New Year tours at sea. New Year in warm countries

New Year tours 2016

Tours for the New Year 2016 - where to go to relax?

Surveys conducted by specialized agencies indicate that the most beloved holiday of our compatriots is New Year. Many of us perceive it as a kind of starting point from which a new life can begin. No wonder the proverb “How to celebrate the New Year - so spend it.”

In our country new year holidays  last a few days, so most people tend to use this time in order to fully relax and get new experiences. Modern travel agencies offer tours for the New Year and Christmas in a huge assortment. Among such a variety, even the most demanding tourist will be able to find a trip to their liking new year holidays.

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New Year holidays beach tours

Many tourists, planning a vacation, seek to break free from the arms of a cold winter and go to where eternal summer reigns. Beach tours for the New Year 2016 are presented with various options, including travel to the Dominican Republic, Mexico, the UAE, Vietnam, Thailand to Goa, Bali, etc.

New Year's tours to hot countries are a great way to change the atmosphere and forget about all everyday tasks. A few hours of flight - and now you are already enjoying the clear sea, the hot sun and the beauty of tropical nature. Beach tours for the New Year holidays allow you to complement a passive vacation with active ones - diving, surfing and exciting excursions.

Sightseeing tours to Europe

An equally popular option is invariably new year tours  to Europe. Such trips are perfect for those who prefer beach vacation  excursions. The countries of the Old World - France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Greece - have a rich history, therefore, on their territory there are a huge number of attractions that everyone should visit at least once in their life. Tours for Christmas and New Year will allow you to admire the Eiffel Tower, stroll along the narrow streets of Prague, ride a deer in Lapland, plunge into the atmosphere of winter holidays in one of the cities of Europe.

Where to go for the New Year?

New Year's tours in 2016 are very diverse, so you need to choose, focusing on your own preferences and opportunities. The main thing is to entrust the organization of your vacation to professionals who can make it comfortable and truly enjoyable. The managers of RGB Tour are always ready to help you in choosing a tour. It is enough to fill out an application and reflect your wishes in it. Experienced RGB Tour specialists will definitely choose an option that will fully meet your expectations.

The New Year is international, so many countries are ready to introduce their traditions to celebrate it. There are many sightseeing tours designed for various types of recreation for the New Year 2015.

Winter europe

Patriarchal Europe , which is characterized by the cult of Christmas, allows you to get acquainted with the traditions of not only this holiday, but also the New Year. Each country is good in its own way and has its own attractions.

France.   An eternally elegant country that has retained an aura of mystery, trips here are in demand, regardless of the time of year. On New Year's Eve, France is especially beautiful: the Champs Elysees sparkling from bright bulbs amaze the imagination, and the Eiffel Tower in the lights is simply irresistible. Paris is a city where dreams come true, riddled with romanticism. If you prefer more active types of recreation, then the local ski resorts have long become a symbol of chic and welcome their guests.

Czech. Old Prague is magnificent at any time of the year. The two-hour time difference with Moscow allows you to celebrate the New Year twice. Choosing a vacation in the Czech Republic, you can get acquainted with old Europe in all its winter splendor. The streets cleaned with bright garlands, beautifully decorated buildings and cathedrals create a true holiday atmosphere. You can mark it not only in a hotel or restaurant, but also in one of the squares with local residents. The cost of tours to the Czech Republic is relatively low and significantly less than in other European countries.

Norway .   The country, as if specially created for a winter holiday. Its icy bays, snow-capped mountain peaks and ecological nature are perfectly combined with European service and the possibility of living in cozy cottages. What could be more memorable than a ride on a reindeer team in places where Santa Claus is hosting!

Tropical New Year in Asia and Africa

If you want to hide from the cold and ice, having celebrated the New Year in an exotic way, you should buy tours to those countries where there is eternal summer and there is no snow.

Thailand . Why not go to meet the year of the Snake in a country where you can see it live? Thailand is an exotic in its classical form. The azure waters, the warm sun, the coastal breeze and the realization that it snows at home will make this New Year unforgettable. In winter, ticket prices are slightly higher, but quite affordable.

Egypt . New Year here coincides with the most delicate climatic period: air temperature does not exceed 30 degrees, and water - 22-25 degrees. Not very hot and comfortable for relaxation and sightseeing tours. Fir-trees among palm trees look especially exotic. Since tours in this direction are especially popular, it is recommended to approach their selection in advance so as not to be left without a ticket.

India . Another country where there is no winter. The snowy peaks of the mountains, the majestic Himalayas, the carnival bright Bombay, the beautiful sea coast of Goa give a fabulous vacation to everyone. India is a state of contrasts, where classical traditions are gradually giving way to the achievements of modernity. It is here that you can ride an elephant on New Year's Eve.

For each tourist, long before the holidays, the question arises - where to celebrate the new year? There are a lot of answer options, Travel One travel agency offers you its option - new year tours! Our company organizes many interesting New Year's tours to various corners of the world! The most popular among tourists are new Year tours to Europe. This is due to the geographical proximity and unique traditions of the celebration of the New Year and Christmas in Europe. New Year Holidays  to Europe a wonderful gift for your children, you are waiting for fun fairs, colorful festivals and processions, vibrant theatrical performances. New Year's tours to Europe can combine a solemn celebration of a holiday in one of the European capitals and sightseeing or skiing holidays. We will organize for you unforgettable New Year tours to Italy, France, Finland, Austria, Andorra, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Spain and Benelux countries.

TravelOne offers travel lovers of exotic winter vacations to go to new Year tours  to the most popular countries in Asia, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East.   New Year tours to exotic countries will become an unforgettable event in your life. A meeting of a traditional winter holiday in the most exquisite corners of the earth, a palm tree instead of a Christmas tree and billions of stars instead of garlands - this is what New Year tours are with TravelOne! We will organize New Year tours for you in Thailand, Turkey, Egypt, Goa, the United Arab Emirates, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Israel, China, Cuba, Maldives, Morocco, Seychelles and Tunisia.

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Holidays in the New Year and Christmas holidays 2018

A colorful island of positive and delicious food, the opportunity to escape from everyday hustle and bustle, a pleasant change in the familiar atmosphere and the chance to try something new and interesting - all this is a holiday on New Year and Christmas holidays. How to spend the long-awaited weekend - depends only on your imagination and desires. This is a wonderful time for bright smiles, rainbow evening lights and wonderful gifts. Having planned the program of the upcoming celebrations in advance, you can arrange a full, albeit short break, which will restore lost vitality and become an effective pill for stress. Holidays in the New Year and Christmas holidays are a delightful atmosphere of colorful fairs and thematic performances that will captivate you all day with colorful dresses, attractive aromas of sweets and pastries, as well as a variety of fun entertainments. For fans of shopping marathons, this is a fertile time for generous sales and placers of original goods on the windows of boutiques. Connoisseurs of masterpieces of world architecture can finally get on a long-awaited excursion to historical monuments and museums of interest to them, and connoisseurs of good cuisine will enjoy a magical transformation of their usual menu.

Otherwise, you would not get on this page.
Let’s figure out right now how you will meet him.
Craftsmanship of Christmas toys in the village of Santa?
Riding on a snowy "velveteen" to the music of the northern lights?
Walking around the Christmas markets with a glass of hot glegg in your hands?
Or swaying in the warm ocean?

In company " Field Travel»Have already come up with interesting New Year tours and dozens of scenarios for an unforgettable meeting in 2016.
You are in the lead.

New Year Holidays 2015-2016 AT SEA - popular countries:

To Lapland ?!

New Year tours  Santa’s homeland is a brilliant solution to the problem of New Year’s gifts. After all, only here, in the Finnish residence of Santa Claus, everyone can personally hand over their wish list to grandfather or whisper the most cherished in his ear.

Rovaniemi - a place in Finland, the most snowdrifts charged with New Year's magic. Not only elves, but also hundreds of children from all over the world flock here on vacation, whose parents bought tours for New Year 2015 or Christmas in Lapland in the fall. Near Rovaniemi lies the village of Santa Claus, and a sparkling train rushes in the caves of Santa Park, crossing the Arctic Circle underground. Following him, we rush to Northern Norway - the land of snowmen, trolls, incredible fishing and first-class ski slopes. Anyone who really wants to start the new year from scratch - here!

After all, Scandinavia in winter is a creak of snow under the runners of a racing dog sled. Warming cranberry juice in the Sami plague after a long journey. This is the ever-changing spell of the Northern Lights over your head. And the ice chambers The snow queenerected for only one winter.

Take a look around! Around - a newborn world.

New year tours 2015 to big cities

If these days in Paris  or New York, close your eyes and poke your finger in any direction, then wherever you go - there will be a holiday. With millions of lights he flutters in the air itself. Fairy-tale mysteries are played out in shop windows, smiles of passers-by shine no worse than a star on a Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center, and ice rinks are sung by Dean Martin's velvet voice “Let`s it snow” ...

Everything is like in the best Christmas films. You can break away from these frames only for the beaches Miami  or snowy slopes. Fortunately, ski tours for the New Year are ready to pick you up from Manhattan and from the Champs Elysees immediately after the celebration of the New Year.

However, if you are not ready to jump on skis cheerfully on January 1, there is nothing better than Icelandic thermal springs, where it is so pleasant to relax after dancing midnight around Reykjavik’s New Year bonfires. Want more impressions? You can buy a tour for the New Year or Christmas in the Scandinavian capitals - we will lay the most attractive route for you through the restaurants and museums of Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm. The latter is especially recommended to celebrate Christmas with children. What could be more wonderful than walking around a city resembling a huge Christmas card? Perhaps, just hurry the whole family to a gala dinner with Mummy trolls.

New Year in a swimsuit

If you got the idea to turn traditions upside down - arrange a Caribbean vacation. Prices on new Year tours 2014  from Moscow and St. Petersburg start from the mark of $ 1790, and the weight of packed suitcases - literally from 1 kg. Indeed: why take something heavier than a swimsuit, if your plans are to lie on the beaches Dominicans  or Cuba, decorate the Christmas tree with shells and cheer yourself with colorful cocktails?

Choosing a tour for the New Year holidays 2015 in the Caribbean is like tearing between a thousand desires and one crystal dream. After all, you can finally put on THE MOST white pants and dance the samba all night at the fiesta in Rio de Janeiro. Or, expiring later, on January 1, climb the pyramid of the Sun in the abandoned city of Teotihuac? Catching an Iguazu Falls Rainbow in a Camera Lens. Having forgotten about New Year's excursion tours with a guide, running to local markets to famously buy a dozen machetes, colorful parrots, bad coffee, great cigars ... And yes, be sure to wear shark tooth beads on the first working day!