There are some of the celebrities who attended the bibliotes. Libraries of prominent people. Loves of Richard Branson's books

    Shanovna Vidavnitstvo EKSMO! Since 2011, you will be able to close the non-commercial community Internet library "Flibusta", as it’s richly rocky, there are many irreplaceable additions to our status “the most readable land in the world”. Mi rozumієmo your praznennya clean up your commercial rights that come from the sale ...

    In Russia, it is practical not to translate anything from the current foreign literature. For the greater Russians, the overseas war ends with Remark and Hemingue, I want some of the people among the chuvs about Philip Caputo, Gustav Gasford, Christopher Ronnau, Ale Santol and Tim O'Brien. Ale is all the same ...

    KIV, 10 serpnya / TAS /. The State Committee for Television and Radio Communications of Ukraine has shown a rendition of books by Russian authors, which were fenced in before being imported into the territory of the country.

    Kiev, having announced the list of Russian books, which were banned before being imported into the country for the propaganda of "dislike for people, fascism, xenophobia and separatism." Among them - create Oleksandr Dugin and Marini Akhmedova

    The books by Eduard Limonov, Oleksandr Dugin, Sergiy Dorenko and Sergiy Glaz'ev were on the list.

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... Well, for the bad luck, perebuvati with the kind bibliotets. Marvel at the books - and those same happiness. Before you is a benquette, the gods of God: you see that you can take in your fate and bring your cup to the brim.

Charles Lemb

You can read, savagely, you can skip, wind up with even more unwavering minds, but all the same, the process will give more to the sick, if you are drowning in a hand-made crystal, put a cup of hot tea on your hand, or you will drink from books, as to know from the policemen of your home library ...

And ideas for the possession of the library of your world can be found at all readers:

Home Library of American Writing and History Barbary Goldsmith .

"I wanted to, so my library was taken from the far side, so I could use my favorite books", - said American writer Barbara Goldsmith, she asked designer Mica Ertegün to update her and arrange an apartment on Park Avenue. "Not kostnosti, but the books became my" Snidank at Tiffany's ",- said Barbara Goldsmith, commenting on the decision and shy remark from the bik about Truman Capote's novel. Deyakі original speeches for the library-їdalnі boules were taken to the flea market in Paris. Books, painting and light are the three main components of the wonderful library.

Home Library of an American Actress Dayani Kiton

Hollywood actress Diane Keaton and designer Stephen Shadley have chosen to create a library in a private place in Beverly Hills. In 2007, a basic repair was made to the booth with re-planing, as a result of which the courtyard hall had a library of policemen from the podlogi to the crypt stele, reminiscent of books that were assigned to the mystery, as well as to the others. "Library of settings and support for the" cleansing "of the skin, how to enter before the booth",- explaining the designer Steven Shedli.

Zirki are also people, like they, they have the same speech, but we have to smelt the stench more often than the original, the wines are longest and the best, the less they are. The results are the same for the first time, including the home library. Let's take a look, for example, at the Parisian's apartment Karl Lagrefeld (Karl Lagerfeld).

King of Modi, Creative Director of Chanel Karl Lagerfeld - the specialty in all these events is unique and original, including his library, which has over 60,000 volumes, but you will be allowed to name one of the most private ones. Police officers In the Parisian apartment of the celebrity couture, you can grow out of the way to the very stele and prepare from the steel, to showcase important books and albums from the master, so that you can become a larger part of the Lagerfeld collection.

Wood Allen's New York apartment has a large and well-equipped library.

Home library of an American director Woody Allen (Woody Allen) can be described as quiet and stylish. It is good for such bibliotesses to spend not two years reading.

Hazyain of the library in the English style є the popular spivak Sting.

Great library in the English house Stinga (Sting) a showcase in a strict classical style - dark woods of bookish shafi and wall panels, miracles go down to see two surfaces of the library, busts of philosophers and composers, a miraculous frieze - all sound and sound.

She was not famous for being pathetic and unimportant Peris Hilton (Paris Hilton) The library in the booth opened in Beverly Hills can be called a whole lot of happy library.

In addition, Peris is one of the largest private libraries in the United States, and she has recently issued her library - book shafi prepared from the wonderful tree, harmonious with the handrails of the descent. A stupid effect of opening and stele, which will open the road to heaven.

The owner of the wonderful home library to avenge 58,000 volumes, the owner of the book "The Mysterious Bookshop" in New York Otto Penzler (Otto Penzler).

Yogo library, decorated in the Tudorian style, borrowed three surfaces from the Zamysky booth with an area of ​​5000 sq. feet Books live on zroblenyh on deputized policemen from the red tree. “People seem to be magnificent,” comments Mister Penzler. - And I say їm, tse the house of modest razmіrіv, how to reach the even great library. " Well, tell me, melodiously, how much we want to live like this and so clean up your library!

A modest home library can, by right, be called a nyvidomishoyu at the saint's address: Baker Street, 221B, de Museum-apartment of the best private detectiveSherlock Holmes.

And the house library is located at the residence of the film director and producer George Lucas (George Lucas).

It’s insane, but on the other side of respect in our view, the merit of the home libraries is quiet, but it’s very clever to show up on books - written in writing.

Library of the detective queen Agati Kristi in її ideal and beloved mother in Грінваї.

So viglyada library classic American literature William Faulkner (1897-1962) - laureate Nobel Prize from the literature of the author of the cult novels "Avesalom, Absalom" and "Noise and fierceness".

Home library Mark Twain - the creator of the most beautiful images of the light childish literature - Tom Soyur and Huckleberra Finna.

Is there a woman behind the great skinhead? You can. And I gave it b: behind the skin of the people, there are books in front of them, like I’ve read. I’m going to be built, but those that you will shake lower, confirm the tsyu thought. I don't read the stink of a word.

“Books are a drug for a hard paliturtsi. Without overdoing it. I am a happy victim of books. "

Books are called the third God of Lagerfeld. In yaky bi land of the world, not leaning forward, expect to bring back a folio of a beloved author, among them Balzac and Dostoevsky, for a book about mystery. Lagerfeld's collections were also late to visit the library. Chita Lagerfeld with 4 translations - English, German, French, Italian. Until 2000, a part of the collection of books about the French mystery of the 18th century was sold at Christei's auctions.

Michael Jackson

Reading was just one of Michael Jackson’s headlongs, it’s about red-hot to talk about this miracle library. Beloved by the books of the king of the boule "Peter Pen" by J. Barri, "Jonathan Livingston the Seagull" by R. Bach and "The Old and the Sea". E. Hemingueya.

Woody Allen

“I really love Chekhov, I don’t eat. I don’t want to behold my beloved authors. I’m a fan of Chekhov. In truth, I haven’t been a fan of people yet, as I haven’t become a fan. You may not love Tolstoy. Among my knowers are people, people, who do not befit Dostoevsky, do not befit Proust, Kafka, James Joyce or TS Eleot.

Oprah Winfri

Library Opry can not be deprived of її master hand. A consultant, who, with his own house, himself shukk vidavnitstva and buy necessary copies of books. On one side, there’s no nasty one here, but on the other side, I’ve got food: how many books were bought by the consultant himself and hadn’t read the police yet? And what is the addiction of the book philanthropist, love for the book and also ...?

Greta Garbo

Library of Grety Garbo viglyadaє classic, like in the pictures that at the nicest booths. Protest, in one of the innumerable interviews, the actress said that she did not like to read, did not go to the cinema. " I spent most of my life lying on my bed. Not being ill, she could get lost in a lick for a whole day, just lie down, and the TV screen was amazed. Everything is good, but it's not a sport.- pointed out. As soon as Mis was getting up on the slope, then it was not the same for a walk. Vona loved the quiet times of the church, such as church tsvintars, for example, near Klosters, Napoleon's tomb in Paris.
Inodi Garbo raised the price of Asia, Africa, America. Once, if you were on a cruise along In the middle of the earth They gave me a book, as soon as I saw it, "about the best actress Greta Garbo." Vona mumbled nonviolently (melodiously, the words were good enough) and once threw the book overboard.

As soon as people started to write, they entrusted all their wisdom to the stench with books. On clay scrolls and parchment codes, writers, and even philosophers took a photo of their knowledge, their own reports, their thoughts, which were taken for the squares. For a long time, libraries have appeared - komori wisdom.

Pharmacy for souls and women. The professional librarian was awarded the first book charters. On qiu posadu they asked for prominent vcheny, writers, poets. At 19 stolitti statistic honorable librarians - it was also called - bulo navit foldnіshe, nіzh academician. At 19 stolitti statistic honorable librarians - it was also called - bulo navit foldnіshe, nіzh academician.

Famous bibliotekar The old Greek doctrine is sung by Callimakh (b. BC) after fooling the famous Oleksandr Bibliotek. Having made a titanic robot, I have read a catalog of books, which has taken over 120 volumes. Chinese philosopher, Lao - tszi, who is alive at st. That is, he was a history writer and librarian Kirilo (Kostyantin) (827 - unit 870) - one of the Solunski brothers, the master of the words of the abetts, and he was a librarian of the patriarch library in Constantinople.

Ashurbanipal Grand Library (668 - 630/627 BC) The Assyrian state (at the beginning of Mesopotamia) expanded its geographic cordons more than ever. However, the Tsar became famous not without his Viy's feats: being a subtle chanuvalliteratury, he took large clay tablets with artistic, historical and scientific texts at his palace in Ninevia.

Russian archaeologist, historian, artist Oleksiy Mykolayovich Olenin (1753 - 1843) was the director of the Gromadskoy Library near St. Petersburg from 1811. An English chemist, a philosopher and theologian Joseph Pristli (1733 - 1804) was the first bibliotekar at Marquis Lansdowne. The German philosopher Jacob Grimm (1785 - 1863) in 1808, having made the robot of the librarian into the king's bibliotess, with a great success and great power in the hour, so that his brother Vilhelm could have tried it

Great Russian Baikar Ivan Andriyovich Krilov (1769 - 1844) from 1812 to death and death at the Imperial Library of St. Petersburg on the seat of the Library. Having served with a bibliotess for 30 years, І.А. Krilov sklav catalog of Russian books and rendered the Order of St. Volodymyr of the 4th degree. Vin is alive at the bibliotes, at small apartments, the service of the bull to Krilov to the soul, and even then the books - the companions of all life, were dying.

Sings, the viewer and editor of the almanacs "Pivnichni kiti" and "Prolisok" Anton Antonovich Delvig (1798 - 1831), who finished as a child, served in other families, and from 1820 he was the assistant to the operative Swedish novelist and playwright Juhan August Strinberg (1849 - 1912) as a literator, changing from the least of the professions: being a teacher, telegraphist, serving at the theater, taking up painting, writing and librating. French philosopher, educator and writer Denia Didro (1713 - 1784) wrote a vision of the academician D'Alembert "Encyclopedia, abo Tlumachy vocabulary sciences, arts and crafts "(35tt. r.) Buv literally zruynovany. Hid the yogo proposition of Catherine II to add to the library, having deprived him of the old clerk and designated Didro as the guardian. Didro arrived in St. Petersburg at Veresna in 1773 and tried it in Russia until the birch of 1774.

French composer and music critic Hector Berlioz (1803 - 1869) at 1839 he was awarded the title of bibliotekr of the Paris Conservatory. the material of the camp significantly diminished.

Russian poet Ivan Savich Nikitin (1824 - 1861) at the native town of Voronezh at 1859 rotsi vidkriv Bookstore from the library - a reading room. The bosses of Nikitin's diligence svіzhі magazines and newspapers came to Voronizh no more than a visit. I have seen the literature for reading by the people without koshtovno.

-Rosiyskiy sings Apollo Maikov (1821 - 1897) as bibliotekar of the Rumyantsevskiy Museum until he was transferred to Moscow. -Vidomy Russian writer, author of historical novels Mikhailo Mykolajovich Zagoskin (1789 - 1852) from 1817 to 1818 became an honorable librarian, and from 1818 to 1820 he became a friend of a librarian in the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The author of the famous "Konik the Humpbacked", Petro Pavlovich Urshov (), turning to his own rіdne misto Tobolsk, pratsyuvav the viclade of the Tobolsk gymnasium. For the educational institution, the library was biblioteca, for the one P. Urshov was rather dumb: he rewrote the catalog in a calligraphic manner, meaningfully increased the book fund.

Visual artist, art and music critic Volodymyr Vasilovich Stasov () over fifty years (from 1855 - 1906) worked at the huge library of Petersburg. In 1872, he became the head of the artistic presentation, but several times he made the appointment of the head of the library.

Russian writer, translator, literary critic and motivational writer Korniy Ivanovich Chukovskiy (1882 - 1969) in 1957 turned up on the territory of his dacha near Peredilkin's child bibliotek, prompting for power. In the last year, we have given a gift to the village radio. " Child lyudin Korniy Ivanovich Chukovsky scorchingly conducting two holy books: "Hello, summer" and "Goodbye summer".

"Book" The first libraries in Russia appeared for an hour in Kiev Russia. The literature says that Prince Yaroslav the Mudriy took 1037 from Kiev and copied the bagatokh, as “they wrote off the books a lot”. A part of the books “the prince poklav at the Holy Sophia Church”, having fallen asleep in the first library. "Biblioteka" is a walnut word, at the cross it means "biblio" - a book, "teka" - skhovishche.

"A good library for the book of images to Vsesvita". N.A.Rubakin Russian State Child Library (RGDB) - the best library for children. It is located in one of the central areas of Moscow, the old Kaluzkoy area on Sadovoye Kiltsi. The history of the history came from the 1969 rock. In 1987, the library moved to a specially created for her wake-up area of ​​square meters.

On April 1, 2012, it will take 150 years to fall asleep during the day. Built on the basis of the library of the Rumyantsev Museum, the Museum of Universities behind the zbori of foreign and foreign documents 367 translations to the world. In addition to the main book fund, the funds of the Russian State Library have more than 150 thousand rubles. cards, 350 yew. notes and sound recordings of books, books, dissertations, newspapers, etc. Є 1092, books, books from the 14th to the 15th century; Books from the middle of the 16th century, Russian periodicals. "Public library - a series of responses to styles of ideas, such as requests for leather" A.I. Herzen

Otyrarska Library Otrar - an old-fashioned place, roztashany on the birch of the Sirdar rivulet, lay on the crossroads of the paths of the Great Shovkovoye Way. Near the misti bulo kilka madrasah. At the madrasah they were victorious, as they appropriated all their life. The books were brought to Otirar from the shrews of the world. The stench of the boo was taken from the mischievous bibliotess. Tse Otyrarska library. For the whole world she was glorified with her own creative and valuable books. The Otirarska Library is famous for the whole time, legendary, the bulla was burned by the soldiers of Chingis Khan.

"Biginka", so affectionately called її Almaty, is in wakefulness, as a memory of the history and architecture of the republican significance. The bank is another, published by the National Library, there are two powerful sites in the Internet, at the Library of the Academy of Young Artists, there are a number of book-and-illustrative notices, conference writers, writers To help school librarians, teachers, to read babies from children’s gardens. At the bibliotess є Internet class, hold an educational year for the readers cob schools, to hold international conferences with the French Alliance, the British Council, the Іte Institute. Organize reading programs for your readers in English, Nimetsky, french movami... Vipuskayut unique posibniki, calendars and albums, CD. We will strengthen the Tsim Keru, Sofia Kumarivna Raєva, Director of the State Children's Library for 20 years.

"Love to rіdnogo edge - the basis duhovnoї culture" Likhachev Sector kraєznavchoї bіblіografії іnformatsіyno-bіblіografіchnogo vіddіlu zadovolnit usі vashі Request Bіblіoteka Got unіkalny dovіdkovy aparata: * Fund kraєznavchih dovіdkovih Vidanov that bіblіografіchnih posіbnikіv * folder - dosє * Archived vikonanih dovіdok

"As long as the library is alive, it is a living people; we will die - we will die, that maybutnu". D.S. Likhachov. Until your wishes: Childish and youthful reading rooms Childish and youthful reading rooms Subscriptions for a visit Subscriptions for a catalog

"Chitannya is the nicest vchennya" A.S. Pushkin Central child library im. A.S. Pushkin is an information and cultural center for schools, roztashanyh in the district. Library fund: books, 58 names of newspapers and magazines Kazakh and Russian texts. The library can be arranged in its own way: * Zbori books and periodical views from all the knowledge; * Directories; * Directories; Systematic, Alphabetical; * By card indexes: Kraєznavchoї, For help from school programs, “Uvaga! New books ".

"Library - the storehouse of all the riches of the human spirit". G. Leibnits CML im. A.M. Gorky may 5 times: Added service for reading room (subscription, reading room); Eddil of processing and a complete set of literature Methodological - bibliographic revision of Eddil of organization and registration of a single fund RUF sector (exchange - reserve fund)

I sit in the library, with unvirtuous worlds, I am amazed at books with golden roots. І Menі Мріє: in quiet books the souls of the authors are prikhovani; Хні citizens і feel in the quiet arkusha of friendly angry. Everything that burned and tormented, all the thoughts and pragmatism. Even the priests are here, here are the invisible krills of Tini authors of the great vіyut near us above us. O! I sense: here are the souls of the great lows, the first of these invisible shrieks to rustle the newspapers of the side ... Liodor Palmin

“It’s a lucky person to be in front of the Gilyadiyas of the libraries at the possessed gold shukach, who needs to vibrate grains of gold in bulk” S, I, Vavilov. “It’s not just reading at a bibliotese — you live by a light of books; Everything is wonderful there, especially quiet. Nowhere is there such a kind of silence, as in a bibliotess, - with a row of sides, to get overheated, with a quiet rosy to the vidachi. The bibliotess is still alive. It’s not calm, but it’s easier to feel, an urochist way ”. Z Soloviychik. "Budinok, in which there are a lot of books, podbny to the til, amused soul." Cicero

Gotfrid Wilhelm Leibnits (1646-1716) - Nimetsian philosopher, mathematician, physicist and wine-dweller, lawyer, historian, evangelist, astrologer. Born in 1646 p. at Leipzig. Father Leibnitsa, vidomy lawyer, died, if the boys didn’t meet the seven rockets. Mati, dbayuchi about the saint's education, brought him to Nikola's school, yaka darted to Leipzig for that hour. Gotfrid spent whole days sitting at the father’s library.
P'yatnadtsyatirіchnyy vіn having entered the Leipziz University. They are officially involved in the Faculty of Law, taking into account lectures on philosophy, mathematics and other subjects. At 18 years of age Leibnits took the stage of Master of Literature and Philosophy, and at 20 he took the doctoral dissertation "About the Lost Help". After winning the courtyard’s career, seeing the professor’s proponated position, protesting actively promoting science.
In 1667, Leibnitz went to Mainz to the Elector, who asked for his fate at the newly formed crypt of laws. With a stretch of five rockies Leibnits took over a small camp at the Mainz court, and in 1672 p. having gone to France with a diplomatic mission, I may be able to get to know the history of Fermat, Pascal and Newton. U 1876 p. win the request of Duke Johann Friedrich and drive to Hanover.
From 1676 to the end of the life of Leibnits - an historiographer and a secret handbook of justice at the court of the Hanoverian dukes. Win vikonuvav here also planted an astrologer (zokrem, having folded horoscopes) and a librarian of the Court library at Wolfenbüttel (won a bullet toddler among Europe and the world). Leibnits keruvav in a library from 1690 r. a stretch of 23 years each day, from the capital of the Court Library near Hanover. Itself here you have gone into the attraction of their rich library ideas.
Immediately, he set his maybutt to the Cohan Sophia Charlotte, daughter of the Duchess of Hanover. Todi їy bulo 12 rocks and won bula yogo student. Chotiri rocky because the divine went to replace the Brandenburz prince Fridrikh III, the Maybut king of Prussia Fridrikh I. The fall asleep of the Brandenburg Science Association (for example, the Berlinska Academy of Sciences) in Berlin in 1700 brought Leibnits closer to the queen. Leibnitz is the first president of the Partnership.
At 1697 p. Leibnits for the first time worked out with Peter I, who made a way to Holland for the trip to the sea. Todi Leibnits drafted the project of reforming the education and the project of falling asleep of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Vosseni offensive rock Petro arriving in Carlsbad. Before the hour the plan of the Academy of Sciences will be raised by Leibnitz from all the details.
Leibnits pushed back to synthesize everything rationally in the forefront of philosophy and new scientific knowledge based on the methodology he has propounded, by those who have loved them, the universality and rigor of the philosophical worlds. Yogo philosophical system - monadology - based on the revealed pro physical education like a sensitive twisting light of monads - the first elements of true, intelligible light. Winning the idea of ​​the acceptance of space, hour and ruk, formulating the law of "saving living forces", which became the first formulation of the law of saving energy.
Leibnits transferring the principle of modern mathematical logic, being one of the creators of differential and integral numbering, two systems of number. Vin constructing the first mechanic lichilnu car, zdatnu viroblyati dodavannya, vіdnіmannya, a lot of that podіl.
Ideas of Leibnits in astrometeorology have not lost their significance to our days; itself was more resolute, having made a call between the bells at the barometer's indicators that weather.
The biblical activity of the Leibniz Bulat is more widespread, less the activity of the larger pupils, who were taught by the librarians. At the low end of their wines, looking at books and libraries as their own kind of tools to reject knowledge. The library fund, on its own, is guilty of the mother of intellectual and scientific value, encyclopedic encyclopedic knowledge. Library - one of the lanoks of the integrated system of knowledge, which includes archivi, vidavnitstva, drukarni, navchalny pledges, establish the sciences and culture.
Leibniz has broken the whole concept of the science library. One of the elements of the concept is the need to prepare for the periodic periodicity of the list of new images. With a quote of wine, he turned up to the Austrian Duke Leopold I, altogether without getting the picture.
To replace the catalogs of the Frankfurt and Leipzia book fairs, the author of that name of the book was deceased, Leibniz proponyuvav got a look at the biographies of the writers, an analysis of his creative work, an analysis of his creation. I wondered if a lot of people could help with such a look at the information about the ideas that circulate in the suspensions, and, moreover, control them.
Win proponuvav the opening of the catalog of the best libraries of the country. Having passed through a special library, the funds of such a boulevard would be needed for the provision of books.

Johann-Danilo (Ivan Danilovich) Schumacher (1690–1761) became the first professional bibliotekar for the posadoy. Until tsi bulo "zvannya bibliotekar" - even scratch, yak given for special orders. The one who volodiv such a call, viznavasya yak is literate, learned to master the collection of books that їkh zberіgannya, lyudin.
Nimets Schumacher bouv was born in Elsas, who at that hour lay in France. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at Strasbourg University. U 1714 p. he was asked to serve until Russia, and he was co-ordinated with the secretary of the medical office. Being a human, spirited and diplomatic, Schumacher steadfastly conquered the ingenuity of the bagatoks of the tsar himself.
For a whole hour on the basis of a collection of books, books at the Literary Palace near St. Petersburg, the library was opened, and about it - the Academy of Sciences. The construction of the library was given to Schumacher herself. Books were brought from Nimechchyna, Poland, Finland, from the conquered every hour of the Winery of the Provinces. The library gathered ten rocks. At 1721 p. Petro revised Schumacher of the foreign lands, entrusting him with learning about the library attachments near the foreign lands and buying necessary books for Russia. Through ryk, turning to Russia, Vin wrote about his price, which is one of the most important documents from the library.
At 1724 p. he was sent to the Academy of Sciences, and Schumacher was appointed as a libretur. Vin called himself "the head commander before the president", so that, by the day, he became another special letter of the President of the Academy; without the President vіn vikonuvav yogo obovyazy. Youmu bulo is stipulated to pay 1200 rubles. on pik; tse buly, on the basis of the payment of the official officials of Russia, and in the second place, not the payment of the governor. Academics scored 1000 krb., Professor - 660 krb.
In fact, Schumacher has created a library of a new type for Russia: it’s a public one, it’s too small to reach the new free collection of science books, a systematic arrangement, a lecture catalog (which is a non-baroque book of visions from the viglyad’s chotiritomnik). From behind the cordon, Schumacher brought dozens of catalogs of children's libraries (Roman Caesar, Berlinsky, Oxford, Cambridge and others). Participants-Europeans highly appreciated and changed the library, and the order at them. Good organizer Schumacher hitting great value Library interiors, robotics.
Stavlenya to Schumacher in the Academy, judging from the dzherel, they were spared, bulo rosy, they called him and the evil geniєm, the parade of the Russian people in the Academy, the special parade of Lomonosov himself. At the seat of the head of the academic office (yaku vin also ob_ymav) Schumacher deyav, mabut, yak self-appointed bureaucrat. U 1742 p. They put it in the plant and put it in the house, and then they turned to the Academy.

Andriy Ivanovich Bogdanov, one of the first Russian book scholars, linguist, author of the first history of the history of St. Petersburg, born in 1692 p. at Petersburg. Batko yogo buv maystr gunpowder please. Up to seven years, the lad helped Batkov, later joining the service until 1727 r. pratsyuvav a friend in the academic friend.

At 1730 p. Bogdanov gave a message about the transfer to the library of the Academy of Sciences. Vono bulo zadovolene, and Andriy Ivanovich actually became the head of the Russian library library. At 1737 p. The name of the "bibliotekarsky pomichnik" was given to him.

Bogdanov, having described the collection of Feofan Prokopovich's manuscripts, was hoped for a library of deaths from a seemingly religious and sovereign child, a writer. Also, he became a "reestri" of books and manuscripts confiscated from some disgraced children and transferred to the library.

Andriy Ivanovich is brave to take an active part in the preparation of the first handy description of manuscripts, which is stored in the library of the Academy of Sciences - the so-called "Chamber catalog". I sent a book to the circulation in 1742. After continuing to update the catalog with information about new manuscripts and seeing them, we came to the library, specifying the names of the most important names. Scrupulousness and craftsmanship helped him a little in his work, and in the robot, over the manuscript, as it was taken in the rock, with the title “A short knowledge and historical recollection of all The books of the book will be stored, in addition to the introduction of history and about our Russian words. " It is true that the original repertoire of the Russian book, which was first published in Russia, is a pity, because of the publications deprived of two rockies, 1958 p. It is necessary to adhere to the fact that the repertoire is an independent scheme of the classification of sciences, I will include before the bibliographic part. In rocky, the term "book knowledge" was still growing, and Bogdanov himself introduced a lot of scientific prats to the "science of the word". Alevin became the first Russian book reader; Not one of the parts of the whole robot is called "A short knowledge about Russian authors, although I have seen a book and a small crossbar, and the sound is coming,"

Bagato rokiv Andriy Ivanovich zbirav that overlooked the views of the history of St. Petersburg. Pidsumkom became tvir "Historical, geographical and topographic description of St. Petersburg from the ear of the first place, from 1703 to 1751 rik". Tsya pratsya revealed the facts about the history of early Petersburg, as well as about the geography, toponymy, administrative structure, the population of the place, bula, by the essence, encyclopedia of the capital life of the first half of the XVIII century. This vision was transferred to the fifty-fifth capital of the Russian state, meaning yaku Mali in 1753 rots. Alemov's manuscript was bula nadto vazhka, the Svitskiy Tvir literally scrabbled in archaic Church-Slovenian vocabulary. The text of the published editions was published in 1779 after the death of Bogdanov.

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