A dancer from Tajikistan, who changed the slogan: “I love high heels! Skhid - on the right is thin Arthur becoming a woman

Malik Kolontarova - "My son changed to become".

Malika Kalandarova - People's Artist of the USSR. Successful dance from distant Tajikistan. Toured in the whole world.

Її man - musician Ishak Gulkarov, accompanying її every hour of dancing and everywhere on tour. After a break, she emigrated to the USA.

The story of Maliki is amazing rich, strong-willed woman, mother of two blues, knew a daughter to replace one son!

Її son Arthur - talented boy - changing his position.

Gulkarov Artur- in 2005 he became famous in Moscow.

Znaiomy s bagatma with special features. Talanovity and success. It would be better, what else is needed!

Artur started his career in dance groups in Tajikistan, since 1993 he lives in New York and Moscow. Restore wine giving a concert near the capital of Tajikistan in 2009.

About the change of Arthur's status, the whole world was recognized after the program on the first channel.

De vin knew that having remembered to become with the USA, and now his name is Samir Mazal.

Samira appeared on the program with her famous mother, told her story. How important it was, all her life she felt like a woman, she was friends only with girls, the boys teased, no one was wise. It's even more important if you don't understand. Vaughn herself thought the two girls would end their lives by self-destruction.

Samir dosi cannot know the contact with his father. It is important for her to show up at the father's house, she grew up.

The elder brother also does not speak.

She accepted Samira as mother Malik, she alone understood and helped her child to know the world and become happy, paying for the operation for the change of status of that breast enlargement.

Behind the words of Samira Gulkarova herself: “It was not easy. I made a career as a dancer, but I wasn’t a happy person, I didn’t want to live. Dude, I wanted to lay hands on myself. Ale potim realized that she could be a woman who had an operation. My mother paid for 2 surgeries: changing the size of her breasts. Operations cost 30,000 dollars. Then now I, and my mother are calm, and everything is good in us.

Thank you for Samir's woman's happiness and success.

And how did you set yourself up to such changes in your family?

Days at the program of Andriy Malakhov "Let's pretend."

The Radyansky rock dancer from Tajikistan, the mother of two blues Malika Kolontarova shone at all the rank concerts, her similar beauty made the face of the whole Radyansk Union. At the age of 34, Malika won the title of People's Artist of the USSR and went on tour around the world, representing the Radyansk Union. Cholovik Maliki - the famous musician Ishak Gulkarov, was on tour at the same time from the retinue, and two blues - Mark and Arthur - were left under the sight of relatives.

In 1992, a bloody mass war began in Tajikistan, and so Maliki had a chance to emigrate to the USA and start living from scratch. To earn a living, a famous dancer went around the huts and sold dishes. Ale then the dance group of Malika Kolontarova, having taken away the popularity and in America - the corpse is often asked to perform at the great saints. At that time, the young son Artur became the soloist of the ensemble. The lad adopted the talent of his mother and dreamed of becoming a star.

In 2005 the band Artur moved to Moscow and performed two rocky stages on the best stages. Ale once flooded the glittering career and turned to New York. There, he ceased to appear in public, and soon after the sign.

Natomist mother's daughter appeared to no one in the name of Samir.

Malika did not reconcile herself to the "pridbany", wanting to dance herself to know: she dreamed about the donka forever. Artur from the childhood “virtually succumbed” to his eyes: he didn’t act like his brother, didn’t take part in the street things with claps, hovavsya along the huts, mating with the girls, reconciling his mother’s clothes.

In youth, beyond my knowledge, I suffered greatly - more precisely, I suffered (now Artur-Samira, as she changed to become and became a woman, talking about herself in a woman's kind). At school, they teased Arthur, and about that hour you won’t love.

Then came the turning point: Arthur became zamislyuvatisya about self-destruction, being also a young man. “Mom didn’t understand me, scandals were strong from her. Nobody knew what happened to me, I started in the room, rehearsed, cried, trimmed in my hands," Samira said. As a result, she still lost her life, but in a different way: the operation to change the status cost her 30 thousand dollars.

The father and brother of Arthur did not accept the new appearance of the wives until the end, but the mother reconciled. At the same time, the stench of being satisfied with shopping, mother helps her daughter with the choice of wardrobe. If the father and brother accept their new sister and daughter, Malika was enthralled.

To the point, a similar story is discussed in Merezh: it appears that the 65-year-old vetch Kim Kardashian, Bruce Jenner (father of ten children) is a woman. Kіm pіdtrimala “tata” from whom he started, calling him her hero.

Moreover, in view of the heroine of Malakhov, the womanly and squishy Samira, Bruce has always been known as the right "male": in 1976, he became the Olympic champion of decathlon and even in the United States, the most famous "male" wins. Jenner knows that women are hormones and wines, having started accepting them from the 80s, so that the decision to become a woman of wines praises Kardashian's slut. Then we snarled and pinned “our transition to a new place”, more dearly cherishing hundreds of years of my 10th children, four of them are adopted, including Kim.

So having declared that, regardless of those who respect themselves as a woman, people did not in any way attach themselves to the guilt of being a heterosexual. At the link with chim vin, he declares himself to be a stota without a state.

At the fall of the leaves, the athlete saw a kadik, which caused a bit of a change about Jenner's status. By the year of the father of a great family, having become a woman, having grown a long hair and having a bigger chest. Tim is not smaller, nor is Bruce himself, nor members of yoga similar transformations in any way commented, and the paparazzi began to follow the man, trying to catch him in the woman’s marriage. In an interview with the American journalist Diana Soyer Jenner, destroying the speech with tears in the eyes of a pink mustache, about which the speech was richly rocked.

I am a woman, and this is my true essence. I'm not stuck in anyone's body, my life will be the same night, - Bruce Jenner confesses. - I am heterosexual, all the time I am alive with my retinue and vikhovuvav our children. Kris did not respect my seriousness, she did not show respect for my jumps. Vaughn is a wonderful woman. If you get out of your mind and blow me, we can live together again.

At the beginning of the interview, Bruce Jenner burst into tears and roses, scho, like Samira, thinking a lot about self-destruction.

“If I was up to nine years old, I put on my mother’s cloth first. I was even afraid of being spied, and I turned my mother's robes around on the plate. I've been through all my life. It was hard for me. I could not sleep at night, walking around the city for years with a loud pounding at my heart. I thought, take a pistol and put a spot. Mіy bіl, with yakim I'm alive stіlki rokіv, would end in one second. Ale, I didn’t dare to drink on such a crock, ”saying the wealthy father.

Kim commented on Tata's decision with a very boisterous post on Instagram, writing that "love is the courage to live truthfully." “Bruce is a bitch. I love Bruce. I, like a daughter, write. Tse do not start, you can be easy, ale mi support you, so that it doesn’t happen! Your honesty has opened its doors for others, so that you can be a man and live a good life! Povaga. Hero. Sim'ya," said Kim Kardashian.

Other relatives of the athlete also set themselves up to the yoga winding quite nicely. “25 fates of my life as my man and father of my children. Now my hero is out," write Jenner's great team of Chris. “Shoino stopped marveling at the interview. Tattoo, I write like you, you are my hero, ”Chloe Kardashian came to the praises. “I write with my father. With such fearlessness, that masculinity can change the world. It's an honor for me to change the order from you, Bruce, ”suitable for the sisters Courtney Kardashian.

Time and time again, as psychologists say, transsexualism (practical change of one’s status) cannot be vilified in any other way, but change one’s status: “Only an operation can bring the patient’s inner world into harmony with his body,” experts seem to say.

“The reason for blaming transsexualism dosi has not been sufficiently explained. Apparently, transsexualism is not associated with radiation, or with stress, or with wrong vibrations. Spravzhnіy transseksualіzm sіd vіdіznyati іnіvіvіvіv іnіvіv іnіvіv іrіnіh psihіchnih zahvoryuvany, yakіh іn mаіnіnіy dіyсny poluchennya sоіdіdfіkaії. Transsexualism was first observed to manifest itself in children for 3-5 years (actually due to the vindication of behavioral statutes). The child wants to be dressed in clothes of the opposite state, calling himself a different name, in a different kind. As a rule, such a child is easily confused with one-liners, she gets stuck in herself, she has psychological problems,” the fahivts write.

Before hіrurgіchnim vtruchannyam Tranny Got pass spetsіalnu komіsіyu scho skladaєtsya of psihologіv, lіkarіv (seksologіv, psihіatrіv) that predstavnikіv Mіnіsterstva yustitsії (for zmіni zapisіv in RAGSі) Mіnіsterstva osvіti (for zmіni osvіtnіh dokumentіv: od atestatu zrіlostі to іnstitutskogo diploma) Mіnіstra for military service) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (for changing passports). After that, medication (for additional hormones) and psychological preparation of the patient to a new role should be carried out.

Prote in Islam, such speeches, as you know, are judged.

Artur Gulkarov/Samira Mazaal

Today, the program will show a very unusual and shocking story ... A story about those who, as a son of the Radyanskaya artist Malika Kalandarova, became ... a woman. Artur Gulkarov felt uncomfortable for three hours being a man. Release, scho vyyshov at kvtnі tsgo rock, celebrating the right furor, zokrema, on the Internet people dosі discuss the son of the famous dancer (below for the video you can take part in the voting). Marvel at "" (for the sake of it, you yourself will know the video of this broadcast with a report description and a discussed release) - a repeat of the release of "Let's not talk" on 08/18/2015. (forward testimonies 04/23/2015)

Malika ta її sіm'ya

Malika Kalantarova

Malika Kalantarova (there is - Mazol Kolontarova, also the variant of the spelling of the nickname through the letter "d" - Kalandarova) is known that during the Soviet Socialist Republic she created a karkolomnu car of dancers. So the woman corrected the teacher and became an actor. Regardless of those that Malika was born in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, she was born in the same Bukharan Jews (data taken from Wikipedia).

All the republics of the Radyansk Union knew who Malik Kalantarova was. In the 80s won became People's Artist of the SRSR. In the whole world of talanovite, the girl represented the SRSR. Cholovik Ilyas (Iskhak) Gulkarov came to Tajikistan, becoming an honored artist. Bet had two blues: Mark and Arthur. Itself about the rest and time at this issue of "Skhid - on the right is thin."

Emigration from the USA

On the cob of the 90s, the family of Malika Kalandarova was embarrassed to emigrate to the USA; A little while in the States, a woman took on a job like a robot, but later on she could become a dancer again and start a dance school in her own right! At this hour of Malik, read the spring dances of young girls.

As the blues of the artist stand, the lads grew up and their character became more and more dissimilar one on one ... While the elder son Mark is sympathetic, the younger Arthur is more familiar. The deyakі close relatives already dreamed of a new ... girl, but not a lad.

Sin Malik Kalandarova - Artur Gulkarov

Passed the rocks, and the youngest son of Dedali was more choked with dances, like a yoga mother. Yogo dream boulo cheer the whole world with their miraculous dance numbers. 10 years ago, a lad arrived from the USA to Moscow, and in a short hour became the star of the dance floor. Philip Kirkorov, Josip Kobzon and other artists of the Russian stage to know Artur Gulkarov and pronounce spivpratsyu.

Artur Gulkarov from Philip Kirkorov

The proté young dancer is not long overwhelmed by the Pershoprestolniy and is flying back home to New York. After that, the artist is not suitable for all signs ... and, as soon as it is known, forever ...

Samira Mazaal

Samira Mazaal na Hai seems

... And yet another "character" appears in our history - a girl with the name Samira Mazaal. Who is out? On the basis of the inquiries made by Malik Kalantarov:

- I gave birth to two blues, but always wanted me to be a little baby. Mabut, the heavens felt me... Vіn koristuvavsya lipstick, wearing pantyhose and cloth. Somehow I was shocked, but then I reconciled. Arthur spent the whole hour wondering that I can be a woman, not a man, and I try to put myself up to the mark of my mind.

Samira Mazaal and Malika Kalandarova at the program Let It Seem

From the first days, the robotic woman gained majestic fame, and rightly began to be called “malika i sakhna” - the queen of the stage. Spring 2 marks her national day at the house of a dancer, People's Artist of the USSR Malika Kalantarova, who has already lived a rich life in the USA.

For a whole day we have told you about the artist's creative path, about those for whom she went from the country, and how she ruled her life in a foreign land: she told us all three years before her 65th birthday.


Mazol Yashuvaivna Kalantarova was born on the 2nd of spring 1950 to this great perukar. None of the relatives could reach the age of a hundred years old. At her rich family before the young Mazoli, everyone spoke affectionately: "Margosha, Daisy." With the first splashes, the judges gave the girl a gift, in front of them she ruled her concerts. If you talk about those who started out as a professional asian, then they were busy in Budinka culture and the childish studio of the Theater. Mayakovsky.

The actress of the republic, the certifier of the theater-studio "Padida" Sharofat Rashidova, was well-deserved for Malika, they were friendly with children, if they went together to the dance studio of the so-called "Jewish theater" (so, they appear, they called the Russian Drama Theater .

- Malik was 10 years old, and me - 12 - guess the artist. - Mi at once went to learn to dance and one teacher. Mostly I slept, she danced.

In the spring of 1965, a new state dance ensemble “Lola” was born to rock, the leading Tajik choreographer Gaffor Valamatzade was recognized as the stoneworker of this.

Malika Kalantarova

Having found out about the recruitment, Malika, as if only a little bit, came from the pioneer camp, without asking the fathers, she ran to the Zeleny Theater. Nothing to instill respect for a small stature girl, dressed in shabby home clothes, because there were a lot of garish and tall girls. All the stench danced in front of Valamatzade, and the glance at whom ended. "And I?" - The girl was energized by the storms. Vіn glancing at her incredulously, having slept, skilki їy rokіv. “At once I’m 14, and the faith will have 15,” said Malika, trying to prostate and show herself grown up. Having said to Valamatzade, she came out, if she was a pidroste.

I confessed that I can’t check, - the artist replies. - I went to the musicians, asked to play "Fergansk", and I myself started to dance quickly. At the same hour, I roamed the kimos, then we snarled and marveled for a long time, without saying the desired word. When the dance ended, I immediately took up another one. "What's your name?" - having slept in nareshti.

"You must call me Daisy" - I said. This is how my creative life began with the right dance team.

"Malіkaї sakhna"

Through pivroku at the Opera Theater and ballet im. Aini Ensemble "Lola" held the first concert, where mainly mass dances were performed. "Margaritas" were entrusted to perform with a solo number - the classical dance "Chigarpora" (translation of meanings - "Break your heart").

- I loved shvidkі ruhi, scho all litaє i strіmke, - rozpovidaє our heroine. - And my teacher wanted me to show the necessary rigor at his dance: break eyes, shoulders, arms, strike with your foot - everything can be countered. I feel it. Vіn having taught me to understand the essence of the dance, be a sovereign scene. I remember cloth from crepe de chine, green camisole, old scarf, crown.

Who would think for a moment that at the 15th anniversary I will dance like this! Following the concert for lashtunki, Minister of Culture of the Republic Mekhrubon Nazarov. Where was that girl dancing the classical dance? - sleeping wine. They showed me. "Axis is small?" - glancing in disbelief. “Aje on the stage was graceful, tall girl.” I showed the shoes on the high tops. Vіn sleeping, how to call me. I vomited. "Ni, since this day your name is Malika, to that you are the queen of the stage," - having said the wine. After whom everyone began to call me Malikoy. Honestly, it seems that the great ballerina Malika Sabirova has always been like me, so I was glad to be my namesake.

Creative Polit

Through constant rehearsals, Malika transferred from the capital's school No. 3 to the evening school. And if the tour started, he had a chance to study independently. Together with the ensemble, they swept the entire Radyansk Union. Lately, they applauded on the stages of Japan, Afghanistan, Spain, Turkey, and India. The first overseas tours of Maliki were celebrated in 1969 by the Belgians, where they drank to the artist's warehouse under the ceramics of Akhmad Babakulov. Three dancers took Zebo Aminzade and її.

Malika Kalantarova


At concerts, Malika had only one dance number. Having chatted, as if warmly accepting the Belgian public, representatives of the Ministry of Culture punished them to add more speeches.

Behind the words of Saidali Gadoev, head choreographer of the children's ensemble "Lola", Malika Kalantarova got to know the stench in 1971 at the preparation of the Christmas concert, if she was a student of the choreographic school.

Until then I'm bachiv її on TV, - rozpovіdaє vin. - And here she was in order, practiced with us, danced. In life, she was so modest. Often on tour, where we looked, she would not leave the hotel - she sewed on details before her dance outfit. Zvichayno, їy zadrili, but yonder did not in any way give any meaning.

Shortcomings of the profession

And how many blows, stretch marks, and fractures, she took away from the process of her professional career! As if in 1973, Varzobe's dancer, during the process of getting a dance number, she inadvertently twisted her leg. Zyomki could not be told, we were taken to the nearest first-aid post and they made an injection of novocaine to drown out the pain.

Ilyas Gulkarov is on my head, on me is a thin camisole, I wave my pussies here and there, I smile, and in the blood itself it seeps through the shalvari that deaf white, - rozpovidaє Malika-apa. - Zate dance wiishov miracles. If they played the number on the television, I always guessed the moment.

True, the very same, Malika Kalantarova, could, like a graceful doe at a haircut, fly over the stage and land on her knees like that. The eyes of the older generation remember this enchanting dance - "Shodion".


Igor Moiseev, director of the State Song and Dance Ensemble of the USSR, asked Malika Kalantarova to choreograph the same dance in 1979.

Malika did not fit in the back, even though she had her own teacher - Gafor Valamatzadeh. Ale Moiseev said that if you want to be the choreographer of the dance itself її. Vіn telephoned to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan and asked to send Malik Kalantarova to stage similar numbers. Її negainoly ruled to Moscow.

- This is a dancing dance, - Malika guesses today. - Boys and girls danced there. The dance was even more dynamic, it was necessary to shoot across the stage, taking care of all the plasticity, and I taught the boys to work. For another dance - "Goryanka to Tajikistan" - I specially hung the Kulyab coinage and embellished it. With the dance of Moiseev, having conquered the rich country world, they wrote about him richly, I saved the newspapers of quiet fates, de it is written that I am the choreographer of the dance.


The collapse of the Radyansky Union and the mass war in Tajikistan became the reason that in 1993 the fate of Malik and his homeland went to the States.

“Before the hour of the hromada war near Tajikistan, the rebels left our house before our house,” our heroine recounts. - Having dabbled on the walls of my portraits, they were sleeping, Kim Malik Kalantarov was brought to me. In life, I sigh in my image, that stink did not recognize me. If I found out what my portraits were, they didn’t believe the stench, they asked me to bring them. I happened to dance in front of them. Having perekonalis at the truthfulness of my words, the stench came.

Now Malika Kalantarova and her family lives in the Queens area of ​​New York. I dream of all my life was the creation of a school of similar dance. In the United States, he had a chance to go through a lot of folds, and even today the Malika Dance School in New York is already 18 years old. In order to open a school, Malika worked at trade, sold dishes.

The teacher M. Kalantarova taught her folk Tajik, Bukhara, Uzbek, Indian dances, and immediately began to practice Latin American dances.

Friend and support

As Malika herself knew in one interview, for her in the first place she had always had a profession, which she dedicated to herself. At this time, the fathers cheered everything, and later they began to cheer the man that blue - Mark and Arthur.

Until the speech, the man of Malika Kalantarova - the leading doirist, the artist of the republic of Ilyas Gulkarov - honors our heroine in all her undertakings. Vin suffocated in her at first glance, if only she started dancing at the Green Theater, rehearsed with the Lola ensemble. Vaughn set her mind that we should come abroad, if we take away the call. Illyas had a chance to check. As soon as 1972, Malika took off the title of Honored Artist of the Tajik RSR, the stench became friends.

- My man is the greatest support in my life, - like Malika-apa. - Yakby entrusted yoga, it’s unlikely that I would have struggled with my own difficulties, but I had a lot of them!

Mimovoli zgaduєsh podії kvіtnya 2015 fate, if the transfer of "Let's not seem" to the Russian TV channel Malika Kalantarova made a public announcement: її son Artur changed to become and become Samira. Speak to the whole world about it with an over-the-top courage. Ale Malika ran into it.

Arthur's decision to change to become a cobweb did not support anything - neither mother, nor father, nor brother. And if Malika Kalantarova realized that she could spend a child, she stood on the її bіk.

Malika Kalantarova (right-handed) and її daughter Samira Mazal (left-handed) on the TV show "Let's pretend".

Sumy for the fatherland

... For all the years of emigration, Malika Kalantarova three times came to Tajikistan, and returned - in 2016.

We lived with a man at the hotel, - the artist recounts. - As if I needed faces, I went to the pharmacy. What a surprise for me, if on the street a group of lads of 10-12 years, after pumping me, shouted: “Wonder, tse Malik Kalantarova!” I energized, the stars of the stink I know, even though 20 years have passed and the younger generation of the republic, as it was already born after my birth, it could hardly be known. The lads explained that they danced me on TV, they played my dances. And they said that if these little sisters play their concerts in front of their mothers, then you, with your black, hooting with their dance, often whine: “Well, you are a straight Malika Kalandarova!” Then I realized that the Tajik people did not forget my loves. I was so happy!

Malika Kalantarova was resurrected in Tajikistan in 2016: People's Artist of the USSR came to her native Dushanbe at the request of Emomali Rahmon.

The delegation at the warehouse 50 osіb, before which the artist herself left, arrived to Dushanbe for the celebration of the 25th river of sovereign independence of Tajikistan.

Malika Kalantarova with a man at the Asia-Plus radio station, spring 2016

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At this release, there is a story about the Radyansk artist from Tajikistan Malika Kalantarova - the dancer shone at various concerts during the hours of the USSR. Її im'ya sounded creakingly in all the allied republics. Let's talk more about the woman's biography, as well as about the difficult situation that arose once with a child. Malika has two grown-up blues, she spent one of them ... then she knew her daughter without a hitch!

At the age of 34, Malika Kalandarova won the title of "People's Artist of the SRSR". Tse buv nebuvaly success for dancers from distant Tajikistan. Vaughn toured all over the world and represented the Radian Union. Її cholovіk - the musician Ishak Gulkarov, who accompanied the dancers every hour and everywhere accompanied її. After the Radyansk Union was gone and rozbudov began, Malika Kalandarova emigrated from Tajikistan to the States. The move was driven by the 1992 civil war in the midst of Tajiks.

Malika Kalantarova in his youth

It was not easy in America - women had to sell dishes. “I have two blues. The eldest is Marik, and the other is Artur. Marik was more merciful and masculine from childishness, and the axis Arthur was seen as a brother, ris zovsim іnshim ... ”, Kalantarova begins her discourse.

Family photo

Artur Gulkarov

Vtim, navit in the USA Malika was able to continue her career as a dancer. Її Ensemble is a great success among Americans. The younger son Arthur, still a small lad, having become interested in dancing, and in his youth, the lad already danced at the corpse, as if mother was caring. Gulkarov was already dreaming of becoming the all-worldly star of the dance floor.

Dancer Artur Gulkarov

In 2005 Gulkarov moved to Moscow and found a career as a dancer near the Russian capital. Vin got to know Yosip Kobzon and other creative celebrities.

Artur Gulkarov and Josip Kobzon

But then the man turned back to New York. The unacceptable began to walk a little bit about the life of a dancer, ale, nagolovnіshe, not knowing where Arthur Gulkarov disappeared. Wine sign!

Xing becoming a daughter

Malika Kalantarova: “My youngest synok was by no means engraved with lads on the underside. And at school, they constantly laughed and teased the girl. It was even more important for Yomu to live from cym. Forever spinning for a long time girls. And then I remembered that the wines are coryzed by my lipstick, that reconciles the women's clothes. More and more wines, becoming like a girl ... I was sued for those that I allow my sins to take, but now I'm lying with my mind to the new ... to that, to Samira. Tim more, I always wanted to have a daughter.”

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