Steam field with information to issue. Adding a combo box to an Access web application view.

How often in everyday life we \u200b\u200bhear the phrase: "What a brilliant idea!" Probably, many inhabitants of our planet would not mind being among those whom they say: "Insight descended on him." This is especially true for businessmen, inventors, writers, directors. And also for playwrights, composers, poets, fashion designers. And you would not be interested to know how ideas are born, and where you can look for them?

Basic concept

At the beginning of the previous century, Vernadsky suggested that there is an information field of the Earth. He called it the noosphere (literal translation from Greek - "mind", "sphere"). According to the academician, it is in this field that all the ideas and thoughts of people accumulate. “Collective unconscious” is how Carl Jung put it. He believed that it contains ideas and archetypes common to people. According to modern science, the Universe is a large hologram, at the points of which information about the world is concentrated. The subconscious of each individual is a separate fragment.

The information field of the entire Universe is a huge bank of thoughts and ideas. It stores all the data that is, existed and will even appear in the future! Some survivors say they knew it. In the world we are accustomed to, time is linear, its movement occurs in one direction - the past-future. But the information field lives by its own laws. The flow of information in it moves in a spiral, it is always available. The subconscious of people is associated with this field. Any person has data about the past, as well as about the present, but what is especially interesting is about the future too. It is from here that the most brilliant ideas come.

There is no limit to perfection

First of all, it should be understood that no thought falls on a person just like snow on his head. One of the terms quite accurately conveys the process of the idea. We are talking about the word "insight". It is believed that this condition is characteristic of creative people: like refined natures, they are more open to receiving external information. There are cases when enlightenment visits, so to speak, comes in a dream. Access to such a substance as an information field depends on the level of consciousness of a person. The better it is developed in people, the more data is available to them.

There is an interesting story about a healer and a medium named Edgar Cayce; for many he is known as the "sleeping prophet." This person was able to enter a state when information about different people, their lives. According to him, he seemed to be in the library, and in it the old man handed him a book about a man. Case found the necessary information in it, and then returned back to real life. This is available only to units. As a rule, in people it is blocked with information. But do not be discouraged, each of us has a tendency to self-development and self-improvement, there would be a desire. So, it turns out that the information field is a huge database of the Universe. Everything is divided into layers here. It is believed that access there depends on the characteristics of the person requesting the data. At the same time, only information is provided to a person that cannot harm him.

Communication with the information field

There are different types of it:

Standard communication. This is an almost completely blocked channel operating in the “man-field” direction. In the opposite direction, the block rarely opens. It is about intuition and premonition.

- “Unconscious” connection is a kind of clairvoyance. In this case, the data stream has two directions. The mentioned process is uncontrolled, this is what people call “insight”.

Controlled communication. We can say that this is controlled clairvoyance. The power of clairvoyance directly depends on the level of access to the information field of a person.

Thus, the higher people are developed, the greater their opportunities. Therefore, everything is in our hands! Do not chase ideas, but improve yourself, and then they themselves will visit you.

Combo box  in access can become a search field. The search combo box in Access can greatly facilitate your work with data.

There are several ways to create a search field, the most common of them is using the wizard for the "Combo Box" control.

Consider a way to create a manual search field. In the form constructor mode, add a free field to the form note (the "Wizard" button must be pressed):

We will set the following properties for the free field “Search field” (to do this, select it in the design mode and press the F4 key):

Let's go to the “Data” tab of the properties of the combo box. The values \u200b\u200bof the Data property are left blank. In the "Source of lines" we select the substitution from the "Name" field of the basic request "list_ListForForms" (the same request "gives" data for the current form and the field "Name" of the request is the base for the field "Name" of the form). The properties “Restrict to the list”, “Autosubstitution” and “Access” take the value “yes”.

On the "Events" tab, define the "MacroSearch" macro for the "After Update" property.

A macro consists of only two commands:

The form with the search box is ready. In order to find the record we need with a specific person, you need to click the mouse inside the search field. Then you can enter the last name, first name and patronymic.

As you enter characters, the program will automatically suggest suitable entries. When the desired entry is selected, you can press the Enter or Tab key. The cursor will automatically be transferred to the form data area on the desired record.

Now press “Enter” or “Tab” and the input focus will go to the record we need in the form data area:

You can add a combo box to the Access web application so that users can select values \u200b\u200bfrom the drop-down list. Using the drop-down list, you can enter data much faster and more accurately than using an empty text field.

In this example, when you click a combo box 2nd contact  a list of names is displayed.

  Note:  This article does not apply to classic Access databases. For more information about creating controls on forms in classic databases, see Create an Access Form.

  Note:  Access web application drop-down lists can display a maximum of 500 items.

Adding a combo box to a view

To add a combo box, change the view in Access and add an item from the collection of controls.

Setting additional options for the combo box

    In line Default value  you can enter a default value for new entries. If you use the identifier value as a linked field, you must specify the corresponding value from the linked table.

    In field Pop-up window You can select the view that will be displayed in a new window by clicking on the value in the combo box in the browser (except for table mode). When you add the name of the view that will open in a pop-up window, the displayed values \u200b\u200bare formatted as hyperlinks in the browser to show that they can be clicked. For example, when you click a name in a list view, a list of information about that person may be displayed. In this case, the corresponding list view is loaded in a new window. If, in addition to this, the view contains a list of related items, it also appears in a pop-up window.

An alternative to the combo box is an autocomplete control in which possible matches are suggested as you type characters. The more characters you enter, the smaller the match list. It is recommended to use this method instead of the combo box if users know the values \u200b\u200bthey are looking for, or if it is necessary to obtain data from a source with more than 500 values.

For more information about autocomplete controls, see Adding an Autocomplete Control to a View in an Access Web Application.

  Note: Disclaimer regarding machine translation. This article was translated using a computer system without human intervention. Microsoft offers these machine translations to help users who don’t know of English language, get acquainted with materials about Microsoft products, services and technologies. Since the article was translated using machine translation, it may contain lexical, syntactic, and grammar errors.

The theory of the information field at different times appeared under different names in the works of various scientists. For example, C. Jung introduced the term “collective unconscious”, which was suspiciously similar to the definition of information fields given by modern mystics. The latter suggest that people have a personal information space, and the Universe has an information field that contains so much knowledge that it can provide answers to any questions.

Concept of information field

Information is understood as vibrational plexus, a kind of matter, which every living creature forms in the process of its life. Each person is surrounded by an information field, and its formation begins from the moment of birth. Thus, everyone has their own “database”, in which everything that happens to a person throughout life is recorded. The interesting thing is that information does not exist separately, it has connections with all the people with whom it has ever contacted. Therefore, we can talk about the presence of the information field of the Universe, common to all. It is his existence that can explain the simultaneous insights that come to two strangers who are in different parts of the world. Hence the common expression “the information field of the Universe is a source of knowledge”, it is a kind of “knowledge bank”, which is replenished by each person.

The relationship of a person with an information field

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that we are all omniscient, because every person has a connection to a common energy-information field from birth. But this is not so simple, the fact is that there are different types of connections with the “knowledge bank”.

Of course, the connection of the latter type also has its limitations, which depend on the degree of human development, the higher it is, the more data a clairvoyant can get. So, not a single person on Earth can have the fullness of information.