Scho robiti if you know vibrati. Know, scho robiti, if sorrow has come

Know, scho robiti, if the grief has come.

We are alive in the material light, one of the main signs of the timelessness of everything that will drain us. And it is inevitable for us to come to the skin with a close friend. It’s not for us, but we have to stick to death.

Tsiogo is not unique. It is so important for this not to be aware of the fact.

And the nobility.

Know, how can you help Tim, to whom the grief came at once.

Know, how robiti, if we connect with her vich-na-vich.

I was brought to the list of the same woman, I was worried about being important at the expense, and I sent out a list of recommendations in the development, and you knew that I was a child.

Yak to lay down sob life?


Whether it’s grief to go through a spike of stages, and it’s important to live out of them, I don’t need to see them, but I don’t get stuck on the skin from them.

Stage 1. Shock.

If you are not fast, you will see a shock in front of Lyudin - “How could it have been me? For me? Why did it happen? Why am I wrong? For me, taka kara? "

At all stages, it is important to understand what has become of you, not to be seen from the center of the story.

What help?

Cry, not in any way emboss it.

Grow up your grief with those who are ready to help you in full help - native, close people, clergy, girlfriends, women, psychologists - whisper quietly, who is ready to give you a message, because it’s worth your while to help you.

Whisper quietly, who is ready to hear you and to help you in a fair way.

“At the old hours in the people of tradition I cry. Once I became a svidkom, since my mother brought a dying decimal sina to the Silska Licarnia. Vin vipadkovo kovtnuv otstovoi esencii. If she wondered, if he died, she screamed, and then curled. Through the splinter of chilin, Vittya pereyshov into crying and voice: "My little orphan, my dear, for whom will I leave ..." Vona wailed for a whole year, promoting the life of the child and her grief, and then calmed down and became a deputy. Vrantsi beat me to an adequate woman. So, the sina has been absorbed. Tse zhahliva b_l, ale vzhe still bula spok_yna і good work, please. I must be created, the waste of the folk action, which is a crying voice, - there is still a lot of waste, so you wondered about the bil itself. "

Step 2. Woe.

For a shock, come bіl, to repair the bіl, and at the whole stage it is necessary to know your bіl, but not to block it out, not to be strong, but to see the pain, at the same time, having encircled myself for an hour (for example, I give it to us).

Good, if you will write about your feeling, everything that comes to your mind is not analyzed and not re-read. Write - burn, and write again, as long as you do not see the loss.

It is important not to get stuck on a whole stage, not to fall into the position of the victim, not to get lost in your life.

What help?

Cry alone і at once with the people, cry ridma, with screams and hysterics.

Whisper quietly to people, hto having gone through a little, ask for their help, help, spy for their lives - the stench to show you how you go.

“... if you are experiencing grief in a constructive manner, suffering through your soul, you become the most spiritual spiritual happiness. Axle butt. Once I stabbed, as if I was sick, I was in pain. "How do you hurt?" - I feed. "Do not beat up, doctor." "Well, why would they give me an analgesic." "Doctor, - it seems, - I have to be built, at once we have to go to all the nasty things." Be it and the citizen, if a person is seen as a citizen for cleansing, I will grow up through the purchase, she herself will be the leader of the new, bigger one, I will become. "

Stage 3. Гнів.

Gniv is an even more important stage in the experience of any kind of podia, you will be abhorrent - on yourself, on loved ones, on what pishov, on your fathers, on God quietly, if you want to help you.

It is not normal for a phenomenon, let yourself go through it, however, it is also important not to lose yourself in the position of engaging everyone and everything in what you have become.

At this stage, it may be good to write about everything that you see, lead a young man and not want to see what you see, but give it a name.

What help?

Good physical activity - dancing with a torn little kid, mozhlvo, exotic, good vitanzovuvati svіy bіl; right, beating the dishes, be-like ruinatsii, as to entrench some people and help you to survive the tsyu stage.

You can dance fiercely.

It is possible to take a lucrative look in the adjacent park and sleep in it.

You can kill the service and bury it.

You can go in for sports, as long as your health is allowed.

You can vipolyuvati bur'yani.

Step 4. Fear.

Behind the be-like grudge there is fear - “I will not be happy anymore”, “I cannot survive,” “I cannot live through the same,” “I cannot live for many people,” and a lot of them. At the first stage, it is important to take care of the day, by a little bit of living in a new life, reading life in a new way, picking up your shirts.

What help?

Shukayte іstorії quietly, hto survived some grief, and did not succeed. For example, I spent some time eating a story about a woman whose little child died from cancer. Tse became a great trauma for her, alas, in memory of the new, she opened the child's oncological center in her own place, de-catching people at once.

Shukayte quietly history, who is better, not you - it will help you to see, how everything can be experienced.

Joke then and quietly, if you can help you switch to a new stage of your life, and say to you, “That's it! Dosage! I will live long ago. "

At the end of the stage, it is possible to add help to those people who have been drunk in the room, pass those stages, as they have already passed.

You can volunteer to help them survive the grief.

You can write sheets of pishov, expand it.

You can change the situation, the place of living, clean up all those who will tell you about the tragedy.

You can go to the Hellinger distribution, the stench will even help you in other processes.

It is important not to get hung up on your own mountains, but to turn around step by step until life.

“The soul is not to blame for the bone in the whole mountain, it is to blame for the creative development of the distance and the field of creativity, the new sphere of the growth of one's love. It’s, for example, it’s possible to pray for mercy, but maybe it’s a prayer for іnshe, as ailment is so important, as your loved one is.

Axle you butt. One young cholovik, leader of character, is alive from his mother, who is also strong and possessive. The stench has been cooked permanently. Building, there are a lot of people, it is no longer reasonable to be one alone. Sin, not making friends, breaks out: as I will bring the squad to the booth, as if I do not know the spilnoy move with the mother. Chekav, scho mother will die, todi vin and vlashtu your life. It’s an hour, she’s all lived, living for her life, and she won’t get away with it.

If she died, I saw that none of the nearest mothers had a problem. Shcho, unaffected by all super-speeches, huskies, rudeness and struggle for leadership, the stench even loved one one. Tsey zhakh throwing yogo into such a rocket, which is ready to put his hands on himself. Then we’ll use the raptom htos, having proponuvav the yoma, we will try it in the booth for the Lithuanian people. Winning after looking after the old, old men, wander through them to see that borg, which is venerated by his obedience to the mother. I viyshov from his own deaf kuta. "

Step 4. Let's go.

As soon as you live correctly in the front steps, you see that you have become stronger, that God has given you a good idea for what is needed and important for you, you push forward, and you will certainly become stronger.

It’s important for you to get infected, if you can be with you, how happy life is for you - don’t just have information with you, but if you can, you will be brutal.

One long-standing legend is said:
“Lived is a young woman. Vona was still worried about the loss of the little blue. The woman did not give any lust to the baby, the protest, the bulk of the hunger poured on the food. First, she came to the wise and pitiful Buddha with the prayers for help and rad. The Buddha waited a bit, putting on one mind. In the midst of this settlement, the mother was guilty of knowing the little houses, in every single time death had not experienced. І to bring from the booth to the man of the hot house. The woman returned without permission and turned the same way. I didn’t bring anything like that. At the village I did not know a small booth, they wouldn’t have experienced grief. For her lesson, she allowed the child to be welcomed and became the messenger of the Buddha. Vona learned that grief is the companion of life. "

It is more painful to take in people who are loved and dear to us, especially if death takes away the term from us earlier. And all the same - the price of viprobuvannya can become an important crocus for us in the future.

The main part of my own life is a large number of people who are robots (which, obviously, is not a child of rich fathers). For the first hour on the robot, it’s colossally rich - it’s important, you don’t want to be tight. In the ideal, the lady is guilty of bringing satisfaction.

The shock of the robot is of its own kind - the zavdannya foldable. However, if the price of food is given to you, then you can rightfully be respected by one of the most popular people at \ u200b \ u200bsvitі. lower Reconomica cite a number of pleasures of the tim, hto bazhaє zaroblyat, zaimayuchis ulovelyuyu right.

My robot persha - yak don't have mercy with vibor

Often all the people who are interested in planning for the robot are mrії ruinu the first pomilkovo prasevlashtuvannya.

The main reasons for this are:

    NSthe ruff of the robot in a large number of people call for a low paid, ale vzha... "Zavdyaki" tsomu bring vitrachati for more than an hour, and for more than a penny. Yak is the result, for an hour you don’t get lost on the busy lover, yak in a frivolous place you can bulo b monetizuvati. Tse upovilnyuє (and then і zovsіm zupinyaє) development for tsіkavim straight.

    The first of the robot "will tighten"... Buvak і take: ludyna pratsvushtovuyutsya with dumkoyu: I will correct here pіvroku-rіk, and then change the mіsce dіyalnosti. And in the bag I’m talking about obitsyanka, if you go through 2-3 rockets, or even more. There was no mobility, the plans were remembered, the prospects appeared - reasons to know: the situation is widened.

    The first of the robot is the psyche of the people... Through those who are most often brought to a low-paid and unpromising plant,our moral camp is unlikely to rot. And take care of the loving right in a filthy mood in a fold.

I don’t know, I’m a robot for my soul. Yak d_znatisya?

Another big problem is the unhappiness of getting into your own business. Young people still say: “I don’t know what I want! Yak me vibrate the robot? "Duzhe rіdko buvaє, scho a man in his youth and youth is rosum, yak dilo yom to the soul. Name the price of learning about the great memories, if there is little else.

The very positive scenario - it’s like the daddy’s child’s stuck with such a problem, and I want to kill her son (daughter) from her. The stench of the whole vipadku can give you the pleasure in the hour needed.

For a cob - give yourself a read on the following nutrition:

    Chi є u me Overloading(It’s so, with great letters), in which one am I getting myself and how long have I befitted?

    Chi can I be victoriouson a permanent basis, І yak sama? Melodiously, the most important item (as well as the power supply), which is worth opratsyuvati as much as possible.

    It’s necessary, I’m going to make money for a love right(What do you know about new ones, diploma, possession, mastership, helpers, materials, and so far)?

    Chi є I have less ability to develop in a whole straight line to a high rivnya(Why, people are ready to pay for my robot)?

Until then, there are still two options - to pass a proficiency test (it’s for quiet, but for quiet, but for quiet, that cannot be worth it), and try to work out in practice.

Do you pass the proficiency test?

Definitely varto. Such tests are likely to be available in the Internet, in the Internet, so literally in a year or so you can know and go through a dozen new opytuvalnikov.

It is not a fact that a proficiency test will allow you to be sure to pay a professorship. However, you want to help you see unused options and vibrate as close as possible.

Obviously, you can take a proficiency test online without a fee, but not a new test. Є Center for professorship, for a small amount of money for computer testing, you go with you and go through a counseling session with a psychologist. Do not underestimate the power of being underestimated, it will help you to reappraise a lot, especially in a young person.

Test of the pen, for in life everything is varto sprobuvati

The first option is to try out pratsyuvati in the chosen galuzi. Such a pidhid is a good team, to allow exactly the vision that befits a robot, chi ni.

If you don't know what you want, then vi, ymovirno, still young. So, have you tried new options for robots?

Take charge of the internship, ask to take you to learn, joke vacancies without the robots' notice! Be assured: you are not guilty of being shameful, for those who didn’t vouch for a robot, and if you saw it, they were drinking for another day or for another month. Ale the axis of your new message, you have none and none at all.

An hour of one day is enough for a job. And what about the raptom? And what about the raptom itself, the surface knowledge, which you will take away, will be useful to you in the region?

Recommended book on topics: Meg J. “Important rock. Why don’t it be worthwhile to add life to the day ”. The book tells about those who are younger generation of the form of special baggage of knowledge and awareness, passing their life paths, and how you can get stuck in other areas, as well as allow you to look at the robotics in a new way.

Minus in this way:

    Not everyone has the ability to practice this.

    For one "test", you can vitrate the number of months, so that you can accurately take a decision.

    It's not a fact that you will try the ones you want... For example, I’ll not see you at once on the next trip: I’ll just tell the robot a chance to get a chance, I’ll have a negative thought about yaku.

In general: the way is good for quiet, but there are 1-3 special features, and there is little opportunity to try them right at a time (or in the closest possible way).

How to change a non-tricky robot to love?

Try a quick response, don't be overwhelmed: does your robot befit you?

Millions of people melodiously give a negative message. The reasons for this may be different: the fathers were able to read the special skills, they didn’t want to be in power, they didn’t want to be busy, and they didn’t bring a lot of income. Well, there’s just that I myself didn’t know (or don’t know), I didn’t want to be busy.

As soon as you are rapt and you will see thoughts about those who, "It's not okay!"

    Naygolovnish: readily, if you would like to take care of it.

    Know how to develop in a straight line... For a sprout, there will be enough paperless information: video courses, illuminated books, reading sites for direct reading. Yaksho є possibility - to sign up for a course.

    Yakshcho on a different stage crossed, well knew the right to the soul - put a zusilla, how to master it.

    If your tips are sufficient, you can get paid for them - varto sprobuvati pratsyuvati. Not necessarily all at once from the front mission of the robot: there is a lot of money to be drawn, so the mother has more stable income. I only when everyone is out of town - that is, to accept the decision to be separated from the loving busy people.

    Stribunets syndrome: talk to personnel officers

    Buvah and take: a man wants to know his cry, and through the price he does not get lost in one moment - not be like him there. Yaksho mova yde about one, two, three wins of the robot - shvidshe for everything, there will be no problems on the chergov spіvbesіdі. If I want food about those whom you have seen you have, it is necessary to ask them.

    On the right - you have changed a lot in a small hour.Whether a personnel officer has such a record of being a minimum alertness, otherwise it’s a good idea: HR- and not to love quietly, hto often poke fun at the robot. As long as it’s about pravlashtuvannya in a place with great "plinnіstu", then there are no problems. And the axis, if you want to go into the garnishing company, before the cym changed 4-5 robots for a couple of rocks - food is definitely not unique.

    As soon as the foregoing missions robbed you through deception of the robot operator, any of these factors, so as not to lie in front of you - so to say about it. There were also some changes: they cut up the salary, imposed a pledge of liabilities, the connection due to the visit to the session, or just the bankruptcy of the robot manager.

    B More than a second option - just don’t play all the robots in front of you. Write in the resume only as soon as you find it.It is also possible to combine a number of working missions into one block (it is especially important for missions, since they have been able to do so). For example, write in your resume: "From 2010 to 2013 - sales manager" (without specifying whether the cim were engaged in decilkoh companies).

    Look for a healthier - for food about the reasons for the frequent change of robot teachers, it is definitely not possible to say so:

    1. "Changing kerivnstvo, and I wasn’t hurt." Good athletes are not encouraged to sound, and such a reason will be only a minus.

      "I wouldn't want to talk about it." View from view from view to immediately depending on the amount of time to visit.

      Criticism of the robot teacher is especially unprimed.Navi as the forerunner robot teacher doesn’t fall in love with you - it’s the fault of the reason.

    It is better to pay for the robot of my world. How robiti?

    All lay down from your priorities. What is more important for you: living life, or satisfaction from her? For the sake of it, take care of your beloved right.

    Turning around to the food: "Whoa robiti?"Here are the options:

      Shukati misce, you pay more for the same robot... It can be either a company or a small town (as you practice in a small settlement).

      Pidvischuvati quality, Schob vikonuvati your robot is more beautiful (abo shvidshe).

      Growth in sumy spheres... For example, if you are engaged in a manicurist, you can complete a course from the development of new materials, open an online store for the sale of vitratic materials, see some of the most busy people.

    An option for a wicked view of the ability to look at an extreme angle, but only if you have the ability to develop quickly.

    • Kudi vlasta pennies schob otrimuvati a thousand-year-old income ...

I will write my own specialty a thought and I ask all zbigi to be warm)
I myself am a freshman at once and not so long ago I knew about motor hours, the choice of a subject for a school / university / specialty. On the ear of the 10th grade, I thought that I needed to start at the same time, I wanted to see myself as a child who would not be able to take and pay my share. I only knew those who love mathematics and armchair, even technical sciences. Having asked for the contact of the tutor from physics, I did not come to my senses, but only now, I went to the new one. So it turned out that I got into a conversation with this squad-chemist and, having guessed, that the chemistry was going to be better than the physics, I decided to dedicate my life to the very same.
I before the speech the day before the submission, declare on the EDI another biology of the vibration, for every type

Health building. Vipuskny was seen. Chervoniy attestat and a medal on his hands. And far away? I have a Bula Panika! I am a ludina of the same importance, and even now I have given such a haircut for the first time. I’m not ready to accept the decision, I said, “I’ll do that, I’ll tell me, I’m seeing and, perhaps, in the process of intelligence, what do I want.” Maybe I’ll love my right, and maybe I’ll be transferred. I just pick the term.

So it happened that I entered the course before the medical one for the general directions. And then, for an hour, I’ll pick up on the sea my spokiy from the drive zarahuvannya and attach to the students by one-on-one meal: "Now you have gone to honey, why do you have a technical warehouse for the rosum?" It dawned on me that I was vibrating to find a specialty in mathematics, as I read even more, and the license was not the same profession as someone who had been built. Brought the terminovo to take away the documents. Oh, yes, I got a call from 4 universities, where I changed the documents, everything was moved far away from the booth, so I didn’t get lost in a small place. With the documents I went to Moscow, saw two universities there, and I was guilty of going to Yekaterinburg. You know, it’s so eager to stand at the Kazansky railway station, wonder at the tired daddies, as they check what you see: who are you in Ekb or have you been reading in Moscow? To that, try to make a difference with the place of the present all the same. Everything happened spontaneously to my mind.
Ale, I am glad that I was suddenly scammed: if, for example, you are a techie, then try, as a minimum, not to eat in the humanities.

Earlier, I thought that those hours have long passed since the daddy "crammed in" their children kudi viyti, the abi tilki have rejected the profession. The first bullet was singed, but I won't have such a thing (like, in the courtyard there are 21 stolittya!). Progress rіk navchannya at the Faculty of Chemistry, and I already know little about the majbut profession, but I’m already afraid, so as all of it is still for the body, it doesn’t seem like it’s possible to check it out on the computer, but from what I’m dependent I still want to be in the future) I live in the possibility of distant pravlashtuvannya :) I dare, I am not a Persha, I am not a rest. Є, unfortunately, і is more dangerous than the last one.

The food is really serious. Ale raditi is blind here. It’s just that I even wanted to tell you more about my information, how it’s going to be delayed for the nervous system and my family. I am vpevnena, the skin can be realizable in be-yaky right, it is necessary to deprive yourself of a zusill, or just love those you are doing. And even more beautifully.

I still want to help Tim, hto turn to me about the entrance, so I still guess the unimportance. ЄDI just get scary. That is less experience, more practice. I will protect the first profession. I zrobisch. I don’t be afraid to go far from the house (I’m going 2000 km from the native place). I was so dragged out by the student's active life that I wouldn’t be overlooked: it’s necessary and not necessary for your profession. It's just that I don’t get into trouble; And if you are already stuck otrimane - lay it down to you!

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