Chu u diesliv. Osvita special forms of the word

In the minds of the same standard of education, the wake of the Russian movement, the state of the nation, the state of food supply of offensiveness between the cob and middle steps. In the process of evolving morphology on this stage, actions are superb, and in the morphemic analysis of the unassigned form of the word: what is the end?


Front view:

The end of any form-writing Sufiks of the unassigned form of the word.

Problems of the offensiveness of the cob and the main school.

Fedulova A.S., MBOU Churapchinsky ZOSh іm. S. A. Novgorodova,

teacher of Russian language and literature.

In the minds of the same standard of education, the wake of the Russian movement, the state of the nation, the state of food supply of offensiveness between the cob and middle steps. In the process of evolving morphology on this stage, actions are superb, and in the morphemic analysis of the unassigned form of the word: what is the end?

The majority of those who have received at one time have a handful of personal and no-nonsense students for educational schools of morphemes and unassigned forms of tasks (- th, -ty і wh) name "End of the Information" abo "Indicator of unassigned form"... A point of view, for example, in S.G. Barkhudarova, S.Є. Kryuchkova, L. Yu. Maximova, L.A. Czech.

Have a gossip M.T. Baranova, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikoviy "Russian mova. Dovіdkovі materіali "(Moscow: Enlightenment, 1989) it is said:"Words in non-meaningful forms may end like this ..... "(P. 104). Give the table, de - th and th are called ends, and whose - a suffix, a letter that goes to zero. From "Zbirniku the right to Russian language for applicants to universities" D.Ye. Rosenthal (Moscow: Bustard, 1996) also reads: “The form is unimportant to pretend for additional help.-t abo -ti "(p. 109).

We conducted an analysis of children for 5 classes, as for a given moment to be victorious in our school.

At the assistant Baranov M.T., Ladizhenskiy T.A., Shanskiy N.M. (Moscow: Bustard, 2003) it says: “-t (s) and zero ending in words on Whose "(st. 247).

At the assistant for 5 classes of national schools M.K. Popovoi, Є.P. Nikiforovoi, E.Kh. Kashkin (Yakutsk, 2006) also: “The form of the word is not indicated.-ty (ty) and zero ends at Whose "(st. 105).

At the assistant E. A. Bistrovoi (Moscow: Bustard, 2011) for 5 classes of schools with a new language, we know: “The form of the word is not indicated.-th abo -thi ... The basis will end with whose , That is the word for zero ending"(Page 193).

At the same hour, in the newcomers, we know about the invisibility of the information. Yak vіdomo, indiscriminate parts of the move do not miss the end.

In handlers for 4 classes, there are more reports of morphological characteristics of parts of the mov, we know one thought for this nutrition.

In the teacher of T. G. Ramzaeva for the 4th class (Moscow: Bustard, 2009) it is said, "...qi dієwords (unassigned form) mayut sufіksi-ty and -ti "(side 69)

In a friend of A. V. Polyakov's for 4th grade: "Unassigned form (іnfіnіtiv) maє sufіks-th abo -thi (Virishuvati, carry). Є words of unassigned form on Whose (take care) ”(side. 78).

Have a friend R.N. Buneeva і ін. For 4 classes (Moscow: Balass, 2004) є solid, scho “...vcheni movings didn’t come to One's thoughts, but also-th i -th in unimportant form - suffix abo end. That in the children of the handful there is the development of the meaning. "And wine is given in the same place:“Our employees have a view-th i -th yak sufiksi unassigned form of the word (Author)”(Page 126).

To go, scho scholars, transfer from the cob lanka to the main school, to learn with singing difficulties in the morphemic analysis of the information.

At the navchany gossip pid ed. V.V. Babaytseva “Russian mova. Theory and Practice "(Moscow: Enlightenment)-ty, -ty and whose yak sufiksi begin. This is how the morphemy itself appears in the pre-modern form “Russian mova. Encyclopedia "(View. 2-e, revised І add. Head. Ed. Yu. N. Karaulov. M .:" Great Russian encyclopedia "," Bustard ", 1997). Here, in the statti "Infinitive", it says: "The information warehouse is based on the basis of the suffix"(P. 158).

Ale and here is my style of super-variance - with the traditional meaning of the base of the word without ending. To go, but in the form of a word, a suffix is ​​not included in the base. For example, in the hand of E. A. Bistrovoi (Moscow: Bustard, 2011) for 5 classes of schools with a non-native language of the present we know: “The part of the word without the end is the base of the word. The lexical meaning of the word is laid in the base ...».

In "Zbirniku right ..." DE Rosenthal in § 17 "Warehouse of the word" says: "The words of the Russian language from the point of view of the morphological structure are divided into words, which may form the word, and words, which do not conceal the forms of the word. The words of the first group fall into two parts: the base and the ending, or the flexion; the words of another group are purely the basis"(S. 37-38). I gave: "Ending, abo flexia, is a change of part of a word, as it will be applied to the expression of a given word to the last words, so that by the way the syntactic powers of the word are rotated in speech"(P. 38). Those are known in the book “Russian mova. Dovіdkovі materіali "M.T. Baranova and ін.: "The changeable self-contained words see the basis and the end ... and in the uninvolved - only the basis... ". I gave: " Ending - the part of the word is meaningful, as I set the form of the word and serve to connect words in words and words ...Don't forget the words"(P. 34).

Here, it is more obvious that the form of the word is not defined, then it is guilty to be a grammatical category, which can form a word, so that the form of the word is not meant to be understood. However, all people who are guided by us know a reference to the invisibility of the information. In the case of the word “Slovospoluchennya”, in case of viznachenna conciliation, the butt of the concordance of the information is induced, and in the handler of the Russian movement S.G. Barkhudarova, S.Є. Kryuchkova, L. Yu. Maximova, L.A. Czech for the 8th grade directly says: “False word when confused є unaware (narychya, the form of the word is unassigned, dyєprislivnik)».

Finishing yak is an inflectional morpheme є only in zmіnyuvanih (shilyaєmo abo vіdmіnyuєtsya) slіv. The stench is to serve for the rotation of syntactic indications of the narrowness and control of the given word with the same words of the word acquisition and proposition. Form-making suffixes are present and at the innocent words and do not shine a syntactic function. The formative suffix of the mercy of the head authorities and the sign of the end.

All the problems can be put down, if you enter into the school program, accept in the linguistic statements of the suffixes in words and formulations. In the guessed vishche vidanna "Russian mova. Encyclopedia "in the article" Sufix "read:"Sufiksi can be word-creating (services for setting the boundaries of words) and words (services for understanding the forms of a word) ... a), іnfіnіtiva (nіs-ti), dієprikmetnikіv (nіs-ush-і, nіs-sh-th, prinіs-enn-іy) and dієprislіvnikіv (looking, written-in) ..... "(S. 547). At the handbook for students of the most important pledges "Suchasna rossiyska mova" ed. Ed. D.E. Rosenthal, part 1. (Moscow: Vischa shkola, 1979) it is known: “For ... its function afixi is subdivided into words and forms ... Forms of afixi of new words cannot be created, the stench does not change the lexical meaning of a word, but rather vicarious to establish the forms of the same word"(P. 146). It’s vividly said at the rest of the handcuffs: “There are a lot of dies in an unassigned form for the other sufix-t and-t ....».

I, as a result, in the book "Methods of teaching Russian language in national schools: 5-11 grades" (author: K.F. Fedorov and іn. - Yakutsk: Bichik, 2005) in the stat. To the section "Methods for the formation of morphology" it is known as follows: "...need a bit more about replenishing the stock of money with suffix - ty and with the basis on whose ...»

Vikhodyachi from usya vyshekazanogo, proponate to his colleagues trohi quickly feed this material:

  1. In the case of the “Slovotir” section, give birth to sufiks in words and form-making: form-making sufiks serve to illuminate the forms of the word and not change the lexical meaning of the word; form-making Sufiks are seen from the end in front of them, but they cannot serve for the twisting of the sound of words in words and propositions; before the formative suffixes of the word should be as follows:
  1. suffix of the last hour diesliv l- (writing-l, side-l-a);
  2. sufiksi іnfіnіtiva (writing, nіs-ti, take care) (at the same time it is with a sufіx whose name is overlaid (aplіkatsії), if -ch- one hour to superimpose both the germ, and the suffix;
  3. the suffix of the commandment method -і (in the words with the base of the present time in the voice) (ask-i).
  1. Fix the morphemic definition of the word not from the traditional joke of the end, but from the meaning of the part of the move: then explain to the scholars, that the immutable words do not forget the end.
  2. With a graphical morphemic and verbal analysis, do not include the formative Sufixi before the base of the word: the base is the part of the word, which turns the lexical meaning and it is unnecessary to write the word for the from the category "Sufix" and "Formative Sufix").
  3. In the 5th class, when submitting this material, it is necessary to use it for cleaning in the whole food and, according to the previous method, bring them to accept this point of view.

Everyone will be allowed, on our thought, not to speed up the development of the Russian language in school, to eliminate the anti-rogue in the whole food, to see (often) the problem of offensiveness, and also to help find the problem of early life in school.

Vikoristan literature:

  1. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. 5 - 9 cl.: Navch. for zalnoosvit. install. - M .: Bustard, 1999 ..
  2. Baranov M. T. ta in. Russian mova: reference materials: study guide for scholars. - M .: Education, 1989.
  3. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Pidruchnik for 4th class. From the scientific editorship of Academician A.A. Leontyev. - M .: Balass. 2004.
  4. Bistrova E.A. і ін. Russian mova. 5th grade: Pidruchnik for education. established with a native (non-Russian) and Russian (non-Russian) my own knowledge. - M .: Bustard, 2011 rock.
  5. Polyakova A.V. 4 class Pidruchnik for general institutions. - M .: Education. 2009.
  6. Ramzaeva T.G. Rossiyska mova: navch. for 4 cl. - M .: Bustard 2009.
  7. Rosenthal D.E. Rossiyska mova. For high school students and presenters at the university: Textbook. - M .: Bustard, 1996 ..
  8. D.E. Rosenthal Zbirnik has the right to Russian language for applicants to universities. - M .: Publishing house of the Moscow University, 1994.
  9. Russian mova. Encyclopedia. (Ed. Yu.N. Karaulov). Ser. "Great Russian encyclopedia". - M .: Bustard, 1997 ..
  10. Stepanova L.S. // Russian mova. No. 6/2001

In the weary movement of the end of the first and the other day, the bagatokh are especially likely to develop only when voices are at the end. At the same time, if the voice falls on the base, it will be the same for all non-voiced ending: -ish (kol'ish, l'ub'ish), it (kol'it, l'ub'it), -im (kol'im, l'ub'im), it '(kolit', l 'ub 'it'), -ut (number-ut, l'ub'ut)... Otzhe, і in the first person, and in the other dividmin, without a voice, they are in the 2nd and 3rd persons od. numbers і 1-st and 2-nd part pl. the end of another day (so yak і- variant phonemi<і\ u003e, not <о> ), In the 3rd individual pl. numbers - the end of the first day. So vimova of non-naughty special endings is domineering, for example, move bagatokh Muscovites.

The knowledge of the motherland before the ideas of the first and the other ideas in the character of this basis, as it is established the development of the form, so that the basis of the present. time. In the first step, the basis of the present. time. in that viglyadі, as you see in the form 3-ї individuals pl. numbers, you can end on the back-and-back voices (Pek-ut, bereg-ut), On a solid voice, guys with soft (Shtovhni-ut, met-ut, ved-ut, nis-ut, viz-ut, grib-ut, plivuchi-ut, zhm-ut, or-ut), On the sizzle j (Pasha-ut, knit-ut, cry-ut, syyachi-ut, brizkayuchi-ut, іgraj-ut, risuj-ut)і on myakі p ', l' (por-yut, count), Todi yak words of other diєvidmini may be the basis of the present. time. on the meeks of the voice, the guys with the solid (Rokiv-yat, sid-yat, vis-yat, voz-yat, pi-yat, lyub-yat, catch-yat, noise-yat, lanky-yat, gir-yat, viv-yat), And also on the sizzle that j (kish-at, shudder-at, shout-at, shriek-at, squeal-at, poj-at)... This rank, the basis of the present. time. on the back-and-back thumping and solid thumping, the guys with the soft ones, they say only the words of the first divine, and the basis on the soft ones, the guys with the hard ones (edge p ', l'), - only words of other diєvidmini. The basics do not grow out of the mind in that case, if the stench may be on the tip of the thumping sizzles, j and myak p ', l'.

Osvita of special forms by way of coming to the end of supervising on the basis of the change, the realization in cherguvanni according to the singing norms of voice-over phonemes in the beginning. Tsi cherguvannya is presented among children only with singing kintsevoy in the base and presented in singing forms for the skin.

Among the children of the first day of the book, the phonemes are written on the basis of the introduction when the forms of the 2nd and 3rd individuals are approved. numbers і 1 st and 2 nd individuals pl. numbers. In the cich forms of the back-and-back ears, they change to hiss: bake-ut, pech-yosh (peep-et, oven-em, pech-yote), bereg-ut - BEER-yosh, but hard voices, guys with soft ones, - on the following words: shtovhni-ut - push-yosh (push-is, push-em, push-yote), met-ut - met'-yosh, ved-ut - ved'-yosh, nis-ut - nes'- yosh, vis-ut - vez'-yosh, grib-ut - row-yosh, plivuchi-ut - pliv'-yosh, zhm-ut - zhm'-yosh, or-ut - or'-yosh etc. Absolutely single vignatches to become deprived of one word weave, In some back-and-back before change in order h, Yak at the first children, and on the meat before ', Por.: tk-ut - tk'-yosh, tk'-et that in. Tsikavo vіdnosti, shо special form of the word weave s before ' in the main are themselves, as if you do not take to respect the unreasonable words, the only one in the Russian language before ' vistupaє in a phonetically independent position, so that it is like a phoneme, and not a variation of the back-and-back phonemes<before>.

In the diєslіv of another diєvіdmіni cherguvannya kintsevich prigolosnyh basics are displayed when the form of the 1st individual is established. numbers. Here the teeth of the teeth change to the sizzles: let'-at - lik-u, sid'-at - SIZh-u, pros'-at - bavovnyani-u, voz'-at - vozh-u, sad'-at - Sumyu-u, ride'-at - ride; and the lips of the lips - for the end of the lips of the lips l ': vop'-at - scream'-u, lyub'-at - lyubl'-u, graph'-at - grafl'-u, lov'-at - catch'-u, noise'-at - shuml'-u etc.

Dovodilayutsya words on the basis of the offensive rank: before another day, the words are given, in which the basis of the present. time. It’s not on the mead to sound like hissing ones, but the base is bavovnyany. time. abducted with suffixes -і-(bel-i-l - bel-yat, resh-y-l - resh-at, lub-i-l - lub-yat ta in.), -(gir-e-l - gir-yat, rokiv-e-l - rokiv-yat, sid-e-l - sid-yat ta in.), a- (Shout-a-l - Shout-at, stoj-a-l - stoj-at, sp-a-l - cn-yat ta in.). Otzhe, to another dієvіdmіnі lie, in Perche, dієwords of the IV productive class (Bel-i-l - bel-yat)і, in a different way, words of another group of I unproductive class (Misk-i-l - gir-yat, shout-a-l - Shout-at)... All of the ideas, behind a vignette of kilkoh, which are presented in particularities in the light of special forms, are carried to the first day.

three words - want, bigі shanuvati - Confirm one special form on the first day, and in another way. They have a word want maє pid pl. the number of endings of other divіdmіni, which come to the prescriptive for the whole view, based on the voice T ': hot-it, hot-it, hot-it... Osobstі f form od. the number of the whole word is set up for the help of the end of the first day, and the stench is attached to the base, in which it is suitable T ' substitute for h: I want it, I want it, I want it... Two words - big   і shanuwati, Mayuchi are characteristic for the works of the first day of the foundation of the present. time. on back-and-forth G(Por. big-ut   і shore-ut) І solid T(Por. th-ut   і met-ut), Yaki when approved by the 2nd and 3rd individuals od. numbers і 1 st and 2 nd individuals pl. numbers to be stopped by f(Por. beige-bach   і BEREZH) і T '(Por. ch'-bach   і met'-yosh), Three special forms according to the first dієvіdmіnі set up only the 3rd person plural. numbers: big-ut, th-ut, In the same forms, they have the end of other dividmini: beige-bach, beige-it, beige-im, beige-it   і thu-it, thu-it, thu-im, thu-it.

It is absolutely special for the sanctuary of special forms to stand for words ... The stench comes from one of the most important works of art in front of the team. number: 1st person -m, 2nd person you, 3rd person -st Moreover, tsi end to adhere to the basis, as seen from the basis of special forms of plural. numbers, tobto to the base on the voice, and not to the point, as in the plural. numbers.

Multiplier base the numbers at tsikh diesliv end in voices d: M'yaku u diesliv tobto, nabridnuti(Por. ed-yat, nabridnut-yat) І firm in cherguvannі with myakoy at dієslіv date, open(Por. dad-ut - dad'-im, estvimo-ut - create). First, in all special forms, plural. the number of the end of another day, others in the 1st and 2nd part - the end of the other day, and in the 3rd individual - the first. So yak itself tobto, nabridnuti, dati, estviti, Establish special forms and similar words from them with prefixes.

An hour has passed

Words in the last hour change according to numbers, and in one hour they change, in addition, for childbirth. Rіd і the number in the last hour will be recognized for the additional end. And the same, male. is characterized by the end of the day (zero end), life. rid maє end -a, mid. rid - -O, Multi. number - end ... Krim end, childbirth form od. the numbers are displayed in the form of the plural. Tim number, for the first suffixes of the past hour - firm l, And the others - l m'yake.

Words, for which the form of the last hour is set in the base, but it ends in a voice: b, n, d, k, x, z, s, r, in man's. born do not think of a sufiksa -l, Por.: zaginuv-li - zaginuv, oslіp-li - donlіp, shore-li - shore, tolk-li - clean, visokh-li - visokh, nis-li - nis, vis-li - vis, died-whether - died.

Rіd and the number of number of hours є syntactic forms, as, for the rest of the uzgodzhennya with the іmennik-pіdmet, show that the process, the turns of the word, is applied to the subject of man., Zhіn. abo middle. genus, or to the subject of plural. Among them, for example: The artillery hooted more. We took away the order to collapse into the offensive. With a half-rapt, the fire licked the rows of front fighters. Razіrvsya land mine.

Mid. birth is an hour, besides, to get used to, if in the role of a subject there are words that do not differentiate the genus, for example, the numbers: Lyudin ten men were sitting there.(I. Turgenyev), or іnfіnіtiv. Brehati didn’t get me... (I. Herzen), It never crossed my mind... (I. Turgenev) Nareshti, in the middle. Well, born to get used to the last hour in non-special phrases: A tree lit up with a thunderstorm, and the nightingale's buzz on the tree nests... (M. Nekrasov), The crisis was not visibly attracted by the opportunity and the prospect.(A.Fadeev) around the last hour, the form is parallel to the third individual of the day and the simple hour, if the stench takes root in a non-special meaning (div. vishche, p. 35).

Plural form the number of the number of hours can get used to the unassigned-special meaning, similar to the same meaning of the 3rd individual pl. the date of the current and Maybut hour: Yogo was spied at the station. Introduced to the sponge check. When you finish drinking, you are willing and cheerful. - Yak sound? - Grigoriy Ivanovich Puskov.(L. Seyfullina)

An hour has passed since there are no special forms. That person, to which the word goes, is recognized at the last hour by special breeders, which is supposed to be put at the word, that the turns of the process are carried out to the 1st and 2nd individuals of both numbers, for some reason, the context is quiet: We took away the order to collapse into the offensive. Leap forward quietly.

Short form of word

In the emoticon of the deyakie deyesliy (the head rank of sound control or denotes ruh), a special short form is used for the meanings of the rapt one-sided action: Grab one with a stone in the forehead... (I. Krilov), Here the face is a strip in the saddle and thrown into the drive.(I. Krilov), Lіvіshe, lіvіshe і from the cart - bang into the ditch!(I. Krilov), Whag klats - і yak eagle vіn rushing... (M. Lermontov), I called out, and won raptom clap on the sofa... (A. Pisemskiy) The short form is twisted by the non-derivative basis of the word and to get used to the meaning of the last hour in a way without reference to the person, the number і рід. Vona is not transient, for it is not transferable in terms of fallowness because of the fact that the word is broken, so far. from transitional projects: whistachiti, knock, bryaknuti(Someone-no-no, no-no-no) - grab, knock, hep - and from non-transferable days: stripped, plump, shubovsnuti(Kudi-nebud) - strip, boo, fur coat.

clever way

It is not possible to understand how the process of turning in words is not looked at as a real one, but as a transfer: Win bi tobi dopomig, I’ll be more beautiful, I’m so bi not guilty... It is a matter of syntactic minds and the backwardness of the context of moving meaning, mainly for a mental way, maybe even a vidozminyuvatisya. So, in a foldable speech during an interconnected process, be like minds, turning in a row of words, a clever way in the head speech turns the process of being able to singing minds, so that we will become clearer from the powerful word: I’m not so bi, I know, I’ve fallen into Jakbi, then I don’t become even nikoli.(O. Pushkin) In a singing context, an intellectual way can be used to capture the processes in the capacity of a bazhan: Tilki b vin priyshov, I would like to talk to you, we would like to talk to you, Sidiv bi tee is more beautiful at homeі ін., come close to a wide range of meanings with the possession of nahil.

Wouldn't be able to get used to it analytically, by the way of the last hour to see the words in a fraction b abo b, Shho bend The very shape of the past hour, at the same time, consumes its own time value, and the clever way of turning the process, the transfer of the state of affairs is hopeless until the moment of change. Form the genus and the numbers with the meanings, so the very way and the way of turning to the individual, in the mental way, also, at the number of hours.

Chastinka b, b junk: you can stand like writing a word, so in front of him, nareshty, you can be drawn from the word in the words: I am priishov bi, yakbi not buv zanyaniyah, Shcho would not trap, you will have ti vinen, Skіlki b yogo didn’t ask, wіn all the same doesn’t say... Naybilsh zvychane mіsce particles b- writing the first word of the proposition.

1. Give the meaning of the word.

A word is a self-contained part of the move, which means the idea of ​​the subject and the subject and change it to nutrition? scho zrobiti ?.
Write, read, bachiti, chuti, speak, read, want, swim.

2. How do you end up with children in an unassigned form?

For children in an unassigned form, there are endings -th, -th; the words can end on the base, that is, on the end, it will be, and the end will be zero.
See, show, take care, think, see, start, think, play, make noise, carry, see, take care, buy.

3. To guide the butt of the minds of an incomplete and complete look.

Do words of an incomplete mind appear on food? Vіdpravlyati, vіdpovіdati, read, write, correct, bachiti, chuti.
Do you have a word for a complete mind? Suggest, read, write, correct, chat, feel.

4. It's three o'clock at the children?

The children have three hours: the present, the past, the maybut.
Today's day - when you see it at a time, you see how to feed it? I'm roaring? - I write, read, speak, bach, smell, see.
In the end - did you see it, or did you become more aware of it? Who was robbed? - writing, reading, speaking, bachiv, chuv, see.
Maybutnє - dіya vіdbuvatimesya, іdpovіdaє to nourishment wow? Will I be robiti? - I will write, I will write, I will read, I will read, I will talk, I will talk, I will bash, I will bachiti, I will feel, I will be a little bit, I will see, I will see.

5. How to be called divinous?

Vidminuvannya - the price of a word of speech according to persons and numbers.

6. How do you start seeing a word from a non-verbal ending?

The requirement is to put the word in the unassigned form and the day after the rule.
1 vidmіnyuvannya - all the words are not typed, and also included: goliti, stealth.
2 vіdmіnyuvannya - all dієslovа to-it, crіm goliti, steliti; sіm dієslіv na-net: wonder, endure, twirl, bachiti, lie down, hate, form; chotiri dieslova na-at: chuti, dihati, gnati, trimati.

7. If you write a faint sign of hissing in words?

The faint sign of the sound of hissing in the words is always written:
In the form of a word: take care, take care of yourself, performance, performance.
At the end of the 2nd, individuals are alone: ​​vidshtovhuєsh, vidshtovhuєsh, write, chitaєsh, bachish, hatedish, want, you can, chuєsh, talk.

8. What kind of spelling did you see in the section "Dieslovo"?

Tysya i-tsya in words:
Schob is exactly the nobility of chi to write a little sign in front of it, the task is nutrition. As in food є a m'yaky sign, wine є і in words, if it is dumb, then і in words yogo dumb.
How robiti? swim, hovatisya, mitisya.
How to rob? to bathe, show, wash.

Chi not in words:
Chi is not written with words okremo.
I won’t write, I don’t read, I don’t vivch, I don’t smell, I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to, I can’t, I don’t bach, I don’t bathe, I don’t twist, I don’t mind.
Krim quiet diesliv, as without DO NOT get used to.
Hate, nagaduwati.

M'yaky sign of the sibilant song in kintsi diesliv:
The faint sign of the sibilant song in the letters is written in 2 individuals alone.
Chitaєsh, vivchaєsh, chuєsh, talkish, want, you can, bachish, bathing, hovaєshsya, mєshsya.

Letters e, і in the end of disliv dієvіdmin:
1 view - e, y, y
Give, sleep, write, read, mish, bathe, vivchayut, shave, lay.
2 views - i, a, i
Sleeping, burning, twisting, banging, lying down, hated, screaming, marveling, enduring, marrying, trimming, smelling, dying.
Thorough and incomplete kind of word.
Thorough view - focusing on those that are completed, on the result.
Dobigti, buy, zadzveniti, pobuduvati, sleep, pidbigli, poach, zaishov, zyyshlo, viyduut, buy, add, porahumo.
Unfinished - I will order those who are not yet completed, because everything is still trifling.
Spіvati, boiling, bigti, mriati, re-reading, pіdstribuvati, stripping, whispering, coming in, tanning, we will be buuvati.

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