Soulful statuses about life until tears. Sincere statuses about the best

Words like keys. Correctly chosen, you can see the soul and close the mouth

God said: "Beat the tears of the people you scoffed, even if you ask me for help, and I will help."

Svitlo rozganyaє temryavu, ale vin is not able to rozgnati smorіd.

Because of the fact that you are ready, lay down those who are good at it.

"You vibrate from the dirt to the princes, ale shvidko the prince flock ... Do not forget, do not lie ...

If you fly over the bridge, please, all your problems can be violated. Krim one And also fly over the bridge.

Failure does not mean that God has deprived you. Tse means that God has a short way for you.

If you do it once - if you do it ... Don't let it go right away ... Don't let it go ... If you don't try it, if you don't try it ... if you cheat - if you cheat it yourself ... sink ... The one, Who, having dissolved the low homeliness, Himself otrimaє the same virok

On the ridge with the cabbage of the Trojan - Bur'yan.

For my skin, for my skin, and for the children God has given me. For good, for happiness, for good luck. For what I laugh and cry. For what I live I love. For all I am a dyakuyu!

I’m all one thing, tell me about me ... All me one thing, I’m thinking about me ... It’s important, I know about myself ... All inshe - deprive strangers!

Yaksho vi is not the one who is at the top, it does not mean that the one who is below. Maybe you won’t be surprised at everything from the side and thinking, "Why did you go for the idiots here?"

The hour is the best teacher, ale, unfortunately, it drives in its own scholarship.

You can't turn around in the past and change your start, but you can start at once and change your finish!

As soon as they have already started on the highways, come up with a meta and a sense of the road, do not stand with a stump in the middle of the road!

There are no hopeless situations. Є Only situations, I won’t wipe out who you are.

If they do not reach the bazhany, they vdayut, they banged the one who was reached.

Deyakі pomachi do not bully be so serious, yakby don’t try to fix it

I love you, do it without deceiving ... Yaksho virish, then weir until the end ... Hate, say it directly, but laugh, so laugh in your eyes

Possibility to come up with rules, but it is not possible to live by them.

Leave those who are worthy to the last, those who are worth asses to their very last!

Justice for the sake of honor, then respect that the main part of injustice is happening in the name of justice ...

Vibachennya does not mean that you are not right, but that you are right, that only means that the value of yours is more important than it is.

Life is seen not by the number of picks, but by the moments, if I am eager for them.

Good, well, in an hour, it will be difficult ... In an hour, the very stench gives a sight to Love, to Friends, but to ... not so much needed

Would you like a woman to be charged? See the warmth of the room. Huckle down to your cheek with your cheek and grip at the same time as a stone. Would you like a woman? Bazhana bootie і bootie cohana. Notice, speculate, threaten - not a mischief. Abi was a happy soul.

Alone ludina, be guilty of blame for yourself, price in the past. I am a single lyudin, more beautiful than a guilty butti, tse that, whoever є at a time.

One does not pick, why smell like Trojandi ... The one from the thick herbs will get honey, Give one khlib to one - it will be forgotten ...

If you want - you know the hour, if you don't want - you know the reason.

You can't repeat one pardon twice for Lyudin.

if you bach happy people- Don't get mad. You don't know, yak stinks fought for their happiness

All your questions went into the picture, and life was positive, give me your installation. I am Happy, Successful and Beautiful !!!

Lyudin's life .. Not shkoyuchi nig ... Booths - a robot .. Booths - a robot .. Bringing a term .. Waiting is a break .. Vacation, yak halt .. Old age, pension, zadishka .... And where is it? ??

Whoever doesn’t vistacha one woman - I will switch to p'yatu, ten, but if one doesn’t vistachaє life, why should you love one - one ..

And on the day, mi azhe all rіvnі. No one is more beautiful or better ... It’s just that we don’t need someone ... And someone sunk into the soul

Samiy is a good teacher in life - dosvid. Bere is really expensive, but I'll explain it harshly.

Do not vimovlyati words, because it does not change the silence on the beautiful.

This is the season for the family supper, I am absolutely beaten. I recently threw my lad. I sat on the back seat of my father's car at the same time with my young brother, with whom I was constantly b'amosya and laumosya. vin podachiv slyozi on my eyes, taking my hand and not letting my hand, yet did not come to the restaurant.

This year I have played the court, as if I had been trivial for a long time. 14 months ago, I know that my suspicion regularly has my dog. I was right, and they did not resist me. I am vitratic on court litigation I buy a penny, ale, look, I see the warmth of my wicked, curly friend at my feet, I am intelligent, everything was not free.

I remember a little to myself, my tato is thinking about a new wound, how to prepare my mother's dreams. win at home, that you need not get up so early, even if you love it at the hour of the day, that you need to bach my mother's laugh.

This year I was pardoned with a number and hatefully sent my daddy about "I love you", acknowledged by my cholovikov. through a sprinkle of khvilyn, the message came to me: "I may love you. Father." tse bulo is even scornful. I’m talking about him so sparingly one to one word.

I'm a junkie. I am a clean stay 9 months - the price that has found a term, for which I am, if ever, old. Today at night I had a dream, some of them proponated a new drug, but I didn’t think about it. if I threw myself, well, my souls would be even easier because of the fact that I had torn off my old habits and found myself in dreams.

This year my little brother Zayshov is in my room, and I shouted to you, why are you viyshov, and I didn’t look at him. If I turned to the new one, I stabbed the tartar with cherries in my hands, I wore it and cleaned it specially for me.

Today, my daughter came to school and asked me to know the site so that I could read my gestures. If I have energized, it’s very necessary, I’ve seen that a new girl has appeared in this school, I’m deaf, and I know if I don’t have any gestures, I’m calling for them to talk.

Years in school, I’ve lost my gaman and I didn’t pick it up, but the greatest bully and punk from the senior classes turned out to be less than me in terms of security.

Years of travel from the metro and having respect for me, there is a company of young people who are older than me. if the stench ordered me less, I was already ready to be separated from the hamman, if I had already thrown it at the metro carriage and the stench ordered me to turn it around.

Years at school, I rejected a note from the boy, who is all in a motselling trick. a visitor, it is wonderful to dress up and hair in your own name. in the note the bulo reads: "your laugh befits me, if I remember, even though I laugh a little bit more, but now I think of a little bit on your hands. I may be suffering from the depression and I know, well, let's talk about it. my phone xxx-xxx-xxxx ". We were set up in the evenings and we had a lot of fun and if I turned around before I didn’t want to make my own bill, I didn’t want a poster, the depression went.

I am a musician, but my band is not even popular anymore. One day I ask myself about food - most of all I am busy with it and this year I have taken care of it for a new reason. When a young unak came to the concert before me, he said: "Thank you, great, your music will help me even more. I am not the most popular boy at school, I often imitate my one-pages. But since I come to the house, I like all of your forces. and me become lighter. "

Years with my boy sat in a cafe and I took care of my skin once, if I had to go through a new period, I had to get in my cheek. I energized a new one, I’m sure to try it, but I’m laughing and seeing that I’d like to know that I’m a child. we lost our people about ten times that. stink of cancer. ale, we could love the knowledge. cutaneous є has a different chance.

Today's lies, I bumping a homeless person with a cardboard box in my hands, for the substitute for the callous "give me a penny" the bulo says "give me your laugh".

Soul-tse is not colony ...

Heart vovka!
Soul of freedom!
Tylo people!

I know a hangover, having taken my soul for a tightness for you ...

And to touch the whole night, help my soul! Help me about those who will grow in my life.


The soul was given to us so that we could love and forgive!

“Spookyna glibina of the deep sea: it’s not good or bad to think about those who are cool monsters! ... "

My soul hurts with a terrible force, but don’t tie it up with strings: she gave me happiness on credit, and then took it with a lot of money.

Shake your souls, and insert new skla. Empty days noticed, I can do everything I want, I can do everything I can ...

Ale, without a soul and the number of high, lively nobles from heart to heart is dumb ...

In exchange for success and glory, DO NOT burn the lower and good strings of your soul ...

Do not expose your soul to the first instructive one, maybe you can be with her, inadvertently, vitrusiti.

Vira є hearing, vukho soul.

A skinny woman, as if she would be shukati in love, is not soothing, but her soul is doomed to a woman.

The fineness of a woman is in beauty, and beauty is in the purity of the soul!

Stretch out into the soul ... with frost on skіrі ... you know, if the nudguvati do not have a crumb ... as good, spring and warmth ... and it is closed in my soul.

The need for the soul is magic.

Yakbi my soul was a bird. The infection would sit on her shoulders.

Two people can sit errands and not know one one. Інші can be with greater opposites, but not in the power to separate їх.

Zabdyakov to the living of the message, the idea of ​​the rotten soul is good.

The reason for that, that My heart is pricked up, I snort My Soul to develop ...

For you - I play in the positive, for myself - I emboss the soul.

And also often buvaє.
Lamayut my soul with words.

... be in order in the soul of the world, everything is allowed, where no one has access, - the axis is truly the pinnacle of everything.

It’s impossible not to hurt forever: not a tooth, not a soul.


Smile is the passport of the soul.

If you wake up, see if it is colder in your heart, speed up your soul.

For some, the wealth is a material stan, for others, it is soul.

The beauty of a woman's soul is to obey from the demonstration of women’s nig.

Light in the soul is an axis that needs to be protected! I don't think I should feel like zazihayut, itself, on the light in your soul. Tse, melodiously, that is, having winked into the use of his own powerful light ...

It’s not important. Vichna only soul. Protect її ...

And I can be confused, if it is on the soul, it really sucks!

Shame, dear friend, go, do not extinguish the soul in the fire, there you know the lane, zruynuvavshego locks butt ... do not lie!

It’s just to be built, but to pay pennies for everything in life. By the way, it is important to pay off with pieces of soul.

Neither the soul is empty, the soul is not empty, the soul is all light, which is bright with God and darker with Satan ...

Throwing in someone else’s house, I seemingly see myself with someone else’s soul, shoved into someone else’s tilo.

Blessed be, to enter in my heart! Chi did not hurt, oh, blessed viyshov!

Do not creep into the soul! It's smoky there ...

I wore my heart, and I went through my soul ... and went ...

Crying is not the only way to go through the soul in tears.

Well, don’t spit and shit ... I can’t live because of my closed soul. I have a soulful claustrophobia ...

If there is a kit on the heart, it is warm in the soul.

Statuses about the soul, about the soul

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