Aunt's day is the day of the student - the history is holy. The history of the vindication is holy Tetyana's day Tetyana's day the history of the saint briefly

The history of the vindication is so holy as Tetyana's day is closely intertwined with its traditions. Many people think that it is sacredly connected with the student's day, that it is celebrated on the 25th of September, but we do not call it so. Poorly twisting history, rummaging through it, you can understand why being a student is the very day for the celebration of the professional saint.

On the basis of the litopis, St. Tatiana lived in the 3rd century of our eri, she was born in a rich Roman family, she was born suvoro. The fathers believed in the Lord, but diligently took this fact from other people's minds - even the faith was unacceptable for noble families. This was the hour of paganism, Christians zhorstko peresleduvav law, followed by punishment for faith - death penalty.

Tetyana grew up as a pleasant, sweet, kind and troublesome girl, helped all the suffering to ask and the needy, but one day she was marked for prayer. Її in that hour they were arrested and sentenced to death. In the chіkuvannі strati, the girl did not lose heart and continued to read the prayer, naymіvіrno, but the Lord felt it. Vidpovid strayed from a strong earth-coward in Rome, perishing the ruler and the lonely priest and page.


Deyakі dzherel stverdzhuyut, after the death of the body of the ruler with unselfish cries, the essence of the demon came out and flowed into the darkness.

Those who were present were attending, and they immediately called Tetyana, called her a witch, and committed lynching. They rolled, they beat her with all their might, but again she did not lose her faith in the Lord and continued her prayer. God, having felt the prayer again, I will help you: all the fakers have fallen to nothing and gained the faith. The strategy didn’t end on what, the government ruled the girl in a cage to a fierce tiger, she prayed anew and the beast began to lick her wounds.

Until her death, the girl believed in the Lord; Until her very death, Tetyana kept up her faith, did not grumble and did not change her thoughts. She herself, through the cebula, was brought into the image of the great martyrs, as they suffered under the hour of repression from religious motives. Nina 25 September - the day of the holy martyr Tatiana.

Aunt's day that holy students - chi є zv'azok

Already in 1755, Ivan Shuvalov, a state official, brought a document for the signature of the Empress Elizaveta on the admission of the current Moscow Sovereign University. So it turned out that the signing of this paper fell on the 25th of September. The document was signed, vіdbulosya vіdkrittya initial mortgage, and Russian students took their holy honor to give. On the third day, the date of the founding of the first university in Moscow is associated with a religious saint.

The history of the holy reminds that in the first years the wines were appointed only in Moscow, moreover, among the youth of the elite society at that hour. Traditionally, a prayer service was held at the church in front of the University, and during the year a zastilla was held. It was a holy start, but on a large scale in the middle of the 19th century, an official, urochist part of the festivities took place at the walls of the main foundations. After Christmas, the young were united in the company, and they ruled with loud festivities, with songs and dances.


How do the deacons dzherel, Tetyana - the patron of students, but rather a guess. The Great Martyr helps everyone, regardless of status.

During the hours of Radian rule, Christianity did not falter. In the era of Radian atheism, the church at the MDU was closed and partly destroyed. The scale of the holy day of the holy martyr Tetyana has changed. The tradition was revived in 1995, after the rebirth of the church. From quiet hours this date has become one of the favorites of the holy youth.

If holy is Aunt's day, if they came up with tse holy

Itself sacredly maє dovga іstorіyu. September 25 is the day of the death of the Roman Tatian, which marks the 18th century. For the old style, the day of the holy martyr Tetyana fell on September 12th. Narazi is sacredly traditionally celebrated on the 25th of September. Tsіkavo nobility, scho in the history of the Orthodox Church є kіlka saints іz tsim іm'yam. Krіm Tetyani Roman parishioners commemorate Tetyani Romanova, daughter of the Russian Tsar. Vaughn was shot in 1918 in 1918 at once from the family.

Folk traditions for Tetyana's day

Irrespective of religion, Tetyana's day is always celebrated cheerfully and loudly. The woman has a rich history and for such a long period she has acquired her own traditions and signs. The main, expanded application includes welding between members of the family. It seems that the strong conflict of the young that older generation has been brought to the point that all of this life is at the consumer right up to the coming day.

For a whole day it is not recommended to be guided by the help of prokhachev, that one should be silently ignored, who is worth the church for alms. As if to tell the story, it became clear that Tatiana Rimska had always tried to help all the underprivileged and suffering, to destroy them, especially on the day of the name day - not varto.


Religiously holy may a woman's character, to that the girls in front of yoga traditionally put things right at the booth. Zustrichat the name day of Tatiana at the wandering monastery - it’s not safe, otherwise the whole river will pass by the river and the evil ones.

Deyakі prikmeti pov'yazanі s weather - like snowfall on the street, but in summer, and khurtovina promises a rich harvest of cereal crops. The gentlemen sipped the bread at Tetyany's Day, as if the yogo's heartbeat looked perfect - the river would go smoothly, the cracks on the surface of the yogo caused welding and inaccuracies. Not less filthy sign, like bread at the stove to burn in the fall.

Aunt's day is also respected by the holy students. On this day it is customary to ask for help from the master of science robots from the Great Martyr. Others apply that tradition poov'yazanі іz call freebies opіvnochі - alien to religion, but ask those who stinks really can not practice. How to spend it yourself sacredly, virishiti is necessary independently, but not a trace of forgetting the main curls of the martyr.

It is holy, as it is celebrated on the 25th of September for Christians, there is a religious sensation, so this holy day begins with prayers and services in the church. Tsya date, with a miraculous reward, ask the great martyr for the goodness and support for yourself and those close to you. It is also customary for girls to wear the name of Tetyana beautifully - it is not obligatory to give expensive gifts, it is enough to read the verses, to give a leaflet or a small bouquet of flowers.


Holy among people is rich. Є special holy, for example, national days, є sleeping, say, Day 8 of the day, є professional, memorable dates. It is holy, inspired by the hour, like podia. Aunt's day is among them special. Having been born in the Russian Empire in honor of the establishment of a university in Moscow, it also has a religious character.

On the first day of the Christians, the great martyr Tatiana is commemorated. The Orthodox call Yogo Tetyana Khreschenskaya. For deakim vіdomosty, 25 Sіchnya one more podium was consecrated. Elizaveta Petrivna, the founder of Russia's highest initial mortgage, on the hard work of one of her children, Ivan Shuvalov, punished the memory of his mother Tetyana. The axis is so bagatolike holy.

Student triumph

Still, Tetyana's day in Russia is more accepted as a student's sacred. Tim more, that St. Tatiana is considered the patron saint of students in all Russia. September 12 (according to the Julian calendar), 1755, the first mortgage in Russia was celebrated. The initiator was the great Russian teachings Mikhailo Lomonosov. Empress Elizaveta Petrivna by her decree approved the creation of the university. The back of the head was just a date. Її was appointed exclusively by Moscow students.

The stench ruled the holy, festivities, saw the cliques of fun, richly transformed into traditions. For example, all day long I categorically hesitated to talk about training, employment, lectures, exams, seminars. It was not possible to type in the abstracts. It was important that it was quiet, who, having destroyed the fence, checked for bad luck in the navchann. And dotrimannya tsієї traditsії instilled hope that the future will be a joy, but not a burden. Ale for the future needs more and good fun.

At the same hour, sound out from the balcony, or from the vіdchinennogo vіkna i, waving the booklet, yell: "Kulya, come!" At the end of the day, you can sound: "Already on the road." Tse meant that in front of you to check for more success. As a sign of successful learning, it was worth painting on one side of the hall a small house with a long-standing serpentine that strums from the trumpets of a painted house. The greater the strumin, the more significant the successes were in the new initial rotation.

Before the Great Day in 1791, I entered the church in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana at the university. Yogo was placed near the old building. At this hour, the life of the new building of the university on Mokhovaya Street ended. On the next day, Emperor Mykola I, having fallen asleep officially at the holy place, gave the foundation of the initial mortgage. The whole vipadkovo svіtsk was sacredly stubbed on one day from the church - the day of the wedding of St. Tatiana. More than Muscovites took the fate of the festivities.

Everything started from the front of the temple. Here a prayer service was held, then the tract of the tract was rozpochali, at the hour when the hedges were handed over, letters for success in the education of the community rights. At this hour, the doors of the university were widely open for honored guests, many graduates, official osibs. And the party began.

The students celebrated the holy day not only their own holy day, but the present holidays. The stench walked around in the city in great company, sang songs, and most often robbed the evenings at the restaurants. In the meantime, the vlasniks of the pawnshops hove expensive furniture, they brought that drink in cheap utensils, so that the party often turned into beaten utensils, as well as everything that traplyalis under the hand. Tsіkavo are those who the policemen were not too harshly raised to hooliganism of the youth. The stench did not take the students who were the most raging to the dacha, but tried to take them home.

With the appearance of new initial mortgages, moreover, near the metropolitan area, Tetyana's day began to be celebrated everywhere in Russia. They spent the whole day there, when there were no universities, no institutes, and even if only one of the graduates was alive. Tsoma was taken by the religious fool of Tetyana's day. For a year of wine, I changed into the appearance of all the representatives of the name “Tetyana”.

There lived a girl Tatiana Rimska

Behind orders, Tatiana lived in the hour, if only Christianity was born. The girl grew up in sim'ї, de panuvali kohannya, goodness. Sim'ya was noble, wealthy. Plant high, embracing father Tatiana. From her youthful fates, she absorbed love before Christ and could not imagine life without worshiping Yom. In the third century, Tatiana established herself in her faith. In the community, as if she was constantly seeing, she became a deaconess for a year. Until the VIII century, the ministers of the church held these ranks, as they accepted consecrations.

Before the girl, the impossible people began to get sick, knowing that no one could help her in help. When a new hour came, another government came, as if zmushuvala to worship the pagan gods. Tatiana repaired the opir, leaving the faithful Jesus. Perekaz to certify that the girl was rolled. Ale kalіtsvo on tіli shvidko znikalo, and the martyrs cheque of suffering in the presence of unknown forces. On September 12, 226, the girl was spent at the same time with her father.

Ale, Tatiana's death shook silently, who hesitated, affirmed themselves in faith, the shards of healing miracles continued to recover, varto was required to return to її name. Later, Tatiana Rimska was insured to the saints, and the date of her death was voted out by Aunt's Day. In the folk calendar, the wine is called the day of Aunt Khreschenskaya. Snowfall in summer with boards. Sonechko, who looked out from behind the gloom, announced the sudden arrival of birds.

Oskilki St. Tatiana is respected as a martyr, as she lived at the hour of the formation of Christianity, but she was shanoved both by the Catholic and the Orthodox churches. After the Zhovtnevoy revolution, Tetyany's day was cut off. The temple at the MDU was converted into a reading room. Radianska vlada started a new holy day - the Day of proletarian students. In 1958, the theater of the MDU was born here. Vіn having awakened mayzhe 40 rokіv.

The theater is glorious tim, which directors Mark Zakharov, Roman Viktyuk, artists Oleksiy Kortnev, Iya Savina and a lot of others started their work at the walls of yoga. 1995 the rock theater was shut down.

I holy turned

From the initiative of the rector of the Moscow State University, Viktor Sadovnichy, in 1992 Tetyany's day turned to the walls of the initial mortgage like a holy student. Since 2005, fate has become officially official, the decree was seen by the president of the country, Volodymyr Putin. At this hour, yoga began to be widely celebrated, moreover, only in Russia. It is impossible to stray from the International Students' Day, which marks the 17th leaf fall.

In this hour, Tetyana's day is celebrated even more widely, especially there, when it was born and revived again, at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Do not forget and Shuvalov. Today, two prizes have been planted here, with which they reward the university’s supporters. One May named after Lomonosov.

The awards of a spivrobitnik can be awarded only once in life. The second, Shuvalov Prize, may be honored less than the one who has not been awarded forty years for an hour. Before speech, none of the students, the merits of those who are significant, that they are candidates for winning prestigious awards.

Knowing recently, we honor the heroes of science, the achievement of which made a great contribution to the development of the country, the title of "The Star of the Moscow University" is awarded. Only one person can honor the ringing, moreover, only on Tetyana's day. In our initial pledges, students hold concerts. Traditionally, zustrіchі z provіdnimi vcheni, sovereign fiends. For many days, graduates are gathering at some universities.

One of the special features of the celebration of Aunt's Day at the MDU is the rector's partaking of mead. You're getting ready to sound on copper, which is to bring the rector to the university. Sadovnichiy himself treats the students to the traditional Russian drink, which was characteristic and during the hours of the birth of the holy, over two decades. This tradition is beginning to take root in other universities of the country.

At svyatkuvanni take the fate of many famous artists. Concerts are often given cost-free, even if all the stinks of chi are at the same time students. Well, Tetyana among the artists is not to be spoiled. Im'ya tse in Russia is calmly one of the widest. V_dkrivayutsya for bezshtovnogo v_dv_duvannya cinema, museums, kovzanka. At the cafe, young people can get discounts, and dessert is served free of charge.

People walk near the parks, on the streets and squares. Student collectives perform with concerts. There are competitions, fun attractions, and in some of them the most popular are volodarkas named after Tetyana. The party will go on until late evening and will end with Christmas fireworks.

When all the people are holy

Іmenini є mayzhe kozhna orthodox people. Ale is so natural and beautiful, like Tetyana's day, no birthday is celebrated. Tse became the veil of the saint of the world on religion. As for some students it is sacred, as it is celebrated everywhere, then for others it is the chanting of St. Tatiana.

Navit there, de there is nothing more than a middle initial mortgage, obov'yazkovo naydetsya even one person, for kakoi student rocky - tse sacred for all life. And then there is the birthday of the skin Aunt. Be there a person who believes or an atheist, and that gift will bring skin. It has become a long tradition to give the name of Tetyana to a leather girl, as she came into the world in the first two winter months.

At the ancient hour, on September 25, the day of Aunt Khreschenskaya chi Sonech was celebrated. It was believed that on the first day of the day it was the sight of the sonechko. And then spring will come early, as it will give people the spawning of ribi. Like this sleepy day to strike and hellish frost, it means that I give birth to a good one.

Bagato pokmet pov'yazuvali, as it often happened, with cow's bread. Good luck ochіkuvavsya in sim'ї, as if in the middle of the cow growing hump. Rozmirene, calm life was predicted, as if the wines turned out smooth. With a filthy bait, the cracking of bread was respected at the hour of boiling. Well, burnt cow for joy. The birthday girl got burned from just a little. Vaughn is small obov'yazkovo z'isti qiu.

At the village houses, the place of the Russian stove was called the babin's kut, the sonechka. On Tetyana’s day, the master’s house sipped a large round kilimka of bread for a sun kshtalt. Obov'yazkovo gospodarka is small to win the kilimka out of the oven herself, to let her cool down. The letter of the won was wailed with a small piece and distributed to all members of the family. Forget this piece of mav leather, so that you can take at least a little bit of sleepy warmth.

Aunt's day is especially chіkuvanim buv among nezamіzhnіh dіvchat. For many days the stinks have been luring their specimens. The vranci girl resolutely cleaned the doormat, beat yoga. Then she laid out this rug in front of the entrance doors. The girl tried to get the lad, like a handsome boy, to win the shoes of the shoes up to the booth, but in front of him he wiped his sweat on the rug. It was important that the next young man should be dragged into this house.

They prepared the future appointed from different feasts and ganchirochok special pancakes. It was not necessary to bring such a mіtla to the young man's bed and hide him. As a girl, you can grow up, a young man will become a name, and in the future - a man. It was easy for the betrothed, to the fact that the mother of the betrothed sounded suvoro stitched after him, so that the son did not appear bewitched, especially as a bride, the candidate was unfit, with a look mami.

Holy holy dress. And so, like people check, sign so, like they called to spend the new days, for example, New River, Great Day. It’s even more important to bachiti in this row Aunt’s day. This is a sign that the old sing-forgotten traditions are turning, like bringing joy to life, hope for a beautiful tomorrow, for spring, like a warm weather, giving awakening to nature, love that garne of learning.

September 25 marks Aunt's Day. The history of vindication is sacred to the roots of ancient times. This date was named in honor of the martyr Tatiana, who was born in Rome around the year 200. Її fathers were rich and notable bulkers, yakі potai vіd usіh were Christians. The stench of Donka was also beaten by the Christian faith.

Under the hour of persecution of Christians, organized for the Roman emperor Pivnochi, Tatiana was shackled. The girl was brought to the temple of Apollo for sacrifice. Behind the prayers of the saint, the earthly coward uncontrollably became: the idol fell apart into shmatki, and the temple was filthy with bruises. Tatiana was afflicted with torments, but so they could not repent of the faith. The stratum was holy at once from the father.

Aunt's day. Tetyana Khreschenska. Student's day

For the old hours, September 25 was called the day of Aunt Khreshchenskaya, or the holy "Sonech". It was important to inspire the gloomy weather, even on a cloudy day, a sun appears in the sky, illuminating everything with its blessed light.

In 1755, the day of the martyr Tatiana took away a new meaning - Empress Elizaveta Petrivna signed the “Decree on the establishment of a university in Moscow with two gymnasiums” on the same day. The project of the initial mortgage was by Mikhail Lomonosov, and Count Shuvalov acted as the pikluvalnik. The university church was consecrated in honor of the martyr Tatiana. At what hour is the holy patron saint of students.

Later, the decree of Mikoli I was passed, in which the holy date was not the date of the initial mortgage, but the day of signing the act on the foundation. So Tetyana's day became a student's saint, as they called Student's Day.

In the villages, it was not sacredly practical, but the axis of the Russian culture occupied a special place. Even in the XIX century, Tetyana's day, having become belligerent, is rejoicing in the holy student brotherhood. The students commemorated the holy martyr with the steps of their choirs at the temples and urochist prayers.

For a whole day, the “Vchena brethren” became the only one, the centuries between that intelligence, the rank of that rank, were discussed. Rich and poor, well-deserved and first-year students - they all bring fun. Mastiti vcheni tezh if you were simple students. At Tetyany's day, the urochists ruled, come in to the decorations and shelters of the best students.

Aunt's day, with honorable professors, fraternal revelers, sleigh rides, becoming an attribute of student traditions and an important object of student folklore. Cheryuyuchy hotel "Ermitage", French tribute Lucienne Olіv'є (the creator of the famous salad), the same day he opened his restaurant for students for the holy day. At the holy place, one could not do without drinking. All day long, the tsar's gendarmes did not sip the drink of the students, but, on the contrary, they poured out their help. Nezabar Tetyany's day turned into the holy Russian intelligentsia.

After the Zhovtnevoy revolution, they forgot about the holy trival hour. However, in 1995, at the Moscow University, the church of St. Tetyana was reopened, and the assembly hall of the old house on the day of remembrance of the martyr was awarded prizes, founded on the appointment of the founders of the first university - the scientist M.V. Lomonosov and Count I.I. Shuvalov. And anew in our country a merry student's holy day appeared - Tetyana's day.

Aunt's day spіvpadaє z navchalnym calendar. Most of the time, until September 25, the examination session of the first semester ends, and students have holidays.

Aunt's Day: Traditions and Sounds are Holy

On Tetyana's day, students put candles for the success of the teacher and pray to the patron saint for enlightenment and help from an important student. On the 25th of September, the memory is not only of the martyr Tatiana, but of St. Savi, Archbishop of Serbia, to whom it is customary to pray for various ailments. Another 25th of September is the day of the holy celebration in honor of the icons of the Mother of God “Mammy” and “Akathistna”. In front of the icon of the Mother of God "Mlekopitachka" to pray for the lack of mother's milk, they don't talk about health, about help at important canopies. And the lists from the “Akathistna” icon, at the thought of those who believe, protect the houses from the dead.

On the day of Aunt Khreschenskaya, the women spun balls of yarn more and more tightly. It was important that the vines of a fork of cabbage, a rose garden that would be less likely to hang by the kvіtnі, be born great and tight.

People's note on Tetyana's day

  1. If the sun shines brightly on Tetyana's day, then spring will be early.
  2. Our ancestors remembered that the weather would be bad that day.
  3. That frosty weather is clear - I give birth to a good one.
  4. The heat is gloomy - to the point of neurosis.
  5. Our ancestors remembered that the weather would be squalid all day long.

A woman, born on Tetyana's day, became a noble gospodarka. They said about such a thing: “Tetyana and a cow oven, and rugs with a river b'є, and dances!”. Like a mascot for the birthday girl, black agate is coming.

Video: Aunt's Day - Holy History and Tradition


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In 1791, in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana, the church of Moscow University was also consecrated. From that hour, Saint Tetyana becomes the patron saint of students and teachers.

In 1918 the church was closed. At yoga, the club was roztashovuvavsya on the back, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of the Moscow State University. In September 1995, churches turned to fate.

According to the descriptions of fellows, before the revolution, the celebration of Tetyana's day as a university saint was a good occasion for Moscow.

It began with official ceremonies in the assembly hall of the university, professors, candidates, students and graduates were elected, as if they came from the old places of Russia. After the prayer service, the academic addendum and the speech of the rector, everyone got up and sang "God save the Tsar!". Then an unofficial part began, which often went to the wound, folk festivities. At their own time, graduates of the university were sacredly appointed, among them there were professors and officials, doctors and lawyers, clerks and merchants. Closer to the evening, someone climbed into the hall of the Great Moscow tavern in the center of the city, demonstrating promotions and toasts, after which they went on triplets to the Yar restaurant, serving only the university public that day.

At the present day of Russia, students hold a mass festivities on a traditional day.

On September 25, 2016, the All-Russian action "Tetyana's Lead" will be held for all students of the country. Christmas programs will be organized on icy squares near the capital and regions of Russia. GUM Skating rink on Chervoniy Square became the central square.

The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Holy Martyr Tatiana of this day, as she is honored as the patron saint of all Russian students. All day long, the mustache of the woman celebrates her birthday, like wearing the name of Tetyana (the old name "Tatiana" in translation from the Greek means "order").

As a reminder of a church retelling, St. Tatiana lived in Rome at the turn of the II-III centuries, during the hour of fierce persecution of Christians. Її father, a noble Roman, taєmno having confessed Christianity, and waving his daughter from the Christian soul. Tatiana did not make friends and gave all her strength to the service of God. At that hour, all the power in Rome was in the middle in the hands of Ulpian, the persecutor of Christians. Tatiana was swindled and tried to make a sacrifice to the idol. Ale in the temple of Apollo, where they brought her, for orders, the maiden offered the prayer of Christ - and becoming an earth coward: the pagan idol broke into pieces, and the temple's tricks were praised under the victims.

The pagans tortured Tatiana. At the hour of the tortur, a lot of miracles were performed: either cat, for the vision of which the saint prayed, they believed in Christ, then the angels led the martyrs to strike, then milk flowed from її wounds to replace the blood, and the odor was poured in the wind. After terrible torments, Tatiana stood in front of her katas, that judges were even more beautiful, lower than before. The pagans were angry at the viru of the sufferer and stratili її. Together from Tetyanoy buv strations and її father.

In the rest of the years in Russia, the tradition of the celebration of the holy day of St. Tetyany is calm, at the heart of them is the common prayer of the Russian Church and the Great School.

Traditionally, the center of church urochistas on the Day of Russian Students, which is also a day of remembrance for the patroness of the great school of Russia - the martyr Tetyana, setting up a temple in honor of the saint at the MDU named after M.V. Lomonosov on Mokhovaya street.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirilo, on the day of the Russian student, first performed the divine liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Rector of MDU Viktor Sadovnichy, rector of MDIMV Anatoly Torkunov, rector of GITIS Karina Melik-Pashaeva, as well as professors, lecturers and students of secular and church universities of Moscow, student delegations from other regions of Russia ї. After the end of the liturgy, the young people, as they learn, continued to talk at student festivities, beating the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Material of preparations on the basis of RIA information

What date is Aunt's Day in 2017? Russian students mark their "professional" sacredly on September 25th. How many days did the Orthodox world celebrate Tatiana - the holy Orthodox martyr, how she accomplished the feat in the name of the Orthodox faith, and the women of that girl Tetyana celebrate the name day.

The history of the initiation of the development of the student saint was closely associated with the Moscow Sovereign University - on September 25, 1755, the Russian Empress Elizabeth I signed a decree on the foundation of the first official university - Moscow ovskogo. In modern history, Tetyana's day is called the "Day of Russian students" that is a sovereign saint on the basis of a presidential decree seen on September 25, 2005. 2007 Roku President V.V. Putin signed the federal law, vodpovidno until the Day of Russian Students, adding to the honorable list of memorable dates in Russia.

Why is Aunt's Day sacredly called?

As it happened earlier, the signing of the imperial decree of 1755 about the founding of the University became a substitute for the student saint. І project to the University, and the idea of ​​​​his creation belongs to Mikhail Lomonosov and Count Ivan Shuvalov, the stinks of the stench are the most sensible, the great significance of the vindication of a scientific organization of a similar kind for Russia and the development of science in nіy. The official announcement of the University was made less at the date of 1755, on the 26th - on the day of consecration of the birthplaces of the coronation of Elizabeth I. To this end, the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the Moscow University was entrusted the whole day.

And then the advancing Russian Emperor Mykola I in 1791 saw a decree that he punished not the day of official approval of the university, but the day of seeing the decree about his creation, that is 25 September. So, following the orders of the emperor, it appeared before the official student saint, as if it was about the day of remembrance of St. Tetyana. In 1791, an Orthodox church was founded at the University, which was consecrated in the name of the holy martyr Tetyani (Tatiani). At the same time, Saint Tetyana is honored as a patron and patron of students and vikladachis.

Tsikavo, after the revolution of 1917, the fate of the connection with the forbidden and the rejection of any religions, the temple was closed by the Bolsheviks. In order to ensure that the temple would not be empty, a club was organized at the new one - a place for gathering people from the right kind of everyday life to communism. In the period from 1958 to 1994, the student theater of the Moscow Sovereign University was roztashoved near the walls of the colossal church, and a lot of actors appeared among them, among them Mark Zakharov, Roman Viktyuk, Iya Savvina, Valdis Pelsh, Oleksi y Kortnev and in. In September 1995, historical justice overcame the fate and the houses turned the Orthodox Church.

History of holiness

In the first years, after the fact that the Svyatkov date was confirmed on September 25, there were no special holy days. Sound sacredly with modest coverings. Obov'yazkovy point svjatkovoї program buv moleben to university church. Ale, about 60 years of the 19th century, the celebration of Aunt's Day was mentally divided into official parts and official parts. The program of official entries included the following: holding a day of opening doors at the University; the urochist ledge of the rector of the University; in vіdvіduvannya university church; svyatkovy insult at the university distance for professors. After the completion of the official urochistas, the nayts_kavіshe was opened! The students, united in small groups, spent the night on the streets of Moskovsky, drank alcohol, bawled out songs. Favored by mass gatherings of holy students, Nikitsky and Tversky Boulevards, Moscow Square.

Sometimes the students were given their holy meaning, which is called “in a big way” - sometimes for the holy day, the restaurants and the locality kindly gave their halls to the students. There is a legend that expensive furniture was brought out of the restaurants beforehand, and the rich interior decoration was changed for cheap that inconspicuously - simple tables, benches were set up, and cheap earthenware was removed from the restaurant comor. Restaurants kilimi were replaced with the same ball of tirsi. As a rule, the kitchens of restaurants were not served on the 25th of September. At the disposal of students, only buffets with cold appetizers, burners, beer and cheap wine were left.

A.P. Chekhov, describing as if the holy celebration of Aunt's day, showing what fate everyone who could know was drunk on fire. They could have drunk and drunk the Moscow River, but there, fortunately, it has become. It was a tradition to instill such a tradition, if the restaurant porters on the backs of drunken students wrote the addresses of their delivery on their backs, on the verge, as if they themselves could not get to the house. And the police of the city, with all their might, took the next delivery of drunken students to their homes.

To be entered, the saint of the Aunty Day is so properly stolen by the student young vikladachi, the cups of the Central Department Store disappeared by the classes of people - the bagati triumphi at once, at once, Vikladachi had fun at once with their own lectures. Youth, freedom, studentship, lightness and gaiety of life brought together not only vikladachivs - professors and students, but also many graduates of the university: doctors, officials, journalists, promissors, lawyers, businessmen and all others, who even if it’s an extension to studentship yoga for everyday life.

At the period of the formation of the Radian power of Tetyany, the day was renamed to the “Day of proletarian students”, and the picnic festivities for the honor of the saint were pinned on the back, and then we began to fence at the link with the unrefined. For a long time in the SRSR there were no official student saints. In 1992, the tradition of celebrating the National Day of the MDU was revived in 1992. І step by step to finish a short hour before the holy day of Aunt's Day on September 25, the studentship of all the highest initial mortgages of the Russian Federation and the country of the large SND came.

Sound, until this day, the session is already practically ending for all vishas, ​​to that the greater number of students, if they have a calm soul, signify their lawfully holy. As a rule, on the whole day students are given urochist awards for their achievements in science, sports and culture, concerts, performances, KVK, flash mobi, bali and other are held. cultural visit.

It is necessary to say that Tetyana's Day is nationally sacred, as it may have historical significance and cultural significance. Prote, іsnuіє і іѕnuіє і іѕnаrodne student's holiness, yak vyznaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє 17 leaf fall in the world. Vіn is also a vinnik at the course of historical approaches and closely tied up with the passage of the Other Holy War.

Practice those zabobonnі traditions on Tetyana's day

Insanely, for the long-term foundation of Russian students, student rituals could not fail to appear, zaboboniv those traditions. So, the coming rituals will be performed on Aunt’s day itself, which will prophesy a happy flow of student certificates:

1. On the 25th of September, it is necessary to rise to the present place in the city, marvel at the sun, make a dream - 100% will come true, it has been overturned by an hour and thousands of other students!

2. Call Halavi chi Kuli. To complete the ritual on the 25th of September, it is necessary to go to the balcony, or hang out at the apartment, waving a booklet, in a loud voice, call Freebie “Freebie, come!”. It is important that some of the strangers shouted at the guards “Already in a high way!” - Tse duzhe is a good example for a student.

3. Painting in the hall book on Aunt's Day is also an old tradition. On the other side of the cauldron, it is customary to paint a strong budinochok that goes from the trumpet budinochka. As soon as we see it, it is easier for the student to learn the whole river, until the coming Aunt's day.