The world's largest rubik's cube. The smallest and largest Rubik's cube in the world. The world's largest Rubik's Cube

  1. Trochs of history
  2. Smallest Rubik's Cube
  3. Non-standard Rubik's cubes

The history of this puzzle begins in 1974, and yet the popularity of the antrochi does not change. Navpaki, wine people find new and new ways to make a toy more tidy or give it originality. Today's mova about the largest Rubik's cube in the world.

Trochs of history

In 1974, Jerne Rubik, one of the best architects of Budapest, did not allow thirty years to come to the people, and it was not a problem to become a millionaire. Vіn seriously zahoplyuvavsya geometrical tasks and 3D-modeling, and the project of the future cube obmirkovuvav kіlka rokіv.

The first version was 27 small cubes made of wood with colored edges. To help Yerne help me to learn the basics of the mathematical theory of groups. The meta of the wine house was based on the fact that the framed cubes of guilt wrap around independently, without destroying the overall structure.

The number of facets of the first variant increased to 156, and then the creator shortened the number to 54. Instead of one cube in the middle, they placed a special lucky mechanism that turned wine into a toy.

The idea was worthy of everyone who knew Rubik, and patented it without a hitch. The first batch of cubes on an industrial scale sipped the world in 1977, a few copies were consumed and up to the Radyansk Union. And the axis of Zakhid will never conquer.

Popularity came from that moment, when Tibor Lakzi, a computer businessman from Germany, started playing games. Today the Rubik's Cube is a footwear item on the police, whether it's a store of toys or puzzles. There are a number of championships for yoga selection.

The world's largest Rubik's Cube

Vibration is composed of a majestic number of small cubes - the length of the skin side is up to 33 elements. Having prepared yoga using 3D technology, Gregoire Pfenig - to learn from the world the creator of puzzles. Previously, we have already implemented over a hundred projects of various folds.

And the giant Rubik's cube among them is far from being the most foldable and the best. Prote, schob yogo pick, people need a sprat for thousands of years. The internal structure of the virobu is made up of seventeen balls, and the skin collapses according to age to others.

There is a large number of elements of the game, which can be called that - 6153, all the stinks are prepared on an automated layout for digital coding (or SNS). The organization 3D Print Fabriek provided the markup, but it sponsored the production.

For those who took the cube, Gregoire needed about two hundred years, and then there was the next thing to do, that he was engaged in not only one, but with a large number of helpers. It took more time to glue the labels to the skin detail. Just potim a cube can be cooked. The area of ​​one side can be equal to the area of ​​the shakhivnitsa.

The cube is available for purchase at the online store Olivier's Sticker Shop and the price is 18,000 US dollars. In addition, we can’t do anything, if we get a promise for 3-4 months, until we prepare it.

Oscar van Devent Cube

A Dutch engineer wines different types of toys, which include over and over a thousand elements (17x17x17). Oskar had previously been used to vague puzzles, but in this state he clearly wanted to amaze the whole world.

Until now, having already created non-vanishing Rubik's cubes from 3x3x3 to 11x11x11, but the stench did not rise to great popularity. The creation of the copy cost 1.5 thousand pounds sterling and 60 years of real time.

The length of the side of the cube is 140 mm, the number of elements is 1539. It only took about ten years for the process of farbuvannya.

Oscar van Devent solves the greatest Rubik's Cube for 2 credits, and the algorithm for collecting wet wines is not yet clear.

High Road Rubik's Cube in the World

Until the 40th anniversary of the popularity of the puzzle in 2014, the diamond cutters international jewelry company released a good interpretation. The toy was made of yellow gold, assay No. 750, and dozens of expensive stone in an unmarked setting were stashed along the skin side.

Like a charm on the other side of vikoristan and different stones: amethyst, diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds. Tsya jeweler robot yearned for 8500 years for vikonannya. The cost of the bag can be estimated at approximately 2,500,000 dollars.

Virib was previously presented at an American exhibition called Beyond Rubik's Cube, which will take place near New Jersey. Ale and after all the wines did not lie down with undemanding vantage, and the donations will rise in price with different light exhibitions.

Smallest Rubik's Cube

Varto guess here and the merits of our spіvvіtchiznik, Russian Є.Grigor'ev - programmer from Cheboksary. Vіn the great shanuvalnik tsієї іgryki і vmіє їє її її її less for whilina.

And once a 40-year-old man came up with the idea to make his life easier and smarter, and then spend it on the side of the Guinness Book of Records. For a month, Evgen prepared a toy for the help of a laser. Viyshov virib іz dovzhina side only one centimeter.

Behind the words of the creator, picking up the puzzle has become smarter - now there are already 3 quills on the line.

Non-standard Rubik's cubes

A cream of great square virobs, which are only ventilated by dozhins of the sides, make even different kinds of puzzles. Let's take a look at some of them:

  1. Megaminx. Vinahid, which works on the principle of the Rubik's cube, but also forms the shape of a dodecahedron. It is the same for the 12-colour viconan (if the skin line is painted in the same color), so it is for the 6-color one (de protilezhnі the border is painted in the same color). The toy is also called “enchanting dodecahedron”, but earlier it was released in 1973, so to name it earlier, lower the main character of the article.

  2. Pyramidka Meffert. І tsey vyrib tezh buv wines earlier than the great cube - 1972 by the German vintner Uwe Meffert. The pyramid has 4 different color sides, and it's easier to choose Rubik's games - there are less than a million possible combinations. From the moment of the first release, over 90 million copies have already been sold.

  3. Skyub. Gra took away its name from 1982 roci, and earlier її was called "pyramid cube". The headline is in the form of a splendid cube - here chotir axes are wrapped parallel to the diagonals, and not six axes parallel to the faces. Wanting the shape to be folded and cubic, the scheme of folding is richer guessing the pyramid.

  4. Square-1. For the chosen one, the puzzle is even more similar to the Rubik's cube. But in the disassembled it is absolutely formless and unreasonable, that scheme of folding is different. Square-1 can change the shape, twist, giving additional folding. The toy was invented in the Czech Republic in 1990.

  5. Voidcube. Dzhe tsіkaviy variant. It looks like a cube that is familiar to us, but even more surprising - in the middle there is nothing to the center, which embraces all the elements between itself. But the puzzle does not fall apart, regardless of the appearance of the cross. Obviously, the folding algorithm is absolutely unique here.

  6. Mirror cube. For a new one, all the details may have one color, but the difference is different. The pochatkova form is cubic, but with the wrapping it becomes fretless - here and there there are ledges or depressions. Alece at first glance is more foldable, indeed, a short algorithm that allows you to bring the group to the cob position.

  7. Siamese cubes. To finish the folding option, it is folded from two z'ednahs between themselves in 3x3x3. Varto mix yogo, and for wrapping, only two inner and two outer parts become available.

  8. Meister piramorphix. A puzzle based on gears combined in a pyramidal form. The number of loose parts is 26, the number of colors is 4. The shape of the cob is not taken from the chosen one.

Puzzles are a great way to expand your mind and motor skills of your hands, train your logical mind. To that it is recommended to learn how to play with one, and then dekilkom from the re-expenditure of unimportant toys.

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Visited: 6951

Having recently eaten on an interesting Rubik's cube, having written a post, about those who have lit up Rubik's cubes.

Best Folding Rubik's Cube

How to fold the classic Rubik's Cube is not a problem for you, try this monstrous cube called Petaminx. The wine is made up of 975 parts, the set has 1212 stickers from the squares, which must be pasted on the side. For the creation of this cube, the designer Jason Smith stained 75 years. Tіlki yavіt, sіlki hour pіde on yogo cherry.


This is a hybrid of the Rubik's Cube and Sudoku game. On the faces of the painted numbers, it is necessary to fold the cube so that the sum of the numbers on them is equal. If you are a fan of Sudoku - this is the game for you!


This cube has no crumbly parts, and all the segments are illuminated by light-colored illuminators. To "turn" it is necessary to press on the visible buttons on the edges, and they will clearly remember the color of power. The Rubik's Cube Crime, which has more logical puzzles tied to the cards, and navit gra, is similar to Minesweeper in Windows.

Kulka Rubik

Let's play the Rubik's Cube, we'll roll it, we'll use the IQ Bag (IQ Sphere). Yogo is 70 mm in diameter, and the vaga and texture allow you to win it as a souvenir or a press-pape. If it is necessary to make a pause in the work, you can take a bag and break your mind

Rubik's Cube 2.0

There are no colors in the new one, all the fragments are only slightly different, and moreover, their internal mirror surfaces. It is not easy to fold Yogo on the cob!

Non-Cubic Rubik

Name the translation my, vіlny. It's called the Irregular IQ Cube. If I become angry in the photo, it is necessary to fold the cube myself “in the shape of a cube”. It's not as easy as one might think.

Rubik's Pyramid

Another name for the puzzle is Pyraminx, and in the chosen view it looks like the one in the childhood of the game "Snake". Whom slept on the idea of ​​an idea about the unification of the form of one of the toys with a brighter side, and the ones that you see in the photograph came out. Duzhe dahozrivalno

Super Mario Cube

This cube is similar to the Sudoku cube, only to change the numbers, when picking up the cube, it is necessary to put together a puzzle behind the motifs of the immortal grie.

The official name of the new puzzle is Rubik 360. The essence of the puzzle is to transport a large number of colored circles from the transparent inner sphere from the outer middle to the outer sphere. To get the stink there through the middle sphere, in the yakіy є open only two.

The Ugorian professor Yerno Rubik, the winemaker of the famous cube, talks about his new child in this way: "360 is one of the innovative and greedy puzzles in an hour of the cube's winemaking.

brain cube

Well, the last, really clear robotic cube by designer Jason Freeny, beating at the sight of the brain.

The number of views of Rubik's cubes on this day is easy to cheer up. However, in the medium range one can see the classic models from the images on the faces, hybrids of non-standard form, mirror and virtual ones. Some models can be easily seen at the police store, others can be found in online stores, and still others are left at the prototype stage.

Looking at all the variants of the Rubik's Cube, it is important to believe that everything started from one simple model in the mid-80s of the last century. The same in 1974 by the Ugrian sculptor Yerne Rubik Vinayshov, and in 1975 he patented a puzzle that represents a plastic cube 3 × 3 × 3 with 54 visible color faces.

Original packaging of the Ugric Rubik's Cube, 1982 r_k

The Rubik's Cube is considered the most popular game in the world, which was released in a large circulation (original + analogues) of about 350 million copies. Prote puzzles are sold to the whole world not under one name. In the original version of Rubik's wines, wear the name "magic cube", this name was fixed in Ugrian, German, Portuguese and Chinese language. In Hebrew, the Rubik's cube is called "Ugric cube".

The most popular models of the Rubik's cube

Varto indicate that not all puzzles are represented by Rubik's cubes. Deyakі models navіt were found until 1974, but without a doubt the merit of Rubik.

Unique original Rubik's cube 3×3×3

Light record for picking a Rubik's cube 3x3: 4.59

Record holder: Felix Zemdex (Australia)

Light record: 1.42

Record holder: Kevin Gerhardt (Nimechchina)

Light record: 22.55

Record holder: Max Park (USA)

Light record: 43.21

Record holder: Feliks Zemdegs (Australia)

Light record: 1:25.10

Record holder: Max Park (USA)

Light record: 2:13.12

Record holder: Max Park (USA)

Light record: 35.15

Record holder: Juan Pablo Huanqui (Peru)

Meffert's Pyramid

Light record: 2.02

Record holder: Tymon Kolasinski (Poland)

Light record: 2.03

Record holder: Łukasz Burliga (Poland)

Light record: 8.04

Record holder: Anuar Miguel Abib Onofre (Brazil)

Other types of Rubik's Cube

Stepping Rubik's cubes are not so popular, but not less than cicavi. The right choice of puzzles can be selected for your own choice and among the widest models.

Rubik's Cube 17×17×17

Rubik's Cube 33×33×33

Rubik's cube with little ones

Namely facts

Ahead of the day 19 May 40 years in the puzzle "Rubik's Cube". In 1974, a young vikladach of architecture Jerne Rubik from Budapest having created a practically impossibly object.

The first "Magic Cube", as they called it, was sold in a toy store in Budapest in 1975.

The puzzle was made up of 26 unique miniature cubes. This includes the attachment of internal steps, as if they are joined with other cubes, at the same time, allowing them to wrap around.

The magic cube was renamed by the Rubik's cube of 1980 in honor of the winemaker.

Gra Rubik's Cube

1. Rubik wants to create a working model for explanation of trivial geometry.

2. Yomu needed more than a month to find out about solving his puzzle. The hard Rubik's cube turned around and turned, but did not break and fell apart. Deyakі people and dosi try to understand, how to understand.

3. Rubik's Cube was recognized Igishka rock in 1980 and 1981 rock.

4. Over 350 million Rubik's cubes were sold all over the world to be sold with a toy of all hours.

5. At the Rubik's Cube 43252003274489856000 possible configurations. There are 6 colored sides, 21 parts and 54 surfaces, with more than 43 quintillion different possible configurations.

6. Yakby wee turned the Rubik's cube skin second, you need bi 1400 trillion years to go through all configurations.

7. Yakby vy rozpochali tsey project under the hour of the Great vibukha, vy b dosi did not finish.

Folding Rubik's Cube

8. However, faster speed cubers can pick a smaller, lower die in 6 seconds. Speedcubery- tse people who take part in spikubing - a kind of sport, in which the participants are engaged in picking the Rubik's cube.

9. The latest record from speedcubing to lie down Mets Vovka(Mats Valk) from the Netherlands. Win solving the puzzle for 5.55 seconds.

10. Win breaking an Australian record Feliks Zemdegs which became 5.66 seconds.

11. Acts of speed are more about the style of vikonnanny, lower is just swidkist.

12. If the contestant needed 25 seconds to pick up the Rubik's cube, simultaneously moving with one hand.

13. The next participant needed 28.80 seconds to know the solution to tying the eyes.

14. Trinity child from China took a smaller cube, lower for 2 weights.

15. Lego robot, which works on smartphones, can pick up a Rubik's cube more for a person. Robot named "CubeStormer 3" solving the puzzle for 3.253 seconds.

16. Be it a Rubik's Cube combination, it's worth 20 or less ruhiv.

Rubik's Cube: Records

17. Biggest Rubik's Cube with a size of 3 meters and a wagon of 500 kg is located in the city of Knoxville, near the state of Tennessee, USA.

18. Smallest Rubik's Cube width 10 mm Evgenom Grigor'evim. I will add a functional cube, which can be chosen as a great cube.

19. With the most expensive cube becoming a "Masterpiece Cube" of creations Diamond Cutters International 1995 rock. A 22.5 carat amethyst cube, 34 rubies, 34 emeralds and 18 carat gold, valued at 1.5 million dollars.

20. "Yakscho you see, you know puzzles about you. You see, you see, you see them," - saying Jerne Rubik.

How to solve the Rubik's cube (video)

How can you think of the idea of ​​creating the smallest Rubik's cube in the world? Just after the creation of the largest Rubik's cube in the world! In 2016, the British puzzle amateur Tony Fisher won the largest Rubik's cube in the world with a double edge of 1.57 meters and a wagon of greater lower 100 kg.

Mayzhe all the details in the Rubik's cube are made of plastic for the mechanism of turning the faces.

To pick up the giant, Tony Fisher needed close to two months. Tsey record buv official performances at the Guinness Book of Records.

2017 about The bigger cube after the rosemary will not be so cool anymore, Ton Fischer smashed the pity in a different direction and created the smallest Rubik's cube in the world.

Zrobleny for the help of a 3D printer, the cube can be less than 5.4 mm. And just to stick the color stickers up to the new, the length of the length is up to 5.6 mm. Vtіm, tse do not care about you being the least in the world - the front record holder can be 0.3 mm more advanced.

Tue, Tony Fischer can't ever file an official application for a new world record. In other words, the creations of the Rubik's cube can be somewhat disproportionate, so the model will require additional improvements. In addition, the creator of the miniature cube is afraid that at the hour of filing a claim, problems with copyright can be blamed - even though the creation was created on the basis of the model of the smaller mini-Rubik's cube, like Tony Fisher changed it.