Take out the pennies. Inherits of withdrawing money through individual entrepreneurs, bank cards and other methods. How the process of legalization of illegal goods works

Hello, dear readers.

Business is such a thing that you have to understand your own laws and rules. However, as in any system, they can be discussed, so that, as it seems, “a mosquito cannot sharpen its nose.” And this is because human greed is immortal.

You yourself know about the various ways to profit from this or that other type of activity: corruption, financial embezzlement, etc. This allows certain individuals to take advantage of taxes and drag themselves into the coffers of copious amounts.

Fortunately, there is an antidote on the skin and most of these evildoers can be caught without any problems, however, since it is effective for people, their evil becomes much more difficult.

Today we’ll talk about the siphoning of pennies through bank cards, the origins and schemes of such an adventure. We will find out what terms threaten lawbreakers, and what are the reasons for going to such, without exaggeration, a crazy step.

I am confident that this is the purpose of making those who, looking for a quick getaway, turn to their senses and circumvent all the laws of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How and why to worry

It’s important to note that this type of cheating began literally from the moment the first credit card appeared. Adja, really, was she supposed to be there? That's right, for the easy and effective recovery of your money.

However, by issuing such cards, banks gave the evildoers the inability to manipulate money, using this system for their own benefit.

Through them they are trying to bring out great sums in the most obvious way and distribute them according to the fact that there is a special economical policy, where there is little to give in taxes, and where you can’t see your income in a practical way for everyday circumstances.

As a rule, the Shahs exploit one of the even popular schemes of separating government services in order to open front companies. They don’t want to carry their own bark for third-party citizens, but they don’t have a tool to enrich their organizers.

For them, its main function can be called the creation of a fake bank account into which “hard money” will be transferred, after which they will be withdrawn and sent to distant lands, where it will no longer be possible to recover them and feasibility.

As far as the cards themselves are concerned, the criminal world has seen a number of variants of them as a means of swindling these sums:

  • taking away cards by fake persons;
  • searching for the fact of an unknown person to grab a card;
  • Take a singing amount of cooking for eating wine in the city. So the people, who have nothing to do with the shahrays, simply take away a small amount.

There are precedents, if the organizers of illegal schemes themselves try to snatch the card from their hands. Why bother about the stink under the different drives? For example, for or against accumulative storage.

True, they are subject to low rules, for example, they only make money in those cans that have been made of plastic. The reason here is even more banal. It’s just that it’s more expensive to work through other financial systems, so transferring to cooking requires you to earn money as a commission.

In addition, they don’t “glow” on the cameras and if you are going to stop cooking, then you have to ask someone else to do it: your friend, a known relative, or maybe even a stranger for a song in the city, I already wrote more .

How do the personnel of financial institutions react?

The banks themselves don’t want to be fooled, so they’ll use countermeasures so that the gamblers no longer choose them as a bag of money, which can easily be opened and take away everything that’s there.

So, for example, the security officers of Oschadbank can involuntarily blame hundreds for the withdrawal of funds, since they are absolutely responsible for the fact that this client is trying to deceive them and the law.

In addition, there are other tools in their arsenal. For example, horses, they can simply see a given individual being transferred to cooking, and they will be blamed for the fact that they cannot be brought to court for all reasonable reasons.

Before speaking, starting from the summer of 2016, the financial sector has made life even more difficult for dishonest clients. They saw an additional limit on various transfers of costs.

Now, if they have withdrawn more than 600 thousand rubles at once, then the employees of that other bank have the right to provide them with such a large income.

In another case, and if it is illegal, the bank can easily be serviced and block the drawer with all the money that is lost there.

Responsibility for crime

Ale is not all that can be used to punish the Shahraev. In the worst cases, the disease can result in criminal charges and significant fines for both legal and physical persons.

For example, according to Articles 174 and 174.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation, those who are guilty will be fined in the amount of 200 thousand rubles or the same wage for 2 years, or correct work on lines up to two years or a relationship on that the same term plus a one-time payment of 50,000 rubles.

While there are physical problems, for legal ones it can all end in just the same way, so my dears, better yet, don’t start teasing the law otherwise you’ll end up in a terrible situation.

For example, the fine ranges from 50 thousand to 1 million and the revocation of rights to operate for three months. And in the worst case, you just have to choose a license, and you will no longer be able to engage in any business you want.

In addition to the treatment of the heirs, who are standing in the Physosib state, move on to the townspeople, as direct participants in illegal activities related to the diversion of finance.


In this manner, we agreed, the Shahs would go back, as the scheme worked out, and also threaten the evildoers themselves, since the stench was lost in the hands of justice.

I bet you will never think of doing something like this, and not something that is even worse. I just don’t think it’s good for you to sit back and drink money and pay a huge amount of money as a fine for your illegal adventure.

All the best to you and see you soon!

Let’s say you have a sum that is very heavy on the stomach, say, hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. It’s possible that you didn’t earn them legally and don’t want to share the donations with your friends, your friends, or your children.

There is no need to be afraid. There were a lot of financial schemes that could lead to you, no matter how suspicious.

It is necessary to say that the injection of capital fuels the world economy - it stimulates the flow of capital from the countries that are developing, and it increases the diversity of assets in the countries of the world. However, this fact does not fool anyone.

Let's take a look at the following schemes.

In this ancient mystique, China leads. During the period from 2002 to 2011, approximately 1.08 trillion dollars (43.2 trillion rubles) were illegally exported from the country - regardless of those who are dependent on local legislation on currency regulation. demands to obtain special permission to exchange sums from yuan, which is equivalent to $50,000 (2 million rubles), compared to any other foreign currency.

The recovery of lost pennies is an international game. This can be seen from the statistics on the flow of capital from different countries for the same period - from 2002 to 2011:

  • Russia- 880.96 billion dollars (35 trillion rubles);

  • Mexico- 461.86 billion dollars (18 trillion rubles);

  • Malaysia- 370.38 billion dollars (15 trillion rubles);

  • India- 343.93 billion dollars (14 trillion rubles);

  • Saudi Arabia- 266.43 billion dollars (11 trillion rubles);

  • Brazil- 192.69 billion dollars (8 trillion rubles).

In just ten years, from twenty developing countries, 5.9 trillion dollars (240 trillion rubles) were illegally exported, which is equivalent to 49 billion dollars (2 trillion rubles) per month.

This is what everyone does - from corrupt politicians and drug cartels to ordinary people who cannot pay taxes and alimony.

The Americans, who wanted to protect themselves from the shells of offshore banks, came up against the Foreign Bank Transfer Act, which was praised by the US in 2010. According to this law, foreign banks are required to provide information about the schemes opened by US citizens. However, for those who want to make money, there are no alternative options, especially since breaking the law is not taboo for them.

The axis of the theoretical basis of pennies:

Lesson 1. Offshore People's Republic

Macau and Hong Kong are special administrative regions of the People's Republic of China. It’s especially easy for such a “double-valued” status to get the hang of the water here. Macau is the world's capital of casinos, which now spin more pennies than Las Vegas, and in Hong Kong they have dispensed with unimportant banks and other intermediaries, who will not provide their depositors with deposits (for their deposits). bottom of the wine city), as well as help you transfer money anywhere in the world.

Prank the agent

Let’s say you live or work in China and want to grab some great swag. First of all, you need to transfer it from yuan to any foreign currency so that the country does not know about it. The easiest way to do this is to find an agent from mainland China who will exchange your cooking for casino chips and take up to 20% of the amount.

Go to the casino

Find a friendly casino that will blind you to those who came with big chips. There you can convert them into Hong Kong or American dollars and manage the withdrawal of pennies as you pay for your needs. You can deposit them with any bank in Hong Kong or, for greater security, contact an offshore lawyer. At the moment the casino deposits your chips with the chips of law-abiding citizens and accounts for 1 million US dollars as payment of winnings.

Turn around, having struck a stake

Your bank or lawyer will have to transfer your money unpreparedly in the most confusing way - for example, by crossing several national borders in order to singly beat the traces of any service. As a result, the money may end up in an American trust fund, a shell company registered in the Cayman Islands and another fund on the island of Guernsey, a bank accounted for by Luxembourg and maintained by a Swiss banker. ii, Singapore and the Caribbean Islands, which is not without reference to the official authority .

Lesson 2. Little helpers

Have you ever seen cartoons about the Smurfs - the little blue men who call out to the underworld? The world of finance also has “smurfs”, but is referred to differently. This is what simple people are called to help difficult people get ready. They open hundreds of thousands of small deposits and transfer small sums of pennies without raising any great suspicion.

Get assistants

Find the Smurf's contact: phone or email, and talk to your heart's content. After paying for everything, the Smurf will tell you to bring the bag ready to your new home (obviously, not to the enchanted forest, who knows). Then the Smurf opens the shell of the jar and over the course of many years or months (or maybe even more fateful) the giblets become larger. Be sure not to overstep the boundaries, as you may induce unnecessary interest from the bank.

Make money

Sometimes you can ask the Smurf to withdraw a sum of money, for example, for a gift certificate for shopping. So these pennies are no longer known to you. Let's not be foolish. It’s best to find a way to transfer your money via bank transfer to an offshore location or to a fictitious company.

Beware of the spike

It is expected that the Smurf will be lost at gunpoint again. Ale na te vin i smurf. With the development of Internet banking, smurfing has become simpler and more profitable, and the most friendly smurfs can turn such sums that they cry out with suspicion. For a long time, in Hong Kong, the biggest contributor to the money raised was the deposit in the name of Luo Junchen, who started from a $500 deposit with the Bank of China. Over the past two months, a total of 5,000 deposits have been opened and over 3,500 pennies have been written off via Internet banking, thus transferring 1.67 billion dollars (67 billion rubles) to the office. shori. In 2013, his family was marked and sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment. This is a great misfortune for the Smurf himself, and also for his clients.

Sometimes the Smurfs lead an incredibly bohemian way of living, which they can see for themselves. Another Hong Kong resident, Carson Yeung, faces up to six months of debt for having withdrawn 91.27 million dollars (3.6 billion rubles) from his bank account between 2001 and 2007. When a lot of money was spent, he realized that he had so many pennies that he was able to buy his own football club “Birmingham City”, that is because the shares of hundreds of millions of dollars helped him to build up trade in stock exchanges, this salon and gambling games.

Lesson 3. Great corporations

As a matter of fact, great deals don’t involve themselves in dealing with casinos, foolish banks, agents or Smurfs. They spend millions and billions of dollars through corporate entities that do not subject to exchange controls, do not go to the services of banks and do not transfer any pennies into cooking.

Envy vartіst

Understand that you are a government official or a senior person of a corporation and you want to earn 1 million dollars on a contract placed under a protected company with a private or foreign company. You confirm the contract, withdraw the payment and write off millions of profits, one of which you calmly put in your gut.

The client can deposit your million to the offshore one-day, your part in which case can be taken. Now you can freely dispose of your money. Accounting writes off this amount as it was spent on consultations with specialists from offshore locations.

In addition, you can use up that million to acquire an offshore asset, or you can gradually write it off from your salary and bonuses. All the schemes are working with a bang.

Reduce Vartity

Everything is done with precision. Sell ​​your goods or services to another company cheaper for their real value. Then you take your million from the money you borrowed directly from the company that provided this profitable benefit. Ask the proceeds to be transferred to an anonymous offshore bank or any other asset, to the authorities.

Lesson 4. Diamanti

Diamanti - these are the best friends of girls and boys who want to circle the order with their finger.

Diamond's chuckle

If you don't know how to bring a million dollars into the United States without being marked, then you need information that was leaked from UBS (NYSE:UBS). It’s easy to know that some people buy diamonds and transport them in toothpaste tubes. In an hour, when Colgate runs out, the diamonds will be sold at the black market.

Stamps and cards

Another way to withdraw money is to transfer it to debit cards. More conservative traders convert money into postage stamps, which is something that relevant valuers are willing to pay for.

The Swiss financial conglomerate Credit Suisse (NYSE:CS) has acknowledged its responsibility for similar activities. Zokrema, the bank received documents and did not hear about the loan less than 10,000 dollars, to help US citizens cope with taxes. For this, Credit Suisse paid a fine of 2.6 billion dollars (104 billion rubles), but it is unlikely to serve as a lesson to other banks.

Lesson 5. Paradise Islands

Anyone who wants to try to get some money from the money they have stolen, and even close a shop. If the fight against corruption is large-scale, as is already underway everywhere in the West and will soon flare up in China, drain the illegal penny rivers. But not tomorrow. Today's crusades against corruption will no longer increase its frequency.

According to UN data, the largest recipient of foreign direct investment in 2013 was the Virgin Islands (Great Britain) - an archipelago with a population of 23,000 people. Here, a trace of foreign transfers is spent for a total amount of approximately 92 billion dollars (3.7 trillion rubles) - which is more than that of direct foreign investments received by India and Brazil, at the same time. Other great coastal harbors include the Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra and Vanuatu.

This does not mean that money will be lost in offshore companies any time soon. In 2014, Chinese citizens overtook Russians for the number of new condominiums in New York. Illegal pennies are used to pay for the purchase of mansions from London, luxury yachts, valuable papers and luxury goods from all over the world.

Such pennies can be invested in stocks and bonds. Until 2012, approximately 29% of foreign foreign investments (capital, bonds, shares) in the US financial market were in subsidiary harbors. To be clear: all of China Volodya is deprived of 7% of the shares.

However, the reality is that fewer and fewer banks are ready to provide you with their assistance and fewer and fewer jurisdictions guarantee anonymity. This leads to the fact that more fish begin to get caught in the margins. For example, a large investigation is currently underway in Spain: the famous football player Lionel Messi and his father are accused of illegally taking 5.56 million dollars (4.2 million euros; 222 million rubles) in sponsorship money. The stench will smell everything.

The wasting of pennies is a vital problem for any power. The procedure takes several forms and stages, but in all cases one can tell one thing - people take money from illegal methods and get away with the crime. Let's take a look at the report, which means this concept and how it is understood in practice.

I understand

In simple words, “swindling pennies” is their legalization. People create fictitious documents, organizations and businesses to appear as official income. There are also other methods. In addition to being transferred to cooking, “preparing” is associated with illegal activities that generate income. In this case, as a rule, large sums are involved, which are difficult to bring into the legal channel without a plausible explanation to the control authorities. Before transferring to the preparation - this means the removal of unprepared pennies from the preparation form, and the washing often transfers to the gate: the preparation is entered into bank accounts for legalization, after which it can be transferred to the preparation already on legal grounds stavakh.

When the sum is converted from a ready-made form into an unprepared form (for example, at an additional meeting payment terminal), and at the gateway (the fictitious withdrawal of a prize from a lottery ticket or the addition of a winning ticket from the rightful ruler, the gambler of which you can pay more for the win).

The essence of winning pennies is to earn an active income. And failure to pay tax payments or transfer to preparation can serve as other or additional factors. “Admit” funds are used for various purposes – financing of enterprises, individual needs.

The need to pay money or other material values ​​may be lost in the following situations:

  1. As the penny earnings were taken away from the illegal activity, so that it could be used for any purpose. It is possible to sell buried items, swag, and haul.
  2. Since the organization receives illegal income, which violates the law, it is not possible to pay the state’s expenses as tax taxes. The money is “swept away”, reflecting a different nature of earnings, after which one invests in a business.

Basic stages of cash withdrawal

The washing up of the fruits takes place in three stages:

  1. Vidsharuvannya. The first few pennies, stolen in an illegal way, are “discounted” as their real money. For what purpose is it necessary to be taken out of the border, transferred to physical and legal positions?
  2. Location. Koshti, in any accessible way, will be sold to the legal penny stream. As a rule, at this stage the criminal already has fictitious confirmation of his earnings.
  3. Integration. This is the final stage, if the appearance of a legitimate gain of wealth is created. The ruler of the kosts can easily remove them, transfer them to any kind of shells, buy various objects, keep them dry.

After completing the three main stages, the money is again invested in illegal activities. The process can be repeated several times or carried out once, for the legalization of a large sum and further swindling, for example, swag.

Some steps are skipped. For example, if the money immediately went into the bank account, there is no need for any further investment. If the loan is cut, the bank fragments will inevitably result in loss of income and, without documentary evidence, the bank may be frozen. Also, integration is not always carried out, so that the money “taken” will be lost in different markets and will be used up for necessities. In a number of situations, the situation requires that you mark the first term in order to begin the third stage. Ale prikhovuvannya sravzhnyj dzherel nadhodzheniya koshtіv i tsupluvaniya sіdіv ob'yaskovі.

Apply schemes for cashing out pennies

Zlochintsi, as a rule, are well known in all meals related to the raising of pennies. Therefore, when one scheme is destroyed, a new one is inevitably destroyed. Let's bring you some information:

  • Through offshore. With this method you can make even great sums. Through intermediaries at the edges of the “tax paradise”, offshore accounts are opened, where the pennies are transferred. Then they will be re-insuranced on the banking systems of third countries. There they can be saved, invested in property, valuable papers and other objects. The use of offshore companies is a widely known method of money laundering, since the foreign exchange control of these organizations is simply daily. Plus, the rulers of the Rakhunks are guaranteed anonymity.
  • Via Bitcoin. Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies are not accepted by official payment methods in most countries and are anonymous. That’s why it’s easy to get money in any country, except that you can buy money with cryptocurrency in the same way as you can pay for goods with even the smallest money. Currency from Gaman is transferred to a bank account and converted into dollars, euros, etc. Pershodzherelo income is no longer visible.
  • Through IP and organization. It’s a very simple and completely reliable scheme – running a fictitious business. Intermediaries open cafes, bars, payment terminals, various shops, etc. Regardless of the flow of real money being withdrawn from clients, illegal money is being introduced into businesses. It is practically impossible to identify and count them, and with proper payment of taxes and submitted documentation, there is no suspicion of the bank through which the money is wrapped, nor in other control authorities.
  • Through structure, capital. Butt: a large sum of pennies is broken up into small pieces so as not to arouse suspicion among the taxpayer. Then they are transferred through bank cards to intermediaries, after which they are captured and transferred to the top official, and then in a ready-made form for the collection of commissions. For example, a sum of 10,000 rubles, which was found on a shell/personality card, does not raise suspicion. In this case, in the skin bank you can open the cart and mother 10, 20 or 30.

Descriptions of schemes are widely known and there is little support for this form. To legalize their income, criminals invest large sums of money and hire middlemen. The developed methods are modified and adapted according to current possibilities. For example, today there are already episodes of cash withdrawals through the electronic accounts of Hamarians QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex. Money.

Types and methods of vikrity

In order for the fight against money grabs in the country to be highly effective, it is important that the following government bodies interact with each other:

  1. Lawmaker.
  2. Vikonavcha Vlada and the Ministry.
  3. Sudova.
  4. Law enforcement agencies.
  5. Financial intelligence (all subdivisions).
  6. Control-visual, depending on the Central Bank.

The banking sector is the most vulnerable, as it is the main instrument for moving money to offshore banks, cryptocurrencies, and electronic money. Therefore, banks owe it to themselves to know their clients, to conduct business honestly and wisely, and to correctly identify financial risks. There are also consequences when the management of financial institutions developed around the evildoers who actively siphoned off money. Therefore, the interaction between various government bodies is even more important, as it allows for stricter control over the work of banks.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, since August 7, 2001, there has been law No. 115-FZ “On counteracting the laundering of income seized by malicious means and the financing of terrorism.” It allows banks to “freeze” banknotes and conduct investigations into the vindication of pennies.

Formally, the financial institution has established a reconciliation of penny deposits into an amount that exceeds 600 thousand. rubles, as well as for property reasons, the amount of which exceeds 3 million rubles. Banking employees are obliged to report this to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring). In addition, the law stipulates that banks are strictly prohibited from opening deposit accounts for deposits and executing transfers of more than 30 thousand. rub., And also carry out currency exchange operations in the amount of 15 thousand. rub. without the client presenting an official passport.

In practice, the respect of banks is more important - suspicions arise from the regular receipt of smaller amounts (for example, withdrawal of payment for unofficial rent), one-time penny payments and/or transfers that exceed the original limits. For example, if a person regularly receives a salary of 30 thousand for a job. rubles, after which the transfer is insured for 300 thousand. rubles If you are transferred to another account, the bank can confirm your income, and with documentation.

It is no different than banking regulations to keep track of pennies. There are also a number of organizations that are responsible for reporting client transactions to regulatory authorities. For example, insurance, investment companies, as well as firms that are engaged in the purchase and sale of gold products and other valuable metals. This list includes health agencies, and many other organizations and institutions through which large-scale transactions are carried out.

On the global level, money laundering is controlled by the “Financial Approaches to Fight Against Money Fooling Group (FATF)”, created back in 1989. Currently it includes 35 participating countries and two international companies. Russia became a member in 2003.

The amount of fines and statistics of the CC of the Russian Federation

In order to prevent criminals, the Russian Federation has adopted three main criminal statutes for which criminals are exposed:

  1. Article 174 of the Criminal Code – legalization of goods and other goods infused with evil spirits.
  2. Article 174.1 of the Criminal Code – legalization of kosty and other mines, added with a special heir to them.
  3. Article 175 of the Criminal Code - pridbannya chi zbut lane, obviously created by a malicious way.

It is dependent on the nature of the interest to prove the fact of the swindling of pennies to stagnate other entries, transferred to the CC of the Russian Federation.

Behind these facts there are various options for the punishment of guilty persons:

  1. A fine of 120 thousand. rub. up to 1 million rubles
  2. Primus received large amounts of work for periods ranging from 24 to 60 months.
  3. Imprisonment - the term 2 - 7 years.
  4. Restriction of will without complicity – no more than for 24 months.
  5. As a further punishment, the ban on current legal activities and penalties will be imposed.

Inheritance for the country and economy

Due to the conduct of illegal activities, evil and corruption flourishes widely. Criminal structures are finding ways to withdraw pennies and other material assets and re-invest in their development and value. Swag brings harm to the social life of people and infringes on the rights of honest business. The budget of the region also suffers, because there are undeniable losses in the appearance of tax recovery, but when it comes to criminal business, this surplus is the least of it.

On the sovereign level, new approaches will be introduced to combat the squandering of money and other material assets in any form that will require investment for the budget. Legitimate business recognizes financial surpluses, and some of the effort goes towards profitability and rewards. For example, the introduction of an online cash register, which allows the Federal Tax Service to process all transactions of individual entrepreneurs or companies, will require money both for the acquisition of property and for its services.

The history of the origin of the concept of “sniffing of pennies” began from the moment when the powers introduced the exchange of various types of business and began to fight against this mischief. It is necessary to understand that all the activities that are carried out in order are aimed at speeding up the illegal earning of money and the involvement of criminal structures. The remaining, languishing finances, construction works will be distributed to entire countries and every person.

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The concept of “swindling pennies” refers to the legalization of ill-gotten incomes, fortunes gained through malicious means. The twists of the revelation in his current interpretation are the eighties of the 20th century, USA. Income to the drug business was “sneaked in” through various schemes, turning into legal ones (fictitious legal ones).

Purposes of money making

The main thing is a meta-process and transformation that represents the stages of schemes for stealing money - seizing revenues, then classifying evil actions, for which money was stolen. The whole low transformation and manipulation of the money created the appearance of the fact that the money had been stolen in an honest way. Official funds created in this manner are spent for the purpose of further business, or for the special purposes of their support. . Sometimes the cash withdrawal is carried out on the basis of security, if it is impossible to advertise the operation of a financial institution, and unless there is any malice involved. However, such a scheme rarely comes to a standstill, so the terminology of “shadow economy”, “evil business” and “penny swindling” are closely intertwined with each other both in public knowledge and in jurisprudence. It is not possible to confuse the scam of pennies and another malicious scheme associated with the transfer of income received through a bank and other financial institutions. Such illegal operations are most often used to evade the payment of taxes. Nina, on a global scale, has the most extensive schemes for siphoning off pennies, just as in our country (through the specifics of tax legislation and the procedure for mutual relations between acceptors and government bodies) the most extensive These are the methods for converting pennies into preparation. What, in short, is indicated by the situation in the banking sector in the remaining months (licensing, suspension of activity, number of cases revealed during the sector re-inspection).

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