Schob zrobiti. Chim robiti, if there is no robiti: ideas on all the problems of life

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Vitaєmo! At the top of the statistic, we give a message about those who are robotic, if there is little to be robbed. Nudga is welcome to wickedness to depression, so do not let yourself be nudguvati in the most desperate situation. Busy znidetsya for some kind of vipadku.

Chim to be busy at home, if there is no one to be robbed?

  • Hobi. Trivial. It's corny. Singingly, we already thought about it. Along with nothing, the mood and speed are not so fast as the hour is overwhelmed by the beloved right. Infectious is the ideal hour for loving rights, as they have long been in the dark.
    - Do you want to paint a picture by numbers? So.
    - Make a beautiful picture with a crosshair? Please!
    - Marvel at the new film? Shvidshe smash yogo!

You can take one of the few lovers at once.

  • Corinth, please. Allowing all the nudges are kindly to go back to the home inquiries, which were gradually added at the end of the day. Excessive speech in shafi, sort photos for friends, clean rooms and etc.
  • Beauty. Take care of yourself - lie down by the baths, create a folding mask to expose or ask for a manicure for a manicure or a massage therapist.
  • Prepare savory food. If you are like a gotuvati, then come the hour to vibrate a new recipe and delight the people with a Vishukana strain. Warehouse list of products and big in the store!
  • Planning. Save a plan for the closest day, for a month. Make a start for yourself and take care of its implementation. Yakshcho on the right, go to the end of the rock, marvel at living 365 days on the side. Nice to read:
  • Spіlkuvannya with loved ones. For a long time you haven’t been with a grandmother, or haven’t been with a classmate? Call and request a guest. If you will chekati guests, you can perform a cake or a pie.
  • Music and dance. If it’s boring, and there’s no need to be rooted, then blow up the fiery dances for the love of the composition. Tse busy not only for me, ale and corisne for figuri. Danceuvati you can put things in order at the apartment. And if you have a little child to sleep, then use the headphones і Let's dance!
  • Help. Give an hour to someone who needs additional help. Tse can be a household, relatives or don’t know. Excessive speech, but not needed one in a good country, go to a charity fund. Propagate your help to the creature haunt.

What robots are there for, if there is no need to be robots?

  • Plan the runway. Navit, as soon as you start. Surprise in the Internet new miestsya, fuck some money you will get more expensive. Poor, on what you can spare, and see that chi іnshu mіsce or pobuvati in two places. Learn about couchsurfing. Put a plan for a skin day in a new place.
  • Reading books. For the situation, if everything is correct, and before the end of the working day it’s more than an hour, keep in stock the book of your beloved writer or genre. Do you want to read? Download an audiobook to your phone.
  • Maluvannya. As soon as you find the leaves and pens with the olives and the talent, then get busy with creativity. With the appearance of the bosses, belonging can be easily confused.
  • Rozvagi on smartphones or in computers. In the Internet, there are generally different ways to grow up - іgri, testi, video, etc. If you have access to sites on robots, then download the booth on your phone with programs.
  • Crossword. Add magazines and newspapers with crosswords, sudoku, charades. The solution of puzzles will help you to pass the hour and train music.
  • Charger. Office workers spend a lot of an hour in a sitting position, and it’s worthless to be recognized in the health camp. Lingering sound, drowsiness and discomfort. Once about 2 years, work out and work out - so that you can save time and get closer to the end of your working day.

  • Snack. Pitta tea with malts on the robot - even if I'm busy and add help, beat in 10-15 quills an hour. It is recommended to eat vibrating in the direction of brown and healthy snacks, so that you do not accumulate a few kilograms.
  • Trainings. Viberit tsіkaviy for you online training and self-adherence. On the robot, bring more cinnamon in some way - you earn a penny and take away new knowledge.

Chim take up a pose at home, if it's boring?

  • Shopping. Go to the shops and go to the pictures or bring the necessary speeches to the hearts of the people. You can wander around the shopping malls and have any shopping deals. Don't forget to compile a list of all the necessary speeches, including 10-15 khviliin.
  • Cinema. Why not get to know the novelties of the film industry? Request a friend or enter the hall independently. There will be a lot of people around if you are a vipad, and you will not perceive yourself by yourself.
  • Walk around the place. Walk along the famous streets, walk through the memorials, take pictures of the beautiful scene. We will accept more busy times if our favorite soundtracks sound in the headphones.
  • Kursi. Ideally busy, allowing you to speed up not just the exact hour, but the very tedious moment - not just writing in the course. Vivchayte іozemnu movu, go to fitness, to the pool, etc.
  • A cafe. The development of nudga is possible in a cafe with an acceptable design and live music. Try a new dish or just replace a cup of aromatic kawi.
  • Atraktsioni. Why wouldn’t it be childishness and not go to the amusement park? There are a lot of attractions for older adults to help you learn and develop.

How robiti, how boring in the road?

  • Knowledge. This is a great option for you, if you go in a huge transport. Spilkuvannya with new people kindly help to pass the hour on the road.
  • Dream. If you calmly transfer sleep in a seated position, then sleep. If you take away the charge of bad growth and do not remember, you will come to the moment of recognition.
  • Creativity. Take with you on the road knitting that embroidery. Busy creativity is kind enough to work in a trip or a litaku.
  • Film. Download a film of films, if you wanted to wonder for a long time, and if you don't mind, it’s an hour to fly by. Tse is especially relevant in trivali trips, overfills.
  • Мрії. How can you be more beautiful, nіzh їhati, wonder at the glimpse of landscapes and worlds? The road will help you to rethink the current projects and calm down.
  • Explore the route. If you have chosen to visit a new place or the country, then try to learn more about them for the help of the Internet or other resources. Read the information about the name of the memorial and joke about the new tsikavi message.
  • Caution. Take a look at the people who are traveling with you in the same transport. Imagine how you can live and where you smell. Carefully listen to someone else's rozmov. Write it down in a notebook and pick it as the basis for the report.

Why should I take care of my computer, if I am bored?

  • Earnings. In the Internet, there are no options for rejecting additional arrival. , Site development, etc. Vibrate your busy mind. It’s not a vaping option, they didn’t vrahuvali, as there aren’t any new ones - if necessary, you can know the initial materials.
  • Ігри. If you hide from the site with flash games, and if you are not hostile to the graphics, then download the tsikava and the funky clientele. Є free of charge paid and non-credit cards.
  • A spilny peek with loved ones. Call and use the help of webcams and Skype with friends and relatives. See a lot of positive enemies, especially if the stench lives far from you.
  • Poshuk of the other half. Isnu unlawful sites of knowledge, which help to know the companion of life. Memorize the questionnaire, and cheerfully virus on your jokes. Nice to read:
  • Development resources. Know what you can do, having broken the price on the Internet and opened the website.
Resource addresses What kind of robots are needed?
multator RUopen a cartoon
mailfuture RUWrite a sheet of sob or are people in maybut
hatewall RUEmbellish the negative on the "Wall of hate"
drawi rusketch swfbulbs burst
wishpush. comguess bazhannya you cool the neon swirl
www.donothingfor2minutes. comSpend 2 hvilini for discomfort
www.biglongnow. comsplash doors
button.dekel RUPress on the charming button, everything has become good
natribu. orgSend to the whole site of a bad man
inudge. netopen music
editor.0lik. RUdevelop a photo short photos from your companion yourself an alchemist

Unserious busyness for two naughty people

  1. Introduce a non-circular retailer of your vidnosin. At once 3 months and 11 days? Ideal ghost for the saint. I want to sound tsikavishe for 101 days :)
  2. Let the lads nafarbuvati yourself.
  3. Take a bath with gum quality.
  4. Store a family wigadan for your home love.
  5. Visit the store and increase your image, and then go to the cafe.
  6. Prepare one for one love of a family.
  7. Go to the cinema and at the moment, if you don't wonder, pull up your T-shirt.
  8. Link with quotes from books, films and pisen.
  9. Look through the catalog for clothes or for lower business and match the models with tails and horns.
  10. Stay tuned and sleep in the new one.
  11. Shake the beat with pillows.
  12. Take a picture, as you make the peaks, and replace the kitchen with the shortening images.

Nudga is a tsestan, with every day-to-day interest and motivation. It is necessary to fight with it in a manual way. You can allow yourself not to work for a day, just put your thoughts in order. Then again, turn around to a fun and intense life.

Privit, my dear reader. The axis has been spinning for ten years already on style and plush in the stele. Until the end of the game, go through the pinball in Windows, and the sutra has licked the power of the licks, and the licks. Zavalosya b, more dumb likiv from nudgi, ale povir, tse not so. In tsіy statty mi proponymo kіlka іdey, do robiti, if there is no need to be.

Play in іgri.

Tse vidminny, as not short way hurry up to a friend, and if you want to, then і rіk-other. We have selected, the most merciful until your hour. And the current game on the computer and consoles is not too hot. Having installed - you will not go earlier, not through a month. Be safe!

I just picked up the lucky ones with the heaped graphs, take them to the 90s: greets for segu, dendi and іnshі prefixes of childishness to drown you! You can sign up on the website

Give some jokes to new music.

Increase your playlist with new tracks, you will not only spend an hour with the cinnamon, but you will nadihnyu know songs on the best feats. De shukati? Audio recordings of friends on VKontakte, thematic pubs of your favorite genres of music on VKontakte,

There is also a clear way to spend an hour and see the emotional experience. Boo, marry a good movie, but I don't mind myself, since I’m already going to google the course, or you’ll sign up for a goydalk.

Dig into the room.

Zaphopyuyuche busy - creep in the rubble of old people speeches. Who knows, the secrets of the family's comor ... Perhaps, there was a did's grenade lying around there, the axis will be cheerful! :)

Take a walk around Vіkіpedії.

The rules of the grid are simple: go to Vikipedia (the best encyclopedia of the Internet), see if you want to read the article. Yak vіdomo, the stench ryasnіyut by the sum of statistics. You go to the cih on your own, and after reading the statty about the mop, a year later read about the polarization of the hoop. It's fun and educational!

Go to a concert.

As long as you don't have to be busy in the evenings, as an example, go to the concert. Melodiously, in your place, there is a music group in your place, and the tickets are less than the letters of "Zhigulivskoy".


Throw in the vibe of the new speech.

Need a new toaster? Become an expert in tsіy galuzі, vivchіt all opinions and flagships on the market of toasters. Hang out on the toaster forums, get along with the owners of the Russian models. As a result, I have seen a new purchase, we know new friends, and you can visit the robot in the toast industry.

Read it, nebud.

For example, novini. And it’s not just about the grease of politicians, but about the decision for the sake of the UN’s safety. Read how it works for you - about science, gadgets, games, loving stars, etc.

Come on for a drukuvati at the end.

As long as you are bored at home at a computer, for no work on robots, for those busy with a friend on the keyboard. Vikoristovuvati for the introduction of the text all the fingers at once, spontaneously, as on the monitors of the material, all your thoughts are displayed, and when the people have risen up, they are not happy.

Oh, how can we last for years, if we have nothing to do with it! Velmi virne firmly about those who are the best - check and ask! However, due to unavoidable reasons, our skin is a great gift and, at the same time, great torment is at the sight of the vital hour. If we have a lot of right, mi mrієmo about those, the stench sooner finished - tse zrozumіlo. And the axis is very robotic, because we have nothing to do, and it’s a paradox! Well, come up with a team, who doesn't really care what to do?

With your permission, mi vitratimo three of your vital, albeit not dear, an hour on the philosophy of our life, persh, I will give you a little joy and great ideas, as to take a great hour.

On the very cob of our message, we will give you an invitation.

Kazka about the essence of "Nichim be busy"

Lived-Bulo Hour. Vaughn loved people even more and came to visit them with pleasure. In those old hours of leather prices for a dear guest, more from the entrance Hour later the Life itself went.

And for an hour, all is the same, early in the morning, the man got magical, and the dear guest got more from him. For a second, I’m vitrahav a little, pragmatic enough to do it, and on the other hand, we’re more wise, to reach the highest goals in life.

So it was until quietly feast, abandoned in the old-time world, the truth, by the name of Nichim, did not appear. Vono was running around in the streets and shouting: people, you see it right now, are you robbing? The price is boring! An hour from all of you is the same! Chi is not more beautiful than just being happy, living in your own satisfaction?

People went viral to speak even more wisely - even if it’s not so abundant for them, there’s no more robustness! The stinks left all their righteousness, and went "beati baidiki". Tilki appeared, but if there was little work, it was boring, and there was no joy in life.

Now, it’s necessary to come up with a step-by-step idea of ​​how to take this great hour, so it’s not easy to do anything! For an hour, people have become too rich! Todi Nichim began to be busy saying: since the Hour is rich, you need to drive it in with merrymaking and rocking!

Shob the hour, the spritny people have come up with some busy things: іgri, fіlmi і razvazhalnі come in.

Well it became in the Hour? It’s even straightened out, how people do this, it has shrunk and it has become less. It’s a lot of money, it’s so expensive to get rid of it so ineptly. The hour now has not been overshadowed by people and has slept only until quietly, which I cherished earlier. They got sick of their ropes and lived like they were happy with Nichim.

Here, in the souls, there is a stench of intelligence, so that life has been absorbed by it, be it a sense, there is more dumb joy from robots, like to befit, pratsi over oneself, self-admiration. Є tilka bazhannya drive in the guardian, but they have є - Hour.

Ale Nichim was busy talking, how the stench winked such thoughts from the head and more beautifully they went out of their way. This is how people live until the end of the day, I think, what are they going to do and how to drive in their own time.

The Kazochka has gone through a troch of summons, ale vona depicts the essence of the pragmatism of our suspension - by the way, vikoristovuvati the skin of his life for the good, and vitrahati only for rozvagi.

Well, it’s the right of the skin people, because the industry is more and more happy with the versatile choice of ways to drive the hour to give us such a chance. We can so easily please you to be busy on that vipadok, if you have nothing to do.

However, let’s try a sprinkle of zaglibitsya in abo bazhannya їh visonuvati. Most of the time, ask us є, we just don't want to be busy on the right. To whom should I shout the reason for such a speech?

Why don't we want to go to the right?

The reasons for nudge and nepazhannya can be even more abundant. The main reasons, for which we do not want to take care of the right, can be seen, mabut, dvі.

  1. The right is not important for you. To be guilty of this zrobiti, ale, shvidshe for everything, to squeeze the name of the furnishings on you - it’s not necessary for you (boss, mother).

However, you can’t see what the chief has done, but if you can’t predict what’s wrong with your mother? See the velmy vikhovana lyudina. This means that it’s necessary to robiti — and not want to.

People are hammered into kut and seem to me: I have no choice. But such a position does not give us a motivation for a singing vchinka, we become linen.

For such a vipadku, you fix the shukati, as it takes your own great hour, it’s more busy for you. It’s not rotten, only in the same way, as long as you learn to understand the vibrating vitratity of your life for two years, for a film, that is.

In case of any kind of distribution, good memory of those who are not inevitable, your hour must end. You can, varto vitrati your part in order to do something, your own motives, cause some kind of work that you have є, and come before the matured decisions, rob you of yours.

  1. You have a lot of busy hours. Vy shchaslivchik - before you, in your hands, an unimaginable belongings have been added to the viglyad in the early hour. As for him, robiti, virishuvati you, vitratiti yogo thoughtlessly (so bi moviti - take a walk on a grand scale) or contribute to the assets of your life, as soon as you will bring dohid, you can take care of the axis if it’s tedious at home

What am I talking about? You є have a wonderful opportunity for something new, master your skills, try your best, broaden your horizons, become three wise wise, for you are addicted - the new ones are not better for your life.

Wait, you don’t know everything in the light, you don’t know your very best fahivets, but more - navichki, which is absolutely inaccessible for you to be built.

It is necessary to see a meta for yourself

If you want to get it right, you will be able to see it as a result. It’s a great pity, but the situation doesn’t smell like depression, it’s necessary to learn from your internal problems, and not to see them in jokes.

Take care of yourself - your hour and zusillya will not be wasted for free.

Yaksho, all the same, є on the light of such a goal, as you can put in front of you - boldly rob the price and collapse skin day until the famous result. It can be very good, as great as it is, so if you just ask for a little one, it will bring you corny and joy.

We will propose to you a list of great and small references, which are important for yourself.


  • grati on the piano,
  • swim,
  • go snowboarding,
  • v'yazati,
  • baby,
  • write vershi, statti,
  • even savory gotuwati,
  • know filmy,
  • fotografuwati,
  • weave mows,
  • lagodi the car,
  • open the site (at all and a penny).


  • Strider with a parachute
  • Go to podorozh (navigate mini-podorozh), go
  • Learn the tips of living in lisi
  • Vivchiti be-yakoi mova
  • Learn about your character and see how to get around in people
  • Create your own ideal and unique image
  • See old people known
  • take care of the blessing
  • Ask about Batkiv
  • Get to know with your susides
  • Write your own list in maybutnє (Internet for you to help)
  • Sell ​​unused speeches
  • Grow a garden in your home
  • Read the book of korisna
  • Vlashtuvatisya on the robot, yak you should be like
  • Zrobiti kolage with old photographs
  • Look at someone who you see yourself
  • Get involved in science: do it yourself, svit, vsesvit
  • Zrobiti a present komus, hto you dear

Life can be beautiful and tsikava, if you allow it to be so for you. Only to grow up your vibration, not what to do and how to drive in your own hour, but smartly victorious for the good of us and we will feel good.

Don’t worry about your life, think about what to do, if you don’t have much to do with it? Invest more beautifully in her and yourself, see a new one, broaden your horizons, and in the elders you will be able to guess.

Kozhen for us, perebuyuchi at home, hour by hour to be merciful over tim, what to occupy yourself? It used to be, the whole house of the robot is ruined and there are a lot of good questions. So now to embrace such a wonderful opportunity to involve in life those who have long been planning to grow up, the whole time has not started.

What can you do at home?

First, you will need to try to grow up - do not allow your own nudguvati and linuvatisya. So feel free to fall into depression. Guess better, which ones are the best to bring you satisfaction and improve your mood. As a matter of fact, there are no words of criminals, who can pass an hour. A little bit of ideas is visible.

  • Physical right

Carry out a healthy drink with corista for your figuria and health. In the Internet, it is mainly the videos that are assigned to the trenuvan in the home minds, which allow the growth to live with spring and tension, with the help of the friends, the strength and springiness, and the legs - the bazhan with the string. Victory has the right to bring up negative thoughts and badior.

  • Experiment with new images

You can, if you have long wanted to try a novelty in your make-up or create a unique evening image, it’s more important, as if it’s not a bar, it’s important to see a celebration or a celebration. Why not experiment with making and scratching?

  • rose bath

As soon as you see it and the stress of our busy working days, allow yourself to simply relax. A warm bath with the aromas of a favorite essential oil and a spare flavor to help you as soon as possible.

  • massage

Pamper yourself with self-massage. For example, it is possible to conduct a prophylactic or anti-cellulite session with shingles and cleansing of the skin for an additional scrub. Additional regular procedures are even more effective, and help you to better preserve a beautiful cellulite without the "orange kernel".

  • Take care of the home right

Don't waste an hour long. You can also take care of it at the same time, which is very important. It is acceptable that you have cleanliness and order in your home. And why skrіz? Do Shafi also have? It’s so. When the time has come, change your wardrobe: it’s like viprati from speeches, and for the sake of saying goodbye once and for ever, having taken a look at the unused mottle.

Carry out general cleaning. Vimiyte pіdlogu and vіkna to blisk, vitrіt drank. And maybe it's time to change the home environment, for example, rearrange the sofa, dressing table, table and furniture. It is a simple change to roztashuvannya speeches, to allow you to glance at your room, or in a new way. The novelty will make you happy and will change the mood. Zmіnyuchi svit around himself, mi zmіnyumosya in the middle.

  • reading

After reading the book, do not just pass the hour, but also take on your luggage of knowledge. However, there is a way to go only to these people, as in the reading of literary creations to get rid of the malt. Inakse also keep you busy.

  • love hobby

Maybe you like little farsi with farbs, or forgive an olivtsy? So fix it. Do not be like the painting, can you knit with knitting needles to your soul, how much, how about embroidering pictures? Hurry up at a great hour. Take care of your team, how to bring you joy and spiritual equilibrium.

  • Listen to the music in love and dance

Take it too busy to bring bagatom to gusto. Try to customize a playlist that matches your mood. Listen to your thoughts. Relax and fall to the rhythm of the music. Dancing to tone up and badly.

  • self-satisfy

Nicholas will not start to know new knowledge and tips in something. If you are overwhelmed at home, it’s awkward to sign up for an online sanctuary on the necessary topics. Tse can be psychology, earth mova, creatures, astrology or astronomy - all lie in your likeness. Self-confidence is the best way to overcome tensions and contribute to your own power development.

  • Pereview the film

Why would it, if it’s dumb to be busy, do not marvel at the tsikavi film. In the Internet you can find a lot of new products from the film industry. To spend an hour with the corist, check out his vibe on the historical or documentary pictures.

What should you do at home, if you haven’t gotten away with the reinsured people?

In such a way, do not get too lost in choter stins anymore.

  • Home about entertainment with friends or visit your relatives.
  • Another good option, a friendly company, go to the cinema or see the nature. So you and get plenty of time, and take away the positive charge of emotions.
  • Charyvne the word "shopping" is good enough to amuse you from nudgy, be-yaku dіvchin. Allow yourself a little joy - please yourself with a new thing, or else add a rare riches to the tsikava on the flea market. Who knows, you may very well become the ear of your new hobby - collection. It’s not nudguvati, to show imagination.

It is accepted to pay for marriage for an hour, since the turboboots are very rich, but only one third of them will appear in more than 24 years. However, there are days, there is a hack of food, that is, if there is no need for it. The reason may be vicious, if the friends rose, or there was not enough entanglement in the working mission, or just because of the lack of energy, the melancholy was good for him. And for such periods є regular recipes, which allow you to spend an hour with corysty.


First, when you fall down on a thought, you get a good idea. Sleep is important and unremarkable, but to dedicate the whole day to him is not too rational and unreasonable. That trivial day, in the scope of Morpheus, melodiously cause problems with a graph.

You can take care of loving hobbies, but if there is no such thing, then it’s good to get lost in the memory and take a chance to borrow, as you take it especially for you. I would like to have one from the list in full for a moment.

Nilegshe come up with something to do, if you don't have much to do at home. Suffice it to think, who would like to be busy at the great hour. But maybe the price of mastering a new and savory recipe, or a telephone conversation with a close friend or fathers. Re-glance at cinema, serial, or reading a book. In a nasty one, or in cold weather, you can roztashuvatisya with literature in a glass of crisp with a cup of fragrant tea. And the genre is brought up to the point of being of the soul.

Completely get away with the tidying up, or it didn’t linger grandiosely, but be surrounded by a computer table abo shafoy. Before the speech, the speech was not used, but not for the power, but to bring it to the people who need it. Krym zbirannya can be engaged in interior decor or rearrangement. And for good reason, you can also use a relaxing bath.

Do not go in for sports, having poured the cob in one tedious day. To reach a little bit of time and a visit, so that the physical development is right with a good beast. Abo pidshukati dietu, schob get skudnennya z reduced to fret figuru.

On the street

If you want to find a healthy way of living and sports, you need to go from your home for a walk. It is productive to get in the mood to ride a bike in the nearest park, or to make a small trip along the avenue. Maybe hey, everything is tricky and boring, ale to the fun of the music in the earphones to play in the chilli. And having buried in the readings of the book under the warm exchange of Sonechka, it can often fly by uncomfortably.

I know the repertoire of the cinema cinemas, melodiously as the premier to be given a tsikava. Pomilkovo vvazhati, scho one does not go to the cinema, even a lustful fighter, or a comedy, you can help yourself in the moment of nudge. Alternatively, you can add a quiet cafe to indulge yourself with some spiced cava and a savory dessert. Or just have a bite to eat, don't go to udom tsim. Among the additional items on the list are museums, exhibitions, planetarium or extravagant shopping.

On robots

I’ll have to work hard in the back, and in the hwilini of the hour’s lull, there’s more and more a problem, what a problem, if there’s not much work on a robot? It doesn’t mean that the forefather is a wrong ledar, and I can even interrupt in the clearing out of the clerk or the deputy. Don't worry about tidying up the style and sorting of the document folders, but also clear the computer from unnecessary files and programs.

It’s okay to drink a cup of tea abo kawi, the viconati awkward to the right for the eyes abo shia. Practically, lay out the layout of the Maybut buildings and the graph of the plans. You can go through psychological tests or professional tests, or without fanaticism, you can be included in the robot. It’s such a possibility that you can be trained with a stretch of 20 chilines, it’s beneficial for all organism.

Chim go online

At the word "Internet", the first came an idea about computers іgri, such as the All-Saints Pavutin’s rowing gati: from the intellectual to the wicked shooters. You can grate on your own or give a companionable version, a unique blend of іgromania. Development of nudgu is also available for reading novines, listening to audiobooks or spilkuvannya on the forums.

Structurally, the vitality of the great hour can be found on the download of bazhanoi information: music, books or films. Tsikavo go through one of the maister-classes, or as much as possible memorize the power of the side in the social framing. All of them have a list of planned requests, so that you don't want to destroy them at the time: a shout to the nearest sports club, a recipe for a pie or a manual multicooker for mom.

In case of time-out, you can write e-mails to friends or relatives, who can go through an additional Internet connection. I’ll be quick to learn about your achievements, successes and simply news from life.

With a child

It’s easy to understand, it’s boring with a child, but there aren’t any moments, but it’s in your company that you have to think about what to do, if there’s no work. Turn on your imagination and make sure you are busy, as your child will be happy:

Sleeping games: from constructors for babies to monopoly and loto for older children.
Reading: in a wide variety of ways, you can play roles and, according to the way, either listener or notify you.
Prepare for їzhі: sandwiches at the viglyadі kumedny animals or barvy pіtsa nadovgo entanglements in the process.
Creativity: painting, stitching, painting, self-boxing, aplikatsiya, decoupage. All that is desired by the soul and hand materials.

It wasn’t enough to write down all the ideas in advance to spend an hour with the clerk. Today you give yourself a chance to take care of it, or else, in the fake melodiously, thoughts appear, so that you can do it. And if the energy is at a glance, and life is about a virus, everything is invented, it is necessary to fix it in a notebook. At the moment of a sharp recession, the joy of steel is in your favor.

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