National security policy. Modern State National Security Policy: Evaluation Efficiency

Vazyulin Sergey Anatolyevich, Magistrand of State and Municipal Administration, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President Russian Federation(Russian Federation, Orel) [Email Protected]

State security policy national Security and counteraction of terrorism of Russia: problems and priorities

Annotation. In the article, the author discloses communicating an effective state politician's terrorism in the Russian Federation. Definite polytic aspects of secant state and public security In modern Russia. The objective causes and factors of terrorism in the modern state are revealed. The main general directions and institutional mechanisms of state policy countering terrorism in the system of ensuring national security in Russia are found in the system of ensuring national security, state, state policy, terrorism, countering terrorism.

State's problematic security, despite the developing tendency of globalization, increasing diversity and interdependence of actors of political processes, remains key priority in building international relations and an integral element of ensuring the security of the vital interests of the state, such as national sovereignty, territorial integrity, protection of the rights and interests of citizens of this state . "The most dangerous manifestation of modernity was international terrorism, which recently represents a real threat not only for individual states, but also for the international peace and security of each person. "The aggravation of the struggle for the spheres of influence between various social forces, political ideologies, including ethnic and confessional nature, frequent use of terrorist world politics, as an effective means of political struggle, became one of the main problems that prevent sustainable development of both Russia and the whole world Communities ". In the conditions of globalization of world development processes, international political and economic relations that form new threats and risks for the development of personality, society and the state, Russia as a guarantor of prosperous national development should follow the way of transition to the new state policy in the field of national security. We cannot allow the opinion of Western political scientists to Russia regarding the fact that the political sphere of Russian life is estimated mainly as destructive, was justified. "The image of the" Evil Empire "is to some extent applies not to specific ideology or public-polytic forces, which determined the nature of the country's development, and on the whole of Russia as a political space and a subject of politics." Today there is an urgent need for the effective integration of our country into a community of civilized states. It is worth paying attention to the fact that "over the past twenty-two-five-five years, a number of Russian non-governmental organizations have been actively manipulated by political forces on between the folk arena, which were interested in weakening the defense capability of the Russian Federation." Given these circumstances, the Russian Federation in providing national security in the field of state and public security for the long term proceeds from the need to continuously improve law enforcement measures to identify, prevent, curb and disclose acts of terrorism, extremism, other criminal attachments to human rights and freedoms and citizen, property . public order and public security, the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Sustainegic goals of ensuring national security in the field of state and public security are the protection of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, the protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and territorial integrity, as well as the preservation of civil peace, political and social stability in society. In the conditions of transformations of the sphere of international cooperation in modern Russia measures of state regulation of state and public security:

improving the structures of the activities of the executive authorities; implementation of the national status of anti-corruption; developing and counteracting the global challenges and crises of modernity, including international and national terrorism, political and religious extremism, nationalism and ethnic separatism;

the creation of the permissions and the neutralization of social and interethnic conflicts;

the formation of the formation of the monitoring complex committee and the improvement of law enforcement agencies and the special services, the strengthening and social magazine of their employees; improving the scientific technical support; development of system professional training in the field of state and public security;

the strengthening sensory functioning of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the collaborators, nuclear, chemical and atomic-energy complexes of the country, as well as the objects of life support;

increased public security and public security forgins. Equipment of state and public security for the long term will also contribute to improving the efficiency of law enforcement and special services, the creation of one state system Crime prevention (primarily among minors) and other offenses, including monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of law enforcement practice, the development and use of special measures aimed at reducing the level of corruption and criminalization of social relations. Result of strengthening new centers for economic growth and political influence there is a qualitatively new geopolitical situation. A tendency to find a solution to the solution of existing problems and the settlement of crisis situations on a regional basis without the participation of non-regional forces is formed. "The principal changes in the system of international coalitions have become among the manifestations of post-bipolarity against the background of the growth of the world community conflict." The world community denies any manifestations of terrorism, including as a means of achieving social and polytic purposes. However, the realities of this day indicate that terrorism continues to remain in the arsenal methods of struggle of a number of extremist groups. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Countering Terrorism" of March 6, 2006 No. 35FZ establishes the basic principles, legal and organizational foundations for the prevention of terrorism and combating it, including with the help of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In this regard, it is advisable to designate the reasons that generate terrorism. Among the main objective reasons, which are available in modern society and contributing to the emergence of terrorism, the following are the following:

contradictions in the economic sphere, the growing social differentiation of society, which is due to the development of market relations and the market itself; political disunity of society, fierce struggle for state power, criminalized financial oligarchy; Growing organized crime, increasing the tendency to resolve public contradictions iconfliffs by force methods. (This is due, first of all, with the fact that today criminal power structures are actually created, sometimes more prepared and better technically equipped than government).

Low efficiency of the state apparatus, law enforcement and special services, lack of reliable mechanisms legal protection population.

the decline of public morality leading to a decrease in the efficiency of the functioning of protective mechanisms in the field of ideology and morality. We share the opinion of E.N. Malik that the process of the development of the institutional subsystem of countering terrorism, "influences the system of measures by the eradication of neutralized and external factors, directly and directly contributing to its occurrence and development." Thus, the tapors of external origin affecting the spread of terrorism in Russia should include: the growth of terrorism in the countries of near and far abroad; social and economic instability in neighboring states, the presence of armed conflicts in some of them, as well as territorial claims to each other; the presence of weapons and ammunition in a number of these states; lack of reliable border control with new states that were previously part of the USSR; Strategic installations in relation to Russia of some foreign special services and foreign, including international, terrorist organizations and groups. Intending factors that contribute to the development of terrorism in the country are associated with the presence of goals in Russia attractive for terrorism. The constant of it includes: 1. Population structure. 75% of the country's population live in cities, in large -1d 30%. It is they become the main areas of the basing of terrorist groups.

2. The transport structure is - it can serve as an attractive object of terrorism, since the activity of terrorist groups is localized in the transport accessibility zones. Infrastructure Failure in the functioning of infrastructure of metropolis and medium-sized campuses of serious social consequences, because of this, the vulnerable goals of terrorist groups can be, the energy supply systems, passenger transport. Export Communication

gas oil pipelines, port messages through which exportability operations are carried out by the priority goals of terrorist shares. Harmful production -Potential accidents on the data of enterprises with environmental and social catastrophes, because most hazardous production objects are located within the city or in the city or in it, and the significance of the zone operative activity of terrorist formations. Thenestable infacts are included in themselves: 1. Increased society of society in the region constructed on its choice of terrorist group.2. The crisis position of individual social and professional groups of the population, the growth of unemployment can be the impoveritation of terrorist gurveys and their basing zones. Military population training. Many men participated in hostilities in Afghanistan, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Chechnya, have the experience of handling the army arms of the army sample. Criminal groups can verbal professionals for intelligence and counterintelligence. Dynamic factories that promotes the branch of terrorism are: 1.Con-free movement of weapons; 2.

modification of Independent Fighter Fighter Destinations: Danes, Outlighting Definitions and other types of equipment used by the hidden preparation of information3. Compassion of a significant part of the population of violent forms of opposition to government policies over legitimate. four.

the transformation of the relevance of legal opposition organizations with paramilized structures under certain circumstances will be extremist activities, which can be the founder terrorist grouping. Issuming the foregoing, it should be noted that the analysis of terrorism problems implies not only the identification of its origins and factors of occurrence and development, but also forecasting the socialism and development His influence on the stability of any society: 1) the weakening of the proper stability of society, reducing the confidence of the population to the current political regime, and therefore, to the declared democratic institutions; strengthening the influence of radical, anti-constitutional opposition political forces; 2) the ineffectiveness of solving current socio-economic problems; Processing public contradictions into political conflicts of varying degrees of intensity, up to armed violence; The aggravation of relations between the federal center and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 3) terrorist actions associated with the capture or destruction of weapons of mass lesion can lead to unpredictable not only internal political, but also foreign policy consequences.

the terrorism of an international nature creates a real threat to the entire world community, which undermines the authority of Russia as a politically stable subject of international relations; 5)

sharp property differentiation of the population; High social tension; 6)

a sharp decrease or loss of domestic and foreign investment (to invest a large material means in the economy is far from life-safe in terms of the state of security of the state is very dangerous). In the way, the policy of countering terrorism is a comprehensive, complex type of state activities aimed at protecting the vital interests of the individual, society and the state, reflection and suppression of one of the most dangerous threats to the national security of Russia. It should be accepted with the opinion of Russian researchers that "in society to eradicate terrorism and terrorists is completely impossible, but one can minimize the frequency and scope of terrorist attacks by overcoming the global crisis of human culture." The general directions of state activities on the struggle in the Russian Federation should be called the prevention of terrorism and direct Ensuring opposition to terrorism.

Active legislative and preventive organizational and preventive work leads to significant qualitative changes in readiness to resist modern challenges and threats. It is impossible not to say about the accession of the Crimea to Russia, which stopped the promotion of the NATO military unit to the east, because This block cannot include countries with unresolved territorial disputes. "The Peninsula Crimea is located almost in the very center of the Black Sea water area, so control over it is undoubtedly ensuring the strategic advantage of Russia in the whole water area." In conclusion, we note that the comprehensive formation of priority directions of the state policy to ensure national security and countering terrorism in Russia should be carried out by accounting the following fundamental positions: a) accounting that the opposition to terrorism is one of the subsystems to ensure national security and in principle must correspond to the total basis approaches to its development; b) development of the legal framework for ensuring participation in counteracting the terrorism of state bodies belonging to all branches state power taking into account their competence; c) a clear definition of the role and place of state bodies of various branches of government in the field of countering terrorism; d) creating effective mechanisms of nationwide politicization of terrorism at all levels; e) developing the legal basis for the participation of civil society institutions to counter terrorism, the regulatory definition of the basic forms of participation of civil associations in ensuring anti-terrorism security.

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The current social life is characterized by unprecedented dynamics and is characterized by new priorities. One of these priorities today is a person, the correct ratio of his interests with the interests of society and the state. The man at the same time in civilized countries is placed in the center of conducted research and other events - as the main social value.

In the entire spectrum of social research and activity, the most attention is gradually the issues related to a rather rapidly developing politician concept of human and society security. These problems are considered global, because the survival of humanity and individual countries directly depends on them, including Russia. Currently, the quality and number of sources of danger for humans and society is steadily and very quickly increases. At the same time, the susceptibility of the social organism of society to these threats is quite low.

In such conditions, it is possible to effectively solve the security problem today can no longer without specific knowledge from this area, especially without legal support for human security and the relevant legal instruments.

Many scientists, political and public figures note that in order to ensure security (CB), a comprehensive approach to research and activities in this area is required today. Science is only beginning to be aware of the globality of this problem, which is reflected in increasingly emerging results of serious theoretical and applied research, in particular, etc.

All these problems associated with ensuring the safety of man and society, security at the level of the enterprise and the region, state and more national security are rather complex, and the problems of national and international levels are considered the most difficult today.

National Security (NB) is one of the main factors of the world, as well as the existence and stable development of any state and society, as well as its individual members (personalities). The term "national security" was distributed in states where the concept of nation is associated with the concept of citizenship (for example, USA). There is the principle of "one nation - one state", i.e. the form of the existence of the current civil society is the state itself as the main security tool, and it is "national". But for the Russian Federation, historically, and at the present stage of its development, this term is not very suitable and more correctly, in our opinion, replace it with "state security" or simply the "security of Russia".

For multinational Russia, "National" can not be perceived as relevant only to the Russian nation (however, the majority of the population among nearly 100 other nations and the nationalities of the Russian Federation). We have "national" security really should be perceived as "All-Russian".

After the collapse of the USSR, the national security of his successor - the Russian Federation - demanded a new study and understanding in connection with the changed realities of the geostrategic position of Russia, its international situation, large-scale and rapid changes in the socio-political structure and life of the country, a rather sharp transformation of its economy towards The market, accompanied by political, financial and economic and other crises, including the progressive environmental crisis.

The update processes occurring now in our country, in terms of security, are that the state should (and in some matters it already happens) to turn out of the force that dominated the society, to the authority, expressing and protecting the interests of a particular person, Societies and various social groups.

The formation of a new Russian statehood with a general reduction in the level of confrontation of the East - West is accompanied by an unexpected strengthening of a locally dangerous military instability both within our country (Caucasus) and beyond the nearest neighbors (Georgia, Moldova, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Republic of Central Asia, etc. ). Once economically and socially weakened over the past periods of "restructuring" in the USSR and subsequent Russian reforms, our country does not have such potential today, which could be guaranteed to protect it not only from all, but even from most possible threats and crisis situations.

It is obvious that one of the main conditions for the normal development of man and society is "Safety of the country" (synonym - "National security"), Under which you can understand the security of the qualitative state of social relations, providing progressive development in specific historical and natural conditions, from hazards, the source of the occurrence of which is internal and external contradictions.

The National Security of the Russian Federation is formed by a number of objective processes and as a complex system is considered in the relationship of its three main elements: national interests, threats to national security and protection against them (i.e., providing NB).

Ensuring national security (ONB) is determined by the relationship between many reorganized ministries and departments that carry out the functions of protecting the state, public and personal interests of Russian citizens. At the same time, the high level of security of one of the interests at the low level does not ensure the generally necessary and fairly high level of the NB RF.

All this really requires the study and a new understanding of the situation, and the main means - the means and methods of ONB of Russia, taking into account its place and role in modern world.

But at first it is necessary to deal with terms and definitions, which is also paid to the work.

Basic concepts and their definitions.The main concepts requiring a clear legal definition are: "National security"And" ensuring national security. "

Officially (in the concept of national security of the Russian Federation) under the term national security Russian Federationmeals the safety of its multinational people as a carrier of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation.There is also an attempt to disclose the essence of ensuring national security through its tasks, but there is no determination in the concept and other regulatory acts. Thus, it can be argued that the legislatively entered definitions of the two most important, basic terms for the term undermined terms are still missing. We will try to determine their based on scientific considerations, as well as from the legislative concept of higher order - "Security".

In accordance with Art. 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" safety - this is the state of the protection of the vital interests of the person, society and the state from the inner and external threats.At the same time, it is the property (quality) of the security object (protection).

In the same law under vital interests Meals the combination of needs, the satisfaction of which reliably provides the existence and possibility of progressive development of the personality, society and the state.

To the mainstream security objects The law relates: personality -her rights and freedoms; society - His material and spiritual values; as well as state - His constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

From scientific positions, including in the legal sense, safety - This is "the state of protectedness of the subject from threats, harm and evil." In many theoretical and legal structures, an attempt is made to convey this condition by analyzing its specific features, for example:

"The condition or position of the potential victim when there is no danger (threats) for it, that is, changes ... for the worse (above all for the life and health of people, for their environment)";

"A condition that provides sufficient economic and military power of the nation to confront the hazards and threats of its existence, emanating from both other countries and from the inside of its own country;

"The real ability to be free from external danger."

So we have safetyin general, it is understood as no danger (threats)or securityfrom her. Therefore, it becomes necessary, in turn, to identify these concepts.

Danger (or, in a different way, the opportunity, the threat of anything dangerous is situation(more often in nature or technosphere), in which there is an occurrence of phenomena or processes that can affect people, apply material damage, destroying to act on the environment. Wednesday.

Otherwise, this is "a situation capable of under certain conditions to lead to hazardous factors under the influence of which adverse events and processes may come ...".

In legal scientific or educational literature term "Danger"Also has several close formulations, in particular:

"Objectively existing possibility of negative impact on an object or process, as a result of which some damage may be caused, damage, deteriorating a state that gives the development of unwanted dynamics or parameters (character, pace, forms, etc.) ..." or " The probability of increasing harm and / or reduction of benefit ... ".

Danger in jurisprudence is also considered "the possibility of loss and damage to the immediate benefits of the subject, his means of life support." Moreover, if the harm has already increased, and the benefits decreased, this means that the danger was realized.

Famous security concepts are designed, as a rule, within the framework of the traditional paradigm "Safety is a risk security",what is ensured by the appropriate measures and means. However, there is another (closer course author) paradigm, providing security as an object of management.

There are gradations of danger values: "minimum danger", "permissible danger", "Maximum allowable danger".

The danger indicator is anxiety.

Under the sources of danger, emerging factors are usually understood that the emerging factors that are potentially melted and under certain conditions detect their malicious properties, destructive nature and hostile intentions from the subjects of danger.

Options for determining the term "danger", which are not fundamentally different from the above, are also given in the works of A.A. Ter-Akopova, V.I. Danilova Danillan and others. Specialists.

A threat (or "Possible danger») Usually defined as the real possibility of negative manifestation of factors in the process of interaction between the source of threats (danger) and the protected object.The danger is transformed in a threat when the object appears on which the relevant factors affect, and when the probability of exposure to the factor of its threshold is reached.

The threat of security is a set of conditions and factors that create the danger of the vital interests of the person, society and the state.The real and potential threat to security facilities determines the content of internal and external security activities (Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security").

Threats Can be classified and ranked by their nature and the degree of danger they represent. With such a classification of threats, various signs can be used, including:

on human activity (political, economic, social, legal, military, environmental, demographic, genetic, scientific and technical, technological, ideological, psychological, intellectual, information, raw material, energy and etc.);

by source of threat (external - from external for the object protection object and internal - from the object);

in relation to human participation (objective - formed regardless of the purposeful activities of people and subjective - It is consistently created, for example, intelligence, subversive or other activities, orgpurity);

according to the probability of implementation (Real - can be carried out at any time and potential - can be implemented in the formation of certain conditions);

scale consequences (Universal - reflected at the level of all local countries - Reflected on individuals) and others.

The threats of the NB RF NB specially allocated in the concept of national security of the Russian Federation (Section III) and are described in the work of S.V. Stepashin.

The concept of the NB RF also takes into account the fact that the threat system is not static (constant), and such threats can appear and disappear, increase and decrease, and their significance will be changed. This is how the "safety priority scale" occurs, of course, not constant, able to undergo significant changes depending on the specific situation, the nature and degree of threats. Today in the conditions of the transition period, the main threats of the NB of the Russian Federation are not internally, but are determined by the internal problems of socio-economic, political and legal, ethnic, environmental order and others.

To refer to the consequences of the negative manifestation of the action of the factors associated with danger, the concepts of "harm", "damage", "losses", "risk", and others, considered in a special part of the course.

Factor (from lat. factor - doing) is the reason for the driving force of a process, phenomenon, defining its character or its separate features .

Returning to the definition of the term "National security" (NB), it should be noted that historically this category has entered legal acts and scientific use in Russia recently (in recent decades of the 20th century), on a general background of broad penetration into the domestic legal practice of foreign vocabulary (mainly American-type American-type American people, "Stability "," Parity "," legitimacy ", etc.). At the same time, being a concept of more deide-generalized and interdisciplinary, this category was actually replaced by a widely extended concept in Soviet times (since 1934) state security. "

In modern training legal literature such a definition is given: national security - this is protectedness of the vital interests of individuals (citizens), society and states, as well as national values \u200b\u200band lifestyle from a wide range of external and internal threats, various in nature (political, military, economic, information, environmental, etc.) .

Often the synonym for this concept (especially in the West) is considered to be "National Power".It consists of three components:

The ability to contribute to the international community (i.e., to initiate the creation and development of international social and economic projects, systems, organizations, corporations, etc.), depending on the economic strength and currency resources, science and technology;

Ability to survive in crisis and extreme international conditions (which depends on the geographical conditions, population, natural resources, economic and defense force, national morality and diplomacy);

The potential of possible power pressure (i.e. the ability of the state to impose their will to other countries).

The average weighted value of all three components of the "integrated national force" for each country is the index of this "force".

In accordance with the developments of the National Department of Economic Planning Japan in the mid-1980s, the index of the USSR - 70, and Japan, had the importance of the United States.

France, England and Germany - the amount of about 42-47. At the same time, the USSR significantly advanced all other countries for survival ability (119 against 100 in the United States and approximately 47-56 in other leading countries), but the US inferior as possible (70 versus 100), more than 2 times ahead of the remaining developed countries. At the same time, the most "weak point" of the USSR was the ability of an initiative contribution to world affairs: 50 against 100 - in the US, 61 - in Japan, 54 - in Germany and a little more than France and England (43-45).

It is characteristic that the term "The concept of national security is not determined at all, although the corresponding tasks are indicated (see below).

Understanding the "Provision" a set of funds, conditions and factors contributing to the normal flow of processes in scientific legal literature "Providing national security»Determine how a system of measures of economic, political, legal, organizational and other nature, adequate threats by the vital interests of man, society and state.

Sometimes there are other definitions of this concept. So, B. scientific literature "Ensuring National Security"define as systematic activities of state bodies, public institutions and individual citizens aimed at reliable protection of the national interests of the country from external and internal threats, as well as effective opposition to them.

To better understand the legal essence of the categories of "National Security" and "Providing National Security", it is necessary to refer to their goals, objectives and principles, including the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, which in accordance with Art. 15 and. 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are an integral part of the National Legal System.

Security goals.Currently purpose NB provision usually consider the achievement of the optimal level of protection of the national interests of Russia for this period, in which there are real possibilities for the normal functioning and progressive development of the individual, society and the statein our country .

The most relevant goals of ONB recognized in international relationsalso are the following.

1. Peacemaking(maintaining and restoring peace in all aspects), strengthening peace and democratization of states.

2. Creating a new modelinternational relations I. collective security,based on cooperation, coordination of actions, communications and preventive measures.

3. Priority provisionsocio-economic and environmental aspects of security.

4. Disarmament,control over the weapons and armed forces (so that they provide sovereignty, territorial integrity and internal order, but not used for encroachment on them).

5. Settlementturnover and use of security tools as well military integration of states(including aspects of foreign military presence).

6. Fighting international crimeand strengthening the responsibility of security offenses.

For this purpose, the following prerequisites must exist in Russia:

Association of the peoples of the Russian Federation to solve nationwide problems;

Awareness of their own interests;

Readiness to protect them;

Stability of state institutions;

Reduction of income breaks between the layers of the population;

Ahead of spiritual, cultural and scientific and technical development;

Maintaining overall stability and peace in the state and on the planet;

Stabilization of the economy with the priority of the development of industries focused on the satisfaction of the primary needs of the population;

Establishing and maintaining partnerships with neighbors subject to the principal interests of Russia;

Ensuring reliable protection of independence, territorial integrity of the state based on the strengthening of defense potential;

Development of peacekeeping efforts in UN frames, OSCE, CIS, other international organizations;

Expansion of integration processes in all spheres of state activities within the framework of the post-Soviet territory;

Deepening the international process reduction of weapons and armed forces to the minimum sufficient level;

Access to natural resources and environmental preservation, including at the global level;

The effectiveness of combating terrorism, organized crime, corruption and liquidation (reduction in the level) of other criminal factors, including providing guarantees of personal security of citizens.

Principles of national security and its collateral.In science, the concept " principle "(From lat. principum - "Initially," "the basis") is still intercourse. Dictionary of the Russian language This term determines as main, starting position,and in the control system, it reflects patterns, relationships, the relationship between its elements, more precisely, the fixation of our knowledge about them.

In art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Safety" indicates the four basic principles of security, which are directly related to its provision:

1. Lawnityas an unconditional compliance with all the subjects of ONB, the requirements of Russian legislation and the norms of international law.

2. Ensuring balance of vital interestspersonality, society and states within the country and coordination of the national interests of Russia with the interests of other participants in international relations.

3. Mutual responsibilitypersonality, society and states to ensure security.

4. Integration with international security systemsbased on cooperation agreements and mutual assistance.

In addition, often adds to these principles: adequacy of measures, their timeliness and preventive nature, continuity, activity, validity, complexity of ensuring, etc.

At the external level, several fixed international security principlesin particular - "Refrain from any actions that may worsento such an extent that the maintenance of international peace and security will threaten.

In the Declaration on the principles of international law relating to friendly relations and cooperation between states in accordance with the UN Charter, one more important norm-principle is contained - "In good faith to fulfill its obligationsregarding the maintenance of international peace and security, seeking to improve the effectiveness based on the UN Security System Charter. Consequently, in international law safety It is understood as a certain, supported state (quality) of international relations, interdependent with domestic (national) legal relations.

Consider them in more detail, given that at the moment Russia is once again trying to prove its commitment to global principles, counting on a response tolerance to the world community and primarily economically developed countries.

International Principles Providing national security is the leading and most important legal ideas aimed at achieving the objectives of the NB, the legal basis of which are the following principles of international law.

1. Principle peaceful coexistence , embodied in a number of wording of the UN Charter and the calling states to live in the world with each other ... and develop friendly relations between nations. " The creature of this principle is that the development of states occurs in the collision of interests and the struggle for their upset. This opposing coexistence combines opposite desires to strengthen the community and its destruction. The struggle ultimately acquires a legitarious procedure, it is subject to a certain legal start. Therefore, the most important importance of the principle of peaceful coexistence for safety is to establish international communication based on the universal application of law - to approve possible greater freedom with the continued authority of international law.

2. Principle non-use of strength and threats by force enshrined in and. 4 tbsp. 2 UN Charter and manifests itself in recognizing that not all use of force is prohibited, but only the "aggressive use of military force". The legitimate use of force in modern international law is by no means excluded, but it is allowed only on the basis of the UN Charter, and:

In cases of state participation in measures used by the UN on the Resolution of the Security Council to prevent or eliminate the threat of peace, the suppression of acts of aggression;

For the purposes of individual self-defense;

In the order of collective self-defense established by regional treaties and agreements.

However, modern international law does not contain exhaustive detail of legitimate forms of force of force, which means the need to resolve these issues in national legislation. In addition, for Russian legislation, a well-known political complexity represents a interpretation of use of force within the country (especially when the separatists in certain regions themselves are resorting to force, justifying the right to self-determination, in general, confirmed by the UN Charter). Thus, this aspect today is one of the most important for ONB Russia.

3. Principle territorial integrity States also applies to the number of fundamental principles of international law and security enshrined in the UN Charter. In the final account of the CSCE (OSCE) of 1975, this principle is allocated as an independent one. To ensure the safety of the Russian Federation, this principle must be specified in detail (through the nature and limits of territorial integrity) so that there existed the same understanding and application of "integrity" at least four sectoral arrays of legal regulation - constitutional, foreign policy, military and border.

4. The following flows from the above principleirregularities of borders, The declaration of the principles of international law 1970, and in the OSCE-mentioned OSCE final act, 1975, which must be implemented in Russian legislation. However, an element of uncertainty in the formulation of this principle in a number of international legal acts, consisting in the absence of a clear indication of the spatial-temporal characteristics of the irrevoyability of borders, significantly reduces its regulatory content and value for the onb.

5. Principlepeaceful resolution of international disputes, fixed in and. 1 tbsp. 1, and. 3 tbsp. 2 and art. 33 UN Charter, Declaration of 1970 and the OSCE Final Act of 1975, is that the state in any situation, threatening security, is obliged to use peaceful tools. Currently, the arsenal of these peaceful ways to solve international conflicts expands: from various shapes negotiations to international judicial and arbitration procedures. However, in Russian legislation there is no clear classification of these funds, and the existing gaps generate many collisions, when certain political forces within the country (including subjects of the Russian Federation) require federal authorities to solve mutual problems not otherwise as international conciliatory methods. In addition, conflicts of highest tensions, such as a sudden armed attack, may objectively deprive the opportunity to use peaceful means before applying self-defense. These cases should also be clearer stated in legislation, otherwise power, evenly applied strength, can be represented both within the country and from outside.

6. Principlenon-interference It is that the UN Charter "" Nautima does not give the United Nations on interference in cases, essentially included in the internal competence of any state "(and. 7, Art. 2).

The regulatory content of this principle is most fully detailed in Declaration of 1970: "No state or group of states has the right to interfere directly or indirectly, for no matter how much the reason for the internal or external affairs of another state. As a result, armed interference and all other forms of interference or any threats aimed against the legal personality of the state or against its political, economic and cultural foundations are a violation of international law ... ". Pretty strict non-interference limits are also contained in the final act of the OSCE 1975, in which, in particular, it is emphasized that the participating States will "refrain from any form of armed intervention or the threat of such interference against another state ... Under all the circumstances, refrain from any other act. Military or political, economic or other coercion aimed at subjugate to its own interests by another State party of rights inherent in sovereignty ... "The above formulations essentially contain a list of threats to external security implemented by intervention. Therefore, the concept of the NB of Russia, others regulations In this area, it is indeed more dense to rely on these international legal documents.

7. The fundamental guarantee of personality security (within the framework of the NB) and one of the main international legal obligations is represented the principle of respect for human rights. Proclaiming in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation, priority in complying with the rights and freedoms of the individual, the state is obliged to recognize as a threat of national security an encroachment on these rights and freedoms from anyone. Naturally, the volume of legal signs of the qualifications of these threats may not exceed international legal and constitutional standards in the field of human rights. But this is the legal minimum, below which security guarantees in the state should not be descended. Recently, in Russia there is a kind of "Race of Human Rights" (in the number of ratified international documents in this area, we even overtook the USA). Although in this case, Russia is still, from the outside and inside, continue to reproach in disrespect of human rights and is harmlessly. The implementation of a number of declared human rights (on education, dwelling, etc.) is a huge amount of money, which the Russian Federation is not yet. No opportunity and our national System Security really provide four personality as the main type of security.

It should be understood that the system of principles for ensuring national security is much wider than the indicated international legal principles of international relations. In addition to the principles understood as the rules of law, there are many other logical designs (ideas), which are guidelines for political operations for security.

For example, five "non-afflative" security principles of the prominent German policy of Schmidt are well known:

but) principleeasy potential enemy losses surpassing his possible gain;

b) principlereliability - the enemy should be convinced that the threat will be implemented;

in) principleproportionality funds character of safety threats;

d) principleequal security potential opponents;

e) principleacceptability For society mer Security.

Obviously, none of these principles fit into the system of imperatives of international law. But they act!

Practical policy Today, as the Millennium back, continues to "argue" with jurisprudence, externally agreeing with its "clean", having an objective reality legal principlesBut at the same time politicians do not miss the case to use the wrong "Eternal Principles of Practical Policy":

fAC ET EXCUSA - "Act and forgive";

si Fecistry, Nega - "committed - deny";

divide et impera - "divide and conquer" and others.

So, as already noted, the international legal principles of ONB are the guidelines and most important legal ideas aimed at achieving the goals that are consonant with these goals on the dynamics of legal regulation, together with which they confirm the versatility of the category "Security".

In addition to the indicated international legal and other principles in ensuring security, there are still a number of principles related to the theory of management, in detail in the special scientific publication in which they are combined into different groups:

1) general (system-wide) and private;

2) organizational and technological;

3) structural (target, functional, organizational, procedural);

4) principles for the development of security systems and others.

Basic " management "principlesOnb among them

they consider: unity, interconnection and balance of all types of security, determination of real resource time and task solving means. Read more with them in the indicated edition.

National Security Tasksofficially defined in the concept of the NB RF.

The main tasks in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are:

Timely forecasting and detectionexternal and domestic threatnational security of the Russian Federation;

Salesoperational and long-term merto prevent and neutralize internal and external threats;

Providing sovereigntyand territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, the safety of its border space;

Lifting economycountries, conducting an independent and socially oriented economic course;

Overcoming scientific and technical and technological dependenceOf the Russian Federation from external sources;

securityon Russian territory personal security of manand citizen, his constitutional rights and freedoms;

Improving the system of state powerRussian Federation, federal relations, local self-government and legislationOf the Russian Federation, the formation of harmonious interethnic relations, strengthening law and orderand the preservation of socio-political stability of society;

Providing strict compliance with legislationRF by all citizens, officials, government agencies, political parties, public and religious organizations;

Ensuring equal and mutually beneficial cooperationRussia primarily with leading states in the world;

Lifting and maintainingat a high level military potentialstates;

Strengthening the regime non-proliferation of weapons of mass destructionand their means of delivery;

Accepting effective measures to identify, prevent and preventing intelligence and subversive activitiesforeign states aimed against the Russian Federation;

Native improving the environmental situationin the country.

Wherein the main tasks always considered and continue to be considered detection of threatsand opposition to thembut auxiliary tasks - controlprocess onb, selection, preparation and alignment of forces(funds) onb, logistical and financial securityrelevant measures. Each of these tasks is disclosed in more detail in scientific publications, in particular.

These tasks are also detailed and specified by individual areas (subsystems) of national security: economic, political, social, spiritual, environmental, military defense, border, information and other, which will be discussed in detail further in the respective chapters (lectures) of benefits.

The main functions of ensuring national securitythey are derived from more common functions of the security system itself, which are as follows.

1. Identification, prediction of internal and external threats to the vital interests of security objects.

2. Implementation of the complex of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize these threats (hazards).

3. Creating and maintaining in the willingness of forces and security forces.

4. Management of security forces and assets in everyday conditions and emergency situations.

5. Development and production of the security and supply of security and security forces that meet modern requirements.

6. Implementation of a system for restoring the normal functioning of security objects in regions affected by emergency situations.

7. Participation in security events outside Russia in accordance with international treaties and agreements

These functions are implemented by the relevant government agencies and officials.

The function of ONB is quite detailed, as well as the procedure for their implementation in Russia and other countries are considered in the work.

Types of ensuring national security.By theory see Onb, depending on the stage of formation and realization of the threat, are:

prevention - the process of exposure to the forces and means of ONB for the causes leading to the occurrence of the threat, as well as the conditions contributing to its occurrence and implementation;

a warning - Impact on the process of preparation for the implementation of the threat from its source or carrier;

preventing - Impact on the process of direct damage to the national interests of Russia;

localization - The process of eliminating the forces and means of ONB has occurring harmful consequences or minimal levels.

1. In what conditions, and from which elements a modern security system is being formed?

2. Give the definitions of basic concepts ("Danger" and "Safety", "Threat" and "Factor", "National Security" and "Ensuring National Security") from legal and general scientific positions.

3. What are the goals of national security and its security?

4. List the basic principles of NB and its collateral (on examples from international law) and "non-law" security principles that are still valid in the de facto policy?

5. Name the main (general) tasks of ensuring national security and indicate which acts they are formulated.

6. What are the main functions and types of national security?

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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 17-12-97,3300 on approval of the concept of national security of the Russian Federation (2017) is relevant in 2018

IV. Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation through joint targeted activities of state and public institutions, as well as citizens participating in identifying, preventing various human security threats, society and state and counteracts them is a mandatory and indispensable condition for the effective protection of the national interests of Russia.

The main activities of the state and society to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation are:

objective and comprehensive analysis and prediction of threats to national security in all spheres of their manifestation;

determining the criteria of national security and their threshold values, the development of a complex of measures and mechanisms to ensure national security in the fields of economics, external and domestic policies, public safety and law and order, defense, information and spiritual fields;

organization of work of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state authority of the Russian Federation to implement a set of measures aimed at preventing or weakening threats to national interests;

maintenance by required level Strategic and mobilization resources of the state.

The main goal of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is to create and maintain such an economic, political, international and military-strategic position of the country, which would create favorable conditions for the development of the personality, society and the state and excluded the risk of weakening the role and importance of the Russian Federation as a subject of international law, The underlying of the ability of the state to realize their national interests in the international arena.

The most important tasks of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are:

lifting the economy of the country, carrying out an independent and socially oriented economic course;

improving the legislation of the Russian Federation, strengthening the rule of law and socio-political stability of society, Russian statehood, federalism and local self-government;

formation of harmonious interethnic relations; Ensuring international security of Russia by establishing an equal partnership with leading countries in the world;

strengthening the security of the state in the defense and information spheres;

ensuring the vital activity of the population in the technogenic safe and environmentally friendly world.

The basic principles of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are:

compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the implementation of activities to ensure national security;

unity, interconnection and balance of all types of security, changes in their priority depending on the situation; priority of political, economic, information measures ensuring national security;

reality (taking into account available resources, forces and means) advanced tasks;

compliance with the norms of international law and Russian laws in the implementation of compulsory measures (including military force);

a combination of centralized management by the forces and security tools with transfer in accordance with the Federal Device of Russia Part of the authority in this area to state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

Ensuring the safety and protection of the national interests of Russia in the economic sphere is the main content of the policy of the state aimed at raising the economy and conduct an independent and socially oriented economic course.

The main areas of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the inconomic activity of the state are legal support Reforms and the creation of an effective mechanism for monitoring the legislation of the Russian Federation, the adoption and implementation of the necessary measures to overcome the consequences of the economic crisis, the preservation and development of scientific and technical and industrial potential, the transition to economic growth with a decrease in the level of man-made catastrophes, an increase in the competitiveness of industrial products, lifting welfare People. The transition to a highly efficient and socially oriented market economy should be carried out as a gradual process for the formation of optimal mechanisms for organizing the production and distribution of a social product in order to maximize the growth of the welfare of society and every citizen.

At the same time, such problems as eliminating deformations in the structure of the Russian economy and overcoming the progressive reduction in the production of highly processing products, supporting industries that are the basis of expanded reproduction, ensuring employment of the population.

To do this, it is necessary to strengthen state support for investment and innovation activity, take measures to facilitate the access of enterprises to long-term loans to finance capital investments, implement real state support target programs Structural restructuring industry.

The most important tasks in the field of economic security are the leading development of competitive industries and industries, the steady expansion of the market for high-tech products. To do this, measures must be taken to stimulate the transfer of new military technologies to civilian production, a mechanism for identifying and supporting the development of progressive technologies has been introduced, the development of which will ensure the competitiveness of Russian enterprises in the global market.

This involves the concentration of financial and material resources at the priority areas of development of science and technology, supporting leading scientific schools, stimulating private capital on the basis of the organization of funds and the use of grants, the implementation of territorial development programs with high concentration of scientific and technical capacity, creating with the support of the infrastructure state, ensuring the commercialization of the results of research developments with simultaneous protection of intellectual property within the country and abroad, the development of a publicly available network of scientific and technical and commercial information.

The state contributes to the establishment and development of private entrepreneurship in all areas where it contributes to the growth of public welfare, it creates equal conditions for the economic competition of enterprises of all forms of ownership, ensures the protection of consumer rights, the sufficient level of social guarantees, the conditions for the progress of science and education, spiritual and moral development societies, as well as the effective operation of mechanisms of market self-organization.

It is necessary to introduce certain restrictions on the activities of foreign banking and insurance companies, to the commissioning of foreign enterprises of the deposits of irreplaceable natural resources, telecommunications, transport and distribution networks. It is impossible to allow monitoring from foreign companies on strategically important sectors of the economy, defense industry and natural monopolies.

The development and implementation of targeted programs for economic recovery of depressive regions, the introduction of a preferential regime of economic activities, including preferential tariffs for transportation and communication services, ensuring the unity of the country's economic space is necessary.

In the conditions of liberalization of foreign trade, it is necessary to protect the interests of domestic producers in the foreign market. The state should strongly seek the elimination of discriminatory restrictions on the import of Russian products in the developed countries of the West, prevent the imposition of Russian or moral damage to the imposition of Russia to impose Russian or moral damage to citizens and enterprises.

An important task in the field of foreign trade activities is the creation of favorable conditions for the international integration of the Russian economy, the expansion of markets for the sale of Russian products. Further promotion is needed towards the formation of a single economic space with the States Parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States, dismantling trade barriers that have arisen under cooperation with the countries of the former SEA.

Effective measures should be accepted in the field of currency regulation in order to create conditions for the cessation of settlements in foreign currency in the domestic market and preventing the uncontrolled capital export. To do this, along with the provision of macroeconomic stabilization, the formation of an effective system of currency control and oversight of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on foreign economic activity is necessary.

In the international financial sector, it is necessary to carry out a balanced credit and financial policy aimed at the phased decline in Russia's dependence on external credit borrowing and strengthening its position in international financial and economic organizations.

It is fundamentally important recognition of the priority of economic factors in the social sphere as the most important condition to strengthen the state, ensuring the real implementation of social guarantees on the basis of state support, the development of mechanisms for collective responsibility and democratic decision-making, social partnership. The most important task is to conduct a socially fair and cost-effective income distribution policies.

The organization of the work of federal executive bodies, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the implementation of specific measures aimed at preventing and overcoming threats to the national interests of Russia in the field of economy, also requires further improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation and ensure strict compliance with all economic entities.

Strengthening the socio-political stability of society is the most important factor in achieving the effectiveness of measures taken by the State to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation. The basis of such stability should be among the economic lift of public consent regarding the strengthening of federalism and strengthening interethnic relations in the country.

The idea of \u200b\u200bnational and public harmony, expressed through personal, public, corporate, national and social interests, will create additional conditions To form a socially oriented market economy, will be the most powerful tool for the fight against nationalism, national and regional separatism, will contribute to the consolidation of society in the interests of Russia's development.

Strengthening unity, solidarity of the peoples of multinational Russia is the basis for the upbringing of its citizens and should be the most important principle of the development of social relations and modern domestic culture.

The implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bnational and social consent will allow our country to enter a new era as a state that has reached economic and spiritual progress, which has high growth potential, based on the democratic principles of the state device, internal harmony of social relations, responsibility for maintaining global stability and sustainable development of universal civilization .

Strengthening Russian statehood, the improvement and development of federalism and local self-government is the most important tasks that will lead to ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. The main goal in this area is the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to solving legal, economic, social and ethnopolitical issues in ensuring compliance with the interests of the Russian Federation and its subjects.

The implementation of the constitutional principle of democracy, in which the multinational people implements their power both directly and through government bodies and local governments, requires the coordinated functioning and interaction of all state authorities, a tight vertical of the executive and unity of the judicial system of Russia. This is ensured by the constitutional principle of separation by the authorities, the establishment of a clearer functional distribution of powers between state institutions, strengthening the Russian federal device by improving its contractual relations with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of their constitutional status.

Strengthening of Russian statehood involves increasing the role of the state in the main areas of public life, the improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation as a universal basis of state activities in the context of building a legal state, ensuring the priority of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws on other legal acts, the formation and development of organizational and legal mechanisms for the prevention of offenses , adoption and execution of state decisions in crisis situations.

The construction of a legal state largely depends on the right definition and clarification of objects and powers of state authorities, the specific types and status of the regulatory legal acts, the procedure for their change or cancellation, the improvement of the mechanisms and procedures for the relationship between the state and society, as well as the procedures for taking into account the interests of the Russian constituent entities Federation.

The protection of Russian federalism includes targeted activities to curb encroachment on the state integrity of the country, the system of state authorities, the unity of the legal space of Russia.

The main goal of the protection of Russian federalism is to prevent the transformation of federative relations to confederate.

The main directions of protection of Russian federalism are:

ensuring the priority of federal legislation and improving the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

development of organizational and legal mechanisms for the protection of state integrity, unity of the legal space and national interests of Russia;

development and implementation of regional policies ensuring optimal accounting of federal and regional interests;

improving the mechanism of preventing the emergence of political parties and public associations, pursuing separatist and anti-constitutional goals, and suppress their activities;

carrying out suspended and balanced national policy.

The efforts of society and the state in the fight against crime should be aimed at creating effective system Countering to ensure reliable protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state.

The following tasks are primarily becoming: strengthening the role of the state as a guarantor of national security, the creation of the legal framework necessary for this and the mechanism of its application;

strengthening the law enforcement system;

attracting government agencies within their competence to the prevention of illegal acts.

The most important condition for the successful struggle with all manifestations of crime is publicity. The society has the right to know about decisions and measures taken by state authorities in this area. They must be open, specific and understandable to every citizen, to carry a proactive nature, ensure the equality of all before the law and the inevitability of responsibility, to rely on the support of society.

The development and control of crime is primarily necessary to develop the legal framework as the basis for the reliable protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, as well as the observance of the international legal obligations of Russia in the fight against crime and human rights. It is important to deprive the crime of the nutrient medium due to the shortcomings in the legislation, the crisis in the economy and the social sphere. It is necessary to more actively use the methods of operational and investigative activities to eliminate corruption links of organized crime.

In order to prevent corruption in state apparatus and eliminating the conditions for the legalization of progress-enhancing capital of capital should be created an effective system of financial control, verification of the property situation, sources of income and expenses of officials and other civil servants.

The fight against terrorism, drug business and smuggling is an important part of the provision of both the national security of the Russian Federation and the security of the global community as a whole. The crisis situation in society and the economy, the presence of contradictions in interstate and interfaith relations, the imperfection of the regulatory legal framework governing the controversial international and regional problems - all this contributes to the emergence of such types of criminal activity in the territory of the Russian Federation and dictates the need to develop a special countermeasure.

The fight against terrorism, drug business and smuggling, developing into a global international phenomenon, should be carried out using the possibilities of all branches of state power based on broad cooperation with special services of the Russian Federation with similar services of other countries at the interstate level. The main factor in the successful counteraction of these types of crime is to eliminate their causes.

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation includes the protection of cultural, spiritual and moral heritage, historical traditions and the norms of public life. Russia needs to ensure the safety of its great cultural heritage, in particular museum and archival funds, major library meetings, historical and cultural facilities.

Special attention requires propaganda through funds mass media Experience in creative pedagogical schools, cultural and national centers, communities, unions and other institutions, including children, adolescents, youth and students, as well as promoting national cultures of the peoples of Russia, spiritual and moral, historical traditions and norms of public life.

The activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and Churches of other denominations play a crucial role in preserving traditional spiritual values. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the destructive role of various religious sects that make significant damage to the spiritual life of Russian society, which are direct danger to the life and health of Russian citizens and are often used to cover the unlawful activity.

The spiritual revival of society is impossible without increasing the role of Russian. Its proclaimed by the state language and the language of interstate communication of the peoples of Russia and the States parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States is the most important factor in the unity of the people of multinational Russia.

In order to ensure the safety and development of our cultural and spiritual heritage, it is necessary to create optimal economic conditions for the implementation of the most important types of creative activities.

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the field of protection and health promotion of citizens involves strengthening the attention of society, legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state authority of the Russian Federation to the development of state (federal and municipal) insurance and private medical care, the implementation of state protectionism in domestic medical and pharmaceutical Industry, priority financing of health and federal programs in the field of sanitation and epidemiology, child health protection, emergency and emergency medical care, disaster medicine.

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the ecological sphere becomes a relevant direction of the activities of the state and society. The priority directions in the field of environmental safety include:

fighting the pollution of the natural environment by increasing the safety of technologies related to the disposal and disposal of toxic industrial and household waste;

fighting radioactive pollution;

creation of environmentally friendly technologies;

rational use of natural resources.

Since the solution of environmental safety problems requires significant resources, it is necessary to carry out stable funding, the sources of which should be laid in budgets of all levels.

Emergency measures are required to increase environmental protection activities, including the adoption of legislative acts providing legal framework for environmental safety, organizational and administrative measures aimed at improving environmental activities in the country, conducting an environmental impact of all programs and projects developed at the federal and regional levels.

The conduct of foreign policy aimed at approving the equal partnership of the countries of the world community and to enhance their cooperation is the most important part of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

Russia does not intend to join confrontation with any state or the Union of State, does not pursue hegemonic or expansionist purposes. As an influential European-Asian Power, it will support partnership relations with all interested countries in the world community.

The priority in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation is given to ensuring the most important national interests, the development of relations between Russia with leading states of the world, comprehensive cooperation and integration within the Commonwealth of Independent States, the establishment of effective bilateral and multilateral cooperation within the framework of the Union of Belarus and Russia, as well as with the participants of the Treaty between the Russian Federation. Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic on deepening integration in economic and humanitarian fields.

The deepening and development of relations with States parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States is the most important factor contributing to the settlement of ethnopolitical and interethnic conflicts, ensuring social and political stability at the borders of Russia and impede the ultimately centrifugal phenomena in Russia itself.

Russia is also interested in full participation in world, European and Asian economic and political structures. Therefore, seeking mutually beneficial cooperation, the Russian Federation will continue to develop a constructive partnership with the United States of America, the European Union, China, Japan, India and other states. This meets the political and economic interests of the Russian Federation and will provide an opportunity for the full-scale inclusion of Russia in all organizations and institutions of collective management of global political processes.

The urgent condition for the implementation of the foreign policy efforts of Russia should be the creation of a global, regional and subregional security model, based on the principle of equality and indivisible security for all. This implies the creation of a fundamentally new European-Atlantic security system, in which the coordinating role is played by the Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe; building efforts to create multilateral structures that ensure cooperation in the field of international security in the Asia-Pacific region and South Asia; The active participation of Russia as a permanent member of the UN Security Council in resolving and preventing regional crises and conflicts; further improvement of the regime of international arms control and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of its delivery; Solid defense of the legitimate rights and interests of Russian citizens living abroad, in strict accordance with the norms of international law.

An important area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the Russian Federation to ensure its national security in the foreign policy industry is to facilitate the settlement of regional and local conflicts through peacekeeping activities. At the same time, it is necessary to strive for the maximum use of collective efforts in this direction of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the United Nations, and in perspective and the Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe.

Russia will firmly and consistently fulfill its obligations in the field of reducing and eliminating weapons of mass destruction, conventional weapons, carry out measures to strengthen confidence and stability, ensuring international control over the supply of military technologies and dual-use technologies, as well as promote the creation of weapons free Destruction.

The Russian Federation will also send their efforts to ensure national security in the foreign policy sphere to solve problems of international and economic cooperation, and above all in terms of strengthening its position in international financial and economic organizations.

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere is the most important direction of the state of the state, the subject of permanent public attention. The main goal of the practical activity of the state and society in this area is to improve the military organization of the Russian Federation to ensure the possibility of adequate response to threats that may arise in the 21st century, with rational costs of national defense.

The nature of these threats requires clarification of the tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, optimizing their structure and composition, expanding their professional core, improving the legal foundations and mechanisms for military construction planning, as well as the development of modern approaches to its economic and financial support Taking into account the need to form a collective security system within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Russia does not seek to maintain parity in arms and armed forces with leading states of the world and focuses on the implementation of the principle of realistic deterrence, which is based on the determination to adequately use the existing military power to prevent aggression. To prevent war and armed conflict, the Russian Federation prefers political, economic and other non-violent means. However, so far the non-use of force has become the norm of international relations, the national interests of the Russian Federation require the presence of military power for its defense.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the basis of a military organization. They play a major role in ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation by forceful methods.

The most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and ordinary large-scale or regional war, as well as the implementation of allied obligations.

To fulfill this task, the Russian Federation must have the potential for nuclear forces capable of ensuring the predetermined damage to any aggressor state or the coalition of states.

The protection of the national interests of the state implies an integrated opposition to military threats of regional and local scale. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by the combat composition of peacetime should be able to ensure reliable protection of the country from the air-space attack and solving the tasks to reflect aggression in the local war, as well as the deployment of the grouping of troops (forces) to solve problems in the regional war. At the same time, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should ensure the implementation of the Russian Federation of peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations.

The interests of ensuring the national security of Russia and the evolution of the geopolitical situation in the world are predetermined under the relevant circumstances, the need for the military presence of Russia in some strategically important regions of the world. Accommodation there on a contractual basis and on the principles of partnerships of limited military contingents (military bases) should demonstrate the readiness of the Russian Federation to fulfill its allied obligations, to promote the formation of a sustainable military-strategic balance of forces in the regions and provide the Russian Federation the opportunity to respond to a crisis situation in the initial stage of its nucleation.

The long-term goals of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation determine the need for widespread Russia's participation in peacekeeping operations. The implementation of such operations should be the most important means of preventing or eliminating crisis situations at the stage of their origin and development.

Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere implies its participation in the contractual process to reduce nuclear and conventional weapons, control over the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of its delivery.

The most important area of \u200b\u200bensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere is to clarify and optimize the tasks of the system of ensuring national security. The priority in solving the tasks to prevent and parry internal threats to the National Security of the Russian Federation belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Emergency Disasters, in which the relevant forces need to have Means and organs capable of performing special tasks.

Conducting the restructuring of defense and industrial capacity with minimal losses for new technologies and scientific and technical capabilities, the consolidation of companies that are developers and manufacturers of weapons and the most important types of civilian products, and the creation on their basis of corporations and world-class firms, support and development of research and development and developmental work, modernization of weapons and military equipment, the introduction of military equipment and military equipment in practice to the current requirements should be aimed at improving the defense and industrial complex in the interests of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

Cooperation in the military-technical sphere should also be improved, which will give Russia the opportunity to submit their interests in new international markets.

In ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere, the human factor plays a special role, the social status of the serviceman. Therefore, such problems as the implementation of a complex of measures are put forward to the fore social Protection servicemen, increase prestige military service, the formation of a public consciousness in the spirit of the need for armed protection of the country's national interests and mobilization of the efforts and opportunities of the state, society and citizens for military reform.

The Russian Federation considers the possibility of using military force to ensure its national security, based on the following principles:

Russia reserves the right to apply all forces and funds available at its disposal, including nuclear weapons, if the threat of the existence of the Russian Federation as an independent sovereign state arises from the unleashing armed aggression;

the application of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should be carried out decisively, consistently and systematically, to the creation of the world's conclusion favorable for the Russian Federation;

the use of military force should be carried out on a legal basis and only if all non-effective measures for resolving the crisis situation are exhausted or ineffective;

the use of military force against civilians is not allowed to achieve internal political purposes. At the same time, with respect to illegal armed groups, which is a threat to the national interests of the Russian Federation, admire the joint actions of the individual formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with other troops, military formations and bodies in strict accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws;

the participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in wars and armed conflicts of various intensity and scale should be carried out to solve priority military-political and military-strategic tasks that meet the national interests of Russia, as well as its allied obligations.

The most important condition for ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere should be the target allocation of budget funds for the software development of forces, funds and bodies engaged in the protection of the national interests of Russia by forceful methods.

Of particular importance to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation have timely detection of threats and the definition of their sources. This is achieved by continuous tracking, with the coordinating role of the foreign exploration service of the Russian Federation, political, military, economic, information, technological, social and other external threats, which affect the national security of the Russian Federation, on the state and combat readiness of its armed forces, other troops, military formations and organs. The importance of counterintelligence activities in ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is also increasing.

The geopolitical position of Russia, the scale of its territory is of particular importance in solving the tasks related to the provision of national interests and security of the Russian Federation in the field of protection and protection of its state border. For this, it is necessary to combine the efforts of all federal executive bodies in the coordinating role of the federal border service of the Russian Federation.

Ensuring the national interests and security of the Russian Federation at its state border and in the border space implies the improvement of international legal registration of the state border of the Russian Federation, the development of interstate border cooperation and the implementation of collective security measures at the external borders of the States parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States.

An increase in the amount and expansion of emergency situations of a technogenic and natural nature that enhate significant material and human losses, often comparable to losses in armed conflict, make an extremely relevant problem of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the natural and technological and environmental spheres. In this regard, the high-quality improvement of the unified state system of preventing and emergency response is gained, further integration of it with similar systems of States parties to the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In modern conditions of universal informatization and development information technologies The importance of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in information sphere.

The most important tasks here are:

establishing the necessary balance between the need for free exchange of information and permissible restrictions on its distribution;

improving the information structure, accelerating the development of new information technologies and their widespread dissemination, unification of funds, collecting, storing, processing and analyzing information, taking into account Russia's entry into the global information infrastructure;

development of an appropriate regulatory framework and coordination, with the leading role of the Federal Governmental Communications Agency and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, the activities of federal government bodies and other bodies decisive information security;

development of the domestic telecommunication industry and information funds, their priority in comparison with foreign counterparts in the domestic market;

protection of the State Information Resource, and above all in federal state bodies and at the enterprises of the defense complex.

The system of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is created and developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal programs in this area.

The basis of the National Security System of the Russian Federation is the basis of the authorities, forces and means of ensuring national security, carrying out measures of political, legal, organizational, economic, military and other nature, aimed at ensuring the safety of individuals, society and the state.

The powers of the authorities and the forces to ensure the national security forces of the Russian Federation, their composition and structure are determined by the relevant legislative acts of the Russian Federation. It is not allowed to create organs and forces to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation not established by federal laws, as well as the use of unlawful funds to ensure national security.

Of particular importance in ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is the organization of the training and adoption of proactive decisions on the protection of national interests of the country.

The definition and implementation of the policy of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation participate:

President of the Russian Federation - leads within its constitutional powers by the authorities and the forces of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation; authorizes actions to ensure national security in various fields; In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it forms, reorganizes and abolishes subordinate bodies and forces to ensure national security; He speaks with messages, appeals and directives on national security issues;

The Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and, taking into account the concept of the national security of the Russian Federation, form a legislative base in this area: within its implementation, decisions on the use of forces and means of ensuring national security, the use of military force; Consider and adopt federal laws on the ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of national security;

The Government of the Russian Federation - ensures the implementation of the concept of national security of the Russian Federation, the fulfillment of targeted federal programs, plans and directives in the field of national security; measures measures to ensure financial and material resources of forces, funds and authorities of the national security of the Russian Federation; leads the activities of the federal executive bodies and within the limits of the authority transferred to him coordinates the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

The Security Council of the Russian Federation - considers the strategic problems of the internal, foreign and military policy of the Russian Federation, security issues in the economic, social, defense, border, information, environmental and other fields, issues of public health, forecasting and preventing inter-substational and social conflicts, emergency situations and overcoming their consequences, providing public consent, legality and law enforcement; prepares recommendations and proposals for the development of the concept of national security of the Russian Federation, on the implementation of the Strategy and the current policy of ensuring national security; Coordinates the activities of the system of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation to develop a strategy in the field of internal, external and military policies, military-technical cooperation and information security, controls the implementation by federal executive bodies and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the current policy in these areas.

The Security Council of the Russian Federation is responsible to the President of the Russian Federation for the timely identification of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation, for the preparation of operational solutions to prevent emergency situations and the development of the main areas of strategy for ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation;

the federal executive bodies are ensuring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the implementation of the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Security Council of the Russian Federation, federal programs, plans and directives in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation; Within its competence, regulatory legal acts to ensure national security and submit them to the Security Council of the Russian Federation;

the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - cooperate with the federal executive bodies in order to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the implementation of the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Security Council of the Russian Federation, federal programs and national security plans; Together with local governments, measures are carried out to involve citizens, public associations and other organizations to assist in ensuring national security in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; Contributions to the federal state authorities proposals to improve ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

President of the Russian Federation, Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Federal Bodies of Public Authorities, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments act within their powers and coordinate efforts to ensure the national Security of the Russian Federation.

In the event of a direct threat to the national security of the Russian Federation, the necessary proposals for decision-making develops the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation intends to strongly and firmly strengthen its national security, based on both historical experience and the positive experience of the country's democratic development. Created legal democratic institutions, the established structure of government bodies of the Russian Federation, the wide participation of political parties and public associations in the development of national security strategies allow us to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation and its progressive development in the 21st century.

As Russia's progressive development, the formation and strengthening of a new, based on equitable partnership of the system of international relations, the individual provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation are complemented, are specified and specified in the annual Messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Any activity, incl. And to ensure the national security of Russia, associated with the use of certain resources, under which you can understand both the resources of material (raw materials, money, energy) and ideal (knowledge, projects, etc.).

Today's "failure" with the resource provision of plans of transformations is hardly chance. The type of resources required is determined by the nature of the activities carried out, and we, dramatically changing the latter, moreover, changing the type of social device, say (and we think) about the resources in the usual old sense, meaning the resources that "were" provided with "Min Lamin and Gossenab. Meanwhile, today we are more important than any other resources, moreover, today we need another concept of "resources". "Resource failure" is able to turn any quasi-kice proposals and developments in a set of good wishes. Therefore, the topic of resources and resource policy turns out to be the most important not only in theoretical, but also in practical terms. The problem of resources should be a key issue of national security, since it is closely related to the means of ensuring it. The mechanism in this context acts as a system of resource use in national security policy.

Discussing ONB resources, we are currently answering the question, due to which national security can be provided. But due to the specifics of security activities, the specified foundation is not the only one. The resources of the country are also connected with the second question, the key to the concept of NB: the security of what we are going to provide?

Responding to this question in the general form, you can highlight, at least three aspects, the accounting of which fills the meaning of the ONB challenge. This is, first of all, our values \u200b\u200b(in the axiological sense); This is secondly, national interests, for example, geopolitical or economic; This, thirdly, the national treasure or wealth of the country, which can also be understood as a totality of cash, some (in theory, not too big) whose share is sent to the onb.

The latter means that the "resource question" arises before us when discussing the problems of the ORG, at least in two dimensions: first, security objects are related to the "resources of Russia"; Secondly, security activities themselves need a "resource provision". In order to get the main ideas and results on this issue, it is necessary to pay a significant place to the methodological development of a "resource issue" and begin with the discussion of the new concept of resources within the framework of the activity approach developed by us.

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Kalinigrad Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Course work

by system government controlled

on the topic: Modern state policy in the field of national security: Evaluation of efficiency


Lysenko K.O.


Fighters A.S.

Kaliningrad, 2012


The relevance of the topic of course work. At the beginning of the XXI century, the security problem has acquired special relevance to the Russian Federation. This is due, firstly, with global geopolitical changes in the world that occurred as a result of the collapse of the USSR, and the definition of the new place of Russia in the world community; Secondly, with fundamental changes in domestic politics: the denationalization of the economy, the change of government institutions, the formation of a political and ideological manifold, the transition of Russia from the actual unitary state to the real Federation.

Along with the positive factors approaching our country to the formation of civil society, reforming revealed a number of negative phenomena: the increase in crime, the deterioration of the demographic situation, the impoverishment of a significant part of the population, the development of nationalist, separatist forces, the loss of many social guarantees that were available to citizens in Soviet times.

The priorities of the modern independent development of any state are largely dependent on how clearly and unambiguously formulates its national interests, as well as from a clear understanding of the paths and means to implement these interests.

Among the priority goals of the sustainable development of the state in the first place is to ensure national security in all its forms and manifestations.

The concept of national security is a derivative of the concept of national interests, and in a broader sense - from the general vision by citizens of a particular state of his place and role in modern world civilization.

So, the current problems of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation have a complex, multifaceted character.

The goal of the course work is due to the relevance and is to study the evaluation of the effectiveness of modern state policy in the field of national security.

The tasks of the course work are due to the goal and concluded in the following:

1. Describe the concept of national security.

2. To explore the concept of ensuring the security of society in public administration.

3. Explore the Special National Security Bodges.

4. Analyze the degree of efficiency of ensuring national security.

The object of course work is the legal relationship, developing in the field of security of society.

The subject work is theoretical provisions in the field of security of society.

Methodical base of the course work. In the process of work, general scientific (dialectical, historical, analysis and synthesis, logical) and special (technical and legal, comparative legal, statistical, expert assessments) methods of knowledge were used. The use of these methods made it possible to integrally and comprehensively explore the object and the subject of the course work in their relationship and interdependence.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Basics of Public Administration in Society Security

1.1 National Security Concept

The considered task of the state cannot be erected into the framework of the Absolute. It is strictly subordinate to the principles of the constitutional system, which cannot contradict the ways to implement it. One of the essential, distinctive characteristics of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993 is that it enshrines the foundations of the "constitutional system".

The importance of the security problem is aware of all major political forces. There is only a divergence of parties in views on the way of its collateral.

The Russian Federation operates the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security", which enshrines the legal framework for ensuring the safety of personality, society, the state, determines the security system and its function, establishes the procedure for organizing and financing security bodies, as well as control and supervision of the legality of their activities.

A special role in the protection of the interests of the individual, society, the state is owned by national security. On the importance of this problem for our country, the fact that both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation have repeatedly considered issues related to it.

The legislation has no definition of the term "threat of national security". In our opinion, it represents a state of social development, the process of weakening statehood, actions aimed at a violent change in the constitutional system, which may entail the loss of sovereignty multinational people.

The concept of "National Security" is multifaceted. It can be analyzed from the point of view of various sciences. We are interested in the constitutional aspect of this category. In the main law of Russia, the term "security" is used ten times.

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the term "security" is consumed in a broad sense. State security is only part of the national security system of Russia. Consequently, when used in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the term "security" in a broad sense should be taken into account that under it is meant national security, since it is the source, the basis of other types of security affecting constitutional relations.

Not all public relations in the field of safety are covered by the concept of "national security". In a different period, certain threats to national security countries may change.

National security is a concept that characterizes the level of security of a single-taking nation from external and internal threats.

Currently, the following types of safety threats are distinguished:

At the location of the security source: external or internal threats;

According to the degree of formation: potential, real;

By the nature of the manifestation: natural, anthropogenic, social;

According to the degree of subjective perception: overestimated threats, affected, adequate, imaginary;

In spheres and areas of life: in the international sphere, in the political, economic, defense, social, spiritual, scientific and technological, information, environmental, border, etc.

In the legislation in each case, it should be specifically specified, about which particular form of safety is in question. Otherwise, competition is competing. So, if we proceed from the literal sense of paragraph "M" of Article 71 of the Constitution, the creation of security councils in the subjects of the Russian Federation is unlawful, since security is generally related to the federation. Consequently, federal constitutional and federal laws may be taken on this issue (Part 1 of Article 76 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). However, such types of security as environmental and public are attributed to the joint management of the Russian Federation and its subjects. It means that federal laws may be published on these issues and, in accordance with them, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be taken.

A number of provisions of the Russian Constitution can be attributed to the basics of national security. The norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establish the most important social relations, which are vital for the individual, society, the state. Their protection, the creation of guarantees for compliance, execution, use and use is one of the tasks of the country's national security.

Currently, external security strategy is determined by the provisions of the National Security Strategy.

Currently, there is a discussion about the need to amend the Constitution of the Russian Federation or at all the adoption of a new fundamental law of the country. According to S.N. Baburin, the current constitution - "the raking fruit of the state coup: never really aims to strengthen the state integrity of Russia." We cannot agree with such severe assessments of the place and role of the basic law of the Russian Federation in the formation of the statehood of our country. Constitutional fever in the context of the economic crisis, the unresolves of many problems of the federal device, frequent confrontation of various branches of the authorities can be a factor in the loosening of the fragile balance of various political forces, which has developed as a result of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the threat of undermining the country's national security. However, the issue of participation of Parliament in identifying the main directions of internal and foreign policy, the priorities of the national security of Russia cannot be removed from the agenda. It is possible to solve this problem without correcting the main law. For this, it is necessary, firstly, in the federal law defining the status of the Security Council of Russia, to consolidate the provisions on the basis of which the President of the Russian Federation forms the specified body in coordination with the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, although the approval of the Russian military doctrine of Russia (paragraph "s" Art. 83 of the Constitution) is a logical consequence of the fact that he is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Art. 87 of the Constitution), the named document should be prepared Based on consultation with legislature. There are already certain moves in this matter.

Third, based on Part 3 of Art. 80 of the main law of the Russian Federation can be recognized by the constitutional fact that the document in which the most important areas and principles of public policy are formulated, which reflects the combination of officially accepted views on the purpose and the state strategy in the field of personality security, society, the state - the concept of national security of Russia, - Approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. However, it is fundamentally important for all branches of government, society as a whole, therefore other state authorities should be involved in its development. The corresponding position could be consolidated in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security".

Attention is drawn to the fact that the Russian President defines the main directions of the internal and foreign policy of the state in accordance with federal laws. The Federation of the Russian Federation has already gave instructions to committees on security and defense issues, on constitutional legislation and legal issues to work with the relevant committees of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The question of joint development of the draft federal law on the basics of national security policy.

Thus, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the possibilities of providing the Parliament with the influence of the president when making a decision in the field of national security. It is necessary to develop them and specify in current legislation.

The concept of "national security" is in close relationship with "constitutional security", however, is much more substantive. T.E. Schubert defines constitutional security as "First of all, ensuring the protection of the foundations of the constitutional system, which include the norms of the Constitution, regulating the initial principles of the law system, the most important principles of the status and activities of constitutional relations, allowing to determine and develop institutions and directions of constitutional legislation." The concepts under consideration speak relative to each other as part and the whole. If constitutional security ensures the protection of the legal constitution, then the national - actual constitution of the country. Constitutional security implies, for example, the protection of such a humanistic foundation of the constitutional system, as a person, his rights and freedoms, which are his higher value. From the point of view of national security, this issue is considered deeper by affecting such aspects as the increase in mortality, the fall in fertility, the deterioration of moral and physical health of the nation.

The constitutional system only can be a stable and creating base for the effective functioning of the state, the development of society, the realization of their rights and freedoms, when there is a developed and secured system of guarantees. The key value here has a national security system, which must be considered as the main guarantee of the constitutional system.

In addition, these include:

1) the norms established by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which are responsible for crimes against the foundations of the constitutional system and the security of the state;

2) judicial constitutional control;

3) the activities of state authorities on the protection and protection of the constitutional system;

4) Although the laws of the Russian Federation directly does not directly provide for the right of citizens to resist the usurpation of power, an attempt by force or coercion to eliminate the constitutional system, it follows from Part 1 of Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Taking into account the increasing role of security in the lives of modern society, we can talk about the need for substantiation, consideration and consolidation of human rights in the Constitution of Russia. Under it should be understood as its security, as well as the environment of residence from threats of various nature at the level required to realize other rights and obligations. It cannot be attributed to personal, political or socio-economic rights. It should take a special place, because without its collateral is impossible to implement a person of other rights.

Russia needs to pay special attention to Russia because it is the basis for determining the most important areas and principles of the state policy of the country, the vital interests of the person, society, the state. The national security system requires adjustments and clarifications related to the change in the geopolitical situation in the world, the situation in the country. Work in this direction should be permanent. For the successful solution of the considered problems requires a combination of efforts of various sciences, branches of law. But basically these are issues wearing common behavior and having constitutional significance.

1.2 The concept of ensuring the security of society in public administration

It is impossible to say that the issue of security has emerged for Russia now. It is unlikely that you can agree with the statement of Yu.V. Golik, that "until 1991, security problems, even as survival problems, we did not exist."

Even K. Marx wrote that "Safety is the highest social concept of civil society."

A.D. agrees with him. Gradovsky: "The state that does not give anything to citizens, even security, will undoubtedly cause the indifference at first, then the hostility of the people, it will decompose and die or from an external enemy supported by the apathy masses, or from the inner discord."

National security is inextricably linked to the activities of the state. Only it can, relying on its apparatus, power bodies whose activities are delivered to the rigid framework and is supported by the relevant legal acts, to ensure peace of the citizens, to create favorable conditions for their lives and activities. No other social forces will be able to fulfill this task.

Ensuring your own security, as well as the safety of its citizens is one of the main tasks, but not the functions of any state. As noted by M.I. Baitine, "States' functions in each historical period of its development are determined by the economic structure of society, internal and external situation and caused by these objectives of the state."

Ensuring security cannot be considered the goal of the state, since under it should be understood as the main priorities, the guidelines to which society should seek, according to which the people build their statehood. They must be clearly fixed in the main law of the country. Thus, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the relevant provisions are recorded in Article 1, 2 and 7, denoting the ideals of constructing a democratic, legal, social state for Russia, in which a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. The main task of any state is to create the necessary conditions to achieve them proclaimed in the Constitution.

The task of ensuring national security is a comprehensive nature. To achieve it, in each country, including in Russia, a set of measures in various fields is required. Today, the very existence of Russia as a sovereign federation depends on its successful solution. Unlike the former constitutions, the current does not determine the tasks of our state.

Ensuring national security is so broad and significant on the coverage of public life, the category that its defense serve almost all the functions of the Russian state. Among them, it is possible to allocate, for example, the economic, social, environmental, development of culture, science, education (internal), defense, integration in world economy, cooperation and strengthening ties with the CIS countries (external).

With the real content of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest legal force of the Constitution, giving it a direct action as ever has become relevant to the issue of its implementation, transformation from the legal in the actual one. So, V.T. Kabyshev rightly notes: "The concept of" constitutional system "accumulates the entire spectrum of the diversity of the mechanism of creation, actions and implementation of the Basic Law." Objective is V.O. The beak that "the real being of constitutional norms is not only what is enshrined in the main law, but also what is directly incorporated into public practice." Given the increased role of national security to strengthen the Russian statehood, the creation of prerequisites for building civil society, the protection of the rights of the individual would have been able to strengthen the constitutional base of this institution.

The Russian Federation operates the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security", which enshrines the legal framework for ensuring the safety of personality, society, the state, determines the security system and its function, establishes the procedure for organizing and financing security bodies, as well as control and supervision of the legality of their activities. In that regulatory act Safety is defined as "the state of protection of the vital interests of the person, society, the state from the internal and external threats" (Article 1). Under vital interests it is understood as "the set of needs, the satisfaction of which reliably provides the existence and possibility of progressive development of the individual, society, the state."

"Safety" is a very broad concept, so it can be considered in various aspects. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1997 "On the interdepartmental commissions of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the provisions regulating the activities of the Ten Commissions were approved for each of which a certain range of security issues was enshrined. In their number of the Commission on the defense, federal constitutional, information, environmental, international, economic, public security. Relationships associated with radiation safety are governed by special Federal law "On the radiation security of the population", under which the state of the security of the present and future generations of people from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation is understood.

A special role in the protection of the interests of the individual, society, the state is owned by national security. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation approved the concept of national security of the Russian Federation.

In the last document under the "National Security of the Russian Federation" it is understood as the safety of its multinational people as a carrier of sovereignty and the only source of power in the state. We offer more full definition Category under consideration. Under national security, it should be understood as a combination of domestic and external conditions for the existence of the personality, society, states that ensure a decent life to citizens, the protection of the interests of society, the sovereignty of the people, eliminating the possibility of a violent change of the constitutional system.

The legislation has no definition of the term "threat of national security". In our opinion, it represents a state of social development, the process of weakening statehood, actions aimed at a violent change in the constitutional system, which may entail the loss of sovereignty multinational people. For more accurate prediction of threats to national security in the future, it is advisable to allocate strategies to ensure it on the medium-term (five to ten years) and long-term periods (more than ten years).

In the literature, various opinions are expressed about the admissibility in Russia's understanding of the Safety as "national". In the preamble of the Constitution of the Russian Federation it is said: "We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation:" According to V.A. Kikotya, here, "We are talking about the totality of all citizens, all ethnic groups (" nations ") and all the peoples of the subjects of the Russian Federation and other ethnic and territorial communities." According to L.S. Mamut, "The words" multinational people "mean, firstly, the totality of citizens of Russia, secondly, all inhabiting the Russian Federation of peoples (ethnic groups), other ethnic communities."

On this problem, it is more close to the position formulated by A.N. Cockot, which does not accept the term "nation", because in this case the container ethnic groups dissolve, "leaving the place only for national minorities, because the latter in the nation in the nation will allocate, and the national majority will not allocate - it is the nation-nation itself. The following consequence: It makes the existence and parameters of the statement of nations depending on the fate of the relevant states. "

Taking into account the historical and cultural traditions of Russia, as well as the fact that it is a federal state in which many subjects are formed at the National-State (Republic) and the national-territorial (autonomous region, autonomous districts) principles, we can talk about security not as National categories, and federal. It is possible to use the term "federal security of the Russian Federation". Especially since now is the establishment of the security of the subjects of the Federation.

The concept of "National Security" is multifaceted. It can be analyzed from the point of view of various sciences. We are interested in the constitutional aspect of this category. In the main law of Russia, the term "security" is used ten times. Thus, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the term "security" is used in a broad sense. As V.T. rightly notes Kabyshev, "Soviet constitutional legislation When consolidating the maintenance of a public system, proceed from the postulate" State - Society - Personality ". In the head of the Russian constitutional system, a fundamentally different concept -" Man - Society is a state ". Therefore, state security is only part of the national system. SECURITY OF RUSSIA. Consequently, when used in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the term "security" in a broad sense should be taken into account that under it is subject to national security, since it is the source, the basis of other types of security affecting constitutional legal relations.

Not all public relations in the field of safety are covered by the concept of "national security". In a different period, certain threats to national security countries may change. Therefore, in its framework only those public relations, which at a given historical moment affect the national interests of Russia and are enshrined in its concept of national security. It is not part of national safety fire safety, road safety.

In the legislation in each case, it should be specifically specified, about which particular form of safety is in question. Otherwise, competition is competing.

A number of provisions of the Russian Constitution can be attributed to the basics of national security. The norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establish the most important social relations, which are vital for the individual, society, the state.

Currently, the creation of collective (or general) security systems is very relevant. At the OSCE Istanbul Summit on 19 November 1999, the Charter of European Security was adopted, which Russian Foreign Minister I.S. Ivanov called "the Constitution for new Europe". States that signed this document said" on their solid commitment to the formation of a free, democratic and more OSCE region, where States parties coexist in each other, and people and communities live in freedom, prosperity and security. " Russia is a party to the "Collective Security" agreement, signed within the CIS, which in November 1999 was extended. The constitutional system only can be a stable and creating base for the effective functioning of the state, the development of society, the realization of their rights and freedoms when There is a developed and secured system of warranties. The key value here has a national security system, which must be considered as the basic guarantee of the constitutional system.

Chapter 2. Activities of Special National Security Bodies

2.1 Special National Security Authorities

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, which possesses the highest legal force. It contains the basic principles of justice, the duties of the state in relation to its citizens, the place and role in the state mechanism of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, are the foundations of the organization and activities of the prosecutor's office. The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains fundamental importance for the entire law enforcement system, as well as norms relating to specific law enforcement agencies. Some rules of the Constitution of the Russian Federation have a direct effect, and they are directly guided by the implementation of concrete law enforcement activities (for example, Art. 23, 25 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation allow limitation of the secrets of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages, penetration into the dwelling against the will of living in it persons on the basis of a court decision), federal laws, some of which have the status of constitutional, since they are accepted on the issues provided for by the Constitution.

These laws are divided into the following groups:

General (for example, FZ "On the basics of the State Service of the Russian Federation", FZ "On state protection of judges, law enforcement officials and regulatory authorities", FZ "On appealing to the court of action and decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens", etc.) ;

About the judiciary, justice and courts (for example, the Federal Law "On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation", FZ "On the status of judges in the Russian Federation", FKZ "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation", FKZ "On arbitration courts in the Russian Federation, "etc.);

About the prosecutor's supervision and prosecutor's office (for example, FZ "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", etc.);

On the organization of investigation of crimes (for example, the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, FZ "On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes", etc.);

About operational investigative activities (for example, FZ "On operational-search activities", etc.);

On security in the Russian Federation and the bodies of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (for example, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security", FZ "On the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation", FZ "On State Protection", etc.);

On the internal affairs bodies and divisions of the Russian Federation "On Militia", FZ "On the Internal Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", etc.);

On ensuring the implementation of court decisions (FZ "On the Bailiffs", the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Enforcement Procedure", the Law of the Russian Federation "On the institutions and bodies performing criminal punishments in the form of imprisonment", etc.);

On legal assistance and institutions, implementing it (FZ "about advocacy and advocacy in the Russian Federation", the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the notary, etc.);

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation (these decrees, for example, approved provisions on the Security Council of the Russian Federation, on the coordination of the activities of law enforcement agencies to combat crime, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, and so on.);

The norms of international law and agreements concluded by the Russian Federation. Generally accepted principles and norms of international law in accordance with Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are an integral part of the legal system of the Russian Federation;

Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation (decree and disposal on the basis of and pursuant to the Constitution, federal laws and regulations of the President of the Russian Federation);

Departmental acts (orders, instructions issued by the heads of relevant ministries and departments: the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the Ministers of the Interior, Justice, etc.).

The Federal Law of May 27, 2003 N 58-FZ "On the Public Service system" provides that law enforcement service is an independent type of public service. This means that the relationship of law enforcement service is regulated by independent legislation, which has a certain specificity compared with the legislation on the civil service.

Currently, a draft federal law "On the Law Enforcement Service of the Russian Federation" was prepared, which is intended to establish in accordance with the law N 58-FZ the main provisions of the organization and functioning of the law enforcement service of the Russian Federation.

His item constitutes legal relations related to the arrival of a citizen on the state law enforcement service, its passage and termination.

Law enforcement service as a type of federal civil service of the Russian Federation is a professional work on the posts of state law enforcement service in the system of federal law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

Recall that the doctrine among the main directions of law enforcement includes:

Protection of legality and law enforcement;

Protection of human rights and freedoms;

Countering crimes and other offenses.

Signs of law enforcement agencies carrying out these activities in the state are recognized:

The state nature of the organization and activity;

Performance of tasks specially trained personnel;

The implementation of law enforcement activities in accordance with the procedure established by law;

Stipulated by law and grounds for law enforcement;

The possibility of appealing the actions of law enforcement agencies in official and judicial procedure;

Responsibility of officials for violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Accordingly, the system of federal law enforcement agencies in which law enforcement service is carried out, the law should be assigned to:

Prosecutor's office; organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

FSB bodies;

Bodies of the Ministry of Justice;

Internal affairs bodies;

Border organs of the FSB;

Bodies of the bailiffs of the Ministry of Justice;


State fire service authorities;

The controls of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances.

For all these organs, a certain combination of law enforcement functions is characterized, which unites them by state bodies into a single system. Among them:

Ensuring the rule of law (suppression of administrative offenses and prevention and prevention of crimes);

Participation in criminal proceedings (criminal prosecution, operational search activities, preliminary investigation in the form of inquiry and preliminary investigation);

Court charge;

Execution of sentences.

The draft law is aimed at ensuring the reform and development of law enforcement service, an increase in the effectiveness of its functioning in order to strengthen the legal state and the formation of civil society. It reflects the applicable law enforcement services and positively proven in the practice of the current regulatory mechanisms in law enforcement agencies.

In the bill, the continuity of the norms of the current legislation is combined with the introduction in relation to the law enforcement service of innovative ideas about the systematic services of the Russian Federation and co-relating to its species.

The bill establishes the obligation of official relations only on a contract basis, introduces a competitive procedure for selection to substitution of individual posts, categorization and grouping of law enforcement posts, service regulations, the possibility of rotation of a number of managers (planned movement on an equivalent or higher position), resolving conflict of interests and other legal mechanisms Founding on the concept of reforming the system of the civil service of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2001, N PR-1496.

The provisions of the draft law regulate official legal relations in the implementation professional activity Citizens of the Russian Federation in law enforcement posts in federal state bodies carrying out law enforcement functions: to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, providing public security, legality and law enforcement, combating crime, etc. The design of the draft law, linking the issue of the passage of law enforcement with functions These organs, makes it possible to get away from consolidation in the law of their list. This makes it possible to subsequently eliminate the need to make amendments to it in the event of a change in law enforcement system.

The project is invited to legally consolidate the generally accepted state-owned provisions for the union and subordination, the unity of the organization of the passage of the service, compulsory professional selection upon admission to the law enforcement service.

The direction of the bill to stimulate an employee's official growth indicates the need to have initial basic specialized training and improvement of professional qualities during the service period, not excluding full-time education during the passage of law enforcement service.

The draft law is preserved by traditional law enforcement institutions assignment in accordance with the post-held special ranks and class ranks, fixed system approaches According to their correlation with military titles and cool ranks in the civil service.

State control is a necessary element of public administration, the function of government bodies and is intended to ensure the normal life of society. Control "represents one of the most important channels for obtaining objective information about the life of society as a whole, about those political, economic and social processes that occur in the state, about the activities of its authorities and management." The order of organization and activities of state control has always been paid to special attention. This is evidenced by the currently conducted reform of the control activities of the state within the framework of administrative transformations.

To date, the system of state bodies was characterized by focusing in one body of simultaneously managerial, regulating, as well as permissive and control functions, which created a favorable environment for abuse and corruption. There were many parallelism and duplication in the work of the control bodies, there was no clear coordination of control activities, the regulatory legal framework regulating the conduct of control and supervisory measures was required.

Therefore, one of the main problems of legal regulation was the improvement of the state control system in the Russian Federation, which was repeatedly indicated in the messages of the President of the Russian Federation. The primary tasks of reforming the state control system are planned:

Reducing the number of inspections and improving their quality, improving the organizational and legal status of control and supervisory authorities;

Unification of their powers;

Creating a single legal field for conducting control and supervisory functions by the state.

One of the stages of solving these tasks was the adoption of August 8, 2001 of the Federal Law No. 134-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision). The specified law was established a single procedure for conducting measures to control (supervision), a definition of state control was given, the basic principles of protecting the rights of legal entities in the implementation of state control, and the competence of all levels of government was distinguished. At the same time, a number of questions remained unresolved, in particular, an effective mechanism for the organization of state control and oversight in the country was not created, taking into account the positive provisions enshrined in the law.

Supervisory activities in its traditional understanding is not the main dominant here. The leadership of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation is managed by the Federal Services of this type, the competence and individual powers of these authorities are determined, service leaders are appointed, their deputies and leaders of territorial bodies. In general, administrative and legal status is established by special laws. So, for example, by the Federal Law of January 10, 1996, N 5-FZ "On External Intelligence" and the Federal Law of April 3, 1995 N 40-FZ "On the Federal Security Service" identified special main areas of activity of the respective state bodies. This is a reconnaissance and counterintelligence activities, the fight against crime and terrorism, the protection of borders, the provision of information security, regulatory legal regulation specified activities. In addition, in accordance with the Federal Law of August 8, 2001, N 128-FZ "On the licensing of certain types of activities" and adopted in accordance with it, the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the above authorities are assigned a corresponding function.

In essence, federal services, the management of which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, are the symbiosis of the Federal Ministry, the Federal Service and the Federal Agency.

Coordination and control over the activities of the services carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Ministry, respectively, include, in particular, the approval of the annual work plans and reports on their execution, the giving mandatory to execute orders, the abolition of contradictory federal legislation Decisions of federal services. The federal minister appoints as posts and relieves deputy head of the federal service and leaders of its territorial bodies. The exceptions are federal services, the management of which is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

An analysis of the regulatory legal acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation recently allows us to draw the following conclusions about the administrative legal status of federal services that carry out the functions of control and supervision.

First of all, this type of federal executive bodies acts as a sectoral authority. Accordingly, the documents approved by the government concerning the federal services is denoted by the sphere or industry in which a specific federal service performs functions for control and supervision. For example, paragraph 1 of the Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2004 N 201 "The Questions of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision" establishes that the specified body performs its functions in the field of veterinary medicine, quarantine and plant protection, selection achievements, guard , reproduction, using animal objects, related to objects of hunting, water biological resources.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the control bodies have other specific objectives arising from the very essence of the state's control activities, since state control performs functions: providing information on the activities of the authorities of legal entities and individuals, adjustments, social prevention and law enforcement. Thus, along with the purpose of implementing public policy, it is necessary to allocate: ensuring the compliance of the activities of controlled (supervised) bodies, legal entities and citizens with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents, as well as ensuring in the established procedure of federal executive bodies, executive bodies The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, interested legal and individuals necessary information on the subject of activity of these federal services.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004, N 314 identified the main functions of federal services operating on control and supervision functions, namely:

The implementation of control and supervisory measures for the execution by government bodies, local government bodies, their officials, individuals and legal entities of general obligatory rules and requirements established by regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents; implementing licensing of certain types of activities and other permitting activities (accreditation, certification, etc.);

Implementation of the registration of physical, legal entities and entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity, real estate objects, individual types of transactions, public organizations, departmental regulatory legal acts, etc.

Thus, it can be stated that the approved provisions on federal services do not fully reflect the basic provisions of the administrative reform, and their scheme and content need to be improved in accordance with the objectives and goals defined by the President of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the construction of an effective system of control and supervision authorities is advisable to develop, taking into account the positive provisions developed by theory and practice. Currently, it is necessary to solve the main problems in this direction:

Ensuring the independence of control (supervisory) bodies;

Exhaustive definition of legal status and, above all, the competence of control and supervisory authorities of the executive system on a uniform basis;

Unification of functions and powers of control and supervisory authorities in the executive system; legal regulation of interaction and coordination of the activities of various control and supervisory authorities.

2.2 Evaluation of national security

Regarding the relationship between the state and the Security Society in the Presidential Message, it is argued that "ensuring the national security of the country is impossible without actively participating in this process of public organizations and citizens, which requires the formation of special mechanisms to participate democracy." The participation of political parties and public organizations in the development of the state security strategy is positively assessed in the concept of national security of the Russian Federation. The document notes that "the broad participation of political parties and public associations in developing a national security strategy" is one of the factors that allow "to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation and its progressive development in the twentieth century." The concept directly focuses on the interaction of the state and society in the field of national security. It is indicated that "the mandatory and indispensable condition for the effective protection of the national interests of Russia" is "ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation through joint targeted activities of state and public institutions, as well as citizens participating in identifying, preventing various human security threats, society and state And in countering them. "

Currently, there has been a significant expansion of submission of security, both in relation to objects of encroachment and in relation to the sources of danger, and in fundamental issues in determining the concept of "security", it is still underway either about the ability (sometimes property, quality) of any Systems to resist encroachments, or about the state of the object, characterized by the security of the danger or the absence of the very possibility of destructive impact. This was clearly manifested in the adoption of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020.

In the national security strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 N 537, this conceptual apparatus is detailed. At the same time, the concept of "national security" is introduced, that is, the state of the security of the personality, society and the states from internal and external threats, which allows for constitutional rights, freedoms, decent quality and standard of living of citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and state security. The "threat of national security" is considered as a direct or indirect possibility of damaging by constitutional rights, freedoms, decent quality and level of living of citizens, sovereignty and territorial integrity, sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and state security.

According to Patrusheva N.P., to effectively ensure national security requires the correct assessment of potential and existing threats. The formation of their classification can be laid various criteria, in particular, at the location and formation of sources of danger, the object of encouraging and the field of implementation, the degree of openness and scale of manifestation, the possibility and time of their implementation. It should be noted that the excessive crushing of threats to species and subspecies makes it difficult to organize actions to suppress them. Modern challenges and threats to the national security of Russia are usually integrated: various threats that are able to create a mutually enhancing effect can be focused on the same objects in the security system. This feature necessitates the need to use new forms and working methods to actively oppose them and timely neutralization of possible negative consequences.

The strategy noted that the main task of strengthening national defense in the medium term is the transition to a qualitatively new appearance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. For this, in particular, execution is ensured. state programs and orders for the development, creation and modernization of weapons, military and special equipment (p. 32). In the strategy under consideration, a task was made to complete the transition to a unified system of orders by the federal executive bodies of weapons, military and special equipment for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as a unified system of rear and technical support. It is also indicated that the regulatory and legal regulation of maintaining reserves in the state and mobilization reserve (§ 33) should be ensured.

Ensuring the national security of the country can not only be reduced only to the strengthening of defense capability and ensuring the effectiveness of special structures guarding its state and public interests. The foundation of such safety is the economic independence, the preservation of the country, its people of the original culture, the consciousness of the value of the latter and based on this feeling of self-esteem. The country can lose a lot in the material plan, but it is capable of reviving while it retains its spiritual, cultural and intellectual potential. Meanwhile, destructive processes that have developed throughout the almost two preceding decades (leave for brackets last years The existence of the Soviet system), touched upon the spiritual sphere no less than economic. Therefore, determining as strategic goal The modernization of the country, its innovative development, it is important to carefully develop a system of measures aimed at the preservation and development of culture, that is, "an innovative economy can be formed only in a certain social context as part of an innovative culture based on humanistic ideals, creative freedom, on an effort to improve quality improvement life. " It seems that improvement legal basis Modernization in the field of culture should follow two directions: by changing the current conceptual documents on national security and through the development and adoption of the concept of culture and cultural development of the country. Of course, the development of such documents is preceded by comprehensive interdisciplinary scientific research. With regard to social sciences, any social phenomena cannot obtain a universal description, but should be considered in a specific historical and sociocultural context, which predetermines their content.


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