Yakі pіlgi for electricity to the disabled in. The order of tax payment for payment of electricity

Electricity has become the most important service for the rest of the decade. Now the inhabitants of the day cannot do without light. That and all the equipment in the booth works on electricity, take, for example:

  • I will clean the car;
  • TV set;
  • refrigerator.

І tіlki nayneobkhіdnіsha tehnіka in the booth. Not long ago, in the legislation on the taxation of food for the disabled singing groups, some changes were made, and people wonder about food: how do you see yourself in the most diverse part of the population of the country, the pilgoviks.

Why is the essence of the change in the law about nadannya plg

The decision to amend the law on communal services was taken in conjunction with the budget deficit. And on whom in pershu black they were spared - on low-income families. It's a pity, the statistics, in the rest of the years, are unfavorable. More and more disabled children are coming to the world, but it does not seem to be about pensioners.

If you can help me, come in, show the hour. But those who scho tsі novovvedennya called dissatisfaction among the bulk of the people, no doubt a fact. The first ones, whom the change from the lg bumped into, are Muscovites, and to clarify, then the first category:

  1. A group of people with disabilities who cannot independently take care of themselves or practice, through important ailments or calisthenics.
  2. Sim'ї, de live not full-time children-invalid.
  3. Gromadyany, yakі suffered in the form of oprominennya, for example, in Chornobili or the Semipalatinsk test site.

Amendments do not reflect more of the presence of privileges, but rather shorten them. Now a number of communal services for the disabled will have to pay for the singing rozrahunk.

Ale, it is necessary to formalize the official deposit of the pills in advance. It is possible to work in the company for the services of energy supply.

Introduced limits on the supply of electricity:

  • lone disabled people are given a limit of 50 kW per month, but only on a per-day basis, a special discount of 50 kW per sum. If the limit is exceeded, then additional additional kWh will be paid at the full rate of the special tariff;
  • if a disabled person lives with his own family, then the allowable power limit is 45 kW for 30 days.

Ale tsі tariffnі razrakhovanі razrakhovanі on budinki, de vstanovіnі gazovі stoves.

Those apartments, in which stoves are used for electricity, other numbers are transferred:

  • for self-propelled pilots, the limit is 80 kW;
  • as a family pilgovik, then the subsoil becomes 70kW.

It’s impossible to say exactly why the same numbers for rozrahunkiv i, vzagali, like the stench were rozrakhovuvalis. Ale, the main problem is that the stench is too far away from the real numbers of energy savings. That's why it's so hard to bring these amendments.

How to correctly draw up a bill for paying for electricity in Mosenergozbut

In order to officially formalize the due privileges for electricity, it is necessary for the population to apply to a special body for social nutrition in the first quarter. There, they will give detailed information about how to correctly issue a discount for electricity. If you don’t fight about it for a long time, then the privileged citizens will have to pay for the living quarters for the light in full obsyasi, for the skin kW.

After picking up the necessary documents for registration, you need to go to Mosenergosbit to build them. There you obov'yazkovo need to write an application, only on the basis of a new bill is issued.

Now, what other documents are required to be submitted to the Mosenergozbut? The axis of the list, the skin of the documents is due to the confirmation of the original:

  • passport of the pilgovik, where the address of registration is indicated, for which a discount is issued;
  • if a hromadain is a pensioner, then he is retired;
  • shoes' viscous SNILS;
  • if a hromadain is corying with a normative or special drink, then it is necessary to send a copy of a special rahunka;
  • a document is required that certifies the right to a pilgrimage service, a hundred electricity;
  • if you have a communal apartment, then you need a single document for living;
  • rest of the energy meter certificate.

Do not expect a disabled person to be able to independently submit important documents for the execution of a bill, for this reason other representatives or relatives can do so.

Varto point out a special nuance, bring on a limit of occupancy, for example, at 50 kW, we’re completely exhausted, don’t go overboard to the next 30 days, but burn out again.

Likewise, a possible sumarny rozrahunok pіlg, if in a booth, where the sprat of the disabled-pіlgovikіv live. After submitting the documents and filling out everything, the bills will be charged, and even more kWh of energy will be saved, otherwise they will be paid in the full amount according to the established tariff.

Respect! If there is a fee for electricity at which address is issued, then the payment will be paid only after paying the full fee.

Visual application of the payment for the pilgoviks

So that it would be easier for you to understand the essence of the fire, the axis was the butt of the rozrahunka of energy for a month with the presence of a gas stove. Provisions limit for a self-made pilgovik to become 50 kW:

Lyuty - 45 kW, zastosovuyuchi zastosovuchi 50% - vu znizhku, go out, scho payment will be less for 27.5 kW.

With an overhead tariff limit of 80 kW for electric stoves, the same self-sufficient pilgovik, for example, outweighed yoga. Looking like this:

Lyuty - 120 kW rozrahunok, in this season, the fire is lit by 40 kW.

Vіdnіmaєmo їх іz zagalny spozhivannya, go out on the offensive:

80 kW - paid for with a 50% reduction in the established tariff;

40 kW - already will be repaid in the new obsyazі tariff.

Recently, there was a rumor about skasuvannya pіlg z payment of electricity for the disabled. Fahіvtsі calm down: such changes in 2017 are not planned in our country. But all the same, change in the field of taxation for the disabled people. How do you change? Why do they stink? How to pay for electricity for the disabled? Read all the details in this article.

Change of bill for payment of electricity for the disabled

Residents of the city of Moscow, and the very category of low-income Russians, have bumped into the first black:

  • іnvalidіv (оsіb, yakі pozbavlenі povnіstyu аbо аbоut frоm саlіvіstі prаtsevlіdіvаtіsі and independently take care of oneself in naslidіk ailments, injuries or calіtstvа);
  • families with children with disabilities, who have not survived 18 years;
  • osіb, yakі suffered as a result of radiation pollution (like the hour of the catastrophe at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, so at the Semipalatinsk test site);
  • we will compare them to them.

It is impossible to say that for these low-income Russians it was necessary to pay for the bills, that they are paying for housing and communal services, including electricity. P'yatdesyadsotkovoy pіlgovaya znizhka for payment of dіє for such types of public services:

  • scorched;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • hot water supply (includes payment for water supply);
  • electricity;

Due to official legislation, the fee reduction for this type of service has not changed - 50%. And yet, the very procedure for rozrahunka bill was changed, as a result of which the amount of payment for the cost of electricity for the disabled became larger, lower in the past.

How to apply for a disabled person bills for electricity

In order to take away the ability of a disabled person to get a cash discount to pay for saved electricity, it is necessary to return to the territorial body of the OSS - Management social outrage. For disabled people, it is necessary to submit a package of papers to your organization:

  1. Passport, which confirms the person of the bulk of our state (photocopy).
  2. Dovіdku about the warehouse sim'ї.
  3. Medical certificate-certificate, as to confirm the presence of disability in a particular group.
  4. Retirement insurance (yakscho є).
  5. The number of a special rahunku.
  6. I will declare, written in my hand, for the sake of giving a small sum to pay for electricity or for other utility services.

Pіlgi will not be paid in times, as if there is a fee for payment of housing and communal services.

How now the rozrakhunki are being built, that the disabled people are standing up and the pills are being installed for them

Pіlgovа znizhka in fifty vіdsotkіv razrakhovuetsya vhodyachy z obyagu svnoї komunalї servitov, koristuєtsya low-income Russians. The obligatory spontaneity is due for additional evidence, taken from a special accessory for the appearance of the tribute. Ale tsi svіdchennya are not guilty of revisiting the established and approved by the Russian legislation standards of living.

The situation is also passed on by the law, if you put the appearance of the day in the present. In this way, all necessary rozrahunki, which cost five hundred and fifty hundred bills for the disabled, are carried out, grounded on standard standards for the maintenance of communal services, including electricity.

Standards for the saving of electricity, which are due in 2017

"Mosenergosbit" in 2017 gives low-income Russians, who live in Moscow (including disabled people), a half-million dollar bill. As it has already been said, this vіdsotok is taken from the vіd vartosti, yak razrakhovuєutsya for the obligatory less than spare electricity. Tobto respect take svіdchennya elektrolіlіlіnіnіv - spetіalіnіh priladіv form spozhivannya elektriki. Ale, with whom, the stench is not to blame, but more than legal norms.

Let's take a look at the magnitude of the standards for saving electricity, as established by the legislation of our state specifically for the disabled, which are characterized by a low cost and reduction:

  1. For those living alone:
    • for an electric stove - 80 kW / year per month;
    • for a gas stove - 50 kW / year per month.
  2. For families:
    • for an electric stove - 70 kW / year per month;
    • for a gas stove - 45 kW / year per month.

Unclaimed kilowatts, so that they have lost their norms in this month, cannot be transferred to attacks.

The butt of the rozrahunka sumi pіlgovoї payment for electricity for the disabled

Yakschchko, Іnvalіd Abo Sim'ya, Scho Maє іnvalіdіv, went for the Ryrojunki Perigod - in our Krajni Calenniki Missyatsi - Elektroerangії in Menshoom Obseyzi (Visove Zeeviv Elektroli Kizhvіv), Nіzh was redesigned for the standards, then P'yatyat Vіdsotkіv Pіlg Dіyut . For example, a credit card - 60 kilowatts;

At the time of revisiting obsyagiv pіlgovyh norms of electricity, vstanovlenyh legislators, a reduction in five hundred vіdsotkіv prazyuє іlki to mezhі standard. Reshta kіlovati paid for povnim stovіdsotkovogo tariff. For example, the monthly cost of electricity for one disabled person is 300 kilowatts (for tenants), depending on the figures, it is necessary to pay a tax reduction, as a warehouse of 40 kilowatts: 80 kilowatts for the norms minus 50% of the available bills for living alone. Zgіdno z zimi rozrahunami, will be paid 260 kіlovat (300 kіlovat spozhitih minus 40 kіlovat pіlgovikh).

Let's take a look at one more butt, based on real facts. Family disabled person, who is stricken with an electric stove, according to the standards, he can win in the average 70 kilowatts / year. At the cost of five hundred and fifty hundred znizhka, the utility bills looked to be 35 kilowatts / year. At the same time, a change in rubles for a tariff system (in the year 2017, 1 kilowatt / year cost 3 rubles 52 kopecks), maybe: 35 kilowatts - 123 rubles 20 kopecks. If the standards for saving electricity for family disabled people with an electric stove are exceeded, then it is more than 70 kilowatts / year, from the total amount, the next payment is 123 rubles 20 kopecks and pay the excess. With a smaller amount of electricity (up to 70 kilowatts / year), a small (fifty hundred) reductions are forfeited: for a month, the lichniks wound up 60 kilowatts, then only 30 are paid from them.

Winickly food? Return to Mosenergosbit!

Clarify if it’s incomprehensible that it’s a winkle for the drive for the disabled, that it costs to pay for electricity, you can not go out of the house. At the same time, it’s possible to start the official website of Mosenergozbut - http://mosenergosbyt.ru/.

At the "Virtual Receiver" in the tab "Parts of food" you can find the following information:

  1. About the change of data in a special rahunka.
  2. Schodo plg.
  3. How to carry out a revival of nadanih pilg:
    • p'yatdesyativіdsotkovoy znizhka vіd vіtrati;
    • half of the standard;
    • stovidsotkova vіd vitrati.
  4. About apply rozrahunka pilg:
    • for a one-tariff electric chiller (with less and more energy consumption);
    • for a tax-tariff attachment to the form of electricity (if tariff standards are changed).
  5. About payment of bills for electricity bills.
  6. About the camp of a special rahunka.

Also, on this site, the registration of private data and entry into the client's special account has been transferred. For additional services, which the company "Mosenergosbit" is relying on, you can pay for free electricity bills. For what is the best way, which is more convenient for the disabled:

  • by registering in the "Special Client Cabinet" on the company's website and clicking on the "Pay" tab (automatic online service calculates the required amount of payment, depending on the applicable tariffs and standards);
  • without registration on the same site for an additional bank card;
  • having scurried to the service of an automatic payment.

Services of "Mosenergosbit" for the disabled

When registering in the "Special Client's Cabinet" it is possible to subscribe to a subscription for the payment of payments by e-mail. Such an electronic document will be accepted by the client until the 10th. When you can do this, you can zavantazhuvati, so you can rozdrukovuvati in a paper look - the very same receipt for payment of electricity bills. Krіm rahunka, it is really the same to recognize the current balance with the reporting detail. You can also send empty forms of receipts here, and then fill them in independently and pay in any other bank.

Mosenergosbit has updated the version of electricity tariffs for 2017. Tsі dіyuchі tariffs are established by the regulatory bodies of our state, they include і pіlgovі.

At the service departments that Mosenergozbut hopes to enter and tі, yakі є zruchnye for the disabled:

  • viklik fahivtsiv, who are engaged in the maintenance of appliances in the form of electric power supplies;
  • connection to power supply;
  • energy-environmental expertise;
  • organization of reserve energy supply;
  • insurance services.

Even earlier, the deeds were issued for the payment of housing and communal services, but today's trends are changing. In crisis minds, savings on utility bills are becoming sensible. Making bills for electricity, you can spend a little money. Let's figure out who is entitled to such preferences, and for some minds they can be issued. Let's take a look at the documents that need to be submitted for the withdrawal of the discount.

burning position

The order of the Russian Federation reserves the right to recognize the fuel for electricity for the regional government. Vikonavchi bodies on the missions themselves determine the procedure for granting preferences, the amount of the reduction. Koshti, recognized for the repayment of fences, are seen from the budget of the city, district.

Uryadova Resolution No850-PP, as well as the Law of the Moscow Region No. 36/2006-OZ “On the Social Support of the Okremikh Categories of Citizens in the Moscow Region” dated February 23, 2006, is enforced throughout the territory of Moscow and the region. These legislators act to regulate all communal preferences in the region. They have a lot of money, so they can take money to pay for electricity in Moscow.

Who do they rely on?

Moscow has established its own rules for the payment of taxes, a category of specialties has been assigned, so that they can apply for them. Once again, it’s safe to say that pensioners, who don’t belong to one of the lower listed groups, can’t afford to be relaxed.

Also, a reduction in the payment of electricity in the capital, it was necessary:

  • veterans pratsi, yakі confirmed the status;
  • kolishnim in the death camps, earlier and corrected;
  • veterans of military battles, yak took part in military conflicts in Yugoslavia;
  • residents of the capital, yakі buli zadіyanі in liquidation of the aftermath of a man-made disaster. Until the number of such catastrophes
  • yakі can confirm their status of viable connections;
  • orphans, yakі lost their father's pіkluvannya;
  • sіm'yam, in those who are vihovennі there are children with disabilities (individuals with immature physical abilities up to 18 years old);
  • Knights of O. Trudovskaya Glory;
  • to the participants of the VVV, yakі were not zadіyanі in combat actions.

Respect! The change of minds, which allows one to classify the family to the category of rich ones, is assigned to the skin-friendly region. In Moscow, the presence of three children (relatives, adoptions) is given as a substitute for assigning the status of rich family.

Important! Orphaned children reserve for themselves the right to take away all their meals, to bring them food for them. As soon as guardianship is established over these persons, adoption is formalized, then electricity discounts are saved for them.

Chinne legislation transfers three types of reductions:

  1. 30% of the output is given to rich families. This kind of weakened guarantees of the homelands, for those who have 3-9 children, the presence of 10 rewards, is a substantiation for the promotion of a reduction of up to 70%. Pilga hopes until the moment of reaching the 16th birthday of a young child.
  2. A 100% discount is taken from a visually excluded individual with a special status. Tse Heroes of the Russian Federation / SRSR, Cavalry O. Trudova Slavi. Povnistyu vodshkoduyutsya vytrati to pay for electricity and orphans.
  3. A 50% discount can be issued to all other groups of exceptions, as they may be entitled to preference, but not overlap with up to two higher categories.

Respect! Invalid may have the right to indemnify for 50% of the vitrate of the upper part of the life, but within the limits of the established standard. For example, for example, if you have three windows of windows 75 kW per month, then you can see a 50% discount on 25 kW from the local budget (a special share of the disabled).

Crowds, who have a disabled child in their care, take a drink for the whole family. We expect 50% of the overhead stains.

What is a reduction?

Pilga may form a form of free payment. Tse means that the applicant, who has the right to it, needs to pay off the electricity bill in full. Mіstsev vlada is taken to give a huge sum of money, with a small amount presented to him. Compensatory payments are carried out on a special bank account for these purposes.

Important! The discount is given within the framework of the regulations approved by the local authorities.

The procedure for issuing and transferring documents

A gromadyan, who can get into one of the more rehabilitated categories, can quickly give him the right. For whom it is necessary for you to return to the competent authority to the approved transfer of documents. Slid to prepare such papers:

  • copy of passport + original for identification;
  • a document confirming the commendation of a citizen to a designated category (certificate of a veteran, statement about disability, commendation of a wealthy family member);
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • dovidka about the warehouse sіm'ї. Її vymagayut for appointment to the standard of saving electricity for one member of the family;
  • the application of the inserted srazka, in which the applicant declares his right to the benefit;
  • bank statement with bank account details for insurance of payments;
  • dovidka, scho confirms the fact of stovіdsotkovoї pay billing on payments for electricity.

Respect! If the applicant does not repay the bill for electricity on his own, then he can be advised in the tax deduction.
Normatives of electric power supply in Moscow and how stench do you think about the amount of compensation?

The presence of the fuel is not a guarantee that the hulker will be covered with unlimited electricity. Mіstseva vlada stverdzhuє standards, within the framework of such reductions dіє. Let's take a look at the framework that has been established for the new category of the community by the camp for 2017:

  • per one citizen, who lives independently (in a house / apartment there are no more prescriptions) can be paid for 50 kW of fuel energy. If your life is not equipped with gas fittings (an electric stove is installed), then you will pay for 80 kW with a lower price;
  • there is a standard on this, the size of which can be uninterruptedly laid up for how many members of this family live together. If the dwelling is equipped with gas appliances, 45 kW is required, and if it is equipped with electric stoves - 70 kW. This is the norm per month for one person.

It is important for socially unprotected categories of the population to pay bills for utility bills and electricity without third-party assistance. Therefore, if you want to change to the services of the ZhKG, the power will give the categories of physical disabilities benefits.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, payments for electricity in 2017 are paid by decals to categories of citizens.

However, the regional authorities may have the right to increase the amount of money, so that they can take a reduction in the payment of housing and communal services, including electricity. So before that, how to pick up a package of necessary documents, next find out if you can be sure of this type of benefit.

Most of the federal districts hope for:

  • members of the VVV. This group includes not only veterans of the Great War, but also people who worked in the field, survived the blockade of the city of Leningrad, having been in concentration camps, invalids of the VVV, deacons of other categories;
  • for the disabled. These people can be seen as people with disabilities of all groups and people who took away the status of people with disabilities. Pilgi spread to the whole family;
  • other categories. Tse low-security, rich families, liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, veterans of the pension age, participants in combat events;
  • orphans, heroes of Russia and the SRSR, citizens, like the Order of Labor Glory.

Reduce from 30 to 100%, fallow from the Pilgovik group. Ale won't expand on the normative energy savings. If there is more electric energy, then everything that is above the norm will be paid for by the powers that be.

Let’s understand that the bill is not a subsidy, and if you receive a receipt for payment of utility bills, you will need to pay the entire amount. Already after that, pennies will be returned to the bank account in the amount of money given.

Payments for the payment of electricity in 2017 did not recognize the change. The only thing that has changed is the method of rozrahunka, so the numbers on the receipts will be an order of magnitude higher, lower in the previous opalescent season.

Groups of bills for electricity in 2017

In 2017, electricity bills were lost on the same level as before. Mentally, they can be divided into 3 groups:

  • more money for payment of utility bills. 100% discount was donated to the heroes of the Radyansk Union, Russian Federation, Children, yaks spent batkiv and cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • 50% discount. Її otrimuyut more pіlgovikіv, for example, disabled veterans of VVV;
  • 30% pilga. On it, fathers with 3 and more children, or low-income families, can be paid.

For pensioners, there is no transfer of money for savings and payment for electricity.

Payments for tariffs for electricity in 2017 will be established by local authorities and may be affected by the fallow land in the region where people live. For residents of rural areas and the city’s richly-surfaced buds with electric-smelling properties and without a new tariff, they are charged.

The norms of saving are being established on the first and the other half in connection with the fact that in the autumn-winter period the reduction of electricity is increasing. The stench is so self-destructive due to the climatic features of the region, the number of people living near the apartment, the solution of the city's power.

Normative value is provided for by the consumption of electricity by one person, sufficient for a normal life. In reality, this figure is different from the actual one, and for the entire utility bill, you still have to pay a lot of money.

It is possible to submit documents for registration of a bill, but there is no fee for utility bills and for one dwelling, both for the place of registration, and for the actual place of residence.

Documents for the return of persons with disabilities and other categories of citizens for electricity in 2017

If a citizen is included in one of the categories of pilgoviki and can not be fenced in housing and communal services, he can get the right to receive a discount on electricity. For whom should prepare the following documents, such as:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • dovidka about the warehouse sіm'ї. It is necessary in order to know, chi є on the morning of the pilgovik of the utrimants, how many people live in the apartment and porahuvati z th standard. As if the reduction is only hoped for by a pilgrim and will not expand to the members of the family, then it will be zdijsnyuvatisya by the way of the kremlin sumi, going beyond the normative value for one person;
  • dovidka that confirms that the person at the time of submission of documents is not obstructed. Looks like a company that supplies electricity to your region;
  • a certificate about the birth of children for wealthy families, a statement about income for low-income families, paperwork, where disability is indicated, etc. Tobto be a kind of document, which can confirm that you are a pilgovik;
  • application in the inserted form. You can write in the mail or get ready for a long time by downloading the image on the Internet;
  • banking details. Turning the handicapped people to electricity in 2017 will turn to other categories of citizens, who will pay for the bank account. Then after the re-payment of the payment, part of the cost will be compensated for the bills you ordered.

It is necessary to contact the representative office of the company that provides the services of energy supply. Submitted documents are reviewed for 10 days. At the time of a positive decision, turn a part of the stained wallets back from the month following the month of filing the application.

Rozrahunok pіlg for electricity in 2017 for veterans of pracі

The cost of electricity bills in 2017 will vary depending on the accepted normative values. For single people, the norm is 50 kW / year., For houses with an electric stove - 80 kW / year.

For example, if a person spends electricity less than the norm, it doesn’t mean that the whole sum will be compensated from the state budget, and the pilgrim will not need to spend a lot of money. In such a situation, exactly half of the saved energy is paid. Let's assume that the veteran of the country lives in the accommodation alone, in this apartment there are no more prescriptions, but having lived less than the norm, then:

40 kW x 50% \u003d 20 kW, de 40 kW - the amount of saved energy for a person per month, 50% - a bill for electricity was laid for a veteran of the practice in 2017. Turning pіdlyagaє varіst for 20 kW.

If you want to use more energy than the norm, for example 150 kW, then the methodology for rozrahunka matime looks like this:

  1. we know the standard: 150 kW - 50 \u003d 100 kW;
  2. kіlkіst wat, for yakі you have to pay on the deepest minds: 100 kW - 50% \u003d 50 kW;
  3. the residual figure after that, how to add relief, which will exceed the standard, will look like this: 50 kW + 50 kW \u003d 100 kW.

Bills for electricity in 2017 for people with disabilities 2 and 3 groups

In 2017, the payment for electricity to the disabled will be 50% of the normative reduction in energy. І razrakhovuєtsya for aiming the butt higher. In tsomu roci, no matter how sensitive, no reduction is planned.

Showcases are taken from the lichnik of electricity, for which there will be a charge. If a disabled person does not have such an accessory, then during a rozrahunka, the average normative value will be covered. It’s not surprising for that, if the payment for electricity to the disabled of the 2nd group of 2017 will be the same as for everyone, or the sum in the receipts for people with with limited possibilities, Yakі live in the same booth, will be thoroughly irritated. Aje in more vipadkiv people with a lichnik will pay less.

Pіlgi іnvaliіdіm 3 grupi for electricity in 2017 roci put in the same way, like other categories of people with limited opportunities. Aje znizhka to lay down not because of income, but because of the confirmed status of a hulk.

Immunity for disabled people, legislated by the Decree of the RF Council on July 27, 1996 No. 901 “On Immunity for disabled people and families, as they may have children with disabilities, how to provide for their living quarters, pay for living and communal services.” The text says that “for disabled people and families, for having children with disabilities, we hope for a reduction of not less than 50 thousand rubles to pay for housing in the houses of the state, municipal and community housing fund, payment of utility services (independently in the housing fund), housing boudinkas, which do not burn the central scorching, - vartosti paliva, pried in the boundaries of the norms, installed for sale to the population.

Rakhuvannya pіlg for electricity in the areas of indigenous koristuvannya in 2017 rotation

In 2017, the methodology for the distribution of electricity for Budinka consumption changed. At zv'yazku z cim endured the change of the old look of the receipts. Costs for electricity for the purpose of living accommodation will be shown in the section “Utrimannya living accommodation”.

Another thing that has changed is the very principle of rozpodіlu sumi for electricity. Whereas before, the hot spots were shared between the bags equally, now the rozrahunok is deposited according to tariffs and pills for specific skin energy savings. For whom a standard is taken, which is to be multiplied on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe area of ​​\u200b\u200bhistorical koristuvannya. After the first subtraction, the result is divided into the area of ​​habitable and non-residential dwellings in a booth. We gave the area of ​​the apartment and the tariff for 1 kW of the total amount taken is multiplied by the subtractive result and the amount comes out, so that people need to pay for the month.

Why is it obvious that electricity is the place for the infamous contribution of the city in 2017 to lie in the category of citizens. As earlier, the reduction for this type of utility payment was not expanded, then from September 1, 2017, it became a reality.

The order of tax payment for payment of electricity

1. Enter the social support of the gromads, as if they claim the right to a higher category of pilgrimage, they are restored to a higher category federal laws i Decree of the President. Gromadyan-spozhivachі, scho mayut pіlgovu category, koristuyutsya znizhkoy in rozmіrі 50% tariff varostі elektroenergії nezalezhnosti in order, hto s sіm'ї є vіdpovidalnym tenant.

2. Payment for payment of electricity is expected from the first day of the month following the month of presentation of relevant documents certifying the right to payment. In the event of an untimely payment for the payment of taxes (in case of ailment of the disease, or for other reasons), upon presentation of a true document (finalization of the liqual mortgage, etc.) between the flow of financial rock.

3. A person who can see a litter, swears by a plea for one of the substations (for choice) on the substantiation of the application. The summation of different kinds of pilgrims is not allowed.

4. As a small number of people in this world, if they have the right to pilgrimage, if they are expanding only for the possession of pilgrimage, then the pilgrimage hopes for a dermal pilgrimage in the midst of the standards of comfort

5. Normative power supply, in the midst of which one hopes for a benefit for paying for electricity, installations on the calendar month. If the date of the advance payment before the date of the advance payment is less or more in one month, then the settlement is carried out in the coming order: the additional social norm is paid and multiplied by the number of days between the dates of payment. Submitting the entry of the date according to the receipt - the cash voucher of the postal payment or the payment to the bank

Butt of a pіdrakhunka pay for urakhuvannyam pіlg:

Sim'ya z dvoh osіb (including 1 pіlgovik), scho maє electric stove, paid for the saving of electricity on 01.12.2008, the next payment was made on 20.12.2008 r :

80 kW. hours: 31 days \u003d 2.58 kW. h.

The period between payments to the accounts is 20 days, then, 50% of the bill is expanded by the value of the standard, like a warehouse of 2.58 kW. hours x 20 days x \u003d 52 kW. h.

Payment for electricity bills

Pіdstava for nadannya pіlg

Veteran praci.

50% reduction (within the limits of savings) only for a pilgrim.

Law of the Republic of Kharkiv dated 01.01.2001 r No. 84 “On the social support of veterans who live in the territory of the Republic of Khakassia”

Disabled VVV and disabled combat soldiers (from the number of military servicemen and spivrobitnikiv OVS, yakі took off the wounded at vikonnі service obov'yazkіv).

50% discount (within the limits of savings) for all family members.

Members of the families of dead (dead) invalids, participants in the VVV and veterans in combat operations on the territory of other powers.

50% reduction (within the limits of savings) for non-practical members of the family of the dead, yakі perebuvali on yoga morning and yakі otrimuyut pension on the cost of the year. Nezalezhno vіd perebuvannya on utrimanny pіlgi hope:

1. Father of the dead (dead).

2. The squad of the dead (deceased), who did not gain a second coat (the squad of the deceased participant in the VVV or the veteran of the fighting, the crime is guilty of living on its own).

Federal Law "About Veterans" dated 12.01.95 r Vitrati on the basis of payment for spending money on the federal budget.

Siege of Leningrad.

50% discount (within the limits of savings), awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad", the Badge "Inhabitant of the besieged Leningrad", only a pilgovik.

Federal Law "About Veterans" dated 12.01.95 r Vitrati on the basis of payment for spending money on the federal budget.

Repressions (rehabilitation and expulsion by the victims, for the mind that the stench may be disability or pensioners).

50% discount (within the limits of accommodation) for all members of the family, who live together.

Law of the Republic of Kharkiv vіd 1g. No. 85 "0 come in social support for rehabilitation of osib and osib, iznanih suffered in ...", vytrat on nadannya pіlg spend money on the budget of the budgets of the subjects of the RH.

Members of VVV.

50% discount (within the limits of savings) only for a pilgrim.

Federal Law "About Veterans" dated 12.01.95 r Vitrati on the basis of payment for spending money on the federal budget.

50% reduction for self-sufficient living of a disabled person, with 2 or more members of the family - a part of the actual expenses that fall on a disabled person.

Sim'ї, yakі mayut children-invalіdіv.

50% discount on all family members

dated 01.01.2001 "About the social defense of the disabled in the Russian Federation". Vitrati on nadannya pіlg go to the federal budget.

Number of non-essential illnesses

concentration camps:

a) determine the disability group;

b) do not change the disability group.

50% reduction (within the limits of savings) only for a pilgrim.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 000 dated 15.10.92. Vitrati on nadannya pіlg go to the federal budget.

Rich Sims

30% discount on all family members.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 000 dated January 1, 2001.

Decree No. 000 issued to the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 1992. Vytrati on nadannya pіlg to spend money on the budget of the subjects of the RH.

a) Participants of Chornobil, disabled CHAES,

widows (widows) of deceased participants

liquidation of the aftermath of disaster;

b) Sims who died or perished participants in the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Federal Law No. 000-1 dated 01.01.2001. "About the social zakhist of the people who suffered as a result of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl". Vitrati on nadannya pіlg go to the federal budget.

Citizens from the number of participants in the pіdrozdіlіv special risk.

50% discount on all family members.

Decree of the Supreme Council for the sake of the Russian Federation No. 000-1 dated December 27, 1991. "About rozpovsyudzhennya to the Law of the Ukrainian RSR" About social. zakhist of the hulks, they recognized the influx of radiation. Vitrati on nadannya pіlg go to the federal budget.

Heroes of the SRSR, Heroes of the Russian Federation, awarded the Order of Glory of the 3rd degree and live from her family members, friends, dead fathers.

Law FZ dated 15.01.93. No. 000-1 "On the status of the Heroes of the SRSR and the Russian Federation and the latest cavalry of the Order of Glory." Vitrati on nadannya pіlg go to the federal budget.

Heroes of social Pratsі, cavalry (povni) of the order of Prats' glory and live together with them non-practical members of their families.

FZ dated 09.01.97 “About the social guarantees to the heroes of the social. practice. Vitrati on nadannya pіlg go to the federal budget.

A copy of the documents that people rely on - savers of electricity to pay for the savings in electricity

1. Copy of passport (first side and side of registration of place of residence).

2. A copy of the document proving the recognition of the disease: the acknowledgment of the disease, the completion of the VTE, etc.

3. Conclusion about the number of people living in the family who rely on the passport office.

4. A copy of the technical passport for the living quarters (otherwise, the adjustment of the village for the sake of the number of living quarters in the house).

5. Conclusion to the body of the social protection of the population about setting up

6. Indication of the lichnik on the date of the wedding

Additional documents:

At the time, as a hulk bazhaє koristuvatisya pіlgoy for the address, to the magistrate in the place of registration (i.e., for the actual place of residence), it is necessary to give an additional statement about the recognition of the pіlg for the place of registration. Dovіdka is hoped for by the district (Mіsk) departments of the social protection of the population.


According to paragraphs 1 and 2, the original documents are sent immediately with copies;

According to paragraphs 3 and 4, original documents are submitted.

From 01.01.2009 the standards for the reduction of communal services for electricity supply for the pilgrims of the population have changed in accordance with the Decree of the State Committee on the tariffs of the Republic of Kharkiv).

Standards for the provision of utility services for electricity supply to the population,

kW / year per month per 1 person

Kіlkіst kіmnat

in the apartment

For rich apartment houses and residential houses that are not equipped with electric stoves

Kіlkіst kіmnat

in the apartment

How many people live in the same apartment

These standards are expanded on the category of subscribers, which are expected to be in the range of standards for the improvement of public services. These categories include:


Members of VVV

Veterans of combat operations

veterans military service

Members of the families of dead (died) disabled war veterans, participants in the Great War of the Victims, veterans of combat operations

Individuals awarded with the sign "Inhabitant of the besieged Leningrad"

Incomplete fights in the camps and the ghetto


Invalid Great Veteran War

The procedure for the payment of rent for subscribers, if they hope without improving the standard of living, remains unchanged (children with disabilities, people with disabilities, ill-healthy people, Chernobyl residents, Semipalatintsy, Mayak, rich people).

Attach a pіdrahunka to pay for urakhuvannyam pіlg:

1. There are 3 living quarters at a fire-stove, 2 people live (including 1 veteran of the praci).

Saving electricity per month - 300 kWh. The repayment of the payment is carried out in the following order: the entire amount of money is divided by the number of residents - 2.

Part of an ordinary subscriber is covered by a fixed tariff:

150 kWh x 1.04 rub. \u003d RUB 156.0

According to the tables of standards for residential houses that do not have electric stoves, in a 3-room apartment in the homeland for 2 people, the standard for saving on a pilgovik is to be 143 kWh, to which part of the veteran's work is paid for:

143 kWh x 0.52 rub. (50% of the tariff) \u003d RUB 74.36

7 kWh x 1.04 rub. \u003d $7.28

Total before payment: 156.0 rubles. + 74.36 rubles. + 7.28 rubles. \u003d RUB 237.64

Similarly to butt No. 1, payment is paid to veterans of the Khakassian army, participants of the VVV, veterans of combat operations, veterans of the military service, members of the families of those who died, blockades, and camps in the VVV.

2. 4 people (including 1 rehabilitation) live near the house with a fire stove 4 living quarters.

Saving electricity per month - 400 kWh.

From the table of standards in a 4-room apartment in the homeland from 4 rooms, the standard for saving per person is 98 kWh, for 4 people - 98 kWh x 4 \u003d 392 kWh

392 kWh x 0.52 rub. (50% of the tariff) \u003d RUB 203.84

Saved above the norm, electricity is paid for at a reasonable rate:

8 kWh x 1.04 rub. \u003d $8.32

Total before payment: 203.84 rubles. + 8.32 rubles. \u003d RUB 212.16

Similar to butt No. 2, payment is made to the disabled people of the Great Vicchisnyana War.

3. At the same time, the living of a disabled person with a severe illness and a veteran of the rehabilitation of a veteran should be carried out in the following order:

There are 3 living quarters at the house with a fire-stove, 3 people live (including a disabled person with a severe illness, a veteran of the workforce), electricity supply per month - 390 kWh.

The entire vitrata is divisible by the number of residents.

The part of the disabled person is covered by:

130 kWh x 0.52 (50% of the air tariff) \u003d 67.60 rubles.

According to the tables of standards for residential houses that do not have electric stoves, in a 3-room apartment in the homeland for 3 people, the standard for saving on a pilgovik is 111 kWh, to which part of the veteran's work is paid for:

111 kWh x 0.52 rub. (50% of the air fare) \u003d RUB 57.72

Saved above the norm electricity is paid for at a reasonable rate

19 kWh x 1.04 rub. \u003d $19.76

At once for a veteran of the practice: 57.72 rubles. + RUB 19.76 \u003d RUB 77.48

Part of the primary subscriber is covered by:

130 kWh x 1.04 rubles. \u003d RUB 135.20

Total before payment: 67.60 rubles. + 77.48 rubles. + RUB 135.20 \u003d RUB 280.28

4. Family of 3 people (including 1 disabled person with severe illness), maє a fire stove, saved 300 kWg in a month.

The repayment of the payment is carried out in the following order: the entire amount is divisible by the number of residents - 3.

Since the standard for this pilgrim is not expanded, then a part of the disabled person is covered:

100 kWh x 0.52 rub. (50% of the tariff) \u003d RUB 52.00

A part of two prime subscribers is paid for at a reasonable rate:

200 kWh x 1.04 rub. \u003d RUB 208.0

Total before payment: 52.00 rub. + 208.0 rub. \u003d RUB 260.0

5. Living in a booth with a fire stove 4 people (including 1 disabled child). Saving electricity per month - 300 kWh. Since Pilga expands to the whole family without adjusting to the standard of living, then the repayment of payment is carried out in the following order:

300 kWh x 0.52 rub. (50% of the tariff) \u003d RUB 156.0

Total before payment: 156.0 rubles.

Similar to butt No. 5, payment is made to participants in Chornobil, Semipalatinsk test site, Mayak Production Association, in rich families (70% of the tariff is paid).

All repaid more are applied from the zastosuvannya values ​​to the standard considered for the mind to pay on the same day of the month (recommended for forgiveness to the pidrahunk).

With the help of the method of asking and more accurate payment for the saving of electricity, it is recommended that the polling category of the population without delay, before paying, pay the bill on the date of payment and the operator will remind you of the amount before payment on the date shown and the date of payment.