Information on the topic: making life easier for creatures. Planning a lesson on the history of the development of zoology. Lanziugs live. Energy flow

Intercessor zabarvlennya and the shape of the body To roil the creatures unremarkable on the aphids of the navkolishny middle. Vaughn is dominating with rich species of ribs, toads, birds, animals. For example, a panicle of calimu and an American horseman are similar to a leaf of sprouting in their zabarvlennyami and form. In some creatures, the infested body can change. For example, the praying mantis, chameleon, flounder of the building change the farbuvannya of the body. In a hare - white, the color of the outside changes over the seasons of rock.

Frightening zabarvlennya Sharply see the creature against the backdrop of the navkolishny middle. Tse barvlennya powerful creatures that see the rubbish, or it’s bad to smell of speech: jmel, bjolam, wasp, sonechka. The stench nibi ahead of other creatures: "Don't chip me!". 1 - fox wasp, 2 - earthen dzhmil, 3 - sonechko

Mіmіkrіya Mіmіkrіya (from the Greek “mіmіkos” - inherited) - zahisne zabarvlennya and form of the body, powerfully call the creatures, so you can’t make a zakhist, so you can kill a creature similar to another organism, so you can zakhistu. For example, deyakі flies can be zabarvlennya, similar to wasp zabarvlennya. As a rule, good protection can be seen to be zabarvlennya, in which red with black or black with black color, to shy away the creature of good commemoration.

The Woodpecker butt is easily moved by stovburs of trees, but it is badly attached to move along the surface of the ground. Waterfowl importantly move on dry land. It’s more than a burden to rob a hare yogo unremembered in the snow and remember well on the aphids of dark tree trunks.

Formation of attachment in organisms Attachment is formed in succession in combination with the destructive forces of evolution and includes the following stages: More important is the survival and reproduction as a result of natural selection of individuals with recessive changes in the minds of the middle; natural selection Preservation from generation to generation of individuals with brown changes.

Self-control Determine the correct sequence of steps in the molding process: 1. Saving EO especially from brown changes; 2. Preservation and reproduction in a number of generations of individuals with brown changes; 3. Appearance of various recessive changes in the population. 1. 1,2,3 2. 3,1,2 3. 2,1,3 Subject 2. 3,1,2

Visnovki Pristosuvannya up to dovkіllya raznomanіtnі і vyyavlyayutsya budovі, povedіntsі, processes zhittєdіyalnostі. The enthusiasm for the form of forms in the result of the mutual forces of the Evolutsiy, the assumption of the alloy, the bonds in the typical middle of the conjunction of the result, the reservation of the orin, the contribution of the vidiv, the vice,

lesson type - combinations

Methods: chastkovo-poshukovy, problem vikladu, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative.

Target: volodіnnya vmіnnyami zastosovuvat bіologichіchnі znannya praktіnії dіyalnostі, vykoristovuvatіyu іnformatsiyu pro suchasnі nasyannenіa galuzі vіologii; practice with biological accessories, tools, dovіdnikami; carry out guarding for biological objects;


illuminating: the formation of a cognitive culture, which is mastered in the process of primary activity, that aesthetic culture as building up to an emotionally valuable setting to objects of living nature.

Developing: development of cognitive motives, directing the acquisition of a new knowledge of living nature; knowledge of special features, povyazanih іz zasvoєnnym the foundations of scientific knowledge, volodіnnyam methods doslіdzhennya nature, shaping іntelektualnyh umіn;

Vikhovny: orientation in the system of moral norms and values: recognition of the high value of life in all manifestations, the health of one's own and other people; environmental awareness; vihovannya love to nature;

Specialties: rozumіnnya vіdpovіdalnostі for yakіst naboutih knowledge; rozumіnnya tsіnnosti adequately assessing the power of the reach and ability;

Knowledge: smart analysis and evaluation of the influence of factors in the nascent environment, factors of risk to health, the presence of people in ecosystems, the influence of moisture on living organisms and ecosystems; orientation to the constant development and self-development; to work with different types of information, to transform it from one form into a different one, to compare and analyze information, to work on a visnovka, to prepare an accompanying presentation.

Regulatory: vminnya organize independently vikonannya zavdan, evaluate the correctness of vikonannya work, reflection of one’s own activity.

Communications: shaping communicative competence in co-operation and spivpractice with one-year-olds, understanding the peculiarities of gender socialization in the middle-aged, suspile brown, first-last-last, creative and other types of activity.

Technologies: Health care, problematic, development of education, group activity

Vidi diyalnostі (elementi utrimannya, control)

Formation in the textbooks of detailed conditions and conditions to the structure of the systematization of the pre-sliding subject matter: collective work - the introduction of the text and illustrative material of the folding table "Systematic groups of rich-climatic" for advisory assistance to the student-expert in self-reflection; the guy or the group vikonanny of the laboratory work for the advisory help of the teacher with further mutual verification; independent work from twisted material.

Planned results


understanding the sense of biological terms;

describe the peculiarities of life and the main processes of life of creatures of different systematic groups; porіvnjuvat osoblivostі budovі simplest and richest creatures;

to recognize organs and systems of organs of creatures of different systematic groups; to explain and explain the reasons for similarity and authority;

to establish interrelationships between the features of being organs and functions, like a stink;

direct butts of creatures of various systematic groups;

distinguishing on little ones, tables and natural objects the main systematic groups of the simplest and richest creatures;

characterize directly the evolution of the creaturely world; bring proof of the evolution of the creaturely world;

Metasubject UUD


practice with different sources of information, analyze and evaluate information, transform it from one form into another;

put together theses, see different plans (simple, folding thinly), structure the initial material, give a purpose to understand;

conduct caution, put elementary experiments and explain the withdrawal of the results;

rank and classify, independently select criteria for assigning logical operations;

budvavat logical mirkuvannya, yakі include the establishment of causal and hereditary links;

to create schematic models with visualizations of the essence of the characteristics of objects;

to determine the possible number of necessary information, conduct a search for information, analyze and evaluate its reliability;


organize and plan your initial activity - determine the method of work, the sequence of work, set tasks, predict the results of work;

independent visuvati variant of the accomplishment of the tasks set, transferring the final results of the work, choosing the attainment of the goal;

practice according to the plan, make your own decisions according to the method, if necessary, correct pardons independently;

allow the basics of self-control and self-assessment for the adoption of a solution and an informed choice in the primary-learning and primary-practical activities;


listen and enter into a dialogue, take part in the collective discussion of problems;

to integrate and be productive in cooperation with the same age and grown-ups;

Adequately win a move for discussion and argumentation of one’s own position, equalize the point of view, argue one’s point of view, defend one’s position.

Features of UUD

Formation and development of knowledge about nature

Priyomi: analysis, synthesis, vysnovok, transfer of information from one type to another, aggregation.

Basic understanding

Understand: divergence, rіznovid, species.

Hid lesson

Knowledge update ( concentration of respect for new material)

Choose the correct option for your mind.

1. What are the two main factors of evolution seen in Darwin?

slump and sluggishness

natural vіdbіr and spadkovіst

recessionary changes and natural weather

2. What is the nature of organisms to pass on their signs and peculiarities of development to offspring?



natural vіdbіr

3. What is the name of the main evolutionary process, which results in an increase in the number of individuals in the population, which may have maximum attachment, and shorten the unfriendly ones?

natural vіdbіr



4. What is the name of the natural process of the development of living nature?




5. How many sights can you see?

6. What is the name of breeding for different types of mutations and their combinations in the next crossing of the change?




7. What is the name of the changes in the organism, related to the change phenotype?

spadkova sluggishness

undirected sarcasm


8. What is the name of the transformation of the genotype, which comes under the influx of the sound chi of the inner environment?




9. How many types of natural selection do you have?

10. What is the name of the change in the frequency of gene alleles from generation to generation?



genetic drift

Introduction of new material(Report of the teacher with the elements of the conversation)

Complimentary living organisms of creatures

The aggravation of the life of the creatures' organisms was carried out throughout the entire period of the development of the creaturely world on Earth. We re-gorge once again the sides of the history and the significantly most important milestones in the evolution of creatures.

The first creatures of the Earth were the last and most recent prokaryotes. Later, the simplest ones appeared, which look like modern single-celled ones (infusoria, sarcoflagellates thinly). The colonial forms of the ancient single-celled organisms gave rise to the first rich-celled organisms, which were formed from specialized cells.

The next stage in the evolution was the appearance of trispheric creatures similar to planaria. On vіdmіnu vіd dvosharovyh, tsі novі forms of creatures mali systems of organs: grass, blood-bearing, nervous, vidiline, stateevu, m'yazova. The nervous system evolved from a diffuse one in two-balled creatures to a Stovburian one in trispheric ones.

The appearance of an empty body first, and then the second, an important stage in the evolution of creatures. Ancient kilchasti worms with their closed blood-bearing system, chervil nerve lancet opened a new direction in the history of the development of the creature's world. Farther, as vvazhayut vcheni, developed in two directions: from some of the worms began the evolution of arthropods and mollusks, from others - the evolution of chords. Evolutionary in their directions, the creatures "pridbali" organi dihannya. The life of their nervous systems has also improved, and also the way of life of these creatures.

The coming milestone in the evolution was the mastery of dry creatures. The creatures have appeared trachea and legenia - organs attached to gas exchange in the atmospheric environment, as well as other blood circulation. When living on land, changes in the development of creatures began to take place: the internal development of the eggs covered with the shell of the egg in reptiles and birds, the internal development of the embryos in the savians, the turbota about offspring. For living on land, you need an outbuilding that protects the body from the overworld water, so the crooked creatures have changed. They recognized the changes and organs of the musculoskeletal system: there were signs that allow bigati, stribati, letati. The nervous system and the forms of the behavior of creatures have become more collapsible. Warm-blooded animals and birds have mastered the different corners of the planet.

Raznomanіtnіst vidіv ії like nasіdok evolyutsії.

The amazing diversity of forms and life of creatures is the result of the manifestation of natural additions. Tse vydbuvaєtsya at the connection with the permanent accumulation of the badges, the brown ones in the minds of the mind. The accumulation of such brown eyes is a sign of the Veda until the creatures become more complicated.

So, the birds have an obtіchne body, a relieved skeleton, which helps to quickly move around with help krill. Water creatures, for example, whales, dolphins, fur seals, torpedo-like shape of the body, stuck to the watery middle. Terrestrial creatures make good rozvinenі kіntsіvki shvidkogo remіshchennya earth. Underground creatures, for example, moles, slugs, lead a good way of life. Small creatures are covered in a short thick storm, which crosses the fall of particles of earth on the skin, muffles the front ends, sticking for digging underground passages.

The most important creatures of the ridge are ribeye, amphibians, plasuns, birds and savts, which are characterized by successively complicated organization, vines on the basis of recessionary sluggishness, the struggle for the basis of natural selection for an hourly historical development.

The creaturely world of wealth that we have now is not less than a great number of individuals, but it has been seen by different people. The skin of a special person, whether of some kind, is attached to life in the minds of his dovkіll. It’s like a large group of representatives, whether it’s kind of leaning in other minds, or else they’ll switch to eating another one, or you can bring up new signs, or stick to it. If the new arrivals in the minds of others seem to be the same color for the creatures that have moved, then the signs of natural choice in their row will be saved by the new signs and will be passed on from generation to generation. So, in the process of evolution, from one mind, a sprinkling of new ones can be created. The very process of sign divergence in native organisms was called divergence by Ch. Darwin.

The butt of divergence is the wild birds of the finches on the Galapagos archipelasis. Darwin's vidi v'yurkiv are distinguished by their shape and size. Darwin having established that the larvae, that the small gostra dzhob could be, were eating larvae and grown-up clods. V'yurki with a hard massive dzhobom ate the fruits of trees. There were signs and steps of transitions at the timidity of their jobs at the v'yurkiv. So, in the process of evolution, in the aftermath of divergence, there was a sign, a direct understanding of the natural choice, a species was born. The vindication of a new species, as if designating Darwin, is re-establishing intermediate forms - varieties. Such an evolutionary process of establishing new species is being completed.

Through the path of divergence and direct diversification of natural selection in nature, diversity of species is established.

You know what:

Rozmaїttya wimerlih plazunіv serve as a butt of divergence of the stink coming from different minds of living. Creatures of the same kind, lingering in the great territory, sound heterogeneous. Їх vyvchennya shows rozbіzhnіst sign in individuals and the beginning of the creation of new systematic groups. So, in the fox svechaynoy, which sacks majzhe all over Russia, there are about 20 subspecies.

Independent work

Let's put a brown sign on.

In birds: obtіchna shape of the body, pіr'yany pokryv, lighter skeleton, wings.
In water creatures: a torpedo-shaped form of the body, fins, fins - modifications of the front tip.

In the underground creatures: short, thick hair, tight frontal endings, what to roar.

2. Let's write about the adoption of new species.

When changing the minds of living for a part of representatives of the same species, new signs will appear, which will be brown and will be saved from the representatives of the natives, will be strengthened by their natural selection and will be passed on from generation to generation. This process of divergence is called divergence.

3. Let's finish the proposition.

The process of divergence is a sign, for Ch. Darwin, called divergence.

4. Let's explain the situation.

When representatives of the same species get into other minds, they will have new signs, which will be brown, and will be saved from the presence of these representatives, the stench will be fixed to the natural smell and will be transmitted from generation to generation. The results may cite a few new species from one.

5. Let's describe the dzhobi v'yurkiv that they eat

Komahami: small gostry dziob.

Today: bigger, tighter dzhob.

cacti: great and hospitable job.

Zrobimo vysnovok about vіdminnosti in їhnіy budovі.

Dzyubi at the v'yurkivs gained a lot of water from the connection with different types of eating among the birds. There was a divergence and the adoption of different kinds of v'yurkiv.

Variety of sights in nature

Causes of evolution

The results of the evolution: the difference between the sights and the presence of organisms before dovkill

Biology lesson "Diversity is seen as a result of evolution"


Biology of Creation. Grade 7 assistant for zagalnosvit. established / V. V. Latyushin, V. A. Shapkin.

Active formsіmethods of teaching biology: Creatures Kp. for the reader: Z dosvidu work, -M .:, Prosvitnitstvo. Molіs S. S. Molіs S. A

Working program in biology 7th grade up to UMK V.V. Latyushina, V.A. Shapkina (M: Bustard).

V.V. Latyushin, Y. A. Lamekhova. Biology 7th grade. The worker is working up to the assistant V.V. Latyushina, V.A. Shapkina Biology. Creatures. Grade 7. - M: Bustard.

Zakharova N. Yu. Control and conversion work in biology: to assistant V. V. Latyushin and V. A. Shapkin “Biology. Creatures. Grade 7 "/ N. Yu. Zakharova. 2-view. - M: Vidavnitstvo "Ispit"

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J.-B. Lamarck dorimuvavsya thoughts that various officials guard the evolutionary process with different directives.

Ch. Darwin having solidified that behind all evolutionary podias - moldings of attachments, species creations, progress of life forms, fading sights, there is one force - natural goodness.

By virtue of the diversity of natural selection in the skin generation, individuals live, as if they could want a little more to reach the necessary middle ground, and they are superseding in the fight for life.

in such a manner, for Ch. Darwin, vіdbulis raznomanіtni adaptation, which invariably oppose people.

Ch. Darwin the greatest food vіdrіznyaєtsya vnutrishnyovidova struggle for іsnuvannya: representatives of the same kind of the world's largest similar one with one for the light water and illumination, nesting places, hedgehogs, etc. A few intra-species competition can be brought to the point where the extreme options prevail, - individuals who swindle for their particularities in a variety of forms in different directions. "The more diversity in the life, the savage warehouse and the zvichkas are filled with nakogo mind, it will be easier for the stench to be in the city of volatility and the more diverse places in the economy of nature, and the easier it will be for the stench to increase in number." From tsikh mirkuvan, it is possible to develop a new visnovka, which in evolution overcomes divergence - rozbіzhnіst sign. On the basis of the essential sluggishness, blame the difference. The world has accumulated vіdmіnnosti rіznovidu to change into a look, see a birth and so on. to classes.

Ch. Darvin, in the result of the natural Vidbor "Kozhna izhtota Viyavlyavia, Robit Bilsh I Bilsh with a handful of the worship of the organs. ? The lower forms of life, having taken into account the feelings, were better attached to the arches of simple life minds, and the higher organization, through its frivolousness, swidshe, would be more graceful to the point of discord and psuvannya.

in such a manner, as a result of a trivial evolutionary process, all organisms are constantly developing and fully adhering to the minds of dowkill.

Adherence- one of the results of evolution, interchange of destructive forces - recession, sluggishness, natural selection.

Another result of evolution - variety of organic light. We took care of the process of fighting for the basis of the natural selection of organisms, we put together all the necessary organic light of the day. Mutation processes, like in a number of generations, lead to new genetic combinations, like a natural addition. The very nature of nature signifies the nature of new adaptations, and directs the evolutionary process. As a result, the organisms are blamed for differences in life. Whether it be the presence of blame as a result of a trivial selection of vipadkovy, phenotypic mutations that appeared, brown in appearance.

Zabarvlennya intercession. Protect the roslins and the creatures from the enemies. Organisms that may be so confused, get angry with the background and become less memorable.

Masking. Whenever the form of the body and the stuffing of the creatures get angry with unnecessary objects. Praying mantises, caterpillars of blizzards make twigs, blizzards are similar to the leaves of growing thin.

Mimicry. Inheritance of unprotected sights of stolen sights for the form of that zabarvlennyam. Some flies are similar to wasps, while other flies are similar to vipers.

Pre-chewing farbuvannya. The bagatioh creatures have a lot of trouble, and the songs of the recognition signs are ahead of the safety for the hut. Once attacking, the hut remembers the sacrifice of the victim and the attacking once guarded.

Visible character of outbuildings. All attachments vibrate in the singing minds of the middle. Itself for tsikh minds is the most effective. However, there is a trace of the mother on the court, that the presence is not of an absolute character. Creatures and patronizing and foreign zabarvlennyam eat, attack and quiet, who masks. Good flying birds - filthy runners and you can drink the earth; when changing the minds of the middle of the vibrations of attachments, it can appear marnim or shkidlivim.

Prove evolution:

1. Porіvnyal-anatomical prove

based on the revealed global and different morphological and anatomical features of different groups of organisms.

Before anatomical proofs of evolution lie:

presence of homologous organs, which may form the spiritual plan of life, which develop from similar germ layers in embryogenesis, but are attached to the end of various functions (a hand - a flipper - a bird's wing). Vidminnosti in the life and functions of organs blamed on the results of divergence;

presence of similar organs, which may differ in embryogenesis, life, and similar functions (a bird's wing and a blizzard's wing). The similarity of functions is blamed on the result convergence;

- the presence of rudiments and atavisms;

- The basis of transitional forms.

Rudimenti - Organs that have spent their functional significance (kipchik, musk in people).

Atavism - Vipadki I will show a sign of distant ancestors (a tail and a hairy body of a man, a remnant of the 2nd and 3rd toes of a horse).

Transitional forms indicate the phylogenetic advancement of the transition from ancestral forms to modern ones, and zazhad from class to class.

2. Embryological prove.

Embryology shows the laws of embryonic development and establishes:

– phylogenetic sporidness of organisms;

- Laws of phylogenesis.

Withdrawal of data was signified by the laws of ancestral similarity to K.M. Taken in the biogenetic law of E. Haeckel and F. Müller.

Beer's lawestablish the similarity of the early stages of the development of embryos of representatives of various classes at the boundaries of the type. At the last stages of embryonic development, similarities are used, and the most specialized characters of the taxon develop, right up to the individual characters of the individual.

Biogenetic law of Muller-Haeckel It is confirmed that ontogeny is a short repetition of phylogeny. In the process of evolution, ontogeny can be re-awakened, which leads to the evolution of the organs of a mature organism.

In ontogeny, only the primordial stages of ancestors are repeated, and this is the beginning again. If at an early stage the organism reaches the minds of the middle class, then wines can reach state maturity without going through the advanced stages, as, for example, it is preferred by axolotls - larvae of tiger ambistoma.

3. Paleontological prove

– allow to date under the most recent history from the greatest stocks of organisms. Before paleontological proofs, paleontologists can see the phylogenetic series of horses, proboscis, humans.

The unity of the organic world is manifested in the chemical warehouse, the most subtle life and the main life processes that occur in the organisms.

Thematic tasks

A1. Indicate the butt of the intercessor

1) zabarvlennya sonia protects її from birds

2) zebra infestation

3) farbuvannya osovki

4) zabarvlennya hazel grouse to sit on the nest

A2. Kіn Przhevalskogo pastures to life in the steppes of Central Asia, but not pastures to life

1) prairies of Pivdennoy America

2) Brazilian jungle

3) on the empty

4) reserve Askania-Nova

A3. The stamina of such targans is disgusting - the price of the legacy

1) rushing choice

2) stabilizing choice

3) one-hour mutation

4) shortcomings will be rejected

A4. New additions to the minds of the middle are formed in a fallow way

1) exercise of organisms to progress

2) friendly minds dovkіllya

4) reaction norms of organisms

A5. To serve before sawing down with night clods at dry single roslins

1) more zabarvlennya vіntsa

2) remembrance

3) rotting of chicks and queens

A6. Human hand homologue

1) bird wing

2) krylo blizzard

3) conic leg

4) claw of river crayfish

A7. An analogue of krill panicle є

1) jellyfish tentacle

2) bird wing

3) human hand

4) ribee fin

A8. The appendix is ​​a worm-like sprout of the cecum, called a rudiment of that which

1) confirm the journey of people of the species of creatures

2) having used its primary function

3) homologue of the intestine of primates

4) є an analogue of the intestines of arthropods

A9. What are the reasons for blaming the diversity of the organic world?

1) attachment to the minds of the middle

2) allowance for the saving of recession

3) fight for foundation

4) triviality of evolutionary processes

A10. Prior to embryological evidence of evolution, there is a similarity

1) the plan of life of the organisms

2) anatomical life

3) germs of chords

4) development of all organisms from the zygote

A11. Phylogenetic series of deeds lie until proof of evolution

1) anatomical

2) paleontological

3) historical

4) embryological

A12. A representative of

1) cartilaginous ribs

2) arthropods

3) skullless

4) mollusks

B 1. Before the anatomical evidence of evolution is brought

1) similarity of germs

2) similitude of the functions of active organs

3) the presence of a tail in certain people

4) sleepiness of organs

5) skam'yanіlostі roslyn and creatures

6) the presence of external mucus in humans and dogs

B 2. Before paleontological data, that evidence of evolution is brought

1) similarity of trilobites and modern arthropods

2) placental old and modern savts

3) the basis of the new ferns and their foxholes

4) matching the forms of the skeletons of ancient and modern people

5) the presence of richness in some people

6) trisphericity of life of ancient and modern creatures