Komanduvach sko vng Zubariv Evgeniy Oleksandrovich. Major-General Yevgeny Zubariv: bandits are welcome. Generals of the Russian Guard to go from the Caucasus

As you can see, in Chechnya, there was a rise in superfluous troops to the point of permanent deployment. The first three echelons with a special warehouse and equipment were already violating at home. In the nearest prospects, the rapid number of groupings will continue. Over the years, all the efforts to neutralize the surplus bandit formations lie on the part and have been relocated on the territory of the republic on a permanent basis, including on the 46th brigade of the operational recognition of the Internal Military Forces of the MVS of the Russian Federation. Іz її the commander, Major General Yevgen Zubarev, was our correspondent.

business card
Major-General Evgen Zubarev was born in 1960 in the village of Verkhonuysk, Altai Territory. In 1982 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Command School of the MVS SRSR. 1988, having entered the Viysk Academy named after. Frunze. Plant the mustache - from the platoon commander to the brigade commander. At the plantation of the commander of the 46th brigade on May 29, 2000. Awarded with the Order "For Military Merit".

- What kind of stosunki did you accumulate from the local population?

Find the best and are friendly. We try to give them help. For schools, preschool mortgages, veterans. And not less at holy days.

At the same time, the respect of the kraїni prikut before the referendum in Chechnya. What is the fate of the military service brigade in voting?

Perfectly. Aje mi here live and serve, to that 23rd day of life we ​​are like the inhabitants of the republic, we have our own bondage of the bulk of Russia. In the skin of the military part, a selection of dilnits has already been created. In addition, we brotherly share in the security of security at the hour of voting.

- To Evgene Oleksandrovich, what is the 46th brigade of operational recognition?

In the fierce year of 2000, the decision about the placement in Chechnya on the permanent basis of the brigade of the Internal Military Forces was praised, and in the sickle of the same fate, our day was formed. From 1 leaf fall, we started vikonannya service and combat activities and work until today.
Parts of that brigades deployed at the Grozny airport Pivnichniy, as well as in other settlements. The main tasks are the performance of service at the outposts, the conduct of engineering reconnaissance, the support of columns, the conduct of special operations and targeted visits. Tretina ofitserіv mayut combat dosvіd. From the moment of the creation of the brigade, until the present hour, 462 military servicemen were presented to be awarded with sovereign cities. 352 individuals were rewarded. Of these, 280 military servants - sovereign estates, 72 - leaders.

What is the situation in the area of ​​military units and subdivisions of your unit, and how often do military servicemen of the brigade have to take the fate of the vikonan combat commanders?

At the same time, the firing of that shelling became richer less, lower, for example, even more than that. Prote close to 70 units of a special warehouse and the equipment of the brigade are sent to the end of the combat missions. In just the first two months of our in-stream period, we have carried out close to 1,000 special operations and landings. During this period, a small number of fighters and 35 mini-plants from artisanal oil processing were reduced. 163 individuals were caught for administrative law enforcement. Investigated: arrows - 25 singles, grenade launchers - 8, cartridges of various calibers - 63.755 pieces, as well as 225 grenades, 4 radio stations, over 6 kg of narcotic speeches, over 10 kg of vibukhovy speeches, 55 min and shells. In addition, 23 vibration-insecure items were included.

Years here to be left with less than a part, like accommodation on a permanent basis. Tse 42nd motorized rifle division, your brigade is that Chechen militia. Can you resist the militants and maintain law and order in Chechnya?

Support for the rule of law - the whole complex of entries. Їhnє succesfully carried out to deposit not only with us, the Viysk, but th, singsongly, with the greater world - with the administrative and political power of Chechnya. What about the military warehouse, I know that the excesses of the gangs are obov'yazkovo dob'emo. There are no equal 42nd divisions of the Chechen Republic. That 46th brigade - tezh. Even though it’s illegally fired molding, even if there was some kind of number there, it’s not possible to resist the formation of a normal motorized rifle company, it doesn’t seem to be about the combat mission of a whole brigade of a division.

- What do military service brigades do at the time of service?

Like in the rest of the world - books, cinema, sports, etc. In addition, zavdyaks take care of and support from the side of senior bosses and our bosses (administration of the Moscow region. - A.P.) often come to us with concerts artists, spivaks, leading TV presenters. For example, Nadiya Babkina, Oleksandr Rosenbaum, Volodymyr Vinokur, Leonid Yakubovich, Vika Tsiganova, Vasil Lanovy, Dmitro Kharatyan, Maksim Galkin, the Bliskuchi team and others visited our guests. Not long ago, "Strelki" performed in front of the soldiers and officers.

At the brigade it seems that you are the best shooter of the archery. How is it so, how did these newcomers help you for an hour of service in Chechnya?

I want to say a little more about your request. Yakby all my life, I didn’t go in for sports and didn’t train at the military right, then, maybe, I couldn’t live. Raju tsim will take care of the other ...

Recently, before the brigade, I saw the first intercessor to the head of the Internal Troops of the MVS of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Valery Baranov. One s food, as if looking at the wines here, - away from the brigade's obshtuvannya. What is already broken and is it planned to destroy from whom directly?

Oblashtuvannya brigades are more trivaє. The program for the life of the Viysk towns, approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs, will continue to be victorious. In one little town in Viysk, Pivnichny 2002, 44 houses were put into operation, 11 barracks were occupied. The life of two 24-apartment maids for officers, ensigns and members of their families is coming to an end. Until the objects of the garrison, which will be, supply of electricity, water and heat. Trivay good-natured battalions. At military places, there will be modern combat control posts, dress jackets and small houses for officers and ensigns, soldiers’ laznas, bakeries, headquarters, first-aid posts, caravans, and faraway places are put into operation. Helicopter maidans are in possession, there will be watchful points and fire points. I think that before 2006 the brigade will be completely completed. Well, in the meantime, deyakі pіdrozdіl prodovzhuyut live in baptisms.

President Volodymyr Putin recognized the district commanders of the Federal Service of the Military National Guard of Russia (Rosgvardiya).

President recognizing commanders in seven districts. Tse Lieutenant General Igor Grudnov (Skhidny District), Viktor Strigunov (Siberian District), Igor Golloev (Ural District), Oleksandr Poryadin (Volzsky District), Evgen Zubarev (Pivnichno-Kavkazsky District), Sergiy Zakharkin (Pivnichno-Zakhidny district) and Pavlo Dashkov (Central district).

Zubarev Evgen Oleksandrovich born on 14th chest 1960 near the village of Verkh-Anuiske, Altai Territory.

In 1982, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Command School of the MVS SRSR, in 1991 he graduated from the Viysk Academy named after M.V. Frunze, 2005 - the Viysk Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Having served with the internal troops of the MVS of Russia in various settlements, from the platoon commander to the first intercessor of the commander of the military regional command. The military rank of "lieutenant general" was conferred by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on February 22, 2009.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on 14 December 2011 Lieutenant-General Zubarev Evgen Oleksandrovich was appointed Commander of the Military Command of the Volga Regional Command of the Internal Military Forces of the MVS of Russia.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on 30 December 2015, Lieutenant-General Yevgen Oleksandrovich Zubarev was appointed Commander of the Military Pivnichno-Kavkazsky Regional Command of the Internal Military Forces of the MVS of Russia.

Awarded with the Order "For Military Merit", the Order of Poshan, medals, Honorary Diploma of the MVS of Russia.

  1. Director of the Federal Service of the Military National Guard - Commander-in-Chief of the Military National Guard of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Viktor Zolotov, signed an order on the recognition of officers of the territorial bodies of the Russian Guard.

Zgіdno order, police colonel Volodymyr Zhigula appointments as the head of the department of the Federal Service of the Military National Guard of the Russian Federation in the Rostov Region. Earlier, I had looked at the region for the management of the guard.

На сайті Росгвардії повідомляється, що територіальні органи входять до складу округів військ Національної гвардії РФ і призначені для керівництва та забезпечення службово-бойової діяльності підрозділів ОМОНу, СОБРу, позавідомчої охорони та ліцензійно-дозвільної роботи, що увійшли до складу Росгвардії у суб'єктах РФ

Nagadayemo, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation (Rosgvardiya) is submitted to the special services and was created on April 5, 2016 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin. The structure of the service includes the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the creation of the VR MVS of Russia on that very day.

Qiu article read: 15 703 visits this year: 1

Zubarev Evgen Oleksandrovich was born on 14 December 1960. in the village of Verkh-Anuisk, Altai Territory.

In 1982, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Command School of the MVS SRSR, in 1991 he graduated from the Viysk Academy named after M.V. Frunze, 2005 - the Viysk Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


Assigned to the post of commander of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky district of the military of the Russian Guard

STAVROPOL, 16 September 2018, 16:56 - REGNUM The formation of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky District of the National Guard of the Russian Federation has been completed in the North Caucasus Federal District. Today, on September 16, at the service party in P'yatigorsk, during the performances of Timoshov's victorious quarters, the commander of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky district of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Sergiy Kornyushkin and low-ranking intercessors. The press service of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky District of the Russian Guard told about IA REGNUM.

According to the words of the first intercessor of the Director of the Federal Service of the Military National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Commander-in-Chief of the Military National Guard Sergiy Melikov, until June 2018, the stage of improvement of mutual control of the district's administrative offices will be completed. Melikov named the security of the public order and the security of the population, helping to eliminate the worst situations, the fate of the fight against terrorism and extremism, as the first leaders of the Russian Guard in the Caucasus.

Generals of the Russian Guard to go from the Caucasus

Продовжується зміцнення та впорядкування організаційної структури Росгвардії - Федеральної служби військ національної гвардії (ФСВНГ), створеної указом президента Володимира Путіна на основі існуючих раніше Внутрішніх військ МВС Росії з приєднанням низки управлінь та підрозділів, що раніше входили до складу російської поліції.

"Right hand" of the President

Let's guess that General of the Army Viktor Zolotov cheered up the Russian Guard. Vіn buv appointments on qiu landing on 5 april 2016 year - once the creation of the Federal Service of the Military National Guard. Viktor Zolotov previously commanded the internal military units of the MVS of Russia, replacing the head of the general of the army at the landing, a kind of pishov from the military service.

At the Rostov Budinok, officers were rewarded with spivrobitniks of the Russian Guard

Since then, following a presidential decree, a new law enforcement agency, the National Guard, has been created. At the urochistost in the Rostov Budinka, the officers of the spivrobitniks of the department, who were appointed this year, were appointed Colonel General, Commander of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky District of the National Guard of Russia Evgen Zubarev. Five fighters won Zhukov's medals, nine - Suvorov's medals and other states and leading cities.

“For this very day, all military servicemen and military officers in the police wanted to welcome, indulge in my health, good luck and all the best,” - Lieutenant General, intercessor of the commander of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky District of the Military National Guard of the Russian Federation, Oleg Koliozilov.

Commander of the Russian Guard to the North Caucasus Federal District during the attack of the militants near Chechnya

Commander of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky district of the military of the National Guard of the Russian Federation Yevgen Zubarev flew to the month of the attack of the militants on the military part of Chechnya. The intercessor, Major General Mykola Dolonin, spoke about this.

“A group of maddened people, having scurried in the dark hour, finished it off with fog, attacked the city of Viysk. There, for a review, the commander of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky District of the National Guard, Colonel-General Yevgen Zubarev, was asked to take a look. This is a tragedy for us,” he said.

Let's guess, the attack on the Viysk part of the Russian Guard was launched at night against the 24th birch in the area of ​​​​the village of Naurskaya in Chechnya. As a result of the attack, six military servicemen perished, another splinter suffered.

The former attackers of the bandits were eliminated.



1.1. Stan of the problem of completion (psychological and acmeological completion of competence)

1.2. Psychological and acmeological features of personnel work

1.3. Psychological professionally important as a fachivtsiv of personnel services

1.4. Methodological ambush of empirical follow-up of psychological competence of faculty members of personnel services

Introduction to the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic "Development of psychological competence of specialists of personnel services"

actuality of topics

Successful implementation of reforms in our country by the great world will lie in the face of its personnel security. It is not for nothing that the problem of training highly qualified personnel, the replenishment of personnel work, the formation of a personnel reserve is also considered a priority in management practice.

The current step to the management of organizations comes from the implementation of the ideology of optimal management of "human resources", the most advanced development of the possibilities of "human potential", and its multiplication in the sphere of the sub'єkta practice that organization. At zvyazku z tsim at the center of respect for the new paradigm of management is a group of people who work in the organization. Today, the organization is successfully competing in the market, as it is not only technologically efficient, but it ensures the development of its human resources, generation, generation and promotion of new ideas. In connection with this, the role of personnel services and the subjects of personnel work is significantly growing. The nature of their activity is radically changing. The leaders of modern personnel services are seen not as viconauts and stationery practitioners, but as active participants in personnel policy, subjects of personnel decisions, architects of personnel processes and personnel management (Bazarov T.Yu., Belyaev A.S., Derkach A.A., Zhidaev S.S., Sviridova JI.B., Sitnik S.N., Turchinov A.I. and ing). At the same time, the crime of vikonannya traditional heads of professional selection, selection and placement of personnel and other. A lot of personnel services are included until the completion of labor improvement nutrition - recruitment, professional career planning, development and implementation of programs for special professional development and a lot of other things. In connection with the CIM, the number of specialists in the field of qualifications and professional competence of the practitioners of the current personnel services has grown significantly. The fahіvtsі of modern personnel services is due to the high riven of professional competence and її special types, various kinds of thoughts, including psychological, special special professional qualities.

Looking back at those who are responsible for the current personnel services to actively contribute to the management of the organization's human resources, it is especially important to lay down their psychological knowledge and understanding, to ensure psychological competence. The very psychological competence secures that system of the necessary psychological professional knowledge and in the meantime, as it allows to effectively improve the current personnel management of the development of personnel potential, the realization of the capabilities of the “human warehouse” (Bodalev A.A., Vegerchuk Zakіn, Derkazik I.E., V.G., Stepnova JI.A. and in.). cim development of psychological competence of fahivtsіv and kerіvnіkіv of personnel services є important mental security of efficiency of their activity in the current situation.

At that very hour, the urgency of this task has been swayed by the needs of the practice of personnel work, and it is connected with the work of the molded wipe. Analiz will become a problem and in Denmark for the hour of iznuly grinding miga muds to the professionalism of submarines of the Council of special knowledge, nasamp, psychologists about the guts of the Professor, racialism, racialism, racialism, racialism

Diya tsієї superechnostі, nebkhіdnіst razrobki scientіcal and methodical ambush zaspechennya effektivnoї іyalnostі fahivtsі v suchasnyh personnel services zoomed urgency tsgogo doslіdzhennya.

Stan problems doslіdzhen

Problems of activity of fahivtsiv and kerіvnіkіv of cadre services are rebuying from the subject field of various sciences - sociology, psychology, acmeology, personnel science, theory of management of organizations and others. Zvіdsi breadth and raznoplanovіst dolіdzhenі otrimanih rezultіvі.

In psychological studies, special respect was given to personnel strategies and personnel policies of organizations (Bazarov T.Yu., Malinovsky N.V. and in.) V. M., Sviridova L. V., Turchinov A. I.); selection, recruitment of personnel placement, formation of a reserve (Bizyukova I.V., Goncharov O.M., Kovalova T.V., Ognev A.S. Sulemov V.A.), professional careers (Lotova I.P., Mogilovkin Є.A. "). Conducted further assessment of methods of non-instrumental psychological diagnostics for the merit of personnel work (Bogdanov E.N., Zazikin V.G., Konyukhov N.I. and in.). »: a systematic view of personnel activities (Voychenko E.G., Grachov M.V., Egorshin A.P. and in.), personnel work and technological equipment (Bogachov V.F., Durakova I.B., Kabakov VS ta in.), psychological officer of personnel work (Blinov B.V., Bodrov V.A., Zazikin V.G. and in.); S., Naumov A.I. and in .. For special respect, the merits of the psychological success of the professional activity of the staff of the personnel departments (Drozdov I.M.,

Sitnik S.N.) and problems of personnel management (Derkach A.A., Dyachkova E.V., Zhidaev S.S. and in.).

In the rest of the years, the characteristics of the subjects of personnel work became the objects of psychological and acmeological studies. At one time, the problem of їhnої professional competence, especially її important warehouse psychological competence, was not enough. In isolation, the nutrition of psychological and acmeological security, the development of psychological competence, the search for ways, minds and factors in the optimization of personnel activity, were considered.

In this way, the problem of the psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services and the її psychological and acmeological security, in fact, has become unbroken, irrespective of the obvious relevance and scientific and practical significance.

Depending on the relevance of the problem of research, insufficient diversity, theoretical and practical significance, the topic of research was assigned, the task and the hypothesis were formulated, the subject and object of research were grounded.

Meta research - to define the structure and the zmіst of psychological competence of fahіvtsіv of personnel services, psychological and acmeological mind and factor of productive development.

The object of follow-up is the psychological competence of the faculty of personnel services.

The subject of the study is the formation of the psychological competence of the faculty of personnel services and the determinants of development.

Follow-up hypothesis

Psychological competence is a warehouse and important mental professionalism and specialty of the faculty of personnel services, which is to become their professional competence. Psychological competence is a structured area of ​​professional knowledge in the presence of a system of special psychological and acmeological knowledge and knowledge.

A high level of psychological competence allows the faculty of personnel services to ensure the effectiveness of their professional activity in the sphere of human resource management of an organization, their application, personnel management, the achievement of a productive special-professional development of personnel.

Psychological competence can control the structure, equal development. At її zmistі priority є socially-perceptual competence.

A productive development of the psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services can be found in the presence of low objective and subjective minds and factors, which can be algorithmic. The development of the psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services is dotsilno zdiisnyuvati z the most important selections of psychological and acmeological methods and technologies.

Follow-up task:

1. To study the problem of research, to systematize psychological and acmeological work from the problem of competence and eight kinds of research, up to the method of dissertation research.

2. Clarify and concretize the psychological aspect of the activities of the fahivtsiv of current personnel services, their professional and special competencies, psychological special professional qualities.

3. Empirical psychological and acmeological research on the psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services, revealing and describing the psychological and acmeological features of development.

4. Development of a psychological and acmeological system description of the psychological competence of specialists in personnel services.

5. Develop an algorithm for the productive development of the psychological competence of the staff of personnel services and, on its basis, conduct a developing experiment.

6. To systematize the most important psychological and acmeological minds, factors, methods and technologies for the productive development of the psychological competence of the faculty of personnel services.

The theoretical basis of the study is the psychological theory and the concept of specialness that develops (Ananiev B.G., Antsiferova L.I., Bodalov A.A., Lomov B.F., Merlin V.C., Platonov K.K., Rubinshtein S.L. ., Feldstein D.I. and in.), theory of acmeology (Agapov V.S., Anisimov O.S., Bodalov A.A., Derkach A.A., Zazikin V.G., Kuzmina N.V., Laptev L. G. ., Rean A.A., Seleznyova E.V., Solovyova N.V. and in.), Psychological and acmeological concepts of professional, psychological and acmeological competence of subjects of activity (Derkach A.A., Vegerchuk I .E., Zazikin V.G., Kuzmina N.V., Kulikova E.V., Makarov S.V., Markova A.K., Seleznyova E.V., Stepnova L.A., Rean A.A. ., Fedorkina A.P., Fominikh A.F. and іn), psychological and acmeological follow-up of personnel work and professionalism of faculty and personnel departments (Derkach A.A., Drozdov I.M., Dyachkova O.V., Zhidaev S.S., Sitnik S.N. and in.).

The methodological basis of the dissertation research is the deep and private methodological ambush of psychology and acmeology, the principles of psychological and acmeological empirical research.

Follow-up methods. The dissertations included the following research methods: fundamental scientific methods (theoretical analysis, study, synthesis); empirical psychological and acmeological methods (questionnaires, expert assessments, discussions, caution, interviews); developmental experiment.

Емпіричну базу досліджень склали результати експертної оцінки (24 експерти), анкетного опитування (120 фахівців та керівників кадрових служб державних та недержавних організацій, регіональних та муніципальних адміністрацій), дискусії індивідуальні співбесіди (53 спеціалісти кадрових служб), розвиваючого експерименту (4 експерти та 24 учасників ).

The main scientific results, otrimani especially zdobuvach that їх scientific novelty

Встановлено, що психологічна компетентність фахівців сучасних кадрових служб організацій є важливою складовою частиною професійної компетентності, що є системою спеціальних психологічних знань про закономірності, механізми, спонукальні причини поведінки, діяльності^ спілкування та відносин людини в процесі професійної діяльності- та взаємодій, значущих для проведення сучасної personnel work.

It is shown that the psychological competence of the specialists of personnel services is the most important development of social and perceptual competence. It has been established that the main warehouse psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services is social and perceptual competence, otherwise, the psychological competence is related to it functionally. Structural-psychological competence of fahivtsіv current personnel services є functional unity of advancing warehouse: cognitive, regulative, reflexive-status, normative and communicative, as they appear in their line of work in motivational-special quality and operational mental psychology. The criteria for the development of psychological competence are equal, the productivity of special professional development and self-development.

It was revealed that a specific aspect of the psychological competence of the subjects of personnel work is related to the psychological characteristics of the objects of personnel work. The stench can have mother characteristics of psychological folding - instability of the state, professional "vigor" part of the teachers, the presence of psychological accentuations and internal conflicts in them, an unstable regime of practice and in. It is productive to interact with such an object for the help of a specialist in the personnel service of a high level of psychological competence and a responsible mind of a practical psychologist.

Following the conduct of psychological and acmeological studies of the psychological competence of faculty members of personnel services:

A comprehensive professional description of the characteristics of the fahivtsiv of current personnel services, as well as their professiogram with elements of acmeography, has been disassembled;

It has been established that the average level of development of the psychological competence of fahivtsiv of personnel services is close to critical values ​​for a remarkably high self-esteem of their development;

It has been shown that it is equal to the development of psychological competence of different fahivtsiv of regional administrative structures and municipal ones;

It is shown that the socially-perceptive skills and mentality of the fahivtsіv zdebіlshy are formed spontaneously on the basis of the individual life experience and outstanding manifestations, the socially-perceptual processes are scalable to the influx of typical psychological phenomena that create social interactions.

A strict tabular systemic description of the main and special characteristics of the psychological competence of specialists of personnel services for structural components - cognitive, regulative, reflexively status and normative - with a description of their psychological change, psychological traits, reduce that determinant of development. The level of developed psychological competence was assigned, the psychological and acmeological description of the high, middle and low levels is presented.

It is proved that the improvement of the level of psychological competence of the faculty of personnel services is significantly influenced by the experiment that is being developed, on the basis of the fundamental psychological and acmeological algorithm and the modular principle of its implementation, which includes the theoretical part, the analysis of specific ones. After the experiment, the coefficient for the development of the psychological competence of fahivtsiv of personnel departments became 24.5% on average.

The main psychological and acmeological minds and factors for the development of psychological competence of specialists in personnel services have been grounded. The deep psychological and acmeological minds need to be updated in this type of professionalism on the basis of the transition of personnel services to new personnel technologies, the creation of an acmeological medium in personnel structures, which stimulates the development and self-development of psychological competence, the development of their psychological and professional services, and acmeological psychologists. Among the most important officials should be the creation of a system for the selection of training in personnel services, the personification of individual work with fakhivtsy of personnel services to improve their psychological competence.

The reliability and reliability of the results of the dissertation research was ensured by the theoretical and methodological evaluations of the problem, the testing of these research methods, the representativeness of the selection, and the re-verification of the results in practice.

Практична значимість дисертаційного дослідження полягає в тому, що розроблені моделі, алгоритм та описи, виявлені психолого-акмеологічні умови та фактори, є основою для індивідуального розвитку психологічної компетентності фахівців кадрових служб, підвищення ефективності професійної діяльності у світлі сучасних вимог до кадрової роботи.

Approbation and implementation of the results of follow-up. Основні положення та результати дисертаційного дослідження доповідалися на засіданнях проблемної групи кафедри акмеології та психології професійної діяльності Російської академії державної служби за Президента Російської Федерації (2005-2008 рр.), наукових семінарах Міжнародного акмеологічного інституту та Міжнародної академії акмеологічних наук.

The materials of the dissertation research will be reviewed during the reading of the special courses “Psychological competence of state servants”, “Acmeology of management”, “Psychology of professional activity of state servants” at the Russian Academy of State Service for the President of the Russian Federation.

Regulations that blame the Zakhist

The effectiveness of the activities of the fahivtsiv of the current personnel services is connected with the accomplishments of the richness of new tasks, which may be a psychological change. Crimean traditional directors of selection, recruitment, placement of personnel, attestation, formation of a personnel reserve - the organization's human resources management, personnel management, personnel "architectonics", application and development of personnel potential. Їhnє solution for the priority development of psychological competence as a necessary mind to professionalism as an important psychological sphere of professional management.

The psychological competence of the faculty of the current personnel services of the organizations is an important warehouse professional competence, a cognitive-regulatory component of the professionalism of the specialty and activity, which should be classified as psychologically complex objects. A practical person has psychological competence with a system of special psychological knowledge and intelligibility, which allow to effectively develop non-instrumental psychological diagnostics, to make psychological forecasts.

In the system of psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services, the socially-perceptual competence plays a key role. Other types of psychological competence (social-psychological and psychological-pedagogical) are related to it functionally.

The psychological competence of the faculty of current personnel services can be on the same level of the global psychological structure, which includes cognitive, regulatory, reflexive-status, normative and communicative components, which are interchanged with the functional unity. The most important criteria for the development of the psychological competence of the faculty of personnel services are equal, the productivity of the psychological special-professional development and self-development. p align="justify"> The issue of the psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services on a par with the special richness in what is connected with the psychological characteristics of the objects of personnel work.

The average level of development of the psychological competence of the greater fakhivtsiv of personnel services is close to the critical values ​​for the outstandingly high self-esteem of their development, moreover, it is equal to the development of the psychological competence of the fakhivtsiv of the regional administrative structures of their municipalities. Socio-perceptual processes are scalable to the point of extreme manifestations of psychological attitudes, typical psychological phenomena that promote the adoption of personnel work objects. Socially-perceptive novice and vminnya among fahivtsiv are formed more spontaneously on the basis of individual life experience.

The psychological and acmeological aspect of the psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services is not subject to systemic authority, so it can be represented as a system that includes cognitive, regulatory, reflexive-status and normative structural components, psychological quality, and understanding of the determinants of development. A specific measure of the psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services is determined by the level of development - high, medium and low.

The development of the psychological competence of specialists of personnel services should be developed on the basis of a global professional description of the special and professional characteristics of the faculty of modern personnel services, their professiogram with elements of acmeography for the help of a global psychological and acmeological algorithm. An effective implementation of this algorithm is possible for additional experimentation, which is developed on the basis of the modular principle of its implementation, which includes the theoretical part, analysis of specific situations, practical work and control tasks. Relying on this mentality allows you to increase the level of psychological competence according to integral criteria by about a third for a development coefficient of 24.5%.

Загальними психолого-акмеологічними умовами продуктивного розвитку психологічної компетентності фахівців кадрових служб є актуалізація потреби в даному виді професіоналізму на основі переходу кадрових служб на нові кадрові технології, створення акмеологічного середовища в кадрових структурах, що стимулює розвиток та саморозвиток психологічної компетентності, розвиток у них психологічної та акмеологічної culture, education in the personnel services of professional psychologists with the same psychological and acmeological factors є: the creation of a system for selecting a job in personnel services, the personification of individual work with the facsimiles of personnel services to improve the level of their psychological competence. *

Similar dissertation works for the specialty "Psychology of development, acmeology", 19.00.13 VAK code

  • Acmeological technologies as a basis for the formation of a personnel reserve at the production of gas-shoes 2008 rіk, candidate of psychological sciences Kovalova, Tetyana Vadimivna

  • Acmeological features of the development of legal competence of practitioners in drug control 2007 Рік, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Karkhalev, Igor Volodimirovich

  • Acmeological security of professional development of scientists and specialists of bodies in the legislature of the Russian Federation 2008 researcher, candidate of psychological sciences Osipova, Olena Petrivna

  • The development of autopsychological competence of state servants 2003 rec, Doctor of Psychology Stepnova, Lyudmila Anatoliivna

  • Acmeological security for the development of professionalism in personnel management 2006 rіk, candidate of psychological sciences Starovoitova, Yana Sergiivna

Visnovok dissertation on the topic "Psychology of development, acmeology", Zubarev, Evgen Oleksandrovich

Conducted psychological and acmeological investigations brought the significance of the problem of improving the psychological competence of fakhіvtsіv personnel services, especially the time of the transition of new personnel technologies, related to the organization's human resources management, personnel management, the formation of a promising personnel organization architecture. Significant omissions were revealed, the conclusion of some of them was carried out a special psychological and acmeological study. As a result of this investigation, the stage was reached, the task was completed, the hypotheses were confirmed, and new scientific results were taken away. Based on the results of the research carried out, it is possible to create such visnovki.

Теоретико-методологічний аналіз стану проблеми досліджень дозволив обґрунтувати високе теоретичне та практичне значення психологічної компетентності як узагальнюючої наукової категорії та важливої ​​​​якості професіоналізму, що проявляється в різних видах діяльності, у тому числі діяльності фахівців сучасних кадрових служб організацій.

Psychological competence of specialists of current personnel services of organizations is a special kind of psychological competence, specialty, important warehouse professional competence. The zagalnozmistovnomu vіdnoshenі vіn є є system spetіlіnіh znani pro zakonіrnosti, mekhanіzmy, sponukalynі nі causes povedіnki, іyalnostі, splіkuvannya і vіdnosin lyudiny v protsesі professіynoї іyаlnosti і vаєmodіy, znachennya suschasnoї cadre work.

A specific aspect of the psychological competence of the subjects of personnel work is rich in why it is related to the psychological features of quiet, with which professional interactions are established. The stench can have its own characteristics of psychological folding - instability of the state, professional "vigor" part of the teachers, the presence of psychological accentuations and internal conflicts, an unstable mode of practice, which simply complicates the workforce. It is productive to interact with such an object for the help of a specialist in the personnel service of a high level of psychological competence and a responsible mind of a practical psychologist.

The structural-psychological competence of the current personnel departments is a single warehouse part: cognitive, regulatory, reflexive-status, normative and communicative, as they appear in their line of work in the motivational-special quality and operational psychological.

The main warehouse psychological competence of the fahivtsiv of personnel services is social and perceptual competence. Other types of psychological competence - social-psychological, psychological-pedagogical - are connected with it by functional dependencies, and auto-psychological competence is blamed.

A comprehensive professional description of the characteristics of fahivtsiv of current personnel services, as well as their professiogram, has been disassembled.

Дослідження психологічної компетентності фахівців кадрових служб має базуватися на теоретичних положеннях акмеології, психології спілкування, психології особистості, професійної психології, а також провідних методологічних засадах психології та акмеології - системності, комплексності, суб'єкта, активності, розвитку, єдності особистості та діяльності.

Carrying out methods to carry out analysis and analysis of the background, experience, expert assessments, watchfulness for the analysis of professional interactions and communications, features and dynamics of special professional changes. The criteria for the development of psychological competence are equal, the productivity of special professional development and self-development.

On the basis of the theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem, empirical research was carried out on the psychological competence of specialists in personnel services. These studies were carried out in three stages: at the first stage, an expert assessment of the problem was carried out, at the second stage, a questionnaire was taken by the faculty of personnel services, at the third stage, a sleuth experiment to establish the real level of psychological competence of specialists of personnel services.

Empirical studies have shown that the average level of development of the psychological competence of faculty members of personnel services is close to critical values ​​for a remarkably high self-esteem. p align="justify"> Equal to the development of psychological competence of different fakhіvtsіv regional administrative structures and municipalities. Socially-perceptive skills of the fahivtsiv of the good are formed spontaneously on the basis of individual life experience and sizable manifestations. Socio-perceptual processes are scalable to the point of typical psychological phenomena that promote the adoption of social objects.

Based on the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem and empirical studies, a tabular systemic description of the main and special characteristics of the psychological competence of the faculty of personnel services was developed. A detailed description of the level of development of psychological competence - high, medium and low.

Danish systematic description became the basis for conducting a psychological and acmeological experiment. In a new way, there is a modular principle, which includes the theoretical part, analysis of specific situations, practice and control tasks. After conducting a developing experiment, the level of psychological competence of fakhivtsiv of personnel services in the average age, and the coefficient of development became 24.5%.

Conducted studies made it possible to round up the most important psychological and acmeological minds and factors in the development of the psychological competence of fahivtsiv of personnel services.

Based on the results of the study, the following scientific and practical recommendations were proposed:

It is necessary to create a system of professional psychological training and retraining of fahіvtsіv personnel services for work in the light of new vimog, for new personnel technologies;

It is necessary to develop specialized training complexes for the development of psychological competence of specialists in personnel services from higher educational and methodological security;

It is necessary to develop the concept of acmeological medium, which is being developed, for the improvement of the psychological competence of the faculty of personnel services.

Prospects for further research and destruction of scientific ambushes of non-instrumental psychological and acmeological diagnostics on the top of psychological personnel management; development of acmeological models of psychological competence of fahivtsiv of personnel services and models of their professionalism.

Respectfully, more scientific texts are presented for recognition and withdrawal for additional recognition of original texts of dissertations (OCR). In connection with them, they may have pardons, due to the lack of thoroughness of the recognition algorithms. In PDF files of dissertations and abstracts, as we deliver, there are no such pardons.


About the order from the plant, the order from the military service, the recognition for the landing and the assignment of a special rank in some federal state bodies

1. Call from plant:

Major-General of Justice Pavel Georgiyovich Barkovsky, intercessor of the Chief Investigator of the Head Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - Investigator of the Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Inquiries about Malchief Against Individuals and Public Security;

Major-General of the Police Bakht Andriy Sergiyovich, Head of the Far-East Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Major-General of the Police Sergiy Ivanovich Bugrov, Intercessor of the Chief of Police - Head of the Department of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Head Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation near the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region;

Major-General of Police Gerasimov Pavel Petrovich, Head of the Regional Directorate of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control near the Magadan Region;

Police Colonel Golinsky Oleksiy Yuliyovich, intercessor of the military officer of the Sovereign Anti-Drug Committee - Head of the Department of the Siberian Federal District;

police colonel Zhguchov Boris Ruslanovich, intercessor of the head of the staff of the Sovereign Anti-Drug Committee - Head of the Department of the Volga Federal District;

Major-General of Police Zinov Valeriy Volodymyrovich, Intercessor of the Clerk of the International Legal Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control – Head of the Contractual and Legal Department;

Major-General of Police Ivanov Oleksiy Dmitrovich, intercessor of the clerk of the Organizational and Administrative Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for drug control - head of the organizational and control department;

Major General of Justice Kalinin Oleksandr Vasilovich, the first defender of the head of the Head Department of Criminalistics of the Supervisory Committee of the Russian Federation;

Lieutenant-General of Justice Anatoly Viktorovich Kvashnin, a ceremonial worker of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Transportation Supervisory Department of the Supervisory Committee of the Russian Federation;

Major-General of the Police Korobov Andriy Volodimirovich, intercessor of the military staff of the Sovereign Anti-Drug Committee - Head of the Department of the Dalekoshidny Federal District;

Kudeniev Sergiy Vasilovich, prosecutor of the Moscow city;

Manyatkin Yevgen Yuriyovich, the first intercessor of the head of the staff of the Sovereign Anti-Drug Committee;

Major-General of the Police Maslov Vitaliy Yegorovich, Head of the Financial and Economic Department of the Department of Security and Financial Security of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Major-General of the Police Maslovsky Olena Viktorivna, Head of the Department for the Prevention of Violations in the Sphere of Legal Drug Trafficking, Psychotropic Speech and Their Precursors of the Operative and Investigative Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Mishina Olga Oleksiivna, a clerk at the Department for the Security of International Relations with the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Molchanova Natalia Ivanivna, intercessor of the head of the staff of the State Anti-Drug Committee - Head of the Coordinating and Analytical Department;

Lieutenant-General of the Police Mukhtarov Hussein Mukhtarovich, First Protector of the Kerivnik of the Organizational and Administrative Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control - Head of the Administrative Department;

Police Colonel Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Piddubov, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation near the metropolitan area of ​​Sevastopol;

Major-General of the Police Proshchenok Oleksandr Grigorovich, Intercessor of the Chief of Staff of the Sovereign Anti-Drug Committee - Head of the Department for the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Federal District;

Major-General of the Police Syomochkin Igor Albertovich, Intercessor of the Chief of Staff of the Sovereign Anti-Drug Committee - Head of the Department for the Urals Federal District;

Police Colonel Sinelshchikov Volodymyr Oleksandrovich, Head of the Department for Interaction with the Public and Mass Information to the Department for the Provision of Interaction with the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Major-General of Police Oleksandr Mykolayovych Trudov, intercessor of the Head of the Head Department of the Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

Major-General of the Police Udovchenko Gennadii Viktorovich, intercessor of the military officer of the State Anti-Drug Committee - head of the department of the Central Federal District;

lieutenant-general of the police Chibrin Valery Petrovich, clerk of the Department of Special Technical Entry of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

Major-General of Police Shirokozhukhov Oleksandr Dmitrovich, Head of the Administration of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in the Kursk Region;

Shlyakov Sergiy Anatoliyovich, the first intercessor of the Minister of the Russian Federation on the right of civil defense, extreme situations and liquidations of natural disasters;

Lieutenant-General of Justice Shchukin Oleksandr V'yacheslavovich, clerk of the Head Supervisory Department of the Supervisory Committee of the Russian Federation.

2. Call from the plant and call from the military service:

Colonel General Yevgen Mikhailovich Vnukov, Commander of the Military Pivnichno-Kavkaz Regional Command of the Internal Military Ministry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Lieutenant General Didenok Sergiy Leonidovich, Director of the Department of Civil Defense of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on the Right of Civil Defense, Situations and Elimination of the Past of Spontaneous Hardship;

Major-General Nurtdinov Rishat Vasfievich, Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation in the right of civil defense, extreme situations and liquidation of natural disasters near the Tula region.

3. Call from the military service:

Major General Firsov Andriy Oleksandrovich;

Lieutenant General Chizhikov Eduard Mikolayovich.

4. Assign:

Police Colonel Bulgakov Oleg Mitrofanovich - the first intercessor of the head of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Didenko Sergiy Leonidovich - head of the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of the Russian Federation in the right of civil defense, above-the-line situations and liquidation of the aftermath of natural disaster;

Major-General Dolganin Volodymyr Pavlovich - the first intercessor of the commander of the military of the Khidny regional command of the internal military of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who ordered the land;

Lieutenant-General Evgen Oleksandrovich Zubarev, Commander of the Military Command of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky Regional Command of the Internal Military Ministry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who ordered the plantation;

Colonel of Justice Nesterov Roman Andriyovich - senior colleague with especially important rights at the Head of the Litigation Committee of the Russian Federation;

Colonel of the Internal Service Travin Kiril Volodimirovich as the intercessor of the Head of the Head Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Novosibirsk Region;

Chizhikov Eduard Mikolayovich - head of St. Petersburg University of the Sovereign Anti-Earth Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation in the right of civil defense, above-mentioned situations and liquidations of natural disasters.

5. Assign to the 5-fold term:

Major-General of Justice Glushchenko Oleksandr Pavlovich, Head of the Supervisory Board of the Supervisory Committee of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Adygea;

Major General of Justice Eduard Valeriyovich Kaburniev, Chief of the Supervisory Board of the Supervisory Committee of the Russian Federation of the Republic of Dagestan;

Churikov Volodymyr Viktorovich - the prosecutor of the Moscow city, planted yoga.

6. Assign a special rank of lieutenant general of the internal service:

Didenko Sergiy Leonidovich

Chizhikov Eduard Mikolayovich.

President of the Russian Federation

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