Warm salad with yalovicinoy and p_cantny sauce. Warm salad with yalovicini with vegetables and spicy dressing. For marinating meat


  • Yalovichina b / c - 200 grams.
  • Bulgarian chervonia pepper - 1 pc.
  • Ogirok - 2 pcs.
  • Pekinska cabbage -1/2 roach.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Іmbir fresh - 1/3 root.
  • Chasnik - 4 teeth.
  • Roslinna olia - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Sesame.
  • Chili pepper - 1 pod.
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Lemon abo lime - 1/4 pcs. (only sik).

I want to eat a little something more lively, a little more lightly and lightly. Warm salad with yalovichin yakraz is good enough to feel hunger, without having lost the feeling of hardness.

Recipes for preparing a warm salad with a spatula, the stench is developed both in the Mediterranean and in Asian and American cuisines. One form of one stench is transformed into the relish of refueling that step of the processing of Ingredients.

Krym meat to the warehouse of such herbs can be included and practically be-like vegetables: leafy greens and cuts, tomatoes and eggplants, liquorice and sauerkraut, carrots and tsibulya.

Especially pikantn_st warm salad with yalovichinoy and vegetables need a dressing. Most often, sour-licorice, or gostra, is prepared on the basis of soy sauce and oily-otstovoy sumish with added seasonings: pepper, chasnik, іmbir, as well as tsukru or honey.

It is important to put vegetables in a salad in a fresh viglyad, so that the meat is thinly diced and greased until ready to go. Before tim yak, prepare a warm salad, you can marinate the yalovychin, and the schob has become a juice.

Recipes with photos will help you prepare a warm salad from yalovichinoy for whatever gusto.

Such a country can be urged by an unprecedented races with unprecedented relish meals, as well as welcoming guests at the Christmastide table, as they sounded to the traditional hot flavors and cold snacks.


One of the most popular warm salads from yalovichini is preparing for a Thai cuisine recipe. It is optimal to taste the savor of marinated meat, juicy fresh vegetables and spicy dressing based on soy sauce at the whole snack. Warm Thai salad from yalovichy will become a miraculous strain for an easy evening.

Ialovichinu narіzati thin straw (more thinner, more beautiful, you can go back and forth, you can get frostbitten meat, but it’s lighter). Viclasty the meat in a bowl, wichaviti on a new juice from lemon or lime, sprinkle with a sauce, and curry some shmatochki.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to the marinade, honey and add some other small pieces of tea with іmbir (it is not necessary to add much flavor). Everything is remixed and put in the refrigerator for 2-4 years. The number of ingredients for the marinade should start pretty well, you can change it to your taste.

  1. At the great salad bowl, tear the peckin cabbage with your hands on great shmatochki.
  2. Use a thin straw to grind off the cucumbers that liquorice pepper.
  3. Z pepper chili vidaliti nasinya and narizati yogo thin straw (the pod is small, if you don’t like gostre, then you can don’t add chili).
  4. Mix all vegetables in a salad bowl.
  5. Rose the frying pan without oil and lightly grease the sesame seeds on them, and the stench turned slightly golden.
  6. The pickled meat is cleaned from the meat in the chaser and іmbir, by sending it all at once from the marinade to a roasted frying pan, filled with olієu. On a strong fire, steadily mix it up, smear the meat with about 10 hvili.
  7. Meat together with viclasty sauce on vegetables, sesame seeds and stir.

To give a warm salad with yalovitch and pepper, brew 2 chilins for a little krishka, so you can serve it.


Warm salad with yalovichini with rocket salad is spicy and delicious gostry; In the ideal of warm salad, roast from veal, not barley and add two types of leaven: canned (large jar) and frozen pod (400 grams). I’ll stay down to the pulp near the salt water. Approximately 5 quilts are needed to thinly add and cook in the amount of peppercorns added to it.

At the same hour, prepare a dressing for a warm salad with yalovichini, mixing balsamic oset with olієu (4-6 tablespoons of skin), honey (1 tsp), be dried herbs to relish. At the salad bowl, Viklasta has poured dumplings with cherry tomatoes and tsibulya, boiled and canned kvass, a bunch of rucola, sprinkle with sauce, mix. Add some garlic and one meal to a warm salad.

Tsіkaviy pіkantnyy warm salad roast іf yalovichinoy and eggplants. Meat is even thinly sliced ​​and smeared with a sprinkle of hilicine in the oil, for which to add straws of eggplant and carrots, and if the stench becomes mushy, and liquorice pepper, continue to grease 2-3 hilin. Tsey warm salad with yalovichinoy can be robbed with fresh Bulgarian pepper, not oiled.

At the same time, grind the dressing, zmіshuyuchi roslinnu olіyu іf lemon juice, with a sauce, crush a chanterelle, crumbled zukru and garnished green parsley. Put all the products from the frying pans into a salad bowl and wipe them with a dressing. Preparations for cim with a recipe for warm salad from yalovich and vegetables can be done in a cold viglyad.

And lovers of Italian cuisine can prepare a warm salad "Strachetti" with yalovich and arugula. Salt the meat with thin straws, pepper it clearly, add the chalks, thyme leaves, pour the olive oil and pickle at least 10 quilins.

If you want to eat a lot of yalovychuyut with a stretch of 2-3 chilines on a strong fire, in the end they add some cherry blossoms, how to develop navpil, mix and know from the plate. Instead of the Viklast's frying pan on the flat grass, on top of the rocket, grate it with Parmesan and sprinkle it with balsam.

One more version of a warm salad is cooked in Korean with yalovychinoy and ogirkom.

  1. For a very thinly cooked meat, grease the meat at once from a cibule in a boiled olive, adding a sprinkle of pepper.
  2. Ogіrki rіzhut in large bars, salt and grill with otstom, for which to add to the meat.
  3. Sprinkle everything with soy sauce, add salt, add a pinch of zukru, decorate the chalk and rub the greens with gusto.
  4. Mix everything and give one meal, sipping sesame seeds on top.

Be it a warm salad with yalovichinoy can be efficiently viklasta, yak in the photo, in the vicinity of tarilka, decorate with fresh vegetables, greenery, sesame seeds or little sesame seeds with sauce around the edges.

The idea of ​​preparing salads in a warm viglyadi is not new, it was similar to a country in the course of the Roman Empire, but only a little more than a little bit lucky chef cooks revived, revised and completed the recipe. Seasonal light, yaskraviy, warm salad from yalovychinoyuyy from juicy, harmonious relish is an essential item on the menu of a skin-like restaurant. Tim for an hour, it’s not so easy to prepare it, in home minds: it can be a sour snack, a basic flavor, and an excellent option for a grill-drink.

Vitonten relish, as a gift without a gift of marmurous yalovichin and juicy liver of vegetables, is not deprived of gourmet. Strava, close to the masterpieces of the Mediterranean cuisine, for example for food and drink: in 100 g of the finished product - 181 kcal, 12 g of wine, 10 g of fat and 8 g of carbohydrates.


  • 550-600 g of jalovicini;
  • 180 g of pink peppercorns;
  • 100 g of tomatoes (vibrated with meat, small fruits);
  • 80 g of frequent abo zhovtoy cybuli;
  • 100 g rosolu ogirkiv;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 5 items. yalivtsyu (yagidok);
  • 30 g of olive oil and balsamic ost;
  • sil, pepper for relish;
  • capers, olives for chilling.

Meat gra in salad dominates role. The schob is bulo sokovitim, and gotuvalosya when tsom is as smart as possible, more beautiful than brothers.

Pokrokove prigotuvannya:

  1. The meat is rubbed with a whole piece of shmat with the pressure of an hour-maker and yalivtsy with berries, salted, peppered to the savor, filled with butter. I will rozzharyuєmo non-stick frying pan (brighter from the bottom), layedmo on some of bay leaves, check on a light serpentine - such a manipulation to preserve the effect of smoked meats and give the meat neatly fragrant notes. The steak is greasy 5 quill, the spit is turned over.
  2. Narizaymo tsibulya pіvkіltsyami, zmіshuєmo with rose salt, put in the NHF-pich for 60 seconds at the maximum effort of technology. Cool. Look at the way of marinating tsibuli, which in the case of people who are better and more corny for the cultivation of vegetables in otstі.
  3. On the lower part of the house, there is a small cross-like overdrive, a sprinkle of vegetables is poured into a sprinkle of khilin. Vidalyaєmo rozm'yaklu shkirku. Narizaєmo on small pieces, do not forget to tidy up a lot of food and fruit.
  4. Pepper is saved for 200 degrees. Cool in a sealed container, you can pack. If there is an oholone pepper, you can see the box, the fruit, the skin, and the pulp with the late blades.
  5. I know how to rozіgrіvaєmo oven up to 180 ° C, vikladaєmo for deco meat and pomіdori, as soon as it was, burned 10-15 gilins. As soon as the vegetables are burned, the temperature changes, and the hour changes.
  6. Ialovichin ryzhemo thin slices. Meat that pomidori is lightly tasted with balsamic otstom, good strushuєmo.
  7. On a wide tariltsi, a warm salad is selected from yalovitch and vegetables. The last of the balls is taka: tsibulya - meat - tomato - pepper. Prikrashaєmo summery capers and olives, again zbrizkuєmo otstom. The infection is served to the table.

Dressing for salad can be made with rice - sauces Tartar or hot, based on sour cream and green. It is evident that the preparation of juices was prepared by the way, and that they were seen from meat and pepper when they were loaded, olives and drops of balsam. Experiment!

More arugula

Do you want to know the light option for a quiet summer evening on the terrace? Ideal solution - Italian salad made from yalovychinoy and rocket. Grass will give you a taste of spicy warmth and a touch of indispensable hospitality - the very thing for a romantic store.


  • 300 g of jalovicini;
  • 120 g of cherry tomatoes;
  • 160 g arugula;
  • 5 g sesame seeds;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olii (more beautiful than olive);
  • 0.5 tsp ostu balsamic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • sil for gusto.

Pokrokove prigotuvannya:

  1. Meat is available for 10 quills in the freezer for spicing up on thin baked curd, similar to those for beef stroganoff. Pislya narizki marinuєmo yalovichinu 10 chilins in a sum of soy sauce and ol. olії (1 tbsp. l. skin product). Obsmazhumo 5 chilin on strong fire from additional 1 tbsp. l. olii. Cool slightly.
  2. Cherry rose in halves.
  3. Servіruєmo strava potsіyno: on the leaves of the rucola vikladaєmo meat, then cherі.

Irrigated with juice, sprinkled with greased yalovichini, sprinkled with balsam, sprinkled with sesame.

Gotumo with eggplant

Yaskraviy salad from pikantny gusto, which brightens up the everyday supper, if you become a gastronomic rodzinka for Christmastide menu, get ready for pivgodini.

Ingredinti on 3 ports:

  • 300 g of jalovicini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • oil for grease.

For the sauce:

  • 2 cloves for an hourglass;
  • for 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce and lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp zukru;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive olives;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Pokrokove prigotuvannya:

  1. Narizaєmo straw eggplant, yes stand 10-15 khilina, angry rіdinu, I’m done.
  2. Pepper can be used as straws, three carrots on "Korean" tertsi.
  3. Podrіbnyuєmo a chaplain, some rubaєmo parsley, zmіshuєmo їkh with a sieve of Ingredіontiv for refueling. Yes, it’s trohi to insist.
  4. Meat gotuєmo for an analogy with the previous recipe. Shvidko obsmazhumo on baking frying pan with speckled olії.
  5. Add some carrots and eggplants, a couple of quilins, obsmazhumo, put pepper in a frying pan, and a sprinkle of quilins. Vegetables are not guilty of being superbly soft, but they are more delicate.

Ialovichinu with Viklada vegetables on a wide dish, watered with sauce, served in a warm viglyadi to the table.

Thai tepliy salad with yalovichinoy

Thai warm salad from the harmonious tastes of juicy meat, vegetables and specials is unlikely to overload baiduzhim. Gotuєtsya elementary, the hour is minimum, if not vrahovuvati kіlka years, necessary for marinating yalovichini.

Ingredinti on 4 ports:

  • 300 g meat;
  • 1 great red bell pepper;
  • 2-3 ogirki;
  • pidlog of a roach of peckin cabbage;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • sesame seeds to relish.

Ingredinti for marinade:

  • 4 cloves for an hour-maker;
  • 2 tsp honey;
  • half a lime;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. olive olives;
  • 2/3 root іmbiru;
  • soy sauce for relish.

The salt in the marinade is on the day: it is successful to replace the soy sauce and specials.

Pokrokove prigotuvannya:

  1. Frozen meat is cooked in thin straws. The chasnik is allowed through the press, іmbir іzhemo with dribbling shmatochkas, from the lime we see the sіk. Gotuumo marinade shlyakh zmіshuvannya ingredієntіv. Pour the meat into the refrigerator at 2:00.
  2. Leaving the pekin cabbage torn with your hands in a large salad bowl, in which the dish is ready to be served.
  3. Narizaymo ogirki straws, bell pepper, chili.
  4. Sesame kernels khilka khvilyn obmazhumo on roasting pan until golden appearance. An hour of greasing can be done with a troch of change, which is why you can use sesame seeds to burn.
  5. From the yalovichini, to marinate, tidy up the іmbiru shmat, the meat at once from the rydina Viklada to bake with a small amount of butter in a frying pan. Grease until ready (approx. 7-10 minutes).
  6. Before pekinskoy cabbage, dodamo vegetables, meat together with marinade and juice, if you pretend, we will grease it with sesame seeds, mix it up. Nakrivaєmo kryshkoyu and yes, insist 3-5 chilin.

The most delicious Thai warm salad, ready before implantation.

With bell pepper

Such a popular restaurant snack is easy to cook in the home.


  • 350 g of barley virizka;
  • Red bell pepper;
  • ogirok;
  • 2 corinci seleries;
  • a bunch of kinzi.

For refueling:

  • sic from half lime;
  • clove to the hour;
  • grated trochas of іmbiru (~ 2 cm short);
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and arachis olii.

For marinating meat:

  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and arachis olii;
  • 1 tsp red sack.

Pokrokove prigotuvannya:

  1. Zmіshuєmo components for the marinade, watered meat, sent to the cold at 1:00.
  2. Add pepper in middle cubes, ogirok - in late cakes, celera - in thin slices. Kinzu is old-fashioned.
  3. Marinated meat is put on foil 20-30 quilins for 220 degrees.
  4. I cook yalovychina narizaєmo thin straws, watered with sauce, z'єdnumo with bell pepper, ogirk, celer, kinzoyu. Served up to the table.

For the preparation of the sauce, it’s just a big deal of the whole Ingredianti.

Snack with kvassol

Even more savory warm lettuce is used when yalovychini is thinned with sour pod and sir. Effective, simple and essential for cool people.

Ingredinti on 2 ports:

  • 200 g of jalovicini;
  • 4 pods of kvassol;
  • a leaf of a favorite salad;
  • 10 pomidorіv cherі;
  • 80 g soft syru;
  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • sіl, pepper for consumption.

For refueling:

  • 1 tsp dyzhonskoy girchitsi;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 4 tbsp. l. roslinnoi olii (sesame, arachisova, olive, in.);
  • lemon juice to relish.

Pokrokove prigotuvannya:

  1. Meat ryzhemo in straws, pickled in soy sauce. The hour is varied, we go through 10 minutes.
  2. Kvassol obsmazhuєmo a sprinkle of khilin in a drop of olive and soy sauce. Those same propoblyaєmo with tomatoes, divided into quarters (kvass in front of the front viymaєmo in the frying pan).
  3. Okremo is greasy with yalovychin at once from the sauce, you can lightly quench it with a crush to remove the meaty structure of the meat.
  4. For the sauce zmіshuєmo all 4 components.
  5. On the dish, Viklada leaves lettuce, drink kvass, cherry, yalovichin. Salty, peppery if necessary. Watering with a dressing. Dodaєmo cubes of sir that will be served to the table.

Warm salad with yalovicina and mushrooms

Another sokovita variation of a savory warm salad is worthy of shanuvalniks of the classic meal of peppers and meat.

Ingredinti on 2 ports:

  • 200 g virizka;
  • 100 g peppers;
  • 150 g salad mix;
  • 1 young cibulin (you can take a leek);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive olives;
  • sіl, pepper for relish.

For refueling:

  • 100 g each of soy sauce and roslinnoi olii (we take our own fondness);
  • 25 g of wine otstu;
  • 7 g of minced for an hour;
  • small bunch of green.

Pokrokove prigotuvannya:

  1. The blender is lightly blended into the Ingredianti for refueling, yes it’s an hour to insist.
  2. Virіzku irrigated olієu, grease on a frying pan 4 chilini, the meat is turned over once. Zalishaєmo I am preparing yalovichin for 5-10 quilins, then subtly narіzaєmo.
  3. At the same frying pan, it’s shyly obmazumo narizanu tsibulya. Okremo obsmazuєmo narizanі plates of mushrooms with additional salt and pepper.
  4. On a salad, leafing Viklada, I will meat "straws", peppers, tsibulya, watered with dressing. Buon appetito!

Caloricity: Not Specified
Hour of preparation: Not specified

At Svyatkov's day, you need to prepare a salad quickly. Qiu strava can be paid mainly. It’s sitne and lighter for a shot of green and licorice pepper. Enough one port before an hour in the evening for being a city. You can substitute chicken breasts for chicken breasts. From yalovyuyu virіzkoyu wіn savory.


- 200 grams of virizka, porous with thin skibochki;
- 2 cloves for an hour-maker;
- ½ teaspoon of dry іmbiru;
- ¼ teaspoon of paprika;
- ½ teaspoon of curry;
- on the basis of a spoonful of zukru and salt;
- one tablespoon of rosellin olive and lemon juice;
- 1 liquorice pepper;
- 1 cibulin;
- 200 g of salad greens.

For refueling:

- 50 grams of olive oil;
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
- lemon zest;
- ½ teaspoon of salt (it can be more fallow with relish);
- 1 tablespoon of minced green parsley.

Pokrokovy recipe with a photo:

1. We take all the necessary products for preparing a warm salad with barley and licorice.

2. Zmіshati at tarіltsі chank, specials. Drink some sugar, sil, oliyu and lemon juice. Poklast at cooked sumish meat. Let’s mix it up and put it on twenty quills.

3. For a recipe for a warm salad with yalovichy, you will need to prepare a dressing and a little more products. Beat the emulsion until I become.

4. Let the tsibulu be drugged by the drinkers, even thinner. Pepper needs to be cut into straws. Before speech, with licorice pepper you can cook one savory herb. The frying pan has one tablespoon of olive. Give the tsibulu and grease the chotiri khvilini. Then grease the pepper until it is crunchy, and I will use about seven quilins.

5. Viklasty vegetables for a warm salad with liquorice on a dish. Wiinat the meat and pick up the marinade. After finishing the fire, smear the file with a few drops of quilting.

6. I know about putting vegetables in the pan. Zmіshati їkh and vimknuti gas.

7. On a dish, on a yaku, put a warm salad with vegetables and yalovichinoy, put some greens on the salad.

8. Let's eat the meat. Sprinkle that tax with a gas station.

9. Having prepared herbs for the cim recipe, you can please your household.
It is also not uncommon to brutalize respect for the savory and cinnamon


  • 300 g of jalovicini;
  • 3 pickled nuts;
  • 2 middle cibulini;
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • 3 tablespoons of water;


Put a small casserole with salty water on the fire. If you boil the ridin, send it back to it and clean it up from the spills, the pulp of yalovichin. I just assert myself, know it.

Leave the meat to boil, marinate the tsibulya. Naykrashche, as there will be a licorice violet variety. Clean it up and start drinking. Fill the cibula with otstovoy esenzієyu water, salt, pepper and mix it reliably. Give tsibuli pomarinuvatisya hocha b pivgodini.

Have a whole hour lay ogirki straws. I will add yalovichin, if it is okolone, it can be cut with straw. More beautiful than the color of the fibers.

Take all of the Ingredianti at once: yalovychina, ogirki, pickled tsibulya. Season with tomato sauce and serve on a glass.


  • 300 g of jalovicini;
  • 100 g of solid sir;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 large cibulini;
  • 3 tablespoons of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of otstovoy essence;
  • sil and mayonnaise - for relish.


Add and cool the yalovychin, and then lay the straw. The eggs are burnt. If you get cold, cleanse and rub on a great third. Sire can also be rubbed on a grater.

Tsibulya (I know, for more salads, go for more violets, or you can pick it up and a special part) marinate, as described in the previous recipe. To replace the otstovy plant with water, you can fill the tsibula with 3-4 tablespoons of wine chi and apple otstu.

Make salad with balls (marinated tsibulya (without rose salt) → mayonnaise → yalovichina → mayonnaise → egg → mayonnaise → sir) and let it brew for 1-2 years.


  • 500 g barley;
  • 10 cherry tomatoes;
  • 3 svіzhі ogіrki;
  • 2 violet cibulin;
  • ½ lime;
  • 1 bunch of basil;
  • 1 bunch of kinzi;
  • 2 teaspoons of Dijon granular grist;
  • silt and black pepper pepper - for gusto;
  • olive oil for greasing that dressing.


Cook yalovic on grill, yak steak, until needed. Or just bake the meat in a hot form, covered with foil and masked with olive olives. First 5 chilin the temperature in the spirit is 220 ° С, the temperature of the first 15 chilins - 170 ° С.

Give the meat to accept, and wash and serve the vegetables yourself: ogirki - cups, cherry tomatoes - navpil, tsibulya - pvkiltsy. Chop basilic and kinzu differently.

Make a dressing, having added lime juice, olive olive, Dijon girchitsyu, silt and black pepper.

Spread the hotter meat with thin skibochki, add the vegetables and herbs, pour with the dressing and serve it on the glass.


  • 300 g fillet of yalovichini;
  • 2 svіzhі ogіrki;
  • 6–8 cherry tomatoes;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 1 bunch of kinzi, green tsibula and lettuce;
  • 1 clove for an hour;
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons of ribbed sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of cane zukru;
  • olive oil for greasing.


Rinse and dry the yalovichin with paper towels. Add thin straws and grease them on a good baked pan in an olive oil.

Wash the vegetables and greens and wash them. Chim tonshі shmatochki, tim low relish salad. Have a small stewpan with soy and ribnium sauce, tsukor and pass through a saucer. Sip the vegetables and put them on the fire. Let him heat up (do not extinguish!) And know the fire.

Add lettuce to the dish, grease with yalovychina, cook in vegetable sauce. Sprinkle with lemon juice, sip the greens and serve on a glass.


  • 400 g of jalovicini;
  • 3 svіzhі pomіdori;
  • 2 great Bulgarian peppers;
  • 1 violet cybulin;
  • 1 bunch of crop;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 4 cloves for an hour-maker;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of balsamic ostu;
  • sil and black pepper chalk - for gusto.


Ialovychinu to go to the salt water.

Clean and chop the hourglass otherwise. Mix it up with olive olives, with sauce, balsamic otst and black melen pepper. You can add specials for your savor. Dodatkovo salt is not required: add the soy sauce to the salt.

Let the dressing infuse 7-10 quilins. Then pour the meat and add 15 quilins.

Chop the greens for an hour. Clean the vegetables with pepper. Pour yogo and with straw, tsibulya - with drinks. If it’s okolone, it’s like that.

Mix the meat and vegetables with the dressing.


  • 400 g of jalovicini;
  • 300 g of canned kvassol;
  • 3 pickled nuts;
  • 2 violet cibulin;
  • 3 cloves for an hourglass;
  • sil and mayonnaise - for relish.


Add, cool and serve with straws of yalovychina. Clean the cybula and keep it clean. When bazhanna, as well as vicorist, you can marinate, as described above. Clean the hourbook and pass it through the press. Pour the ogirki into thin straws. Anger rіdina with leaven.

Take the preparation of the Ingredianti from the great misci, mix, salt and season with mayonnaise.


  • 300 g of jalovicini;
  • 300 g peppers;
  • 3 pickled nuts;
  • 1 great cibulin;
  • 1 carrot;
  • sil and mayonnaise - for relish;
  • oil for grease.


Add yalovichin (do not forget to add salt to the water). Leave the meat to cook and ostygaє, grease on olії pecheritsі. On a frying pan, grease the tsibula and carrot.

Ialovichin and ogirki norіzhte straws and z'єdnaite with інshі іngredієntami. Salt and season with mayonnaise. For bazhannya salad you can use balls.


  • 300 g of jalovicini;
  • 300 g Korean carrots;
  • 200 g siru suluguni;
  • 50 g hairy mountains;
  • 2 cloves for an hourglass;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • sour cream for dressing is fat.


Add and cool the file. Use a thin straw or use your hands to break it into fibers. Serve with straw. Chasnik, parsley, peas, pick with a knife or a blender.

Take all the Ingredianti (do not forget about) that season with sour cream. The salad will be more savory, as long as it will stand.


  • 300 g of jalovicini;
  • 250 g of solid sire;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 2 pickled nuts;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 cloves for an hourglass;
  • ½ bottle of oiled peanuts;
  • sіl, black chalk pepper and mayonnaise - for relish.


Brew yalovich, carrots and eggs. Pour yalovich and pickled ogir with straws. Eggs and grate carrots on a great grater. Sire may need to be rubbed into two pieces. Pass the chasnik through the press.

Lettuce salad with balls (yalovichina → mayonnaise → ochirki → mayonnaise → chasnik → sir → mayonnaise → carrots → mayonnaise → eggs → peanuts → sir) and let the yeom drain for 1–2 years.


  • 300 g of jalovicini;
  • 50 g hairy mountains;
  • 2 small beets;
  • 2 kartoplini;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 2 cloves for an hourglass;
  • sil and mayonnaise - for relish;
  • oil for grease.


I will add yalovychinu with straw or dice cubes. Clean and grease the cibula until golden brown. Eat him with meat and let him stand.

It’s an hour to add a cartoplike and beetroots. Read about those shvidko buryaks.

If you chill the vegetables, cut the potatoes into cubes, and rub the beet on the great grater. Pass it through a baker, pick it up at the blender, add salt to the beetles.

Lettuce salad in balls: potato → mayonnaise → yalovichina with tsibulei → mayonnaise → beetroot with peas and chasnik → mayonnaise.

  • Yalovichina, 450-500 g;
  • Podkova kvassol, 200 grams;
  • Chervona tsibulya, 1-2 heads;
  • Morkvin, 1 piece;
  • Cartopl, 3-4 pieces;
  • Tomato cherry, 200 g;
  • Olivkova olia;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Girchitsya in grains, a teaspoon;
  • Sil, black pepper, Italian herb;
  • Lettuce leaves, one bunch.

Recipe for cooking:

  1. Ialovichin with thin bars. Rub the good with specials. Rose the frying pan, pour the olive oil, grease the yalovichin from both sides, put it on the great water, then stew it on the other side until ready.
  2. Taking care of vegetables. Pomidori cherі promiєmo and narazhemo quarters. Clean the chervona tsibulya and on the way with the help of the drinkers.
  3. Rinse the podkova kvassol, sprinkle with a small straw. Peel the morkvinas and serve them with rings. Clean the pot from the skins, lay it with thin bars. Peel the bell peppers out of the day and pour them with straws. Mix up the vegetables with yourself, add the power, pepper, season with the olive oil, put it in the oven.
  4. To the olive olia, add the pepper and the pepper, mix. Consume some yalovych, baked vegetables, fresh vegetables, add some salt and a dressing, mix it reliably. Finish the salad leaves, cover them with a salad bowl. Vikladіt by the strava a ready-made warm salad.


  • Yalovichina, 500 g;
  • Svіzhі ogіrki, 3-4 pieces;
  • Malt pepper, 4 pcs.;
  • Kinza, one bundle;
  • Canned corn, one can;
  • Sic from one lemon;
  • Chasnik, 2-3 teeth;
  • Soy sauce, 50 ml;
  • Silt and black pepper;
  • Olivkova olia.

Pokrokovy recipe:

  1. Ialovichin with thin strands. Then marinate in olive olives with specials. Don't let the meat marinate with a stretch of pivgodini. Then put it in the oven and bake until done.
  2. Rinse the fresh ones and lay them in thin rings.
  3. Peel the malt pepper from the inner surface, rinse it with water, lay it with thin straw.
  4. Kinzu dribno narubati.
  5. Place the canned corn on a druslyak and dry it.
  6. For salad dressing, add olive olive, soy sauce, lemon juice, add black pepper. I am preparing yalovichina and mixing it with yourself, salt and season with sauce.


  • Lettuce leaves, one bunch;
  • Svizha kinza, one bundle;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Olivkova olia;
  • Fresh peppers, 350 g;
  • Yalovichina, 400 grams;
  • Tsibulya, one piece;
  • Teriyaki sauce, 100-150 grams;
  • Silt and special for gusto.

Recipe for cooking:

  1. Wash the mushrooms with running water, then lay all the mushrooms with a thin plate. Razigryte a frying pan, pour oliyu, viclari mushrooms. Give me some more specials. Rіpchastu tsibulyu clean and otherwise nrіzhte, give | add | tsibulya until mushrooms, simmer until tender.
  2. Rinse the garlic and cut into small cubes, marinate in lemon juice. Send us a message for baking a frying pan, give us some wine, olive oil and specials. Kindly grease the yalovychina, until the skorinka appears, then simmer until ready.
  3. Lettuce leaves and svіzhu kіnzu podrіbnіt.
  4. All ingredinti mixes up with oneself, and is seasoned with teriyaku sauce. Prepared salad before serving on the steak.


  • Eggplant, 200 grams;
  • Bulgarian pepper, 200 g;
  • Morkvin, 1 piece;
  • tsibulya, 1 piece;
  • Svizha kinza, one bundle;
  • Yalovichina, 400 grams;
  • Lemon juice for marinade;
  • Green tsibula, 100 grams;
  • Abo olia mayonnaise;
  • Silt and black pepper.


  1. Yalovichin with small pieces, then marinate in lemon juice with specials. Pour the marinade and grease the yalovichin on the frying pan.
  2. Peel the bell peppers and lay them with thin straws.
  3. Rinse the eggplants and cut them into cubes. Pour cold salt water over the eggplant. Put the paint on the frying pan.
  4. Morkvin should be cleaned and rubbed on a great grater. Clean the cybula and keep it clean. Brush the cibula with carrots at once.
  5. Green tsibulya and kіnzu dіbno narіzhte.
  6. Mix all the components between yourself, season the salad with mayonnaise or olієu.
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