I’ll think about it tomorrow: the yak will be hanging around and all the time. All work in an hour All work in an hour

I am amazed that the deyaki get up all the time, when they throw themselves from the factory to the factory, they do not go to reason, why should they be? Obviously, the first time they needed to competently manage their hour, which was one of the most important tools for a grown-up life.

Yak embrace everything, everything, everything ...

The concept of time management (management of the hour) is not really foldable, but in practice, it’s worth it for all the cob vitrates in an hour, which is needed for organizing and setting the right priorities. Vidіlyayuchi kіlka kіlina sodnya at the organizing moments, after a month remember unmistakably how we began to vikonuvati all the planned projects.

1.Set your tags

So you can beat it, where you can go in the Danish moment. It’s not a tedious way of living like “I want to be president,” or banal “I want to finish the robot to the outside and vibrate to the dacha” - it’s also a freakish meta, it’s real.

2. Establish priorities

In order not to miss the important, it is necessary to see the middle of the right in front of you. The entire working day can be distributed on the necessary, important and necessary. In this order, please, you need a visonuvati. You can carry out between them you can set such food:

  1. What am I trying to do?
  2. How can I know the price for reaching meti?
  3. What will become, why am I not angry?

3. Maintain a list of references

Yak all in one day? Add a list of employees! Win schokhvilini will nagaduvati you, guilty robiti at a given moment, and not to let loose. The head of the list needs to be distributed to small warehouses, so it won't take an hour to think about it in the process. You don't need to memorize everything - it's even more beautiful to do modern technology. A banal electronic calendar will become an indispensable richa on the road effective vicarystanny hour. Do not forget to see the new staff.

4. Focus only on one thing

Try to destroy everything at once, and give yourself a special failure. The robustness of speeches at once is even more important, the brain cannot be mirrored overnight without a call. It is more beautiful to grow less, less to grow more abiyak. It has been reported that the problem is 20-40% more than an hour.

5. Remember the deadline

Establishing a limited hour for the skin care is even more important - not to allow you to see the right for tomorrow. In the minds of an hour, the brain is efficiently effective, absorbed, and at once, at all.

6. Vykonovat a collection of folding staff

Be aware, if you know better, if you know that in a small place the factory will not be so foldable and it will be easier to fit in with them, if you have already passed through all the cola baked. And the axis of pratsyuvati, understandably, in front of the ocean of non-iconic important robots, is psychologically important. A collection of batig is also a gingerbread.

7. Go early

How can I get the job done? Try to get up earlier. We have informed that the rankings of the years for robots are the most effective. Skhid is the ideal hour to start your day. It’s just wonderful that as soon as the interchange falls right into your window, the stench will be a natural signal for everyone. Mabut, sound marvelous, even after a few days of adaptation, you will easily roll around on your own without using the alarm clock. І try to play spati not less than 23:00 - at all times the body is renewed more efficiently and more efficiently.

8. Forget about negative energy

Vazhko pratsyuvati, if you want to be frustrated, before the cob of the robot, always have some negative energy - to spare an hour of staining and dissatisfaction. Ways to get rid of the negative of one's own body: screaming, beating pillows, breaking dishes, etc.

9. See an hour for additional items

If you don’t accept it, you will not be actively working - it will take an hour for the update. In the meantime, the normal robot is not just til, but the brain. It is not necessary to have a casual interruption in the ability to see through the robots, however, you need to trim everything under control, uniquely see through the plan.

10. Follow the daily routine

It’s even more important to go to sleep and go for a ride at the same hour; Tsim Vi zіb'єte svіy bіologіchny year and you will know about adaptuvatisya. There is one reason why monitors are so important to us. Replace sleep more vividly for an hour for a walk or physical right.

I know a lot of people how "black smuga" is in life. Yak bi mi didn’t try to correct their life, there’s one thing to do. Do you know vi, do effective way turn on the right track - is the process new?

Important parts of the work can be experienced, and we can appreciate it, as a result of growth. Remember: the key to success is to take a day.

change scenarios

Navigate a few years spent in a new reception center, help you take a look at the light in a different way. I know, you can be spared, if you know the decision, as they used to joke around.

Get involved in sports

Small specialties of the course and advancement, such as "try a kilometer", will help you to turn the best of your own. I dare say "Healthy mind has a healthy mind" 100% true.

Have fun with all the unnecessary speeches

You will become more easy to think and dichati in a comfortable, spacious and quiet booth, not overwhelmed by unnecessary speeches.

Meet new people

People who want us to feel good, pour it into our house until the light of day. It is worthwhile to ask for new beautiful people in your life, look at who are seen from yours.

Take a break and allow yourself to see another day

Sometimes it is even more important to consider and just leave home. In one day nothing dramatic will become, but you have the opportunity to calm down and think.

Change the call of the viglyad

A new color of hair, cleaning, make-up or something to help you not only in a new way, but to see yourself as a human being.

There is not a lot of nicholas in that, ask for help. As far as everything goes, do not get frustrated and feed the people who have passed through the podbne. Or just talk to your mother, get ready for you.

Find it correctly

And sometimes it is even more easy to lean on the bazhanyu to "catch" her filth, feeling as if she is a shrewd man. Ale pislya tsyogo vi, shvidshe for everything, you will feel yourself more girshe, so as to old people problems will come to the senses of guilt. V important parts More beautiful than more grains, more moist vegetables and fruits.

Read more

New tips - the price of new opportunities.

Vivchayte new mov

tse garniy sposib nagadati sob, what a majestic light and not self. If you can, you can vivchati French or Chinese language, which means that you can see absolutely everything.

Shchyomyatsya have fun with one nasty little name

It is not necessary to omit everything at once. Learn more about other crocs. For example, if you don't want to sleep in front of your laptop, kick sleep in an hour. Through the month you can make a sound. You can, if you want to be sucked in by one nasty little beast.

To grow up those who are good for you

To wind one little change over yourself means much more to you. Recharge your fear, and turn the song in yourself.

Forgive yourself and others

As soon as you vibrate to ourselves and quietly, if you have given you a message, I will help you to overshadow past, even if it does not matter. From the moment you can collapse the distance.

Come all 10 minutes for an hour for self-development and know how to get everything up and down!

It’s a great deal of power to stay in the place, if we borrow something tedious and unloved, and literally on the coming day, fly out of speed, just a few hundred kilometers for a second, as if we needed fun or needlessly needlessly.

Few people do not want to bribe such a valuable ally, and they are in sight.

So from the notice of sob, who є people, tidying up the year, and it is no longer necessary to talk about those yak vstigati everything.

Well, yak is it all about to get hold of everything ?!

Bula was injected at me by a fellow robot colleague - Nastya.

Not bad-looking, active, viconavcha - good, in a zagalny, dvchina.

Ale є she has one majestic incomplete, which is attracting the whole team: the lack of punctuality at the vison's right.

Zapara is actually a different one, and the first neurosis is heaped up by the building - innocent companions.

At the same time, it is not possible to say that it’s just linuvatisya і doesn’t want to be robbed, it would explain Nastya’s situation.

You’ll be constantly busy, and all the viconuvati’s going to be mashed up, but there’s no chance of marriage, and you’ll catch it all!

I mean, the main problems of my colleague because of the fact that you won:

  1. Do not have a plan for this hour.
  2. Gradually accept.
  3. Chi is not good at concentrating my respect on chi alone.
  4. Chi does not know how to lead a special success.
  5. Bear on yourself more, less you can master.

Yak vstigati everything: cob!

Visiting a visonuvati all the time is so simple as to program your life on success.

People will not be happy about the fact that there are a lot of problems and re-code in their life, the stench creates themselves.

Varto show the best you can, and all you see is more beautiful, the less you ochіkuvali.

Obviously, lіnivtsі, as do not bazhayuvati over themselves, nіkoli do not sound, yak vstigati everything, І so і be bored in the middle of non-contested information without the need to put light in the tunnel.

Yak vi you know: "You can be overwhelmed in any battle, depriving you of the correct zabroy!"

So you will need to buy a beautiful notebook, pens and years old for an hour.

Vitrata is not great, and the axis of the corny of all the tricks will be majestic.

“For a cob to see something, the hour is not just a single one to the hour. The price of goods, which can be exchanged for pennies, education, satisfaction, health and resources. Deliver only the value you need. "

Ale naygolovnishe is guilty of intelligence, but a man who feels tired and unhealthy, in principle cannot be productive.

To that, take the rule:

    hang out:

    The rule about 7-8 years of necessary sleep was not invented by fools.

    Correctly grunt:

    not only tim, which is delicious, but th tim, which is cinnamon.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits will be the last guests at your table.

    Go in for sports:

    physical activity is not just an increase in immunity, but a charge of bad growth.

    Help lists are your everything!

    I am encouraged, have you already bought a beautiful notebook and a pen, so that you can keep your youngster successful?

    So the axis: look for a little call in the evening or write down lists of documents, if you plan to finish the day.

    Moreover, do not write them out of the baldi, but for the skin point, set the hour required for the day.

    Did you get it right?

    Vikreslit from the list.

    It is also possible to turn around the shifts of global plans for a month or a day.

    Have not finished the robot yet, overcome the bazannya to go to Facebook or to the UNIAN website, drop the phone wiklik from the girlfriend, see the gurts of the Kawi.

    All the tsim can be engaged in a break.

    Don't worry about more ties, you can not sip!

    In the skin people є the boundary of their possibilities: someone has a little wine, someone has a hostile velma.

    Your zavdannya - make a difference!

    Colleague Tanya can write 5 articles in a day, but only 3, how can you not magnetize?

    Todi not viproshuvati with the chief of the 5th factory, then sit until wine, why not get up, nervuvati and trim on the coming day "scolding".

    More beautifully vikonayte three of your zavdannya hourly and brightly!

    Put things in order at the workstation!

    To navigate as your working place is a good apartment, it is not necessary to transform it into a smitnik.

    First of all, take the objects into view, in a different way, you take an hour for those who need to know in the cich debris, it’s necessary, thirdly, bezlad rozholodzhu and do not adjust in a working manner.

    Optimize your workflow.

    The skin on the right, including home, can be forgiven and quick for an hour on your visit, in order to show three miles of sophistication.

    The axis, for example, files, which are necessary for the robotics, are copied to the environment folder, I want all the electronic documents to be stored in thematic-chronological folders.

    Get lucky with your gadgets.

    Gotuyuchi ob_d, vie melodiously from the satisfaction, go to the aid of a food processor, multicooker, electric meat grinder, etc., and do not rob everything by hand, vitrachayuchi lasted for an hour.

    This is the principle that needs to be met in the future!

    Wine yourself for success.

    They sounded smartly and clearly, one on the right - have some tea with a tasty drink, if not - take a look at the new line on Facebook, third - go for a walk, etc.

    Chi is not Topchy in one moment.

    People, can bring themselves to the hysterics in the jokes of only the intelligent thoroughness.

    Remember, more beautiful is the enemy of the good.

    Do not get hung up on how bad ideals are, because your galmu is going forward.

    Chi do not accumulate nevikonanі right.

    Forget about the phrase: "I'll get sick tomorrow!"

    Yearly - all year round, and all planned guilt must be completed before the evening.

    As soon as it is seen, it’s early in the morning an avalanche of non-condemned people will hit you.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help.

    Inodi because of pride (or foolishness?) We are afraid to go to see the closest people for help.

    If you don’t meet, then ask your mother to prepare the supper, the cholovik - take the child from the cage, a colleague friend - refer to the call from the client, etc.

from the home video blogger Pavel Bagryantsev:

"How can you get it all and carry on without any problems at once?"

You can try everything and vibrate for yourself the most optimal, you can combine it with pleasure, or you can come up with your own.

Golovne - grab a day, and not just a day of stagnation: “ Yak vtigati everything?!».

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Procrastination - a statement of information on the right for the drive, giving respect to the least significant goals and promoters. As a result, on the right, "awful" - to drag out, to be afraid at the last moment, as if not to be afraid.

I’ll say right away that there’s a shifted respect and a multitude of substitutes that attract us - it’s normal for the mind’s specialness. Bagato science experiments have shown that KKD, whether it is, to find the most sumptuous, sportsman, who can’t stand on a consistently high level. We were able to grow up for a working day less, but we could not grow robots for the same 8 years of robots. For the very same, on any working mission, take a break for lunch, tea, drink, smoke, “play gymnastics” and come in. mi guilty an hour from an hour to change your respect for the best, so that you can improve your productivity, and not hang out for the first three years of robotics. Procrastination becomes a problem if you transform into a "normal" working camp and for a greater part of your working hour.

It is crazy that we have grown up and more straightforward, the more we develop the building up to the level of development at the plant, instead of the pre-construction goals and the joy of rejecting the reported result. Hey, in order to start working on the job, the Therminator, so that you don’t get involved and you don’t want to, you need a great motivation, exam).

And the motivation, like vidomo, buvaє two vidіv - bazhannya otrimatit for yourself is good, or just try to unicnuti the filthy chogos. So, for maximum productivity, you should be guilty or even want to reach a specific mark (and, at the same time!). Motivators can be called out (for praise or for seeing, for a penny premium, for being overwhelmed and for being.)

Tobto, perche, I respect you on the next step of the beast, if you just can't take it, if you can right, it's your motivation. Why do you need yogo zrobiti? Who is tse virishiv? What will you, how are you going to kill, or don't you kill? How do you see it all in front of you, how can you see it? What is the control over the process of invoking you? Chi є specific terms? What are some of the terms noun? How big are you?

But not everything is altogether, it is zychayno. If everything is in order with you with a wide range of types of motivation - you know, if for whom it’s broken on the right, and you don’t want to get lost in the legacy of your failure to understand, if you don’t rob all one thing, it means that you’re right in the right place. natural "smoke break", and with support.

What are the prices for?

Do not be like the right

It is possible, within the framework of the whole zeal, you are brought to the point of being uncomfortable with the need for work. .). The first axis is the male part of the process. In general, everything that you need is in vogue - or to know the one to whom you could have delegated the part to you, otherwise it’s clear to you who you are trying to fix the opir. It’s not a small part, for yak you will need vitratiti, melodiously, not so much in the same hour. Buvagh, you get more angry and seemingly, wind up your heavy emotions in the most efficient ways, and if, nareshti, nourish, then an important process will be finished for a sprinkle of hilin or years. We could just see it, so, so, on the right, it is unacceptable, і in a quick way (you can go to see it, in the first place). Ale, vіdkladyuchi, I don’t give a bunch to the whole bouquet, і winn’s shudder, і invincible to myself for the admission. І vitrachaєmo on the tse curse on the right nagato for more than an hour and mental strength.

Unavailable to estimate the hour

May be, on the right in your strategy for an hour. We know all the students know that "until I sleep until Misyats," so that we can relax and beat the baidiki until quietly, as long as the emergency light does not blink in our brain. The axis of that and that very shock motivation is turned on, as it allows us to create a "unhuman ryvok" and viconati a magnificent project for a few years, and not a month. For some, the strategy is good pratsyuє - ale only in the same way, as long as you have the opportunity to write your titanic zusil deyakiy hour pobaydikuvati and renewed strength. However, for an hour, it is not necessary to adequately prepare for the conscientious preparation of an hour and a day. It is necessary for us to be built, so that we need to start working out of the way. Tse can be just a strategist, as it manifests itself on all the right - the great, small, loving and unloving. And at the same time I really lower our efficiency and sniff us out of a lot of possibilities.

Fear of global processes

Є people who are even better off be-like global development and construction projects. The stench is simply not sharpened pratsyuvati on far inline result. One of my clients, for example, was terribly afraid of being "tidied up" by the general - well, she thought out a thousand miraculous drives for the announcement. If I powered it up, it’s just as bad in the first place, won’t say, we’ll start dozens of other processes that are included in the general tidying process itself, and from one only one of the few and the most shitty. And praise yourself and relax, in the first place, you can only get it if absolutely everything is destroyed. Todi is simpler not to bite into anything. Those that I recommended, tidy up the word "general" from your head and just get into the booth - into the world of forces. For example, only propilosity or wipe the pidvikonnya. And tomorrow it’s not too tight, it’s not even tighter. I can praise yourself for the price. The first pile is right to be transformed into the whole feasible other enterprise. There is no need to clean up the gut at the general cleaning - you can clean up the skin day. And for those who are already unloved by you, please ask a special person for a visit once. This kind of add-on helps the structure, which is how we are built as majestic and unbearable, and of which we just want to grapple. First praise yourself!

The link is over

Buvah, on the right, yaku mi vidkladaemo, it’s also tied for us with unacceptable emotions (trivia, vtoma, sleep, fear of pardon). I know, after all, I would gladden here for a long time to see the flies from cutlets - to the right of your sub-active negative emotions, like the ones on the right for themselves "wrapped". To be amazed, you have taken on the negative emotions that you are rightly afraid of and of being angry. If you are unique otrimaty as a virtual "zapotilichnik" - you are not praised, docir, then, for people, why do you give me the right to evaluate you or not to harden this? Would it be that if you come back from the beginning, you will give us the answer to the incompleteness and the pardon, and you will put up to whatever the result has been rejected, but not a shock?

emotional management

Inodi we can do it, but on the right she called at us unfairly, because we rely on our hopes for those who are to shift it to someone else. Mi vazhaymo, for us, please, please, please, (and more important to our talent, mind and insight). For us zagalі to be built, well tse on the right "not zhіnocha" or "not cholovicha". Todi is not just a presentation, but also demonstrates his dissatisfaction with others. We are cultivated in our own negative emotions, so it stinks є for us it is a tool of manipulation - for the purpose of being able to unite the truth, for in order to preserve (punish) us quietly, who obeyed us to help us to replace them. Innocently, it is wise for you to ask for "justice" and to redefine the connection more competently. More often than not, your malice only shakes you off and gives you a reputation as a grumpy or icy people. So - as there is no way I can know the visitor - to know for myself well and more importantly at the Vicon's office. For example, as a result, you will have a new Navik, or you will be good for someone else, or you will bring your own additions to the world (and I will welcome you!) Meta.

I - the axis is very tsіkavo - I feel myself on the tsyu topic, me in the distance to write an article for pіvtori godini. From the first to ostann'oi literi... First and foremost, when the editor is rejected.

rector International Institute Social Ecology V'yacheslav Gubanov about critical issues: about those who were ready to live and how to live.

"Knowing bi, de fit - the straw pidsteliv ...", "dear to the day of Christ ...". Abo axis shche: "The road is a spoon to obid." All the tsі that richly іnshіh such rіznі orders and prizіv'ya, on the day, - about one and the same: all needs to be done at once. People's wisdom, yak zavzhdi, right! In our life, everything is so written and programmed, but it’s just not enough in an hour. Lyudina is a product of nature, which ripens in the region by and large. From the point of view of science, which our institute is engaged in, it is up to 49 years old to spend in the camp of the "spiritual embryo", which all the whole hour prepares for a grown-up life and building, a warehouse for drinking ... ", As and when you start, you don't need to spend the next hour. And at the end of the term there is a horrible reversal: viconano vono chi ni. Such a school of life with 49 classes ...

49 - Seven times in seven years, as there are crises (critical) events. From them, vasne, go down your life: go down to the gathering, forward - up the hill, up to the top!

It’s a pity, not everyone can do that. Vibachte for such a butt - if you can take a walk through the storeroom and wonder if you lie there, by the way, but, in the main, there are "twins", who incorrectly sent the proponation, they filled up the "sleep" - and from that school was given the task ... It’s well known, it’s the very same and the guilty one, and it’s robotic - we are “transferred to the offensive class”. Axis and go, so glad to all work for an hour - an outrageous demand! Yak then it seems, hto poperezhdenii, that rezbroniy. If you want to be the witnesses of life - regularly visit the "home office"! Show your mind and live long distances. Ale virishuvati treba in an honest way. Students' logic "two times in rіk іspiti buvayut, ale tse nehay hvilyu deanery" in our vipad will not pass. Have real lifeінші rules: you can't buy a diploma and don't have one single sleep. Here the skin path has its own path, and the skin path, which seems to be on the Go, grab the stone of its path.

I know how to look, and from the point of view of the position to assess everything that you are looking for, whether you are not tormented or worried long and hard at a turning point, you can take a philosophical calm and a healthy joy of life.

Uwaga on the table!

Qiu matrix "7 by 7" I broke in 2001 rotsi and buv is even proud, having passed over to practice, so it’s pratsyu. Do not mind, having seen the library of one Buddhist monastery in India, but everything has been done back to me. However, I nevertheless went to the folding of a set of tables on my own and found myself comfortable in the ancient times. So, for my tribute, after 49 years of the table change in the world and in the old people - some of the lives of the people, they can fix and manage new laws.

And if the basic matrix "7x7" is concerned, then it will be born of this fundamental phenomenon, in the human mind and in these basic chakras - the energetic functional centers. Provided chakra to rock (vertical) The horizontal row is the chakra for the best of the seven. Х change in the singing vіtsі put in front of the people’s smut the zeal, as and it is necessary to show up on a general basis.

So, by stretching out the first fate of the life of a lyudin, I will use my immune system; stretching out another - statéve; on the third start, self-consciously forget about the vision: he himself, clean up after himself ...

Until the fate of the child, I will lie down with mothers and her first crisis is going through herself in the river, if she is taken away from her mother's breasts. We will be able to go out for a trip to our mothers, we will grow even more inflating and especially will require a great deal of confinement to all the quiet, who will leave. Three rockies have a spirit of people who grow to grow up to the height, and by means of raptom simultaneously develop. I respect the dad, who is a persh for taking off his not innaksh, like a free sexual competitor, unsupportedly switching over to himself all the strengths and emotions of the hot cohannoi squad. Dad learned how to raptom, so zovsim instructed to grow up cikave stem until the vlstnikh uyavlen about life!

Before 5 rockiv spirit of mitsnin, and yogo volodar started mislity - moreover, most often it was original! In 7 rocks, a little people have a nareshty to appear with a sense of diversity. It’s ready at once before I enter school: it’s my brain only to know the biological health of my child until the end of the day. Wunderkindi, as I know, start to see - ale the stench, it's a pity, urge me not to vindicate the glorious hopes, as I lay on them in my youth. I can't guess great number from the house of politicians, students of diplomats, such as children from wunderkind. To what? The one who needs everything right away. The first child, having lived through freedom by and large, is guilty of growing up forever! There is no need to steal from the new nature of the world, an hour and a half-life of turbulent life, as it is absolutely necessary for people in a mature country. Even on the same foundation, you will have your own life!

V 7 rock child from “first on top” to switch to “other”: to repair the period of statistic maturity (div. table), which is trivial to 14 rocky. In 9 years on a new initiative, put on a great infusion of the spirit of the old state! (It is not included in the life of my life and I am alive in this state of affairs - in the skin of the skin, we have thought of styles from a human and a child's beginnings?!)

For me, for example, women do not easily see a subtle nature, like their mind. And the feminine spirit of my past life manifest through the ninish choloviche tilo. As well as two spiritual cobs, more and more, more and more, spice up in us on the pivots - just like that and go out of balance, harmonious and mature specialness, but volodya happy good health to show these good times,

Otzhe, in 9th vіtsі yde solidification of the ninіshny statі of the specialty. Lyudin will be “grafted” from the colic, who died from the viglyad who was left to his soul. Bagato, navіt sіlkom normal, children mend to see in the whole hour the motor fear of death. There is little to say about it, ale vin often becomes the cause of childish neuroses. The flippers get lost and start thinking on their own, like to torment them, in the development of literature. Until the speech, the stars are nevgamovna craving for the "horror story": fear is guilty as viplesnutisya, neutralizuvatisya! ..

The crisis of the 9-th century can be tried to help people, immediately and correctly took care of the people with the corny information about svitoustr_y, know him on the intelligence of his mind with the laws of the Evolution. І explain that death in a concrete image does not unmistakably mean people in the world ... This is how it is possible to hear your emotions from the negative, to calmness - and life to the light. Lyudin, like the intelligence of the laws of svitobudovi, already cannot be so easily brought up to the level of rivnovagi ...

17 rock- an hour to make sure that the build-ups are taken care of the price: give me pennies, superjinsy, supermobile! .. It's okay. It is interesting to add some destinations to be deprived of fate, at 18. It’s the same at all times without a reasonable time, an hour to get ready to find something. Vzagal, "terrible" vіk, splinters in the whole hour I know about myself a bunch of life of our spirit: now - at the sight of the social unrealization of this bunch of nose. Metannya, ambition, image ... Good, all the same, "in life, once, boom ..."!

A critical attack - 21 rik, Finishing induce a solid frame from the bottom to the waist. The axis and everything is the third, it is weak, the chakra has gained a working revolution and has quieted down quickly, forcefully!

Uvaga for "Iroquois"!

This is how we call the scheme. From the people until 21, people’s life is built up in such a rank and taught such horrible lessons, so at least one hour can be described as follows: “bitty viznachaє svidomist”! It's a pity, people, who didn’t reach the 21st century, you can talk about conscience, Borg, decency: there will be nobility and understanding, but you cannot see them. The period of spiritual self-knowledge is from 21 rock and trivia to 28 rock. Biologically, it is necessary to rotate in the activization of the time zone and the brain. Lyudin has to learn to think about her own children, analyze and assess them.

The first, in a fair way, is the global crisis of checking us in 28 rockies, if we are first presented with a serious rakhunok for the past rocky. Three months before, or three months later, after the 28th day, the two-night smog is truly unbearable life! The way to grow up in memory yaskravo, b'yut sore and see at all this, that your previous life is absolutely nothing. Qiu earnestly "clean up" before going over to the offensive stage of life of the demand, go through it very carefully, but do not get stuck and do not get nervous. On the right in that, up to 28 rocky in all - children, from the point of view of the stand of our energetic field. The maturity of the infusion is rapt and sharp. Going to the 29th ric of life, it’s a lot of people who have become completely alien and their own style, and their already formed, wondrous, emotional obolontsi ... to Saturn's wrap navkol Sontsya).

28 - 35 rock- an hour of sharpened respect for the thought of the dying. Be-yake condemn the word sprymaєtsya even more seriously - to be called, b'є navidlig. Be-yak praise okryu. Ide is active in the socialization of the specialty.

Before the speech, social conflicts are experienced every 5 years. All sides of a suspenseful life are not to be missed. Regardless of the fact that you open up all of these or vlasnu form, there will be serious problems through the five. Price is difficult for growth. The stench of naturalness and nourishment to feed on cinnamon, as your repair is healthier with potential. Todі through 2 rocks the process goes to a new positive rіven. If there is no potential for it, then for the peak of the crisis there will be two rockets of a big agony and inevitably a fiasco.

So, when you wrestle with the robot, you will not unmistakably ask for it - check to join the team with the company, which is 4.5 years old: you need to wonder, as you will pass through the 5-day crisis.

Spiritual, creative and splendid processes may be experiencing crisis moments, ale - skin 9 rocks.

V 35 rock to repair another period of life, shake them, as they praise the spirit: bittya know new evidence! Such a person is to blame for the increase in social status. Having stepped on - another one, more mature crock to the consciousness of oneself that reached the inner harmony. This matrix is ​​linked in one whole with the spiritual matrix.

It’s important for people to walk through the 35th day - it’s better not to miss the robot at all and not to fix a new right. 36 - it’s the very hour that I’ll leave my thoughts, to bring my spirit into the clearly new development. It’s not dead, those who came here could be fatal - as they became for Pushkin, Asenin, Mayakovsky ... ..

42 - 49 rock- an hour of spiritual self-knowledge on a new, more mature level. The woman often raptom, the stars do not rise, there is a convulsive bazhanya of the people! Maybe it’s just that I don’t understand that I’ll see the need of all people for myself as a new specialty - in the reason for being aware of the natures ?! Narodzhuvati, in a literal sense, is not recommended for any reason: you live in spiritual self-knowledge, a little child at once - a gracious crock and sunta, as it lowers you to the biological level of development. And the tse - croc back, scho go away from the evolving vimogs of nature.

Even before 49 years of self-recognition, the process of self-recognition is not complete, people become unstable to the spirit: nature does not need "spiritual empty colors." To see the natural liquidation of the physical body ... They will be promoted even more actively in the struggle and education by the rocks of adults, the union of a more healthy body and more and more inclined to the spirit. It is necessary to develop as a specialty, to increase the potential, to connect to social and special life. In this rank, the offensive is prepared 56 rock: For such an eventual one, for even a bagatokh, another "Saturn" crisis is becoming an hour. Abo - another "Saturnian" death ... vlasny life I often want to put a chrest, become a grandmother and see the light with pelyushki. And treba, navpaki, dbati about yourself, your own spirit and - life, radio, because you still have created a very important sleep under the code number "56"!

A crisis is coming - 63 rock I have lived in retirement for three years. Our people are retired for three lives, but, in principle, that's right: just as a man of sixty rocks will allow the possibility of active social activity, but not before or not. Dovgolittya academics will explain to them that the stink doesn’t go into retirement, we are continuing life in science. Everything is simple: smell the tsikavi suspension, and їm start tsіkava life! 7 rocky to 70-riches spill uncomfortable, but because of the stench and seeming to shy away - on the white, as it seems, the end of the coming "period zahochen"! (Div. "Iroquois" vische).

As for mere mortals, then the knowledge of critical groups will help to cleanse themselves from the mass of uncommon inconsistencies and problems, as soon as they clarify, it is not permissible to transform them into a junior com. Everything is cyclical in the whole world, everything is to translate us into a new, bigger rіven. It is simply necessary to remember about and not to complex the drive of natural vicissitudes, which are inevitable. We live under non-gateway laws: spiritually creative, biological and social. Cleverness is the basis of a dynamic, dynamic and creative life.

Rector of the "International Institute of Social Ecology"
V.V. Gubanov (і magazine "LEDI-TIME")

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