in the state and municipal service, coordination of the preparation of personnel from the President of Ukraine
The administrative robot has moved from the vicious and scientific-pre-past work.
Since 1998 - Assistant, Senior Vice-President, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Sovereign and Municipal Management of SKAGS (since 2011 - FDBOU VPO Pivdenno-Russian Institute of Management "Russian Academy of National Government and State Service of the Federation)
From 2008 to 2011, the rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Pivnichno-Caucasian Academy of State Service. In 2011, in connection with the decisions of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "The Russian Academy of People's Government and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation" Federation ".
Zagalny experience of professional activity - 16 years.
Reference member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences
(M. St. Petersburg), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Political Science.
From 2010 to enter before the reserve of management personnel, which is under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation ("Presidential Hundred").
The sphere of scientific interests is administrative and municipal reform, development of state and municipal service, training of personnel for state and municipal administration.
He is the author of 81 scientific publications on the whole range of problems, of which 26 are teachers and teachers.
About the expert fate
... Member for the sake of nutritional self-preparation for the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation at the Pivdenny Federal District.
Member for the sake of personnel policy, nutrition of the sovereign and municipal service for the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the Pivdenny Federal District.
Member of the committee for the implementation of the administrative reform in the Rostov region.
Member of the committee for organizing intergovernmental relations with the provision of state and municipal services from the Rostov region.
Member for the sake of nutrition of the sovereign civil service of the Rostov region under the Governor of the Rostov region.
Member of the committee for the formation and training of the reserve of management personnel in the Rostov region

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