Quantum omniscience brian cox. Quantum omniscience. Theories of quantum gravity

Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw

Quantum omniscience. Yak vlashtovano those scho we can not succumb

Science editors Vyacheslav Maracha and Mikhailo Pavlov

Seen with permission from Apollo's Children Ltd and Jeff Forshow and Diane Banks Associates Ltd.

The law firm "Vegas-Lex" is giving legal support to the legal profession.

© Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, 2011

© Translated by Russian mine, seen by Russian mine, designed. TOV "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2016

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1. Come wondrous

quantum. This word instantly volaє to pochuttіv, zbivaє z panteliki and bewitch. Fallow at a glance, either as a coincidence of the great successes of science, or as a symbol of human intuition, as it is terrified to fight against the unavoidable wonder of the subatomic sphere. For physics, quantum mechanics is one of the three great pillars, at which lies the intellect of nature (two others - the main and special theory of Einstein's viability). Einstein's theories toil right with the nature of the expanse that hour and force of gravity. Quantum mechanics deals with everything else, and it can be said that, even though it won’t blow up until you feel it, beat it with a pantel, or it enchanted, it’s only physical theory that describes how nature behaves right. Ale navіt yakshcho mіryati її for tsim great pragmatic criteria, vain vrazhє its accuracy and explanatory power. One experiment in the field of quantum electrodynamics, the oldest and best understood of today's quantum theories. At the new one, it dies, as the electron moves around the magnet. Physicists-theorists of a lot of years have been hard at work with a pen and a paper, and sometimes with computers, to talk about how to show themselves such results. Practitioners foresaw and set up experiments to discover more details from nature. Having offended the camps independently, one and the same, they saw results with an accuracy similar to that of a vimir between Manchester and New York with a shift of a few centimeters. It is noteworthy that the figures, which were found by the experimenters, mostly corresponded to the results of the calculation of theoreticians; vimiryuvannya and the charges were more than fine.

Not only hostile, but marvelous, and, as a rule, the models were a single turbot of quantum theory, you could have the right to power, who had a problem. Science, conceived, may be corny, but rich in technological and supple changes, as if they have made a revolution in our life, have seen from the fundamental achievements, carried out by modern studies, as if they are less likely to be better than to understand the world for themselves. Zamyaki Tsim, Viklikovy Lishe Tsіkavіstei, Vіdkritteumi at the Baluses of Science Mi Majmo Zb_lisheny Trial Livya, Mizizhіvіvіvyzennya, freedom of vіdnevkіdnostі to be watched by the Silistic gentlemen of Zadasnaya Vlasivnya, and the widespread picture of our mіsci, Shahі in the Scho-Vіdkrivaєchi. Ale tse in I am a sensational side effects. We dolіdzhuєmo z tsіkavostі, and not to those who want to reach the shortest understanding of reality or to develop effective dribnichki.

Quantum theory is perhaps the best example, like an inexhaustibly foldable understanding of the greater number of people becomes very brown. Vaughn is foldable rozuminnya, shards describe the world, for whom you can often really visit a few places at once and move from one month to the next, reaching the whole World. Vaughn is korisna, to that, the understanding of the behavior of the smallest celins of the light-house and the understanding of the understanding of everything else. There is a treasure trove between our zarozumіlostі, to that which the world is richly folded and rіznomanіtnіshiy, it was given below. Ignorant of all the complexity, we have shown that everything is made up of the most impersonal particles, as if they collapse apparently to the laws of quantum theory. Tsі legislаt pіstіlki simple, їх їх it is possible to write down on the back of the envelope. And those who do not need the whole library to explain the glibin nature of speeches, are in themselves one of the greatest mysteries of the world.

Since, the more we know about the elementary nature of the light, the easier it is for us to know. Step by step, we will come to the understanding of all the laws and that, how small zeglins interact, shaping light. But even if we wanted to, we groaned at the simplicity that lies at the foundation of the All-World, it is necessary to remember the language: if the basic rules are simple, you can’t easily count their traces. Our everyday knowledge of the knowledge of the world is signified by the richness of billions of atoms, and to try to introduce the principles of the behavior of people, creatures and growth from the nuances of the behavior of these atoms would be simply stupid. Knowing this, we do not underestimate yoga: behind all phenomena, as a result, there is a quantum physics of microscopic particles.

Reveal the light around us. You hold a book in your hands, prepared from paper - milled wooden masi. Trees are all machines, building atoms and molecules, splitting them and reorganizing colonies, like a billion or so particles. The stench breaks the whole veil of molecules, called chlorophyll, and which is made up of more than a hundred atoms of carbon, water and sour, as it may have a particularly curved shape and creak with a large number of atoms in magnesium and water. Thus, the particles of the building can catch the light, which flew 150,000,000 km from our star - a nuclear fire with a volume of a million such planets, like the Earth, - and transport the energy to the deep clitin, de z and drive and see us life sour.

The very same molecular lances form a superstructure, which goes like a tree, papier at this book, and everything is alive. When you read a book and understand the words, the fact that you have eyes and smells can change the light on the sides on electric impulses, which are interpreted by the brain - the most complex structure of the All-World, we know about it. We have shown that all the speeches of the world are no more than the lowest concentration of atoms, and the widest diversity of atoms is made up of three particles - electrons, protons and neutrons. We know that the protons and neutrons themselves are made up of other entities, they are called quarks, and everything will end with them - we accept it at once. A base for whom to serve as quantum theory.

In this manner, the picture of the All-World, in which we live, modern physics is small with a winy simplicity; Elegant appearances appear here, where it is impossible to dance, giving rise to the diversity of the macro world. Possibly, the most valuable achievement of modern science is the unit of the world's naming complexity, including the people themselves, to describe the behavior of a small number of the most important subatomic particles and some of the forces that exist between them. The best descriptions of three of these forces - the strong and the weak nuclear interactions that underlie the middle of the atomic nucleus, and the electromagnetic interaction that glues atoms and molecules together - is known as quantum theory. Less the force of gravity - the weakest, but, perhaps, we know the strength of us - at the same time there is no sufficient quantum description.

Warto know that quantum theory can have a wonderful reputation, and її іm'yam pretend to be impersonal right nonsense. Koti can be both alive and dead at the same time; parts are changed at two months at the same time; Heisenberg insists that it is not clear. Everything is really true, but visnovkas, which often squeal out of it - since the microlight feels marvelous, then we will send a sickle to the fog - it’s like it’s not. Psychic spy, mystical healing that vibrate bracelets, like protect from radiation, and the devil knows what regularly sneaks into the pantheon of the possible under the word “quantum”. Qiu nіsenіtnitsa bred nevminnnya clearly thought, self-deception, right, or udavane incomprehensibility, or as if the combination of the whole overexploited thing was especially not given. Quantum theory accurately describes the world behind the help of mathematical laws, and concrete ones, like those that Newton and Galileo won. By the same token, we can, with naming accuracy, unravel the magnetic field of the electron. Quantum theory propagates such a description of nature, which, as we know, may have a great transferring and explanatory power and expand on impersonal phenomena such as silicon microcircuits to large scales.

The metaphor of the book is a distortion of the mystery of quantum theory - a theoretical construction, in which a lot of people stray, including winding the pershoprokhidniks themselves at this gallery. May we try to win the current perspective, rooted in the lessons of intransigence and the development of theory. However, at the start, we will be transferred to the beginning of the 20th century and continue to have some problems, which made physicists think of radical change in the light of what was previously respected by the mainstream of science.

A new rise to the problem of quantum gravitation, over such a thing there are already ten years of rich struggle, turning to the basics and showing, like “compositing” one with one “ceglinka”, from which an expanse of an hour is induced.

How did you winickly prostir that hour? How did the stench make a smooth chotirivimirna empty, like ashes for our physical world? How do they look at the stench at the next hour of sight? Similar nutrition is blamed on the cutting edge of modern science, that is, until the achievement of quantum gravitation - until the not yet created union of Einstein's total theory of water with quantum theory. The theory of visibility describes how expanse and hour at a macroscopic scale can take on indefinite forms, creating what we call the force of gravity and gravity. Quantum theory follows the laws of physics, like at the atomic and subatomic scales, ignoring the effects of gravity. The theory of quantum gravity is obliged to describe in quantum laws the nature of the space-hour on the smallest scale - the spaces between the smallest possible elementary particles - and, perhaps, explain it through the same fundamental warehouses.

The main candidate for this role is often called the theory of superstrings, but so far it has not given any results on the current day. Moreover, following its own internal logic, it has opened up even more deep versions of new exotic warehouses and mutual synergies between them, leading to a sublime variety of possible results.


Zagalnovidomo, scho quantum theory and zagalna vodnosnosti Einstein's theory do not stick one to one. Physicists have been trying for a long time to link them to a single theory of quantum gravity, but they did not achieve great success.

The promotion of the new pidkhid does not force the everyday exotic positions, but instead opens the new way of zastosuvannya vіdomih laws to the last elements of the space-hour. Qi elements come from the year like the molecules from the crystal.

Our pidhid shows how we can dynamically win out of more fundamental components. More than that, it allows you to let go, like this expanse-hour at a microscopic scale step by step move from smooth continuity to chimeric fractality.

In the rest of the years, our work has become a promising alternative to the strong mainstream of theoretical physics. The following is the simplest recipe - take a small amount of fundamental warehouses, choose them to the best of your knowledge of quantum principles (without any exoticism), mix well and date, - you take away the quantum space-hour. The process is simple, so that yoga can be modeled on a portable computer.

Іnshimi words, Yakscho, rozglyadayuchi porozhnіy Prostir hour (vacuum) yak nematerіalnu substantsіyu scho skladaєtsya of duzhe velikoї kіlkostі mіkroskopіchnih structureless elementіv, dozvoliti їm vzaєmodіyati mіzh themselves vіdpovіdno to simple rules teorії gravіtatsії i kvantovoї teorії then tsі Elements spontaneously organіzuyutsya in єdine tsіle , like richly in what you will look like yourself, like the All-World is guarded. The process is similar to the fact that the molecules are organized in a crystalline or amorphous solid body.

With such an approach, a space-hour may appear similar to a swedish on a large zmishane spekotne, a foldable spring cake. More than that, on the basis of other approaches to quantum gravity, ours is strong. If we change the details of the power model, the result does not actually change. Such stamina gives me the opportunity to support me in the right direction. As a result, the result is sensitive to the point where we put the leather cloak of our majestic ensemble, we would take away a colossal number of equal modern baroque forms, which would include the possibility of explaining what the All-world itself showed itself to be like that, like wine.

Similar mechanisms of self-folding and self-organization are found in physics, biology and other science galleries. With a garniture butt, the behavior of the great birds, for example, spaks. Okremі birds vzaєmodіyut only with a small number of susіdіv; a gang, like a bi їm explaining what the need for robiti is, no. Proteo playing form and collapse as a single whole, collective power, or other authorities, which do not appear in the behavior of other people.

A short history of quantum gravity

A lot of attempts to explain the quantum structure to the space-hour as it forms in the process of mimicry vinification did not bring any success. The stench came out of Euclidean quantum gravity. The program was carried out in a way reminiscent of the 1970s. and the book “Brief History of Time” by physicist Stephen Hawking became popular and became a bestseller. This program comes from the principle of superposition, which is fundamental for quantum mechanics. Be it an object, classical or quantum, to be known in a real state, which is characterized, for example, by the position of that shvidkistyu. But if the camp of a classical object can be described by a more powerful set of numbers, then the camp of a quantum richer is richer: it is the sum of all the possible classical camps.


Tsya theory, which is supported by more physicists-theorists, stands not only for quantum gravity, but for all kinds of matter and forces. It is based on the fact that all the particles (including hypothetical ones that carry gravity) are strings that ripple.

The main alternative to string theory. Vaughn gets a new method of bringing the rules of quantum mechanics to Einstein's outrageous theory. Space is subdivided into discrete "atoms" obyagu

Pidkhid, having omitted the popularity of the physicist Steven Hawking, the foundations on the admissions, which are known from the wild quantum average of all possible forms. In this theory, the hour is respected by equal rights from spacious worlds

Tsey pіdkhіd, є є topic ієї statti, є є modern variant of the Euclidean approach. Vіn foundations on approximating the space-hour with a mosaic of tricouts with cob-shaped divisions of the space of that hour. At small scales, the expanse-hour of the formation of fractal structures

For example, a classic billiard ball is collapsing along a singing trajectory, and its position and speed at any moment can be precisely defined. In the case of a richly smaller electron, everything is different. Yogo Rukh is subject to quantum laws, with which an electron can be used at once in rich places and mothers of impersonal swidkosts. Without zvnіshnіh vplivіv z point A to point B, the electron does not fall in a straight line, but along all possible paths at once. Such a picture of all the possible paths in yoga movement, taken together, go over from the mathematical “recipe” for quantum superposition, formulated by the Nobel laureate Richard Feynman, which gives importance to the average of all other possibilities.

Koristuyuchis zaproponovaniem recipe, you can razrahuvat ymovіrnіst znakhodzhennya elektron in be-yakom specific range of position and swidkost aside from the straight path, like vin mav bi collapsed according to the laws of classical mechanics. Vіdmіnna vіdmіnіst vіst vіdmіnоmechanіchnoї ї povedіnі ї chastki - vіdhilennya vіd єdої іtkoії traєktorії, t.zv. quantum fluctuations. The smaller the size of the analyzed physical system, the greater the role of quantum fluctuations.

In Euclidean quantum gravitation, the principle of superposition zastosovuetsya to the whole Vse svіtu zahal. In this way, the superposition is formed not from different trajectories of a particle, but from possible paths in the evolution of the all-world at the hour, the creation of forms for the space-hour. In order to bring the task to a mind that allows the solution to be shuddered, physicists begin to look at the more bizarre form and expand the space-hour, and not the skin of this miserable creation (div.: Jonathan J. Halliwell. Quantum Cosmology and Creation of the Universe // Scientific American , December 1991).

In the 1980s-1990s. Until now, in the realm of Euclidean quantum gravitation, we have gone through a great technical path, connected with the development of the laborious work of computer modeling. Vikoristovuvani models represented the geometry of the curved space-hour for the help of elementary "celinks", as if for the sake of clarity they were introduced by tricot ones. Grids with triangular middles allow to effectively approximate curved surfaces, which is often used in computer animation. In different models of the space-hour, elementary “celinks” and knotted tricutniks in a completely chotirivimir space and are called 4-simplices. So, just like gluing tricots with their edges, it allows creating curved two-world surfaces, gluing the “facets” of chotirivimir simplices (which are trivimir tetrahedrons) allows creating a model of a chotirivimir space-hour.

The “celinkas” themselves do not create a direct physical sensation. Yakby could be seen for an hour under an over-the-shoulder microscope, none of the tricots could be seen. The stench is less of an approximation. The only information that can be physically measured is reflected in their collective behavior in the manifestations that the skin of them has changed to zero size. At this inter-geometry of “ceglinks” (be stinky, cubic, five-pointed, or else be some kind of summish of these forms) is not of a reasonable meaning.

Insensitivity to various small-scale details is often called universality. A phenomenon, well known to statistical physics, which wields molecules in gases and plains: the molecules may move in the same way, even if it is in the same warehouse. Universality is associated with the power of systems, which are made up of a large number of small elements, and manifest themselves on a scale that is richer than the scale of a warehouse. Analogous firmness for the protection of birds is in the fact that the zabarvlennya, rosemіr, rozmakh creel and forty birds can’t wait until the death of the graї like a whole. At a macroscopic scale, there are only a few microscopic details.


For the help of computer models, the former quantum gravity began to develop the effects of superpositions of forms of space-hour, which are not supported by the methods of classical theory of water content, zocrema, strongly curved on even small distances. This is the regime that doesn’t overwhelm, the most clique of physicists, but it may not be possible to analyze without stopping computers.


In order to designate, as an expanse of the form for ourselves, the physicists need the necessary way to describe this form. The stinks describe її, vikoristovuyuchi trikutniks and their analogues with a great number of vimіryuvan, the mosaic of some allows approximating the curved form. The curvature at a particular point is determined by a new cut, which is pulled together by tricots, yak otochuyut tsyu point. In different flat surfaces, the accuracy of 360 ° is more accurate, but in different curvilinear surfaces, the wines can be smaller or larger.

Unfortunately, the simulation showed that Euclid's quantum gravity does not allow for the violation of important warehouse behavior. All superpositions, which do not overwhelm, have appeared in principle unstable in the chotirivimir omniscience. Quantum fluctuations of curvature on a small scale, which characterize the various overlays of all worlds, which contribute to the average, do not compensate, but mutually strengthen one another, shaking the whole expanse into a small sack with an infinite number of worlds. In such an expanse, there is a place between two dots, forever overwhelmed by a small one, to inspire it to become majestic. In some vipadkas, the expanse turns into the other extreme, growing borderline thin and protracted, like a polymer with a great number of throats. The life of these possibilities is not similar to our real Vsesvit.

First of all, turn around again until you let go, like they brought physicists at a deaf kut, let's look at one wonder of the taken result. "Cegliks" chotirivimirnі, but in the aggregate they either make space with the inexhaustible lack of vimiriv (that the all-world is protected), or the two-world expanse (all-light-polymer). Just like an admission about the great quantum fluctuations, the vacuum let go of the genie, winkled the ability to change the fundamental understanding, for example, peace. Possibly, the classical theory of gravitation, in which the world is always respected by the song, could not give such a result.

One of the last ones can be a little disappointing for fans of science fiction. Fiction writers often endorse the concept of space-hour tunnels, which never allow areas to be close to each other, where one and the same are far away. The stench of the prospective opportunity is more expensive for the hour and the transmission of signals from the speed, which outweighs the speed of the light. Irrespective of those who did not suspect anything of the kind, physicists admit that similar tunnels can be rehabilitated within the framework of the not yet created theory of quantum gravity. In light of the negative result of the computer simulation of Euclidean quantum gravity, the possibility of establishing such tunnels is extremely small. Expansive-temporal tunnels can have such impersonal options that the stink of guilt is overcome in superposition, the roe is unsettled, so that the quantum omniscience can’t be in any way beyond the small, but even mutually connected sleepiness.


The expanse-chas can be filled with impersonal different forms. Zgіdno z quantum theory, the form, yak mi bachimo z the greatest imovirnіst, є superposition, but the zvazhenoy average of all possible forms. Putting together the forms of the tricots, theorists attribute the dermal vaga to the specific method of linking these trikuts in the case of budovі tsієї forms. The authors have established: in order to remove the middle ground from the real All-World, to be careful, trikutniks are guilty of obeying the singing rules, to avenge the “arrows” that indicate directly to the hour

Who can have a root bid? In search of breaks and "vilny kіntsіv" of the Euclidean approach, we came to the key idea - one component, absolutely necessary for the possibility of preparing our crazy roast: the code of the universe is guilty of including the principle of causality, that is. the structure of the vacuum is responsible for ensuring the possibility of an unambiguous division of causes and consequences. Causality is an invisible part of the classical private and global theories of applicability.

Euclidean quantum gravity does not include causality. The designation of "Euclidean" means that the expanse of that hour is considered equal. All the world that is included in the Euclidean superposition, may be chotir expanse vimіri zamіst one timchasovogo and three expanses. Shards of Euclidean omniscience cannot be easily understood by the hour, there is no structure in them that allows one to sing in song order. The Meshkants of such omniscients cannot understand the "cause" and the "effect". Hawking and others, like victorious Euclidean pidkhid, they said that the “hour of manifestations” is like a mathematical, and a roman sense. They believed that causality was the result of macroscopic power from microscopic quantum fluctuations, which may well be a sign of a causal structure. Prote computer simulation crossed their minds.


In a great life, the openness of space is the minimum number of vimiryuvan, the necessary position of the point, for example, longevity, latitude and height. The purpose of the appointment is based on allowances, that the expanse is uninterrupted and follows the laws of classical physics. And why is it not so easy to behave? What is it that this form is determined by quantum processes that do not appear in an extraordinary life? In such types of physics and mathematics, the fault lies in the development of a more complicated statement about the diversity. The number of vimir_v can be found not obov'yazkovo buti tsilim, as in the case of fractals - structures, which may look the same at all scales


Razmirnist according to Hausdorff
Appointment, formulated on the cob of the XX century. by the German mathematician Felix Hausdorff, to get out of the obligatory V area in the її linear space r. The infinite trivial space V is proportional to $r^3$. An indicator of the step in this fallow is the number of deaths. Obsyagoy can be vvazhatisya and іnshі pokazniki zagalnogo rozіru, for example ploshcha. At the time, the laying of Serpinsky V is proportional to $r^(1,5850)$. This setting reflects the fact that this figure does not cover the entire area

Spectral expansion
It is given to characterize the expansion of the object or the appearance in the middle in the course of the hour, either a drop of ink in a vessel with water, or an illness in the population. The skin water molecule of individuals in the population may have a small amount of the nearest susides, which indicates the rapidity of ink diffusion and the spread of disease. In a trivum-like medium, the growth of the ink gloom is proportional to the step 3/2. The seals of the Serpinsk ink are due to bleed through a twisted shape, which is expanded more - in proportion to the hour, the steps are 0.6826, which is why the spectral diversity is 1.3652

Zastosuvannya vyznachen
In the wild type of diversity, the ways of calculating the diversity give different numbers of vimiriv, the scores come from the various characteristics of the geometry. For certain geometric figures, the number of vimiriv is a constant. Zokrema diffusion can be more collapsible function, lower the hour as a constant peace.
When modeling quantum gravity, the emphasis is on spectral expansion. A small number of such substances are introduced into one elementary chain of the model of quantum space-hour. Z tsієї tseglini won expand with a vipadkovy rank. A large number of celins per space-hour, such substances reach for a certain period of an hour, and signify spectral diversity

Replacing the causality in the absence of okremikh vsesvіtіv in the rozrahunka, those who won’t blame the collective wisdom of the superposition, we failed to include the causal structure at a richer early stage. We called our method dynamic triangulation. We attributed the skin simplex arrow to the hour, straightened from the past in the future. Then we introduced the causal rule of "gluing": two simplices are guilty of gluing together in such a way that their arrows are straightened. Understanding the hour in the simplices that are glued together, we are guilty of the same: the hour is to blame for the constant swidkishness of the tek in a straight line of these arrows, not zupinyayuchis and not turning back. In the course of the hour, the expanse is guilty of taking its full form, not falling apart on the surrounding parts, and not creating space-hour tunnels.

Having formulated this strategy in 1998, we showed on extremely simple models that the rules for gluing simplices lead to a macroscopic form, a virtual quantum gravity of Euclidean. It was encouraging, but it didn’t mean that the rules of gluing were adopted enough to ensure the stability of the whole world. To that we were zatamuly podih, if in 2004 p. our computer may be ready to give us the first analysis of a causal superposition of several simplices. How will you spend your time on the great roads like a lengthy chotirivimirny object, and not like a wrinkled bag of polymer?

Let us know our hoarding, if the number of deaths of the rozrachunkian omniscience reached 4 (more precisely, 4.02 ± 0.1). This is the first step in showing the number of deaths, which is healthy for the guardian, from the basic principles. Today, the introduction of the concept of causality in the model of quantum gravity is the only way to deal with the inconsistency of the superposition of space-time geometries.

Open-hour in general

The creation of the simulation was the first in a series of counting experiments, which we try, in the course of which we try to introduce the physical and geometric power of the quantum space-hour for the help of computer simulation. Our approaching crop was to follow the form of the space-hour of the great days and re-verify the appearance of the real world, tobto. transmission of the general theory of viability. In the case of non-stormy models of quantum gravity, which does not allow for a priori assumption about the form of space-hour, such a re-verification is even more important - the flooring, which in most cases goes up to quantum gravity, including the theory of strings, krіm okremi vypadkіv, achieved success.


Zgіdno z razrahunkami avtorіv, spectral razmіrnіst space-hour changes from chotiroh (at the boundary of the great scale) to two (at the boundary of the fine scale), and uninterrupted space-hour breaks up, transforming into a fractal expansion. Physicists are still unable to figure out what the visnovok means, which as a result of the expanse-hour is made up of localized "atoms", or the faults will be from microscopic structures, which are only weakly related to the natural understanding of geometry

As it turned out, in order for our model to be able to work, it is necessary on the cob to introduce the so-called cosmological constant - an invisible and non-material substance that avenges itself in space for the presence of other forms of matter and energy. Such a necessity has become a great novelty, and few cosmologists have known experimental confirmation of the foundation of the future. On top of those, the form was taken away from the space-hour, gave the geometry of de Sitter, tobto. rozvyazannya ryvnyan Einstein for all-world, scho does not avenge anything, krim cosmological fast. It is truly miraculous that the assembly of an ensemble of microscopic “celinks” in a practical, vipadkovy order - without any allowance for symmetry, or I am improving the geometric structure - has brought to a space-hour, which on a large scale can have a high-symmetric form of the all-world de Sitter.

The dynamic vindication of a chotirivimir omniscience of a practically correct geometric form from the basic principles has become the central achievement of our modeling. Nutrition about those who can understand the ultimate result within the framework of the manifestations of the interaction of those “atoms” that have not yet been installed in the space-hour, and this is the meta of our achievements that are being continued. Our shards have crossed our minds, that our model of quantum gravity has gone through a low classical re-examination, the hour has come to turn around to experiments - the manifestation of a visible quantum structure to the space-hour, as Einstein's classical theory could not be revealed. In one of these experiments, we simulated the process of diffusion: we introduced into the superposition of all-luminosity an analogue of ink droplet and posteri- gali, as if it would expand and become overwhelmed by quantum fluctuations. Knowing the difference between the world of ink gloom after the last hour allowed us to designate the number of deaths in the open space (divine vrіzannya).

The result is obvious: a lot of people die in scale. In other words, if the diffusion lasted a short hour, then the number of deaths in the space-hour was different, the lower process of diffusion lasted a long time. For those of us, who specialize in quantum gravity, it was important to realize how many people could survive the space-hour without interruption in the fallow land with the permission of our "microscope". Obviously, the expanse of an hour for small objects is greatly disturbed by such an hour for great ones. For small objects, the all-world is similar to a fractal structure - an unimaginable space that looks like space, in which the understanding of the world simply does not exist. It's self-similar, tobto. seems to be the same for all scales. Tse means that there are no objects characteristic of the world, as if they would serve on the scale line.

Are there few “small”? Right up to $10^(–34)$m, quantum omniscience is well described by de Sitter's classical chotirivimir geometry, although the role of quantum fluctuations of growth is changed. The fact that the classical approach is overwhelmed with adnexa right up to such small distances is marvelous. From the new one, even more important traces are heard, both for the early stages of the history of the world, and for the distant future. In both of these borders, the whole world is practically empty. At the cob stage, quantum fluctuations were large, so that the matter was more visible. Vaughn was a crying raft at the frail ocean. Through millions of rocks, after us, through the broadside of the expansion of the All-World of Speech, the floorings of the rozrіdzhenoy will appear, which has a small role to play, or to instill a role that does not play a role. Our pidkhid allows us to explain the form of space in both directions.


Causality is the principle, which votes, which follows from the sequencing of the hour, and which is not hopeless, which allows one to distinguish between cause and effect. In the approach to quantum gravitation, adopted by the authors, the cause of the effect is more fundamental to its nature, and the power is not shown

At smaller scales of quantum fluctuations, the floorings grow up for an hour, which classically intuitive settings to geometry again lose sensation. The number of vimir_v changes from the classical chotirioh to two. However, as far as we can judge, the expanse of time is left without interruptions and does not avenge the tunnels. It’s not exotic, like a burkhliva space-hour pіna, like the physicist John Wheeler and a lot of others. The geometry of the space-hour is subject to unseen and non-classical laws, but in the end, it becomes stagnant. On the contrary, we are trying to penetrate into an area of ​​smaller scales. One of the possibilities lies in the fact that the universe becomes self-similar and at all scales, smaller than the sing-song boundary, looks the same. As it is, the whole world is not composed of strings, but of atoms in the space-hour, but of the light of inexhaustible tedium: the structure, found troch below the threshold, in the world, buried in the area of ​​smaller expansions, you will simply repeat to yourself endlessly.

How can physicists get by with a smaller number of warehouse and technical zasobіv, lower me victorious for inducing a quantum universality with realistic powers, it is important to reveal. We still have a chance to carry out a lot of re-verification and experiments, for example, in order to understand the behavior of the speech of the All-World and її vplying into the її zagalnu form. Our head meta, like in different theories of quantum gravitation, lies in the transfer of evidence, which should be cautious, inferred from the microscopic quantum structure. Ce will be the ultimate criterion for the correctness of our model as a theory of quantum gravity.

Translation: I.Є. Satsevich


  • Planckian Birth of Quantum de Sitter Universe. J. Ambjorn, A. Gorlich, J. Jurkiewicz and R. Loll in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, article no. 091304; March 7, 2008. Є preprint
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to String Theory. George Musser. Alpha, 2008.
  • The Emergence of Spacetime or Quantum Gravity on Your Desktop. R. Loll in Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol. 25, no. 11, article no. 114006; June 7, 2008. Є preprint
  • Renati Loll website

Jan Ambjorn, Renate Lollі Jerzy Jurkewicz developed their own mind to the problem of quantum gravity in 1998. Ambjorn is a member of the Royal Danish Academy, a professor at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Winning as a master of Thai cuisine is a furnishing, as if you saw pragnia, it means you are ahead of us. Renata Loll occupies the position of a professor at Utrecht University, she is destined to be one of the largest groups in Europe, as she is engaged in research in the field of quantum gravity. Previously, she worked at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Gravity near Holm (Niechchina). At a rare hour, chamber music is played. Jerzy Yurkevich studied the theory of folding systems at the Physical Institute of the Jagiellonian University near Krakow. The middle of the world's largest area of ​​work is the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, de vin buv to promote the beauty of the showcase sport.

Two English physicists, one of whom is engaged in the development of elementary particles (Brian Cox), and the other is a professor in the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of Manchester (Jeff Forshaw) to acquaint us with the fundamental model of the world.

Vikoristovuyuchi accessible movu, numerical little ones and far away analogies, the authors could explain important understandings of quantum physics.

Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw:

The metaphor of the book is a distortion of the mystery of quantum theory - a theoretical construction, in which many people stray, including the pershoprokhidtsiv themselves in this gallery. May we try to win the current perspective, rooted in the lessons of intransigence and the development of theory. However, at the start, we will be transferred to the beginning of the 20th century and continue to have some problems, which made physicists think of radical change in the light of what was previously respected by the mainstream of science.

1. Come wondrous

Quantum theory is, perhaps, the best example, like an inexorably foldable understanding of the greater number of people becomes very brown. Vaughn is foldable rozuminnya, shards describe the world, for whom you can often really visit a few places at once and move from one month to the next, reaching the whole World. We have shown that everything is made up of impersonal most important particles, as if they are falling down to the laws of quantum theory. Tsі legislаt pіstіlki simple, їх їх it is possible to write down on the back of the envelope. And those who do not need the whole library to explain the glibin nature of speeches, are in themselves one of the greatest mysteries of the world.

2. At two months at the same time

The most striking changes in quantum theory are manifested in the behavior of small objects. But the rocks of the great objects are made up of small ones, for the singing of the environment, quantum physics is needed to explain the power of one of the largest objects in the All-world - the star.

3. What is it?

Having been appointed to the fact that the description of the electron in rich people inherited the behavior of sickness, it is our fault to understand more precisely about the sickness itself. Let’s start with a description of what is seen at the water tank, if two winds are rattling, they interfere one by one. Representative Maxims of Civil in Visigandi Calipblatіv Zi Strelko at 12 Godin, and Mіnіmumu at Visigandi Calipblatіv Zi Stravko on 6. MITO MINIMUM І PROMІZHNI MІZH MINIMUMOM І MAXIMUM MANAGE CRIVER, NAMEAL'YATS OF COUNTER BY PROMІZHNIY HOUR, YAK І 'VIPADKU VIPADS Month.

4. Everything that can be, is rightly trapleyaetsya

Heisenberg's non-insignificance principle

In his original Heisenberg robot, zooms estimate the blue between the accuracy of the station and the momentum of the part. Heisenberg's principle of non-insignificance is one of the most incorrect parts of quantum theory, a stitch, for which all sorts of charlatans and post-workers foolish fools go through their philosophical nonsense.

Visnovok to Heisenberg's non-insignificance principle from the theory of dials

Three dials, which show the same hour and are stashed on one line, describe a particle, as at the spad moment, it is located here in the area of ​​these dials. We squawk, like a chance for those to know a particle at point X at a certain moment of the hour.

A short history of post Planck

Planck blasted the first stones on the basis of Maxwell's statement about light, showing that the energy of light, that it can be heated by the body, can only be described as if it is released by quanta.

Back to Heisenberg's non-insignificance principle

The theory of quantum mechanics, as we have developed, conveyed, that if you put a pischin to a point, then you can oppose yourself in some other place of the All-World. Ale, it’s obvious that it doesn’t sound like that with the help of pishchinkami. First of all, it’s necessary to sound like this: how many times will the arrows of the anniversary be turned, so we will move a particle from the mass of the pishchinka to the front, for example, 0.001 mm in one second?

5. Rukh like an illusion

Having asked the cob group for the help of the anniversary, which shows the difference, and not the same hour, we went on to describe the crumbly part. Tsіkavo, scho we can set up a more important link between the anniversary of the broken arrows and the behavior of the wind.

Healthy packages

Part of the goodness of the impulse is described by a great group of dials. More precisely, apparently, a part with exactly the same impulse will be described by an infinitely long group of dials, which means an infinitely long fluffy package.

6. Music of atoms

At once we can zastosuvati accumulated knowledge for the sake of nutrition, as it put Rutherford, Bohr and other studies in the first decade of the 20th century into a deaf trap: what is itself found in the middle of the atom? ...Here we will try for the help of our theory to explain the phenomena of the real world.

Atomic screenshot

It turns out that we managed to get the right look at atoms. But all the same, we don’t call it that way. Reject the remaining piece of the puzzle, without which it is impossible to explain the structure of important atoms, lower water. If you speak more prosaically, we also cannot go into explaining why we, in good faith, do not fall through the earth, which create problems for our miraculous theory of nature.

7. All-world on a hairpin head (and why don’t we fall to the ground)

The matter of the building is stable, only if the electrons are in order to comply with the so-called Pauli principle - one of the most amazing phenomena in our quantum Omnipotence.

8. Interdependence

Till this hour we have given great respect to the quantum physics of isolated particles and atoms. However, our physical explanation of the consequences of the impersonal groups of atoms among themselves, and yet the hour has come to start to sort out for him, what to do if the atoms are grouped.

9. Modern world

The transistor is the most important fault for the rest of 100 years: the current world of inspirations on the conductor technologies and their formation.

10. Interaction

Let's start with the formulation of the laws of the first critical quantum field theory - quantum electrodynamics, briefly QED. The coils of this theory hit the 1920s, if Dirac, with particular success, was able to put Maxwell's electromagnetic theory on quantum rails.

The problem of vimir in quantum theory

We can rush forward, despite the fact that the world has irrevocably changed as a result of the world, but nothing like this really happened. But everything is not so important, if on the right you get to a serious task - the calculation of the amount of money, which will become the hour of setting up the experiment.


The electrons that are collapsing around the clock look like "electrons with a positive charge." Such particles are true and are called "positrons".

11. Empty space is not so empty

Vacuum - tse duzhe tsіkave mіsce, povne opportunities that pereshkod on the path of particles.

Standard model of particle physics

The standard model is effectively to avenge the faces of the sickness of the developments of the minds, and the numbers of the faces to the name of the Higgs mechanism. As it turns out, the Great Hadron Collider can reveal one more natural particle - the Higgs boson, after which our eyes on empty space can change dramatically.

Masi's walk

The food about the journey of the masi is especially miraculous, which is on the new value and the crime of our obvious bazhannya to recognize that such a mass. Let's try to explain to solve the riddle and construct the proposition of the report with a wondrous rank

Epilog: death is a star

Vmirayuchi, richly zіrok will finish their way like an overhead coil of nuclear matter, intertwined with impersonal electrons. Tse zvani were dwarfs. Such will be the share of the Son, if in about 5 billion years it will exhaust the stock of nuclear fuel.

For a little reading

Under the hour of preparation of these books, we won a lot of other works, and the deacons from them deserved a special riddle and recommendations.

Cox B., Forshaw D. Quantum Universe.
How are those who cannot be beaten by us. M: MIF. 2016.

Fallow at a glance quantum theory - tse evidence of the great successes of science, but a symbol of human intuition, as zmushena fight for the wonders of the subatomic sphere. For a physicist, quantum mechanics is one of the three great pillars on which the intellect of nature is founded (an order of Einstein's vital and special theories). For the quiet, who always want to understand in the fundamental model, I will arrange the world, Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw explain in their book "Quantum Universe", which was seen by the MIF scientists. T&P publishes a short essay about the essence of the quantum and the twists and turns of the theory.

Einstein's theories toil right with the nature of the expanse that hour and force of gravity. Quantum mechanics takes care of the solution, and it can be said that, even though it won't work to the point of being sensible, it would confuse or bewitch, it's only a physical theory that describes how nature behaves in the right way. Ale navіt yakshcho mіryati її for tsim great pragmatic criteria, vain vrazhє its accuracy and explanatory power. One experiment in the field of quantum electrodynamics, the oldest and best understood of today's quantum theories. At the new one, it dies, as the electron moves around the magnet. Physicists-theorists of a lot of years have been hard at work with a pen and a paper, and sometimes with computers, to talk about how to show themselves such results. Practitioners foresaw and set up experiments to discover more details from nature. Having offended the camps independently, one and the same, they saw results with an accuracy similar to that of a vimir between Manchester and New York with a shift of a few centimeters. It is noteworthy that the figures, which were found by the experimenters, mostly corresponded to the results of the calculation of theoreticians; vimiryuvannya and the charges were more than fine.

Quantum theory - perhaps, the best example, like an inexcusably foldable understanding of the greater number of people, becomes very brown. Vaughn is foldable rozuminnya, shards describe the world, for whom you can often really visit a few places at once and move from one month to the next, reaching the whole World. Vaughn is korisna, to that, the understanding of the behavior of the smallest celins of the light-house and the understanding of the understanding of everything else. There is a treasure trove between our zarozumіlostі, to that which the world is richly folded and rіznomanіtnіshiy, it was given below. Ignorant of all the complexity, we have shown that everything is made up of the most impersonal particles, as if they collapse apparently to the laws of quantum theory. Tsі legislаt pіstіlki simple, їх їх it is possible to write down on the back of the envelope. And those who do not need the whole library to explain the glibin nature of speeches, are in themselves one of the greatest mysteries of the world.

Reveal the light around us. Let's say you hold a book in your hands, crushed from paper - milled wooden masi. Trees are machines, building atoms and molecules, splitting them up and reorganizing colonies, like a billion or so particles. The stench breaks the whole veil of molecules, called chlorophyll, and which is made up of more than a hundred atoms of carbon, water and sour, as it may have a particularly curved shape and creak with a large number of atoms in magnesium and water. Thus, the particles of the building can catch the light, which flew 150,000,000 km from our star - a nuclear fire with a volume of a million such planets, like the Earth, - and transport the energy to the deep clitin, de z that water and see give us life kiss.

The very same molecular lances form a superstructure, which goes like a tree, papier at this book, and everything is alive. When you read a book and understand the words, the fact that you have є eyes and stinks can transform the light from the sides on the electric impulses, which are interpreted by the brain - the most complex structure of the All-World, we know about it. We have shown that all the speeches of the world are no more than a bunch of atoms, but a wide variety of atoms is made up of three particles - electrons, protons and neutrons. We know that the protons and neutrons themselves are made up of other entities, they are called quarks, and everything will end with them - we take it so at once. A base for whom to serve as quantum theory.

In this manner, the picture of the All-World, in which we live, modern physics is small with a winy simplicity; Elegant appearances appear here, where it is impossible to dance, giving rise to the diversity of the macro world. Possibly, the best achievement of modern science is the unit of the world's naming complexity, including the people themselves, to the description of the behavior of the most important subatomic particles and some of the forces that exist between them. The best descriptions of three of these forces - strong and weak nuclear interactions, which are based on the middle of the atomic nucleus, that electromagnetic interaction, which glues atoms and molecules together, - we hope quantum theory. Less the force of gravity - the weakest, but perhaps, we know the strength of us - at the same time there is no sufficient quantum description.

Warto know that quantum theory can have a wonderful reputation, and її іm'yam pretend to be impersonal right nonsense. Koti can be both alive and dead at the same time; parts are changed at two months at the same time; Heisenberg insists that it is not clear. Everything is really true, but the visnovkas, which often squeal out of it - since the microlight feels wonderful, then we are scorched by a serpentine mist - it’s definitely not. Psychic spy, mystical healing that vibrate bracelets, like protect from radiation, and the devil knows what regularly sneaks into the pantheon of the possible under the word “quantum”. Qiu nіsenіtnitsa bred nevminnnya clearly thought, self-deception, right, or udavane incomprehensibility, or as if the combination of the whole overexploited thing was especially not given. Quantum theory accurately describes the world behind the help of mathematical laws, and concrete ones, like and ti, that Newton and Galileo won. By the same token, we can, with naming accuracy, unravel the magnetic field of the electron. Quantum theory propagates such a description of nature, which, as we know, may have a great transferring and explanatory power and expand on impersonal phenomena such as silicon microcircuits to large scales.

As often happens, the advent of quantum theory provoked the appearance of natural phenomena, which could not be described by the scientific paradigms of that hour. For the quantum theory, there were too many such expressions, to the point of being variegated in nature. A number of unreasonable results generated excitement and confusion, and as a result, we saw a period of experimental and theoretical innovations, which effectively merited on the occasional designation of the "gold of the century". The names of the leading heroes are forever rooted in the memory of a physics student and are most often found in university courses and dossi: Rutherford, Bohr, Planck, Einstein, Pauli, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirak. Possibly, in history there will be no longer a period, if styles of names are associated with the greatness of science under the hour of rush to the single point - the creation of a new theory of atoms and forces, as if they were cherished by physical light. In 1924, looking back over the past decades of quantum theory, Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealand physicist, cracked the atomic nucleus, writing: “The 1896 century ... marked the beginning of those that were aptly called the heroic centuries of physical science. Never before in the history of physics has such a period of feverish activity been feared;

Only up to 30 roubles, for T&P readers, for a discount on the paper version and the electronic version of the book. The discounts are activated under the hour of the transition for messages.

The term "quantum" appeared in physics in 1900 to start Max Planck's robots. Vіn tried to theoretically describe the vibration, as if it were released by heated bodies, - so called "the vibration of an absolutely black body." Before the speech, the company hired a vchenogo for the city, as if it was engaged in electric lighting: so the doors of the All-World are sometimes forced for prosaic reasons. Planck stated that the power of the development of an absolutely black body can only be explained by simply admitting that light is emitted by small portions of energy, like wines and calling quanta. The word itself means "packages", or "discrete". Having taken into account the fact that it was only a mathematical technique, but the robot of Albert Einstein, which appeared in 1905, about the photoelectric effect, advanced the quantum hypothesis. The results were reconciled, to the fact that small portions of energy could be synonymous with particles.

The idea that light is formed from a stream of small sacks, makes a long and glorious history, which originated from Іsak Newton, that nation of modern physics. However, in 1864, the Scottish physicist James Clark Maxwell, it was thought, had residually developed all the essential doubts in a series of robots, as Albert Einstein later described as “the most significant and most important of all, which physics knew from Newton’s watches.” Maxwell showed that it is light - tse electromagnetic fluff that spreads in space, so that the idea of ​​light like fluff is small incompetent and, it would seem, it would be unbearable. However, in a series of experiments, like Arthur Compton and his colleagues, conducted at Washington University in St. These and others were made more like billiards coolers, which clearly confirmed: Planck's theoretical allowance was small in reality. In 1926, the name of photons was given to the rock of light quanti. The wedding was incomparable: the light would rise at once like a whiff and like a chastka. Tse meant the end of classical physics - and the completion of the formation of quantum theory.

In this book, authoritative scholars Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw educate readers on quantum mechanics, the fundamental model of the world. The stench speaks, as if cautiously led physicists to quantum theory, as if it was broken up and why, regardless of її marvelousness, so it is with them. The book is recognized for everyone who needs quantum physics and attachment to the All-world.

Come wondrous.
quantum. This word instantly volaє to pochuttіv, zbivaє z panteliki and bewitch. Fallow at a glance, either as a coincidence of the great successes of science, or as a symbol of human intuition, as it is terrified to fight against the unavoidable wonder of the subatomic sphere. For a physicist, quantum mechanics is one of the three great pillars on which the intellect of nature rests (two others are the whole of Einstein's special theory of viability). Einstein's theories toil right with the nature of the expanse that hour and force of gravity. Quantum mechanics deals with everything else, and it can be said that, even though it won’t blow up until you feel it, beat it with a pantel, or it enchanted, it’s only physical theory that describes how nature behaves right. Ale navіt yakshcho mіryati її for tsim great pragmatic criteria, vain vrazhє its accuracy and explanatory power. One experiment in the field of quantum electrodynamics, the oldest and best understood of today's quantum theories. At the new one, it dies, as the electron moves around the magnet. Physicists-theorists of a lot of years have been hard at work with a pen and a paper, and sometimes with computers, to talk about how to show themselves such results. Practitioners foresaw and set up experiments to discover more details from nature. Having offended the camps independently, one and the same, they saw results with an accuracy similar to that of a vimir between Manchester and New York with a shift of a few centimeters. It is noteworthy that the figures, which were found by the experimenters, mostly corresponded to the results of the calculation of theoreticians; vimiryuvannya and the charges were more than fine.
Not only hostile, but marvelous, and, as a rule, the models were a single turbot of quantum theory, you could have the right to power, who had a problem. Science, conceivably, can be corny, and yet technological and gromadsky changes, as if they made a revolution in our life, out of the fundamental achievements, carried out by modern studies, as if they were less likely to be better understood than the real world. Zamyaki Tsim, Viklikovy Lishe Tsіkavіstei, Vіdkritteumi at the Baluses of Science Mi Majmo Zb_lisheny Trial Livya, Mizizhіvіvіvyzennya, freedom of vіdnevkіdnostі to be watched by the Silistic gentlemen of Zadasnaya Vlasivnya, and the widespread picture of our mіsci, Shahі in the Scho-Vіdkrivaєchi. Ale tse in I am a sensational side effects. We dolіdzhuєmo z tsіkavostі, and not to those who want to reach the shortest understanding of reality or to develop effective dribnichki.

Come wondrous
Two months at the same time
What is a common thing?
Everything that can be, is really trapleyaetsya
Rukh like an illusion
Music of atoms
All-world on a hairpin head (and why don’t we fall to the ground)
Mutual dependency
Modern world
The empty space is not the same as the empty Epilog: the death of stars
For a little reading.

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