The letter rozbyrannya word meadow. Sound analysis of the word: scho tse ta yak correctly yogo robiti. Phonetics and sounds in Russian mov

Persh nіzh go to a vikonannya phonetic selection with butts, zvertaєmo your respect, but literi and sounds in words - do not expect one or the other.

Literi- the price of writing, graphic symbols, which are transferred from the text to the text and summarized by rozmov. Literi vikoristoyutsya for visual transmission to the senses, in the best possible way. Literi can be read. If you read the letters in a voice, then make sounds - put - words.

The list of all letters is just an abetka

Mayzhe kozhen schoolboy knows the words of the letter in the Russian alphabet. That's right, all 33. Russian abetka is called Cyrillic. The letters of the alphabet are re-arranged at the singing endpoint:

Russian language alphabet:

All in the Russian alphabet vikoristyutsya:

  • 21 letters for meaningful voices;
  • 10 letters - voice;
  • і dvі: b (a soft sign) and b (a solid sign), which indicate power, but by itself it does not mean that it is a sound one.

The sounds of phrases vie often misinterpret them, as you will write them down on sheets. Besides, the word can be victorious, more literal, lower sounds. For example, "childish" - letters "T" and "S" get angry into one phoneme [c]. I navpaki, the number of sounds in the word "chorniyut" is greater, then the letter "U" in this vypadvlyaetsya yak [yu].

What is the phonetic rosbir?

Moving me spritically by ear. From the phonetic analysis of the word, relying on the characteristic of the sound warehouse. In school programs, such analysis is most often called "sound-literal" analysis. Also, with a phonetic discussion, you simply describe the power of sounds, its characteristics in the presence of such a warehouse structure of a phrase, combined with a verbal voice.

Phonetic transcription

For sound-letter analysis, special transcription is stored in square bows. For example, spelled correctly:

  • black -> [h "orniy"]
  • apple -> [yablaka]
  • yakir -> [yakar "]
  • yalinka -> [yolka]
  • sonce -> [sonce]

The scheme of phonetic analysis has special symbols. It is possible to correctly identify the letters of the writing (spelling) and the sound of letters (phonemes).

  • phonetically sorting out the word polyagaє square arches -;
  • a m'yaky voiced sign is signified by the transcription sign ['] - an apostrophe;
  • accented ['] - in a voice;
  • in folding word forms from the number of roots, there is a sign of another row to the voice [`] - gravic (in school programs, do not practice);
  • letters to the alphabet Y, Z, E, E, L and L are not vikoristic in the NIKOLI transcript (in the new programs);
  • for the underworld of the voices, it is stagnant [:] - a sign of being able to imitate the sound.

Below are the rules for the spelling, letter and phonetic and for the selection of words with butts online, depending on the out-of-the-box norms of the current Russian language. In professional languages, the transcription of phonetic characteristics is based on accents and symbols with additional acoustic signs of voiced and voiced phonemes.

How to make phonetic analysis of a word?

You can use the following scheme to carry out a lithium analysis:

  • Write the necessary word and rinse it out as soon as you speak.
  • Poke the skil in new voices and voices.
  • Designate a shock warehouse. (The voice behind the additional intensity (energy) vidіlyaє in the mobile singing phoneme from the low one-sided sound units.)
  • To develop a phonetic word behind the warehouses and to add a lot of phonetics. Remember that the warehouse will be changed according to the postponed rules. A large number of warehouses are built from a number of voice letters.
  • In the transcript, pick out the word for the sounds.
  • Write letters and phrases to the store.
  • On the other hand, the skin literi of the square arches provide a sound quality (as you can smell it). Remember that sounds in words do not depend on the same letters. Literi "b" and "b" do not make any sound. Literi "e", "e", "u", "i", "i" can create 2 sounds at once.
  • Analyze the skin phoneme around and signify power through whom:
    • for the vowel vkazuєmo at the characteristic: the sound of vowels; shock chi of non-misapprehension;
    • in the characteristics of voiced vkazuєmo: the sound is voiced; solid or soft, daring or deaf, sonorous, boy / unpaired for hard-soft and dull-deaf.
  • For example, phonetic analysis of the word lead between and fuck the backward number of letters and sounds.

Qia scheme to practice at school programs.

Phonetic word analysis

The axis of the phonetic analysis behind the warehouse for the word "appearance" → [yivl'e'n'іye]. There are 4 voiced letters and 3 voiced ones. There are only 4 warehouses here: I-in-n-n-e. The voice falls on the other.

Sound characteristic of letters:

I [y] - acc., unpaired soft, unpaired dzvіnky, sonorny [i] - vowel. 'yak, unpaired. zv., sonornye [e ′] - vowel., udniyn [n ′] - good., guy myak., unpaired. zv., sonorny ta [i] - vowel, non-misleading [y] - acc., unpaired. soft, unpaired. zv., sonorny [e] - vowel., non-misleading ________________________ The word yavische has 7 letters, 9 sounds. The first letter "I" and the rest "E" mean two sounds.

Now you know how to develop sound-lettered analysis independently. The classification of sound units of the Russian language is given, together with the rules of transcription for sound-alphanumeric selection.

Phonetics and sounds in Russian mov

What sounds are there?

All sound singles are subdivided into voices and voices. Golosny sounds, at your own heart, strike with a shock that is not mischievous. The old sound in Russian words buvaє: we repeat - m'yakim, dzvinkim - deaf, hissing, sonorous.

Skіlki in Russian mov sounds?

Correct view 42.

Problematic phonetic analysis online, you see, that in words you take the part of 36 loud sounds and 6 voices. Have a bagatokh vinikє reasonably nourishment, why is such a marvelous unsuccessfulness? Why is there a number of sounds and letters behind the vowel, so also for the year?

Everything is easy zrozumіlo. A number of letters, for the participation of words, can begin to form the second sound at once. For example, a bet with softness-hardness:

  • [b] - badiori i [b '] - bіlka;
  • abo [d] - [d ']: home - robiti.

And the deyaki do not bet on the bet; Surely, try to say it firmly and be overwhelmed by the unconsciousness of: struma, pack, spoon, black, chegevara, lad, rabbit, bird cherry, bjoli. For such a practical solution, our alphabet is not up to the limitless scale, but the sound units are optimally updated, getting angry one by one.

Voice sounds at the words of the Russian movi

Voice sounds On the vidminu of all the old melodies, the stench is vividly nibi naspi viplivayut from the larynx, without rewriting and sponging sounds. Chim goloshe vie namagaetsya vimoviti voices, tim shirsh you will have to open your mouth. I navpaki, chim voznishe vi pragnete vimoviti vimoviti, tim energіynіshe zmikatimete your mouth empty. The price of the articulation of the articulation is the difference between the different classes of phonemes.

The voices of any word forms can fall only on the voiced sound, or it can also be heard and not voiced.

What are the voices of the Russian phonetics?

In the Russian language, vikorists have less voice phonemes, less letters. Percussive sounds are deprived of the width: [a], [i], [o], [e], [y], [and]. And the letters, nagadaєmo, are ten: a, e, e, i, o, y, s, e, i, y. Voice letters E, E, Yu, I are not є "pure" sounds that are in the transcript do not be vicious. Frequently, when literally sorting out words on the center of the letter, voices fall.

Phonetics: characteristics of stressed voices

The main phonemic feature of the Russian language is the readability of voice phonemes in shock warehouses. The shock warehouses at the Russian phonetics are perceived by the force of the vidih, the increased triviality of the sound and the imperceptibility is not allowed. Oscillations of the stench are displayed clearly and vividly, the sound analysis of the warehouses from the percussive voice phonemes is much simpler. The position, in which the sound does not change and save the main view, is called strong position. Such a position can be occupied by the striking sound of that warehouse. Unwanted phonemes and storage at a weak position.

  • The voice in the shock warehouse is always located in a strong position, so that it will be more vividly, with the greatest strength and triviality.
  • The voice in a non-nude camp is overpowered by a weak position, so that it can be played with less strength and in a different way.

The Russian language of immutable phonetic power has only one phoneme "U": corn, a plank, a chuck, a fishing, - all of them have a different kind of [y]. Tse means, that the voice "U" does not give in to yakisnіy reduction. Uvaga: on the leaves, the phoneme [y] can be recognized by the іnshoy letter "U": muesli [mu 'sl'i], key [kl'u' h '] too.

Rozbir by the sounds of percussion voices

The voice phoneme [o] is perceived to be deprived of strong positions (in a voiceless voice). These types of "O" do not have reductions: cat [ko't'ik], dzinochok [kalako 'l'ch'ik], milk [malako'], visim [vo 'z'im'], shukova [paisko ' vaya], govir [go 'var], osen [o' s'in '].

The winyat of the rule of strong position for "O", if it is not voiced [o] it can be seen differently, represent only the words of the deyaki: cocoa [cocoa "o], patio [pa" tio], radio [ra "dio], boa [bo a "] that a number of service units, for example, ale union. The sound [o] in writing can be represented by the letter "e" - [o]: thorn [t'o 'rn], bagattya [kas'to'r]. Viconati razbir by the sounds of chotir voices, which are lost, in the position of the voice, so it is not possible to detect folding.

Unbalanced voices of letters and sounds in the words of Russian movi

It is possible to create the correct sound distribution and precisely because of the characteristic of the voice, it is possible without writing it out in words. Do not forget about the concept itself in our message of homonymy: the castle is a castle and about the change of phonetic colors, it is in the context (case, number):

  • I am at home [ya to ma].
  • New budinks [ale "vie da ma"].

V not naked camp voices vidosmіnyuєtsya, tobto, vimovlyaєtsya inakshe, nіzh to register:

  • gori - mountain = [go “ri] - [gara”];
  • vin - online = [about "n] - [a nla" yn]
  • testimonials tilnitsya = [testimonials "t'i l'n'itsa].

Some of the voices in non-mocked warehouses are called reduction. Kilkisnoyu, if the triviality of the sound changes. It is a clear reduction, if the characteristic of the cob sound changes.

One and the same voiceless character can change the phonetic characteristic in terms of the number of cases:

  • in front of the shock warehouse;
  • on an absolute ear of a word;
  • at non-confidential warehouses (deprived of one voice);
  • oo infusion of susidnіh signs (b, b) and voiced.

So, see 1st stage of reduction... Їy accept:

  • voices at the first in front of the warehouse;
  • an invisible warehouse on the very cob;
  • repeated voices.

Note: Schob zrobiti sound-letter analysis is the first in the middle of the juvenile warehouse, it does not go out from the "head" of a phonetic word, but according to the wording to the shock word: the first evil comes from the new one. In principle, we can be the same as before: not-tute [n'iz'd'e'shn'iy].

(non-critical warehouse) + (2-3 front warehouse) + 1st front warehouse ← Shock warehouse → shock warehouse (+2/3 shock warehouse)

  • vpe-re -di [phn'ir'i d'i '];
  • e-ste-est-no [yi s't'e's't'v'in: a];

Whether they are in front of the storage and all the shock storage during sound sampling be brought to the reduction of the 2nd stage. It is also called "weak position of the other step."

  • potsiluvati [pa-tsi-la-va't '];
  • modeluvati [ma-di-l'i'-ra-wat '];
  • lastivka [la'-sta-ch'ka];
  • gasovy [k'i-ra-s'i'-na-viy].

The reduction of voice in weak positions is so self-conscious behind the steps: a friend, a third (for solid and soft years, - even behind the fringes of the initial programs): read [uch'і'ts: a], grasp [acyp'in'e 't'], nadiya [nad'e'zhda]. In case of a literal analysis, there is a slight reduction in the voice in a weak position in the end-to-end closed warehouse (= in the absolute end of the word):

  • cup;
  • goddess;
  • with songs;
  • snake.

Lettering sound: iotovan sounds

Phonetically, letters E - [ye], E - [yo], Yu - [yu], I - [ya] often mean two sounds at once. You remembered, for all the meanings, the pre-Datka phoneme є "Y"? This very thing is called “iotovanim”. The meaning of the letters E, E, YU, I become a positional position.

With a phonetic selection of voices e, e, y, I will accept 2 sounds:

E - [yo], Yu - [yu], E - [ye], I - [ya] in vipadkas, if you are overloading:

  • On the cob of the word "E" and "U" start:
    • - їzhitisya [yo 'zhits: a], yalinkovy [yo' lach'ny], їzhachok [yo 'zhik], mnist [yo' mkast '];
    • - yuvelir [yuv 'il'i'r], yula [yu la´], spidnytsya [yu' pka], Yupiter [yu p'i't'ir], briskness [yu 'rkas't'];
  • on the cob of the word "E" and "I" only in a voice *:
    • - yalina [ye 'l'], їzhzhu [ye 'w: y], єger [ye' g'ir '], єvnuh [ye' vnuh];
    • - yacht [ya 'hta], yakir [ya' kar '], yaki [ya' ki], yabluko [ya 'blaka];
    • (* schob viconati sound-lettered selection of non-voiced voices "E" and "I"
  • at the put immediately the voice letter "E" and "Y" is determined. And the axis "E" and "I" in shock and non-worn warehouses, except for vypadkiv, if the meaning of the letter is expanded behind the vowel in the 1st front warehouse, or in the 1st, 2nd shock storage in the middle of the word. Phonetic analysis online and butt from the specified vipadks:
    • - receiver [pr'yo'mn'іk], spіvaє [payo't], klyuє t [kl'uyo 't];
    • -yu rveda [ayu r'v'e'da], sleep t [payu ´t], tanut [t'yu t], cabin [kayu ´ta],
  • the letter "E" and "U" is written, and "E" and "I" are only voiced, but in the absolute end the words: - ob'єm [ab yo'm], zyomka [zyomka], ad'utant [adyu "ta'nt]
  • for the soft, soft "L" sign "E" and "U" - zavzhd, and "E" and "I" in a voice, but in the absolute end of the word: - interv'yu [intirv'yu], tree [d'ir 'e ”v'ya], friends [druz'ya'], brothers [bra't'ya], mavpa [ab'iz'ya'na], zavirukha [v'yu'ha], sim'ya [s 'em'ya']

Yak bachite, the phonemic system of Russian voices may have the most significant meaning. Most reductions are available in non-useless warehouses. Proceed to the sound of letters rozbіr iotovanih, which are overshadowed, and the stench can change the characteristics that are left in words.

Unwanted voices"E" and "I" mean two sounds and the phonetic transcript is written as [YI]:

  • on the very cob of the word:
    • - adnannya [yi d'in'e'n'i'ye], yalinoviy [yilo'viy], ozhina [yіzhiv'і'ka], yogo [yіvo '], yogoza [yіgaza'], onіsei [yіn'is 'e'y], Єgipet [yig'i'p'it];
    • - brown [yi nva'rskiy], kernel [yidro'], virazka [yiz'v'i't '], yarlik [yirli'k], Japan [yipo'n'iiya], lamb [yign'o ´nak];
    • (Vinyatki become deprived of rіdkіsni іnshomovni wordforms and names: Evropeoidna [ye wrap'io'idnaya], Evgen [ye] vgen, Evropeєts [ye wrap'e'yits], parch'ya [ye]
  • directly from the voice in the 1st frontal warehouse or in the 1st, 2nd shock storage
    • Freely [pay vr'e'm'inu], go [payee zda '], come [payi d'i'm], naizhzhati [nai zh: a't'], belgian [b'il'g'i ' yi c], uchni [uch'a'sh'iii s'a], propositions [pidlazhenii me], metushnya [sui ta '],
    • gavkati [la'iyi t '], pendulum [ma'iyi tn'ik], zaєts [za'іі ts], belt [po'yi s], declare [zaі v'і't'], I will viyavlyu [prai v 'l'u']
  • for a crumbly hard "b" or a soft "b" sign: - p'yanit [n'yi n'i't], viyaviti [iziy v'i't '], naked [abiy vl'e'n' іye], їstіvny [siy dobny].

Note: For the St. Petersburg phonological school, “ekannya” is characteristic, and for the Moscow school, “ekannya”. Before the yotations, "Yo" was imitated with a greater emphasis on "ye". In the winter of the capital, there are sound-lettering decisions, to meet the Moscow norms in the orthoepy.

Deyakі people in shvidkіy promotions vimovlyayut voice "I" is the same in warehouses with a strong and weak position. Such a vimova is involved in a dialect and not a literary one. Remember, the voiced "I" go out in a loud voice and sound out without a voice in a sensible way: fairs [ya 'rmarka], ale egg [yi egg "].


Letter "I" for the soft sign "L" can also represent 2 sounds - [YI] in sound-letter analysis. (This rule is relevant for warehouses for the strong, and for the weak position). It will be carried out in a sound-letter online selection: - nightingales [salav'yi '], on smoking nіzhki [on ku'r'yі'kh "no'shkah], rabbit [kro'l'ich'yі], no sіm'ї 'yi'], suddi [su'd'yi], nichii [n'ich'yi '], streaks [ruch'yi'], lysyachi [li's'yi] Ale: Golosna "O" the sign "b" is transcribed as an apostrophe of the pulp ['] in front of the fore-voiced і [O], if you can feel the iotovanity when the phoneme is introduced: broth [bul'o'n], paviljo n [pav'il'o'n], similar : leafonosha, peppercorns, chignon, companion, medallion, battalion, gulyotina, karagnola, minion and іnshі.

Phonetic selection of words, if voices "U" "E" "E" "I" make 1 sound

According to the rules of the phonetics of the Russian language, when the singing position in the words of meaning, the letters give one sound, if:

  • the sound odds "E" "U" "E" are found in the unpaired voice of the unpaired inaudible for the hardness: f, w, c. Todi stench means phonemes:
    • e - [about],
    • her],
    • yu - [y].
    Apply an online selection for the sounds: zhovty [same 'lty], shovk [sho lk], tsil [tsil], recipe [r'itse' pt], perly [same 'mch'uk], shist [she' st '] , hornet [she 'rshen'], parachute [parashu 't];
  • Literi "I" "Y" "E" "E" and "I" mean the flesh of the frontal voiced [']. Liche vinyat for: [w], [w], [c]. In such vipad at the shock position stink make one voice sound:
    • e - [o]: ticket [put'o'fka], easy [l'o'xk'iy], openok [ap'o'nak], actor [act'o'r], ditina [r'ib ' o'nak];
    • e - [e]: seal [t'ul'e'n '], mirror [z'e'rkala], razumnishe [umn'e'ye], conveyor [canv'e'yir];
    • I - [a]: koshenyata [kat'a 'ta], myako [m'a' hka], oath [k'a 'tva], uzyav [vz'a' l], mattress [t'u f 'a ´ to], swan [l'ib'a'zhiy];
    • yu - [y]: dziob [kl'u'f], people [l'u'd'am], gateway [shl'u'c], tulle [t'u'l '], costume [cas't 'mind].
    • Note: in the late words, the percussive voice "E" does not wait for the signal about the softness of the forehead voice. This position has ceased to be a binding norm in Russian phonetics in the XX century. In such vipadkas, if you play the phonetic distribution behind the warehouse, such a voiced sound is transcribed yak [e] without the leading apostrophe of pulp: gotel [ate'l '], shoulder strap [br'ite'l'ka], test [te' st], tenis [te´n: is], cafe [cafe´], puree [p'ure´], amber [ambre '], delta [de' l'tu], tender [te 'nder], masterpiece [ shede´ vr], tablet [tablet´t].
  • Uwaga! Pislya soft, soft voices in front of the jug warehouses voices "E" and "I" are susceptible to a reduction that transforms into sound [i] (cyclic for [c], [w], [w]). Apply a phonetic selection of words with similar phonemes: - grain [z'i rno '], earth [z'ї ml'a'], merry [in'ї s'o'liy], ring [z'v 'i n' і´т], lіsnuyu [l'і sleep´y], blizzard [m'i t'e'l'itsya], per po [n'i ro '], brought [pr' in'i sla '], v'ya zati [v'i z't '], la gat [l'i g't'], p'yatirka [p'i t'o'rka]

Phonetic roster: inaudible sounds of Russian movi

The past in the Russian movement is absolutely great. With the imitation of an inaudible sound, there is a slight change in sound. Їх set up the organization of the articulation: teeth, tongue, pidnebynnya, voice calls, lips. For rakhunok ts'go in the voice of the vinnikє noise, thorn, whistle, sound.

How much of inaudible sounds in the Russian movie?

In the alphabet for їх nominated vikorist 21 letters. However, vikonuyuchi sound-letter analysis, viyavite, scho in Russian phonetics loud sounds more, and itself - 36.

Sound-lettering: what are the sounds?

Our Movies have voices:

  • hard - meat and place the following bets:
    • [b] - [b ']: b anan - b yalinka,
    • [in] - [in ’]: visota - in yun,
    • [g] - [g ']: misto - duke,
    • [d] - [d ']: d acha - d elfin,
    • [z] - [z ']: z won - z efir,
    • [to] - [to ’]: to onfetu - to yenguru,
    • [l] - [l ']: boat - l yux,
    • [m] - [m ']: magic - swords,
    • [n] - [n ']: noviy - nectar,
    • [p] - [p ']: p alma-p esik,
    • [p] - [p ']: pomashka - p poison,
    • [s] - [s']: s uvenir - s yurprise,
    • [t] - [t ']: t uchka - t yulpan,
    • [f] - [f ']: f lag - lutius,
    • [x] - [x ']: x orek - x shukach.
  • Singing voices do not bet on hardness. Prior to non-paired ones:
    • sounds [f], [c], [w] - depend on solid (f izen, c ikl, misha);
    • [h '], [u'] і [y '] - start m'yaki (daughter, partly, yours).
  • The sounds [f], [h '], [w], [u'] are called hissing sounds in our movi.

The old may be young - deaf, and also we are sonorous that galaslivim.

The visibility of the sound-deafness or the sonority of the voice-over is possible behind the equal noise-voice. These characteristics vary depending on the way of understanding and participation of the organs of articulation.

  • Sonorni (l, m, n, p, y) - found phonemes, they feel the maximum voice and trochie noises: lion, p ah, zero.
  • As soon as the sound is heard, it’s the voice, and the noise, which means in front of you a ringing inaudible (g, b, z і etc.): factory, b people, f z nb.
  • When deaf, inaudible (n, s, t and іnh) voices are heard, the sounds do not get energized, only noise is seen: art opka, phishk a, costume, circus, sew.

Note: In phonetics, in voiced sound units, there is also a sense of the character of coverage: note (b, p, d, t) - schilina (w, w, h, s) and the way of articulation: labial (b, n, m) , labiodental (f, v), frontal (t, d, s, s, c, f, w, u, year, n, l, r), middle (y), backward (k, g, x) ... Name the dynasties of the organs of articulation, which take part in the sound-producing ones.

Pidkazka: Whenever you start practicing phonetic analysis of words, try to squeeze the phoneme down to the bottom. As soon as you feel a voice in the distance, it means that the sound is heard - a ringing, hollow, if you feel the noise, it’s deaf.

Pidkazka: For an associative sound, remember the phrases: "Oh, we haven't forgotten a friend." - in the given speech there is absolutely the whole set of vibrant sounds (without urahuvannya pairs of softness and hardness). “Stepko, do you want to eat a shchets? - Fi! - analogously to the meanings of the replies, replace the set of all deaf voices.

Positions of the sounds of inaudible sounds in the Russian movement

The old sound is so self-voiced. One letter itself can phonetically mean a developmental sound, lying in the position. In the flow of promises, it is possible to liken the sound of one intoned voice to the articulation of the roasted handbook of the inaudible. Denmark is injected with Vimov and is called phonetics assimilation.

Position stunned / dzvіnkuvannya

In the singing position for the voice-overs, there is a phonetic law of assimilation for deafness-dzvinkistyu. Dzvіnny guy sang to the deaf:

  • in the absolute end of the phonetic word: ale zh [no'sh], snig [s'n'e'k], city [agaro't], club [klu'p];
  • in front of deaf voices: forget-me-not [n'izabu't ka], obkh vati [apkh vat'i't '], Tuesday [ft o'rn'ik], pipe [corpse].
  • the sound of letters rozbir online, see, what a deaf guy who is voiced, how to stand in front of dzinky (crim [y '], [v] - [v'], [l] - [l '], [m] - [m' ], [n] - [n '], [p] - [p']) can ring, so that you can change to your call for a pair: challenge [zda'ch'a], mowing [kaz'ba '], threshing [malad 'ba'], prohannya [pro'z'ba], vidgadati [adgada't '].

In Russian phonetics, a deaf, voiced galaslivy cannot be found with the offensive, sounding dzinny, except for the sounds [v] - [v ']: with beaten tops. At times, the transcription is equally permissible as phonemi [s], і [s].

When analyzing the sounds of words: at once, season, season and tp, letter "G" substitute for the phoneme [in].

According to the rules of sound analysis in the endings of "-th", "-his" prikmetniks, participles and bunnies with a voice "G" are transcribed like the sound [in]: red [beautiful], blue [s'і´n'іva], white [b'e'lava], hospitable, common, colic, the one whom. As a result of assimilation, two voices of the same type are set up, and it’s angry. In the school program, the phonetics of the process is called the banny of voices: vidokremiti [hell: 'il'і´t'] → letters “T” and “D” are reduced into sounds [d'd '], bezgluzd [b'ish: y ´ mniy]. When disassembling behind a warehouse at a low level, the sound-letter analysis facilitates the dissemination of a dissimilarity - a process of rapid assimilation. At the same vipadku zmіnyuєtsya zmіnyutsya zagalnaya signs in two years, scho to stand the hand: byєdnannya "GK" to sound yak [hk] (replace the standard [kk]): light [l'o'kh'k'y], m'yakiy [m ' a'kh 'k'iy].

Myakі zgodnі at the Russian movі

In the scheme of phonetic analysis, the apostrophe ['] is used for the meaning of the pulp of the voiced vikory.

  • Pom'yakshennya guys hard voiced vidbuvaєatsya before "b";
  • the softness of the inaudible sound in the warehouse on the sheets, in addition to the fact that there is a voice behind it (e, e, i, y, i);
  • [u '], [h'] that [y] for the suggestions only for myak;
  • wait for the sound [n] to play in front of the soft voiced "Z", "S", "D", "T": claim [pen 's' іya], ve [n'z'] yalina, face [n'z '] іya, ka [n'd'] іdat, ba [n'd '] it, і [n'd' ] іvid, blo [n'd '] ін, stipe [n'd'] іya, ba [n't '] ik, vi [n't'] ik, zo [n't '] ik, ve [ n 't'] il, a [n't '] іchny, ko [n't'] text, remo [n't '] yuvati;
  • literi "N", "K", "R" with phonetic picks behind the warehouse can pomp'yakshuvatisya before faint sounds [h '], [u']: a glass [glass 'e' n'sh'ik], ponch ik [po'n'ch'ik], kam'yanik [kam'e'n'sh'ik], boulevard [bul'va'r'sh'in], borscht [bo'r'shch '];
  • often the sounds [z], [s], [p], [n] in front of a soft voice, conceive of the assimilation of hardness-softness: stinka [s't'e'nka], life [life '], here [z'd'es'];
  • schob correctly vikonati sound-literny rozbir, vrakhovyte the words viklyuchennya, if old [p] in front of soft teeth and lips, and also before [h '], [u'] vimovlyaєtsya firmly: artil, godvati, cornet, samovar;

Advice: the letter "L" is for an unpaired, unpaired voice for hardness / softness in certain word forms; In such words, in the case of the letter analysis, a dash should be put on the square arches against the letter "b".

Positions of the youthful-deaf guys before the age, how to hiss, and their transcriptions during the sound-alphanumeric selection

To make sure that there are a few sounds in a word, you need to know the position of the word. Parni dzvinki-deaf: [d-t] or [z-s] before the hissing (f, w, u, h) phonetically become silent with a hissing sound.

  • Literal speech and lay down with hissing sounds: priyzhzhiy [pr'iyezhzhiy], vishist [yoursh e'stv'iye], izzh elta [i'zhzh elta], zhalitsya [lzh a'l'its: a].

A manifestation, if two letters are identified as one, will be called more assimilation for all the signs. Vykonuyuchi sound-letter words, one of the sounds, which is repeated, blame the transcription symbol dovgoti [:].

  • The letter s sibilant "szh" - "zzh", vimovlyayutsya yak subalny solid thorny [f:], and "ssh" - "zsh" - yak [w:]: squeezed, sew, without a tire, so they got in.
  • By the same token, "zzh", "zzh" in the middle of the root in the sound-letter analysis will be recorded in the transcript as a trivial voiced one [f:]: їzhzhu, squealing, piznіshe, vіzhki, others, palya.
  • By adding "mid", "zch" to the stick of the root of the suffix / prefix vimovlyayutsya yak dovgy m'yak [n ':]: rakhunok [n': o't], rewritten, deputy.
  • On the stick of the receiver with the offensive word on the word "mid", "zch" is transcribed yak [sch'ch ']: without number [b'esh' h 'isla'], z chimos [sch'ch 'emta].
  • With a sound-letter selection, add "tch", "dch" to the stick of morphemes, start yak subordinate soft [h ':]: little bit [l'o'ch': hic], cheeky hik [little'h ': hik], sounds [ach ': o't].

A cheat sheet for the likeness of inaudible sounds behind the scene of illumination

  • nt → [n ':]: Happiness [n': a's't'ye], pianik [n'isch ': a'n'ik], retailer [rizno'sh': uk], bracchasty, rozrahunki, pick up, clean up;
  • zch → [ny ':]: rizbyar [p'e'sh': uk], vantazhnik [sad': uk], notification [rask'sch ': uk];
  • zh → [u ':]: perebіzhchik [n'іr'іbe´ u ’: uk], cholovik [musch’: і´na];
  • shch → [sh ':]: lastovy [v'isnu'sh': ity];
  • stch → [u ':]: zhorstkishe [zho'sh': e], hlyostche, rigger;
  • zdch → [u ':]: ob'azdnik [abye'sh': uk], furrow parts [baro'sh ': itiy];
  • ssch → [ny':]: split [grow ': іp'i′t'], split [grow ': edr'ils'a];
  • careful → [h'ch ']: vidchepiti [ach'sh' ip'i't '], vidcheplyuvati [ach'sh' o'lk'ivat '], marno [ch'sh' etna], retired [h ' u 'at'el'na];
  • pt → [h ’:]: sound [ach’: o′t], vichizna [ach ’: і′zna], part [r’is'n'і'ch’: і′thiy];
  • dch → [h ':]: pidkresluvati [pach': o'rk'ivat '], padcheck [pach': ir'itsa];
  • squeeze → [w:]: squeeze [w: a't ’];
  • zzh → [f:]: zzhiti [іzh: y't ’], raspal [rіzh: yk], їhati [uiyizh: a't’];
  • ssh → [w:]: scho prinis [pr'in'o'sh: uy], embossed [rush: y'ty];
  • zsh → [w:]: lower [n'ish: y'y]
  • thu → [pcs], in word forms with "scho" that yogo, weary sound of letters analiz, written [pcs]: schob [pc o'bi], mute for scho [n'e ′ zasht and], well-nebud [ piece about n'ibut '], descho;
  • Thu → [h't] in the first list of letters: mriynik [m'ich't a't'il '], mail [po'ch't a], perevaga [pr'itpach't' e'n ' ye] ta tp;
  • chn → [shn] in words-viklyuchennyakh: zvychano [kan'e'shn a ′], boring [sku'shn a ′], bakery, pralnya, yachnya, dribnichka, shpakivnya, dvich-vechir, girchnik, ganchirkovy, and so itself in women, according to Batkov, scho end in "-ichna": Illivna, Mykytichna, Kuzminichna too;
  • chn → [ch'n] - summer analysis for all other options: kazkovy [ska'zach'ny], dachny [da'ch'niy], suny [z'im'l'in'i'ch'n yy] , throw up, hmarny, sleepy that in;
  • ! railway → house of the letter word “railway”, it is permissible to have two types of vimova and transcripts [sch ’] chi [pc’] in word boards in the most comprehensive word forms: board, board.

Invisible voiced sounds in the words of the Russian language

For an hour, a whole phonetic word with a lancet from the deaf, loud, voiced letters can be absorbed by that sound. In addition, in the orthograms there are letters, adding sound meaning, so called invisible voices. Schob is correct vikonati phonetic distribution online, invisible prigolos can not be displayed in the transcript. The number of sounds in phonetic words will be less than letters.

In Russian phonetics to unimportant voices, it is put:

  • "T" - at the day:
    • stn → [sn]: musseviy [m'e'snniy], reed [tras'n 'і'k]. For analogy, you can see the phonetic analysis of the words of drabin, chesny, vidomy, radio, sumny, participant, visnik, inconvenient, lutiy and іnshih;
    • stl → [sl]: happy [u ': asl' i'viy "], happy, sov_slivy, boastful (words-vyklyuchennya: k_stlyavii і postlaty, in them the letter" T "vimovlyatsya);
    • ntsk → [nsk]: gigantskiy [g'іga'nskiy], agent, presidential;
    • sts → [s:]: shist vid [shes: o't], v'sts I [vie's: a], I swear [cl'a's: a];
    • sts → [s:]: tourist [tour'ї's: k'iy], maximalist [max'imal's: k'iy], racist [races: k'iy], bestseller, propaganda, express, induist, kar'arist;
    • ntg → [ng]: roentgen [r'eng 'e'n];
    • “––”, “–– to” → [c:] at the end of the day: smile [smile: a], mitisya [mi ”: a], look, come in handy, get in, goolish, be good;
    • ts → [ts] for prikmetniks at the adnannyh on the stick of the root and suffix: childish [d'e'ts k'iy], fraternal [bra'tskiy];
    • ts → [c:] / [cs]: sports men [spark: me'n], vidsilati [acs ila't '];
    • tts → [ts:] for a stick of morphemes with phonetic analysis online, you can register yak dovgy "ts": bratts a [bra'ts: a], father epit [ats: yp'i't '], to father u [to ac: y '];
  • "D" - when picking sounds at the onset of letters:
    • zdn → [zn]: pizniy [po'z'n'iy], zoryaniy [z'v'oz'ny], holy [pra'z'n 'ik], free [b'izvazm' e'zn iy] ;
    • ndsh → [nsh]: mouthsh tuk [munsh tu'k], landsh aft [lansh aft];
    • ndsk → [nsk]: Dutch [gala'nskiy], Thai [taiila'nskiy], Normandskiy [narma'nskiy];
    • zd → [ss]: pid uzdtsi [pad usci '];
    • ndc → [nts]: Dutch [galantsi];
    • rdc → [rts]: heart [s'e'rts e], core [s'irtz iv'i'na];
    • rdch → [rch "]: heart іshko [s'erch 'і'shka];
    • dts → [c:] on the stick of morphemes, ridche in the root, vimovlyayutsya and when sounding the words, write down as subordinate [c]: subtit [pats: yp'i't '], twenty [two'ts: yyt'] ;
    • ds → [c]: factory [zavatsky], kinship [race], means [sr'e'ts tv], Kislovods to [k'islavo'ts k];
  • "L" - at the day:
    • лнц → [nts]: sonce [sonce], soncestoyannya;
  • "B" - at the day:
    • vstv → [st] summer discussion of words: hello [hello uyt'e], feeling about [ch'u'stv a], sensibility [ch'u'stv 'inas't'], pampering about [balstv o ' ], non-borrowing [d'e'stv'in: yy].

Note: In the case of Russian words, with accumulated intoned sounds "stk", "ntk", "zdk", "ndk" phonemes [t] are not allowed: trip [payestka], student, student, student, teacher , bulky, Irish, Scottish

  • Two identical letters are immediately transcribed as a single sound that symbol of a dovoti [:]: class, bath, masa, group, program.
  • Podvoєni prigolosnі in peredzhuvalny warehouses mean in the transcript and imitate one sound: tunnel [tanel], terasa, apparatus.

If you can’t change the phonetic definition of a word online for the meaning of the rules, or if you have an ambiguous analysis of a pre-sluggish word, hurry up for the additional vocabulary-presenter. Literary norms of the orthoepy are regulated by the following: “Russian Literary Vimova and Nagolos. Dictionnaire - dovidnik ". M. 1959

Vikoristan Literature:

  • Litnevska O.I. Russian Mova: a short course for schoolchildren. - MDU, M .: 2000
  • Panov M.V. Russian phonetics. - Education, Moscow: 1967
  • Beshenkova Є.V., Ivanova O.Є. Russian spelling rules and comments.
  • Navchalnyy pos_bnik. - "Institute for the Advancement of the Qualifications of Oswists", Tambov: 2012
  • Rosenthal D.E., Dzhandzhakova Є.V., Kabanova N.P. Dovidnik in spelling, writing, literary editing. Russian Literary Vimova. - M .: CheRo, 1999

Now you know how to develop a word for sounds, develop a sound-letter analysis of the skin fold and value and value. The described rules explain the laws of phonetics in the format of school programs. Smell help you to phonetically characterize the letter.

1 ) Transcription of the word "meadow": [tsibulya].

3 literi, 3 sound



§ 9

§ 9. Golosny [y] as voiced in a voice, so in non-voiced warehouses, it is displayed as before writing. Vin is recognized on the sheets by letters at the second.

§ 10

§ 10. Litera at means the sound [y] in such positions; a) on the cob of the word: rozum, denouncing, blow, clean up; b) pislya voices: science, pavuk, zauch, vvchit, sauce, clown; c) pislya solid thorny ones: bitch, fluff, bush, noise, beetle, bunch, cuckoo, fist, noise, tsukati, kulemet, shahraiv, wikup, whistup; d) writing soft hissing [h] and [n]: sensitively, forelock, pike, eccentric, cast iron, divaki, on the probe, cry.

§ 80

§ 80. On the mісtsі of evanescent, voice-over words, we find ourselves deaf. In such a rank, on the letters b, c, d, d, g, z, they are used for voices [n], [f], [k], [t], [w], [s], for example:

on місці б: [bread], [dup], [grop], [klup], [group], [go lup❜], [vglup❜], [drap❜];

at mісtsі in; [nraf], [zal f], [ulo f], [pf], [slof], [karo f], [pizna f], [became f], [plado f]; [crof❜], [l❜ ubó f❜], [brof❜], [astá f❜], [prіgato f❜];

on місці г: [с? ], [slok]; [Нік], [Duc] (common n. Plural parts from leg, arc);

on місці д: [naro t], [sat], [sklat], [hot], [day], [bret], [l❜ vid]; [barot], [axis], [bet] (plural plural nouns like beard, water, bida); [met❜] (mid), [leb t❜] (swan), [ló shъt❜] (horse), [s❜ at❜] (sit);

on mіsci f: [burden], [mush], [chish], [strish], [garash]; [lush], [stush] (nar. pl. pl. ch. vid kalyuzha, cold); [rosh] (zhito), [losh] (nonsense), [drosh] (tremtinnya), [nare sh] (nare zh), [nama sh] (nama b);

on місці з: [grus], [navo s], [maro s], [voice], [lis] (vliz), [vnіs]; [kis], [dew], [los] (kind of n. plural of goat, rose, vine); [lis❜] (liz), [gr❜ as❜] (brud), [vro❜] (narіzno).

1 Orthoepic vocabulary of Russian language: Vimova, nagolos, grammatical forms / S.N. Borunova, V.L. Vorontsova, N.A. Єskova; Ed. R.I. Avanesov. - 4th type., Erased. - M: Rus. yaz., 1988 .-- 704 p.

How daddy will mend by obscenely over the tim, as if you read your children to the reading habits, like the letter and the folds to become the understanding of the “sound analysis of the word”. However, it’s not a skinny mind, it’s always necessary to see a child, because there’s no way to read it, її robiti, and even more can deprive a rogue of viciousness. Ale, how to appear, when thinking correctly about the sounds to lie down in the future thinking correctly writing.

Sound analysis of the word:

Nasamper, varto date viznachennya. Otzhe, the sound analysis of a word is called the value of the order of the distribution of sounds in a particular word and the characteristic of its features.

Do children need to read the sound analysis of the word? For the development of phonemic hearing, in order to clearly distinguish sounds, how to sound, and not to cheat words, for example: Tima - Dima. Even though the child is not able to clearly understand the words by ear, it’s impossible to write them down correctly. And the price of thinking in this time is not only when the grammar of the native land was evolved, but when the grammar of the native land was evolved.

The order of the analysis of words by sounds

When vikonanni sound analysis of any word, it is necessary to put a voice in front of it, distribute its warehouse. Let's go to the z'yasuvati, the letters of the word and the words of the sounds. Step by step will analyze the skin sound. The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwithdrawing from the analyzed words of the vowels and the words of the people. More beautifully for children to give for the analysis of simple one-fold or two-fold words, for example, such names: Vanya, Katya, Anya and іnshi.

If the child's giblets have been taken out of the time, how to carry out the analysis correctly on simple butts, then quickly put down the sleeves to get out.

Sound analysis of a word: scheme

Use the best children to quickly acquire information and use special color cards.

With the help of a child, you can use the scheme of sound analysis.

The card of a chervony koloru is victorious for the designated voice sounds. Blue - hard, deep-voiced, green - soft. For the designated warehouses, pick two-colored cards at the most color-coded ones. With this help, you can read the child and characterize the sounds of that warehouse. It is also a necessary card for the meaning of the voice, the card that shows the words in the warehouse. All meaningful things, which add to the child's readability, the sound analysis of the word (the scheme will not stop playing), is solidified by the official school program of Russia.

Voice sounds - short characteristic. Diphthongs

First, try to analyze the word, it is important for the nobility, as the specialness of all phonetic sounds (voices / zgodni). When children are born in the early stages, it is necessary to give information only about the simplest power, all children are vivchatima in the senior classes.

Voice sounds (їх voice: [o], [a], [e], [and], [y], [i]) are percussive / not nude.
Likewise in Russian literi, as in the singing position you can give a couple of sounds - e [yo], yu [yu], i [ya], e [ye].

It’s like a stench to follow the thumping ones - to sound like one sound and puff up the front sound. In інshih pozitsіyah (ear of a word, written voices і "ъ" and "b") sound like 2 sounds.

A short characteristic of the inaudible

There are thirty sounds of the best sounds in our mov, a little graphically, it means more than twenty-one signs. They are hard and soft, and also sound and deaf. Stink you can / can't make a bet.

In the tables below, there are sound and dull sounds that make a bet, and that doesn’t mean such a thing.

Varto pam'yatati: voiced sounds [y`], [ch`], [ny`] when it is put - meak, and voiced [v], [c], [sh] - be firm. Sounds [ts], [x], [h`], [uch`] - absolutely depend on є deaf, [m], [n], [l], [p], [y`] - (sonorimi) or sound ...

M'yaky that solid signs do not give sounds. The soft sign is to rob the front of the loud voice, and the solid sign is playing the role of the distributor of sounds (for example, in the Ukrainian version the role of the apostrophe is played).

Apply a sound analysis of the words: "mova" and "group"

Having chosen from the theory, varto tried to practice.

For example, you can conduct a sound analysis of the word "mova". The whole word is simpler to finish, and it’s possible to build a corncob.

1) In the first place, two move "ya-zyk". 2 warehouse є hit
2) The first storehouse of assertions behind the help of the diphthong "I", which stands on the cob of a word, and then folds into 2 sounds [y'a]. The sound [y`] - tse voiced (acc.), M'yakiy (m'yak.) (Green color card), another sound [a] - voiced, non-voiced (chervona kartka). For a meaningful movement, you can also take a two-color green-chervon card from the diagram.

4) Warehouse 2 "zik". Win stock from three sounds [z], [and], [k]. Згідний [з] - solid, dzvіnky (blue color card). Sound [and] - vowel, accented (card of a red color). Sound [k] - acc., Hard, deaf. (card of blue color).
5) To put on a voice and be twisted by the way of the serpentine of the analyzed word.
6) There are two warehouses in the word "mova", chotiri letters and five sounds.

Varto vrahovuvati one moment: the word "mova" was picked out for the first class of students, as it is not yet seen that the voices in non-voiced positions can be used to produce sounds. In the older grades, if the scholars obey their knowledge of phonetics, the stink of the word "mova" is not inappropriate [a] vimovlyaєtsya yak [i] - [yizik].

Sound analysis of the word "group".

1) The analyzed butt has 2 movi: "gru-ppa". 1 warehouse є shock.
2) Warehouse "gru" to make three sounds [gru]. First [g] - acc., Solid., Dzvink. (card of blue color). Sound [p] - zgol., Solid., Dzvink. (card of blue color). Sound [y] - vowel, shock. (card of a red color).
3) A card is put on the scheme, which means sub-warehouses.
4) At the other warehouse "ppa" there are three literi, ale the stench vyroblyayut only 2 sounds [p: a]. Sound [n:] - acc., Hard, deaf. (card of blue color). Likewise, for guys and for being able to dovgo (blue card). Sound [a] - vowel, non-mischief (chervona kartka).
5) Put a voice at the schema.
6) Otzhe, the word "group" is stored in 2 warehouses, six letters and five sounds.

In my opinion, the simplest sound analysis of the word is not easy to fold, it is necessary to complete a simple process, but it’s hard to lie down, especially if the child has problems with dictation. Yakshcho rozibratsya, like the right thing to do, you can help me to understand the words in my native language without pardon, and when you develop it correctly, write it down correctly.

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