OGE 15.3 on the topic of mother love. Tvir-rozdum OGE "Scho take love

How is love? At my glance, love - at the same time, with a sense of the humility to the people, in the basis of which - the visibility, the breadth, the lack, the sense of the mind and the connection, the caress, the turbot. In support of my point of view, I will cite a proof from the text of Y. Yakovlev and the everyday life.

First of all, if you put yourself to love, then everything in the people, including the voice, befits. Proceed in the cob text: "I want it, I want it, it sounds good and bad, but I don't feel it." You can say that the voice of Naili will be even more affectionate and receptive, and the announcement is shallow in her voice. What I have said, I can confirm by propositions 31-34. The hero will also describe Nail like that, as you cannot describe the baiduzh lyudin (7-9).

Having analyzed two arguments, I came to the end of the day, and love is the most precious thing, as if I could rob a positive influence on a man. Love is needed by everyone, so as a skinned world, so that he is so ludic as it will be to protect and take care of this spoky and inner light.

Vakulin Sergiy, student of I.A. Suyazova

Tvir on zbіrtsi OGE 2016 N. Nefedova, version 10, factory 15.3

Love is a lot of warmth, tenderness to people, or living things, madly accepted and not overwhelmed by the factors of sympathy before. Tse bazhannya is put up to the people in a kind, friendly, friendly way, so, as if it was put up to itself - by the most beautiful rank, so, as it was put to the best value in the whole world. This is my meaning of love.

By the butt of love, you can call my daddy to your children: to my brother. Yogi's love appeared not only in words, but in delays, etc. I remember that I’m bathing us in a childish state, taking us in my arms, laughing and laughing at everyone. My mother used to say that it’s just that if she’s busy with the children: it’s busy to bring you satisfaction. First and foremost, daddy radium fiddles with us, if it’s a new hour. Those niche to put the brother's cribs, then adjust the computer.

And in the announcement of Kostyantin Paustovsky "Gumovy Choven" there is a move about the love of Murzik the doggie to his gentlemen. Tying up to the parkana, overheating the motorcycle, and through a little lis sped up to the gentlemen, who spend the night by the lake. “I threw myself away from the one who was hot and with my hairy moy having wicked my cheeks .... Winning squealing from joy ...” - write about the dog by the author. In the eyes of Murzik, it was clear: it’s something like that, something just like that, for physiological reasons, and maybe it’s because of the joy of development. The feat of the dog was appraised by the rulers: the stench was puffed up on him and was not punished any more.

If you love a person, then you can bring joy to him, see happiness. I think that love can be perceived and creatures, I would like, for some reason, not confirmed by science. The very thing people say about love is the most, the most frequent and the most confusing. It’s great and wonderful to feel like it’s not up to the end of a riddle and mystery for anyone, but once in the life of a person who doesn’t love bi. Navit yakscho win the whole world.

(According to the text of K. Paustovsky)


I’m going to be built, scho the author, the talkers, like it terribly buzzed little Murzik to shukati people, add a bezlіch pereskod: neznozulyy noise of grass, then trisk gilok, then whitty vovka - although in adolescence, I have no love of yucenya to my dignitaries.
Put the text on the confirmation of what was said. So, in Propositions 22-23 Paustovsky writes, as a notification, having thrown at night in a forest, he saw that he was looking at his cheek. Tse viyavivsya Murzik, the muzzle of a bully wet from the sl_z. It’s maddeningly, why should you hear the joy, because the puppies are nareshty, because of the hard endured difficulties, who know their masters.
A bazhannya to know people and ask them for a vibration for a loan to the strong for fear of a certain person. There is a good deal of intelligence in notifications, as if he himself was pricked in the fox alone (Proposition 33).
Pidvodyachi pidsumok, we can do it, but the author says the words about Murzik's fear for an hour of jokes in the fox, although it seems to me that the majestic dignity of tsucenya to people and to the public. Itself tsі pomottya і helped you to podolat your fear.

On my thought, love - a feeling, like a good idea to be alive. Love - all at once і vіddanіst, і vіrnіst, і lack of courtesy, і friendship, spirit and sacrifice.
On earth, everything collapses with love. It’s pretty good to see in people’s qualities, about how they’re going to see and not perceived. Vona okrylyuє, nadikhaє, zaklikє to self-elaborated and gentry vchinki. Love is welcoming to lyudin and svit navkolo.
To support what was said, you can use the stock from the text of K. Paustovsky. So, the puppy Murzik, having forgotten the image of the gentlemen, shukak іkh і, having survived helpless fears, to know in a deaf fool, twenty kilometers from the house.
mi bachimo, yak, having fallen in love for the first time in life, the head hero Dmitro Gurov changes. So, a man will start to learn, like a vulgar vengeance, bezgluzdі rozmov and tedious people will feel yo. The hero deeds to see for everything, if he wants and is not able to leave the world in his life.
At the end, I want to say, oh, love - tse find the right way, clean, and feel the light on the light.

How is love? Love is a sense of great growth, self-admission and generous courtesy to yakogos singing lyudin... I vvazhayu, that love may not be skinny, to that it is not possible for all to see the sense of a beautiful feeling. To confirm my words, go to the text of V.A. Kaverin.

In the urivka of a beautiful creation, we can give a story to the following: a young lad Sanya Yykhav, apparently, to the service. Dіvchina Katya died a long time ago and until she felt sympathy, she didn’t want to, she didn’t want to. At that moment, Katya began to remember the memory of everything: both eyes, and growing up, and her hair on her hands, and then, as she got up on her own. (Propositions 3-6) If the trip has ruined everything, then the girl went to the side of the car and roamed with the young lad.

I went to see Ivan Pavlovich off to see off Ivan Pavlovich, as if saying, “I don’t know Sanya.” The mother of the children was overwhelmed with a lot, a little bit of the zeros, and it’s the fault of the mother (Propositions 21-41). Sanya changed through his profession, but became a part of himself. If the boy has spoken about his not uncomfortable pleasures, then Katya welcomed, no one told about someone else. (Propositions 43-48). For a girl, it will take an hour, so she could know and accept a boy like that at a time, and I am even more encouraged that in every single one, every year, everything was in order.

In addition to another argument, which supported my thoughts, I want to aim the butt on the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky "Bilynos". The whole tvir informed us about the life of the martyr: the young man will be self-conscious in his life, with new friends, no cohan women, once they have known one person, they have not become good friends. The author of that and having called the protagonist a mrynik, that he is guilty all through the whole days only those are robiv, and he is not alive in reality. Buvalo navіt so, scho the lad has forgotten, yak turned around the house. However, one day, a young cholovik beat down his house to a young woman, yaka stood beside the bridge and cried quietly. Mriynik wanted to go to her, Ale Vona quickly became out of it, and if you didn’t know about the big man, you would have to ask the mister to start a rozmova with a dear one. Yak came in for zgod, the girl's name was Nastusya, she lived with her grandmother, yak, buvalo, did not let Nastunya go far out of her sight. One day before them, he went to the room in the Mushkanets, in which Nastenka, in a dozen hour, froze, the Mushkan was guilty of going to Moscow on the right, a little more, and then turn around after Nastusya. The first axis taught that day, if the baggage still came to St. Petersburg, Nastenka lived, ala, she did not see our head heroine, for the reason she was crying. For the sake of construction, our head hero-martyr will go to Nastunya, the stench has been set up only 4 times, but at the same time it felt like a hustle and bustle, not only at the mart live at once. Zdavalosya b, the head hero nareshty know his companion life, his share and the axis of the stench is already going through life at once, and at the very moment that male baggy, with yakim Nastenka, is still gone. All the worlds and the motivation of the worlds to run just in one minute. In a dozen hour, the lad will take away a leaf, in which Nastenka ask not to turn to her, but to love all one thing.

With such a rank, love-tse gliboke, emocyine and stronger, more cordially feeling, power depriving deyaky people in the whole world. However, yak bi didn’t want, don’t make love for me.

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