Meaning of the word neutron. The meaning of the word neutron What is more neutron chi proton



(English neutron, from Lat. neuter - neither one nor the other) (n), electrically neutral element. h-tsa with spin 1/2 and mass, trochs outweigh proton mass; to be included in the class of hadrons and to be included in the group of barions. From protons and N. all atomic nuclei were induced. N. vіdkritі in 1932 English. physicist J. Chadwick, who established what was revealed to him. physicists V. Bothe and G. Becker penetratingly, as if blamed for the bombardment of at. nuclei with a-particles, formed from uncharged. h-ts іz mass, close to proton.

N. stіykі less at the warehouse of stable at. nuclei. Vilniy N. - unstable h-tsya, which breaks up behind the scheme: n®p + e- + v \u003d c (beta-decay of N.); since. N. t \u003d 15.3 min. In v-vі vіlnі N. іsnuyu esche less (in shіlnih vіvakh - single - hundreds of microseconds) due to their strong glinting cores. For this reason, N. is blamed on nature, or it is only in the laboratory that they are disgusted. reactions. Vilni N., together with at. cores, shouting decomp. . The effectiveness of N. is great. reactions, the originality of exposure to the most common N. (resonant effects, diffraction. rozsіyuvannya in crystals, etc.) physics and physics tv. body (div. NEUTRONOGRAPHY). At the practical N.'s appendages play a key role in otruti. energy, in the production of transuranium elements and radioact. іzotopіv (mistetstv.), as well as vikoristovuyutsya in chem. analysis (activation analysis) and in geol. rozvіdtsі (neutron logging).

Basic characteristics of neutrons.

Masa. The most accurately determined difference in mass H. i proton: mn - mp = 1.29344 (7) MeV, vimiryan according to energy. balance diff. otta. reactions. Stars (і vіdomої mp) mn = 939.5731 (27) MeV or mn "1.675X10-24 g" 1840me (me - el-on).

Spin that statistics. Spin N. J buv vymіryany on splitting of the beam arcs of the more povіlnyh N. in a heterogeneous magn. . Vіdpovіdno up to quantum. mechanics, the beam is guilty of splitting into 2J + 1 in. bundles. There was a splitting into two beams, so for H. J = 1/2 and H. the order of Fermi - Dirac statistics (independently, the chain was installed on the basis of experiments. data on the number of at. nuclei).

The development of the most common N. on protons at energies up to 15 MeV is spherically symmetrical in the system to the center of inertia. It is worth mentioning about those that rozsіyuvannya is determined by the influence of np can be carried. ruhi from orbits. moment l=0 (so-called S-wool). S-rozsiyuvannya prevails over rozsiyuvannyam in іn countries, if de Broglie H. ?? radius dії otruta. forces. Because at an energy of 10 MeV for N.? »2 10-13 cm, due to the peculiarity of the development of N. on protons at such energies, it gives information about the order of magnitude of the radius of cut. forces. From the theory of dispersion of microparticles, it is clear that the dispersion in S becomes weakly deposited in a detailed form of the potential for injection and is described with good accuracy by two parameters: eff. with a radius r to the potential and a dovzhinoy rozsiyuvannya a. To describe np-rozsiyuvannya, the number of parameters is twice as large, so that the system can be rebuilt in two countries different values full spin: 1 (triple stun) and 0 (singlet stun). Dosvіd pokazyvaє scho dozhini rozsіyuvannya N. proton and eff. impact radii in singlet and triplet mills are different, i.e. cut. forces to lie in total back ch-c. Zokrema calls. np system stan - the deuterium nucleus can be used less at spin 1. The length of the expansion in the singlet stan, is assigned to the last pp-expansion (two protons in the S-stand, according to the Pauli principle, can only be changed in the stan with zero total spin ), dovzhinyu np-rozsiyuvannya at the singlet mill. Tse uzgodzhuєtsya z іzotopіch. the invariance of the strong force. Visibility of calls. np system at the singlet station and isotope. іnvariantnіst otruta. forces to lead to a visnovka, which cannot be made with a link. double n.c. system bineutron. Direct investigations of nn-dispersion were not carried out through the presence of neutron targets, processes. data (sv-va nuclei) and the most without middle - the occurrence of reactions 3H + 3H®4He + 2n, p- + d®2n + g are consistent with the isotopic hypothesis. otrut invariance. the strength of that bіdsutnіstyu bіneutron. (If a bineutron was found, then in these reactions they would be afraid of peaks in the energy distributions corresponding to a large number of significant energies. N. - neutron nuclei (the nuclei of three-chotiriox N. were not detected).

Elek t r o m a g n i t n o e v for i mode s t v i e. El.-magn. sv. to the moment, as well as to the essential use of N. rozpodіl poklad. i recount. charge and stream. magnet. the moment of N. signifies the behavior of N. at ovnish. el.-mag. fields: splitting of the N. beam in a heterogeneous magn. field, precession spin N. ext. el.-mag. the structure of N. (div. FORM FACTOR) is manifested when the radiation of el-niv high energy on N. and in the processes of generation of mesons on N. by g-quanta. V-tye magn. moment H. iz magn. moments of the electron shells of atoms are clearly manifested for N., de Broglie's dougina took some. rozmiriv (? NEUTRONOGRAPHY). Magnetic interference Razsіyuvannya z nuclear allows otrimuvat beams polarized poіlnyh N. Vz-nіst magn. moment N. z electric. the field of the nucleus reveals the specificity. Schwinger's rose of N. (indicated earlier by the American physicist J. Schwinger). The outside of the cut is small, the prote with small cuts (= 3 °) becomes equal to the overcut of the cut. rozsiyuvannya; N., rozsіyanі on such a kuti, strongly polarized. N.'s impact with el-nom, not related to priv. what orbits. moment ate-on, start in the main. to di magn. moment N. z electronic. email field. Wanting to have a little impact, yoga was far away to guard in ієsk. experiments.


Neutron- Neutral part, which can be brought up to the class of baryons. Together with a proton, a neutron creates atomic nuclei. Neutron mass mn = 938.57 MeV/s 2 ≈ 1.675 10 -24 g. Він мє і magnetic moment e ћ /2m r z - nuclear magneton (m r - proton mass, vicoristane Gaussian system of units). The size of a neutron is close to 10 -13 cm. Vin is made up of three quarks: one u-quark and two d-quarks, tobto. yoga quark structure udd.
Neutron, like a barion, maє baryon number B = +1. The neutron is unstable in a free state. Since the fault is something important for the proton (by 0.14%), then it is the fault of the decay of the proton in the final camp. With this law of conservation of the barion number is not violated, the barion number of the proton +1. As a result of this decay, the electron e-that electron antineutrino e is also established. The breakdown is due to the weak interplay.

Decay scheme n → p + e - + e.

The lifetime of a free neutron is τ n ≈ 890 sec. In the warehouse of the atomic nucleus, the neutron can be on the floor and stable, just like the proton.
The neutron, being a hadron, takes part in strong interactions.
Neutron buv vіdkritiy y 1932 J. Chadwick.

What is a neutron? What is the structure, authority and functions? Neutrons are the largest of the particles, which become atoms, which are the vital blocks of all matter.

Atom structure

Neutrons perebuvayut at the nucleus - schіlnoї region of the atom, also filled with protons (positively charged particles). These two elements are reduced at once with additional strength, called nuclear. Neutrons create a neutral charge. The positive charge of the proton is replaced by the negative charge of the electron before the creation of the neutral atom. Irrespective of those who do not add neutrons in the nucleus to the charge of the atom, the stench still has a lot of power, like to add to the atom, including the level of radioactivity.

Neutrons, isotopes and radioactivity

Part, yak to be found in the nucleus of an atom - a neutron is 0.2% more than a proton. At the same time, 99.99% of the masses of one and the same element can create a stench of a different number of neutrons. If you rely on the atomic weight, you can rely on the average atomic weight. For example, coal sounds like 6 neutrons and 6 protons with atomic mass 12, but sometimes it sounds with atomic mass 13 (6 protons and 7 neutrons). Coal with atomic number 14 is also used, but rarely traples. Also, the atomic mass for carbon is averaged to 12.011.

If atoms can vary in number of neutrons, they are called isotopes. Veterans knew how to add these particles to the nucleus for the creation of great isotopes. Now the addition of neutrons does not add to the charge of the atom, the shards of stench do not wash the charge. However, the stink is greater than the radioactivity of the atom. Tse can bring to the arc of unstable atoms, yakі can discharge high equal energy.

What is the core?

In chemistry, the nucleus is the positively charged center of the atom, which is made up of protons and neutrons. The word "core" is similar to the Latin nucleus, as a form of the word, which means "gorіh" or "core". This term was coined in 1844 by Michael Faraday to describe the center of the atom. The sciences, which take a part in the old nucleus, which has been developed by its characteristics, are called nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry.

Protons and neutrons are wielded by a strong nuclear force. The electrons are attracted to the nucleus, and then they collapse so quickly that their wrapping is on the actual surface of the center of the atom. The charge of the nucleus with the plus sign looks like a proton, but what about a neutron? Tse chastka, yak not maє electric charge. May the whole vaga of the atom take place at the nucleus, shards of protons and neutrons may be richer in mass, lower electrons. The number of protons in the atomic nucleus determines its identity as an element. The number of neutrons means which isotope of an element is an atom.

Exploration of the atomic nucleus

The nucleus is richer than the total diameter of the atom, so that the electrons can be far away from the center. An atom of water is 145,000 times larger than its nucleus, and an atom of uranium is 23,000 times larger than its center. The nucleus is the smallest, because it is made up of a single proton.

The distribution of protons and neutrons in the nucleus

The proton and neutrons sound like they are strengthened at once and evenly separated behind the spheres. However, the actual structure has been simplified. A skin nucleon (a proton or a neutron) can occupy a large amount of energy and a range of positions. At that hour, the core may be spherical, it may also be pear-shaped, we can whine or disc-like.

The nuclei of protons and neutrons are baryons, which are composed of the smallest ranks of quarks. The force of gravity can be even a short range, so the protons and neutrons are to blame, but they are close one to one, so that they can be related. This is more heavy due to natural recharging of protons.

Proton, neutron and electron

The push for the development of such a science as nuclear physics was the discovery of the neutron (1932). Dyakuvati for the sake of the next English physicist, which we will learn from Rutherford. What is a neutron? This is an unstable part, like in a free camp in just 15 minutes it can decay into a proton, an electron and a neutrino, so I call a massless neutral particle.

Chastka took away its name through those that do not have an electric charge, they are neutral. Neutrons are more powerful. In an insulated camp, one neutron is a total mass of 1.67 · 10 - 27, and if you take a teaspoon packed with neutrons, then a piece of matter, which is wiyshov, you need millions of tons.

The number of protons in the nucleus of an element is called the atomic number. This number gives the skin element a unique identity. In the atoms of some elements, for example, in carbon, the number of protons in the nuclei is the same, but the number of neutrons may vary. An atom of the same element with a large number of neutrons in the nucleus is called an isotope.

Are neutrons unsafe alone?

What is a neutron? Tse particle, like an order for a proton to enter nature. However, sometimes stinks can be self-sufficient. If neutrons are known as nuclei of atoms, the stink of potentially unsafe authorities will stink. If the stench collapses with high swedishness, the stench causes deadly radiation. This is the name of neutron bombs, which, in their own way, drive in people and creatures, while at the same time they are minimally injected into inanimate physical structures.

The neutron is an important part of the atom. The high density of these particles in the middle of the earth gives its supra-divine ruinous strength and energy. As a last resort, stinks can change, or they can tear apart parts of the nucleus of atoms, like they are hostile. If a neutron has a pure neutral electric charge, it is formed from the charged components, as if it were one of the same charge.

A neutron in an atom is a critical part. Like protons, the stench is too small, so that you can bring them to the aid of an electron microscope, but the stench is there, the only way to explain the behavior of atoms. Neutrons are even more important for ensuring the stability of the atom, prostheses between the atomic center of the stink cannot be destroyed for a long time and decay in the middle lichen in 885 seconds (about 15 strands).

NEUTRON(n) (in lativ. neuter - neither one nor the other) - an elementary part with zero electricity. charge and mass, three times more mass of the proton. The order from the proton under the head name. nucleon to enter the warehouse of atomic nuclei. H. may spin 1/2 i, later, podkoryaetsya Farms - Dirac statistics(є fermion). Lie down to the family adra-nov; may baryon number B = 1 to enter before the group baryons.

Introduced in 1932 by J. Chadwick, who showed that more penetratingly vibrating, which is due to the bombardment of beryllium nuclei with a-particles, is composed of electrically neutral particles with an approximately equal proton mass. In 1932, D. D. Ivanenko and W. Heisenberg put forward a hypothesis about those that atomic nuclei are made up of protons and H. At the same time, they are charged. particles, H. easily penetrates into the nuclei for any energy and with great nuclear reactions(n, g), (n, a), (n, p), so the balance of the energy of the reaction is positive. Imovirnist exothermic. nuclear reaction increases with increased H. inverted proportion. yoga swiftness. An increase in the severity of the reactions of H. occupancy in case of their occurrence in aquatic environments was revealed by E. Fermi (E. Fermi) and his companions in 1934. .Strassman) in 1938 (div. Podіl cores), served as the basis for the creation of a nuclear strike of nuclear power. The peculiarity of interdependence with the speech types of H., which may have a de-Broylian age of the order of atomic waves (resonant effects, thin diffraction), is the basis of a wide variety of neutron beams in solid state physics. (Classification H. for energy - hot, cold, ultra-cold - div. Art. neutron physics.)

In the free state of H. unstable - Vdchuvay B-disintegration; n p + e - + v e; th hour of life t n = = 898(14) h, the boundary energy of the electron spectrum is 782 keV (div. Neutron beta decay). At the connected station at the warehouse of stable nuclei H. is stable (according to experimental estimates, one hour of life is over 10 32 years). According to aster. estimates, 15% of the visible speech of the All-world is represented by H., which enters the warehouse of 4 He nuclei. H. є main. component neutron stars. Vilni H. in nature are settled in nuclear reactions, which are called a-particles of radioactive decay, cosmic exchanges and the result of a spontaneous chi immushed under the important nuclei. Mystetstv. dzherelami H. serve nuclear reactors, nuclear vibrators, accelerating protons (on povn. energy) and electrons with targets from important elements. Dzherelami monochromatic H beams with energy 14 MeV є low energy. accelerating deuterons with tritium or lithium targets, and in the future intensive cells of such H. thermonuclear installations of the UTS can appear. (Div. .)

Main characteristics of H.

Masa H. t p = 939.5731 (27) MeV / s 2 = = 1.008664967 (34) at. one. Mass 1.675. 10 -24 p. Wt difference of H. i proton of vimirana s max. energy accuracy balance of the reaction of H. proton entrapment: n + p d + g (g-quantum energy = 2.22 MeV), m n- m p = 1.293323(16) MeV/s2.

Electric charge H. Q n = 0. The most accurate straight lines Q n vikonanі for vіdhilennyam bunksіv cold or ultracold H. in electrostatic. field: Q n<= 3·10 -21 her- Electron charge). Cosv. data from electricity macroscopic neutrality. give a lot of gas Qn<= 2 10 -22 e.

Spin H. J\u003d 1/2 of the values ​​from the direct results from the splitting of the H. beam in an inhomogeneous magn. field on two components J + 1)].

Magnetic moment H. Irrespective of electrical neutrality H. yogo magn. moment іttotno vіdminny vіd zero: m n = - 1.91304184 (88) m I, de m I = e/ 2m p c- Nuclear magneton (m p is the proton mass); magnesium sign. The moment is marked by how straightening your spin is. Magn. proton momentum (m p = 2.7928456) and H. allowed us to develop a hypothesis about the role of the p-meson sharpening (fur coat) of the "naked" nucleon in the forming structure of the nucleon. Spivvіdnennia m p і m n (mp /m n - 3 / 2) can be explained in the framework of the phenomenon of the quark structure of nucleons (div. below). max. exactly m n nuclear magnetic resonance on a bunch of cold H.

Electric dipole moment H. Dynamic, to induction, dipole moment H. can be blamed in a strong electric. e.g. when H. is scattered on an important nucleus, or when g-quanta are scattered on the deuteron. Change of energy often in electric. the field is assigned to the ratio D = -(a about 2/2). E 2 de a 0 - particle polarizability, E - Field strength. Experiments give estimates a 0<= 10 -42 см 3 (принята система единиц, в к-рой = h= 1).

Static electric the dipole moment (EDM) of an elementary particle is to blame, but it is also equal to zero, as well as mutually, as well as invariantly time of day (T-invariant-no). EDM vіdminniy vіd zero, like T-invariance is broken, sho, zgidno CPT theorems(to ensure the invariance of a sleepy creation charge acquisition, space inversion that obіgu hour), equivalently damaged SR-In-variance. Want to destroy SR-invariance was revealed as early as 1964 in the distribution of K 0 L-meson, dosi SR-non-invariant effects for other particles (or systems) were not suspected. At modern unified calibration theories of elementary particles of destruction T(otherwise CP)-invariance may be the mother of the place in electroweak interaction Although the magnitude of the effect is extremely small. dec. broken models SR-invariance transfer the value of EDM H. on equal (10 -24 -10 -32) e. div. Through your electric H. neutrality is an easy object to search SR- non-invariance. max. sensitive and reliable method - NMR method with electric. field, superimposed on the magnet. ioly. Replacing a direct electric field while saving the solution of all characteristics of the resonant NMR spectrometer, resulting in a shift in the NMR frequency by the value of D v = -4, de d- EDM. For d~ 10 -25 e. cm Dv ~10 -6 Hz. Vykoristovuyuchi method utrimannya ultracold H. in NMR spectrometers, to reach such sensitivity. Otrimane naib. more precisely, exchange for EDM H.: d n<= 2·10 -25 e. div.

H structure.

H. the order of the proton lies up to the lightest baryons. For modern stating that there are three lightest valence quarks(two d-quarks and one u-Quark) three colors, which make the combination without a bar. Crim of valence quarks and bind them gluons nucleon to avenge the "sea" of virtual pairs of quark - antiquark, including important ones (wonderful, enchanted ones). Quantum numbers of H. are mostly determined by a set of valence quarks, and spaces. structure - the dynamics of the interplay of quarks and gluons. Especially tsієї vzaєmodії є zrostannya eff. intermodality constants ( effective charge) zі zbіlshennyam vіdstanі, аlѕо rozmіr oblast vzaєmodії okmezheniy oblast t. zv. the confinement of quarks - the region of nonvillage of color objects, the radius of which is ~ 10 -13 cm (div. Utrimanya color).

Follow. description of the structure of hadrons on the basis of such. theories of strong interaction - quantum chromodynamics- While zustrіchaє theoretical. Problems, ale for pl. to satisfy the manager. The results give a description of the interaction of nucleons, which are presented as elementary objects, by means of the exchange of mesons. Experiment. Vivchenya space. structure H. vykonuєtsya for the help of the development of high-energy leptons (electrons, muons, neutrinos, which are considered in the scientific theory as dotted parts) on deuterons. The introduction of the rozsiyuvannya on protons is reduced by the department. experiments and can be seen for additional help. calculate. procedures.

The spring and the quasi-spring (with the splitting of the deuteron) the distribution of electrons on the deuteron allows you to know the distribution of the electric power. charge and magnet. moment H. ( form factor H.). Zgіdno z experiment, razpodіl gushtin magn. moment H. to the exact order Dec. vіdsotkіv zbіgaєtsya z rozpodіl schіlnostі elektrich. proton charge i maє r.m.s. radius ~0.8 10 -13 cm (0.8 F). magnet. form factor H. dipole f-loy G M n = m n (1 + q 2/0.71) -2 , de q 2 - the square of the momentum transferred to units (GeV / s) 2 .

More information about the size of the electric. (charge) form factor H. G E n. From experiments with the development of deuterons, it is possible to make visnovoks, which G E n ( q 2 ) <= 0.1 in the interval of squares of transmitted pulses (0-1) (GeV/s) 2 . At q 2 0 charge H. G E n- > 0, but experimentally it is possible to dG E n ( q 2 )/dq 2 | q 2=0. Qia value max. know for sure dozhini rozsiyuvannya H. on the electron shell of important atoms. basics. part of this interplay is shown by the magnetic. moment H. Naib. precise experimentation but ne = -1.378 (18). 10 -16 cm moment H.: a ne = -1.468. 10 -16 cm. radius H.<r 2 E n >= = 0.088(12) dG E n ( q 2)/dq 2 | q 2 = 0 = -0.02 F2. Qi figures cannot be seen as residual through the great rozkid danih decomp. experiments to revisit the pardons.

The peculiarity of the interaction of H. with the greater number of nuclei is a deposit. dozhina rozsiyuvannya, scho to bring up to coef. broken< 1. Благодаря этому H., падающие из вакуума на границу вещества, могут испытывать полное внутр. отражение. При скорости u < (5-8) м/с (ультрахолодные H.) H. испытывают полное отражение от границы с углеродом, никелем, бериллием и др. при любом угле падения и могут удерживаться в замкнутых объёмах. Это свойство ультрахолодных H. широко используется в экспериментах (напр., для поиска ЭДМ H.) и позволяет реализовать нейтронооптич. устройства (см. neutron optics).

H. that weak (electroweak) interaction. An important source of information about the electroweakness of interdependence is the b-decay of the free H. On the quark level, the process of the transition occurs. The reverse process of interaction between the electron antineutrino and the proton, sound. reverse b-decay. To what class of processes lie down electronic entrapment, what can be in the nuclei, re - n v e.

Disintegration of the free H. with improved kinematic. parameters are described by two constants - vector G V, what is after all vector strumu savings univers. weak intermodality constant, and axial-vector G A, the value is determined by the dynamics of strongly interacting components in the nucleon - quarks and gluons. Hvilyovі f-tsії cob H. і terminal proton and matrix element to the transition n p zavdyaki іzotopich. invariances are calculated exactly. Inheritance of the number of constants G Vі G A from the decay of the free H. (for the calculation of the b-decay of the nuclei) is associated with the improvement of nuclear-structural officials.

The hour of life H. without the adjustment of the current amendments is good: t n = k(G 2 V+ 3G 2 A) -1 , de k includes kinematic. deposit factor in boundary energy b-decay Coulomb corrections ta radiation corrections.

Imovirnist to the polarization decay. H. with back S , energies and impulses of an electron and an antineutrino R That is, in a wild look, it is described by viraz:

Coefficient correlations a, A, B, D can be represented as a function as a parameter a = (G A/G V,)Exp( i f). Phase f is considered zero or p, which is T-invariance is broken. At the table induced experiment. value for cih coef. and extract the meaning of them a and f.

Є commemorate the memory of these dec. experiments for t n reach Dec. vіdsotkіv.

The description of the electroweak interaction for the participation of H. for more high energies is richer due to the need to protect the structure of nucleons. For example, m - occupied, m - p n v m is described by a subtwo number of constants. H. is also susceptible to electroweakness in interaction with in hadrons without the participation of leptons. Before such processes lie.

1) Falls of hyperons L np 0 , S + np + , S - np - etc. smaller, lower in rare particles, which are described by the Kabibbo kuta (div. Kabibo cut).

2) Weak interaction n - n or n - p, as it manifests itself as a nuclear force that does not save space. parity. Zvichayna the value of the effects they have acquired is in the order of 10 -6 -10 -7.

Interactions of H. with the middle and important nuclei may have a number of features, which in some cases can be significant. strengthening effects carelessness of parity in the nuclei. One of these effects is to bring out. difference in cross section of H. s polarization for direct broadening and opposite, like in the case of the 139 La nucleus, more than 7% at = 1.33 eV, indovidnoy R-kvilovogo neutron resonance. The reason for the increase is low energy. the width of the compound-core stands and the large width of the gap with the lengthwise parity of the compound-core, which ensures 2-3 orders of magnitude more mixing of the components with different parity, lower at the cores, which lie low. As a result, a number of effects: the asymmetry of the vibrance of g-quanta along the spins of the polarities, which choke. H. reaction (n, g), asymmetry of charge. particles during the disintegration of the compound-stations of the reaction (n, p) or the asymmetry of the villot of a light (or important) fragment under the reaction (n, p) f). The asymmetry may have a value of 10 -4 -10 -3 at thermal energy H. R-hvilovih neutron resonances are realized additionally. strength, due to the indignity of the imitation of the components of the compound-stand, which takes the pairing (through a small neutron width R-resonance) according to the ratio to the house component with the protile parnistyu, which is s-resonance-catfish. The very end of Dec. factors of strength allow even a weak effect to appear with a magnitude characteristic of nuclear interaction.

Interaction with violations of the baryon number. Theoretical models great unionі superunion convey the instability of baryons - their decay in leptons and mesons. Qi disintegration can commemorate only the lightest baryons - p and p, as they enter the warehouse of atomic nuclei. For the interchange of changing the baryon number by 1, D B\u003d 1, it would be possible to convert the transformation to H. type: n e + p - or the transformation from the modification of wondrous mesons. Investigations of this kind of processes were carried out in experiments from the stopovers of underground detectors in December. thousand tons. From these experiments, it is possible to grow visnovoks, so that the hour of the decay of H. with the destruction of the barion number becomes over 10 32 years.

Dr. possible type of interaction with D At= 2 can lead to the manifestation of mutual transformation H. antineutrons at vacuum, then before oscillation . Vіdsutnіst ext. watering, or at their small value, I will become H. and the antineutron will be born, the fragments of their masses are the same, so you can induce an overweak interaction, you can mix them up. Criteria of the item external. watering є trohi energy vzaєmodії magn. moment H. s magn. by the field (n і n ~ stretch the length behind the sign of the magnetic moment) in the order of energy, which is determined by the hour T warning H. (depending on the occurrence of insignificance), D<=hT-one. In the event of a cautious population of antineutrons in the H beam, the reactor is either in or out. Tє H. hour to the detector. The number of antineutrons in the beam increases with increasing hours of passage quadratically: /N n ~ ~ (T/t osc) 2 de t osc - hour of oscillation.

Direct experiments with cold H. beams from a high-flow reactor give an exchange of t osc > 10 7 s. In experiments that are being prepared, there is an increase in sensitivity to the level of t osc ~ 10 9 s. Intermediate furnishing є max. H. beam intensity and simulation of antineutron annihilation phenomena at space detectors. change.

Dr. Oscillation guarding method - guarding the annihilation of antineutrons, which can be established in stable nuclei. When tsimu through the great vіdmіnіst energy vzaєmodіy antineutron, scho vykaє, in the nucleus in the form of energy linkage H. eff. the watchfulness hour becomes ~ 10 -22 s, but the number of nuclei is large (~10 32) often compensates for the change in sensitivity in the experiment on H beams. inconsistency, scho lie in the absence of knowledge of the exact type of interaction of the antineutron in the middle of the nucleus, scho t osc > (1-3) . 10 7 p. Іstot. the movement between t osc in these experiments is hampered by ashes, enchanted by the interplay of space. neutrinos with nuclei in underground detectors.

The next step is to indicate that the nucleon will decay from D B= 1 - oscillating-oscillations - independent experiments, to which the fundamentally different are called. types of interactions.

Gravitational interaction H. The neutron is one of the few elementary particles, falling like gravity. The field of the Earth can be measured experimentally. Direct similitude of the accelerated fall of H. was measured with an accuracy of 0.3% and is not considered macroscopically. The current supply of dotrimannya equivalence to the principle(equation of inert and gravitational mass) for H. and protons.

Naytochnishі eksperimenti vykonani method Et-vesha for tіl, scho mayut raznі pores. meaning A/Z, de BUT- At. room, Z- the charge of the nuclei (for one elementary charge e). Z tsikh doslіdіv viplivaє the sameness of the accelerated fall of H. and protonіv less on the level of 2 10 -9 , and the equality of gravity. that inert mass on equal ~10 -12 .

Gravity priskorennya that upovilnennya widely vikoristovuyutsya in dosledah z ultracold H. Zastosuvannya gravitatsii. a refractometer for cold and ultracold H. allows, with great accuracy, to measure the extent of coherent diffusion of H. on speech.

H. in cosmology and astrophysics

Vidpovidno to modern. according to the model of the Garyachy Vsesvit (div. Hot Vsesvitu theory) The enlightenment of baryons, including Protoniv and H., is seen in the first days of the life of the All-world. They gave away a part of H.; Spivv_dnoshnennia vodnya that 4 He at tsimu become masoy 70% to 30%. When shaping the stars and their evolutions, further nucleosynthesis, to the cores of the hall. The establishment of more important nuclei is due to the vibrations of supernovae and the birth of neutron stars, which create the possibility of succession. burying H. with nuclides. Whom has a combination of t. s- to the process - massive ingestion of H. with b-disintegration between subsequent ingestions i r-process - Swedish sequence. zakhoplennya pіd hour vibukhіv zirok in the main. can you explain breadth of elements at the cosmic objects.

The primary component of the cosmic changing H. through its instability, imovirno, daily. H., which settle down on the surface of the Earth, which diffuse near the cosmic. expanse and fall apart there, maybe, scatter the deposit at the molding of the electronic and proton components radiation belts Earth.

Lit.: Gurevich I. S., Tarasov L. St., Low energy neutron physics, M., 1965; Alexandrov Yu. A.,. Fundamental powers of the neutron, 2nd edition, M., 1982.