Wash the shipshina's breath. Planting shipshini near wet soil and watching him. Proper organization of shipshini plantings

Shipshina (Rosa)-read wild roslini Sim'ї Rozhevih. There are over 350 varieties available. The most upright chagarnik, more like a liana, sometimes a non-high tree-like form or a practically grassy roslin.

The stem and thorns are mostly covered with thorns. A leaf of a rich type of unpaired pinnate, with a parietal leaflet, up to 7 leaves.

The flower is solitary, rarely 2 or 2 kilka, most often pale erysipelas, up to six centimeters in diameter. You can use the form with a ticket, which shows the sign of terry. Flowers sound fall on the grass, worms.

The fruits are oval or ovoid-coulis, at the time of ripening they are red, orange, red-purple. Zabarvlennya zumovlyu vysoky vmist carotene. In rich species of Shipshiny, it is necessary to take revenge on rich ascorbic acid, which gives it value in medicine and healthy eating. The ripening of fruits falls on spring-zhovten.

Plid Shipshini has phytoncidal and strong bactericidal power. The fruits have no antioxidants. Tincture, syrup, brew of Shipshini vicorist for medical purposes with liver ailments, avitaminosis, colds and other ailments.

Shipshina - sight:


Roslina Shipshiny is the winner of the missions, with good sleepy lighting. That is why it is recommended to place Shipshin in open space with sufficient lighting.


Shipshin is thermophilic to grow, and the temperature is pleasant for it, for normal development and life in the spring-summer period at the borders of 14-20 ° C.


Shipshina drought resistance of roslin and does not require constant watering. During dry periods, you can water the plants with two buckets of water for a young bush and up to five winds for a fruitful one. During the season, call for watering the Shipshini bush up to a few times.

Water content:

Shipshin loves to finish the summer, the dry season. It is impossible to pick up the roslin at the moment of changing it to the sun, so that the sleepy opik on the leaf will disappear.


For the young growing up of Shipshiny, nurturing is an important element. For the warm growth of growing, for another river of life, to fight to nourish the bush with nitrogen fertilizer. The first to be carried out on the cob of spring, the other at the time of the spring, the development of pagons (call the worm-lime), the third is planned for the spring. In the future, at least three kilograms of compost should be added, or with humus of the skin three rocks for a green bush. After the resurrection, the soil is fluffed up and watered, clearly sips on the surface of the thyrsus and humus.


Shipshini varieties are selected for transplantation. Transplantation to fight in the spring and autumn periods. Rooted zrіz sіyantsya, tobto pіdrіzaєtsya kіnets korіntsya in front of the premises of them in the soil. Tse to fight in order for Shipshina to take root better. Then, a distance of 20 cm between bushes is covered.


The herb is multiplied for the help of the present, and also the undergrowth of the bush for the help of the water. Shipshiny’s plaza for reproduction is taken by those who have not reached a little: it’s better to go to the same wine. Go and show up at another rotation after zasivu. Sow before winter, after picking the day.

Propagate the spike with a spring single-bud petiole. More early term plantings and roots of spring bait until the present autumn are much more likely to develop, lower in the traditional way of green bait.

Shipshina is splintering for help brunok and zhivtsіv on siyantsi, korenevі nashchadki that be-yakі sadzhantsі in the summer and winter periods. Better work of splitting at the part, yak without thorns, tobto. below the neck of the root.

Actual features:

At Shipshin's chotiric vitsi, one sees a weakling, an ailment, a dried up chick, a short chick. The circumcision of ancient and weak chicks takes place in the spring period.

Shipshina - ailments and shkidniki:

The main shkіdnik of Shipshiny is a chain of pistrotrylka. Її the larva is ushkodzhuє plіd, probing the pulp and robbing the plіd unsuitable for living. One more shkіdnik roslini - tse spider mite. You live at the bottom of the leaf and live on the sap of the clitin, through the hourly leaves fall, do not glimpse and freeze the young flow. Other shkіdniki of Shipshiny: rose sawyer, cut sheeter.

From the disease, Shipshin is afflicted with various weeds, bog dew, and bushes.

If you want to plant a shipshina in your dacha, then you have planted the same material that you need. Shipshina it’s just a brown bush, which at once can win a lot of functions.

Vіn vіdmіnno plays the role of zhivoplot: shvidko growth, miraculously poddaєtsі, thorns on the backs protect from unwelcome guests, and the flowers of the shipshiny embellish the dacha cottage. The berries of the shipshiny may have a large amount of vitamins and they are widely used in homemade delights.

For example, it helps with colds, anemia and other illnesses. to overthrow everything h The power of shipshiny needs a whole book. And if you were virish to plant a shipshina, then you already know some of these authorities.

How to plant a shipshina

How to start, it is necessary to choose a place for planting. Shipshin love the sun, or you can grow up in the shaded places, but don’t check the other boisterous flower. It's nasty to come shipshini and lowlands.

The ideal soil for shipshiny is loam and slightly acidic soil. Visadzhuvati bushes of shipshini are recommended at the spring or on the wind. As soon as you saw the hangings of autumn, then pick up, so that the soil at the place of the landing was good seepage with water.

For planting vykoristovuyte 1-2 years of planting saplings. The soil should be dug up by 20 cm. If the bush is more rooted, you can trim the first root by 1-2 cm, but the root of the root, which is lost, is to blame for at least 25 cm.

Visajuvati saplings slid 5 cm deeper, lower stench grew in a rose garden. And after the hangings, they should be clearly watered and cut on 1/3 of the cob dozhina. Visajuvati and cut the shipshina better in mittens, because. yogo thorns zdatnі zavdati chimalo unhandedness. Z shipshini come out even more beautiful livestock. For this yoga, hang along the perimeter of the plot with a crop of 1-2.5 meters in the fallow in the grade.

Fact sheet about shipshina:

  • Blossom a shipshina on the cob of summer, and the fruits begin to appear in a month or two. Shipshina is able to endure frost at -35 degrees, so our winters are not terrible for you. .

Now you know how to plant a shipshina. The place, seen in the city under the shipshina, will not be stained glass.

Hello friends! Today, it’s even more foldable to show what an hour it is, if only noble people have seen the fruits of shipshini for jubilation! At once shipshina growth throughout the entire territory of Russia.

It is not powerful to the ground, but it is unique in the worst squeaks and swampy places. Frost resistance. In the wild, from the satisfaction of borrowing land, lying down to the fox smog, fox halyavini, cuttings, valleys, flooding the river and meadows. fences in our forests, which are surrounded by a seamless penetration into the wild.

If “clean” forest tracts are littered with hmiz, roads are overgrown, at fox-smougs uzdovzh highways, choose shipshina shkidly for health. And stock up on spikes of varto, even if everything grows in the tsієї tsіlyusche - flowers, leaves, roots, nasіnnya, fruits.

Vitamin C is 100 times higher in shipshins, lower in apples and 3-4 times higher, lower in lemons! From the pulp of the shipshini fruit, cook jam, marmalade, marshmallow, jelly, prepare substitute for tea, liqueurs, liqueurs, compotes, and drinks.

So 1-2 bushes in the garden are simply necessary! Shipshina is most often a chagar with an average height of 1 to 3 m, although it can be seen growing from 15 cm to 8-10, or even more meters. The root of the growth penetrates into the depths up to 1-2 m. Start bearing fruit from 3 years after planting until the 10th century.

Flowers in grass-red erysipelas, raspberry, creamy-yellow, white and red flowers. The fruits are round and oval in shape, red, orange, black and yellow-brown in color. The diameter reaches 4 cm.

Pick them from the end of sickle until late autumn.

Choose a place for shipshiny

Shipshina vіddaє win the sleepy missions. But the best yoga visajuvati was given to other crops, so that they could be hidden from the sight of the chagar plant. Innodі navіt recommend izoluvati root system shipshini when planting on the sides with slate or a bay. Roslin does not like even the close standing of ground waters, but on our land one feels quite sternly to look at the fact that you can draw water from a well with a wind without a skewer and other attachments. As a whole you can serve as a green fence, especially when you are circumcised.

How to multiply a spike

Shipshina miraculously reproduces like nasinnyam, so rooted with bait and pagons. Nainadіynishe plant garden gardens. Obviously, you can "get" them in the wild, but you can find cultivated varieties. where you can choose the necessary roslin to your liking.

If and how to plant shipshina

Shipshin to plant like hanging, so it is autumn. At Veresni-Zhovtnі you can plant far away near the open ground. At the same time, there are no obov'yazkovo checks on the outside of the view of the fruits.

It is most effective to hang the whole fruit at a depth of 2-4 cm, as well as the ability of spring gatherings. The greatest friends go down to give us a birthday, like in a fierce close to two days they trim at the wet squeak, and then we hang at the boxes of roses. Varto remembrance - growing up from now on do not start to decline all the signs of the father. roslini, grown from garden plants. At the planting pit, add zolite to superphosphate.

Shipshina: how to plant and virosity

Shipshina - planting that watcher On the aphids of all growths, shipshina is seen especially high in ascorbic acid, P-active speech and carotenoids. Dribnoplidni vidi sipshiny krinitsa vitamin C. All tsі korisnі for human vitamins and speech can be found in the fruits of sipshini, and vitamin C is also present in the leaves. Carotene is given to the soft fruits of the shipshini with a characteristic orange color. In addition, shipshina is a source of vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B9), E, ​​PP, K. Shipshina has phosphorus and potassium, as well as microelements: salt, iodine, zinc, molybdenum, manganese and other.


  • Shipshina and sea buckthorn (video)

Shipshina at the summer cottage

Growing a shipshina at your summer cottage means securing yourself with a supply of these valuable polyvitamin fruits, which, without a doubt, you can recognize the idea even afar off, become less nourished, how to properly plant a shipshina and sweat. Find out how cheaply and quickly you can grow a dacha booth, and it’s inappropriate to stick to everyday soils, wanting, especially, on kindred loamy soil, flooding soils, and also supplicating crops, they are significantly better, especially when garnished. Shipshina does not take root on a highly volatilized or supra-mundanely dry food soil; Shipshina can be bred different ways- For us, under the bushes, for additional layering and root crops, live bait for splits.

Proper organization of shipshini plantings

The most reasonable hang on the vines of two groups of cultivars of thorns: a sprat of roslin with a fine-fruited appearance and approximately a stilts of bushes of a great-fruited thorn. Drіbnoplіdna sipshina garn for drying, preparing vitamin tea, brown infusions for health, brewing.

Fresh great fruits of shipshiny are used in cooking, making jams, compotes, processed in other ways. In addition, great spices are often added to different strains to enrich them with vitamins.

It is necessary for them to have consumed saw blades from spikes of a different grade, that is necessary for the mother of planting a spikes, even if they are of a different kind, grade. In this way, for a successful breeding of sprouts on the distribution line, plantings should be less than two bushes of a different variety, or the same variety, but grew from us.

Soil preparation before planting

You can fertilize with compost (pus) from a rozrahunka of 6-8 kg per 1 m2. Organic goodness is required to be brought into the land at a later date, more often 20-30 days before planting, as it happens in autumn.

For spring planting, fertilizer is required to be added to the soil during the final soil test and laid in the ground for 20-30 cm. overflowing with roslins 1.5 -2 meters. Optimal material for planting - tse single-dvorichchya sadzhantsі, scho mayut razgaluzhenu root system.

For planting, a hole is needed with sides and a depth of 30 cm. The size of the hole to lay down, if the soil was not fertilized, then expand the hole to a width of 50-80 cm and grow deeper (40-50 cm).

In qi yami, having planted a spipshin in them, the earth is sifted, taken from the humus horizon, and up to 10 kg of compost, which is well-spread, or smelt of overripe pus. Also, add 100-200 g of superphosphate and potassium strength at a quantity of 30-50 g. Then the growth needs good watering (not less than 8 liters of vitality), mulching the soil on the surface of the hole with peat or humus, covering the ball at 3-5 cm.

At the visagen garden, the spikes of the above-ground part are lifted, leaving the ridges, which rise above the ground by 5-10 cm. For a garnier growth of shipshini soil, it is necessary to plant it in a fluffy look, see weeds every hour, water it brightly in dry periods, after which it should be fluffed and mulched.

Molding a bush of shipshini

Sound in bushes of thorns inundate 10-12 heads of wild vіku, although in dry-plant varieties it can reach up to 18-20. all the weak, the evil, the ailments of the gills are seen. Those pagons, which are lost, grow up to a height of 60 cm, stimulating them to actively decompose in the summer months.

On the third river, the vines again see weak chicks, covering 4-6 strong vines from the root, first-order vines from the yard vines grow on 3-4 brunki, among which there is a growth of fruit vines. The advancing wager of fate continues children in the described way. New root covers expand bushes in diameter up to 30-50 cm. less flock and nirok, the fruits themselves. Such old chicks need to sprout the root, replacing them with such a large number of strong basal pagons or root grafts.

I choose to give birth to that dried fruit

Bush shishini live in the middle approx. 20-25 years, but in one place, sound more than 10-12 years. The maximum amount of vitamin C is found in mature fruits of red or orange-red zabarvlennya. At the same time, you need to pick them up.

Shipshina of great-fruited varieties and is recognized for brewing is unripe. Varieties, which are valued for a high concentration of vitamin C, need to be picked up before the last frost, as they can reduce the amount of vitamin in fruits. Dried shipshina best saves vitamin C. in the oven baked up to 100 degrees.

After 8-10 strands, they wilt, hang on a sieve and, stirring inodes, dry for about 7 years at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. After drying, the sepals are seen from the fruits.

Two dobi shipshina lie at room temperature, after which they are packaged in little bags and placed in a cold place with a low level of moisture. There will be an article about the snow bug.

Shipshina and sea buckthorn (video)

Having gone through all the described stages, you take away the product from the vlasnoy litter, which is valuable for health, and you can win it in a different way for health. Tsіkavim will be the material about the decorative almond.

Also read:

Chim korisna garden shipshina?

The bark of such chagarnikova growth, like shipshina, is important to reevaluate. In the homestead state, you can win over a sprat of a zavdan: 1) Decorative function. Nasampered, shipshina - beautiful roslina.

Don’t forget that this is one of the varieties of such a cultural variant, like a trojan flower - a right embellishment for any garden. 2) The fence is alive.

Shipshina may build up quickly, from this bushes it is easy to form the necessary expansions and form a fence. And zavdyaki to his hospitable thorns of wines I create a serious shift for any unfortunate guests. 3) Dzherelo vitamins.

The berries of the shipshini are superbly brown. stink large number vitamins and other speeches necessary for the human body. Berries can be planted as in a fresh look, so in a dried freezer, and also in a look of compotes, vіdvariv, I infuse thinly.

How do you see shipshini?

Shipshina, the Rose of the Rose Flowers family has hundreds of species and tens of thousands of strong varieties. To the most popular views are: shipshina travneva, shipshina golchasta, shipshina dog, shipshina zmorshkuvat, shipshina kokandskaya, shipshina povstyan, shipshina Begger, shipshina dribnotsvitna, shipshina daurskaya, shipshina Fedchenko and others.

How does the reproduction of shipshiny grow?

Options for reproducing shipshina іsnuє kіlka - for the help of nasіnnya, vіdvodkіv, root crops, live bait, a path under the bushes and a path of splitting. When spawning thorns, it is necessary to take care of one single moment: if bushes are cut for an additional file of the same sort, they will not start, or else it will not be enough.

Therefore, for successful breeding, it is necessary to choose an order of sprats of different varieties, or to see spices, so that they can be drunk one by one. In extreme weather, you can use the same variety, but different bushes are due to buti grown from native.

How to plant a shipshina?

Nasampered, next to choose the next place. It is not the fault of the lowlands, or the shadowing of the earth's lands. Shipshin is respected for better growth in areas with good sleepy lighting.

If vologists are worthy, then they don’t like shipshina’s vologous minds, but they don’t hesitate too much dry food, wanting to endure it on dry land easily. good, scho, in his own room, grows on the yield and on the development of bushes. It is best to plant a shipshina for the help of single or courtyard gardeners. Landing time - autumn.

The soil on the vineyard for planting should be soaked with water, dig up to a depth of about 30 cm, and then make a hole for a plantation with a depth of 40-50 cm, after which spread the sapling and zasipati sumishshyu dobriv іz the ground. From organic additions, you can vicorate humus, compost, or often re-rotted rot. As a mineral supplement, take 100-200 grams of superphosphate and 30-50 grams of potassium salt.

You can lightly bury the root of the plant (1-2 cm long), in front of it, like digging yogo, but not a trace of robiting the root of the root less than 25 cm.

The soil needs to be well watered - no less than 8 liters of water. The planting of the shipshini procedure is completed - mulching. It is possible to carry out yoga for an additional ball of humus or peat crops of 3-5 cm. Dribnі that great berries deshcho vіznyayutsya for their tsіlyuyuschy and lively power. Do not forget to pick up the mittens when hanging out, otherwise you can injure your hands with thorns.

How to keep a lookout for a shipshina?

Come in with a look at the regular fluffing of the ground and the distant weeds, yakish watering during the dry season, as well as mulching. The cultivation of shipshini does not require especially folding technologies. Tse dosit unviable roslin.

In order to form a bush behind the damp bajans, it is necessary to cut it. Bazhano litter in the bushes of thorns troch more than 10-12 heads of fresh vіku. In other varieties, the number of bushes is allowed to increase up to two dozen.

Weak, ill, and poshkodzhenі gіlki were seen once in a river. In order to stimulate more active growth of the bush in the summer period, it is possible to plant pagons, leaving their height at a level of 60 cm.

Zavdyaki new rooted synam bushes of herbs grow in diameter by a few dozen centimeters. In the course of time, the number of new pagons at the shipshiny will change, the number of nirok will also change, and the same fruits will become thinner, and the yield will drop sharply. As a rule, tse vіdbuvaєtsya for a quarter of the fifth rіk in excellent varieties, and in other varieties - for the sixth chi somi. Therefore, it is recommended that the old chicks cut the white of the root itself, so that instead of them, the greatest mitznas of the root are developed, or the roots are covered.

Shipshina, close relative garden troyand - not only a beautiful bush, filled with fragrant flowers, ale and gerel of healing fruits. In the berries of herbs, vitamin C is richer, lower in apples and lemons.

And yoga gostrі thorns will help you build a beautiful and impenetrable fence around your house. It’s not cool to say, but it’s easy to know how to decorate the roslin for your garden.

Garden and city. Sea buckthorn and shipshina

Planting shipshini

Shipshin to love the illumination of the village, de rich of the sony light. The best wines will grow on the bottom of the earth with fertile soil, in which there is no stagnation of ground waters.

Root herbs sigh into the ground even more deeply, you can’t plant yoga on swampy and low-lying soil - you dryly wither and die. For the growth of the root system, the herb is similar to raspberries: through the life of a tree, the roots grow in the upper balls of the soil and begin to occupy large plots.

So that the wines do not rise, it is necessary to fence the bushes with a small ditch of 20-30 cm graves, or dig up the slate shmatki on such a very clay. You can hang out a shipshina along the border of the garden plot (for її zakhist) or with bushes in the best places: buy white compost or charge from the gospodar's spore.

The head of the memory is coming: shipshina - tse perechresnozapilna roslina, that її kuschі owe znakhoditis one by one. It is important that you are planning to plant a shipshina not as a decorative roselin, but for picking brown fruits.

You can propagate the shipshina by us, by saplings, by root introductions. Reproduction of names Today, for planting, the bazhana is taken from the sickle, from the unripe fruits of the brown color. At this hour, the shell has not yet hardened, so the stench will grow faster.

The very present can be hung like a spring, so in autumn, and even better in the autumn period. The autumn planting is robimo in the yellow, we are hung in the ground in rows.

Rows of planted plants are attached to humus and thyrsus, the gap between them is small, so that a hoe or a cultivator could pass freely. Provesnoy, so that the day would grow faster, we install a frame with a polyethylene liner stretched over it.

With the appearance of the first two leaves on the saplings, it is possible to grow them. If you want to plant a canopy, for today it is necessary to create good thoughts in advance for germination - stratification.

For the next time, the increase in the fruits of the present day is replaced by summish peat and sand (at a proportion of 1: 4) or with river squeak. Then we put the bag in a box and put it until spring in a cold place with a temperature of 2-3 °C. In the winter period, sumish needs to be periodically mixed.

Reproduction by sadzhants Sadzhantsі shipshini best take root in the autumn planting. Visadzhuvati їkh bazhano at yellow-leaf fall. Pit for planting robimo with a depth of 20-22 cm.

Likewise, at the planting site, the soil is acidic, additionally we add dampness, we add compost and rot, so we retransfer. Before planting, the saplings are short cut, so that the twigs are no more than 8-10 cm long.

For this short root, up to 15-20 cm. Then let’s zanuruyemo root planting in a clay botanka and hanging, straightening the root in front, into a prepared hole. The stem of the rhizome of the sapling may be 5-8 cm lower than the surface of the soil.

After planting, we water the saplings with water and stick to the surface with thyrso or peat. Vіdstan mіzh zadzhennymi rosliny lie down in order to mark me planting shipshina. In order to grow the livestock, the visajumo sadzhantsi on the vіdstanі 50 cm, one type of one.

For a good plant, I need more time for a bush of shipshini. Reproduction by root caps As it is necessary to preserve the signs of the mother's bush, one more way of reproduction will become in good time - with root caps.

It is necessary to harvest them from healthy and crop bushes, early in the autumn or in the early spring period. Call out to fight in two ways. In the first option, choose the blue feathers of 25-40 div and water it with a shovel from the mother's bush.

You can do it in autumn, and in spring. Vykoristovuyuchi other way, adventitious kushch is not watered, but periodically pidgortayut and watered. Through such a dressing, the adventitious roots begin to be established near the bush.

on the offensive river, autumns, bushes are watered in the mother's growth, but not transplanted, but left on the field until spring. In the spring, yogo is transplanted to a new place, trying not to harm the rhizomes of the sapling.

Looking after the spike

Circumcision of shipshini

It is necessary to grow a bush of shipshini after 2-3 years after planting. With this, for the shortest yield, it is necessary to form a bush from 15-20 heads.

Good, like the bushes of the bush will be of a different age, but not older than 7 years - the old bushes will bear fruit badly. Circumcision of old and weak chicks is necessary to work in the spring period. A lot of help to recommend robiti pruning in autumn, after leaf fall, scarlet yakraz robiti and not varto.

Zrіzi shipshini badly endure frosts, so the springs are brimming with riches, especially in regions with severe winters. It’s not smut to reshape the circumcision at the short bush - you take away a great amount of young growth from the offensive rock, if you don’t bring you a harvest.

Watering shipshini

Shipshina dryness, constant watering does not help. If the weather is too spicy, otherwise a dry period has come, you can water the roslin, vicorist 2-3 buckets of water for a young bush and about 5 buckets for a fruitful one.

Sound for the whole season bushes are watered 3-4 times.

Shipshini rejuvenation

Life is important for young Russians. For a normal growth of sipshini (from another date after the first planting), it is necessary to feed the bushes with nitrogen fertilizers.

The first revival is carried out in early spring, another in the period of the swedish growth of the pagons (sound in red-linden), the third - at the spring. Nadali time for 3 years, we bring in at least 3 kg of compost or humus for the skin bush.

After skin rejuvenation, the soil is loosened and watered, clearly sippy with thyrso or humus.

I'm giving birth to shipshini

The happiest hour has come - we try to pick the fruit of the herb :) Most varieties of the herb have a lot of hot and prickly thorns, for this reason it is worth putting on a moustish robe and mittens before picking the fruit.

I give birth to the selection, if the skin of the fruit grows orange-red or red-colored. Ring the first harvest sow serpen and trivaє until mid-autumn.

When picking the fruits of the herb, it’s important to remember this: first, the berries must be picked before frost (it’s not possible - it’s rich in vitamins); know their bushes at the sprat of prijomiv.

See that sort of shipshini

There are over 250 different kinds of herbs. Below is the most popular variety in our area, see the variety of miraculous growth. Acts of them to comfort you and with a sultry look, and fruits, otherwise decorative. Shipshina brown

Growth in Siberia, the bushy variety grows up to 2 m. Chagarnik took its name for its red-brown color of measles. From one bush you can pick up to 2 kg of fruits. Shipshina zmorshkuvat

This variety has been cultivated for a long time. Roslina is densely covered with hairpins, and from one bush you can pick up to 4 kg of fruits. Mayzhe bloom all spring and summer, do not be afraid of sickness and frost.

Kemerovo Prospekt was planted with Shipshina

Shipshina golista This variety takes root well on Pivnochi, the growth of wines and in Central Asia and in Nechornozem. Chagarnik is clearly wheezing with short hairpins.

Flowers of erysipelas of red zabarvlennya. Vіdmіnno endure winter frost and summer on dry land. Shipshina prickly terry (bіla shipshina) Decorative type of shipshiny with even beautiful, thick, white, terry quilts.

Shipshina gray Type of spike with simple squares in the form of a light horn-colored color 3-3.5 cm in diameter, dark leaves of beetroot and dove-gray color. Pagoni dark beet color. Ryasny bright-red fruits are unnatural, then even more decorative.

Shipshin "Great Plid" This variety is garnished with its fruits, which reach 11-13 years. A small amount of this variety - a large number of hairpins.

Kazkova flowerbed

Krіm tsikh vydіv we often have such varieties as Vorontsovsky-3, Troyanda Webb, Troyanda Daurska, Piznostigliy, Yuvileyniy. All the stench miraculously look at the moment of blossoming, and from the fruits, selected for example, summer and autumn, you can make brown vitamin compotes and savory brews. If you are doubting why you should start a shipshine in your dealership, guess about its beauty and its beauty, - and it will be obvious!

Shipshina's call is already similar to a garden trojan, but it's not vipadkovo, the stench is really close relatives. A food bush with garnished flowers and a pleasant aroma is especially valued for its brown fruit. Berries tsієї roslini avenge the great amount of vitamin C, in which the stench is overturned by lemons and apples.

The watch behind the spike is minimal, and the crust is like a new mass. Go no less those who seek power fruitful. By itself, the bush, hanging on the garden dilyantsi, serve as a miraculous embellishment, especially if it blooms, and for the fairness of its guest hairpins, it wins the function of a living fence.


Landing shipshiny that watch over him - on the right is not cunning. However, all the same, varto vrakhovuvati deakі osoblivosti tsієї roslina. Shipshina is light-loving, so you should plant it on plots that are easily accessible to dormouse. Let there be high places with kindred lands, de soil waters will not stagnate.

And the axis to plant a shipshina in the lowlands or on the swampy territory at the same time is not possible! Kushch may have already opened a system of roots that go deep into the earth. At the time of the month, the growth begins to languish and shvidko gyna.

According to the type of rhizome, the shipshina is similar to raspberries: in an hour, the root begins to grow wider at the upper ball of the ground and occupy a majestic area. In order to save this vision, you can create a small ravine near the bushes, the depth of yoga is guilty of 20-30 cm.

You can plant a shipshina along the perimeter of the summer cottage, or with small bushes on the territory not occupied by other cultural growths.
As if you are planning to take away the fruits, and not just suffocate with the beauty of the growth, the bushes need to be planted not far from one kind of one. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho shipshina є cross-cutting.
Reproduction of shipshiny is carried out through nasіnnya, sadzhantsі or root vіdvod.


For planting, harvest from the shipshina from the sickle, if the fruit is not fully ripened. Planting material emerges from brown bugs. At this hour, the shell has not yet hardened, so the stench will germinate well.
You can plant them hanging or in autumn, or better. Zhovten is the best hour for landing. At the soil, grooves are streaked in rows and nasіnnya shipshini are placed there.
If the stench is already in the ground, it is necessary to stick with thyrsus and humus. Between the rows, fill a small vіdstan, next focus on the width of the hoe. When planting a weed, it is necessary to take care of the germination of the day. To improve the minds over the landings, stretch a polyethylene slick.
If there are two leaves on the seedlings, it's an hour to come for the next transplant.
Yakshcho landing zdіysnyuvala nasіnі, varto stratifіkuvati nasіnnya. After that, as you have removed them from the fruits, mix the planting material with peat and sand, the ratio of which may be 1: 4, otherwise, vicorist the river sand. It is necessary to put all the sum in a container and leave it in a cold place (2-3 ºС) until spring. Vzimku іnodi sіd remіshuvati masu.


For gardeners, the most pleasant is planting in autumn. Your visit is most often carried out at the yellow leaf fall. For this purpose, make a hole about 20 cm deep. At the soil, zazdalegіd add gnіy, scho retransfer (nі in a way not fresh!) and compost. And for the increased acidity of the soil, it is necessary to add a good vapor.

Before that, how to plant sadzhants, their education is carried out. Great eagles are not guilty of overhanging a 10 cm long dove. So that the spipshina took root better, the following roots grow: the root is shaved, having covered 15-20 cm of the dove. After that, they bury them near the earthenware and bury them near the pit so that the base of the boulder is at a depth of 5-8 cm under the ground. Dali need to water the plantings and dry them with peat or thyrso.

It is important to expressly appoint you for what you say shipshina. Vіd tsogo to fallow the interval, scho zališaєtsya between roslins. For living creatures, follow the visajuvati on a piece of skin pivmeter.
To pick up a rich harvest, to deprive more of the warto.

Root pads

There is also one way to multiply herbs - to multiply for the help of root oils. For harvesting, choose the best, healthiest bushes that give the best harvest. The preparation of root preparations is carried out in early spring and early autumn. Robiti can be done in two ways.

First way

It is necessary to choose a blue, whose height will be close to 25-40 cm, and carefully remove the mother's bush for an additional shovel. Tsey way of vikoristovuyut like spring, so it is in autumn.

Other way

At this point, the bush is not watered, but an active watch is kept behind it: watering and subglottis. I check, until the adoption of the additional roots in the new one buds.
In the autumn season of advancing fate, the bush is watered from the mother's side, and the wine is left in its place until the present spring. When the time comes, do it carefully, so as not to damage the roots, transplant.


Shipshin needs: watering, trimming and rejuvenation. It is also important to be careful, so that youma will not be bothered by the thieves.


Obrіzka - tse obov'yazkovy point to look after the shipshina. After a few years after the planting of a stubble bush, it is necessary to progeny, a bagan, so the number of trees in the result became two dozen. Old hawks who have reached the age of seven, otherwise they have outgrown yoga.
Circumcision of the weakened and the old ones is carried out on the mount.

On the Internet, you can often see the timing of trimming the woods in the autumn period after leaf fall, but it’s not correct. The sights are more different for our cold winters, so it’s better to cross over at the time of rock and take up the thorn of the hinge.

Do not follow too often, or too much to spend the bush. There is a great number of young greenery, as it appears after such visits, I do not give birth.


Oversight also includes watering. There is no need to carry out yoga too often, the shipshina does not require it, so it may be too dry. At the bakery, you can water the yogo kіlkom with buckets of water. If the bush is fruitful, then take 5 buckets.
For the whole season, follow 3 - 4 waterings.


Crimean watering and trimmings can also be used for regular maintenance. Young growths will especially require them. On the other, after planting, it is necessary to fertilize the shipshina with nitrogen fertilizers.

The first time it is necessary to grow in the spring, and the other - in the first third of the summer. The next thing to do is to bring kindness to the faith. It is necessary to add compost or compost from the periodicity once every three years. On one bush fall 3 kg of such kind.

For the skin rejuvenation of the shoes, it is followed by fluffing and watering, the beast can sip the soil with thyrsus.
Mabut, that's all you need to know about looking after the ship.

I choose to give birth

Shipshina blooms until the end of spring, and fruiting begins at sickle. Todі i can rozpochinati zbirannya I give birth. The period of fruiting continues until mid-autumn.
Pick the fruit carefully. The necks are covered with prickly thorns and, so as not to get hurt when picking up the birth, next to the back, put on the mittens and the clothes from the material.

Stigli fruit mayut red or dark yellow-hot color. It is important to pick them up before the cold. So, remember warto about those who ripen the fruit more than once, so you need to bring in the sprats of the visits.


Carry out the hanging procedure until the nirok swells. Schoolchildren are afraid of mineral oil emulsions, so the drug DNOC or nasty shag helps to do good. Yogo needs to be done with two dobi. You can also ask the popelis for help in the preparation of hot capsicum: up to 1 liter of water, add 100 g of raw pepper.

P_dvedemo p_dbag

Viroshchuvannya shipshiny does not take a lot of strength, it blooms beautifully and bears fruit. Tim is not smaller, the wrong sight, the inaccurate grunt and the shkidniks can seriously harm the growth. To that varto z vіdpovіdalnіstyu pіdіtі to all recommendations shоdo viroshchuvannya that watch over shipshina.

Bagato sadіvnikіv pomilkovo vvazhayut shipshina nevibagly culture. At the same time, if you plan to regularly get decent births, then planting shipshini it is necessary to bring light and warmth to the place. Not less important is the seasonal inspection of the plantings;

The root system of shipshini may have power, it grows strongly like a coal, and in breadth. For example, in the middle smoothie of Russia, the root of the 6-river bush of the plant grows about a radius of 1.5 to 1.8 meters. The main mass of the root system is planted at a depth of 20 to 25 centimeters, and the central shear root penetrates the soil at a depth of up to 2.5 meters.

At the junction with cym pіd, the planting of shipshini must be carried out not swamped and not salted, with a birthing ball of at least 30 centimeters. Nadmirno (with pH less than 5) for the river before planting robots should follow the watering.

Young growers hang out according to the scheme 3x1-1.5. The size of the planting area is considered to be equal to the fertility of the soil on the ground, with which it is planted, so that it was no less than 45-50 centimeters deep and the same width.

At the skin hole, add 10 to 15 kilograms of compost (humus), 150-200 g of superphosphate, 45-50 g of potassium chloride and 60-70 g of ammonium nitrate and resolutely mix the fertilizer with urban soil.

Before planting the spikes, the ground part of the saplings is greatly shortened, overfilling the most dense pagons of the hemp of the plant, about 8 to 10 centimeters. The smut roots also pierce by 3-5 centimeters and zanyuyut at the clay botanka. And in order for the growths to grow faster, they took root in the new area, and in the Bovtanka, they also give a dose of heteroauxin (100 mg per 10 liters of water).

After pouring 5-10 liters of fresh water into the skin hole, planters are placed there, having straightened their roots in a primer, and they are fixed with earth. At the world filling the hole, the soil should be lightly strengthened and it is respectful to follow it, so that the root collar was in line with the soil surface. However, the planting of saplings is generally acceptable: they are sifted with soil so that the stench sits 3-5 centimeters deeper than those positions in which they grew in containers.

Let's re-grow and so lightly water it with water and mulch overlay it with dry, fluffy earth.

Zvajayuchi on those who shipshina vіdrіznyaєtsya weak samoplodіnіstyu, on dіlyantsі better than the mother not less than three varieties of tsієї cultivars or roslini, scho bloom one hour. The most important part of the varieties of shipshini is well re-cut, and bdzhіlki and dzhmeli serve as carriers for the file.

And if it’s better to plant shipshina? It is important that this work can be done both in spring and in autumn, if the growth has already completed its vegetation. But the optimal term for cієї, you can still recognize early spring, and even for summer, young bushes can take root well, and give a solid growth of 25-30 centimeters.

Shipshin to love the illumination of the village, de rich of the sony light. The best wines will grow in the midst of the springs with fertile soil, in which there is no stagnation. The root of the shipshiny sighs deep into the ground, so you can’t plant it on the swampy and lowland soil - the wine will dry up and die. For the growth of the root system, the herbshina is similar: through the sprouts of the life of the growth, the roots grow at the upper balls of the soil and begin to occupy large plots. So that the wines do not rise, it is necessary to fence the bushes with a small ditch of 20-30 cm graves, or dig up the slate shmatki on such a very clay.

You can hang out a shipshina along the border of the garden plot (for її zakhist) or with bushes in the best places: buy a compost pile or order from it.

The head of the memory is coming: shipshina - tse perechresnozapilna roslina, that її kuschі owe znakhoditis one by one. It is important that you are planning to plant a shipshina not as a decorative roselin, but for picking brown fruits.

Shipshini breeding

You can propagate the shipshina by us, by saplings, by root introductions.

Reproduction of names

Today, for planting, the bazhana is taken from the sickle, from the unripe fruits of the brown color. At this hour, the shell has not yet hardened, so the stench will grow faster.

The very present can be hung like a spring, so it is autumn, ale shorter than the other option.

  • The autumn planting is robimo in the yellow, we hang it in rows in the ground;
  • Rows of planted people are attached to us, the gap between them is small, so that it could easily pass;
  • Provesnoy, so that the nasinnya sprouted more quickly, we install a frame with a polyethylene liner stretched over it;
  • With the appearance of the first two leaves on the saplings, it is possible to grow them.
If you want to plant a canopy, for us it is necessary to create a good mind for germination. For the next time, the increase in the fruits of the present day is replaced by summish peat and sand (at a proportion of 1: 4) or with river squeak. Then we put the bag in a box and put it until spring in a cold place with a temperature of 2-3 ºС. In the winter period, sumish needs to be periodically mixed.

Propagation of shipshini by sadzhants

Sadzhantsі shipshini are the best to take root at autumn planting. Visadzhuvati їkh bazhano at yellow-leaf fall.
  • A pit for planting with a robin depth of 20-22 cm;
  • Yakshcho on the planting distance of the soil, additionally we bring in the dampness of the good, we add more and perepril;
  • Before planting, the saplings are short cut, so that the twigs are no more than 8-10 cm long. For this short coryne up to 15-20 cm;
  • Then let us zanuruyemo root planting in a clay bovtanka and visadzhuyemo, straightening the root in front, into a prepared pit. The stem of the rhizome of the sapling may be 5-8 cm lower than the surface of the soil;
  • After planting, we water the saplings with water and stick to the surface with a thyrso or.

Vіdstan mіzh zadzhennymi rosliny lie down in order to mark me planting shipshina. In order to grow the livestock, the visajumo sadzhantsi on the vіdstanі 50 cm, one type of one. For a good plant, I need more time for a bush of shipshini.

Reproduction by root caps

As it is necessary to preserve the signs of the mother's bush, one more way of reproduction will become in good time - with root caps. It is necessary to harvest them from healthy and crop bushes, early in the autumn or in the early spring period. Ring out to fight in two ways:
  1. In the first option, choose the blue feathers of 25-40 div and water it with a shovel from the mother's bush. You can do it in autumn, and in spring.
  2. Vykoristovuyuchi other way, adventitious kushch is not watered, but periodically pidgortayut and watered. Through such a dressing, the adventitious roots begin to be established near the bush. The advancing fate, autumn, bushes are watered up in the form of mother's growth, aloe is transplanted, and left at home until spring. In the spring, yogo is transplanted to a new place, trying not to harm the rhizomes of the sapling.

Looking after the spike

Circumcision of shipshini

It is necessary to grow a bush of shipshini after 2-3 years after planting. With this, for the shortest yield, it is necessary to form a bush from 15-20 heads. Good, like the bushes of the bush will be of a different age, but not older than 7 years - the old bushes will bear fruit badly.

Old and weak chicks need to be robbed in the spring period. A lot of help to recommend robiti pruning in autumn, after leaf fall, scarlet robiti and not varto. It’s bad to endure zrіzi shipshiny, so the spring people are brimming with a rich corisnіshe, especially in regions with severe winters. It’s not smut to turn the cut on a short bush - on the onset of the river, you take away a great number of young shoots, as if you don’t bring you a harvest.

Watering shipshini

Shipshina dryness, fasting does not help. If the weather is too spicy, or when a dry period sets in, you can water the roslin, vicorist 2-3 buckets of water for a young bush and about 5 buckets for a fruitful one. Sound for the whole season bushes are watered 3-4 times.

Shipshini rejuvenation

important young roslyn. For the normal growth of the herbshins (from a different date after the first planting), it is necessary to grow bushes. The first revival is carried out in early spring, the other - at the period of the swedish growth of pagonivs (sound at the red-linden), the third - at the spring.

Nadali time for 3 years, we bring in at least 3 kg of compost or humus for the skin bush. After skin rejuvenation, the soil is rich and watered, clearly sippy to the beast with tyrsus, or humus.

I'm giving birth to shipshini

The happiest hour has come - we try to pick the fruit of the herb :) Most varieties of the herb have a lot of hot and prickly thorns, for this reason it is worth putting on a moustish robe and mittens before picking the fruit. I give birth to the selection, if the peel of the fruit is orange-red or red-colored.

I give birth to the selection, if the skin of the fruit becomes orange-red or red-colored.

Ring the first harvest sow serpen and trivaє until mid-autumn. When picking the fruits of shipshini, it is important to remember the following:

  1. firstly, the berries must be picked up before frost (not possible - it is possible to spend a lot of vitamins),
  2. in a different way, it is not necessary to pick up all the fruits in the morning (some of them will not be ripened, otherwise they will be overripe), rather take them out of the bushes from the sprat of prijomiv.

See that sort of shipshini

There are over 250 different kinds of herbs. Below is the most popular variety in our area, see the variety of miraculous growth. Deyakі iz them will please you with a zvnіshnіm look and fruits, іnshі suto decorative.

You can on our market, where the products of various online stores are presented.

Troyanda zmorshkuvata Rubra 218 rub
Agrofirma Poshuk

Troyanda zmorshkuvata Alba 218 rub
Agrofirma Poshuk

Shipshina brown

Growth in Siberia, the bushy variety grows up to 2 m. Chagarnik took its name for its red-brown color of measles. From one bush you can pick up to 2 kg of fruits.

Shipshina golista

This variety takes root well on Pivnochi, the growth of wines and in Central Asia and in Nechornozem. Chagarnik is clearly wheezing with short hairpins. Flowers of erysipelas of red zabarvlennya. Vіdmіnno endure winter frost and summer on dry land.

Shipshina prickly terry (bіla shipshina)

Decorative type of shipshiny with even beautiful, thick, white, terry quilts.