Runichny put those formulas. Runny put the twist and strength. Bet on wow and wickedness

The formulas of the runes and set them to the victors are the key to reaching any goals. As soon as you correctly draw the magic signs and intelligence it is not given at once. Those same self-esteem and in the memory of reading the runes in the course of fortune-telling.


Formulas of runes and runescripts - well tse take?

Runes are themselves by their own means by means of different symbols, which will increase the view for any aspect of life, or the process in all. Against the stench, do not boom with a powerful magical instrument, because of the power of that power, it’s uncomfortably boiled down to combine it. The first runes, written in a number of ways, were used to poke the handbook at the time of the war, they could nabuti kudi more and more precise sense, no skin because of these signs of okremos.

Such formulas of the runes know their main stasis at the stem of the versatile and amulets. As the runes are written in one row, at once - such a formula is called a runescript, or a runic script. It is very simple for intelligence and reading options for the stem of amulets, water hours are the most ancient and traditional.

Tim is not the least, to be unaware of the simplicity of the rune scripts, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the skin border mark, to enter the formula, so it is possible to effectively be from their sleeping robots. Correctly the stem of such amulets can be seen in more than one day. Ale if you want to consider the practical aspect of personal magic, you can go on by the way until the moment, if you are able to create and develop the development of the runescripts.

Yak correctly fold the runescript and the formulas of the runes

Folded such formulas have many rules. Most often it is necessary to take revenge on some of the letters, for as the word is too old for the Scandinavian language, for the singing combination of runes, which does not have the same meaning in the transcription and pratsyu without the power of the signs themselves. Scandinavian words, written in runes, can often be created as archaeological sorcerers - they simply wore rich amulets in themselves written in runes: "zakist from evil" or "oberig for home" by old language. But it is unlikely that such rune scripts could have a real magical power - such sorcerers are being developed in less than the last hour, even after the christening of the Scandinavian lands. On the thought of a great deal of modern history and runology, as well as the celebration of magical signs, in order to deprive us of the much of the wrong mind of the day.

And the axis of the runic script is tse, madly, a magic instrument. Call these scripts from two, three or five characters. So ugrupovannya allows you to finish exactly the meaning of the talisman's work and to finish it with idle time for reading and folding. It’s great for the size of the rune formulas, but they’re more simple to make a gratitude and in the result they are not what you could have been.

Slid means that in runescripts even greater significance may not be deprived of the signs themselves, but the order is straightforward. One and the same runes, written in different order, can lead to great results. So, in scripts from three or five runes at the center, make the aspect grow, with the robot, the first positions are "tools" for such robots, and on the rest - cleaning the bags.

It is possible to get down to such a robot as if it were just unreasonable, what you yourself want to reach from the talisman, but what about the amulet. Rooney gives you practically unlimited flexibility for any kind of nutrition. Aleksandr navіtіnі sagas popredzhayut about the security of the runes by the people who do not know them. That, at all, they didn’t start before the activation of the runes, they were busy with the authorities and the folding of the rune formulas for the time being.

Tim doesn’t mean to change the hour, and the simple version of the formulas is possible without it. Prior to such amulets, the combination of three Fehu runes is carried out, to go along, aimed at earning wealth for the money supply. The second butt can be used in the same runny formula ALU - Ansuz, Laguz and Uruz, which is a universal amulet that will add success to all repairs and reduce life as a whole.

Put the runes - yak vikoristovuvati knitted one with one runes


By the same token, the runic magical tradition also has a school, which will require a lot of knowledge from the forces of Scandinavian signs and rational principles. Vona flicked at the cipher runes on the stems of one image, but she was at once at the same time with a number of signs. Such formulas, from one side, significantly facilitated the development of third-party pledges from their programs, from the other - they allowed one to add new ones to a new level.

Protect in a whole lot of runic magic to hide and great care. It is necessary to rewire the skin rune by becoming on all possible supplementary symbols, before entering the new one. So, having become a new home for family happiness. Sim'yanin»For the first glance, it will be stored in two places. Protest in new is also primed i, how to pretend to intertwine lines. At the end of the day, you won’t have any positive goals. However, the unwritten registration and folding of the foldable ones can lead to the final result simply to the fact that you have not remembered all the signs that are included in the runic formula.

Ale viprobuvani bagatorazovo classic types of staging also є the simplest instrument. The stench allows you to immediately reach the desired result without trivial training and the development of all the features of tradition. With the help of this, I can be used for pointing out the Sim'yanin, as well as combining the Funnel, which can be victorious for capturing any kind of negativity.

Galdrastavi ta agіsh'yalmi - tight folding formulas of vіkіngіv


Galdrastav at the crossbar from the old Icelandic movi there is a chaklunska plate. Infected by the name galdrastav_mayut on uvazi okremiy kind of stav_v, which can be rooted on the victorian one, two or even chotiroh lines, roasted on the same axis. Nayvidomishe ishistorically vikorstannya vidomo about them at the viglyadi "sholomiv zhahu" abo agishyalmiv... The images were put on the forehead by the vikings of the sob in order to make them feel bad, to bring fear and mind to quietly play.

The simplest and the most popular option similar to galdrastav is the chotiri runi Algiz, which runs perpendicularly one to one from the outside center. Інші simple runes put a similar type, they can be located on the central axes of the central axes of any runes - either in pairs. Protect and more folding mystical formulas. So, the great number of galdrastavs from the Old Icelandic dosi did not bully, because in them, except for the runes, the signs were stagnant, and they include fluent and vivid lines.


Happy agish'yalmi and galdrastavi, as if you were looking for runes and combining, you can be victorious to achieve practical goals. Ї However, at the galdrastav warehouses, it is possible to store and add a number of ready-made options for the warehouses. In such a rank, the whole technology is one of the most common in knowledge. However, the day of galdrastav and agishyalm is prompted to emerge as strong and powerful. Reaching the bazhany result with other help is possible in the shortest term. Boyovі agіsh'yalmi, for example, all for a fraction of a second - the moment when the enemy looks at the whole sign, you can literally lose the life of that and lead you wrong.

Yak correctly fold the rune formula і robiti runny becoming

Before the main rule, when folding your own powerful magical talismans behind the additional runes, there will be a clear understanding of the skin rune in the prepared formulas, and, obviously, meaning. It is necessary to have a sense of the meaning of the rune in his own individual viglyadi, as well as in a ready-made rune stave. In addition, it is also necessary to remember about those who are skin talsman, skin becoming, or the script needs to be activated. Call the activation of the amulets to be displayed instantly from the accounts. Traditionally, the Farbi get the shelter of the one who has become. Shelter for all peoples of the world, for the manifestations of that detached people without a living force, and it is not marvelous that you "revive" the runes, zestingly turn on the programmed signs of the program.

No rituals with the folded runic formulas are not required to be stored. If you want to know, how to rob the runny becoming, or how to correctly put the runny formula, you should be smart, as well as an intellectual robot. The correct runes and the next day are led by a path of trivial thoughts and meditations. Adzhe same so pratsyuvav from the magic of the runes One - tsei God is famous for his rose, that will listen to the power of visions. Without the wish for one of the three components to achieve success and correctly place the necessary signs, a magic instrument will not work.

Well, before the offensive consecration of the ready-made stave, then the thoughts will be added. Traditionally, runes are vvazhayutsya instrument, which does not bind to religion. The divine gods can help you at their victorious, if you need to get out of the way, and you will not have any minor flaws in their flow. Ale tse vіdbuvaєtsya for the rakhunok of the tricky connection of the gods of the ancient Scandinavian peoples with runes. At the sight of the stench, yak are wise mentors. Ale їхній injection is not necessary in order for the runi to start working. Representatives of any kind of history without inheritance can coristrate with them.

However, with a bezposredny stavrennі amulet, or embedded in the life of the stav, it is easy to clearly imagine the out-of-the-box program of yogo dії and put it in a concrete meta. Tse can be said in a voice, so in thoughts. Naygolovnishhe, you must be very clear about what you want to reach for the help of the runes. The ancient symbols do not tolerate any unfortunate connection with them. I vreshti-resht can lead to absolutely unmatched results. Obviously, if you didn’t give proper respect for the preparation to robots.

Runny rozkladi and їkh meaning

Holy Tree Iggdrasil and runes, like God Odin

A special place in the rune magic is borrowed and wondered. Varto mean, the followers of the traditions of the Scandinavian peoples at once vvazhayut vorozhinnya in an unprecedented way, victorious runes. The protest of the mythology of that ancient sagas is straightforward to create a thought. Navit the supreme god of asiv - One - not unwilling the warriors. I myself amazed at the intertwining of nine sticks ash Іггдрасіль In some wines, having played the runes, wines also didn’t zoom in on the senses of the signs, but didn’t know about the share of all the svitobudov.

Sensei runes can be similar to tarot divination. So, one of the most popular types of transferring handwriting distribution of rune dies. One - a message about the past. Friend - about the day. The third one is about maybutn. The very essence of such a divination is in the prophecy of norns, which are also three, and they knew about everything that was happening, that it was. Likewise, pay attention to love and love, to the wealth and business, whether it’s any aspect of human life.

Deciphering the runes of the runes and their meaning, if you do the meaning of the runes as a whole, it’s simple. Just as you already know about the practical stasis of runic magic, then the spell on the ancient symbols, melodiously, is easy for you to get right. As soon as the runes are absolutely new for you, and you don’t know the sphere, you can fix the knowledge with it from the very beginning of the power set for the fortune-telling. Winning may not be deprived of the instrument for transferring that joke of ideas, and the miraculous talisman. Be it a runny die from such a set itself, by itself, can become a talisman. Just vibrate the rune that comes to you for the purpose of seeing whether you eat something, go with your little one and wear it with yourself, as long as the problem is not seen. At the same time, on the view of special amulets, the ready-made object will not be delivered to the destination. Just turn them up to the little ones.

In the whole ninja, runnichi put, scripts and curiosities can bring the majesty of the skin. I can use the power of the skin as well. The stench does not vimagayut the investment of a special energy and do not put the same indiscriminate transition before practice. Likewise, on the basis of ceremonial and religious magic, a robot with runes does not require special rituals of dedication. And the guessing of this sense is possible independently. Ale will be dependent on the protection. Remember, runi is just a tool, for I will magnify power. First, with an insignificant victorian thief, one can re-translate into a catastrophe.

In contact with

It is often possible to achieve it because of the situation, if there are even more plans and ideas, but if you don’t have enough strength, you’ll have finances for reaching what you have conceived. Yak often buva, so bazhannya to drag out on dovgі rocky.

Happily, the processes can be accelerated. For the whole, you can ask for help from Runes and runic formulas: setting up runescripts.

For a cob, you need to put priorities in your goals. Take as a basis two or three goals to direct the energy in the required direction, and the run-of-the-mill formulas can help to recover and concentrate the necessary strength.

It is necessary for the nobility before the ear of robots from runic formulas from the vikonannya bazhan:

Clearly and clearly formulate your freedom,

After adjusting the rules and the last of the writing of the rune signs,

Start a varto memory, so that the end of the Runes is transformed into a specific result, the rearrangement of the Runes to the best result, to move to the sympathetic.

Correctly imitate the name of the Runes,

Correctly fold the guard - it's just that it is smart to describe how you need to see the formulas.

Rooney for vikonannya bazhan:

Teyvaz - pushing forward, strength and manhood.

Dagaz - transformation and transformation.

Feu + Otal - іdpovіdaє for material well-being and success in reaching the bazhany.

Turisaz - clearing the way for the realization of what was conceived.

Vuno - visvitlyuє way to meti.

Raido is the very road to Vikonannya Bazhannya.

Іnguz - the durability and success.

Formulas for vikonannya bazhan.

Bazhannya in all development, therefore, the runic formulas are straightforward to reach new goals and the revision of specific enterprises.

If є is really useful for the purpose, і all resources for the purpose of the plan, then the following formula can be victorious:

Vuno + Teivaz + Vuno

Vuno visvitlyuє way and tidy up all the stones from the way, Teyvaz - until the peremogy.

Also, for good luck, you can know about finance, for whom you can use the formula:

Soulu + Feu

Feu + Otal + Soulu

Feu + Feu + Feu

Feu - groshova Runa, Soulu light energy, Otal - maino.

A hard-pressed amulet for obtaining a financial flow and prosperity:

On one side the formula: Soulu + Soulu + Feu - written in a row.

From the side of the formula: Feu + Otal + Soulu + Soulu - also written in a row.

Vikonavets bazhannya:

Feu + Gebo + Vuno + Vuno + Gebo + Kano + Evaz + Uruz

Feu - those scho powered.

Gebo - give, Vunyo - positive.

Vuno at once with Gebo is successful in furnishing.

Kano is a visitor to the power of the people.

Evaz is the ruch of something that is supplied from something that is required.

Uruz - gives strength for the vіtennya that vikonannya of the bazhannya himself.

Talisman formula for success:

Perth + Feu + Algiz + Raido + Kano + Vuno

Perth - success from the minimum to the maximum.

Feu - nabuttya that volodinnya material warehouse.

Algiz - rejection of that accumulated zakist.

Raido - activity that way to the met.

Kano - can, love, passion, desire to achieve results.

Vuno is the joy as from the rejection of the achieved, so as to the process of reaching.

Viconannya bazhannya tied with material benefits and power:

Hagalaz + Otal + Raido + Nautiz + Feu + Soulu + Naud + Kenaz + Mannaz + Otil + Gebo + Algiz

Feu + Inguz + Dagaz + Uruz + Turisaz + Kenaz + Vunyo + Dzhera + Soulu

Hagalaz - usuvaє membrane.

Otal - orієntir of the bazhany.

Raido + Naud is a need for that road to reach meti.

Feu + Soulu - needs a financial warehouse.

Naud + Kenaz - vkazu way, which you need to do and see for yourself.

Mannaz - for whom.

Uruz is a power that doesn’t allow you to enter.

Kenaz + Vuno - drawing out and light, snakes on the beautiful.

Dzhera is the result of the rejection of the bazhany.

The sacrifice and achievement of the bazhan:

Laguz + Kano + Mannaz + Raido + Feu + Uruz

You can vikoristovuvati shy:

The power of Rune Laguz ta Kano for people (Іm'ya) Mannaz will be far away from the development of furnishings for otrimannya bazhany Raido ta Feu, nezabar Uruz.

Attracted by the life of the young gifts:

Soulu + Nautiz + Vunyo + Gebo + Laguz

Soulu is the sleepy energy of the formula.

Nautiz is a demand for a bazhany.

Vunyo is the joy of being reached.

Gebo ta Laguz - denying the gift.

To integrate what is conceived in life:

Teyvaz + Soulu + Perth + Kano + Uruz + Soulu + Teyvaz

Teyvaz - the achievement of the bazhany, the path of the road.

Soulu is the energy of the runescript.

Perth, Kano, Uruz - signs of positive ideas before the end of the period, in which it is necessary to realize the realization of what is conceived.

Polishing the situation:

Soulu Wuno + Soulu Wuno + Soulu Soulu

The form, scho step-by-step pratsyuє, on the success and vikonannya conceived:

Soulu + Jera

We have one zahazhennyam - one formula - one bazhannya.

Appointment of helpers and owners for the implementation of plans.

Ansuz + Perth + Eyvaz + Nautiz + Dzhera - zahist

Feu + Teivaz + Uruz + Soulu - the health of the set

Soulu + Feu + Teivaz + Uruz + Soulu - vikonannya bazhannya.

In order to get along well, mrii:

Ansuz + Feu + Inguz + Vuno + Gebo + Turisaz + Dzhera

Ansuz - thoughts about mriya.

Feu is the achievement of that vikonannya.

Іnguz is the realization of what was conceived.

Vuno is a positive attitude.

Gebo is the best choice.

Turisaz - tidying up other rows, from the west.

Dzhera promises to follow the process of making a visit, to follow the path of the world.

The formula for reaching the material yak, as well as the spiritual:

Feu + Dagaz + Eyvaz + Uruz + Gebo

Feu is the materialization of the energized.

Dagaz is a reimagining of the situation at the required camp for the implementation of the plan.

Eyvaz - shipment for zd_ysnennya.

Uruz - dvigun stav.

Gebo is the power and the power supply.

Bilsh folding formula, yak vikonuє bazhannya:

Perth + Gebo + Ansuz + Ansuz + Vuno + Mannaz

Dosyagnennya bazhany and vikonannya mriya:

At the base lies the sleepyhead Runa Soulou.

Turisaz + Teivaz + Berkana + Vunyo + Raido + Uruz + Algiz + Feu + Inguz + Dzhera

Turisaz and Teivaz capture that goal, clearing the road in front of it.

Berkan dodatkovy oberig.

Vuno ta Raido light ruh to meti.

Uruz will take care of new situations for reaching the goal.

Algiz is a zahist.

Feu ta Іnguz material warehouse, pіdzhivlennya s dzherela, but we can’t get used to it.

Jera is an hour to reach.

Runescript of luck:

Raido + Teyvaz - a fair ruh.

Rooney, bring success:

Feu + Soulu + Otal + Turisaz

Peremoga, success, self-realization, which is the result of the achievement of bazhanya:

Soulu + Dagaz + Mannaz

Pridbannya chogos:

Vunyo + Gebo + Soulu + Perth + Laguz + Feu

Vuno - joy that light.

Gebo is a gift

Vuno at the zv'yaztsі z Gebo otrimannya bazhanogo.

Soulou - integrity, reloading, bags.

Perth is more important.

Laguz - Intuitive Health.

Feu is a material warehouse.

If it is necessary to add power or material goodness, then the formula can be made possible by the sound of Soul and Feu, and we will be able to recharge our finances by ourselves.

To aim at a specific abo final result:

Mannaz + Soulu + Dagaz

Completion of the report on the new stage of life:

Soulu + Dagaz + Feu

Viconannya bazhannya happy shlyakh:

Teyvaz + Algiz + Algiz + Ansuz + Turisaz + Raido + Soulu

Teyvaz - I will do it straight, for someone it is necessary to collapse.

Algiz - support for Zgori is available.

Ansuz is a rejection of the necessary information for the implementation of what was conceived.

Turisaz - delivery of the route.

Raido road to bazhany.

Soulu - pіdzhivlennya and energіya all stavu.

Dosyagnennya pereyom at life on the beautiful. All to deposit for the planned goals and the plant:

Evaz + Inguz + Soulu + Algiz

Dosyagnennya bazhany:

Inguz + Teyvaz + Feu + Ansuz + Gebo + Algiz + Vuno

The Іnguz will become more easily accessible.

Teyvaz + Feu - talk about the result.

Algiz is a landlord.

Vunyo - yes joy.

Rule: one bazhannya chi meta - one runescript. Having accepted the bazhannya, it is possible to proceed to the visit of another, and so also.

Having cut through and destructedness on the beautiful, the development and the destruction of the power of food:

Algiz + Dagaz + Soulu + Raido

Finding manhood and style:

Teyvaz + Feu + Laguz

Deyakі dіvchata baazhayut addiction, for whom you can use the formula:

Kano + Gebo + Laguz

Khto bazhaє kohannya:

Kano + Jera + Otal

Light and far away from a folding situation:

Soulu + Dagaz + Vunyo

For the realization of the bazhanya, it is necessary to have that good luck, as you can get the help of the offensive stave:

Ansuz + Uruz + Jera

Help of Vishchih forces, Gods:

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz + Algiz - pid zahist gods

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz + Gebo - love and subtlety of heaven.

Achievement of luck from Gods:

Soulu: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Zaluchennya zahist godiv:

Algiz: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Indication of a penny stream for the implementation of the meta:

Feu + Otil: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Achievement of success for the implementation of the plan:

Ansuz + Uruz + Dzhera + Ansuz - vidpovidaє for happiness that far away camp ref.

Hagalaz + Eyvaz + Laguz + Ansuz - in the distance zbig obstavin.

Gebo + Feu + Perth + Otіl - the receipt of bazhany income chi pidvischennya.

Feu + Laguz + Raido - straightening the roc and the branch.

Kano + Turisaz + Soulu - turning control over the situations that went to the control.

To do it often so that a person thinks about his strength, is unbearable from her and how her inheritance is thrown away, and who has nothing to do with anything. For the resolution of the problem, it is possible to victoriously, by the way, an upcoming re-script:

Turisaz + Ansuz + Laguz - the ruin of fears and sums.

It is possible to become a starter for the achievement of masculinity and stiffness. (Teyvaz + Feu + Laguz).

Clearing out the negative and making a way to the realization of the plans:

Gebo + Ansuz + Vunyo + Soulu + Algiz + Mannaz + Otal

Zvyazok Rune Ansuz + Gebo will give you a confusion to your words.

Kudi Nanity Rooney

If you have started using the meta, you have put down the necessary runic formulas, you can start before applying Runes and swabs.

The runes themselves, like and set, can be applied to a chain of noses, which can be both permanent and time-consuming.

Timchasovі nosії zvvychay vikoristovuyut for team hour tasks. For such talismanov it is possible to vikoristovuvati a simple arkush of a clean paperu, an extravagant arkush of an arkush, and also it is possible to vikoristovuvat cardboard. And also runes, put, folding from runes can be painted on your own. Make a name for the whole family of vikoristovuyut before the fire (we will not so well taste it), so paint on the nose, on the tip (if I’m putting it on, I’ll get the beauty, or the vikonati bazhannya in the lucy of the affliction).

For that, as the runny became spratsyuvav, the little ones wipe themselves off (like papyr or cardboard) burned on the open fire, and had to go out behind the window, ale some started to burrow into the ground, but the whole nose was buried.

On the permanent nose, put any runes, which are signs for the next robot: for protection, for earning pennies, clientele, and also put, for the vicorist for the little ones. To wear such talismani abo in shia is because of the destruction of the talisman. For there are kisheni, gamants, sumts. They create such objects as stones, trees (bark, birch bark, dies, virizans from wood). Mainly birch, oak, wasp. Metal, s_blo.

You can apply runic formulas:

On the clean side of both sides, carry the paperwork with you.

On the back of the preparation of the material, which is the role of the amulet. Tse can be a stone, clay, wood, brush.

Have your photo on yourself.

In some cases, it is allowed to apply a stand on the back without wearing, just with a finger at the turn or visualization. With the offensive activation.

Guarding and activating

When the rune formula is applied, it is necessary to wash out the rune's skin, instead of being guarded by Rooney's pererahuvati, and it means that the rune's skin is visible.

For the activation of the rune formula, or a single rune, it is possible to pick up a sprinkle of methods, such as dikhannya, splatter blood, slime, or some elements.

With the activation of the rune stave, it is obligatory to speak words, phrases, for which everything is necessary for robots.

Being guarded is even more important for robots with runes, in a new way everything is summarized that is necessary both in verses and in prose. It is important for the skin to wiggle its guard, including all the necessary points. The hesitant is important for clarity and clarity. It is important not to be merciful to the guarded ones, so that it isn’t possible for the winners.

Pislya dossyagnennya bazhany varto podyakuvati Runes for їkhnyu I will help that robot. Yaksho was applied to a tree, a photo of some papir, it is possible to burn it off. With a sieve of materials, you can build it like this: bring the filed out of the building and bury it in the ground. Tim zupinivshi diyu himself. Deyakі amulets can be overlaid і simply periodically їх charge, vimovuyu security.

Magic is even more effective when it comes to the riches of the riches of the rune magic, or the magic of the runes. Here are the guides of the corisni runny formulas, runescripts.

It’s possible to see it on the top of the board, it’s possible to see it in the extreme, it’s possible to see it on the porch and it’s like a talisman.

1) Amulets, which are repeated three times with the Fehu rune, vicoristovuyut up to and including the straightness of the rune - earning pennies, stemming the situation of financial and material well-being.

2) The magic word AUJA will bring good luck and happiness to the bik of your own master; Store from chotir'oh runes - Ansuz, Uruz, Yaro and Ansuz.

3) Formula, how to ensure well-being, health and well-being. Stored from Dagaz and Inguz.

4) Love formula. I will forget about the possibility of reaching the bazhan's mark on the love (and sexual) front. Store at Teyvaz, Uruz and Gebo.

5) The coarse love spell will make you sick, the more short-lived energy flow from the cholovych and female energetic streams, to produce a strong reciprocal craving. The term is close to the month. The combination of runes - the Turisaz rune is repeated once again.

6) The formula is to change and harmonize with the blue in the family. Usune welding. Growing up to the point, povagi and love of the wicked. Working combination of runes - Ansuz, Gebo, Odal.

7) LAUKAZ - the formula is to change yak “wild tsibulya” (yaka was used by the sacred growth and was used with great magical power, in the main zhisnogo and guard character). Talisman can be similarly straightforward to play. Rooney - Laguz, Ansuz, Uruz, Kano, Ansuz and Algiz.

8) Dane zhisne conjuration is ideal for straightening a strenuous zhisnogo bar'єru, which neutralizes someone else's negative human energetics. Working combination of runes - Turisaz, Teivaz, Turisaz.

9) Tight oberig for the road. Zakhist from accidents and disasters. The dignified one will cross the vlasnik about the security that I will block. It is also possible to avoid the troubles of the road. Good to go for cars.

10) The formula is adapted to the right of spiritual improvement and purification.

11) Zakhisne the spell, which is behind the principle of the mirror - be it a day to get up and go back without changes. Working combination of runes - Ica, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Ica.

12) A female love amulet. Working combination of runes - Kano, Gebo, Laguz.

13) Cholovichy love amulet. Working combination of runes - Kano, Gebo, Inguz.

14) The qia formula has been poked to help the eryl among the daughters. Working combination of runes - Evaz and Ansuz.

15) The amulet gave strength and energy to the master. Serve for the advancement of the supply, for the protection of peremogi, for the podolannya crisis. Working combination of runes - Teivaz, Soulu, Uruz.

16) Robbing those very first, only more efficiently, as an element of competition. Working combination of runes - Teivaz, Soulu, Odal.

17) GUD - an ancient incantation to take the power of the master and bring him success and prosperity on the love front. Working combination of runes Gebo, Uruz, Dagaz.

18) LAPU - "requested", "clicked". Ymovirno, one of the sacred words, they entered before the warehouse of the crying curses. Often vikoristovuyutsya at the same sacred words or runic spells. Working combination of runes - Laguz, Ansuz, Perth, Uruz.

19) ALU - “dedicated, magical mastery and strength, wisdom” The formula can play the role of a love oath, or if you follow these formulas. Working combination of runes - Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.

20) SLALU - a variant, supplementation with a rune of power and power. Working combination of runes - Soulu, Laguz, Ansuz, Laguz, Uruz.

21) SAR - "mandrіvka at pohukah sili". Working combination of runes - Soulu, Ansuz, Raido.

22) Formula vikoristovutsya for lіkuvannya bezplіddya, conceiving a child. Rooney - Dagaz, Berkana, Іnguz.

23) The formula of health, which helps to help you to develop ailments, as well as to help you to overcome acute ailments. Rooney - Algiz, Evaz, Dagaz, Ica.

24) There is also one of the variants of the formula. Nagoloshuє on psychological problems. The combination of runes - Algiz, Laguz, Berkana, Soulu.

25) Formula for finding wisdom. The combination of runes - Tours, Teivaz, Kano, Ansuz.

26) The formula for the house is to get rid of someone else's wickedness, as I strongly add to the energy of life. Well, the booth is not safe - you see the tse zdalegіd. To become stuck in order to improve the status of the house. The combination of runes - Teivaz, Algiz, Odal, Algiz, Teivaz.

27) Formula to bring success. The combination of runes - Fehu, Soulu, Odal, Vuno.

The old Scandinavian Mova did not die, and the skaldi and the maestri runes were admonished ... Lowerly, the deyak from the criminals at the magic of words, taken from the cynical language, snarlly, with the Russian shift, is inaugurated.
Why is it more beautiful than vikoristovuvati same qiu mov? To him, the old times were creeped out and before him the great ancient Egregore was formed, which, madly, pidzhivlyu, a lucky rune Egregor.
Three words can become and small magic words and words. Yak with a suitable receiver "in, on", you can vicoristovuvati the receiver of I (seemingly the rune isa).
The receiver is an analogue of the English in. Butt: SIGUR I STRIDI - "win for win". Good, you can vikoristovuvati the word LIFSINS (life). Butt: LIFSINS AST ("life at the kohanna") or LIFSINS AUDAEFI.


The power of the runes on the floor is universal, which is possible in any kind of living areas: robots, in common with others, in a special kind of life. As a rule, the practical rune magic is dependent on the stock of rune stakes on all types of life, if anything can happen. If you want to "replenish your skarbnik of formulas", you will find everything you need for your account in the statistics.

Why is it important to vikoristovuvati if you change it?

Bagato novachkiv are often fed: why do brothers need only transformations and folds of kimos, and not vigaduvati vlasny? On the right, in the one that you cannot call yourself a professional in robots with runes, you can get serious pardon, not vrahovyuchi, for example, having two symbols between themselves, which will lead to unacceptable inheritances. Well, if the formula would not be lost, it didn’t apply in principle, but didn’t become, as if it didn’t send it right, it was transferred.

Universalny runes bet on good luck at all on the right

Let's take a look at what our success will be based on. Nayimovirnishe, the tse of a self-realization, a vikonannya bazhan that material well-being, why is it wrong? Tobto. Why name your life far away, it is necessary that Lyudin saw herself happy in the family, in the robot, in the home. Same tse and allow realizuvati.

Runograma "For Good Luck"

Before the warehouse of the rune stave, I will enter Kenaz, Fehu, Vuno for all the vapors of life. The skin rune is displayed for the singing area.

  • Kenaz - allowing people to self-actualize
  • Fehu - privablyuє in the life of material well-being
  • Vun'o - spriy vikonannyu bazhan and donation

Whole chotiri runes, at once, you can get a straining streak of luck from your life. So, so, the formula for absolutely all the life of the region, and the managers and the people of the people start to feel right, happy. Warehouse of the formula: dvі ansuzi, roztashovanі along the edges, and between them Uruz і Hyera.

It is less likely that you can become a happy person if you are healthy - it’s a fact that has not been proven. If we have problems with health, we should not bring us boundless joy. A whole lot of funniest runes, having become on all the vapors of life a gift to people naygolovnishe - health, and at the same time attracted to your life of prosperity that good luck to everyone. Namalyuvati yogo is simple: tse Dagaz ta Іnguz, you can stand on a guard.

Put life on all vipoks to get material wealth

Most often it is a pittance for us to marry us. There is a lot of fun in distant lands, there is a way to get a hairy little house, there is a need to buy a car, and there is a need to improve your health to create beauty and beautiful self-esteem. Ale at all tse, vychayno, demanded pennies. We propose to you three simple, albeit with a whole bunch of formulas, how to allow you to get financial well-being.

Potriina Fehu

Naygroshov_shoyu rune rightfully vvazhatsya Fehu. And if you put three images at once on a vlasne photo, or you will be given an amulet, the financial streams will reach you. Simple, hard and clear!

Runic becoming "Bankir"

This formula is also foldable. There are a lot of runes to enter before her, but she has more than once finished her robot. The axis scho means symbols that enter the storehouse:

  • Perth is a symbol of your Hamanz, in which riches come
  • Fehu - the very penny
  • Uruz - concentrating the power of the runes and putting the robot in the right place
  • Nautiz - vistupaє guarantor of rejection of pennies
  • Two Kenaz - see new opportunities, new paths, like your life will come with riches
  • Іnguz - oberigu lyudinu from marnich material vitrates
  • Hyera - a sign of the harvest, fruits, otrimanih for the ruined human pratsyu

Formula for obtaining wealth "Golden Dragon"

Tsey smart runny became on all the problems of life to bring results even sooner: I will fix my robot in a couple of days after activation, and in especially folding vipads - not more, not more than two days.

Rooney, come in before the next robot:

  • Teyvaz - znizchuє all pereshkodi, so zavazhayut the hopefulness of your life.
  • Algiz - the land of all your pennies
  • Evaz - I will direct lyudin to the "penny" mischief
  • Dagaz
  • Mannaz - means Ludin herself, for which pratsyu became
  • Chotiri Inguz - symbolize the arrival of wealth
  • Dvі Laguzi - to curb a penny persuasion

Universal rune formulas for purification from negative

Give the runes on all the vapors of life on the cleansing of people, and whatever negative influences, you can be victorious as a tedious snatch of enemies and troubles.

Having become "Zakhisny bar'єr"

This formula allows you to set up an even stronger "impenetrable" shield, which will protect people from outside negative influences, for example, someone else's annoyance, addiction, addiction, and nasty chaklunstvo with the aim of the establishment of inappropriateness. There are two Turisaz and Teyvaz, roztashovana between them.

Some people need more "re-engagement", so they can live, as it seems, "from a blank slate." If you need to cleanse yourself from emotsiyu, how to make it, survive an important period, get involved in the third-party injection and go to the cob of a new way, speed up the combination of Dagaz - Berkan - Soulu. Dagaz will change your physical and spiritual health, Berkan will give life forces for a frivolous growth, and also act as a high support that pіdtrimkoyu, and Soul will allow the worlds and bazhans to be healthy.

Runic cleaning "Sonce"

To complete the foldable, even tighter runes, becoming on all the vapors of life, so allowing people to purify themselves from the negativity and the new space.

Yogo warehouse includes not depriving the Elder Futhark runes, but the symbols of the Northumbian mode:

  • Visim Kveort burns out all the negative, like internal, and guidance kimos zzovni
  • Вісім Ер re-create burning negative on popіl
  • Nine Soulou will illuminate the life of people with a sleepy light, give them energy, life, a positive attitude
  • Visim Algiz vistavlyayut a strained zahist
  • Sixteen Kenazes to bestow harmony on people, "shake off the beast" in his soul
  • Vіsіm runes of Berkan allow cleansing to be returned to the natural path, without a shkodi for health and self-esteem
  • Link with the Northumbian Ір and eight Perth to cleanse the people on the spiritual level from the spiritual magic infusions
  • The magical rune Ear allows people to be born with cleaning, on the other hand, Fenix.
  • The spiral, pictured in the center of the stave, as the liyka smoothed all the "smittya" and no trace

Runny put a booth on the Zahist

At the warehouse there are the following signs: from both sides, there are two Іsi, two Kenaz from them, and at the very center - Hagalaz. You can depict images as just runes, and go one by one, so the symbols are intertwined in yak. Tse tedious zhisny oberig of common troubles, scho oberigє you that your life.

  • Algiz symbolizu a straining zahist
  • Uruz svoryuє friendly energetic at the budink
  • bring everything that the skin member of the family needs for happiness
  • Dagaz spriy to prosperity and additional assistance to virishuvati important problems, for example, ailments of members of the family, borg and іnshe.
  • Laguz is on a part of the family budget, and also neutralizes all possible family conflicts
  • Now I’ll have to try to get ready, help me, but I’m living in a booth, to survive the folding period without serious losses, and also to assimilate my pocket borgs with a skin member of the family and keep them on their way to the next day.

Put the latest runes on all the vidgets of life

If you need to change to the shortest term, for help come shvidkі runnі put on all vypadki life. The stench can be repaired right away after the activation, and the result of this process can be promoted in a couple of days - at most in a day.

Having become "Zmini"

This formula can be in good time in absolutely any situation, if you need it.

  • Two runi Dagaz, chotir and two Eyvaz are responsible for the transformation process itself
  • Chotiri Nautiz sniff the situation
  • Chotiri with a hard-hitting operator
  • Chotiri Teivaz mean a smart ruh to meti
  • Chotiri let people control
  • Chotiri Laguzi
  • Connection from chotiroh Evaz, chotiroh Raido, chotiroh Algiz and chotiroh runes
  • Add a bag to the situation of the alphabetic symbols of Sil, charging, becoming, and chotiri, so that you will not see happiness in the result

A simple formula for the Vunyo - Vunio call can be painted right on your own before going to the store or taking a walk. Vona will attractє mittєva freebies. Like people who have become victorious, they allow them to know a small price, buy goods with a great price, buy a happy lottery ticket, or just reject the unwillingness of the gifts.

Tsey shvidky runny becoming on all the problems of life can be victorious, as long as you have є as well as income. Literally for a few years after your activation, you are not encouraged to "fly in" a premium for an advance, for what is a new term project, for a visit that you can quickly discard the wine city. At this warehouse there is a rhombus with Іnguz, on the edges of which there is painted a chotiri Fehu, and in the middle of a rhombus there are three Souli.

It was due to the fact that the formulas from the guiding lines were taken into account, and by the way. Success to you on all your right!

Until our days, it was enough to endure a lot of runic alphabets (Scandinavian, Northumbrian, Nimetsky, Etruscan, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Mensky, Icelandic, Greenlandic, Slovian, distant Carlian). Runes, right from that, before what runic alphabet stinks are introduced, roztashovuyutsya at the singing afterwards, as it is called "Futhark". The name of the winikla is not vipadkovo, it was folded from the first six runes (the boules were taken from great literi): Fehu and Uruz, Turisaz and Ansuz, and also Raido and Kenaz.

The rune alphabets were much more widely used not only in the byte plan, for example, for help they simply wrote (the runes of the Young Futhark), altogether in the guard or the bewitching manty (for the cyg vicor, the runes were used).

Moreover, the runes, inspired by the singularity (both horizontal and vertical), could and could be added to our everyday life. Vibuduvana is horizontal (in one row) the last of the runes, folded for something like a song, called a runic formula or a runic script. Runes, tied between themselves (vertically and (abo) horizontally) - are called a runny stav. Some images are the best to make a picture of a child (in some way, look at the garnie form, but not even worse, all to lay it down, for which purpose it becomes a vygotovanie).

In our catalysis, you know the runic formula (I’m called it, I’m going to look out of the visual; Runic put realizable like rune scripts, tobto. given by the formulas (the last of the runes is simply pererahovani). You can independently, behind the help of the formulas presented by us, fold your own, having found the runes between you, however, for a kind of performance you will need deeds of knowledge, which are far from all. As soon as you see them, it’s wonderful, if you’re not, then you can see it from runic scripts, even if the stench is not less effective, put it down.

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