It is a difficult period in life. How to survive difficult times

In fact, every day a person's life is not easy. Waking up in the morning, immediately need to make a decision, what next? You need to live according to your age. Is it possible to be healthy one who already lives in his youth as a deep old man. Then he catches himself and tries to catch up.

Each of us has noticed difficult periods in the year, during which the breakdown and emptiness.
Since February, a person has been weakening for about six months. During the "growth of plants" in May, June, human strength is the most weakened.

Arrival and surge of energy begins in August, the man grows stronger until the end of December. Therefore, in the summer is not recommended to make great plans and the maximum strain. The statement does not apply to farmers. People working on the earth have their own lifestyle, centuries-old genes and biorhythms. Summer time is most dangerous for the weak and the elderly. It is dangerous for people who have experienced severe mental turmoil, a nervous breakdown. For them - the time of physical and mental emptiness. You should save yourself to people who have worked hard and a lot.

Human life can be divided into twelve-year periods, as was done in Tibet. Happy period to 12 years. The child lives happily, naturally, receiving in the course of the game the first knowledge and basic impressions. Dawn of life.

Twelve-year periods of human life

  • From 13 to 24 years old morning. Youth, time to study. The golden time of a person, the time of laying the foundation of life, the period of maximum physical, mental, sexual potency, is the time of maximum health.
  • From 25 to 36 years - the time of maximum accomplishments and achievements. It's like the beginning of summer, noon.

The remaining twelve-year periods are characterized as a time of calm, the use of what has already been achieved. From 37 to 48 years old - summer. From 48 to 60 - autumn. From 61 to 72 late autumn. Next comes the winter.

At the beginning of each period, the person is reborn, as it were, in a new way. At 13, 25, 37, 49, 61 and at 73 years old, man is “born”. He is agitated, rebellious, mentally unstable.

The years of the beginning of twelve-year periods are the most difficult years. There is a great danger of doing rash acts, irreparable mistakes and wrong decisions. At this time there is a risk of losing health. In the middle of the period - flourishing, then in the last two years of the period - fatigue, decline in vitality, depression. Every age has its own way of life. At the beginning of each period, you need to look at yourself, to observe. Rate what has been achieved and where to go next. Outline new plans and life goals.

In Tibet, the year is divided into six seasons.

  • (November, December) - "the beginning of winter"
  • (January, February) - “the end of winter”
  • (March, April) - "Spring"
  • (May, June) - “the period of plant growth”
  • (July, August) - "summer"
  • (September, October) - “autumn”.
  • It does not always exactly match. In some years, due to climate change, spring comes earlier, or prolonged autumn.

Spring is unfavorable for the liver and gallbladder, summer is for the heart and the gastrointestinal tract.

For the stomach and pancreas end of summer is dangerous.

For the lungs - autumn.

For the kidneys - winter.

In the fall, when the body is strong, hypothermia can only lead to a cold, and in winter it can hit the kidneys.

The ancients believed that the prevailing human emotions also differ by year.

  • Spring is anger. Joy - at the beginning of summer. Sadness at the end of the summer. Tosca - in the fall. Fear is in winter.
  • In the spring you need to protect yourself from unpleasant people, meetings and conversations with them, do not go ahead, do not test patience.
  • At the beginning of summer, the predominance of joyful emotions is extremely important. If in a family, for example, they quarrel at the beginning of summer, then it is quite possible that they will grieve each other all summer, shortening their lives and weakening their hearts.
  • It is especially dangerous for a person during the off-season, when winter turns into spring. This time is approximately from February 20 to March 11. During off-season periods, the spleen-pancreas system must be protected. Protect yourself from worries, quarrels, infections and food poisoning.

Tibet physicians advise "in the summer ... there is little, in the winter - a lot, in the fall and in the spring moderately." The same rules relate to the sexual life of a person.
These are about periods of life. Who is informed - that is armed!

One who steps gently can go far.

Chinese proverb

Experiencing not the simplest moments, I often reminded myself that I needed to be strong. But it is impossible to keep yourself in a strong grip all the time. And at some point I realized that, tightening my screws, I risk breaking the threads.

Where there is pressure and resistance, disruption is only a matter set aside in time. Wait for the finished. The reason for this breakdown is the struggle that unfolds within us at a crucial moment when we force ourselves to be strong, breaking ourselves.

Perhaps we too literally understand the phrase "all life is a struggle." We fight where it is not needed, and we drive ourselves into frames that correspond to our beliefs, but contradict our desires. As a result, we often fight with ourselves than with what is happening.

It is important to allow yourself to sometimes be weak, give yourself the right to make a mistake and allow yourself “forbidden” emotions. Without this tolerance it is difficult to open up changes and not break at a turning point.

Fear, anger, resentment - the same emotions as joy, delight and pleasure. Why don't we treat them the same way? We laugh and rejoice from the heart. Why do we not allow ourselves to be offended or angry with all our hearts?

What about to envy someone to the fullest? You involuntarily join the game, watching yourself green with envy or turning purple with anger. Becoming an observer, it is easier to control yourself and your emotions.

Negative emotions have more energy than positive ones. This energy can be suppressed, and can be used as an incentive. Fear makes us move. Envy helps to understand what we want. Anger shows us how to change attitudes. Failures motivate action; success does not. Crisis forces to seek a solution, comfort does not.

The strength of the turning point

Realizing the potential of a turning point, you begin to perceive it as an invisible hand that guides you through life. You can pull the hand, and you can trust it, catch the direction and hit the road.

You can relax and open up to change. Relax when emotions hit over the edge ?! Yes, otherwise we risk injuring ourselves. Tension - the cause of many of our injuries, both mental and physical.

In the power of emotions, thinking wisely fails. And often we not only do not seek to calm down, but, on the contrary, indulge in emotions even more. Paul Ekman called this phenomenon "Othello's mistake." Second weakness - and from the funnel of emotions can not escape. Twisted - twisted.

To prevent yourself from being dragged to the bottom, you need only a little awareness. The easiest way is to start looking for the answer to the question of what kind of emotion you feel. This will distract and divert attention, which means it will help to perceive everything more objectively.

When we talk about what we feel, it becomes easier for us. Admitting to yourself: “Yes, I'm scared,” you are already much less afraid. Realizing the emotion, you need to consider it, grasp all shades, survive, feel each cell and do it with full dedication.

The main thing is not to get bogged down in savoring experiences (self-pity is very addictive). I cope with this, highlighting a clear period of time for living this or that emotion. After that, you can enter a constructive dialogue with yourself, develop an attitude to what is happening and move on to actions.

Allowing yourself not to be perfect, it is easier to become flexible and open up to the changes that the turning point brings.

I really like the story of Vicky Baum, which Dale Carnegie brings in his book How to stop worrying and start living. The best metaphor for flexibility, I have not yet met.

“Famous novelist Vicky Baum tells how in childhood she met an old man who taught her one of the most important lessons in life. One day she fell, kneeled and injured her wrist. The old man raised her. Once he was a circus clown, and brushing off her dress, he said:

“You suffered from not being able to relax. Imagine that your body is as supple as a sock, like an old crumpled sock. Come, I will show you how this is done. "

The old man showed Vicky Baum and the other children how to fall and tumble. And he repeated all the time: “Imagine that you are an old crumpled sock. Then you will definitely relax! ”

Relax when possible. Let your body be as supple as an old sock. When I start work, I put an old maroon-colored sock on my desk. He reminds me of how relaxed I should be. If you do not have a sock, a cat will do.

Yoga in India is advised to imitate the cat to those who want to master the art of relaxation. I have never met a tired cat, a cat that has a nervous breakdown, or a cat suffering from insomnia. The cat is not plagued by anxiety and is not threatened by a stomach ulcer. And you too can save yourself from these troubles if you learn to relax like a cat. ”

Hello, I have a difficult period in my life, I have been married for less than a year, have a son of 5 months, they planned and wanted a child. My husband wanted to start a family, get married and have a child, everything was fine, he is very aggressive, but I was already used to it and closed my eyes.
As a baby was born, everything became complicated, I spent all the time with him, I still tried to do everything at home and love my husband, but he constantly said that I was lazy, didn’t do anything, didn’t clean, did not cook, and I don’t sit with my child although he himself was at work all the time, and when he came he sat at the computer to play, I, as an obedient wife, “well, tired, you never know, breadwinner”, served him and his peace, he himself plays with the baby for about 10 minutes, then the pier is tired. My life flew to the tar of Tarara, my friends have their own lives, their husbands (sometimes goes to friends, goes to the gym). When I was 22 years old, I became like a slave for home life. There is no sex either, to which he is angry, and after a “work day” with small + everyday reproaches, I have no mood nor strength. Recently, he had a car, he spends all the time with her, himself on vacation, I ask you to spend time with us, at least at home, we never go anywhere at all, take a walk around the area and do some shopping.

I have been depressed all week, except for anxiety disorder, he has never approached me, although I tried to take a talk. 2 days was hysterical, eventually packed up to go to my mother, but taking himself in hand, because the son, as I will bring him up alone, I stayed. It was very bad for me that I went to buy myself a bottle of beer, throw stones at me, I'm on GV. I came home drank, quarreled again, I freaked out not to say too much and did not swear, said that I was going to the yard to get some air, that I would be back in 20 minutes, he made me leave the keys, I left and left. After 15 minutes, she returned, and he took the child and drove off to her mom, leaving me alone in the street, I started to call everyone in a panic, and I learned that he was with my mother. The most interesting thing is that he went to my mother-in-law to complain to me that I was drinking! I call her, find out where my child is, she started yelling at me with all sorts of unknown words, so that I’m an alcoholic and so on, bad mother, that my child is underdeveloped, because when we came to her, he woke up and hung on his hands, cloud cover head on the shoulders, she took it as a bad head, although nothing like that. There are many stories with my “beloved” mother-in-law, we are not at odds with her.

As a result, my muzhin returned, I took the baby and went to my mother. The thing is, I want to come back, I want a decent future for my baby, to be with my father, and I love my husband very much, I write and call him all day, and he sends me, to put it mildly, I ask that I will return if his mothers in our there will be no life, in return he sets forth conditions for me that I need to do in order to return.

Forgive me, I wanted to speak out and advice how to proceed further ..

Getting involved in a lot of things
  Do not rush like a nerd through the jungle,
  Do not worry that you did not have time,
  Maybe you're late for the Titanic.

Igor Guberman

Difficulties in life overtake us suddenly, without warning, and almost knock us down. They have many forms, and sometimes even the support of loved ones or wise books does not help to overcome adversity.

To survive difficult times, you must first mobilize all your internal resources. Adjust yourself in the right way, practice calm, acceptance and even gratitude for what is happening. Believe me - all for the better!

Life sooner or later will take you where you aspire, but when you feel that you are ready to faint from the burden of difficulties, repeat to yourself these phrases.

1. I have the right to cry a little, but soon I will laugh again

Emotional detente is very important in order to survive the tribulation period, to come to terms with failure, mistakes, difficulties. Never hold back or feel guilty for being depressed and lacking in strength.

But it is important to remember that this state, the need to “look into the eyes of our demons,” should not last too long. This should not be permanent.

Crying and reflecting on our problems serves a very clear purpose: to help us accept what has happened, to move forward, to change the situation and ourselves. You deserve to start smiling again.

2. The person who can best help me get through the difficulties is myself

You may be surrounded by good friends, a sensitive partner and a loving family who cares about you. However, you should be able to cope with these moments of difficulty yourself.

Without will, without energy, without hope, it will be very difficult for you to get out of this dark room into which you have fallen. Listen to those around you, accept their help, but then you yourself must start this internal process of overcoming difficulties.

3. I can not change circumstances, but I can change my attitude towards them

There are things that can not be avoided: loss, illness, separation, relationships that break, despite all our efforts ...

None of us can control 100% of these difficulties and circumstances that life sometimes throws at us. However, only we are responsible for our thoughts.

"I can not" completely immobilizes us and brings us only negative emotions. While “I can do this” completely changes our attitude and we find new strengths.

Do not forget about it!

4. I will begin to live when I step over my fear

In our articles we have talked many times about the comfort zone. This is the invisible space that surrounds us and gives us a sense of security and control over the situation.

However, when we experience hardship and adversity, we feel that these invisible walls are crumbling, leaving us completely defenseless.

We must overcome this fear and go beyond the limits of this once-cozy cocoon that surrounded us.

If you are afraid to even think what will happen to you now, after you cross this line, then first accept what happened, and then remind yourself that life goes on and you along with it. Forward!

If you feel fear, are afraid to be alone, then rationalize these fears and remember our second phrase: the only person who can help you is you. Find the strength to overcome it.

5. I have to take care of my calm and inner balance every day.

You care about your diet, weight, go to the doctor to check your health. Constantly think and take care of your loved ones, and perhaps in the evening you fall on the bed with almost no strength.

Now ask yourself, when was the last time you thought about your feelings, needs and your inner world?

It is useful to ask yourself this question every day. If we prioritize the needs of others, we begin to neglect ourselves.

If we focus our efforts on material things, trying to accumulate or receive them, we forget about really important things: our happiness, our integrity as a person.

When times are tough, we must be prepared for them, and the best strategy is to cultivate our inner peace every day, to strengthen self-esteem and self-esteem.

Not forgetting, first of all, that life flows and everything is constantly changing. Like it or not, we need to be part of this movement.

And in conclusion, it should be emphasized that none of us can predict when these difficult moments will come and life will test us for strength, so you need to know how to “launch” these mechanisms of viability, and these phrases will help you with this.

Because having survived the storm, we will definitely see a rainbow.

How to survive the difficult moments of life

To survive difficult times, you must first mobilize all your internal resources.
Getting involved in a lot of things
  Do not rush like a nerd through the jungle,
  Do not worry that you did not have time,
  Maybe you're late for the Titanic.

  (Igor Guberman)

  T ore in life overtakes us suddenly, without warning, and practically knock down. They have many forms, and sometimes even the support of loved ones or wise books does not help to overcome adversity. To survive difficult times, you must first mobilize all your internal resources. Adjust yourself in the right way, practice calm, acceptance and even gratitude for what is happening. Believe me - all for the better!

Life sooner or later will take you where you aspire, but when you feel that you are ready to faint from the burden of difficulties, repeat to yourself these phrases.

1. I have the right to cry a little, but soon I will laugh again

  Emotional detente is very important in order to survive the tribulation period, to come to terms with failure, mistakes, difficulties. Never hold back or feel guilty for being depressed and lacking in strength.

But it is important to remember that this state, the need to “look into the eyes of our demons,” should not last too long. This should not be permanent.

Crying and reflecting on our problems serves a very clear purpose: to help us accept what has happened, to move forward, to change the situation and ourselves. You deserve to start smiling again.

2. The person who can best help me get through the difficulties is myself

  You may be surrounded by good friends, a sensitive partner and a loving family who cares about you. However, you should be able to cope with these moments of difficulty yourself.

Without will, without energy, without hope, it will be very difficult for you to get out of this dark room into which you have fallen. Listen to those around you, accept their help, but then you yourself must start this internal process of overcoming difficulties.

3. I can not change circumstances, but I can change my attitude towards them

  There are things that can not be avoided: loss, illness, separation, relationships that break, despite all our efforts ...

None of us can control 100% of these difficulties and circumstances that life sometimes throws at us. However, only we are responsible for our thoughts. "I can not" completely immobilizes us and brings us only negative emotions. While “I can do this” completely changes our attitude and we find new strengths.

Do not forget about it!

4. I will begin to live when I step over my fear

  We all know about the so-called "comfort zone". This is the invisible space that surrounds us and gives us a sense of security and control over the situation.

However, when we experience hardship and adversity, we feel that these invisible walls are crumbling, leaving us completely defenseless.

We must overcome this fear and go beyond the limits of this once-cozy cocoon that surrounded us.

If you are afraid to even think what will happen to you now, after you cross this line, then first accept what happened, and then remind yourself that life goes on and you along with it. Forward!

If you feel fear, are afraid to be alone, then rationalize these fears and remember our second phrase: the only person who can help you is you. Find the strength to overcome it.

5. I have to take care of my calm and inner balance every day.

  You care about your diet, weight, go to the doctor to check your health. Constantly think and take care of your loved ones, and perhaps in the evening you fall on the bed with almost no strength.

Now ask yourself, when was the last time you thought about your feelings, needs and your inner world?

It is useful to ask yourself this question every day. If we prioritize the needs of others, we begin to neglect ourselves.

If we focus our efforts on material things, trying to accumulate or receive them, we forget about really important things: our happiness, our integrity as a person.

When times are tough, we must be prepared for them, and the best strategy is to cultivate our inner peace every day, to strengthen self-esteem and self-esteem.
Not forgetting, first of all, that life flows and everything is constantly changing. Like it or not, we need to be part of this movement.

And in conclusion - remember: none of us can predict when these difficult moments will come and life will test us for strength, so you need to know how to "launch" these mechanisms of viability, and these phrases will help you with this. Because having survived the storm, we will definitely see a rainbow.