100 reasons why I love lads. Virib virib National Day "100 reasons why I love you" Papir Boxes Threads

114 reasons for my love. Viber for 25 or 50 reasons to include in your envy.

1) you love me without

2. I'm happy if I think about you

3.Ti herself, herself, herself ...

4.Nikoli is not boring for you

5. Our bazhannya grows up to

6. You love me like me є

7. You love to see my shortcomings

8. I'm kind to you

9. I have fun with you

10. Make me feel like a tsikavo with you

11. Do you have a lot of garne to feel humor?

12. If you give me a job, I will not have a preference for you.

13. If you are instructed, you want me to be kind

14. I am quietly entrusted with you

15. It's so delicious for me to share with you

16. I will adore your eyes

17. I will thirst for your supplementation

18. I don’t get tired of sucking up your hair

19. I know you will help me

20. You will be happy with me

21. I love your surprise

22. I want to befit your heat

23. Ty dbaєsh about me the whole hour

24. Wait until your speech

25. Ty is slyly gotush

26. Befit me, yak ti dress

27. I am amazed, yak ty sleep

28. I love your smile

29. You will feel like love without any minds

30. I bach the light to come from your heart

31. Your love is the heart of the ryvnovaga and harmony of my life

32. I see your sense of energy, as you can help me

33. If I say to you about my love, I see yours, I will multiply

34. I bachu, yak ti see for my love

35. With you, happiness and prosperity has passed into my life

36. Ty my ob'ukt bazhannya

37. You want to get me

38. Ty naybazhanіsha zhіnka

39. Your love does not know the cordons

40. My love is unlimited

50. If I have learned to you, it has become pure-pure, and the sun is yaskrave-yaskrava

51. Ty engagement of my world

52. Our love is a reference

53. Nothing difficult, our love would not fit in

54. Love is up to you to frighten me by hiring a great people

55. Neither ailments, but our love

56. Our love is good for all the problems

57. Our love is welcome to open doors until we succeed

58. There is no such thing as our love

59. For me to be happy, share love with you

60. The vision of your heart is a wonderful light, which carries love without any minds

61. Nі prіrvi, our love did not throw over the yaku

62. Our love is beautiful, and it's true

63. With you I am good for hostile achievements

64. Nemaє grіkha, as our love could not spokutuvati

65. I will not block anything with you, I am safe

66. My life is reminiscent of a special love for you

67. It's so calm at your volumes!

68. Our love is harmonious, won for us one tsile

69. Your love will never forget my heart

70. With you, come to life, come to life, who wants to live and create

71. The light of your love cleanses my soul

72. Ti nadihaєsh me for changes and creativity

73. Ti is my soul mate

74. You gave me all the light

75. It's so cool to keep an eye on me!

76. Your turbo should be like me

77. Make me want to be with you

78. I know that you are ready to help me

79. At once we pass from joy to success and prosperity

80. At the same time with you, I see all the best

81. Tie me a radium, and I tse bachu

82. I bachu, yak ty tsіnuєsh my unrepeatability

83. You love all my characteristic rice

84. You need me, and I need you

85. We simultaneously see our love

86. At once a happy life

87. You know, yak me rosmishiti

88. Ty virish in me and zavzhd pіdtrimush

89. So accept your dots!

90. I hear your insight in love with my heart

91. Thou shalt give me wisdom

92. Ti optimist and nikoli do not sum

93. A special day with you

94. With you, I'm ready to go to the edge of the world

95. Ty kazhesh me nіzhnі words

96. With you I can change the years

97. Nicoli is not boring for us at once

98. Ty povazhaєsh mene i my rіshennya

99. I just love you!

100. You wear me in your arms

101. I love you tsiluvati

102. I may be thinking about you all the time

103. Become me if you are a little jealous

104. Ty vidchuvash mene

105. I will do the same for you, if you do not have

106. We Can Do Anything at Once

107. I'm happy with you

108. You are on my side

109. Chuttuviy

110. The smell of my hair befits you

111. I melt in your volume

112. With you I can allow myself to be a little girl

113. I can lie on your knees for years

114. It befits me to sit with you, resting your head on your shoulder

Birthday gift to kohanom !!!

It took 3 evenings for the robot, ale not a zrobish for a loved one !!!

Twist and twist the papyrtsi bulo itself stomlyuche !!!

Yangolyatko with weighty lines.

101 reasons: I LOVE YOU, I don't need any reasons !!!

To the beloved, vtomivsya papіrtsі rozkruchuvati !!!

List of my reasons!

1. Happiness-tse bootie with you
2.Nikoli is not boring for you
3. If you know yak zmusiti, you will laugh at me
4. You should see my mood
5. You don't love me because of my shortcomings
6. If ti obiymaєsh me, everything is kind
7. I can be myself, if you entrust me
8. Because of addiction to you, I will suck my head
9. We can do everything, if at once
10. A beautiful day, spending with you
11. You have such beautiful lips
12. I befit if you grumble
13. Ty rosumієsh less than a word
14. Ti nikoli you will not say, chuєsh tsyu history for the 10th time
15. We can talk about everything and about it
16. Ti moє nathnennya
17.there is no one more beautiful to you
18. You give me a taste for yourself
19. You know, yak give me happiness
20. You see, you see, it’s bad for me
21. I am not afraid, I am not afraid
22. You are on my side
23. It’s so nice to talk about it so well with you
24. I can help you
25. You need to help me, if you need it
26. If I am with you, everything is not important
27. From one of your smiles, all my confusion disappears
28. Listen to your ears, if I speak
29. We Can Do Miracles at Once
30. If you have a hand, light on the floor
31. Mi-ideal couple
32. I'm less likely to find out your viglyad, if you write off
33. Thinking about you will remind me of love
34. You do not mind me, if I whine
35. Skin for me
36. Cracking nich-that, which is carried out at once
37. I do not mind, as it is possible to live without you
38. Ti hocha b robish viglyad, how can you please hear me
39. My heart will hurt you
40. Ty virish in me
41. You want to see a beautiful viglyadєsh
42. You can ring up, tell me, love me
43. Thy ob_yimi takі caress
44. Your pidtrimka is all for me
45. Your heat is even more confusing
46. ​​I grow more beautiful
47. It’s a shame to look at you
48. You found a human being on Earth
49. I put love in your eyes
50. I love your smile
51. At the bottom of my life, turn heads about you
52. You want to know which one pleases me
53. Ty dbaєsh about me and nothing vimagєsh natomist
54. Ty light, if I forget about it more importantly
55. When I look at you, my heart is the master
56. Ty my idiot belongings
57. You have keys to my heart
58. I just need you to cover me
59. If at once, the hour does not matter
60. Tobi tsіkavі all dіbnitsі my life
61. Your love is less cherished
62. Everything became beautiful with your appearance
63. You can make a day
64. If I take your hand, it will be easy for me
65. Ty robish our life is happy
66. Ty Mene Zavodish
67. I want to get it all at once
68. You make me happy, you just make me happy є
69. We know the most beautiful sides of love
70. You know and need words
71. Your happiness is better for me
72. Good for you in any kind of mission
73. Navi your little children are even more important for me
74. I don't want to let you go
75. Wonder in your eyes I am crazy: my world is angry
76. Ti vchish mene love
77. I love hearing your voice
78. The Best
79. I love everything, ti robish
80. I don’t want to drive with you
81. Ty my best friend
82. You will be in my thoughts
83. I see you with God
84. Ti budish in me addiction
85. Ty yak magnet, I am less attracted to you
86. My Lovely Dream
87. With you, you can not be afraid of the watcher unreasonably
88. For me the bad will be with you
89. If you are looking for help, please, be with me
90. I can ask you bad food
91. Everything that I need is for the nobility
92. Help me to please you
93. You know my house
94. Ty Mosonchko
95. It's the best with you at once
96. All my knowledge see you in captivity
97. Ty vmієsh vіshiti, if me in total
98. There is no good malt of yours
99. Our bazhanya is so often lost
100. I want you

It's time to get up to 14 fierce and come up with a gift to your boy. And what about your love for Valentine's Day? Well, loving ziznan, і a jar, a box or a book "100 reasons why I love you", as I will grow yaku, I will be an ideal gift. It’s easy to be afraid, it’s not expensive, but such a gift will definitely be worthy of being a kind of people, even if you want a skin, you loved it and your skin needs respect. Otzhe, we will be able to read the jar of love with our own hands. And why is it possible to grow up?

Jar "100 reasons why I love you!"

Bank with knowledge in kohann

The most popular idea is for the bank “100 reasons why I love you”. For reasons, there may be, or less, or more, depending on your imagination and the size of the cans, as you chose for a gift. Zrozumilo, well, for more reasons, your boy will read it better, and we will accept it. Select the number of reasons for the robot.

Yak zrobiti bank "10 reasons why I love you"

We know:

- Sklyana bank with kryshka (sold in any store for household goods - for effervescent products)
- Papir for ziznan
- Atlas lines
- Fabrics, crochet, color papir, bijuteria


Shukaєmo in the Internet 100 reasons why I love you or I’ll come up with їх myself - especially for your kohan people. It is possible to simply over-hand them on the porch and distribute them on thin smugs, tse shvidshe, not write from the hands (another has a vaping of papirs on smugs rіzhemo zadalegіd).

Our jar is embellished with fancy, cloth, stitching, bows, hearts, the mark is written "100 reasons why I love you", it is stored in the jar and curled up. a ready-made gift, overflowing with 14 fierce and handing it over. Axis, we have seen:

More ideas, as you can arrange a jar of "100 reasons why I love you":

Box with ziznannyy on papіrtsy

An analogous idea, if we put our love knowledge, we will be no longer in a jar, but in a box, as you can also beautifully decorate or break from scratch with your own hands. You can take ready-made beautiful boxes, for example, from Rafaello's zukeroks, and glue the worm paper over, you can simply glue the box for the sake of cardboard. The axis is guilty for you to go:

Box "50 reasons why I love you" - yak zrobiti

Notepad or book "cause me what I love you for"

Another idea is to draw up your vision of love by looking at a book or a small notebook. I know, well, here you can pick up a ready-made notebook from the store, and just embellish the cover and write it down, or write it from scratch - the cover, the leaves with the knowledge, and then the cover. You can go to the axis:

Beautiful book "Why do I love you" with my own hands

Love pictures

Carty - 52 Reasons I Love You

Tsіkava idea, write your viznannya in love on the cards, and then proponuvaty your boy play in them. Such pictures can also be made from scratch using cardboard or thin white plastic or a special deck on 52 grilling pictures and a surprise is created in the middle. The axis you have will be:

Yak shche issue 100 reasons for love

If you don't have enough quiet ideas for 100 reasons for love and if you want to grow more unavailable, then there are more options for you, as you can issue your name for 14 fierce for a gift of young people.

Poster for a leaflet with love ziznanny

Leaflet "100 reasons why I love you"

As long as you are in the picture with the computer graphics, you can paint a beautiful leaf in Photoshop with a hundred reasons for love, like in a picture, embellishing it with photographs, or as a beautiful picture. Yaksho nemaє - you can just buy an arkush for whatman paper and get healthy with color olivtsy or felt-tip pens, and paint a great poster with your hands.

Poster "100 reasons why I love you" with your own hands

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