The most famous heroes of the comics

Do you like wondering movies about superheroes and action movies? You wondered if there were more illustrations in the bottom, Tim more beautiful? That means 25 spring yak once your day, princess geek! Also, all superhero lovers will celebrate the National Day of Comics. In the Bagatian lands, comics have long become a part of the book culture, and the names of those who know behind it occupy the first ranks in the ratings and shock the box office with the size. So it’s just an hour to talk about the beloved characters in the comics-all-events Marvel and DC! We vibrated the smashing heroes and, as a matter of fact, they knew them nearer.


Batman is familiar with Superman, mabut, we want to know and see the best superheroes. Yogo image to be built even more mystical and frown - a black suit with kazhan wukhs, fearful Betmobil, vbivstvo Batkiv, headquarters in Syroi Pechery. In general, so there і, Batman, well, bruce Wayne, bruce Wayne, to finish the depressive type, like, judging from us, having signed the contract "I am thinking of laughing to find 1000 rockets" Naskіlki tse mozhlivo, 5 simple pleasures for people over 30 ". You can, very well, allow you to fight so effectively against the evil of Gotem, well, more than five others - Robins and a little variation Betgerl.

Super healthy:

Batman has a lot of superpowers. Well, well, absolutely none. Vinyatkov's majesty in the battle masters and endless training, as well as overwhelming intellect and unique technical tools, allowed them to become one of the greatest superheroes in the whole DC world. The very image of this is so friendly to people, and even to a zvychayna lyudin, so zoom to stand in a row with such heroes, like Superman and Divo-Zhinka.


About Batman there are the most screenshots - 12 film adaptations, 13 animated films and more than 7 have not entered the screens of the paintings. To be built, as the director of everything, you can't stop, know and know, ale and not against - more than Batman, more beautiful. Axis i Ben Affleck may be so important.


Superman, or Kal-El, or according to the folk Clark Kent is the protagonist of Batman. A simple kid from Kansas, who grew up in seven farmers, for the most part, the last representative of the planet Krypton (the Andromeda galaxy is about 2.5 million light rocks from the Earth, I honestly think). Buv sent to Earth by his dad at the last moment before її domination. Win Volodya we will welcome the honor of justice, vikhovanim of the family, Clark will set up her numbers to help people.

Super healthy:

Superman has a lot of goodness - super-strength, super-quickness, super-hearing, indifference, regeneration (it’s all the same to snag), in the middle of summer, X-ray vision, as well as a laser glance, as if it weren’t right. One of the few weaknesses is the incidence of radioactive mineral Cryptonite (also arriving from Krypton).


Superman did not expect him to be superpublished, for example, 1938, on the very ear of his life on the sides of comics, Superman is not a superpower, but since the beginning of his life, he was assigned only stories in 1941, but you can write about the future. serialization.


It's time to expand the cholovichy championship in cubes by a heroic representative of a wonderful stati. There is about the Amazon princess Diana (the sight of the ancient Greek goddess of love is not a vipadkova). Vona was born on the mystical island Temeskira, roztashovany in the center of the Bermuda trikutnik (the axis of the kudi all the letters disappear) in a purely female suspension. Volodya is a superb publishing house, given by Aphrodite, the patron saint of all Amazons.

Super healthy:

Diana is a warrior, Volodya's superpower, super-fluidity, nervously vitriolic, being led by the young species of animals, ale vazhaє for the beauty of Lasso the truth, as I want to tell the truth and brace me.


The idea of ​​the character Diani Bula was proponated by a psychologist named William Marston, the creator of the polygraph (detector of nonsense), and the tsei vinakhid became the prototype of the magical lasso Diani.


Geniy, milyarder, playboy, phylanthrop - tell me, how does it sound? Wonderful, Robert Downey, the youngest! Oh, ni, sori, have mercy, but the yak is similar. Nі, mova іde all the same about the wygadan character, but about Entony Edwards "Toni" Startsi itself. Yogo can be played with a Batman-like character to all Marvel. Great, with Bruce Wayne, they have a lot of spiel: a lot of recession, tragically lost their dads and became superheroes without any superpowers, and deprived of the zealous intellect (well, a penny could have helped). However, Stark has a real prototype, a winemaker and an adventurer Howard Hughes, a report about which you can learn in the material "Top-10: Filmy, based on real podіyah".

Super healthy:

In comics repulsor technology (the reactor is located in the breasts of Stark), the bullet is tied with a brain, that is why it is connected with the energy fields on the rivn, inaccessible to ordinary people, so the very benefit of the multiplicity of benefits Armor Zaliznu Lyudin gave Stark a superpower, he can carry up to 100 tons in the standard suit mode, in addition, the reactive cogs allow you to let go. The suit also has a lot of energy: rockets, repulsorbays, lasers, flamethrowers. Feeling humor and sarcasm Toni can also be recorded in a whole series.


Well known in his biography, Tony Stark joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of 15 and finished it all for 2 years with diplomas. And yet for the role of Zaliznoi Lyudin, claiming Tom Cruise and Nicola Cage, the axis of the tse bulo b zovsim іnshe kino.


Chorna Widow or Natasha Romanoff was born imovirno in 1928 in Stalingrad (Nini Volgograd). For the hour of the Other Holy War, the won lost the fathers, the bully was hidden from the burning booth by a Radiansky soldier, who for some hour became an opikun. Having grown up, Natasha had a meal in the organization of "Chervona Kimnata" (The Red Room), de passed the number of trainings, and she herself was part of the program "Chorna Widow" from the captain of America, only radianskiy option). The bosses, Natasha, can be victorious for the potency of her body: strength, dullness, speed, sprittness, etc. Such a woman is also effective in her trustworthy old age. First of all, because of the drive of her own way of life, she traped herself for that yak Sokolina Oko (Hawkeye) vryatuvav її.

Super healthy:

Vaughn is a meister of boyovyh mystery, as well as professionally volodya with a cold that inognepalny zbroєyu and swagger. Expect to wear black bracelets, which are attached to the bracelets, as well as a belt with metal discs, for which vibrating and bracelets are placed. A suit of vikoniyas with stretch shkiri and suction cups on the lobes and feet, which allows you to go along the walls.


Є a brew, which is tied by distant ties with the Romanov dynasty, and the date of the nation is dated to the ear of the 20th century (three more than 70 years !!! So, she has nothing like that). I wanted to be a ballerina, I didn’t wanna be, but earlier I could literally tell someone.

Zapobіgti a terrible threat or vryatuvati people see in the middle of the most powerful superhero. Do you know who you can be?

Admittedly, if Lyudin-Pavuk has forgotten his udom suit, he wouldn’t be able to come to the end of the day, and the Toru axis is not needed. Ale і of a mighty god є his own shortcomings ...

Strong characters from DC Comics and Marvel:

The whole superhero inspires, fear and see. However, all the middle wine fluffy and intelligent Henry McCoy is one of the participants in the valiant command of the "X Men".

Super strength: phenomenal rosiness, health before regeneration, athletic performance.

Kam'yanu a statue of a sandy colorah - a niggardly and eminent hero. It sounds like Benjamin Grimm, who used to be a human being, and having eaten in an electromagnet viprominuvannya on the third planet, becoming similar to a monster. However, in Beni they lost some sense and became a part of the "Fantastic Four".

Zdіbnostі: professional pilot, master of boyovyh myststv, nezlamna kam'yan shkіra.

Beautiful, sweet, vitoncena of the princess with a batog is also seen as Diana s Temiskiri. Vona is ready to stand up to be a kind of anti-hero and vitrimate the onslaught of the whole visitor, and the Wonder Woman is a member of the Justice League.

Special strengths: spokushannya, polit, unpopular shvidkist.

A superhero shvidshe sound of vidomy by name P'utro Maksimoff Volodya is a firm character and love to fire on the door. Yaksho bazhaєte the knowledge of a Marvel character is more beautiful - to marvel at the fantastic film "X-Men: Days of the Last Maybut".

Possibilities: Mercury can beat Formula-1 racers and move for an hour at a time when you change the call for the extra special crystal.

Brilliant superheroes, Doctor of Sciences and student, who graduated from the University of Chotiri. Rid Richards was born and viral with a wicked people, but its significance was not in the appearance of new formulas in mathematics and geometry, but in the order of the people in the Fantastic Four team.

Particular strengths: dullness, geniality, strength to the point.

Folding podlitok, people in Harlem (New York), but not in a big way and great health. However, he wondered if he chose the path of goodness and became the owner of the great metropolis.

Health: sprit, vitality, quick update of reports and wounds.

The superhero from the command of the "Wart's Galaxy" will be a witchy human, leaving without losing his family. Kronos is destroying the strongest superheroes, who will stand up against Thanos.

Strength: extrasensory health, you can launch energetic discharges and miraculously metaє knives at the enemy.

Vona is a focussed person from Russia. Natasha Romanova is willing to call up any general of the Russian army and bring the bully out of the galaxy, but all the same, she is recognized on earth in the command of "Mesnikov".

Strength: hypnotic infusion, hopefully old and over-human immunity.

Zuhvaliy, spritny and genetic multi-millionaire of great vidoms on the name of Toni Stark. Having taken away the majestic statuses from his father, he has passed over one meta: the oppressive enemy and the destroyer of the planet Earth.

Good superhero to play in your suit and smart wine, and not safe games before the hour of the battle.

Win in the midst of a supersonic bar'eri, and rush yak bliskavka in all light. Jay Garrik - so just call it like that in a fair way, let’s get some cava in Paris, make a good call in New York, marvel at Chervona Ploshcha in Russia and turn around to finish drinking a fragrant drink.

Possibilities: you can move in the hour and add supersonic speed.

Zatskovat superhero from the planet Zenn-La. Buv populations with a special intellect and can provide cosmic energy. Є one of the participants of the Fantastic Four.

Health: managing space facilities and flying to surfing services.

The first treasurer of Gotham and the good man of justice in the person of Bruce Wayne's bagacy. Win ready for feats of good fortune, but only once to go into a deaf kut and shukak disagreement there, de ich is dumb.

The spirits of a strong superhero are filled with wealth, like the boules of usadkovany from the fathers, ale vicoristani with good meanings. Vin is a mother of shpigunism, it is wonderful to be in hand-to-hand combat, and also not to be afraid of hanging.

A young lad with the talent of an artist was honored with the honor of being a priest of the past. The idea of ​​the introduction of Steve Rogers has lost the callousness of a thin American and became a force in the eyes of the New States.

Strength: a monstrous acrobat, I know everything about Viy's training and Volodya's unhuman tributes.

Gostriy in the language, unbearable in battle and fair romantic, James Howlett, puckering his foldable life path. Vin became a superhero for a long time to experiment, as if he destroyed the skeleton of James as stiff as possible.

Healthier: the instinct of the animal, the very fix, the hopelessly old and the supernatural skeleton.

Winning the hippest superhero with outstanding zdіbnosti. Glory to the first watered Henk Pim came, if it changed to goose bumps and go super awesome.

Capabilities: growth management, wide knowledge in chemistry and biology.

This is not a "Charivnik from the Land of Oz", but a colossal neurosurgeon, who lost his squad in a car accident. Winning know how to seek the help of black and white magic, protesting by saying goodbye to the human day.

Strengths: magic, telepathy, hypnosis and levitation.

Being an extravagant child, Peter Parker is a great intellect and can play any kind of badass. Ale, do not marvel at your childish wasteland, Peter is ready to be hungry and everywhere beats in Pershu for the great and beautiful place of New York.

Possibilities: Volodya Pavukovykh chuttyam і style of battle, fast striking in cold weather and practical widening in every day.

Wonder on the sides, if Devid Banner instructs you, even with a strong hand you can destroy the majestic metropolis, throw the US Air Force's vinischu yak pir'yachko, and the enemies need to be afraid and be able to stay in the field.

The power of the polarity is in the yo mutuvati organism and immortality, how to manifest itself, if Baner is angry and turns green Hulk.

Mighty Syn One zdatny one blow of the hammer of the Viclycati earthquake on the planet Earth. Ale vin vistupa on the side of good and a key participant in the cheerleader "Mesnikiv".

Health: managing the weather, immortality, polity, vitrification, magic.

A young lad from a farm on the road to become a freak from the planet Krypton. Win wiggle with the family of Kent, and become a bright blue, like growing up, go to the newspaper "Daily Planet" and for the sumptuous ryatuє light of obvious threats.

Special strengths: super hearing, x-ray vision, vipalyuvati ochima, as well as shouting viter, indifference, regeneration, immortality, polity and everything, but only Superman.

Yaksho bazhaєte oscarzhiti tsei krutiy TOP 20 characters You need to be a superhero. Marvel at the most beautiful movie from the "Movie-Postscript". Follow the updates on the head and in social fringes... Let's play in movies!

The first comics appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries, and became past, XX. Tsі malovanі іstorії became part of the mass culture. We also learned about superheroes from comics, how to fight against super-badass and scold people. Simple plots of cich histories are easy to screen, giving rise to a series of species-specific films.

Comics in our country are not as popular as in America. There shanuvalniki of the whole book genre celebrate the national day of comics. There are a lot of funs in the specialty stores that want to update their own books with a new book, bought from a book.

And we came up with a comic buli in Europe! But the States themselves became "Mecco". It was there that there appeared some characters of comics, those who became heroes of species and lustful films.

This character was born in 1932 by the writers of the writers Jerry Sigel and the artist Joe Shuster. Clark Kent appeared to be left, who saw a human from the bend of the planet Krypton. Overwhelmed with unnatural strength, he became the first superhero of comics. Superman became a cult character for children, this phenomenon was introduced by philosophers and culturologists. Umberto Eko himself vivchav, as the history of this superhero was born in svitov_y culture, the writer especially respect came to the charming health of the hero. The history of Superman has been repeatedly screened, the history of the past has been continued. Not vipadkovo in 2011, Superman became the first in IGN's list of "100 Greatest Heroes of Comics".

And the whole cult character of the complicity of the projects by Bob Kane, for the first time appearing on the sidelines of the magazine "Detective Comics" back in 1939. And in the rest of the rock, the director Kristofer Nolan made a series of his hard-hitting films about Batman, giving history to a friend. І in this vypadku, you can’t let it go, but the hero is alive to his subordinate lives. Ale as Clark Kent is an official clerk, then Bruce Wayne is a billionaire. If Superman rewinds zlochints for the help of extraordinary possibilities and physical strength, then Batman will be brought up only to his own mind, will and knowledge of the boy's mysteries. Kindly, the superhero knew the pomichs - the butler Alfred, who became another dad for the orphan Wayne, the partner Robin and the police commissar James Gordon.

Who said, are the heroes of the comics guilty of being essentially positive? Joker zoom is a true legend of the genre and a favorite of numerous readers. The popularity of the character was inspired by the story about Batman, in which the hero did not bother to drive his own gate. In 1989, Jack Nicholson and in 2007 Heath Ledger played from the evil side, the evil genius bliscule, as if he was cast for the role of the Oscar psychopath. I would like the character to have more than sixty rocks, but I really don't see anything about it. Seemingly, a great patient of psychiatric medicine Arkhem putting on helpless masks. Ale unknowingly, I was deprived of a wicked laugh, lyaka, and th intriguyucha.

The season is increasingly associated with a star football player. Ale zh vin otrimav his own note in honor of the hero of the comics. Fantastically stronger іstota was invented in 1962 by Rots of Walls and Jack Kirby. Silent Pir Hal become one of the most famous characters from the Marvel company. The hero's wickedness is built as standard - you are brought to fight against evil villains. For the most part, in the history of the Hulk, self-reliance, unreasonable and internal struggle is hoped. And all sincerely because the physicist Bruce Benner in his walk had survived for an hour the vibuha of viprominuvannya, as it transformed him into a terrible monster. Varto tilki Bruce start to get angry, as soon as he turns to the Hulk. The very hero just needs to be in control of himself. For the first time in the show of the greenery of Marvel heroes, the giant stood up to see both the numerical heroes, and the zealots.

Tsya іstorіya is especially popular among young people, as well as a superman for the first time in the statistic of children. Until 1962, rock teenagers could have lost their minds about those who would become a friend for mighty heroes. And Sten Li and Stiv Ditko invented the history of Peter Parker. Yoho life was not easy - the guilt in the dynasty was turned against the fathers, they were overwhelmed by the guilt of the uncles and the dicks. Friends at Peter may not be, I am in confrontation with one-liners and vvazhaє for the beautiful suspension of books, for less food. Ale once the life of the boy changed sharply - through the bite of a special pavuk, he got a charming gift. The superhero is hanging on to climbing walls, koristuvatisya pavutinoy, perechuvati not safe and spontaneously beat. Bagatykh superheroes have mentors, and Peter Parker's axis was read to his own special tips independently.

The American writer and artist has completed the whole series of comics "Misto Grіkhiv". There were no classic positive heroes, but Zhovtiy Virodok was clearly seen in the middle of all the bags of Beisin-City. Roark, the youngest, was a member of the Vplivovoy bandi, who allowed the youmu to do evil without caring. Win a little bit of hubbub, so youmu can get away with it. Aleksey once, the heroic detective Hartigan vryatuvav one of the victims of Rork and shot that organi. Likars vryatuvati vryatuvati fell into a coma of a negidnik, ale vin, having lost the coli of shkiri and having removed an unacceptable smell. You need to tell me that Zhovty Virodok is a single color character of the black-and-white comic. It could be, the same thing, it broke him with one of the most colorful and exciting genre.

Formerly cute dog breed Bigl appeared in the Peanuts comix in 1950 rots. Yogo "father" became the artist Charles Schultz. The story about the fit of the little ones of the child's wake was shown by the tsikava, which were immediately overpowered by all the provincial newspapers in America. Alle the popularity of his comix of goiters, Snoopy himself. Tsey is a true friend of the eight-sided Charlie Brown. beastly dog with primitive and simple thoughts. In an hour, the hero is leaning down smoothly to hang up and wind up his life to the power of his life. The dog has become either a lawyer in the court, or a mysterious writer-romance, authorizing Snoopy to find a pilot in the rock of the First World War. In real life, the image of the hero of the comic has appeared in demand. The image of Snoopy can be seen on T-shirts, stitches and pencil cases, before the emblem of the technical support of the US UPU. About the same viznannya bogato heroes and not mriyut.

The creatures of their own charm, the ice whale has become a fabulous lover. And the artist Jim Devis dissolved the hero in 1978. Garfield shvidko became a popular American hero. The cat is so tedious that it’s so boring for you to be able to constantly cheer over people. With a lot of guilt, especially I do not get tired. To that and to be created, to feel the cat's goodness and good luck, I would like to live, ale not far away. So, endlessly in Garfield, Odd's dog from his susid will take away from one stusani, and those cats will vikonuyut all the duties of his "boss". I wish Garfield's character is not easy, I can't help but bend it. Who can not be honored with the gentleness of the majesty, that such a lovely kit? Prior to that, Garfield had gone to drink up to the Guinness Book of Records, like the best friend comics.

On the list of one hundred of the most beautiful heroes of comics, the character occupies a fourth place. Wolverine is also unaware to enter until the number of wiggling and immortal characters. For the first time, the readers learned about it in 1974 in the 180th edition of the comics about the Hulk. Writer Lion Wayne and artist John Romit Sr. came up with a mutant with unhuman zdіbstvennosti. The wolverine is especially healthy before regeneration, as it allows you to see if you have important injuries. The skin of the hero has three claws-blades each. The fearless hero witnessed Volodya in hand-to-hand combat, winning the fight for the CIA and taking part in both war trials. From 1982 to rock Wolverine otrimav sv_y vlstniy komix. And in 2000, the hero appeared in the movie - the image in six films with H'yu Jackman.

The hero is one of the oldest, and the second is not the most popular. The story of Steven Rogers was invented by writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby. For the entire hour of the Captain of America in 75 countries, more than 210 million copies of comics about the new one were sold. The very hour of the hero's appearance, 1941 rіk, zoomed the patriotic spirit of the character. They often imagined that they were fighting against the Nazis. Particularly the popularity of the Capitan of America fell on the rock of the Other Holy War, and in the 1950s, the axis became no longer the style of tsikavia. Comix rozpov about those, like a sickly youngster Steve Rogers, having taken a dose of experimental syrovatka, she helped him to reach the maximum of his form for the benefit of his native land. The captain is dressed in a suit of the color of the national ensign, and in his hands is a non-rounded shield. I want the hero not to take away the strength of the people, but we will thoroughly develop the development, how strong the strength, speed, vitality and reaction

Wygadan is a superhero, a character from DC Comics, who first appeared in Detective Comics # 27 in 1939 rock. Buv works by the artist Bob Kane in co-authorship with the writer Bill Finger, protest official Kane is the only author of the character.

Batman is a superhero who is not overpowered, but vikoristovuyu vlastny intellect and physical training

Multiplyarder Bruce Wayne, the head of Wayne Enterprises, whose fathers, Thomas and Martha Wayne were driven right in front of him, show off the mask of a dark face. The directors of the tsiy podії, Bruce virіshiv fought against evil and put on Batman's mask.

Super healthy:

Batman is one of the superheroes who doesn’t want to be overdone, but rather viciously has a strong intellect and physical training. Stretching out all the hour, Batman introduces himself as one of the detectives who have turned to light. Win the master of masquerading and often speak to the names of the seeming gangster Siernica Malone for collecting information from all over the midst of malignant sportsmanship. Krym, the character is often described as one of the greatest Mysteries of Boyovy Mistresses in all DCs, which is able to play against the heroes of single combats, such as Ledi Shiva, Bronze Tiger and Richard the Dragon. The knowledge of the wild genus of fighting techniques will be upgraded to the mastery of the volodymy by the sword and knives, as well as the accuracy of the shooting.

2. Superman / Superman

A superhero comics, which is released by the DC Comics company. Winning for the icon of American culture. Inventions by writer Jeri Siegel and artist Joe Schuster and sales of Detective Comics, the character first appeared on the sidelines of Action Comics.

One of Superman's uncommon weaknesses is his infestation to radioactive mineral Cryptonite.

Years later, it appears in new radio broadcasts, TV programs, films, on newspaper brackets and in video games. With his success, Superman helped to expand the superhero genre and took over the world of American comics.

Super healthy:

Superman has a lot of goodness - super-strength, super-quickness, super-hearing, indifference, regeneration, in the face of letters, X-ray vision, and also a laser glance. One of the non-magical weaknesses is the incidence of radioactive minerals, Cryptonite.

3. Zalizna lyudin / Iron man

Superhero comics of the Marvel Comics and their adaptations, created by writer Sten Lee, screenwriter Larry Lieber and artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby.

Armor Zaliznu Lyudin gave Stark a superfluous strength and a physical zahist

In the first version of his biography, Tony Stark, a genial winemaker and a rich promisor with the reputation of a playboy, is suffering from the woundedness he had been wounded from the polonies, who were motivated to destroy them for terrorist attacks. To replace the whole, I am opening a high-tech suit-armor, for the rest of which I am full.

Super healthy:

Armor Zaliznu Lyudin gave Stark a supernatural strength and physical zagist. Stark can be fed up to 90 tons in standard operation mode, in addition to reactive gloves and reactive mittens allow you to get lithuania. In the suit, it can also be re-energized like repulsor exchanges on the arms, rockets, lasers and flamethrowers. Uni luch in the center of the breast of the house of the building vyprominuvati of the development of light energy, and it is easy to take revenge on the attachment of the connection, which is possessed for scanning and recording attitudes.

4. Black Widow

The character is all about Marvel Comics. Bula was created by editor Sten Lee, writer Don Riko and artist Don Heck. Not so much about the Black Widow to the Other Holy Day. Natalia Romanova was born in Stalingrad (Volgograd). Inadvertently, they fired up the housewives, Natasha lived in her family. Mother threw Natasha from the window directly into the hands of Ivan Petrovich, a soldier of Radiansk.

In 2011, Chorna the Widow took 74th place in the list of 100 best heroes of comics for the version of IGN

Having grown up, she got stuck in Oleksia Shostakova (pilot-viprobuvacha) and went for a new change, albeit unbarred Oleksia Guine, for an hour, tried to test the experimental rocket. Natasha was very grieved and wanted, so people remembered the cholovik. Vona virishila vshanuvati the memory of Oleksiy and the achievement of his honor - become an operative. In a dozen hour won’t come to the Academy of Chervona Kimnati and one of the women trained for operational robots

Super healthy:

Chorna the Widow in a miraculous physical form - Volodya in gymnastics, ballet; an expert of boyovyh mastetstv, including karate, aikido, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, sambo, savat, ізні styles of kung-fu; professionally volodya cold that in the gut of fire and cuddles of spygunism.

5. Ludina pavuk / Spiderman

Superhero comic view of Marvel Comics, shot by Wall Lee and Steve Ditko. At the moment of your first, appear on the sidelines of the Amazing Fantasy comics # 15 win, becoming one of the most popular superheroes.

According to History Channel biologists, in reality, a bite of a radioactive pavuk is not enough for detecting a genetic mutation

Chi and Ditko conceived of a character as an orphan child, wicked by an uncle and a tit, as a single life of a servant student and a fighter against evil.

Super healthy:

Peter Parker was responsible for bites by radioactive pavuk, as a result of which he rejected the suspicion for the mutagenic enzymes in the pawuk bran, which were given to him for optimization. In the original histories by the authorship of Li and Ditko Lyudina-pavuk seems to be on the bright lines, volodya over human strength, we think (“lightly sensitive”), as if we didn’t think it was safe

6. Green Lantern

I’m helpless characters, superheroes, who appeared in comics, and are seen by DC Comics. Pershy, Alan Scott, accessed by Bill Finger and artist Martin Nodell.

Kozhen Zeleniy Likhtar is a kyletssem of strength, which gives you great control over physical light

Super healthy:

Kozhen Zeleniy Likhtar has a strong sense of strength, so he gives him great control over physical light, as long as Volodar has enough strength of will and physical strength, so he can win. I want the wreath of the Green Leader of the Golden Capital, Alan Scott, there was a magic, a wickedness, to be worn by the given lіkhtarі, to the technological frontiers of the Vartovich Vsesvіt, as they were given such wins to the previous candidates. Smells make an intergalactic police, as it appears as the Zelenikh Lichtariv Corps

7. Wolverine / Wolverine

Superhero Marvel Comics. Call the vidomy to the prestigious Logan (in honor of the highest peak of the first native land - Canada). Member of many super teams, including the X-Men and New Mesniks (Marvel Comics).

The skeleton of a Wolverine is seen as a human visibility of six cogs, similar to the Kinjali and Gostrich, like a razor

The character showed up at the light in the 180th edition of the Incredible Hulk comix in July 1974, written by the writer Len Wayne and the artist John Romita Sr. at the show with Herb Trimple.

Super healthy:

Wolverine is a mutant, like a man's good health. Winning the regeneration of the yak allows you to see the painful wounds that are fatal to the wounded people. They will wipe away a lot and ailments cannot be knocked in and inflicted on the health of Wolverine. Its building also increases its vitality and spirits, stunning organisms are sensitive, trusting old organisms. The skeleton of the Wolverine is seen from the human manifestation of six keys, similar to a dagger and a gostrich, like a razor.

8. Thor / Thor

Superhero from the comics of the Marvel company. The torus of the foundation on the image of the one-name god from the German-Scandinavian mythology. Yogo Author in Marvel - Editor Sten Lee, screenwriter Larry Lieber and artist Jack Kirby.

U Travni 2011 rock, Thor took 14th place in the list of 100 best heroes of comics for the version of IGN

Oskilki Thor is one of the most popular heroes of the Marvel comics, in 2011, on the screen of the Wiyshov, a one-man film with Kris Hemsworth in the lead role.

Super healthy:

Thor of overpowering positive health from the people: politics, controllability, superpower, super-quickness, great vitality. Also, Thor has a neymovirne zbroy - hammer mjolnir gives a teleportation, a forceful blow, also helps to combat attacks in the enemy's bik.

9. Hulk

A superhero who has appeared in the visions of Marvel Comics. Created by Wall Lee and Jack Kirby, who first appeared in The Incredible Hulk comics. Gamma-bomb physicist Bruce Banner transformed himself into the Hulk, the crazy monster.

Yogo power is potentially unlimited, so how to grow proportionally equal to niv

The character, і yak Banner, і yak Hulk, periodically re-run the police or force, often as a result of ruinuvan. The nature of his or her neurological disorders and fierceness. If I want the color of the character's character to change in the process of his publication, the Hulk most often appears green. For 50 years of wines, he actually fought against skin heroes and dreadful Marvel Vsesvita.

Super healthy:

Hulk is one of the strongest places on the planet. Yogo power is potentially unlimited, so how to grow proportionally equal to niv. Chim is stronger than the Hulk, tim is stronger than the old. Hulk is building up absolutely everything, how to finish getting angry. Similarly, the Hulk can be oversaturated on great vidstani, just stripping, like the majestic greenery of the cones.

10. Captain America

Superhero from the comics company Marvel Comics. Winners of the works by writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby. Capitan America is a patriotic character.

Bagato s yogo vorogіv include values ​​and ideals, which are super talked about, until what are the pragmatic American nationalities

Yogo was often pictured as fighters against Hitler's coalition of powers. The captain of America became the most popular character in the period of Another World War, but when the war ended, the popularity of this character changed, and until 1950 they ceased to be victorious, due to the blame of a short revival in 1953.

Super healthy:

The leaders of the super-soldier of the Syrovat, Rogers mastered the strength, vitality and shine. Boyovy dosvіd and tactful tips to timid Rogers as an excellent commander. Also volodya with small skills in the field of combat skills and hand-to-hand combat.

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