Replacement of a table for a noviy rik

New ric and nasty to finish the trivial kanikuli is a wonderful hour for getting better and more expensive in one place, a company or a homeland. Everybody in the whole period plans and small trips and large-scale trips.

  • On Noviy Rik Bilorus
  • the Baltic States
  • New rise in Georgia
  • Inexpensive New Rik in Europe

It seems that if there are no problems with finances, then there are no problems due to some reason. And what are the alternatives? De inexpensively, it means New Rik 2018, so it’s worth remembering. The decision to lay off all of your family members and interests of family members: you can build an inexpensive rise in Russia, and you can budget for a budgetary trip to the land of the near abroad, or go to one of the European powers.

Kudi inexpensively you can go to New Rik in Russia

Available at the price of options for a variety of options in Russia to fill up a lot for any relish. Tsé і Kazkovy Veliky Ustyug, і monumental places of the Golden Circle, і romantic St. Petersburg, і yaskrava Kazan, і Karelia, which gives a sense of self and fair Russian color, and not the least of our city.

St. Petersburg

The central districts and other capitals in front of the New Rock are decorated with garlands, they are decorated with different embellishments, which set the scene for a miracle of the future. At all times, on Nevsky Prospect, they hold a head of fairs, where you can see special calls for children, drink hot mead, buy oiled chestnuts or buy some kind of lasos.

The main events, fireworks and light shows are encouraged to be held on the Dvirtseviy square not far from Hermitage. In addition, in Peter, there are no beautiful and historical scenes, which can be seen when the day is coming, the message is holy.

Veliky Ustyug

Did Moroz is still alive at the Kazkovo Mysci. The very place is to be calm, quieter and self-conscious. True, it’s crowded here on Noviy Rik. However, the Kazkov atmosphere of Veliky Ustyug and the very residence of Dida Moroz is just a must if you want to hang out there once.

During the trip, everyone is satisfied, especially children. At the estate of Dida Frost on Novy Rik, great sculptures are installed, garlands are developed, sleigh rides, ovens and snowmobiles and rosters are organized. With the help of the economy of pennies, you can settle in the hotels of the place, and not in the residence itself, as it is located in decile kilometers from Veliky Ustyug. In this kind of vipad, you can also look back and see the memorials.


Inexpensive development News in Russia is possible in Karelia. Tse mіsce tsіkave, persh for everything, with our nature: we clean the fortunes, lakes, pine forests and see the great places and NATO people.

Such a trip can be carried out by a whole company, having known a small business as usual, to make some budget-friendly ones. Boarding houses and tourist complexes offer the most popular items and development programs.


At this place there is the Sniguronka's tower. At the complex on Noviy Rik and in the canykul to spend yaskravі children saint, the fate in those, besides granddaughters Dida Moroz, received kit Baiun, Domovik, Domovіkha and іnshi kazkovі characters.

There is a special interest in the majority of people in the hall. The journey to Kostroma is awkward, you can get there either by bus or by your own car.


Krim of all the monuments and beauties of the capital of Tatarstan, not far from it in a small village on a birch rivulet, there is a muscular Dyd Moroz, which sounds like Kish Babay, from Sniguronkoyu, on a small village - Kar Kizi. Such an increase in the price will give the opportunity to try national cuisine, to see the muscular flavor and to give a senseless taste.

Gold ring

The place of the Golden Circle is still inexpensive. You can even return to such a trip on your own, vibrating the very same mission, if you want to visit. Budgetary tips to showcase the ideas of tourist companies, how to show the bus tours around decilkoh places. As soon as the deyakі options of the new-born child in Russia, in the middle of the pererakhovannyh vishche mіst, are deprived of their options, at any hour it is possible to see the following messages:

  • Lake Baikal;
  • Pskov;
  • Smolensk;
  • Ryazan;
  • Cream;
  • Astrakhan, etc.

Available options are holy in the lands of the near abroad Near abroad there are also options for inexpensive options for new saints: the lands of the Baltic states, Bilorus, Georgia and others.

On Noviy Rik in Bilorus

In the whole country, there are a lot of people, as it will be a good idea to tell people of a good age. Plus, in Bilorus, you can take into account the need to issue additional documents: a foreign passport, as well as the possibility of being able to use your own car. Here it is so, like in Russia, on Novy Rik there are wide Christmas celebrations, put up skiffs and decorate the streets of the city.

Young people, like a volition of merry kanikuli, are more beautiful to pass the capital of Bilorus - Minsk. Fans of marveling at the sight of the memory can be pleased with the news, crim Minsk, Grodno, Brest, Nesvizh, Svit and іnshі mіstya.

Also, if you love for some reason in nature, you can vibrate, be it from the number of sanatoriums, buddies and boarding schools in the whole country, roasted in ecologically clean places. One of these is Bilovezka Pushcha. Tsey option pidyde in order to inexpensively mean New Rik with children. It is here that the residence of the Bilorussian Dyde Frost is being rebuilt. Near the Pushcha we have protected the recreation of the trees, here you can marvel at the bison, see the animals and the roslin, take a photo with the wood sculptures, and enjoy the tasty and inexpensive.

the Baltic States

New kanikuli are still popular in the cich lands. Here it is possible, apparently, it is sacredly cheaper, not in Europe. The Baltic lands are not large, so with the help of them, it is possible to have them all in a few days. You can travel here by train, bus, or independently on your own car.

However, in the front-line days, there may be problems with the Chergoy on the cordon, which is more beautiful than the past. In the Baltic states, it means the Catholic Church, so they can also repair the sternum on the streets of the streets with embellishments. Ale і Noviy Rіk here does not pass by is uncommon, festivities and celebrations of fireworks will triumph all over Christmas time. The skin of the three capital of the Baltic lands has its own revealing, but at the same hour all the stench is similar to each other.


You can go to the new saint in Georgia. Tsya kraina in the remaining rocks is gaining popularity among tourists. Such a rise in price is especially delightful for gourmets, as here they can smell the romantic svyatkovs of the past, including the traditional cuisine, and the wines of Georgia are one of the smallest ones in the world. The rozvazhalnaya program can also appear on the wall.

For lovers of sport sports, there are several resorts here, for example, Bakurian, roztashovany not far from Borzhomi. Malovnichi landscapes, unconventional architecture, lifeless historic cities and memorials, quiet small cafes and high schools to make sure to print pictures of civic and memorable memories.

Inexpensive New Rik in Europe

If you are bazhanna, you can see the New Rik outside the cordon, in the European regions. The bus tour that has found a cheaper option for such a high price. Crossing yogo you can get an affordable price and the ability to go to a place or to go to the country.

Reducing the frequency of a trip can be done in other ways, for example, independently through the Internet, having booked a hotel of a lower class, seeing from expensive restaurants, etc. Growth by the places of Europe, in whatever kind of fall, give the opportunity to the whole world to see the country and the sight of the holy.


The very small land is visited by tourists from Russia and the other land in advance of the New Rock. At all times in the capital of the Czech Republic, skiffs are set up, streets are decorated, concerts and fairs are organized. There are a lot of restaurants and cafes on the high streets of Prague; Svyatkovy fireworks pass chorically on the Prazky Bridge, picking up helpless citizens and tourists.


Fans of galaslivy and wide festivities with songs, dances and fireworks can be pleased to see the Ugorshchina on the eve of the New Rock. Here they sacredly call Sylvester. It is tied to him without rituals and traditions, including those of culture.


Tsya kraina can attract tourists with its hirskolizhny resorts, Kazkovo, Svyatkovo embellished with places, high servants and architectural monuments.

Most of the hotels are aimed at the same reasons. They do not often have special rooms with childish furniture, games centers, child gardens and іnshe. Blue canoes at Vidnі - it’s a whole hour of balls, to pass in the winter months. Among them are the most vidomo Ball of Confectionery and Ball of Kits.


The Fatherland of Santa Claus is located in Finland itself. In addition to seeing the residence of the Kazak character, in this land you can see in the bosom of nature, ride on licks, snowmobiles, reindeer sledding or dogs. For lovers of varto, go to the Finnish sauna.

Krym perakhovannyh vishche, іnu mass of іnіsіch tsіkаvіch lands, perhaps inexpensively have fun in the New Rіk, for example, Bulgaria or Poland with its hіrskolіzhny resorts, France and Italy with such historical types

Options for higher prices and a reason for being a gaman and an interest to reach a lot. You can travel around the places and cities of Russia, or see the country. It is important to think over the details of the trip in advance and make sure to start with the festival of the New Rock. But in any case of a drop in the price in the central Kazkiv, an hour will give you the sight of charisma and diva and give you the power to wonderfully see.


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Barvy Moscow will be more beautiful in the front of the day, come in, ten hundred thousand drives to barn the snowy areas and streets. It is a place to hammer in your own delight with merry-go-rounds from the Rodzinka folk svyatkuvan in novorichnu nich. If you don’t know, if you vibrate as a gift for yourself, then Moscow is a great option for seeing and introducing into the atmosphere of a charming Kazka. kudi is more beautiful to drink at the New Year's saint,why not be amazed by the yakomog more satisfied... It’s clear that the vibe is great and it’s not easy to grow. In general, you can know the most beautiful options, how fun and how to create a new development in Moscow.

Muscovites know a lot about the smell, where and how to eat. The capital of Moscow and the heart is ready to see for Muscovites, the stench can make you feel good. If you are afraid of the guests, then you will stink to wonder at any hostility, if you want to bring them to the house.

Dezustrіchati Novy Rіk 2018 near Moscow

A donut option for accepting emots.

Judge from the fachivts, people are more likely to deliver the joy of work to most people, less so, as well as to get to the holy day. The new rik is dying for a second, so it’s not just to love svyatkuvati effectively, but gotuvatisya. Gifts for the new ric of the best idea to take in before the holy days. Moscow has no small problems with them, and there will be a great number of fairs all over the capital on the streets. Near shops, parks and squares.

For example, the popular garden "Ermіtazh" is repaired from 15 numbers of the breast, showing its fairs. The buyer can know everything that is necessary for a saint. Vishukani souveniri, igrashki of all kinds, embellish it with whatever relish for the yalinka and yourself. In a word, vvazhati can be done even more.

With such a wonderful option, you can go to Chervona square, VDNKh. There, you can add some gifts of handcrafted virobi, children from Russian nesting dolls, barvy dishes, and your own little chustok with fluff. It’s all for you to bring the most beautiful things from Russia, how to come, to show you the best products. You can have a delicious meal by trying the rich national cuisine with the efforts of Russia. I think that such a well-chosen program will be honored by a skin tourist to Moscow.

At the fairs, it’s not necessary to go, because there you can know the smut - the front-line mood, which will charge you with a majestic number of positive emotions. Roswag is there for the most part. Dances and performances of kazoks, fun contests that will be for children and grow up. Sleigh ride with dogs, photo sessions with heroes for whatever gusto, dovgy and radio round dance around the skiff.

New yalinka in Moscow.

The symbol of all new rock is the queen of all, holy yalinka. Holy collection of people near her is majestic. In 2018, the rock of the winters of the red, in short, will be gathered around all the capitals at once from the Kremlin. And I will ask all the guests to the Sovereign Palace for the celebration. Every Christmas day is celebrated with a new rik of two thousand people. Everything is carefully thought out, there you will be instructed by professional dancers, famous actors and musicians, volunteers who are ready to help your children do not need to know, but also you can do good things in the right direction in the hall of the Palace.

Already from the 24th you can visit the most charming place, the Kremlin Palace. Check out all guests for 8 days, children, grown-up checks in the form of popular artists, contests for children, gifts and fabulous new shows.

As for the axis of the Column Hall, since 1936, I will ask all guests to attend the event. The Soyuz Budynoks will delight you with whistles for whatever relish, like the boules that have been known in Russia. Rozum is not spoiled for decoration, heroes of Kazoks and the most beautiful music with beautiful effects from the victorious actors. You can help you forget about all the problems and get into the atmosphere of the most revered saint in Russia.

De svyatkuvati noviy rіk 2017 moscow

Cheers for whatever relish and color.

You will proponate one idea of ​​taking a new cell of champagne under the sky. You can create a new rick on kovzans, with kelikha in your hands right on the disco for the love of the song. Todi just go to Gorky Park. There you will be checked without any kind of reception. In the middle of the skating rink I will construct a stage on which to play the popular DJs of Moscow and Russia.

And what is your option for sleigh rides? Not just on a sleigh, but harnessed by thoroughbred dogs. Not everything, as an alternative for children, as well as grown-ups - a sleigh ride that can be harnessed by beautiful dogs of the Haski breed. If you don’t want to take such a consideration and life, you will need to visit the Moscow club "On Haski from Kulminok to Alaska". At that club, you can sit on a sled and ride on a sled. You will be able to play with them, shoot Selfie photos, and that kind of good-natured creatures make you happy in a beautiful Christmas atmosphere.

So, if the price of the Zhovtoy Earth Dog will come, then it will only bring you good luck.

For tourists, there are two small boxes for tourists. One of them will be covered with piece ice. If the warmer is not great, you can go for a ride on kovzans.

Romantic scene for 55 verses

Yak you an idea of ​​creation New Rik from a bird's-eye, you can have mercy on glaring fireworks. Make it not a fantastic option, but an affordable and real one for any people. The vibration given to the method of svyatkuvannya will be improved for zakokhanykh. "Moscow-Siti" is a screen for everyone who needs it. Visotka 230 meters near the tower, as if to marvel at the whole Moscow.

Before the hour of the chimes, your friends can take the new cells at the top of the 55th, de Moscow on the top of the merry-go-round with the fireworks of different styles. Competition from Dida Frost and Snow Maidens and artists to embellish your new one at once with drinks and savory strains.

Be sure that you will remember the enemy on the unrealistically barvy scale of Moscow. Photos to help you see the new mood. Priishovshi tudi you, as if you will not get nudguvati. "Moscow-Siti" is a great place, you may get to know new people, and if you are lucky, you will develop your love.

Pid bey kurantiv, how can you be more beautiful?

As soon as we arrived in Moscow for the first time, it is recommended to create a new rik on the Red Square. There you can get a little bit of chimes for profit, and not on the Internet or on a TV, then the dog's rick 2018 will forget you for another hour. For a few years before the end of the day, I was aware of the luscious roars and contests. You can marvel at the beauty of our land in addition to the savor.

Kazkov's feud from a fairy laser show. Don't forget to store a magical fireworks, as you can sprinkle it with a stretch of ten quills. The sky above Malovnichi Moscow is filled with diamant leaves, and everything is littered around.

Do not forget to make a bazhannya before the chimes for an hour, and more than three. Golovne vіrte, and the stench obov'yazkovo vikonuvatisya. Read the latest popular statistics.

For the skin of us, Noviy Rіk - the whole place is sacred in life, which wants to spend a lot of fun. On a bagatokh navivє a little bit of a thought about those who want to spend it at home, because there, de mi all-meaning, you know it.

Hardy in Russia, we have a lot of options for changing the number of pods, and the development of the New Rik 2018 in a city center, type: office of Dida Moroz, Moscow or St. Petersburg. I, as only we are valid for this, as if it is so sacred, you can start before the vibor of the song.

Yaky type of a new born type of vibrati in 2018 rotsi

Completely, you will become a girskolizhny resort in the Urals or the Caucasus. The tax can be taken to the sea in the Krasnodar Territory, Krim or Sochi. And you can vibrate one of the Kazakh places: Karelia, Veliky Ustyug or Vologda. And it is possible, zupiniti svіy vibіr on a tourist route, such as "Zolote kіlce". Vibravshi the capital of Russia, so it will not happen to nudguvati in the new night. In Moscow, for 2018 rik, it is planned to be low even more than the tsikavi new podіy.

Beautiful Russian routes to Noviy Rik

St. Petersburg... The whole place is very beautiful in the New Year's saint. Having seen the Dvirtsev square, your dichanna will freeze in a chic fireworks, bright fires, and a new atmosphere. And some of the rich vibe of the famous rozvazhalnye mice, do not reread. Nichni clubs, restaurants, cafes, bars, concerts. And prices for the New Rock show for people of any class. The myth about the road of St. Petersburg has long been developed by the old way.

Veliky Ustyug... For Noviy Rik, please your children, you can vibrate at the residence of Dida Moroz. The tsia kazka is specially set up in order to get as close as possible to the celebration of the celebration. Few of the children can boast of sitting on the knees by the very head Ded Moroz of Russia. And even in Veliky Ustyuz it is more real.

Your spending an hour has already been thought out before dibnits. Some of your fantasies will be rooted in the smell of a sprawling tree, which is prompted by a large number of cottages, and a tricky burning smoke in the stones. Then you can take a walk through a series of Russian folk cossacks, with some knowledge from the very childhood.

Having become spiritually enraged, you can ride a lot on licks, sleighs, snowmobiles, even in the whole world there is no new rock without a snowmobile. And if you still want to lose power, you can see the guided tours of churches, temples, museums and monasteries.

Karelia - \ u200b \ u200b_Historical villages... As soon as you sit in the sleigh, harnessed, and look for the beauty at a glance, in your eyesight, you sounded the correct vibrations, sending the news to Karelia.

Besides the religious memories, you should take a trip to the traditional Russian lazines and the most beautiful old-fashioned new ones, one of which is the unique Karelian vuha.

Kazan - vidminny vibir... We have a whole lot of people, they have intertwined in friendly ways of culture, and you see yourself as a home. Just hostile to the friendly mood of the inhabitants of the world. You can be asked to arrange a New Rik in a booth. In Tatarstan, the most vibrant vibrant kryzhanikh players, the very same time often vibrate with seven children. And the place is embellished in the New Years so holy, as there is no creation in one place of the land.

Celebrities tour of the historical places of the Russian Federation - "Zolote Kilce"

Bulo b unreasonably vibrate the place of a foreign land for an entertainment miraculous saint. Tom is rich in going on a tour of the golden circle of our land. Moreover, with the skin rock, the wine grows tsikavishe. For a few days you will be able to marvel at the style of historical unique mottos, but you couldn’t afford it for 10 years of your life. The first skin of the world has its history, its beauty, to which you can touch especially.

De fun and original New Rik 2018 at Russia?

Vidsvyatkuvati Newly holy in the capital of Russia, the world is not a skinny Russian. The main yalinka of the land is scorchingly drove to Chervona Ploshcha tens of thousands of guests from near and distant foreign countries. During the period of new canals, it is practically everywhere to organize Christmas fairs, folk festivals, concerts, as well as numerous contests for children and grown-ups.

Mabut, the most popular performances for New Rock in Moscow, traditionally є VDNKh area, Gorky Park and Uklinna Gora. There are skating rinks, restaurants, theaters, various clubs and development centers, which will offer their guests a fresh and unforgettable new program.

Noviy Rik in Saint Petersburg

In front of one of the main saints in rots, one cannot bypass the respectable and personal capital of Russia. In the very beautiful place of our land, in truth, the atmosphere of Svyatkova is charming, as it is wonderful to enchant a skin resident and guest of St. Petersburg.

The events of 2018 are possible on the Dvirtseviy Square, and in Novorychnu now there will be organized folk dance, competitions, enchanting laser show and concert, in which the fate of the popular victorious victorious artist will take place. By Rodzin's program, the svyatkovy fireworks on Vasilivsky Island, a gift of a happy new mood and unforgettable emotions to all those present.

On the other hand, I respect meritorious new bali, as it invites the participants into the atmosphere of the recent past, allowing themselves to see themselves as a fair aristocrat. The organizers of the waste disposal facilities did not get away with respect and the best guests. Children at once with their fathers can see the barvy of costumes for the participation of the popular Kazak characters.

New tours to Baikal and to Karelia

At the new rik on Baikal and in Karelia, tourists will cleanse the most popular and new ideas, and the smut - the divine majesty beauty, as you can beat only those in these regions.

On Baikal, which is the largest and cleanest lake on the planet, Russians can get cold:

  • dog sledding on the sky-blakit ice;
  • ATV trips in Taizi;
  • winter ribolovley on omul.

Tourists who see the Mensh Pass to an extreme endurance will be able to get more expensive along such popular routes as the Baikal tract, Male Sea, Listvyanka, and the legendary islands of Olkhon.

Hunting entertainment 2018 rik near Karelia, check for helpless and lustful roars:

  1. a visit to the Karelian Didov Moroz;
  2. go up to the White Sea;
  3. introduction of the Girskiy park "Ruskeala".

In addition, tourists can enjoy the view of the Marmurovoy canyon and the picturesque Kivach waterfall, which is the real pride of Karelia.

New saint in Sochi

Novorichnu now welcomes tens of thousands of guests to meet and greet. Most of them will come to the square of the Pivdenny mole, if the head of the place is set up. Here itself there will be a concert of folk festivities, which are trivial to the very wound. For quiet, who are freezing, their doors are open to quiet cafes and restaurants, in some of them there is a written banquet and a delicious program.

At the first days of the new rock, tourists can see the Olimpyske Mistechko, ride the attractions in the Riv'ura park, go to the Adler Dolphinarii and Sochi Park, which is an analogue of the American Disneyland.

Koshtuvati nagadati and about those who, the whole Christmastide celebration with its program of residents and guests, Sochi will be a happy Lodov show, numerous concerts and shows.

Svyatkuvannya New rock in Crima

Bagato, I want to see it New Rik is yaskravo, unviable and inexpensive at the same time. In Russia, it is possible to grow up in the small towns themselves. Recently, one of the most attractive and affordable direct routes in our land - Yalta. You yourself will come back with a lot of Russian, how to create a dog's rick.

The main svyatkovy go to the center of the city of the main new yalinka. On the main square of residents and guests of Yalti, there is a show program: a concert, a round dance, a disco and a barvy fireworks.

Lovers of extravagance can experience New Rik on the occasional drink or under water - in specially owned cave chambers.

Tourists can see the Malovnichi memorials of Krymsky Pyostrov: famous Lastivchina gnizdo, Vorontsov and Bakhchisaraysky palace, Genuezka fortress, Mount Ai-Petri and richly small ones.

New Rik in the dwelling of Dida Frost

In front of the New Rock in Veliky Ustyuz Panun, the atmosphere is special. The very place, by legend, is the residence of Father Frost himself, for the creation of thousands of pilgrims from the land. At the sichni Ustyug will be converted to the Kazakh school. On the streets and squares of the place, folk festivities and amusements take place, in which the creative team of Ustyug will take on the part. The main Svyatkova program will be installed on the central square, and a beautiful yalinka will be installed. For a Christmastide concert and fireworks, quiet restaurants in the presence, for guests to check out tasty events, funky contests and new events.

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