Officially business congratulations on the new year. Happy New Year greetings to business partners in your own words

Soon the long-awaited magical and one of the most beloved holidays - New Year... But along with pleasant chores, the New Year's commotion draws all of us into the bustle of quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports. In this turmoil, we must not forget to wish our business partners, colleagues and clients a Happy New Year 2015.

Composing a congratulation, especially a business one, usually does not cause any particular difficulties, but in the pursuit of saving time and effort, we may not notice how we ourselves accidentally offend colleagues, clients and partners. And then, for unobvious reasons, some people change their attitude towards us or simply disappear from our lives.

Our harmful advice will help you get rid of unnecessary partners, clients and cool down too warm relations with colleagues.

Tip 1. Don't have time to write congratulatory letters? And not worth it.

New Year is a family holiday, so you shouldn't litter your mailbox with unnecessary congratulations.

Do not even hesitate, business partners, colleagues, and even more so clients will not be offended at all if you do not send them a New Year's greetings. They can do without it. Moreover, they can easily do without you and your services in the New Year.

Tip 2. Have you decided to congratulate all the same? Newsletter to help you.

Download some universal greetings on the Internet. For example, this:

“We need you as much as you need us! We hope for further cooperation. We wish the upcoming 2014 to be just as or even more successful and profitable! Happy Holidays!

Peter Petrov "

In the Addressee (To) line, enter all the e-mail addresses that you refer to as business contacts. Nothing will please your partners so much as the realization that they have received the same unoriginal congratulations as another 20-30 people. This is the main evidence that you value your partners, clients and colleagues very much.

Advice 3. Do you think how to apply?

Don't bother with doubts. Address the addressee in general:

Dear partner!

Dear colleagues!

Dear clients!

You can do it differently. In honor of the holiday, erase all boundaries and conventions. To the director, vice president, just business partners, just contact:

Dear Tolyan (Kolyan, Marishka, etc.)!

If you add something festively vulgar to such an appeal (for example:

So that you can get drunk with your friends,
And Santa Claus brought you gifts,
So that you can have fun until the morning,
Let your nose turn red with joy),

then spoiled business relations or an unpleasant aftertaste from partners will certainly remain.

Tip 4. Congratulate a Happy New Year in between times.

Congratulations are a waste of time. Better write a letter with a report or request, and at the end add a postscript : "Happy New Year! I wish you more time with your family, success in your work! " We assure you that this congratulation will not leave the addressee indifferent on the eve of the holiday.

Although no one says that such a congratulation will evoke positive emotions, because in combination with the amount of work it will sound like a mockery.

Tip 5. Be in the congratulatory letter as strict, restrained, keep the maximum distance.

Business relationships should always remain business, so no "calf tenderness":

· Do not sing praises, do not praise the addressee - he may think that you are too soft;

· Do not even hint at your good attitude - you never know what the addressee will think of;

· There is no need to talk about the desire to continue cooperation;

· The text of the congratulation should be simple, trivial and short.

Follow our harmful advice, and we guarantee: in the worst case, your letter will go to the trash, but in the best case, you will get rid of the need to communicate with your addressee in the future.

And I am a tutor of the training - I really want to continue our cooperation with you in the New 2015. I am sure that our joint work will help you not only improve your existing skills, but also master new ways of effective written communication that will open up new opportunities for you. And we, the team of the Mental Skills project, in turn, will do our best to help you with this.

Happy New Year!

Valentina Korennaya

New Year greetings business partners in prose

Happy New Years to the employee in prose

The brightest holiday is approaching and brings with it hopes for the best. Let them be 100% justified - from success in our joint work to comfort and family happiness! I wish you to find harmony in your soul and in life! Congratulations!

"Text official congratulations Happy New Year to a business partner in prose "

Dear partners, friends! Thank you for your effective and comfortable cooperation! And on the glorious holiday of the New Year, we sincerely wish you further joint prosperity, individual success and radiant smiles, symbolizing prosperity and self-realization in all your plans!

Happy New Years to business partners in prose

I congratulate you on a wonderful winter holiday, which gives us not only fairy tale but also a wonderful New Year's weekend. Let there be more days off in the new year, less work, and higher wages. May your household and employees please you, and a good mood does not leave you either at home or at work.

"New Year's greetings to a business partner in prose"

Dear Colleague! I sincerely congratulate you on the bright holiday of the New Year. I wish you good luck in your business, joy in your family and happiness in your soul. Let only sincere smiles surround you all year, and let your friends only grow. Let all the shortcomings at work and in personal life remain in the outgoing year, and let the coming year bring only positive results.

SMS Happy New Year greetings to a colleague

I would like to wish you in the New Year not only success in production, which will certainly be, but also that everyone personally has their own personal happiness, strong health, an irrepressible desire to live and work, improve and strive only for the best and the beautiful.

"New Year's greetings to the collective in prose"

Dear employees, we wish you a Happy New Year. We wish each of you new brilliant ideas, prosperity and success, professional growth. May love and understanding, happiness and health not leave your family. Let the warmth and love of loved ones warm you in the most difficult moments.

Beautiful congratulations Happy New Year to fellow prose writer

Happy holidays, friends! We hope that our business relationship will only strengthen in the new year, bringing fabulously high profits to both parties. May success accompany all endeavors, and job satisfaction knows no bounds! We wish you further development and achievement of a high level of excellence!

One of the most difficult tasks for organizations before the New Year is to beautifully congratulate business partners or other firms with whom you have to contact on business issues throughout the year. New Year's greetings to partners and clients should be correct, appropriate, extremely polite, without subtle hints and jokes that can be misunderstood. And just beautiful and sincere. We offer a small selection of congratulatory texts that will undoubtedly come in handy before this holiday. By the way, send them to e-mail need on the eve of the last working day so that partners read them this year, and not in the coming, after new year holidays when the congratulation has already lost its relevance.

Happy New Year 2018 for partners and clients in verse

We wish you, friends, prosperity in all,
May your labors be pleasant!
And your communication with our company
Let it bring you great results!
Happy New Year!

Dear friends! May all good things multiply in the coming 2018,
Let there be acquaintances, meetings
And a pleasant neighborhood
Happiness, joy, chances in life
And financial resources!
Happy Holidays!

Little is left before the New Year.
Living in anticipation of the holidays
We hasten to congratulate you, reliable partners,
Dear clients and good friends!

May happiness accompany you in the New Year
And your wishes will come true completely,
For business - profit, success and luck,
Health, love and prosperity are in the family!

At any moment in winter and summer,
Hearts are open to you - seven days a week!
(Company name) sincerely
Wish you victories and good luck in labor!

We value the established relationship
In partnership, both friendly and business.
And we do not hide our aspirations
Continue them now and then!

May the New Year surprise again
Good luck, prospects!
All the days that will come
They will be happy!
Let things go well
And there will be hobbies!
Lives with joy in the soul
With nice mood!

We did a great job
Fruitful and successful,
We have achieved a lot
With your help, of course!

You are great partners,
Both stable and reliable
Never let you down
You can rely on you!

Happy New Year,
From the bottom of our hearts we are your partners,
Together with you, we know for sure
We will move any mountains!

We thank you partners
For support and support!
May in the coming year
Only success in life awaits you,
Step forward, develop,
Achieve all goals easily!
May everything be fine with you
In career, friendship and personal!

Happy New Year,
Let everything go smoothly.
We always wish you success,
Excellent work for all of you!

Always positive and compliments
Emotional feedback from your clients.
In one word: keep pace with luck,
Exactly so, but not otherwise!

May the new year bring success
Health, happiness and luck,
Let the career grow up
Merry mood will arrive.

Let your plans come true
The colors of the days will be brighter
All dreams come true
Good luck may come soon!

Universal wishes for an official business congratulations on the New Year

  1. realization of creative ideas;
  2. interesting fruitful ideas and opportunities for their implementation;
  3. incessant luck and fair wind in all endeavors;
  4. stable financial position;
  5. business success and achievement of your goals;
  6. thoughtful decisions and implementation of all projects;
  7. wisdom, vigilance, patience and consistency;
  8. professional growth and improvement;
  9. well-being (to you and your company) and prosperity;
  10. confidence in the future and inexhaustible optimism;
  11. good spirits and good mood;
  12. stay full of energy and love of life;
  13. luck and good luck in life ;;
  14. positive attitude and great creative heights;
  15. radiant and inspiring creativity;
  16. vigorous health and gigantic health;
  17. warmth of hearts and love;
  18. warmth in homes and hearts, a cozy family hearth;
  19. constant sense of humor;
  20. fulfillment of all your most cherished desires;
  21. as many reasons for joy and fun as possible;
  22. live in harmony with yourself, the people around you and the whole world;
  23. not to lose enthusiasm and enthusiasm;
  24. mental comfort;
  25. eternal spring in the heart;
  26. a sea of ​​joyful impressions;
  27. let your guiding star always illuminate your life path;
  28. let the Sun, looking into your windows every morning, give a wonderful mood;
  29. let Luck, Recognition and Success be your constant companions, and three bright stars - Faith, Hope and Love - always illuminate the road to happiness.

Happy New Year 2018 for partners and clients in prose

Dear friends, dear colleagues! On behalf of the entire team (name of the company), let me wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We would like to thank you for the successful cooperation in 2016 and believe that the coming year will be even more fruitful and successful for you! We wish that 2018 will bring you the opportunity to look confidently into the future and good luck in all your endeavors and undertakings. Happy Holidays!

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We hope that the New Year will bring success in professional activity, joy in life, creativity, good luck in all endeavors, prosperity in business, support of friends, colleagues and partners! On behalf of the team (...) with Best wishes (…)

Dear Colleagues! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming 2018 New Year and Merry Christmas! May the coming year be a joyful and profitable one for you. May peace of mind, warmth and prosperity accompany you not only in new year's eve, but also all my life! Collective (…).

Dear friends, Happy New Year! Thank you for your choice and trust. We are glad to see you in the new year. Loving and respecting, we wish: a wonderful mood, family comfort, friendly meetings, love adventures, kindness, beauty, smiles, understanding, a cheerful atmosphere, suitable companies, an inner feeling of the holiday.

Dear and dear customers, we sincerely wish you a Happy New Year. Be happy and successful in the new year. Let your ideas come true. May good luck and luck accompany every business. May life be filled with joy and inspiration every day.

Dear Clients! Happy New Year to you! May the coming year bring you all joy, good news, fruitful ideas, joyful moments. We want to wish you all the best. We hope that the New Year will bring us even stronger business relations, and we will try to continue to please you with our work. During our cooperation with you, you have become more than customers for us. You have become true friends to us. Happy Holidays!

Dear friends, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you peace, goodness, health, as much warmth and comfort, inexhaustible vitality, achievement of your goals in the coming year. Let the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

Dear friends, we are glad to start the new year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and wish you and your families health, success and prosperity. So that in the new year there are new victories and achievements, the most cherished desires come true. And we will continue to help you go to your goals, giving the best that we have. Yours sincerely (company name).

Dear and dear customers, we sincerely wish you a Happy New Year. I sincerely want to wish that this year will bring happiness and peace, understanding and health, love and joy to your homes. Let life be filled with a cheerful mood, great success and bright luck.

Our dear and wonderful clients, we wish you a Happy New Year. Let a good holiday knock on your door with gifts and a wonderful mood. May all your family and loved ones be healthy in the new year. May every day be filled with happiness and love. May your choices and decisions never upset you. Peace to you, dear ones, prosperity and prosperity.

Happy New Year, dear clients. Thank you for being lucky enough to be your choice, without you we would not exist! Every day we will continue to try for you, surprising and delighting with something new. We wish you happiness, serenity and harmony in your family. Thank you for being with us!

Without you, dear customers,
We would not have found success.
You are all already dear to us,
We value everyone and everyone.

We try as best we can
To create coziness and comfort for you.
What we can - we will always help,
After all, our client is very kind to us.

The doors are always open for you,
We are glad to see you again.
And very sincerely we believe
To visit us again.

We will be waiting for you with impatience,
We will be glad to see you from the bottom of our hearts.
And let me congratulate
We need to complete these lines.

Already the New Year is coming to the house,
The holiday has almost come to us.
To a client to his own
We wish you love a bag.

May good luck be with you
Don't let the profit pass you by.
More happiness, and in addition
Congratulations from us!

We are grateful sincerely
Those who have been with us all year.
Time is very fleeting
Here is a holiday at the gate.

Happy New Year!
May he bring good
A lot of joy, health,
Many packs of banknotes!

Happy New Year, dear friends!
Life is bright and sweet as honey,
May health, luck and happiness
The whole next year will be full!

We wish you all dreams to come true,
Surround your life with magic,
We are very glad to work for you
And we are in a hurry to invite you to the New Year!

May the New Year sparkle
May it bring good luck.
Let things go uphill
We wish you a lot of fun!

We wish you health
So that life is in honey.
We are waiting for you, as before, again
In the coming year!

Our clients, the best in the world,
We want to wish you in the New Year
Luck, money, happiness and health.
We are waiting for you, come to us again!

May hopes come true in the New Year,
Good luck the birds will flap their wings.
We will be with you, as before.
Love, success and joy will come to you!

Dear customers, let in the New Year
Your regular income rises,
May luck totally accompany you.
We wish you success in your business.

May luck always and everywhere await you,
Let the movement be only forward.
We wish you happiness sooner experience,
And let your health be matched.

Our dear, welcome,
Very generous and welcome
Thrifty and indecisive
Very thoughtful, wasteful!
We meet our beloved clients,
Congratulations, we wish you good health.
Be happy and rich,
Well, we are always very glad to see you!

We congratulate you as a team,
And we wish that the New Year,
I brought you health and good luck,
And saved you all the trouble.

All beginnings will be successful
This year you will not be gloomy
Thank you for appreciating us!
We appreciate, love, Happy New Year to you!

Happy New Year to you,
We wish you health, success and good luck.
May Santa Claus fulfill his dreams
May the year bring kindness and beauty.
Be loved and love yourself,
Stubbornly go to the intended goal!

Is leaving old year from U.S,
And with him sorrows and worries.
We are glad to see you in the new,
Happy New Year to you!

May our common projects
Agreements and plans
They do successful business
We are so glad to cooperate!

May the New Year give you
Wonderful pleasant moments.
We respect, appreciate you,
You are our best clients!