Image officials from comedy auditor. Vikrittya vad bureaucracy in the comedy “Inspector. Officials in "Dead Souls"

Officials of the post office at the comedy N.V. Gogol's "Inspector" - all the heroes of provincial Russia, as satirically depicted by the author.

These people are typical for their hour and at the same hour they are individual. What do you say? Fear of the auditor "incognito". They stink about “grishki” - stink about taking khabari, grabbing state pennies, doing it not about service, but about the dominance of the government. The mayor helps the merchants to deceive the treasury: “And who helped you to get it, if you were a place and wrote a tree for twenty thousand, then there was no yoga for a hundred carbovents?” Vіn take khabarі and from merchants, and from fathers recruits, vmagaє expensive gifts. At the city's water hour "ford, uncleanness." Judgment Lyapkin-Tyapkin spent fifteen years sitting on the Suddivian style, but in yoga papers Solomon himself will not allow what is true in them, and what is not true. Judging by the khabari “borzim tsutsenyatami”, singing, scho “tse zovsіm іnsha rich”. The guardian of charitable mortgages, Sunitsa, profits from the sick, not giving them the desired faces, he stinks like flies. Postmaster Shnekin uncovers other people's leaves and leaves them in his own place. Luka Lukich, watcher of the schools, to the death of spitting, which may ring in free-thinking.

The skin hero is a comical individuality, yet they are united by greed, zazdrіst to someone else's success. Giving swag to a blatant auditor, stink to believe that you are a cunning and sensible person, even if you are under a decent drive, ask “to the borg”, but not malice. Sunitsa sche and vstigaє to convey to your comrades in the service, obіtsyayuchi viklasti everything on paper. The stench loudly hovers the Mayor with success, silently zadryat youma. And then we get angry, reading Khlestakov’s sheet: it’s okay for the skin to belittle others, but you don’t want to read about yourself. So very drib'yazkovі i zazdrіsnі їhnі squads, yakі mrіyut about bali that vbrannya. You are ready to re-digest, if you are talking, that Khlestakov is not an auditor, but fear at the sound, that the right auditor will take them to himself, I will unite everyone again.

The human nedolіki, depicted by Gogol in the characters of his heroes, is a phenomenon that does not pass, so the moral problems of the comedy are actual donin.

(2 option)

Image of officials in comedy N.V. Gogol "The Inspector" with a gallery of typical characteristics of provincial Russia.

At the holy place of the stink, they give power and strength, the greatest strength around the priesthood. All of them are individual. So, the Mayor has rightly seen his settlement for thirty years. Vіn vіdіznyаєє cunning and vіnnyam everywhere dotrimuvatisya their material interests. Anton Antonovich writes to them that you can fool anyone: “He deceived shakhrai over shakhrai, went through and shakhrai such that the whole world is ready to rob ...” With great wines of ingenuity and shanoblivy, with the lower ones - rude and unceremonious. If merchants can pull for their beards, then in front of Khlestakov’s wines they sing and intently paint yoma, like wines do not sleep at night, pissing about the well-being of the place. Vin sings that youmu does not require honors, but to prevaricate. Truly ambitious and dreaming about serving in the capital, about the rank of general. And having shown that it will be in the new one soon, you are even more aware of the lower ones, watching them for new offerings.

So very sly and ambitious and other officials. In the wake of an unsatisfactory service, judging by Lyapkin-Tyapkin, there are no more hoardings for watering and making a swag with "hort juicy ones." Gogol talks about someone who read five or six books “and that’s a lot of good thinking”, and Sunitsa characterizes the judge like this: “You don’t have a word, then Cicero z mov zletiv”. Ale, in fear of the inspector, make the judge become timid and short-tempered. More fearful Luka Lukich, watcher of the schools: “God forbid to serve as an official part! You’re afraid of the skin: you’ll take care of the skin, you want to show the skin that you’re a reasonable person.” The ringing of freethinking was threatened with hard labor, and the reason for such a ringing could be given to someone - like a teacher, for example, to make a grimace like a grimace. The postmaster cicavi and open other people's leaves, and those that are worthy, fill in themselves. Ale, the lowest and most honorable of the officials - Sunytsya, the pikluvalnik of charitable pledges. Vіn steal, like all stench, ailments do not take away from him the annual likіv and “like a flies oduzhuyut”. Vіn strenuously promotes his merits to Khlєstakov. Vіn so very, like everything, zazdrіsny. Ale wine does not only serve before the inspector, but he is ready to write a denunciation of all his friends, calling them from the poor to the right, in immorality and inspiring free-thinking:

Officials of the Gogol district district are false and false, snarky and immoral. The stench waits for the great and disdains the lower ones, disrespects the quiet, whose work is shaping up their dobrobut. This is how satirical is portrayed by the author of contemporary action.

Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol gave a broad picture of the bureaucratic and bureaucratic government of Russia in the 30s of the 19th century in the comedy "The Inspector". The comedy of vismian and the butt side of the life of the meshchants in a small postal place: the worthlessness of interests, hypocrisy and nonsense, arrogance and the fullness of human goodness, zaboboni and tiles. It is depicted in the images of the helpers of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, the squad and the daughter of the mayor, the merchants and the townspeople. And the best way to characterize the officials will go to the place where they are given. Describing the officials, N. V. Gogol, showing the mass evil of power, embezzlement of the state and swagger, svavіllya that znazhlivno stavlenya to ordinary people. All these manifestations were characteristic images of the bureaucracy of Mykolaiv Russia. The state servants of the comedy "Revizor" themselves stand before us like this.

On top of all stand the mayor. Mi bachimo, scho vin is not bad: more great, nizh yogo comrades in service, to judge the reasons for sending them to the auditor. Teachings of life and service dosvid, vin "deceived shakhraiv over shakhrays." The mayor is a perekonan scribbler: “It’s so God’s power itself, and the Voltarians don’t speak the opposite.” Vіn is constantly bringing in his own state pennies. The metaphor of this official is “at the hour ... get in with the general.” And in the case of the couple with the help of the wines, they are rude and despotic. "Sho, samovars, arshinniks ...", - the wines go up to them. We call in a different way for a person to speak to his superiors: in a friendly way, in a smart way. On the butt of the mayor, Gogol shows such typical drawings of the Russian bureaucracy, like slander, chivalry.

A group portrait of a typical Mykolaiv official, kindly supplemented by Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin. Already one yogo call to talk about the appointment of this official before his service. The very same people follow the principle of "the law, whatever it is." Lyapkin-Tyapkin is a representative of the electoral power (“rebuke to the judge for the will of the nobility”). That wine is trimmed freely from the mayor, allowing yourself to recount yoga. Shards of this person have read 5-6 books in her life, she is considered to be “a free-thinker that is enlightened”. This detail underlines the non-government of officials, their low level of illumination.

At the "Revisor" I called to pick up all the trash in Russia, as I knew the same.
N.V. Gogol

Objectives of the lesson: to analyze how the post office of Russia in the first half of the 19th century was run by the city officials N.V. Gogol.


  1. Portrait of N.V. Gogol
  2. Portraits of a mayor, a judge, a watchman of schools, a postmaster.
  3. Presentation “Povitov place at the comedy N.V. Gogol "Inspector"

Hid lesson.

Slovnikov's robot.

Explain clearly the meaning of such words: drama, comedy, poster, monologue, dialogue, replica, charitable pledge, watcher of schools, attendance, particular, travel, private, signuvati, garniza, profintiti, elistratishka, pentyukh, yakbar, feld'jäger, postіger, postіger , amber, shovkoper, incognito.

The word of the teacher.

The theme of our lesson is “Povitov place at the comedy N.V. Gogol's "Inspector". At once marvel at the presentation “Povitov place at the comedy N.V. Gogol's "Inspector". (Marvel at the addendum)

Supplement the description of the place with butts to the text.

The axis is such a gloomy picture of the place. Let’s just say it and write it down in a table, like a place. (The table will be completed during the lesson.)

How can people live in a holy place?

Which of the Meshkantsiv showed the writer to the p's?

Rechecking homework.

Bulo was given to individual homework to the students. Write in the text of the quote that characterizes the life of city dwellers and officials of the city. Write quotes on album leaves and tell stories about heroes and put them on the board.


“to work like this, so that everything was decent: kovpak would be clean, and ailments would not be similar to farriers”, “such a mіtsny tyutyun to smoke, that you will always get sick, if you will die”, “A person is simple: if you die, then die; If you dress like that, then you dress like that”, Dr. Hibner “I don’t know my Russian language”


“Do not let soldiers in without a mustache: the filthy garrison is dressed only over a uniform shirt, and there is nothing below”


“Let’s stand by our eyes, if we want to climb a noose” “We’ve already got the order right: what is traced on the cloth of the girlfriends of yoga that bottom.” Merchants swear at the mayor, wanting to steal a bowl of treasure from him at once.


Fevronya Poshlepkina “Having punished my people to bare the forehead of a soldier ... It’s impossible for the law: wine of friendship”

Non-commissioned officer

"Visik" "could not sit for two days"

Robimo visnovok about the camp of the inhabitants of the district place and it is recorded in the table.

Visnovok: the bagmen have no rights before the officials, they can do their own stench for the help of the khabarіv posadovtsy. Zhodno ї turboti from the side of the vlady is dumb, їm all the same “if you die, so die; if you dress, then you dress. Let the merchants live without malt, what can you say about poor people.

Nutrition class: “Who should live in a good place?”

Informing students about officials. Children roble entries in the tables, supplementing the column about the position and the column about officials. (Reporting to the students in the redaction by the teacher.)

For example, about Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, local rulers. “Miska, she has already grown old in the service and is already a good-looking person in her own way. Wanting and habarnik, prote behave more solidly; dosit serious ... Draw a guise of yogo rude and zhorstki, like a skin one, having served in the lower ranks. Transition from fear to joy, from lowness to zarozumіlnosti to reach the swedish, like a person with rudely deranged infirmities of the soul. In front of us, the person was with her life's dosvіdom, grip. We are writing to them that earlier “having deceived shakhrai over shakhrai, passed through and shakhrai such that they are preparing to rob the whole world.” Behind him, as well as for other officials, "grishki" live. Vin knows about the swagger of the underdogs and it seems: "You take it not according to the rank." I don’t guide anything myself: neither with cloth, nor wax, nor prune “that the rocks are already at seven by the barrel.” Zhulnuvati for the fates of the service, the mayor learned the master. “And who did you (the merchants) help you to confuse, if you were a place and wrote a tree for twenty thousand, if there wasn’t one for a hundred carbovents?” Pennies, seen on the church, pressured, and the authorities were given extra money, that the church burned down. Yogo ordering on the surface, so that I will again fool the auditor. “The more lamanna, the more means the diyalnist of the ruler.”

Artemy Pylypovich Sunytsya- a pikluvalnik of charitable mortgages. Vіn, speaking with my current mоv, vіdpovіdaє for likarnі, chumps. Koshti sneak, he himself knows: “We are ill punished to give habersup, but in me, along all the corridors, I carry such cabbage that you only take care of it.” "The faces of our dear ones are not alive." Yogo phrase about those who are ill with a new one “everyone like flies bites”, the doctor on the nickname Hibner characterizes the camp of the doctor. At the hour of the "audience" of Khlestakov Artemy Pilipovich, a tile, telling about the special life of officials, preparing to write a denunciation on all. Don't punish me, I'll put everything better on paper?

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin- Judge. Yogo mayor calls a sensible person, more after reading five or six books. The mayor’s respect for the presence of the city: “You have there at the front, where you call є prohachi, the watchmen brought domestic geese with small caterpillars, which roam like that under their feet.” “You hang in your very presence, be like trash, and over the very closet with papers, a mischievous rapnik ... There is such a smell, no wines at once vyyshov z guralnya.” Visnannya Ammos Fedorovich “I say to everyone blatantly, what do I take khabari, but what khabari? Good tsutsenyatami ”to talk about those who have swag - this is the norm for officials in the city, they only take leather, which is necessary for you. Judging by nothing, my robot has no mind: “I’ve been sitting in the Suddanese style for fifteen years already, and I’ll zazir in an additional note - ah! just wave my hand. Solomon himself cannot allow what is true in him and what is not true.

Khlopiv Luka Lukich- Watcher of schools. The most secure settlement, even the age of life, was never valued in Russia. “God forbid that you serve as a part of your wife, you are afraid of everything. I love the skin, I want to show the skin that I am a reasonable person.” Khlopov was stunned by the idea that in the initial pledge “free-spirited thoughts inspire the youth”, and one of the readers “having peaked” for an hour of explanation of the material, and the other lama style.

Shpekin Ivan Kuzmich- Postmaster. The postmaster doesn’t want to know what the leaves of the wind are opening and reading, not to succumb to this malice. Vіn rob tse zіkavosti: I love death to know what is new in the world. I'll tell you what it's like to read. You will read the next leaf from the salt…” Tse not only the reception of the hour spent, the tse and vykonannya vkazivok of the mayor, for the sake of reading the leaves. “Listen, Ivan Kuzmich, why can’t you, for our sleepy coriste, be some kind of sheet that comes to you at the post office, what to enter and exit, you know, so tell the three things and read: don’t rush into the new one like a report, it’s just listing ... ” Having recopied Khlestakov’s list to friend Tryapichkin.

Police. At the fourth appearance of the first day, we know that the policeman Prokhorov is dead drunk, to sleep on the bed. In the poster of the letter, the names of three policemen are given: Derzhimorda, Svistuniv, Pugovitsyn. Already the names themselves seem, like the stench to bring harmony to the city. The mayor gives order to Pugovitsyn: "Quarterly Pugovitsin ... if you are of high growth, then let me build a well-maintained bridge." Shchodo Derzhimordi I respect the private bailiff: “So say Derzhimordi, so that you don’t have to give vent to your fists; wines for the order of all to put lighters under the eyes: to the right, and to the wine. Derzhimorda gave them to stand by the doors of the auditor Khlestakov and did not let in the new city dwellers. The police station is in full order at the mayor’s office, and, it turns out, it’s not for the laws of the state, but for the bag of the head official of the city.

Uzagalnennya said about the officials.

Name rice, typical for officials. Fill in the column of the table about officials.

How can the images of the heroes in the comedy be seen as more accurately reflecting the characters of people, how they lived effectively?

What is the role of the artist's guess in the depiction of diy's feelings?

The officials of the locality are “buval” people, so they can easily trick anyone, but why should the stench be afraid of the inspector?

Why did the officials take Khlestakov for the auditor?

Mykola 1, having declared after the first visit of the "Inspector": "Well, p'isa! Everyone got away, but most of me!” At Perm, the police tried to put on a performance, and the mayor at Rostov-on-Don threatened to shove the actors at the village. Gogol wrote about the staging of the comedy: “Diya, created by her, was big and loud. Mustache against me. Officials of the summer are important to shout that there is nothing sacred for me, if I dare to talk like that about people. The police are against me, the merchants are against me ... » Why were the tsar, officials and merchants so angry?

How do you care, what is relevant in our days?


Write a poem at home with the elements of the creation “Povitov place near the comedy N.V. Gogol's "Inspector". For example, I clad the answer to the questions: “How do you understand the epigrapher to the point?”

Pouches for the lesson.

Zvertaemo respect for the epigrapher before the lesson. With what method did the writer show in the comedy "all the trash in Russia"?


Lesson topic:

"Officers of the N" (Z comedy N.V., Gogol's "Inspector")

Grade 8 Program

Assistant "Literature 8th grade" (Authors: V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravlyov, V. I. Korovin. Moscow, "Osvita", 2009 rіk)

Methodical help:phonochrestomathy to assistant “Literature. Grade 6”, Educational institution “Prosvita” 2009 rіk; « Open lesson sLiterature: Russian Classical Literature (Plans, abstracts, materials): Help for readers / Editors-orders: I. P. Karpov, N. N. Starigina. Moscow: Moscow Lyceum, 2001;

lesson type: Vyvchennya new material.

Objectives of the lesson:

Lighting:to continue the acquaintance with comedy, to reveal the ideas of creativity, to encourage independent analysis of the images of officials in Gogol's comedy and to a respectful reading of the details of Gogol's work; molding vminnya "crisis smіh feel turmoil" that bazhannya fights against us "poor in Russia";

Developing: the development of the skill of creative reading, verbal communication, prayer;

Vikhovna: pinch love to the word, love to Russian literature, to exalt patriotism, self-reliance.

manager : the molding of creative, moral qualities

Naochnist that obladnannya:

texts of comedy, interactive board “SMART Board”, slides with the names of officials, “notes”, on which the details of the portrait are written, replicas, characters, characteristics of officials, S.I. Ozhegov, illustrations to the comedy "Inspector".

The method of developing new material: Chastkovo-shukovy.

Hid lesson

“At the Revizori, I decided to pick up the brothers

in one compartment all the trash in Russia,

like I knew the same ... and for one

laugh at the same time ...

Crisis smіh ... reader feeling


N.V. Gogol

1. Organizational moment.

2. Awareness of the objectives of the lesson.

3. Work with the text of comedy.

MISTO. A selection of all the information about the place along the frontal work path:

-Where do you want to comedy comedy?

- Why can't you name the place?

-What do we know about this place?

-What characterization of youmu is given by the mayor and Khlestakov?

(Maybutnі Vіdpovіdі. Diya Vіdbuvyuyuzhu from the most famous m_stech, the name is Gogol not yes. Intrusnient Miscea Rottashumnya Mista, Zvіdka "Watch Three Rocky Downloads, NI to Jaco, do not scarecrow," Nada Yom Moovnostei, Dzvollaі Vadi Rosії, reach Khlestakov Himself to speak about this place: “What a filthy place!”.

However, we can judge about the life of the place by the camp of the right at yoga installations.

Tell me, do we know about the life of such mortgages from comedy?)


a) On the choli of the skin mortgage stand the guards. Who are the officials and what is their role in the city?

For the dictionary Z.I. Ozhegova: “An official is a sovereign serviceman, maє rank, service rank.”

True, the officials are guilty of all the podias that are taken from the city, as well as the "blame" of our today's lesson. We can judge about the image of the place and the right at the various institutions by the vchinkiv, the behavior and mental anxieties are quiet, who cares, organizes the life of the place. In Gogol's comedy, officials of all the main departments of the post office on the cob of the 19th century are represented. Tsіkavo, that the officials protyazh practically the whole development of comedy at once. How do you care why? What do they say?


The stench rose less often at the scenes of the propositions of Khabariv to Khlestakov. Well, this year we rose to our friend.


The boys choose “little notes” from the cylinder, on which the details of the portrait, replicas, characters, and characteristics of that other official are written.Head of skin reader: know the "lord" of the artistic details and attach your sheet to the board under the name of that official, the image of which you are creating. Let's go to the doshka 5 osіb, yakі revіryаyut correctness vikonannya zavdannya, and leather from them, one by one the details, vibudovuє their own performance-characteristics of the official. All the participants in the lesson are rescheduled in groups according to the heading plate (official's nickname), the characteristics of which were compiled for the help of their "note".

Axis yakі risi folded the characteristics of the heroes:


- seems neither loudly, nor quietly, nor richly, nor little;

- “Have mercy, do not misfortune! Druzhina, little children: do not build up an unfortunate person ”;

- merchants “we will stand by freezing, I want to climb a noose”;

- Friendship, may have grown up a daughter;

-At the next stage, stand in the middle at the sight of the stovp with outstretched arms and head thrown back;

- You should have the phrase: “Why are you laughing? Laugh at yourself!..”


- “Lyudina, I have read five or six books”;

-Take khabari with Hortov tsutsenyats, don’t believe in God, don’t go to church;

- “as if in a bass voice, with a long drawling, hoarse and glanders, like an old year’s day, which I start to hiss, and then we’ll already b”;

-judgment, kolezky asesor;

-from 1816 to the fate of the baptism of the trillity of the will of the nobility and continuing the tenure of the dosi;

-Proponuє "pіdsunuti" Khlestakov's pennies.


- “Before tovsta, non-turning and ungrabable people, but with all this pronosis and Shakhray”;

- pіkluvalnik of charitable mortgages;

- “A person is simple: if you die, then die; if you dress, then you dress like that”;

- "finished the pig in the yarmoltsi."


Robіє in front of the door of Khlestakov’s room, all tremt and can’t remember the right word, and then we’ll fly big from the room;

- watchdog of schools;

-maє rank of titular radnik;

- “Rotten through the cibula”;

-one of the yogis “can’t do without it, so that, when you sit on the pulpit, don’t make a grimace.”


- “Point-to-point department watchman Mіkhєєv, maybe, also, a bad guy, p'є gіrku”;

- “a simple-minded person to the point of naivety”;

- “absolutely nothing to break: do everything for the great neglected, hold the parcels”;

-At the rozmovі z Khlєstakov, I repeat the phrase for the whole hour: “That's right, sir”;

-postmaster, nadvirny radnik.

c) Group work. The skin group is encouraged to analyze the image of one official.

SUMANIKA: How often does Sunitsa tell Khlestakov about the troubles in the city? Why Sunitsya not inform on the mayor? Why should I introduce myself to the auditor?

SHPEKIN: How do you get it in the mail? Why are there other leaves? Why does Gogol give such a characterization in “In Respect for Pan Actors”: “A simple-minded person to the point of innocence”? Bring it.

LYAPKIN-TYAPKIN: Can you give a description of him in the name of the judge? Yaky? How can you do it in the present places? What do we know about yoga car'era?

KHLOPIV: Why is Khlopov not given a characterization in the “Respect for Pan Actors”? Fold "Respect" for yoga image.

V'YAZOK-DMUKHANIVSKY: Vіn kazhe: "There are no people, as if there were no small sin behind them." What are the sins of following the mayor? Why did the mayor believe that Khlєstakov is an auditor?

5. After a group discussion and preparation for the preparation of the skin group, a word is given.

Other groups can make additions, corrections, put food in the background.

With a bag of robots and a bunch of visnovoks about those that GOGOL Volodymyr for nothing, for the help of one detail, give a new characterization of the hero of his creation.

6. Turn to the epigraph lesson.

The epigraph reads, written in leather on a small arch paper to the paper, confirming the question: “What is Gogol talking about?”.

If the robots are advertised on the doshtsi, and the skin can be recognized by the glance of their classmates, conduct a self-assessment by way of matching their own opinions with the opinions of others.

“Gogol sumuє about Russia, її zvichaї, orders. Yomu hot, to that vin can’t be changed in the current sovereign system ”(Savchenko A.)

“The scribe is summed up by the one who is going through the desert, what is swag, deceit, denunciation - everything has become right-wing, don’t miss anyone” (Veselova M.)

“I’m wondering, Gogol knows about those who, in our country, habarniks occupy a high camp in the suspense, and they stink not about the state, not about the place of that yogo bagmen, but only about the dominance of the government” (Artem’eva O.)

“Gogol sumuy for Russia. It becomes even more sore and harsher than the thought that such a country knows because of the blame of greed, sordidness, stupidity and non-government of officials, as if cherishing it ”(Makarov M.)

7. P_dbitya p_dbag_v lesson:

chi vykonali zavdannya, put on the cob of the lesson, what new was recognized, what they achieved.


- what I vyvchav;

-Yak I pratsyuvav;

- what reach.)

8. Homework.

Write a twirl miniature: “I want to make my own place as a kind.”

"Revizor" is a comedy, for which a schoolboy knows a skin, and a person has also grown up. Behind Gogol's words, I wanted to choose “everything is rotten” in my creation, as it was in Russia at that time. The author wants to show how injustice panues in quiet places, de justice is needed most. I will help you to understand the topic of comedy, the characteristics of the heroes. "The Inspector" is a comedy, as it showed the right person of the bureaucracy on the cob of the 19th century.

The head thought of the "Inspector". What does the author want to show?

The head thought and the idea of ​​creation will help to understand the very characteristics of the heroes. "Revizor" inspects the bureaucracy at that hour and the skin of the hero works to help the reader understand what the author wants to say about comedy.

It is necessary to say that skin action, that is used in comedy, reflects the entire administrative-bureaucratic system. The image of officials in the comedy "Inspector" clearly shows the readers of the 21st century the right person of the hourly bureaucracy. Gogol wants to show those who have been diligently grafted in the form of suspense.

The history of the creation of "Inspector"

It seems that over the p'esoy Gogol began to practice 1835. I have a copy of the versions about those that caused the writing of the "Inspector". Prote, varto signify, the traditional vvazhaєy version about those that the plot of the future comedy was given to the author Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin. To whom there is confirmation, as it was known in the minds of Volodymyr Sollogub. Vin wrote that Pushkin got to know Gogol, after which he told you about the fluctuations, that he was standing at the Ustyuzna municipality: he was a passer-by, no one knew the pan, having robbed the inhabitants of the city, having seen himself as an official of the ministry.

The fate of Pushkin in the created comedy

There is another version, also based on the words of Sollogub, in which it is said that Pushkin himself was accepted as an official, if he was in Nizhny Novgorod in order to collect materials about the Pugachov rebellion.

Just before the hour of writing, Gogol spoke to Pushkin and talked about how the work on the "Revizor" works. Varto signify that the author of the kіlka once tried to throw a robot over a comedy, and Oleksandr Sergiyovich himself had impinged on the fact that Gogol had finished his tvіr.

The image of officials in the comedy "The Inspector" evoked the bureaucracy of that hour. Varto say that history is the basis of creation, revealing the whole essence of the administrative-bureaucratic system of Russia on the cob of the 19th century.

The image of the main characters in the comedy "Inspector". Table of officials

In order to comprehend the head thought and create the theme, it is necessary to explore the images of the main characters in comedy. You must remember the bureaucracy for that hour and show the readers how injustice was panned there, because justice is small but first for everything.

Head heroes of the comedy "Inspector". Order table. Short description.

Name of an official Brief description of the official

Governor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovskiy

Head of the post office. Tsya people always take the swag and don’t care what is wrong. The mayor of upevneniy, scho "take swag with a mustache, and the greater rank, then the greater swag." Anton Antonovich is not afraid of the inspector, he is on his guard, because you don’t know the wine, who is responsible for the re-examination of your city. It’s worth it, the mayor is instilled in himself, a cheeky and dishonest person. I can't understand such people as "justice" and "honesty". Vіn upevneniy, khabarі - not malice.

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin

Judge. Vіn vvozhaє to dosit yourself with a sensible person, who in his life has read close to five or six books. Warto means, all the criminals do it, like wines in the world, they don’t change in the best camp: for an hour you can’t learn wine yourself and understand, it’s true, but it’s not.

Artemy Pylypovich Sunytsya

Artemy is a pikluvatel of charitable mortgages. It is necessary to say that the librarians have more than rubbish, as well as zhahlivy bezlad. Illness to walk at the brooding smell, through which you get away, that the stinks were on the robots in the forge, and the cooks are preparing at the brudny kovpak. Plus, it is necessary to add to all the negative sides that you are ill to smoke. There is a lot of blame for those who don’t varto cover themselves with the diagnosis of illness of their patients, for that “a person is simple: if you die, then you die like that, if you dress, then you dress like that.” With this word, you can grow whiskers, so Artemy Pilipovich doesn’t give a damn about healthy patients.

Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin

Luka Lukich Khlopov

Luka Lukich is the watchman of the schools. Vin is a fearful person.

The image of officials in the comedy "The Inspector" shows how injustice panuvala at that hour. At the courts, likarnyah and other establishments, it was given b, if there was justice and honesty, but the images of officials in Gogol's work clearly show that on the cob of the 19th century in all of Russia, they will do it in a different way.

Head thought of the comedy "Inspector". Creative theme

Gogol, saying that he wanted to take all the “foolishness” from his creation, he was wary of that hour. The theme of p'єsi є vismіyuvannya human vices: hypocrisy, shahraystvo, scurrilousness, etc. The author wanted to convey to the creation that the stench was unfair, dishonest and bad. The bureaucracy was not absolutely hospitable to the right to cross people.

The comedy of the "Inspector"

The comicality of the creation lies in the fact that the deputy auditor, whom everyone in the city was afraid of, came a great person, as if he had fooled all the officials.

"Revizor" - this is a comedy, as if showing the right person of an official in Russia on the cob of the 19th century. The author wants to show: the stench was unfair, stingy and bad, that they could not make a great person look like a right auditor.