Children's bags from handball at the Olympics. Hands are golden. Оліпіdi's gold

Play your first match on Saturday at the Summer Olympics near Rio de Janeiro.

Zbirna Russia at the Games of 2008 at the Rock of Pekin went to great medals, as well as the chance to play the Championship of Russia, albeit from the remorse of 2009 by rock. The Russian handball players saw a decline - at the European championships they couldn’t consume the stench before the winners, and at the Olympics in London they were busy fighting for medals at the quarter-financial stage, sacrificing to the Korean women. As a head coach, a large number of Russian women were tied with the new history, and there were more changes at the exhibition.

However, in 2013 rotsі win became familiar with the kerma command. At the championship of light-2015, the winner of Russia, at the thought of the bagatokh fakhivts, the middle of the contenders for the city, altogether aware of the ingenious strikes in the quarter of the figures of the Polish command, which became the result of the fifth and lost the right to take the winner of the tournament Russian women guaranteed their participation in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro at the qualifiers who were in Astrakhan. According to the forecasts of the experts, the Russian team at the Games-2016 will enter the order of the Norwegians, Brazilians and Dutch women before the number of favorites.

For the foals at the group stage of the IGOR-2016, the Russian team is trained in the winter months of Korea (6 sickles), France (8 sickles), Switzerland (10 sickles), Argentina (12 sickles) and 14 Two nice teams from the group will go to the quarter-final of the Olympic tour. Grade 20 sickles in the third month and the final at Rio.

Before the start of the Olimpiadi Zbirna Russia, through injuries, several key gravels were injected at once - in the middle of them Lyudmila Postnova, Ksenia Makova, Polina Gorshkova and Olga Chornoivanenko.

As a result, 15 handball players were sent to the residual warehouse at the Olympiad in Rio. Tse gates Hanna Sedoykina ("Rostov-Don"), Tetyana Arokhina ("Lada"), Viktoria Kalinina ("Astrakhanochka"), as well as polovі graviters Ganna Vyakhirєva, Ganna Sen, Katerina Ilya, Vladlena Bobrov Rostov-Don "), Marina Sudakova, Katerina Marennikova (offense -" Kuban "), Irina Bliznova, Dar'ya Dmitriyova, Olga Akopyan (mustache -" Lada "), Polina Kuznotsova, Viktoriya Zhilinskoy (offense -" Astrakhanka).

Before the Olympic Games of Russia at the general warehouse, including injured gravels, the bullet was changed for doping, all tests gave a negative result. Russian women got a call to participate in the Olympics of the International Handball Federation (IHF). The right to win in Rio de Janeiro

from the Olimpiy Park

More nizh pivzhittya is engaged in one right, seeing all his profession, going through evil, fall and rozcharuvannya. Big nizh pivzhittya pass through dozens, hundreds of them - and it’s far from getting rid of it. Bilsh nіzh pivzhittya oresh and ydesh to a single memorable note.

The superbly long way is now over - at 60 rockies becoming an Olympic champion. I win, having earned a win over yak nichto іnshy!


It’s not easy for a yak to get on a load, since I’ve recently gotten a great help! For a fantastic pivfinal with Norwegians, our girls were recognized, well, melodiously, having taken the lead match at the Yekhniy Kar'or. That іm and kazati are not needed, we themselves bach, as the stench of lilacs fell, they stood, and cried aloud. The most powerful emotions. It’s even more important in advance of the final.

The team was reasonably mindful: not everything at all, head-to-head battle ahead of time, euphoria at a time is thief number one, ale emotionally rich hto buv vipatrati, nothing is a mess. Crush France with the mood that is famous for the Russian spirit of writing the Norwegian thriller bulo vazhko. The first plan was the mainstream.

With us, for happiness, a new way!

Gra did not indulge in effective results - the teams of the suvoro worked in defense, obviously they were kind enough to sleep before the match. Get through to the edge of strong French women and bring the right to the kid to the Russian women. In some cases, they fired the long-distance ones, and we scored a few important balls on the cob from a penalty.

Rosіya zagalom viglyadal even spokіynoy and singing in her command. We were overwhelmed by the fright, then we got rid of the trochies, but before we were interrupted again we saw it - 10: 7.

In addition, to escape to history, Russia will be taken out in one half.


Be it in the whole match - misses, goals, feats, barbells, which fought us and French women (most often more than us, good for barbells!). But if the share, when he was good, resumed laughing at Trefilov, and the supernick at the next time, he called us, Russia did not lose its head. I respectfully marveled at the lava for one big mistake - our handball players laughed.

At the moment, it became zerous: it’s impossible to measure it. Zanadto did Russia go to the top of the mountain, then zupinit for a croc to the top. I have brought the right to the perfect match!

For two years, the team has become for the bagatokh Russian ubolovalnikov mayzhe rіdnoy. Nabagato rіdnіshe, nіzh, for example, football zbіrna. I on the right does not deprive the result. On the right of the date - to oneself, to sports and sports. The girls deserve it, but the names of the names have been imparted more often, not once on the chotiri rock.

Our miracles are three gates, the skin shattered its additions at the peremog - samoviddana Ganna Sudoykina, yaka vibula through a trauma on the cob turniru Tetyana Arokhina the nun is fearless Viktoria Kalinina.

Our reactive land - sisters Ganna Vyakhirєvaі Polina Kuznutsova, since the leaders were scored at the most important moment, that young mother Marina Sudakova, scho zovsim has recently turned into handball, then in a kind of insolent form!

Our recruitment and most promising development Daria Dmitrieva, over the top all the way over to Trefilov Katerina Ilyina, scored the style of the important seven-meter in the match with Norway!

Our mission of excellence Anna Sen, scho seized the gate is not worse for the goalkeeper. "Tse our final, mi maєmo yogo take", - said Vona in front of the

Our old guard, that there is more than one pound of salt in Trefilovim. Irina Bliznova, Vlada Bobrovnikova, Viktoria Zhilinska, Olga Hakobyan, Maya Petrova, Katerina Marennikova.

Our coaching tandem, weirdly w - krim Evgena Trefilova, more Levon Hakobyan, scho robbing the coupe with an invisible, even more important robot.

І, zrozumilo, head of the handball federation - lyudin, who actually gave birth to a kind of sport, - Sergiy Shishkarov.

Remember the name. First name of Olympic champions!

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Olympic Games-2016. Оlіmpіyskі іgri Handball. 20 sickle.
Women. Final.
France: Glose, Leino; Dembele (5), Pino (5), Lyakraber (2), Lyandre (2), Nseminko (2), Pruvensє (2), Niombla (1), Zaadi Deuna (0), Wett (0), Horacek (0) , Edvig (0), Eiglon Sorina (0).
Russia: Erokhina, Kalinina; Vyakhirєva (5), Dmitriєva (4), Kuznutsova (4), Akopyan (2), Bobrovnikova (2), Ilyina (2), Bliznova (1), Sen (1), Sudakova (1), Zhilinskoi (0), Marennikova (0), Petrova (0).

An hour of refreshing and striking by the water after. Golf, cinema, boxing and bringing gold fencing went to the background and modestly stayed there, checking the main festival of the Great Russia at the Olympics. First and foremost, and synchronously, the swimming of the bully and the clock was forgotten, the wrestling and boxing were pummeled. Now is the hour for handball.

Іgrovі vidi sports on Іgrov - it depends especially. Yak and gold medal for the command. It's not wonderful, after all, wash away some of the nerves. It is necessary to go to the kilim, the road, the tatami for one day, spend a few days on the kilim, to see the khilin there - the axis of the won, the medal.

The players go to the hill two times. Dovgim year, liters of sweat and kilometers of nerves. Obviously, the stench will increase merit for the particularity of my finals.

Forget past

I axis handball. Final, Russia - France. As far as the least wanted before the ear of a match for both teams, so zgaduvati, how and if you played that program - to increase the statistics of special events and history of performance at the Olympics. I wanted to visit a group of Russian women and French women ten days ago, more of our children played. First and foremost, it’s unlikely to be supported by facts, it’s better to practice in the first place: in one tour of one team, it’s even neatly to beat the two.

And here are our memories. Okhnyu kilkist, deprived of Russian women for a change over Norway, can be boiled in kilograms. Such emotsii invite you to write for the main match - such as it is already empty, and everything is not important. Russia could have overcome France, and only one person knew for sure. Lyudina, who’s the mensh below the door, didn’t need to get the demand, but all our team was on the right, not broken yet. Nagadati so, yak um lishe vin. ...

Likes and "unlikes"

Tetyana Arokhina took a place at the Russian gate in the first seconds. It is unlikely that, being the third gatekeeper of the zbirnoi, she could have seen such a development for two years.

Ale at once, not a buto of zhodnykh two tizhnіv, but a bullet Dembely, scho threw a ball at the closest kut of our gate and vidkriva rakhunok. Trefilov's voice, melodiously, sounding far beyond the boundaries of "Karioki" - yo podopіchnі "bazaar" attack after attack and scored deprived of the punishment from the punishment. I immediately Yrokhina sipped, and Dmitrieva everything was clear - 2: 1.

Like Trefilova - a wonderfully possible bulo bachiti from a quick attack of yogi children, transferred to the edge of an exact kid Kuznetsovo on the crossbar. The trainer fiercely showing a great finger to the children. For example, the ninth khvilini - "Anlayk", which is supervised by the following commentary: Vyakhirєva did not score seven meters. French women goalkeeper Lіyno Until that moment, the hero's glare can be seen on his chest - so richly the m'yachiv of the hero. We once introduced a barbell, in a yak from a clean exit one to one Dembele was fed.

"Give it a normal transmission"

Trefilov prodovzhuvav oburyuvatisya: two attacks after the Russian women threw out a foul in the attack. On the 13th grade Nze-Minko scored with a kid on the legs of Arokhinoyu - 3: 3, ale ekvator from the period of the Russian woman, leading a rakhunka and a grave zdebilshy.

Russia - France - 22:19 (10: 7)
Goli of Russia: Vyakhirєva-5, Kuznotsova-4, Dmitriyova-4, Akopyan-2, Ilyina-2, Bobrovnikova-2, Sudakova, Bliznova, Sen.

Penalty, signs at the area of ​​the gate, went to sell Іljina and cold-bloodedly went to Leino. On the 18th grade, Dmitriyova, for the first time in the match, brought the rakhunka to three scores - 6: 3, and on the 20th Іlyina I know the realization of seven meters - 7: 4.

Vіdchayushny kidok Bliznyuk For ten meters, naturally placing Leino at the bezvikhіd - 8: 4. The French women scored from specks once, then another: vryatuvati could not be able to neither Kalinin, nor Arokhin. At first, the court judged foul at the Russian women in atats, for which chi was not ahead of the match, far into the meaning of the French line - Landry. “Give me a normal transmission”, - Trefilov wheezing for an hour to interrupt, taken yoi, and even Ilya had mercy on the simplicity of the situation. The transmission was given by Kuznetsovo - the won accurately scored a soft "parachute". Saved by Arokhinoyu and a goal by Sen, as she drove a pass to Bliznova on a six-meter line and adjusted the ball at the net, picked up the bag of the first half - 10: 7.

Lev vdovzh brivki

A friend of thirty khviliinka rested for a goal Provens, Ale їy at once saw the announcement of Dmitriyev, having defeated the closest kut, the other gatekeeper of the French women - Glose... Bliznova could win over our commanders, ale consumed the barbell at the base, then through the slime, she went into Kuznetsovo's growth, yaka scored a song for a rosary gear Zhilinsky, - 12: 8. On realizations Pino Penalty with a naked-blush was taken by Vyakhiruva, and on the 38th grade Zhilinskoyte did not appear at the gate for a visit to vich-na-vich.

Two unused pardons in atats and two goals in our gates - Trefilov throwing himself, like a lion, bridling the briars, and immediately tidying up from the Maydan Sen. Dmitriyova allowed a runaway - the whole thing is already our loss against France's five. Dmitriyova immediately corrected in the defense, swinging the transfer to the line. It was necessary to get a good load, and it was impossible to beat Vyakhirova - 14:11.

Оліпіdi's gold

However, until the middle of the half, the rakhunok buv was already 14:13, before that, they were playing in the minority. Gloze vityagla kidok Dmitriyevoi, and Pino scored the top - 14:14. Russia’s messy attack ended with a new save Glose, ale mi zumili boronitisya, and Sudakova flowed into the rendezvous from the French goal - 15:14. Tsey rakhunok trimmed as much as five khiliin, and if only for some reason he was too busy in atats and kidok Vyakhir'ovoy got rid of the pass of Russia. Erokhina made a save, and Bobrovnikova scored her first goal in the final - 17:14. For a rakhunok 17:15 Trefilov took a break. Graty wasted a lot of half the wounds.

What a blast for hvilini. Vyakhirєva and Bobrovnikov scored, Dembele won - 19:16. Dmitriyova threw from the navazhchy camp, Nіombla outplayed Arokhina - 20:17. Vyakhirєva earned seven meters, Ilya left the vishche from the "point", and Pino at the Shvidkіy atatsi hastened her return. Hakobyan, on the fifth gear, scored a plague ball, and 50 seconds before the end of the other half, the rakhunka became 21:19.

Let's get one more ball Hakobyan... Siren. The 1st Russian round dance at the center of the Maydan, and the spok_yny Trefilov. І navіt doubts. Sluzi? Їх mayzhe not bulo. The stench has been lost in the history of the Olimpiadi - 2016, as the name of the most powerful - zbirnoy Russia. The game is not over, but the gold has already been won. I can help, Russia!

Check - broadcast will be locked in 13 seconds

Details of the Maybut finals of the Olimpida 2016 in handball France - Russia 20 September 2016 rock, the forecast for the match is presented in the background.

On September 20, 2016, in the framework of the Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro 2016, the final of the handball tournament will take place, within the framework of which week of Russia you will meet with French women. The ear is about 21:30 after the Moscow hour.

Handball, women, Russian Federation - France 20 September 2016: online broadcast, wondering on which channel?

The direct efіrі finals handball with women from Russia - France on 20 September 2016 will show “Match Gra”. The ear is about 21:30 after the Moscow hour.

Handball, women, Russia, France, Olympic final 2016 in Rio: before the match

The supporters of Zbirnaya Russia for handball and impatience check out our winners of the "gold" of the Olympic Games at Rio de Janeiro 2016, which has lost one croc. In the final round of the tournament, our athletes will have to work with the team of France and play in the battle for a fraction of the best test.

Earlier, at the 1/2 stage, the final of the pedagogue Evgen Trefilov showed that they were successful in the match against even strong Norwegians, having outplayed them from the inveterate struggle with a rakhunk 38:37.

In the final, the representative of Zbirnoy France is clearly embossed with the fact that the team had previously played in the group of Russia with a rakhunk 25:26.

Behind the bags of all handball matches at the Olympics, Russia itself is an insane leader, which has changed in all 7 matches.

France, Handball, women, Olympic final 2016: bookmaker forecast

Bookmakers vvazayut Russian women as leaders of the final. Bets on the victory of our winners will be accepted in the middle one with a rate of 1.55, for nothing - 9.00, the success of France - 3.2.

Seasonal at the Olympics 2016, Rio may have issued 30 sets of medals. The first Olympic medals will be among the Russian athletes at the artistic gymnastics. Sportswomen from artistic gymnastics Margarita Mamun and Yana Kudryavtseva went to the final.

Also for medals on the 15th day of the Olympiad, athletes compete with the finals of such types of sports: handball, athletics, badminton, water polo, volleyball, boxing, basketball, triathlon, water strikes, football, golf, artist, gymnastics modern pentathlon, mountain bike.
Also, this year's handball will be finale against the French athletes.

Handball. The most recent and most recent results and all igor Olimpiadi in Rio de Janeiro in handball (Olympic Games OI-2016) in choloviks and women.

You are familiar with the online handball website. Live-results of the Olimpidi-2016 ". At the same time, you can read the latest information and online handball results of all the events between the teams participating in the head sports pod. The results of all tours of handball within the framework of the Olympic Games at Rio, 1/4 of the final, the final of the Olympic Games-2016, the stand of teams at the skin of groups "A", "B" ... superniks of Igor in Brazil, there is an online date that hour on the cob of direct broadcasts, with statistics of entertainment at home and on visits. On our site there is a distribution, a calendar and sports bags of all olimpids in handball. Moscow hour is indicated at the list of matches. All the results of the Olympic Games in handball are displayed online in real time, in addition to the updated and reliable live results of the Summer Olympics. Every hour is shown in the direct e-mail tables of results on the site. And literally in seconds, the final whistle is as fast as possible, the results of the Olimpiadis skin will be published in general in Rio de Janeiro, so there will be a chance for handball fans and fans of handball to be in the course of all sports events of the current day!

For the sake of visibility, in all the statistical tables of the results, they saw Russia’s handball and gravitas, showing the camp at the Olympic Tournament. Dodatkovo in the divisions "News for handball" and "Statistics for handball" you can know all the news, analysis, medal score, expert thoughts, sports eye-catchers and sports bags for the head sports events of 2016 rock, so and for all Wonderful handball at the Lithuanian Olympic Games at the American Academy of Sciences online and support the results of handball, all the performances of the Olympic teams in the real hour mode - at the same time as a real handball player. I will discuss results of the Olympiadi-2016, read sports news, ad hoc pids bags, yes, predict, robimo bets on handball teams, how to win at the pivfinal and financial OI-2016, write creative emotions blogs, comedy matches, anonymous mediators for ours! Go ahead!

Now there are trophies about the head sports podіya 2016 rock. The Summer Olympics was held, traditionally, once at the Chotiri Rock, the 31st Olympic Tournament, starting in 1896. On the basis of the official name of the championship " Lіtnі Olіmpіyskіі Іgri u Brazil(Summer Olympic Games Brazil 2016) ". The organizer of the whole world light tour is the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In 2016, Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil, will have a sporting performance. Zbirna Russia of the Middle Ages of the Brazilian Igors. Russian Zbirna is one of the strongest in the Olympic Games at once from the teams of the USA, China, Nimechchini, Italy. The singing sports disciplines of Russia are traditionally successful. Tom Russia can easily win the medals for fencing, swimming, shooting, tenis - tse vidi sports, de Russian zbіrna predict good luck medals for Rio-2016. Rosiyanka є insane favorites of OI-2016 in synchronized swimming and artistic gymnastics. Sports fakhivtsi predict that the medals of the Igor-2016 in Russia will be in single combats: in the wilderness and Greco-Roman fight, judo, boxing. Do not plan out of America without cities and medals, representatives of the game types of sports: basketball, volleyball, handball and water polo. There can be no medals for the number of athletes, especially for athletic walking, big, stripes at the height of the pole, so without new, important athletes ...

We, the dumbbells, want to follow the results of the game from handball to survive and actively train the athletes who are in love, to be able to win, which will be more than enough. Go ahead! Lost for ours!

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