The second participant in the accident was hidden what to do Osago. What will be for leaving the scene of an accident? Time limit for causing harm in an accident

The maintenance investigation is intended to correctly identify the guilty and affected. After all, in accordance with from the status of a participant in an accident will depend on the assignment of insurance payments for an accident. In 90% of cases, everything is drawn up without any "surprises" by the violators, however, there are also non-standard situations. Once in them, car owners are immediately lost and do not know what to do if I got into an accident, and. This article in detail will tell you what to do, and how the investigation will be carried out.

How to find a driver hiding from the driver's seat

Consider the situation that happens in every tenth accident: the driver guilty of the accident leaves from the scene. The driver's affected driver should not rushSince the search for cars, hiding from the scene of an accident, is the prerogative of the traffic police.

Important: If the victim follows the violator, his actions, regardless of motivation, will be qualified as leaving the scene of the incident. And this entails an administrative punishment by art. 12.27 Administrative Code:

Leaving the driver in violation of the rules of road traffic sites, the participant of which he was, entails the deprivation of the right to manage vehicles for a period of one year to one and a half years or administrative arrest for a period of up to fifteen days.

After an accident, you need to accurately perform activities regulated by traffic rules:

  • enable alarms;
  • establish an emergency stop sign on the roadbed;
  • call by phone and, if necessary, the ambulance brigade.

If there is a video recorder in the machine, then it should be turned off immediately to save the recording accident on the device.

When calling employees, it is necessary to indicate that the guilty disappeared, describe the signs of the car and, if you managed to remember, - his state. number. Before the arrival of the traffic police patrol, it is impossible to leave. And only after the design of documents recording the fact of an accident, you need to go to the police station and declare the search for the culprit of the incident.

Did you get into the situation when the culprit disappeared from the scene of an accident?

Very often, due to a conscious decision or for any other reasons, a citizen is hidden from the scene of the incident. The driver of the injured TS should take the following actions:

  • polling potential witnesses;
  • to call the police;
  • clarify the situation who arrived employees;
  • sign the executed protocol.

How quickly find drivers who have left the accident

How fast will find a hopping culprit, depends on many factors:

  • lee known to the state. TC number;
  • are there any eyewitnesses able to describe the signs of the car if the number is unknown;
  • does the record of the accident or its consequences on the video recorder of the victim or witnesses.

If the basic data on the violator car is known, then calculate its owner on the traffic police database for employees of the problem organs is not done within a few minutes. The information is immediately transmitted to posts and mobile patrol patrols. You can be sure that the car will soon be detained.

If only TC signs are known, then it will be problematic. Orientation by signs will also be sent to the traffic police, but the identification of the car by the method of checks of similar machines takes a lot of time.

Important: if the damage from the accident has been minimal and no, then it is qualified as an administrative offense, its limitation period is 2-3 months. Art. 4.5 Code of Administrative Offenses (CACAP) Person:

The decision on the case of an administrative offense cannot be submitted after two months (in the case of an administrative offense, considered by the judge - after three months) from the day of the administrative offense.

Consequently, the search for the guilty in the accident will cease after the expiration date.

A citizen who disappeared after the accident, after 3 months will be responsible only for the consequences of an accident, but not for the fact of escape.

What actions to do if the culprit of the accident did not find

Despite the fact that the culprit of the accident is hidden and was not found, the further actions of the victim should be directed at. Will payments be made, depends on the status of the culprit of the accident. Three options are possible:

  • a citizen who disappeared from the accident site was revealed during the search events, but still hiding (that is, he is known, but not found);
  • there is no information about the culprit of the accident;
  • the car was found, but was in the hijack at the time of the incident.

In the first case, insurance payments on the OSAGO will definitely be implemented. After all, by the number of the car, find the requisites of the operating policy of the OSAGO of the violator is very simply through a single database Russian Union Motorovshchikov (RCA). And if the autocarnate responsibility of a citizen was insured, then the data about it is in the database. Consequently, the insurance company of the victim will send the lawsuit for insurers of the perpetrator, and payments will be made.

Subsequently, the insurers of the perpetrator will be submitted to compensatory insurance payments to them. Such right provided them Federal Law (FZ) No. 40-FZ (Article 14):

To the insurer who realized the insurance compensation, the right of the victim of the victim to face who had harmed, in the amount of insurance indemnity carried out by the victim, if: ... The person had disappeared from the site of the roadway.

Unfortunately, the situation when, after the DPT, the culprit is hidden in an unknown direction, not uncommon. What to do a law-abiding citizen in this case?

Did accidents happen?

It is no coincidence that we pointed out the citizen, and not just the driver. Many forget or do not know that a person can become a member of an accident, without having a car and a driver's license. It is important to remember that the accident is any incident on the road, which led to the damage of material values \u200b\u200bor caused the harm of the life and health of the participants in the movement. Thus, if someone flew into your fence in front of the house or, worse, hit your dog, and then left, then the next instruction too for you.


If you see that a person, having collided with your car, is going to leave, no need to sign and, even more so, run behind him. It will be more correct to write the number of the car - it is to write exactly, at least a note on the phone, since in the affect state you can forget the commercials of the car. Immediately after an accident, it is necessary to fulfill everything that is prescribed by the rules of the Road - to stay, turn on the accident, set the emergency stop sign. Next, you can find out the circumstances and call the traffic police officers.

When calling to the number in 112, it is necessary to report that the culprit disappeared from the scene of an accident and specify the data of his car. If your machine interferes with movement, then according to traffic rules, you must fix the place of the accident and remove the car with the roadway. It is possible to fix the scheme of an accident, photographed, filming the video. Try to find witnesses, take their phone numbers. If you have a DVR in the car, it will play your hand. Now we are waiting for traffic police.

Punishment for escape

What does it mean - disappeared from the scene of an accident? Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation on this score has two clarifying parts. The first part is when the second participant of the movement did not fulfill its duties in the event of an accident prescribed by the rules. For example, near the house, the neighbor was drunk your car and left, thinking that no one would notice. You called the traffic police, and if it comes out to "surrender", after the inspector came, then his actions will not be considered as "leaving the place of accidents". According to Part 1 of Article 12.27, he simply did not fulfill his duties. Maximum that he threatens - fine 1000 rubles.

It is quite another thing - the second part of Article 12.27. If the second participant is absent on the site of an accident after the inspector arrival, its actions will definitely be qualified as a violation for what threatens the deprivation of driver's license from year to 1.5 years or arrest for up to 15 days. It is also worth noting an important point. You committed a collision with some car, but circumstances fold so that you cannot seek the owner nor wait for traffic police, but decide to leave a note under the janitor with your contacts. In this case, it remains to be hoped solely on the mutual decency of the driver, the car of which you were damaged. If he decides to bring to the place of traffic police officers and will not inform you about it or inform, but you will not be able to come, then you are a pedestrian in the coming year.

Searches fugitive

The most ideal option is when you know the car number, brand, model and color. Even better if the incident filmed your DVR. In this case, the culprit will be very fast. Everything is much more difficult if you did not have time to record or were absent in the car, for example, came from shop with purchases, and the car is broken. In this case, you will have to show your own initiative. As Zheglov said, "... in every, even in the very secret Delishka, a little man always will be removed, who heard anything, I saw anything, I know, remembers or guess." You will have to deal with this - to look for video surveillance cameras and witnesses.

All collected information about the fugitive transfer to the PTC search department. Specialists collect and explore eyewitness, video and photographic readings, conduct other operational events to find the culprit. If the car's number is known, then it is recorded in a special database of the traffic police, and inspectors give orientation to this car, after which they begin to check the suitable cars. In the case of a serious accident with human victims to search for a hopping culprit, a plan "Interception" can declare. With such accidents, as a rule, a criminal case is initiated, and employees from a criminal investigation are connected to the search.

Duration of the statute

The limitation period for administrative offenses is three months. This means that the police officers have three months to find the culprit, write down the decree on an administrative offense and give it under the painting. In the event that that could not be done in three months, the law enforcement officers will no longer be able to write down a decree on an administrative offense. That is, neither deprivation of rights, for no 15 days he threatens, but to pay repair cars or compensate for another caused damage will still have to.

True, and here is not so simple. This is possible, provided that it will be found no later than 3 years from the date of the accident.

A somewhat different things are with the search for the car of the culprit. There is no limitation of the distribution of the car's search. Therefore, while the fugitive car is listed in the search base, there is always a chance that it will come. True, it is possible to such a casus if the culprit came out the limitation of an administrative violation, and the car is still in the database, it will not be able to punish it, but they will not be able to punish it.

How to get compensation if the culprit was not found?

Everything is very difficult here. According to the current laws, you will not be able to pay the payment on the CTP, since the insurance company will require the policy of the second participant in the accident, and it is not. You can only get compensation from the Russian Union of motorways for the injuries and death of people. To get paid, you need to contact the RC with a statement. The only option to restore the car is not from your pocket is a hull.

The culprit found how to get compensation?

Here are options. If the owner of the car is a culprit or the one who at the time of the accident was behind the wheel, there is a policy of OSAGO, then you can contact the insurance company for paying. If there is no policy or he does not recognize himself a culprit, then you have to prepare for the court. To do this, it will be necessary to undergo an independent technical expertise (at its own expense), to establish the amount of damage caused to you, prepare documents and the claim in court. It is worth noting that the solution of this issue through the court is not the best option, with significant damage the full payment will have to wait for years. It is better to try to solve everything in the form of a pre-trial.

- Never leave the scene of the accident, even for a while;
- If you have left a note with apologies and phone, call and try to settle everything peacefully;
- take everything into your own hands, especially if I could not immediately record the number of the car of the culprit;
- Try to find the culprit yourself, look for witnesses, place information on car forums and portals, in social networks;
- The DVR will be able to significantly simplify life in such situations.

For the possibility of obtaining an insurance premium and preferably in a short time, you need to have the most complete information about the car, which was ruled by the culprit who left the accident site. Least you need to remember the brand and color of the machine, very good if you managed to record the TC number.

Vehicles often have "special signs" (different kind of dents and scratches), if they are detected, they need to be remembered.

IMPORTANT.The more information about the car, which left the accident, the more chances of receiving the insurance premium.

We carry out the requirements of traffic rules

With an accident, there is a mandatory regulation of actions to be observed.

When the driver appeals to his insurer, the following documents are presented:

After all the formalities are observed, we must wait until the one who is to blame for the accident.

Distribution for the culprit of an accident can not! If the victim leaves the place of the accident, this will cause refusal to pay.

For details on how to make an application to the insurance company about reimbursement on the OSAGO, it is possible to find out, and more in detail about what is an insurance case on the CTP, what is the procedure for the action of participants and other nuances, find out.

Will the insurance policy payments, if the second participant does not find at all?

If the culprit of the accident is not found and there is no data of his insurance policy, then the news for the victim is disappointing. If the personality of the guilty driver is not established, then his insured company responsible for compensation for material damage is unknown.

Then the Russian Union of Motorovshchists is engaged in damage to the damage (hereinafter referred to as Rs), which can recover money from the regens perpetrator according to Art. 14 FZ "About the CTP".

When interfers RSA?

RSA pays money to the affected side according to Art. 18 FZ-40, if the culprit of an accident left the scene and it was not possible to find it. But there is one important nuance - RSA carries costs only if the accident caused damage not only to the car of the affected side, but also the health or life of the victim.

To obtain, it is necessary to collect not only all the necessary documents confirming the damage to the machine, but also medical certificates. Otherwise, compensation can not be expected. For the material damage of the Rs, no responsibility carries. Require compensation in this case of moral damage does not make sense at all.

How to get insurance for insurance if the accident service will be found?

If police officers found someone who is to blame for an accident, the affected party can act in two ways. It all depends on whether the driver had the right to drive a car at the time of the accident and whether he had a valid insurance policy. If the driver had the right to managing the machine, he has a valid insurance and he recognizes himself to be guilty, it is necessary to contact the insurance company.

For this you need the following package of documents:

  • The act of incident compiled by the traffic police officers at the site of an accident.
  • The culprit of the accident writes a statement that he does not have objections about his guilt (often the insurer does not take into account the availability of such a document. But if it is, it can significantly speed up the process of obtaining insurance).
  • Copy or insurance policy number.
  • Each party places a driver's license.

If there is no right to driving a vehicle near the driver, there is no existing insurance or he never admitted that it is to blame, it is necessary to contact the court.

When contacting the court, such documents are needed:

  • statement of claim;
  • the protocol compiled by the traffic police officers;
  • to confirm the act of inflicted losses, a valuation document is needed, which also confirms the amount of damage.

What will happen if the driver escaped after the accident - responsibility

Part 2 of Article 12.27 Administrative Code for Hiding from the scene of the accident provides for deprivation of driver's license. The term of such punishment is from year to one and a half years. Alternatively, arrest can be applied in relation to the perpetual side for up to 15 days.

If there are victims in the accident, then the accident destroyed the accident will also be responsible for causing harm to health, based on the severity of the deed. Parts 2, 4 and 6 tbsp. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation punishes escaped drivers who have caused grave harm to health or with fatal accidents.

If the driver is judged, then leaving the accident site will be accepted as aggravating circumstance and entail more stringent measures. Article 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Leaving the injured in danger may be applied to such a driver.

Article 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Leaving in danger

Reasonable residue without the help of a person who is in dangerous to life or health condition and deprived of the opportunity to take measures to self-preservation in youngsters, old age, illness or due to their helplessness, in cases if the guilty had the opportunity to assist this person and was obliged to have care about him Or he himself put it in a life-threatening or health condition, - shall be punished with a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of convicts for the period up to six months, or mandatory work for a period of up to three hundred and sixty hours or correctional work on The term of up to one year or forced work for a period of up to one year, or arrest for up to three months or imprisonment for up to one year.

Both participants of the road accident left

It would seem if both drivers left, then there is nothing to design, both sides decided the question to be peaceful. But it should not be seduced if there are no written agreements on the peaceful decision by the participants of the accident, then the next event is possible.

One of the drivers returns to the place, causes traffic police officers and draws up an accident in all the rules, and receives payment from insurance. And the second side receives a sentence of part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code. And in this case, it can go back as the victim and the guilty, but the latter can translate the situation in its favor.

Therefore, if after the accident you decided to negotiate "on the spot", be sure to place everything in writing with passport data and signatures.

If you left, but then returned

In such a situation, the driver will have time to return to the scene before the protocol is drawn up or not. If the traffic police officers have not come or arrived, but the protocol is not yet drawn up, the document is drawn up with the participation of the guilty side. Then, it is most likely not to be applied to the measure, provided for by part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code, which implies deprivation of rights or arrest.

And the sanctions provided for by part 1 of the same article will be imposition, namely the payment of a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles for violated rules associated with an accident. Therefore, you should not leave anywhere.

Involimized leaving the place of accident

There are such situations when the driver leaves the scene of the accident is unintentionally. For example, the blow was so easy that remained unnoticed. It can not be justified. If the driver disappeared from the accident site and did not return, then respond to the general reasons.

Duration of the statute

  1. For hiding from the scene of an accident. The statute of limitations for leaving the place of the accident is measured 3 months - Part 1 of Art. 4.5 COAP. If, after 3 months, the driver who became the culprit of the accident and who left the scene will not be found, then it closes.


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Leaving the accident site is an administrative offense and does not entail automatically recognized by the driver's cruise driver (part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Circumstances in which administrative responsibility for leaving the place of accident does not occur

The driver cannot be attracted to administrative responsibility for leaving the place of accident, if (Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 11.03.2016 N 39-ad16-1; of 06.24.2016 N 78-ad16-31):

  • immediately after the accident, he drove away from the place of his commission for a slight distance, waiting for the arrival of police officers, and at the time of their arrival was at the site of the accident and the circumstances of the incident were established with his participation;
  • An accident occurred in circumstances that did not depend on the driving driver, without any actions on his part, and also if he could not foresee the event and the offensive of the consequences.

Cases in which the participant of the accident disappeared

Cases when the culprit of an accident is hidden from the scene, can be divided into two types - depending on whether the driver's affected driver is direct member or an accident occurred without personal participation.

1. The victim driver is a direct member of the accident

In this case, do not try to go into challenge for the second member of the accident. It may be ineffective and dangerous. You must do the following:

1.1. Remember the maximum of information about the second participant in the accident and its car - the model, color, especially important is a state registration sign, driver signs.

1.2. Perform driver duties in accordance with the requirements of traffic rules: turn on the alarm, set the emergency stop sign. Do not move any items or traces related to an accident (p. 2.5 of traffic police of the Russian Federation).

It should be borne in mind that, depending on the actual circumstances of the traffic rules, they prescribe various procedures for drivers (p. 2.6, 2.6.1 PDD):

  • if the affected accidents are available;
  • if, as a result of an accident harm caused only to property.

1.3. Show the maximum initiative to find accident witnesses. They can be any faces, including relatives and acquaintances. If there were people nearby or stopped passing cars, be sure to ask pedestrians and drivers contact details. If there is a camera or camcorder, remove all DTP details - the location of the car, traces of braking, damage, etc. This can help in the future in the event of controversial situations.

1.4. Notify the traffic police that happened to the duty unit and specify the data you know about the second participant in the accident, follow the instructions of the traffic police officer. The traffic police officer may indicate you the address of the nearest DPS post, where you should drive, or ask to expect an outfit on the site of an accident.

1.5. Together with police officers, documented material for an accident.

2. The accident occurred without the personal participation of the victim driver

If you have found damage to your car presumably another car, the driver of which disappeared from the scene of an accident, you need to do the following:

2.1. Notify the traffic police duty on the accident and follow the instructions of the DPS staff.

2.2. Show the maximum initiative to find accident witnesses. If there were people nearby or stopped passing cars, be sure to ask pedestrians and drivers contact details. If the accident occurred near the house - survey the neighbors, perhaps they saw the car of the culprit and his own.

2.3. Find out if there is no accessible from the accident center of the installed video surveillance cameras. If there is, try to get information from them (perhaps with the help of police officers).

2.4. Together with police officers, documented material for an accident.

Consequences of an accident, the participant of which disappeared

If the culprit is further established and his civil liability will be insured within the framework of the OSAGO policy, it will be attracted to administrative responsibility for leaving the accident site, and you will be able to contact the insurance company for insurance compensation (part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation; in paragraph. 1 . 12 of the Law of 25.04.2002 N 40-FZ).

If only the owner of the car, which on legal grounds was ruled by an accident culprit, and the civil liability of the car owner was insured within the OSAGO policy, then in this situation his insurance company will also pay insurance compensation.

If neither the culprit of an accident nor the owner of the car will not be installed and you do not have the Casco Polis, then for the harm caused to life or the health of the victim, you can get compensatory payment. Such payment is carried out by a professional association of insurers (PP. "B" of paragraph 1 of Art. 18, paragraph 1 of Art. 19 of the Law N 40-FZ). Repair the car will have to at the expense of own funds.

Every year about 200,000 accidents occur in our country. Unfortunately, about 10% of cases the culprit of the accident, knocking down a person or just hooking another car at low speed, trying to quickly leave in order to avoid responsibility. In addition, 5% of the hopped, when an insured event, report untruent information about the causes of damage to the car. What will happen if the driver disappears from the scene? The punishment for such an act depends on the set of factors, but most often administrative responsibility cannot be avoided.

Problematic question

The bulk of people, taped someone else's car, hides from the scene. And if this has not yet seen this, then the temptation to leave really increases. The traffic police is also not very interested in finding a culprit, as it is almost impossible.

According to lawyers, traffic cops will actively look for the driver only if people or an accident led to the death of a citizen (citizens). When your car was just slightly remembered, the chances of finding the culprit are almost equal to zero.

Frames responsible

If the driver disappeared from the scene of an accident, he threatens however, it will suffer a penalty only, naturally, subject to the establishment of his personality. The victim can still receive compensation for damage to life and health care policy and without attracting the perpetrator to court.

An accident is an incident that arose in the process of road traffic and with his participation in which people are injured or killed, cars, structures, cargo or there are other material damages.

It often happens that the driver, becoming the culprit of the accident, violates the requirements of the rules of the road, in which it is indicated that in this case it is necessary to stop and not to move away from the scene. If the driver does not fulfill such requirements, then at best it threatens at the worst - arrest to 15 days. When a person disappeared from the scene of an accident, the punishment will always be tougher than if he remained before the traffic police officers arrived.

Arbitrage practice

Quite often, the inspector incorrectly qualifies a crime committed by the driver and in connection with this attracts him to justice for a cleaner offense than he did. What kind of situations may be and how to appeal his actions? He, for example, may indicate in the protocol that the driver disappeared from the scene of an accident, but in fact, not in all cases of his actions can be so qualified.

However, the inspector error can be proved and thus win the case. You can try to reduce the size of the fine or even achieve complete liberation from responsibility. It happens that the drivers suffer from the inspector, but from fraudulent actions of other drivers who are unreservedly accused them of damage.

Accidental Algorithm

How to behave the case of an accident?

  • It is necessary to stop immediately, turn on the light alarm, to put an emergency stop sign and do not move things that are related to the incident.
  • If there are victims, it is necessary to render and urgently call "ambulance", and in the most extreme cases they must be understood to the hospital on their cars (catch the fellowship), and then return to the place of the accident.
  • If necessary, you need to free the roadway.
  • Browse the addresses and the names of eyewitnesses, fix tracks and objects that relate to the incident.
  • Call the police and wait for law enforcement officers.

Much worse when the culprit disappeared from the scene of an accident. Leaving after the accident, of course, for various reasons: fright, confidence that no one has seen this, etc. However, in this case, the driver deprives himself hopes for an objective and complete study of all the details of the accident and the possibility of collecting evidence at the scene. There is also a risk that random witnesses will describe the situation not as it was in fact, events are distorted. But if the driver then cares and admits in his fault, the likelihood that he will remain unpunished, very meager.

Sitveing \u200b\u200bresponsibility

It is necessary to stay at the scene for two reasons. The driver will promptly assist the victim (victim) and promptly call "ambulance". Delivery of the victim to the hospital will continue to be important when setting the degree of guilt of the driver. But if the citizen disappeared from the scene of an accident, his sentence is waiting for himself.

At the same time, it will not be considered a hide from the accident situation when her culprit independently cannot assist and leaves the scene of an accident to cause the police and medical care. Of great importance in the qualification of the act has the severity of bodily injuries that the victim received.

Criminal liability

It is possible to attract the culprit of the accident to criminal responsibility only in the case of making the health of the victim of the Middle severity, or serious harm, or his death. If all these negative consequences occurred precisely as a result of the fact that the driver left the scene, then the culprit can sentence to conclusion to three years and deprive the authority to engage in certain activities.

That is, criminal liability is possible with such a coincidence of circumstances:

  • presence of guilt;
  • causing a citizen (citizens) damage to moderate gravity, serious harm or death.

If a person disappeared from the scene of an accident, the punishment for it will depend on the severity of the consequences. When the actions of the driver do not fall under the article of the Russian Federation, he will be administrative responsibility. In this case, you may be deprived of rights from 1 to 1.5 years or arrest for 15 days.

Even if other persons are to blame for an accident, and the driver passing by the driver, he could inform the police and assist, but this did not, he was also entitled to bring responsibility in administrative proceedings.

At the scene, it is also necessary to remain to facilitate police officers when investigating this case. All your explanations, actions to find witnesses, eyewitnesses, comments, participation in the inspection of the accident site and in the preparation of procedural documents can then play only in your favor. But if the intruder disappeared from the scene of an accident, then it all just complicates.

How to prove your innocence?

If you get into a traffic accident, even if all the facts testify to your involvement in what happened, the case in some cases can be won. To do this, try to prove the procedural disorders in the preparation of papers.

What is it done for? Violations allowed in documents may entail the exclusion of IDPC documents from evidence in your case. To compile such papers, quite strict rules are installed. If a person disappeared from the scene of an accident, the responsibility can be mitigated with significant errors and inaccuracies in the design of the protocol. When they identify, IDPS documents can be tried to recognize invalid evidence and thus "taste" the case.

At the same time, it is necessary to poll the witnesses, the inspector, understood, to detect contradictions in their testimony and indicate a violation of the law.

Appeal of simple

As we have already mentioned, with this violation, a fine is not prescribed. Embed from the scene of an accident - be ready to lose your rights or serve for 15 days. The penalty is up to 1000 rubles only if traffic violations were established due to the traffic accident, but the driver did not leave after the deed. However, if you were deprived of rights, you can appeal the progress of the court.

Important comments

It should be noted that drivers are forbidden to drink alcohol (taking drugs, etc.) after committing an accident. If he ignores such requirements, he, again, threatens the punishment. Based on the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, you may be obliged to pay a fine up to 30,000 rubles and deprive of rights from 1.5 to 2 years. Therefore, it is important not only not to leave from the scene, but not to use alcohol, it is only in your interest.


If the driver disappeared from the scene of an accident, the consequences can be the most different, but the most unfavorable outcome is criminal responsibility. With a minor damage to the parked car, you may hardly find and prescribe a punishment, but if there are human sacrifices, then it will be extremely difficult to remain unnoticed.