Vikrittya of driving a transvestite from Dagestan. Vikrittya of driving a transvestite from Dagestan Adam Raina from Dagestan

There are no exact data, how many transgender people are in the Pivnichny Caucasus at the same time - this topic is taboo. People, who have violated their identity, are threatened as "beaten in honor", so the power is re-examined. As a result, more people will come or emigrate from the country. The BBC Russian service has recorded the story of a transgender girl from Dagestan .

"From childhood itself, I understood that it was not so, then I lived more in the Caucasus. Obviously, the boys grow there, and I grew up in them - I work, they play with them and how the stench comrades with me, but in me there is no bulo, I myself played more on my own.

In another class, I got mum's pussies, and the human side of my homeland went crazy like that. They beat me up once - moving, the person is not guilty of getting hairy in the air, what is it like? I stopped being timid - I wanted to, but I stopped. Ale, I always bathed my little ones, cherished them, cut their hair regularly.

Then, if I grew up, I recognized that I was gay. Ale, I figured out that I don’t want to bother me. I'm not gay. But I still didn’t know what to change about the operation. Then I moved at 16 years old - my mother went to a great place in central Russia, and then she took me away, she thought that I couldn’t be moved there to live far away. I don’t get along with my father, the stench of my mother parted. And already after moving I realized that I was not gay, but a transsexual. I was recognized by such a girl, moreover, I myself did not understand about her, then I was roused. I was shocked: how is it possible?

Even before the exit, I nurtured my own hair, which also did not hover in the Caucasus. They cut my hair for the whole hour, and I dreamed about my old days, and the axis of the stench grew, and the girl of French pussies grew me. I thought that if I wanted to go with them for three days, but less than a year had passed, for I had beaten my uncle:<...>I listened, obviously. We don’t repeat two girls. Otherwise, if I’ve been shaved, it would be a disaster for me, God forbid.


At the new place, I just went and bought my own hormonal pills, without a doctor. Ce Bulo at 17 Rocks. I bought it myself and started drinking. I think: come what may. Recognize [relatives] - recognise. Encourage - encourage, kill - kill. It took a lot of work. After a few months, the growth of the chest began, like in girls in a young woman - sickness, swelling - and I sneered.

On a hormonal background, there are a lot of bad thoughts, moods change a few times a day, especially a little. Throwing yourself out of the wound is normal, but over the evening you can cry, hysterics vlashtovuvat. If I take a pill of hormonal drugs, the axis of the first one, I think just wow - a hundred years, what a woman, never mind your brain. You go in euphoria, the mood is super, you love everything. For tyzhen *** [nightmare]. You know that you are a person and that's all. You marvel at nothing: "***, what kind of people are you?" As if there is only one *** on the robot. Just marvel at my hands, - and there is such a paw in it, - and it seems: "Your hands are like that." I just went to the toilet and cried, wanting the hormonal ashes to stand up already.

I left drinking and hormones, and here I didn’t drink, but I was constantly thinking about myself. Then a friend showed up to me, she had the same situation, we talked to each other, and I moved to her life. Vaughn said that it’s too early to eat (transgender transition - Bi-Bi-Ci), it’s better to start at once. So I went to the doctor, she consulted and started again. From that hour I don't take their drinks.

My friends and my mother knew about everything. If we still lived with her, my mother came home to visit us. I say: "Mom, come, don't call me Sophia" - "So-so, good." Mom comes, stinks drink tea, and then my friend calls me from other rooms to women's names. "Damn, I told you." Todi vona asked me to come and told my mother herself about everything. I hate it for the price, but I love it.

After that, I didn’t have a love for my mother. Alone, she guessed that she knew what would happen: she dangled all my cloths, shed his heels - I thought that I was already kind in my wardrobe and pid lizhko, that no one should be drenched. "I kept running, rushing. I climb, I bump. I thought I'd get rich and stumble." So it didn't come as a shock to her. At once we live with my mother, and my best girlfriends.


Know [about my change of status] in the Caucasus, all women are on their mother's side, but men are not. Just two cousins. One me is dear, we grew up with him at once. My mother went to Dagestan three years ago, and brought her back. There we always feed: "Show me the photos." And there are no photographs. І here vіn її vіz, i won't show my photo: "Is your sister" - "Yak???" - "Well, that's it." The stench indulged, my mother explained everything, vin zrozumov. I was zdivovana, zvіsno. It seemed to me that in Dagestan no one was sensible and could beat me. Vіn navіt neshkodavno buv at our place in transit. Nothing: we just didn’t fight for a long time, having hugged me, got to know me, how to do it, la-la-la, we spent the whole night, we drank beer.

Another cousin is on the father's side. Zagalom, from that side it’s better, so that I didn’t know anyone. But as if youmu wanted to splurge - shelter, no shelter, do it. Vіn wrote to me in WhatsApp the last year and asked: "And who is on the avatar?" Without thinking for a long time, I wrote what I am. The lad signed for a sprig of months, and then we all reported to him.

I read the notation for me: it’s not possible, Allah made you a man, you can be deprived of a man. On a human road before me, I turned away. I say: "Listen, I'll block you at once." I didn’t lay everything out for you, I just said: “So it was trapilos, or you will accept it, otherwise we won’t talk anymore.” Vin himself said to me: "I won't tell anyone, because it might end badly." In principle, I'm not afraid, stink me nothing. My father's role is not grave in my life. I don’t tell Alya: the less you know, the better it is to sleep.


I didn’t find it easy to rule over the robot - I worked with human documents, and with women, and in this way, and in another way.

I had a dream to become a perkar. At the third grade of my class, when the autumn balls began, I blew the zachiska for the girls on the sacred and was afraid that the whole school would know about me. The whole school, obviously, recognized me, made fun of me, poked fun at me as a "womanizer". Everyone was shocked that I could work like that, no one could figure out why rapt.

At the salon, in which I do my practice, I have been grafted by my friend-perucar. I didn’t ask for any documents from me. First they marveled at how I practice. I just started drinking hormones, the devil was on my head, my hair was up to my buttocks, my breasts were covered twice, my ambition was too rich. Ale was deprived of me, for I am a good perucar. How different, how do you look? Mustache perukari "fashionable".

After a break, I suddenly started drinking hormones and just didn’t come to work, didn’t pick up the phone, didn’t say anything to anyone. I was depressed, hysterical. Today is God's will: you don't know how and what will be given. Then I calmed down and after a couple of months I came. In the course of an hour, I already radically changed - both at the head and the voice. Hair is longer. I couldn't come and say: "I'm here."

The whole garna came. Calling me mister. I show: "Hello. I already don't... Sophia." And there we have a boy-woman, everything is straight forward: “Me *** [everything is the same], who are you and how is your name. Forever. Mean like this: you don’t sleep and work normally. "For an hour I worked unformed, for I knew that I would have to change the documents. All the clients fed the back of the hand, everyone was boozy. Before me, the stench was astonishingly coming, the stinks in them were fed I can't smell anything, but I can smell everything for real. є Zagalі hate, if I am mischievous.


It seemed that the documents in me may be false - well, if the person is not similar, it may not be. I didn’t want to deal with them myself, I don’t like to fool around, I’d rather pay. I wanted to write a letter of confidence to the lawyer. I come to the office in the center of the city. I give you a passport with a certificate. One of them slammed me back in a flash: "What did you bring me? Come on, I'm not working anything, I'm calling the police at once." And only one chikavilo said: "Sounds like dovge hair?" No one was waiting for help, only they marveled at my documents, they shouted at me.

I did not want to go through the court, and I wanted to know a lawyer in Dagestan. She built up her trust and sent all the documents with her mother. Killed in three days. I needed only to come, to sign it and take it off. I was even more scared to fly there with human documents. I didn’t sleep at all, I thought: skip it, don’t miss it. Well, they could look me up to the stone. Early early, I go to the airport, I give documents. I am standing in cloth, in [dark] eyepieces. And she won’t marvel at my documents and won’t lift her head. Class. I rejoice to Dagestan, I will return to the passport style. Cholovik seems like: "Wow" - I just realized that men are better than mothers on the right, and women. Asking me for a dinner in the evening with my mother, squeezing my hand, saying: "Beautiful, well done." Giving me my passport and good luck. I flew back, threw my passport, children are allowed. You buy wine, cigarettes - suvala skrіz.

I spent several days near Dagestan, went with my mother to a restaurant, walked with a friend. I wanted to be more modest, but I was the most modest in the results in this Caucasus. I swear! There is no one to instill respect for me without savagery - there are such nipples walking around! The axis of such [big] olive-spines, on such heels, red ruin the lies. Navіscho you chervonі destroy vranci? And I was in sneakers and cloth, I didn’t marvel at anyone. I checked the excitement, there was no excitement - that and thank God.

I lived with my mother's friend the only time I came. Nayzhahlivishe, that all my mother's sisters knew and could not come for a couple of days. Possibly, it was easy for him to guard. I thought about them a little, and then I thought, talked to my mother: well, go.


Vіdnosini start even easily. Ale ce to lie in the sight of how a person looks. Like you go somewhere with a man and you shoot everything and point your finger, obviously, it’s unacceptable, a man can’t see it. I have only one time, when I was ranting with my colossus, I blamed such bullshit that I blurted out something. I all. I didn't have more problems than usual. I spent five years with him.

We got to know each other in 2011 rock. I was sitting at VKontakte, and I wrote: "Hello, can we get to know you?" Vin Russian man, absolutely not my type. Such a fashionable yak, but I love the best people, without bells and whistles. I do not marry for cubes, for style, I love the people of the lads. Before that, I am Caucasian, temperamental, wild, and I am a calm person. Alemen was tedious, and I vomited. Share, maybe. The other day I spluttered with him, then I had a hormonal zbіy, I threw a fit of hysterics on me - unknown people went on fire, on the Internet, started barking yogo, spread everything, like є. The person woke up. And for tyzhden, I seemed to have called the day to rewrite. Let’s write to me later in an hour: “You know, you have sunk into my soul, and I want to bash you.” And if we were swayed, I once hugged him, wanting to have nothing like that in my character - once to hug a person who doesn’t. I have not parted for five years.

For the first three years, everything was fine. Vin parted for me. I didn’t know for a moment what kind of friends I had, and in a new child. Ale vin u robo buv u postiynyh roses. I checked for a new one, I checked. At the result, I say to you: move on. Vin not changed. I think: go fuck yourself. Rocky go, I want to cuddle, lie down, go to the cinema. I would like to have a person bula a charge, and so I’m all alone, as if it’s a mess. And if I already got tired and we parted enough, getting away from my mother: "Talk to her, I love crazy", starting to send gifts to work right up to the point that I overpowered my favorite burgers. And all. Love is gone. I asked, asked and *** [wasted] ask.

At the same time, I have more fate than other women with a Caucasian man. I have more people from the Caucasus. Maybe, because I myself love them more, stink my neighbors. Even though I love Russian people. I started cholovikіv kokhai.

If you want to take sex, Caucasian people only do it for themselves. Like a bi stink all zrobili - and all sleep. And Russian people still bring satisfaction to you. The stench gets more confused. Ale zі splkuvannyam, for the temperament of the Caucasian less closer. Tsey sex I can survive. I have a bigger character than Caucasian. Sometimes I, zvichayno, swear by my name, not like a Caucasian girl - I can repay. But if they ask me, I say: yes, I am a Muslim. I was born a Muslim and I believe in Allah.


Zvichayno, I chula the words in my address: "Oh, you're transformed, chi sho," but so, like the deyaks, if they beat on the streets, I didn't have it. I only once stumbled with harsh aggression. We went with a friend to a restaurant in Dagestan. Caucasians were sitting at the court table, moreover, my nationality. And my nation is firm. And one having dug up to me - on the back of his head, becoming me to rule papirets, moving, knowing, then podkotiv stіlets to me. Then I looked higher, the lower voice - everything became clearer. Vіn pozumіv. And I started to conflict with me: "Aren't you scared to sit here, why?" Pishov Bazaar. My friends murmured a little on the back, then the kipіzh rose, they rehearsed for the whole restaurant, that I was "transformed", that "this type of trance". And one of my company standing behind me, pulling out a knife and putting it to my throat. I saying: "Tse so?" - I don’t understand myself, maybe, I feed, - “Just like that, I’ll infect it at once.” And that one, who, having hovered everything, snarled himself, mabut: "Ni-nі-ni, they were on fire, calm down."

The stench once asked for rahunoks, they got up and went. And yakby vin saying "so"? The axis of such bastards, yak lizut, I hate. What is your difference? What is your difference? What am I to you, sister, brother? Why didn’t I go there, but to other Caucasian restaurants I go to. You're all right.

[Revisiting LGBT-spilnots in Chechnya and in the Pivnichny Caucasus] didn’t bother me at all. With this vihati, I always dreamed - to America. I'm going to take off. What rank? I don't know yakim. Just need vihati. I do not like to ask for anything: "I'm so bad here, take me away." I'm not bad, I'm good here, but not mine. Come on, it's cold in here, I hate the cold. I want to go to America myself, de zavzhd warmly. In a different way, it’s all the same people are angry yakіs. I, zvіsno, tezh not good. Ale ask so - "Give me a seat, they infringe on me here, squeeze my rights" - I can’t. If you want, maybe, do you need to say so? I have nothing in character. Tse will be my last option, spare. And then I, singsongly, will say: "Listen, I was removed here, come on, take me away." So, the axis is so and I will say: "Well, garazd, let's get there."

* I'm changed

For example, the history of the 25-year native of Dagestan, Adam A., flew around the press of the world, which chilled the soul. Against the will of the strict fathers, the young man changed his position and officially became a woman in the name of Raina. Qiu novelty was importantly adopted not only by the relatives of the young transsexual, but also by his fellow countrymen. The father’s disillusionment ardently declared that he had killed his son, that he had killed his family, and the whole region ... After an hour, ZMI had received information about those that Ran had been beaten like a beast after a wild merrymaking.

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A resident of Dagestan, Adam A. changed his position and officially became a woman in the name of Raina. Not only the relatives of the transsexual, but the Meshkans of all Dagestan negatively reacted to this novelty and threatened him with reprisals.

Marvel at the gallery 1 of 6

Not only domestic, but also foreign journalists were deeply struck by the tragedy of Dagestani Adam A., who was called for an operation for a change of status. For days, it became clear that a transgender person, who had taken away the name of Raina, was brutally driven into his native region. Behind the ZMI tribute, the police are arguably arranging a crooked tragedy. Before the speech, earlier it was said that everyone was threatening at the address of the newly-baked woman, starting from unhappy relatives and ending Dagestan with baggies.

As an informer, Adam A. recognized the fathers that there is a non-traditional sexual orientation. Mother and father were shocked, but they didn’t return to their son. Mayzhe immediately after the end of school, the young man started an independent life. To escape aggression from the side of the alienated, we moved to Makhachkala, and then to Moscow, de practiced at night clubs. For the fates of life in the capital, Adam zoomed in not only to earn plastic surgery, but also for a surgical operation to change his status.

“Live Adam as a wondrous child. Vin dressed in a tight-fitting leggings, the manner of behavior was feminine. To have a voice like that of a girl," Abdutagir Israpilov, the intercessor of the head of the village of Chontaul, spoke to the journalists of the newspaper Express Newspaper.

At the spring of which rock, Adam found himself zdіysniv old mriyu and leftover pretending to be a woman on the name of Raina. Insiders told the Russian ZMI correspondents that they needed such a short break for the sake of their kohan Viktor, a native of Karachayevo-Cherkessia.

The boys' fathers were shocked, if they realized that their son had become a girl. Mother was moved to quarrel with the Raina, and in the father’s heart, becoming a stroke - a person did not know how to marvel in the eyes of fellow villagers, even if it was spadkoєmets, having dishonored the honor of the moustache family.

One of the conspiracies of this family told the journalists of the REN TV channel that the father of Adam-Raini would be with us, if the information about the change in the son's status became a huge amount of money: Point and drive in front of my eyes.

In the meantime, the boules were not less than a father, but the inhabitants of the region, as well as they care, that Adam had shattered Dagestan. Oliya near the fire added information about those that Raina had become a friend of Viktor, whose relatives had risen to the status of a change in history. Apparently, they did not begin to register their stature with the RAGS, but they designated the urochist in the family kolі. Where the story could have ended, as if they didn’t spread ZMI far away, they interpreted it in their own way after the fun.

For one version of the life of Raina, it was cut short literally in a few days after friendship. Information about those who beat the newly-baked girl hard, appeared on the Internet for example.

It appeared that Raina's body was so long-lived that relatives could not recognize it. There were no official confirmations from the law enforcement agencies that the transsexual was not beaten.

For a bit, after changing the status, Raina repeatedly turned to the police with statements that they would threaten her. Invisibly, they terrorized not only a transgender, but also doctors, who performed an operation to change status. About tse portal rose dzherelo in one of the medical centers in Moscow.

In the version about driving in, there is an impersonal food and nests. For example, navischo Raina violated to the native village, de nibito became a crooked reprisal, as if relatives and friends spoke of her. Until that official confirmation about those that happened in the miserable power, it didn’t happen like that.

On this soil, a different version appeared: immediately after the cleansings, young people - Raina and Viktor - broke the spring on the way to Thailand, in order to respect the types of tiles and domisliv unkind people.

Deyakі meshkantsі Dagestan vzagali vvazhayut history fake. Nothing was done to create a negative image of the region in ZMI.

A series of hot discussions about the recognition of the photographer Layla Zakieva, on the 24th of July in the air of the program "Let's make friends" are in the order. The fellow countrymen of the girl called її at the public dismay of the fatherland.

Narazi is not sure what happened to Raina - it happened. We follow the development of the development and keep you in the know.

2 leaf fall 2016 · Text: Alisa Orehova · A photo:, Instagram,

Published on 31.10.16 17:06

Dagestani Adam Aliyev changed to become a slubus with a Muscovite.

Dagetsan Adam Aliyev, who changed to become a slut with a Muscovite

In Dagestan, it became a zhorstvo vvbivstvo of a city dweller, which changed to become, whose scandalous fun caused threats to the address of Moscow doctors.

The official declares that Adam is always dressed in a tight-fitting elk. Until then, youmu was dominated by a womanly manner of behavior and a womanly voice.

Adam's fathers were also categorically encouraged to accept their child such as she is.

“They take care of our sons, that the guilt is not less than killing the whole country - a chain in the entire Caucasus. For the mother, the operation of the son was a shock, and today, none of the baggers can mate. The father has a stroke,” Israpilov said.

Sudidy stverzhuyut, that the father of the transgender stverzhuvav, scho would not be against the driving in of his "wrong" son.

Tim, right now, law enforcement agencies in Dagestan don’t get any news about the death of a transgender. For some kind of tribute, at the same time, a transgender person can be found in Thailand at the same time with his person.

For days ZMI told that 25-year-old Dagestani Adam, which month changed to become and become a woman on the name of Raina, was beaten hard in a few days after the fun. Prote yogo people are aware that they are really alive and are rebuying in big bags at once from a person, say "Life".

The noisy fun in the village of Besliny pissed off the social services and struck the inhabitants of the two Pivnichno-Caucasian republics. All on the right at the adverbs, as before she was a man.

25th Adam is transgender. At the Moscow clinic of vines, I changed to become and veyshov zamіzh for the meshkantsa of the sudidny Republic of Viktor G. near the yogi native village. Now the youngsters are thriving.

Life's special correspondent Yevgeniya Zmanovska said that in the Caucasus they had a wondrous fun that threatened young people with death.

Victor called up his mother, telling her and asking her to pass on all the relatives that she would not hesitate to come with her betrothed. On the 26th of spring, the couple arrived from Moscow to Karachaevo-Cherkessia, to the native village of Besliny. Sin introducing his companion to his mother.

“My name is Raina. Let's write later, near Moscow, the weight is significant here. Vaughn from Dagestan, the village of Chontaul. You can’t come today, take all of ours. Let's walk", - Victor said to his mother.

The narechen stood in order, smiled modestly, did not lift her eye. How to lie behind the mіstsevym zvichay, before the villages Raina was led to the house of relatives. There she lingered for five days.

“A pretty girl, modest. Garniy vibіr zrobiv Viktor. The state passed the first revision. The dishes are miserable, ready to go. Today, they went together to pick out a garna of whiteness for her, bought a negligee. Raina maє garnu figure. Ale, I’m giving up, I need a little pat, too thin”, - they discussed the name in the kitchen of the independent young girls.

Young Victor and Raina are cursing richly ... for the slanderous deceit. Zakokhana couple fooled the fathers, relatives, relatives and friends. In the Caucasus, this is not forgiven.

"It was not only two families that were killed, but not only two families, but not only two districts, Kizilyurtivsky and Khabezsky. Shame in two republics! grafted a peasant's house at the spring cloth.

Nobody remembers such a thing in the history of the Caucasus, fighting a man against a man. There was no such thing in us! And why is it that no one is aware that she is a person, we all looked at their spring photo, similar to the wine on a person, in the cloth., - one of the traffic police inspectors is overwhelmed, who is following the journalists on the way to the village of the appointed one.

Kolishny classmate of Viktor Rozpov. scho vin "become a normal lad".

"We were friends for a good hour, such a kind wine, start a moment of viruchi. But, from the other side, a normal person in a fire could do such a thing? In a native village, we have a good time with a person? I myself often go to Moscow, where, obviously, it’s easier to set up something like that, but you can’t screw up in us like that. without robbing or driving anyone", - seems to be wine.

“I didn’t know anyone from the village, I didn’t know the truth, otherwise they would tear them to pieces!, - The woman of the sixty-decades of the year is getting married.

"It seems, the retinue, otherwise, if you call it correctly, they drove it in. They knew and avenged the slaughter. They found out in Moscow. So you need it. Not shkoda. beaten by zovsim is not like that. At the same time, it was already unreasonable, it’s true., - barks a man for five decades.

If the journalists came to the native village of Adama, my mother, after pumping them, ran to the booth and shut herself up there. When the doors were opened, it was a little bubbling, as if she were crying out loud.

Prote deyakі Rіdnі and suіdi got into trouble to tell about the new one. Drink whispers, at the door.

"Adam will always be a kind lad. Vіn buv even ohaynym, sing-songly, the best lad in the class. at Moscow... Cossack, who works in a night club as a bartender, at a stylist's salon a call... A few times, having called mother, that father comes to visit until the new one... Ale in the father's state, onuks. .- Talk stink.

"Father Adam tries not to come home. He's a big one on a robot, it's a shame to you, you can't marvel at anyone. It's rare for him to. as a man, a woman, the threshold is not to cross, - seems like a friend to them.

In the village of deyakі vpevneni: remember to become Adam, having ventured through a family tragedy, as the sprat of fate became.

My dear sister died, for what a stench they were friends. The 22nd lad is hard to bear.

"The rest of the time in the village of Vin I came sometime to the funeral of my sister. Vaughn died at the hour of the operation. The stench was more friendly with her. . Duzhe similar, why not. Someone in the village seems to be rich, that Adam is a god. I, maybe, to that pishov on the tak", - the women from the Susidnoy Street tell.

"Mother to complain, three months ago, her own sister, Adam's aunt, died. She didn't come to the funeral. Mabut, she was already preparing for her operation. The mother's heart bursts, she's afraid for her son, she can be killed. Fear for the daughter of that older son Such a shambles can’t be squandered with us, to build synovs, who live in Khasavyurt, they hindered coming to the aul, until you found out that it’s not true, you don’t know your young brother.

Two times later, I called Adam and blessed Yogo, sob I sent my photo and video. Having proved that the person is guilty. Do not believe the relatives, the stars are a few pennies for all operations, it is too expensive. Adam zapevniv, that at the same time you see it in Thailand and obov'yazkovo later sent a photo, or he came himself, "- rozpovidat the village.

Ale did not nadislav and did not come.

Adam's phone is unavailable, he didn't call from his relatives anymore. Three days of fun, yak was nicknamed ganebnym, it's been exactly a month. They are young at once, they don’t know anyone close to them.

Earlier, I went to the police station and told about the threats that should be sent to this address. Behind such furnishings, Raina was driven in, yet it is unknown.

The Dagestani arrived to Moscow from the village of Chontaul, de Yogo was hated for non-traditional sexual orientation, and after the change of status, Yogo was cursed and threatened. Vіm, the young man was called to such a crotch, schob to win zamіzh for a kokhan people: Victor from Karachaevo-Cherkessia appeared to him. The huge bet was overwhelmed by the mass, the "Russian Dialogue" reports.

Behind the words of the intercessor, the head of the village of Chontaul Abdutagir Israpilov, another fellow villager dreamed of killing a transgender.

"Before us, the administration received a call from the yogo statement and the official, and from the prosecutor's office," the official said.

"Adam Aliyv Zavzhdi Buv Divnoye. VIN VIRAS at Bagatodiyi SIM'i Alimshayha alih. Borg, I had a chance to sell the houses. About an hour, really, I changed my mind and turned into my family.

The official declares that Adam is always dressed in a tight-fitting elk. Until then, youmu was dominated by a womanly manner of behavior and a womanly voice.

Negatively before the changes of Raina were put and yoga relatives.

“Dad once said: “Let’s bring yoga in, I don’t want yoga.” After saying so, “Bring me and beat yoga in front of my eyes,” the father’s maid’s wife told REN-TV reporters.

Tim, right now, law enforcement agencies in Dagestan don’t get any news about the death of a transgender. For some kind of tribute, at the same time, a transgender person can be found in Thailand at the same time with his person.