What professions are related to informatics and technology. My profession is a computer science teacher

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Donetsk stateuniversity of management

Department of Finance

in scientific practice "Entering the specialty"

on the topic: "The importance of informatics and computer programs in mastering specialties"


groupie student F-14-2

Tarasenko O.V.



Donetsk 2014


1. Informatics as a familiar knowledge

2. Specificity of mastering the financial specialty

2.1 The role of informatics in the development of financial specialties

2.2 Classification of information technologies

3. Significance of computer programs in mastering financial specialty


List of victorious literature


Informatics and computer programs in our time are fundamentally important in the development of financial specialties. Informatikatse naukova and applied knowledge of how to develop laws, methods and ways of accumulating, processing and transmitting information for additional computer and other technical aids.

If a person or a group of people is easier and more efficient to operate information, then their activity develops more successfully. Tse current trends. To this end, more types of duties are due to the collection and analysis of information, the search for optimal solutions for setting goals, and the formation of a creative approach.

For the development of human society, material, instrumental, energy and other resources, as well as information, are needed. The present hour is characterized by an unbelievable increase in the obligation of information flows. Tse v_dnositsya practi- cally to be the sphere of activity of a person. The biggest increase in the dissemination of information is carried out in industry, trade, financial, banking and illuminating spheres.

Information technologies are fundamentally changing the everyday lives of millions of people. Information has become one of the most important strategic, managerial resources, next to resources - human, financial, material. Її virility and well-being form the necessary basis for effective functioning and the development of various spheres of social life, and first of all, the economy.

In today's minds, the right to information and access to it may be of life value for all members of the society. Aje informatization brings together and unites common interests, virivnyuє social feasibility of different versions and age groups of society.

At the thought of the scientists, the wide use of information technologies in the lighting process creates the most friendly mind for self-development of specialty. However, it is only in that situation that the informatization of education is not enough to take up the discipline, but to take the form of the conduct, but to take a position from the position of a systemic approach to the development of a single informational medium. Within the framework of a special-oriented education, such a medium allows the skin student to fully develop his creative abilities. With any particular significance, the formation of molding in a new building is critically placed before the results, interpreting them, working to establish a visnovka and accepting independent decisions.

The role of informatics in mastering the specialty fields in:

· Polegshennya access to knowledge to information for the skin member of the joint;

· Safe and stable exercise of specialty to spivpratsi, exchange of knowledge and information, to solidarity and motivation of activity;

· Development of individual and creative features of specialty;

· Promotion of the active life of the skin member of the joint;

The specialty of finance is to take advantage of the economic science and discipline that develop the sphere of economic finance. Finance is a cost-effective instrument for raising and redistributing the national income, for controlling the approval and selection of penny-cost funds. Finances appear overnight and economical, and historical category: stench vinicate, develop, change over time.

1 . Informatics as a dzherelo knowledge

The current material variability and other areas of activity will require more and more information services, processing a large amount of information. A universal technical way of processing whether information is a computer, which plays the role of facilitating the intellectual abilities of a person and a society as a whole, and communication skills, which vicorist computers, serve for communication and transmission of information. To better master the specialty, it is necessary to develop knowledge of computer science and computer programs.

Appearance and development of computers is necessary for the warehouse process of informatization of the enterprise. Non-management mental improvement in the efficiency of management practice and modern information technology, which will lead to flexibility, mobility and adaptability to the level of positive impacts. Information technologies are supposed to be competently processed with information and calculation technology. Іnformatsіynі tehnologії - poєdnannya procedures scho realіzuyut funktsії Zborov, otrimannya, nakopichennya, zberіgannya, obrobki, analіzu i peredachі Informácie in organіzatsіynіy strukturі of vikoristannyam zasobіv obchislyuvalnoї tehnіki, abo, іnshimi words sukupnіst protsesіv tsirkulyatsії i pererobki Informácie that Opis Tsikh protsesіv.

In this time of expansion of information in the information sector of the economy, it is impossible to reveal without the stagnation of new information technologies. It has already passed that moment in time, if new information technologies were developed mainly for internal needs of your organization. At the same time, information technologies have turned into an independent one and achieve a pribitkovy type of business, which directions to satisfy the various information needs of a wide range of coristuvachivs.

Vikoristannya Suchasnyj іnformatsіynih tehnologіy zabezpechuє practical mittєve broadband Internet whether yakih E-іnformatsіynih masivіv (such yak bazi danih, elektronnі dovіdniki Encyclopedia of that, rіznі operativnі Institution, analіtichnі Looking around, she zakonodavchі normativnі acti i, etc.), scho nadhodyat of mіzhnarodnih, regіonalnih and national information systems and collaboration in the interests of successful business.

Zavdyaks to the rapid development of new information technologies, in this hour, access to the light flow of political, financial, scientific and technical information has appeared.

For a goal-directed selection of information, it is necessary to select, transform, transfer, accumulate and systematize. All these processes related to the simple operations on information are called information processes. Information processes are one of the most important factors that contribute to the molding of the fortunes of the twenty-first century. Їх revolutionary influx is worthy of the way of life of people, their enlightenment and work, as well as in the order of that community society. The stench quickly becomes an important stimulus for the development of the world economy. They also give the opportunity to us private persons, firms and partnerships, who are engaged in business activities, more effectively and creatively address economic and social problems.

Due to the fact that computers are used for processing not only numbers, but other types of information, informatics and numeracy technology have become widespread in the life of a modern person, they are widely used in synthesis, design and construction robots, and business people. Computers allow you to quickly process information from various sensors, including automated security, temperature sensors for regulating energy consumption for scorching, from ATMs that register pennies by customers. The computer is on the working table of fakhivtsya, be it a profession. Vіn dosvollaє zvodnikovya for special computernoye duty whale-eyeloku стоторь ї ї ї калі під'єєєєєєєдний за задіва Great Bіblіotek not seen from home, Vikoraistovati Wheeled Intormatsіinі Systems - Encyclopeda, Vivechi Novachiki і і Пововати ізні і і simulators.

The development of ways and methods of submitting information, technologies for developing computers, has become an important aspect of the activity of people with rich professions.

The key trend is the last increase in the role of information in the daily life. Information and knowledge are becoming an increasingly important factor in the growth, the driving force of the economic development and prosperity of the economy.

Information becomes a real social resource - even if it’s actually only possible to help people adapt to life in the minds of insignificance, attach themselves to permanent changes, develop new stereotypes of behavior, and introduce new environments.

2.Specialsfіka mastering financial specialty

Finances (French Finances - pennies) in the primary literature are regarded as a collection of economic funds, which is blamed on the process of molding, rozpodіlu and selection of centralized and decentralized funds of penny koshtіv. Sound the language about the whole fund of the state, or the ruling subjects (undertakings).

Under the term "finance" also understand the economic science and discipline that develops the sphere of economic finance.

The most important understanding in the field of finance is the budget. Zahidniy naukovіy and primary literature of finance are interpreted widely. Sounds concretized, about what kind of finances Ide mova: public, corporate and special finances. Under public finances, the process and mechanism of formation and extraction of state resources, the balance of income and capital gains, as well as other methods of control, are explored. Under the corporate finances, one can think of “good management of a penny” or “the art and science of management of a penny”. Thus, the terms "financial management", "managerial finance", "corporate finance" and "business finance" are practically equivalent and interchangeable. According to the theory of finance, they suffer from the theory of arbitrage pricing, capital structure, portfolio theory, the theory of financial asset pricing, options and other theories, founded by G. Markowitz, W. Sharp, J. Merton, F. Modil , A . Black and in.

Functions of finance: oblіkova - behind the help of the financial mechanism, the appearance of the uxirable varieties of goods, work, services is created. Rozpodіlna - as a result of the sale of goods, work, services, the vartіst rozpodіlyaєtsya і rerozpodіlyaєtsya mizh vyrobnik, intermediary, state budget. Stimulating - through financially important business, you can stimulate the development of priority directions of activity. Control - undertaking to carry out internal and external control over the conservation of moisture, efficient use of resources, rational use of funds.

Traditionally, finance is divided into public finance (centralization, state and municipal finance) and private finance (decentralization). The rest include both corporate finance (finance of organizations) and household finance (special and family finance). The biggest point of the sign of authority between public and private finances lies in the fact that there are differences of interests in front of joint finances and finances of the private sector.

The current interpretation of the term "finance" takes its own cob into cameralism - the German version of mercantilism - science, as it was engaged in the problem of molding and titling the state treasury. Under the finances of the Chambers, they figured out the management of incomes recognized before living for the consumption of the state. The concepts of “cameral science” and “science of finance” in the foreign literature in some places got used as synonyms, and then, as in the structure of the cameral government, cameras-colleges were founded, the police, the term “finance” was known to be self-sufficient, larger "... the galuz of the rank and file, what can be done at the expense of income, saving and carefully living in the material values ​​​​necessary for the state power and what is formed in the control of the state power, or in the pіkluvannі about the state revenues and vitrati". (15)

In the English literature of the other half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century, the term "finance" was interpreted not so unambiguously as in German. Zokrema, in Webster's dictionary (seen in 1886) it was said about those who finance “revenue) the ruler or the state; іnodi, income of a physical individual. In such a manner, it marks the point of view of the narrow stake of the last years of that hour, it is important that the sphere of finance was limited only by the income of the state and, moreover, it points to the introduction of the term "finance" not only one hundred and fifty to the supple sector of the economy, but to the private one. In the other half of the 19th century, in the context of finance, there is not only about state incomes and debts, but also about speculation in valuable papers, accumulated capital and interest rates for loaned banking capital, as important aspects of financial science.

The financial management system is a complex of inputs, tools, financial institutions, which ensure the stable and efficient functioning of the financial system as a whole and a few others, which support the development of social and economic processes in the economy.

The financial management system, being a collapsible solution, consists of such self-sustaining, yet closely interdependent blocks as financial planning, forecasting, programming, financial regulation, financial control, a complex of legal security of financial activity, a system of methods

The specialty of "Financy" is one of the most demanding and highly paid jobs on the market. Won transfer the development of the processes of formation and budgeting of the budgets of various rivnas, the functioning of budgetary funds, the order of planning, the appearance and ranks of enterprises, organizations and institutions.

2. 1 The role of informatics infinancial educationspecialties

Informatics does not exist on its own, but as a complex scientific and technical discipline, and to this it plays a great role in the financial circles.

Spheres of informatics zastosuvannya dosit raznomanіtnі. Tse engineering and design activity, banking activity, business activity, everyday life, statistics, accounting appearance, calls and telecommunications and so on.

To know the most about informatics in economics and management; physics and technology. It is necessary to widely promote mathematical methods in the field of science. For additional methods of informatics, mathematical models can be used in other areas.

Informatics is a sci-fi scientist. Tse means that she is at the very peak of scientific achievements and absorbs all the new achievements of microelectronics, communication technology, and mathematics. That is why computer science is often called a catalyst for technical progress.

Every day, business, establishment, the company cannot do without computerization, even if it makes it easier for the robot, minimizes the effort and allows it to develop, shukati like new ideas and practice to the best results.

2.2 Classification of information technologies

Information technology - the whole system of methods and ways of collecting, transmitting, accumulating, processing, saving, submitting and extracting information, so that the implementation of the main information processes.

Information technology is the infrastructure that ensures the implementation of information processes.

Meta information technology - the generation of information for human analysis and acceptance on the basis of a solution for vikonannya no matter what.

The classification of information technologies is different.

Information processing functions:

Mathematical calculations;

Analytical and symbolic transformation;

Mathematical modeling;



Processing of textual information;

Processing of tabular information;

Business graphics;

Machine graphics;

Image processing;

Signal processing;

Transfer and distribution of information and information.

Information technologies can be classified into:

* Functional-oriented technologies;

* Subject-oriented technology;

* Problem-oriented technology.

Functionally-oriented information technologies are recognized for the implementation of one of the typical ways of autonomous processing of information. Such technologies can reach a high level of versatility and be available for development and implementation for the minimum participation of a future spy.

Subject-oriented information technologies are recognized for the implementation of a specific specific task in a particular gallery.

Problem-oriented technologies are based on the following:

* Information-poshukovyh systems;

* Data bases and knowledge bases;

* Expert systems;

* Automation systems of scientific achievements;

* Computer-aided design systems;

* Systems of automation of professional practice;

* Systems of automation of virobnitstva;

* Primary systems;

* Desktop-vidavnichih systems;

* Systems for translating one movie into English;

* Teleconferencing and in.

Applications of subject-oriented information technologies can serve as technologies for:

* Medical systems;

* Hot and special professional training;

* Insurance, financial and banking systems;

* zabiv mass information;

* Costs of social rehabilitation;

Information technology is the most important warehouse process using the information resources of the industry. Until now, there have been a few evolutionary stages, the change of which was the main rank of the development of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of new technical means of processing information. In today's industry, the main technical tool for the technology of processing information is a personal computer, which is directly immersed in the concept of encouraging and choosing technological processes, as well as in the quality of the resulting information.

3. Significance of computer programsin the mastered financial specialty

Poskuvannya Computer Dzvollaє Really Pivoriki productive Pratsі Ekonist, Accountant, Plannedovika Taji Fakhivtsіv For Rahunov Detsentralіzazії processing of automated Trials of Final and Іnformazії, Sumychenda Non-Overhead on a timid mіstsі ї і і інфорой інфоросії.

Uzgodzhenu work of all attachments of the computer and їх vzaєmodіya z chelovekoyu zabezpechuє software zabezpechennya financial analytics.

For analysis in the minds of computer processing of data, it is characteristic:

first, saving the integrity of the analysis for the mind and decentralized processing of information. In theory, the analysis of the state's activity is already richly broken down for the achievement of systemic, functional, technical, methodical and informational totality of warehouse parts analysis in a single whole. Zavdyaks to whom reach the objectivity of the analysis and its reliability. In the minds of a decentralized processing of information, the integrity of the analysis does not collapse, the unity of goals and the task of analysis from the point of view of yogo systemic authorities;

in another way, the process of processing information is combined with the process of making a decision. Practically, the koristuvach did not immediately invest in the head of the investigations, in the methodology of analysis and aggravation. In the end of the rahunka, tse was signified on the upgraded quality of the adopted decisions. In the minds of the congestion of software products and analytical tasks, they vilify without intermediary by the coristuvaches themselves in their work place. The analyst has special control over the usual stages of the process of processing analytical information, it is possible to evaluate the results, competently score them for substantiating management decisions, satisfying various informational needs of the system;

thirdly, the promotion of efficiency and wildness of analysis. In the minds of the stagnation of software products in the analysis, they directly follow the improvement, and also in the course of the state's appearance. The software security analytics transforms the subsystem of the analytical security management of the government activity into a permanently active factor in increasing the efficiency of the volatility for the work of activating the entire information fund of the enterprise.

Successful activity, be it an organization, is impossible without information support. A lot of enterprises have realized the need not only for the transition to an automated scheme of duty, but also to go further in order to improve their work for the sake of the offensive:

Automated input of information for primary documents;

Introduction of information in real time;

Automatic withdrawal of necessary analytical and accounting information;

Accuracy of submission of information;

Change of imovirnosti viniknennya pardons.

The information base is the sphere of activity of business with its own formed infrastructure, on the one hand, to enter the infrastructure of the entire business, and on the other side, as an independent sphere for accounting and operational form. The care of the organization is important, as it is important to put information and technological solutions on the government process and the culture of entrepreneurship. For the adoption of such information technology solutions, it is necessary to use software security, as if to reduce the organizational complexity of processing information at enterprises. Even earlier, before that, they went through folding calculations and processing on the computer of great documents, then in this hour, the information is constantly folded to the full for the help of modern software tools. In this hour, such application packages are being developed, for the help of which it is possible not only to constantly inform the enterprise about its work, but also to make management decisions. A great step in the development of contagion lies mainly on information systems created in enterprises. Stink in his line of po'yazani z specific virobnichoyu diyalnistyu and streams of accounting, tax and normative-financial information. He will drink on the efficiency of obtaining economic information (depending on whether the information system will be created or not), systematization and great knowledge. As in the first, so in another way, it is necessary to use software products. Voni is a complex information resource, both in appearance and economic analysis in grounded management decisions.

Іsnuє a number of software products, yakі є key links in the z'dnanny іnformatsiynoї ї base for the form, planning and financial analysis.

The program "INEC - Analyst" is one of the first financial analysis programs. It has been issued around 1991, maybe a thousand coristuvachs, recommended by the Bankruptcy Food Administration. From the point of view of financial analysis, the most powerful system is, in the first place, from a methodical approach.

The software complex "INEC-Analytic" allows you to formulate various methods of financial analysis, describing the algorithms for the analysis of how they show them. When combined with the methods of analysis of coristuvachev, it is hoped that it will be possible to vikoristovuvaty as vihіdnі, so і analytical data: balance, surplus and surplus data, supplementary data on balance and brilliance, analytical balance and luminosity, reformed balance sheets, ruh penny koshtіv. In the case of collaborative methods of analysis of coristuvachev, it is hoped that a supra-linguistically accessible mechanism for the selection of formulas for rozrahunka pokazniki with the possibility of reconsideration in writing and shaping of vossial comments before the creation of pokazniks.

The program is given to cover a large number of models for the analysis of the financial situation, the forecasting of bankruptcy, the possibility of obtaining loans. Be respectful that this program may be possible to come to great organizations, for which the price is acceptable. informatics financial information computer

The program "Audit Expert" is an analytical system for diagnostics, assessment and monitoring of the financial state of business. The “Audit Expert” system allows business management to perform both internal financial analysis and take a look at itself from the perspective of the budget, controlling agencies, creditors and shareholders. The basic information for the analysis is to serve as the financial background of the enterprise.

The work of the system "Audit Expert" is based on the given accounting rate for a number of periods up to a single equal score, which is consistent with international financial standards. Such a way to work out the results of the work of "Audit Expert" is comprehensible to the whole world and allows us to evaluate on the basis of the given financial state of the enterprise. "Audit Expert" rewrites data from the balance sheet and information about profits and cuts in analytical tables. The system allows you to re-evaluate the items of assets and liabilities and convert data into a higher currency. Following the data of analytical tables, the analysis of standard financial ratios is carried out, the risks of liquidity and bankruptcies are assessed, the varity of net assets and the structure of the balance sheet are assessed, an analysis of the stability and factorial analysis of the profitability of public capital is carried out. The Crimium of Excellence of Global Tasks "Audit Expert" at once gives you the opportunity to implement high-level methods for the accomplishment of any task of analysis, diagnostics and monitoring of the financial state. Based on these analytical tables, you can easily implement additional methods for assessing the analysis of the financial activity of the enterprise. Based on the results of the analysis, the system allows you to automatically select a number of expert opinions about the financial industry. Based on the results of the analysis, “Audit Expert” is able to prepare the necessary graphs and diagrams to determine the dynamics of the main indicators.

Software complex "Onvision" for the operational analysis of data, observance of cloud systems. Allows specialists of analytical services and clerks of enterprises independently, without the help of programmers, to complete the following tasks:

Promptly take the necessary information from data collections;

Analyze the taken data in different sections and with the necessary level of detail;

- show the results of this analysis in a visually easy way to decide and make a decision.

The software complex "Onvision" uses the OLAP technology and gives its readers the following capabilities:

Selection of various types of data collections (OLAP server, offline OLAP cube, XML file);

High level of interest in the need for information from data collections;

Operational processing of captured information;

Filtering, grouping and sorting out data;

Addition of counting fields and intermediate bags;

Designation of trends.

Representation of data in tabular and graphical forms.

Koristuvach is also able to perform financial analysis, vicorist like the old, and new forms of accounting zvіtnosti. For help, specially written macro-commands, automatic accounting changes from the old to the new format. In addition, it is possible to carry out a factor analysis to change the indicator of global liquidity, profitability of government capital and other indicators.


Informatics occupies a key role in mastering the financial specialty. The term "informatics" began to be victorious in the 80s. And at that hour it was already clear that computer science was the main subject of education in the modern world.

Information technologies are being developed in science, industry, trade, management, education and medicine. The breadth of computer science has not become a culprit in the field of economics. Accounting appearance is one of the main objects, to which information technologies have become stagnant.

It has become easier for the modern world to keep accounting records, there is no need to write everything by hand, and as soon as a pardon appeared, it would not be necessary to redo everything anew. In our days of vedennia, the weather is becoming much easier and more accessible. Having mastered the program, the skin of a person can balance with absolute ease.

Suchasnі іnformatsіynі sistemi organіzatsіynogo upravlіnnya priznachenі nadavati dopomoga spetsіalіstam, kerіvnikam, SSMSC priymayut rіshennya in otrimannі them svoєchasnoї, dostovіrnoї Informácie, stvorennya drain for organіzatsії avtomatizovanih ofіsіv, provedennі іz zastosuvannyam komp'yuterіv i zasobіv zv'yazku operatively Närada suprovodzhuvanih sound vіdeoryadom i. It is affected by the transition to new information technologies. Novі іnformatsіynі tehnologії - tse tehnologії, SSMSC ґruntuyutsya on zastosuvannі komp'yuterіv, aktivnіy uchastі koristuvachіv (neprofesіonalіv at the Branch programuvannya) in іnformatsіynomu protsesі, Visoko rіvnі amicably koristuvalnitskogo іnterfeysu, wide vikoristannі paketіv crafts programs zagalnogo i priznachennya problem, mozhlivostі for koristuvacha access to vіddalenih data bases and programs zavdyaki merezham. Constantly expanding the scope of personal computers, their massive development, including in economic robots, has led to the need for the formation of the most efficient and effective enumeration and other organizational technology. In the given hour, on their basis, local and bagatory enumeration measures are being created and successfully functioning, which represent the integration of computer data processing systems.

In this hour, it is easy to find the working place of an economist, manager, auditor, accountant and other economic professions that do not have computers or laptops. The advantages of winning automatic aids are not transverse.

List of victorious literature

1. Gaidamakin N.A. Automated information systems. Introductory course / N.A. Gaydamakin. - M .: Helios Arb, 2007. - 368 p.

2. Gokhberg, G.S. Information technologies: a handyman for the media. prof. Education / G.S. Gokhberg, A.A. Korotkin. - M .: Ed. Academy, 2007. - 208

3. Grishin, V.N. Information technologies in professional activity: assistant / V.N.Grishin, E.E.Panfilova. - M .: FORUM: Infra, 2008. - 416 p.

4. V.I. Nekrasov. K.V. Voronov. Formation of organizational structures of management. - Izhevsk, 2003

5. Velikhov E.P. Informatics - directly relevant to the development of Radian science. In "zb." Cybernetics. Formation of informatics. "- M.: Nauka, Sheremet A. D., Saifulin R. S., Negashev E.

6. Shemakin Yu.I. Introduction to informatics. - M .: Finance and statistics

7. Mathematical encyclopedic dictionary. Ch. ed. Prokhorov Yu.V. M.: Sov. encyclopedia,

8. Informatics: assistant / ed. prof. N.V. Makarova. - M .: Finance and statistics

9. Bagrinovsky K.A. Khrustalov Y.Yu. New information technologies. M .: "ECO".

10. Automation of business management. Baroniv and in. - M .: Infra-M, 2000

11. Fundamentals of Informatics: Heading Reference / Belyaev M.A. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2007. - 387 p.

12. Musgrave Richard. A., Peggy Musgrave. B. State finance: theory and practice / Per. from English - M .: Business Atlas 2009.

13. Marx K. Capital. Criticism of political economy. T.1. - M .: Politizdat, 1973. Body Z., Merton R. Finance. Per. from English - M .: "Williams", 2005.

14. Yanzhul I. I. Fundamental principles of financial science: Vchennya about sovereign incomes. - M .: Statute, 2002.

15. Rau K. G. Fundamentals of financial science. - transl. 5th New. ed. - St. Petersburg, 1867. - T. 1.

16. ^ Adams H.C., 1899, p. 20-21; ^ Bastable, 1903, p. 7; ^ Yanzhul, 2002, p. 52-53

17. N.V. Miliakov. Finance, assistant 2nd edition, 2004.

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From history

Scientific obіg uvіyshov term « cybernetics", And behind him - an English term "Computer Science"(Computer Science), which is to achieve wide expansions in the United States of America, Canada and other countries for the name of scientific and primary disciplines, which are involved in the process of processing, collecting and transferring information for auxiliary computers and telecommunication systems.

In the beginning of the 60s - on the cob of the 70s. In the 20th century, French schools introduced the term “informatique” (informatics), illumination, perhaps, like two French words - “informatione” (information) and “avtomatique” (automatics).

Informatics develops those fields that are powerful in all numerical varieties of specific information processes (technologies). Digital information processes and technologies and the object of informatics.

The subject of informatics is determined by various applicants. Different information technologies that function in different types of human activities (management of the manufacturing process, design systems, financial operations, lighting, etc.) Tim themselves are established by various “subject” informatics, which are based on various sets of operations and procedures, various types of cybernetic control (in some cases, special devices and attachments are installed with a computer), various informational wearers, etc.

The area of ​​interest in informatics is the structure and global power of information, as well as nutrition, involvement in the processes of searching, collecting, saving, converting, transferring and extracting information in the very various spheres of human activity. The processing of great communications and information flows is inconceivable without automation and communication systems, to that electronic computing machines and modern information and communication technologies are the fundamental core and material base of informatics.

The structure of informatics in the given hour is determined by the next main fields of study:

  • theory of algorithms(Formal models of algorithms, problems of counting, foldability of counting, etc.);
  • logical models(Deductive systems, visual foldability, non-traditional calculations: inductive and deductive vysnovok, vysnovka by analogy, plausible vysnovok, non-monotonous mirroring, etc.);
  • bazi danih(Data structures, query response searches, logical checklists in data bases, active bases, etc.);
  • piece intelligence(Appearance of knowledge, drawing on knowledge, learning, expert systems, etc.);
  • bionics(Mathematical models in biology, behavior models, genetic systems and algorithms, etc.);
  • identification of images and processing of early scenes(Statistical methods of recognition, recognition of primary spaces, theory of recognition of algorithms, three-dimensional scenes, etc.);
  • theory of robots(Autonomous work, knowledge about the world, decentralized management, social behavior planning, etc.);
  • mathematical security engineering(Movie programming, technologies for creating software systems, tool systems, etc.);
  • theory of computers and calculation measures(Architecture solutions, rich agent systems, new principles of information processing, etc.);
  • computer linguistics(Movie models, analysis and synthesis of texts, machine translation too);
  • numbers and symbols(Computer - oriented calculation methods, models of information processing in various applied areas, work with natural texts, etc.);
  • man-machine interaction systems(Models of discourse, rozpodil work in different systems, organization of collective procedures, activity in telecommunication systems, etc.);
  • neuromathematics and neurosystems(Theory of formal neural networks, selection of neural networks for training, neurocomputers, etc.);
  • using computers in closed systems(Models of the real time, monitoring systems, etc., are used for testing).

Informatics is a science that develops all aspects of the acquisition, saving, transformation, transmission and extraction of information.

Computer science guilty vіdobrazhati in sobі naybіlsh zagalnoznachuschі, fundamentalnі ponyattya i vіdomostі scho rozkrivayut іstota science ozbroyuvati uchnіv knowledge vmіnnyami, navichkami, neobhіdnimi for vivchennya bases іnshih Sciences shkolі and takozh scho gotuyut young people to maybutnoї praktichnoї dіyalnostі i Zhittya in Suchasnyj іnformatsіynomu suspension.

In connection with the changing dominance of professional activity and the increase in the part of the information sector in the economy, it is necessary to prepare schoolchildren for various kinds of activity, related to the processing of information. It includes in itself, the secrets, the development of informatization and information technologies. Particularly important is the importance of cob preparation in the department of management. As it seems, there are a lot of developments in the technological region (Great Britain, FRN and іn.)

The importance of informatics with its penetration into more professions goes beyond the role of classical disciplines, as for rich professions it is necessary to use information and technical skills.

Profession "programmer"

Programmer - ce fahivets, who is engaged in the development of algorithms and programs based on mathematical models.

Programmers can be mentally divided into three categories:

  • applied software are engaged in the development of software, necessary for the work of the organization. For example, here you can see 1C programmers.
  • System software expand operating systems, interfaces to separate databases, work in steps Fahivtsі tsієї categorії є є nabіlsh rіdkіsnimi i vysokookochuvanimi.
  • Web programs to the right with measures, but, as a rule, with global ones, such as the Internet. They write web-interfaces to databases, create dynamic web-sides, etc.

pluses of the profession

  • The tall one will drink on the market,
  • High salary,
  • Pratsyuvati can be without a greater light,
  • The creative profession is important.

cons of profession

  • Those who understood the programmer, do not start to understand the koristuvachev, to be explained richly,
  • Trappyaetsya pratsyuvati in emergency mode,
  • Working at the computer is badly signified as healthy,
  • And here is the place of routine.


First for everything, the programmer is guilty of patience and patience. These are absolutely indispensable qualities in yoga robots.
Programming, the region is rapidly developing, it is necessary to be able to quickly adapt and constantly develop new things. Otherwise, your value as fakhivtsya may be significantly reduced through the years.

It is smart to objectively assess the possibility of technologies and their adaptation to a specific skin type. It didn’t happen that firewood was being sawn from the stagnation of new laser cutters.


Bazhano mother I am looking for education in a technical university for specialties in applied mathematics or computational technology. However, in my profession it is too rich to mean the completion of a job. There was no more time for the middle of programmers, if the self-taught person was more professional. True, now the trend is on the decline.
For the most part, the programmer is responsible for knowing a lot of programming languages, such as C ++, Delphi, Visual Basic, PHP, Java, Perl, etc. Gaining knowledge of fakhivtsya singing directly to dosit specific. Within the framework of his specialization, he knows everything, but the axis in the judiciary area may not be known. But all the same, it’s a smut in my profession building up to the development of programming methods, as they are constantly developing.

Misce roboti

  • Science and research centers,
  • IT companies,
  • Organizations that, in their structure, are on the lookout for programmers (or a staff unit).

Career and salary

A member of a group of programmers, an IT director, a project manager, you can move between specialties, fully professional.

Salary vіd 10-50 thousand. Rublіv, can earn up to 100 yew. Rubl.

Informatics teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Vasilivska Secondary Educational School No. 2 ZMR RT"

1. What is the name of your profession (posada)?

I work as an informatics teacher at school.

2. Why does your work and what are your shoes?

I show children the world of information and information technology. My main task: to convey to children the basic knowledge of informatics.

3. How is it necessary to sanctify in order to take away your garden?

In order to graduate my subject, it is necessary to graduate from the specializations of the Faculty of Higher Educational Institutions of Higher Education and mathematic qualifications: graduates in computer science and computational technology.

4. Describe your working day.

My day begins with preparations for lessons. I come twenty minutes before the cob to borrow, zavantazhu computers, get the necessary help for the lessons.

Then I will spend one lesson after another. If I take a job, I’ll try to reconsider the work of the lads and the opinions on their power supply.

You can get away, you don’t know anything, you will have mercy. One day is not like the next. One lesson is not similar to the next. The reaction of the children is absolutely different, sometimes unbalanced.

5. How comfortable do you think your practice is (a whole day on the street, or in the office with a cup of caviar)?

My day is spent in the first class. The day passes without a hitch, at long breaks you can relax and drink a cup of cavi.

6. What do you like best in your right?

Respect children. If the lads are hung up on the lesson and respectfully listen to me, then I am already satisfied.

7. What do you most dislike in your own right?

At least, if the computers hang in the classroom, I can’t teach the lesson properly due to malfunctions.

8. It's not a secret, what is your salary level (do you have to write to the government)?

Everything in the world is visible. Wonder what to pay my salary for. If I want to, I respect better not to fight, but simply to live on my salary.

9. Describe your team, how do people work together with you?

I practice with my right masters. Unfortunately, there are few young fahivtsiv, mostly teachers with experience.

10. What are human qualities, in your opinion, the most important in your right?

Naygolovnіsha yakіst teacher - Tse love to children. Simple to say, hard to implement. Tse yakіst polished by rocks. It is impossible to convey knowledge, so you don’t take it and you don’t love your teachers.

Another important quality of the teacher is organization. Organize thirty fidgets, it’s more complicated. The teacher's self-organization is to blame but on a high level.

11. Work gives you a little extra opportunity (here everything that gives you a robot is about pennies, in the form of self-expression and intercourse with other people to the ability to visit different lands).

I love my subject. I like learning about information technologies and discovering new things on the vast expanse of the Internet.

12. Do you have the ability to rate your work on a five-point scale, how would you rate Vb?

Definitely, my work is only for FIVE balls.

13. Why did V choose such a robot?

Earlier, I had a different profession, I was convinced that I was retrained in the field of informatics. My choice is not indulgence, but in understanding.

I would like to look at the prospects for the development of the profession. We live in the era of information technology. Teachers of informatics win advanced technologies in teaching: e-books, remote consultations, virtual tasks and much more. I think that the profession of teacher of computer science will become more popular with time.