When I hoarsely, I quickly roll over. Why zasinayuchi, mi vіdchuvaєmo vіdchutya fall

28.05.2008, 20:32

Shanovnі doctors!!! Help me, be kind, be kind to me!
I’m 36 years old, I’m periodically worried about the camp, like no hour of nighttime sleep, I’m getting breathless, so I don’t breathe in, I don’t see it, I sharply slip through fear, I’ll suffocate. I consulted with a therapist, a psychotherapist, stench vvazhayut, scho nerve. Can such symptoms be manifested by heart failure, even if hearts often die in sleep? My pulse is normal 64-68 bpm. in peace, there is no pain in the heart. Tell me, what kind of doctor can I turn to with this problem?

28.05.2008, 20:44

Give me advice on food, be kind:
1. Growth and vaga?
2. Arterial pressure?
3. When did the attack begin?
4. Was there a psycho-traumatic situation before the appearance of these symptoms? What provokes an attack on your thought?
5. Can't you start a sechoviation at night?
6. Are you lying around?
7. No daytime sleepiness?
8. Legs don't swell?
9. Back when walking is not turbulent?
10. You don't crope?
11. What does your relatives seem to drive to the nature of your sleep? What do you smell? Zupinki goofy?
12. Describe in detail your psycho-emotional state. Mood? Alarm not turbulent? Attack fear during the day without blaming? 13. Pass the test here ([Submissions can only be registered and activated coristuvachi]) and here ([Submissions can only be registered and activated coristuvachi]).

28.05.2008, 21:46

To you, doctor, for the shvidka vіdpovid! I agree:

1. Zrostannia 165, vaga 72 kg.
2. From May 15, the diagnosis of VSD for hypertensive type, working vice 120/80, up to 140/90.
3. It is important to say that these attacks are blamed periodically for 3-4 years, here 1 time in 2-3 months, sometimes more often.
4. 3, 5 Rocks that I praised the father, he died after the operation in intensive care, uh, sleep. The cause of death was given as a repeated heart attack. The day before, I had an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, they were already freaking out, because the 2nd rocky didn’t get fried from the drive of the bell knot, thank God, that the bell was stuck on a huge equal.
5. At night, there is no sechoviperation.
6. Vranci prokidayusya very importantly, "not fit" only until noon.
7. No daytime sleepiness.
8. No swearing.
9. No backs.
10. From the drive khropіnnya, cholovіk kazhe, khropіv, but not often.
I will drive the emotional state. Anxiety is practically constant, almost like fear, fear of a closed space (metro), being driven to work on the subway, with great difficulties I “step over myself” and go. Mood - no, and still constant fear for mom, out summer man, I already worry about my health and life.

Razumіyu, obviously, without tests You will say that I am "crazy on the outside", but if I have heart symptoms, tell me, how can I get better sooner, in order to establish the cause of these attacks?

28.05.2008, 22:47

What would you say when you bring a face-to-face consultation with a psychotherapist? Obvious depression and anxiety. Naturally, with organic pathology excluded.

29.05.2008, 06:34

1. You can’t talk about heart failure!
2. The psychogenic nature of the symptoms is obvious.
3. Likuvannya at the psychotherapist.
4. VSD for hypertensive type is not known in nature. A rise in arterial pressure up to 140/90 on aphids stress is a normal reaction to stress, not dystonia. As AT often rises to 140/90, it is necessary for a psychotherapist to change the way of life with the exchange of salt, animal fats, increased aerobic physical stress, lowered blood pressure.

Away from the whispers of ill heart, the senses were spared. For the inclusion of a heart problem, it is enough to look around the therapist and the ECG. Heart failure is included.

Imovirnist zv'yazku your attacks with a real zupinkoy dyhannya (nіchne apnea) is extremely small. The most accurate way to determine what you see in your dreams is polysomnography.

the science

You have singsongly heard more than once the marvelous rapt vicious fall while hoarse, which made you jump sharply. It’s not really a dream about a fall, which traps in the phase of deep sleep, as if to respect a lot of people, but mitteve physically aware, how to wake us up, and how to be accompanied by a hallucination, not sleep.

For a better understanding of the phenomenon, it is necessary to explore in the mechanisms of sleep.

Sleep begins in that part of the brain, as the reticular formation is called, which sends signals to the spinal cord to relax the mind and strangle stimuli. Poshtovh, which you see, if you are passing, do not wake you up if you are sleeping, so how does the body extinguish the power of light. We are happy. Ale gave the thoughts of vchenih to differ.

1. Signal pishov in the wrong direction

One group of scientists noted that the signal from the reticular formation in some people flicker. Instead, to strangle the shortness of the m'yaziv, the wines support their fastness on a practical incentive. In science, they mean the term "hypnogogical sips". If a person shifts when awakened, then the rapt change of position without a direct support under the hands, or with your feet, you can shake the person, that you are aware, that you are aware of it, that’s the fall.

2. The body loosened up, and the brain worked

Other vcheni vvazhayut, scho vіdchutya fall z'yavlyaєєє in vіd ї diї rozlablennya, espe- cially if a person is turbulent and cannot be ruled more successfully. In the world of that, like m'yazi, they relax under the hour of hoarseness, the brain is overwhelmed in a bad state, guarding the situation. Mlyavist m'yazіv and the fact that a person yak bi "settles" is interpreted by the brain, like a rapt, apparently falling and the brain is supposed to wake up a person.

3. Stress-free hallucinations

And what about hallucinations? There are too many people to think about, hallucinations - it’s not over the top, and so many of us in this other world have seen hallucinations. Hallucination - only a little more evidence, when the brain incorrectly interprets a certain group of stimuli. So, for example, you can get away with a rapt, that you sip your gut out of the corner of your eyes, that you should follow you, and it appears raptly that it’s really a couple of smittya stovpa. The brain is just to make a quick visnovok and create a picture, as if it doesn’t appear to be true.

Such hallucinations are felt during stress, if the brain is more likely to rob more quickly, and if the brain is automatically and does not lose the daily style of information, if it is easier to break the brain with other minds. If you sing, alert to anxiety, being oversensitive to stimuli, the situation is uncomfortable to the point where the brain takes away the rapt signal about the problem (the body falls) and sees the reason why it falls. Vin viroblyaє pіvson, which we remember, if we pass, in which case we went and just flinched.

Hello, my name is Viktor, I am 25 years old, size 188 cm, Vaga 90 kg. It all started about 8 years ago, at that hour I was already angry with beer and I was on New river sili for stil. They drank for the old rіk and raptom, everything went dark in front of my eyes, cringing in a cold sweat, vindictively looking at marriage again, tediousness and the most disgusting feeling - FEAR, from dumb sounds, from somewhere - then from the middle. I can’t explain why I feel fear, I can’t explain it a little. It looks like a warm tide up to the head and a small storm all over the body, it took about 10 seconds maximum, then everything went off so abruptly like it started.

Returning to the doctor, it turned out that I had pancreatitis. Then I got EEG and I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the earliest stage. For 2 years there was nothing like it, everything was good. Then “sticking” began, I marveled at one point and did not mark anything and no one for myself. I’m sorry for those who don’t hang around, I lie down about 12:00 or 2:00 at night, and I get up about 6:30 in the morning. Becoming dotrimuvatisya sleep mode, everything went.

The professor prescribed me for the epilepsy drive “convulex” and “finlepsin”, I drank them for 6 years, robbed the nightly EEG and no epileptic activity - I didn’t show any activity during the camp. The professor said that it was good that they forfeited epilepsy for me, but for prevention he said that I would drink “convulex” all the time, and “finlepsin” would tell me. The problem is that I have recently felt a slight fear, discomfort, and it seems to me that I am constantly escorted. I am a person with a rich imagination and from which I wind all my own thoughts on my mind: there is little I can’t explain to a doctor so that one should no longer be tolerant of thoughts and a little fear, a slight chill, nebula in the head. We try not to wind up all sorts of heresies for ourselves, but I can’t get in the way of this and that evil thoughts attack me less from the sides, all the 24 years. It used to be that I suddenly roll over at night, seeing the fears and the fact that my heart seems to be beating.

Help or please, I’m still young, so I could go crazy, but this is my head fear. Can I have someone - then vrochiv or cursing?

You need to turn to a psychotherapist. I will help you get over your fears and start living a normal and normal life.

Meni 22 rocky height 157 wagon 63 kg. Recently, it appeared not primed, almost fear, I’m worried about the least drive, I went to the doctor at the therapist, I got shelter (everything is good) ECG is normal, vice tezh, the doctor prescribed me afobazole and VERASHPIRON, afobazole I feel calmer, I feel calmer ending and I realize that if I don’t take yoga allowably not 3 times but 2 times a day, then I feel a little fear turning around (before, this didn’t happen), I worry about my self-confidence, help me please!

I have the following food:

  1. Why do I have a mental breakdown?
  2. do I need to turn to a psychiatrist? I how to explain your self-esteem (
  3. How can I continue taking Afobazol I do yoga on the 2nd of the next day, and how much is needed? chi є people's well-being(Yakas grass)

There is no need to worry, because it is necessary to mow a wider camp, which is often mowed at the same time in young people.

You will need not a psychiatrist, but a neuropathologist, who will make adjustments to the treatment scheme, so that you will need it at the time of the maternity leave.

Trivalіst priyom Afobazol zazvichay become in 2-4 tizhnіv up to 3 months.

Suggest, be kind, how I will fill my camp. I have postiyne visibly alarms from the robotic drive. I work as a fakhivtsy at the guardian's office. The work has already been great, the work has been proven, it is connected with harsh terms, with the attributions of visual organs, with planning and payment for services. At the same time, the microclimate is full of good things. Often I work out on a robot, I work at the weekend. At night I wander about thinking about the work, about those who need to grow up in the middle of the night and I can’t fall asleep anymore. I can't help but think about the job. On the robot, there are short-term congestion and boredom. In 2010, there were 2 operations under general anesthesia. After the operation, atarax, Selektra, cavinton were administered, drank in a course, after the operation, memory loss and confusion passed. I am physically healthy, I do gymnastics, I see a swimming pool. But at the same time anxiety. She herself prescribed glycine, piracetam, motherwort, no help. I'm turbulent for my health away. Meni 52 rocks. Please be kind. in what way do you start exalting? Maybe take afobazole, Persen? Thank you in advance for your advice.

I think that I won’t tell you anything new, as it’s a pleasure to turn around for an appointment with a neuropathologist. Self-recognition of drug therapy is not a problem, because your exact diagnosis is not safe, which is the sign of a doctor.

Hello, I'm 28 years old, become a woman, weight 50kg, size 167 cm.

I lead a healthy way of life. Everything started 3 months ago, in the evening she went to bed and became irrational.

  • Breathing or breathing is more difficult.
  • Seemingly confused, unstable, anterotomy condition.
  • Fear of dying.
  • , Cold kіntsіvki.

Shvidka did not call out, she tried to calm down, she drank Validol. Here in 1-2 passed. On the next day, I went to the cardiologist, had a cardiogram, measured the vice, everything was fine, the servant of the movement of the vice. They prescribed me Corvaltab, Deprivit. Ale CE will be repeated 2-5 times a day. Mostly in the evening before bed. Ale, I have one more phobia, for which I will show Tsey Stan. I am terribly afraid of darkness. Why do I have a childishness not so dark, like your own anomalous fantasies, constantly intrusive thoughts, as if at once someone or something will appear later and fantasies less torment to such a world that I can not sleep all night, or sleep at turned on TV. If I am left alone at home on guard, I try to fall asleep until it is dark, at the least sound, I start calatati in my heart. But earlier it was not accompanied by other signs. And now it's just a nightmare. I'm afraid of storm attacks, I don't say anything shamefully to people. I want to know if it is possible to show the fear of darkness and panic? How do you get scared with the fear of darkness?

I am 25 years old, become a man, woman 67 kg, weight 165 cm. Everything started about a month ago, pishov for training and after her to the bath. Came home, lay down to sleep, saw the pain in the heart area, drank Corvalment, began to judge, stronger heartbeat, cold kinks (hands, feet), called an ambulance. They made calm and pain-inducing injections. In the morning the attack was repeated.

examined: cardiogram, EXO of the heart, MRI of the brain, MRI of the cervical spine, MRI of the thoracic spine, all analyses, rounding the vessels, legends. The results are all right. Vegetative dystonia and an enlarged heart (Sportivne) were diagnosed. I went through a course of treatment with a neuropathologist - the attack on my back became easier, and then I took part twice a day, and the axis did not give me peace for 4 months.

I have had the following symptoms:

  • Heart beat, pulse acceleration.
  • Breathing, or it is difficult to breathe, and sometimes to wake up to sleep.
  • Seemingly confused, unstable, anterotomy condition.
  • Fear of going out of your mind.
  • Looks like names in kіntsіvki, cold kіntsіvki.
  • Constant pain in the breasts, especially when pressing on the chest
  • parts of cutting
  • Bloated stomach
  • Cookie in the eyes
  • Periodically rise in temperature 37-37.2
  • Brav for the recognition of the doctor, the onset of medicines Cerebrum, tritiko, miaser, tanakan,
    depakine chrono.

Diagnosis: Neuropathologist - past neuroinfection in apparently partial hypothalamic crises, VVD asthenic syndrome. The traumatologist's diagnosis was instability of the cervical spines, a late-hypothalamic crisis.

The axis is such a story. I spodіvayus, scho-nebud please.