Іdeї \ u200b \ u200b for an avatar. Vchimya robiti avatar

Privit, shanovny lovers of photoshop! In the first (my first) urotsi I will give you a message, as an axis of such an avatar.

open new document size 300 to 320 pixels, dialed, for example, 100. Color to background beads.
Stvoryuєmo new ball Heart. included mode shvidkoy masks... V happy figures the image of the suits is known.

For some reason from the heart. Black color in mode shvidkoy masks small heart, utrimyuchi Shift.

Vimicaєmo mode of the Shvidkoy mask and visualization is acceptable. Redaguvannya - Viconati fill... Filled with bilim color. potim Vision - Inversion.
Seeing a photograph, you want your mother in the form of a heart. Vidіlyaєmo will be consumed by the region, copy. It is inserted into the file, the ball is transferred to the heart.
Redaguvannya - Vilne transforming... Create a photo in the shape of a heart. (Don't forget to utrimuvati Shift!)

open new ball over the ball of photography. The flood of yogo is worm-named color. Overlay mode M'yake light(Or experiment).
Desaturate the ball with a photograph in a way that suits you best. Nayprostishe natisnuty Ctrl+ Shift + U... However, you can і don’t mind the barriers, because you are so more befitting. ... Adjust, as you want.

stifled Ctrl, click on the ball with the heart. Having broken the active ball with a red filling, press Delete... Let's do it on the ball with the photograph.
Glue the ball of red fill from the photo. You can see the Heart Ball. The worms are ready!

The same vikonayte with three other photographs, like forms of pike, Bubi and whine. Tilki pratsuyuchi with a chrest and a ball with a red filling all day long. Take photos just black and white.

The kind of photography you need (darker or more light) seek help Image - Korekts_ya - Рівні... Crack it up, suit for the size of the size. Peaks by height, for example, more worms lower. All colors are of the same size - approximately 300 pixels.

You can rob the skin suit in an okremomu document, ale, in my opinion, in one. Just want to don’t use the balls for an hour. Having broken all the chotiri suit, blame it on the tse axis

Now it is necessary to change the size of the canvas. However, while it is easy to get it all at once, it is also the part of the photograph behind the boundaries of the required form. Tom, on the skin ball with a photograph, develop the axis of: Vidіlennya - Usі... Click with the right button of the bear on the canvas and draw Virizati for a new ball... Then we saw that we didn’t use the balls. (Yaksho V was applied with a skin suit in an okremom file, and just inserted one by one, you don't need it).

Image - Canvas size... Set size 300 to 1300 pixels.

Let's enjoy all our colors for gusto. I recommend cherguvati chervoni and chorni. (If you want to read the colors in the colors, be active in the tool Change, and then, Shift, push the arrow uphill or downward, a lot of pressure).

You have to blame the axle so

Zrobimo outline of our suits (Ball - Style of the ball - Outline)

The author is victorious in order to be able to identify herself in the Internet space, to show herself and to demonstrate her lightness.

Especially popular is the profile of avatars for contact. However, it is important to submit an incoming and outgoing avatar for a forum, ICQ or a blog. For an hour, it’s easy to know the garn, the tsikava and the unique avatar.

There are a lot of statistic presentations about online services, which are really great quantity, for the establishment of avatars. On any of the list of services, you can set your own photo for a few drinks.

All services are practically the same:

  • add a photograph (or a picture);
  • select the effect abo fablon;
  • curl up ready avu
  • and pour it into Contact, on the forum - in zagalny, tudi, kudi planuvali.

Є More service to the choice of avatars, on which are simply ordered by the library of malunks. We will not look at Ale їkh me this year.


On the Avatar.Pho.to service, you can easily create customized and unique avatars, before that it was absolutely no-box.

Service nadaє you the widest choice of avatars. Some of the strengths of the service є a great set of performances and the ability to work, as well as animated avatars. Animated avatars of tsikavi, which are skoda mimics, but practically all social fences do not allow you to remove animations Avi, then you can vikoristovuvati on forums or in ICQ.

There are more than 70 avatar templates on the site for vibor with. Їx you can easily store up to a photo. How to be afraid - you can wonder in detail (in the same place є the butt, how to make your own hat on the new hat), but for the most part, you can easily figure it out.

To grow sob Ulotna, I'm happy, I can’t remember and remember an avatar without koshtov right at once!

Avatarke.ru having screwed up respect with the starting point. Service and fairness: on the skin side it is literally fired up, because the infection is responsible for the infection and as a result of the loss. Ale the axis only the resulting avatar is not happy: the effect of the image is not in the glued below the pictures from the catalog of proponents, the same logo will be lost to the site.

Avamaster is functionally less useful than Avatarke, do not marvel at its interface in the Barbie style. It is also easy to browse the site,

It is not necessary to overlay a picture, a visual re-look of the forms and effects, you can overlay the text.

With the text pratsyuvati appeared duzhe hand. We propose fonts bouly yak on dolony, right there - in one window - vibir color, it is possible to write a ready-made text. Everything was sound. Ava is ready to download in .jpg format.

Here it’s absolutely no kowtowing to “stir up an avatar for a contact”.

So, it’s like on the other services you will need it all:

1. Add your favorite photo to the site.

2. Processing, in order to build everything up.

3. Decorate the photo with a frame, pictures and cool effects, as well as some text.

The axis can be approximated for you:

On Avatek, all avatars for a contact can be completely robust!

Do not marvel at this name of the service - Super-Ava, for the sake of it - nothing special, there are fewer possibilities to navigate, not on the previous sites.

Then zrobiti avu same call here, sound tempting:

Zrobi sv_y stylish, cool, glamorous, cool abo trashovy super-avatar, right at once!

Well, for the time being, I will show you a couple of services, as they didn’t cope with a proper feud.

Everything here is done by hand and very simple. Yak zavzhdi: zavanazhush, vibrate the picture, yak to stick at the bottom (it is not possible to see all the satisfaction!) Well, that's all, done, add it to disk!

Among the merits are those that do not display advertisements and logos on the profile of the avatar, as the price of most of these sites.

Ale zapevnennya, here є " great collection of blanks for avatars, Yaka will gradually improve ”, it seems softly, strongly exceeded.

All in all, well, service on the cob to the road, and everything will come ...

Tsei service with avatars, who are guilty to embellish your Vkontakte page. From front to front (I’m not talking about Avatar.pho.to- win the pose of the competition!) Here є a photo editor, for the help of which you can quickly add specialties, automatically polish photos, clean up your eyes. You can rotate the photo, create a view, change the size, brightness, contrast and more.

Right there you can find all those who love Vkontakte so much: statuses, graphs, demotivators. Є shche biblіoteka avatars for the forum.

Well, the axis, for this season! Come to the service and set your unique image for social fancy.

Tell your friends

In contact with

Grant shared readers to the blog site... Once again, I’m all about it. Ale, and this year for you, I prepared a lesson for you, yak zrobiti avatar with the help of the graphical editor GIMP.

avatar - specially prepared images in a graphical editor, or through an online service, which koristuvach will be added in the form of a designation mark in his profile when restoring on any site or forum.

A good butt can be an avatar in the popular social media "Vkontakte",

de criminally your photographs, you can be entangled whether you are in the image, for example, a hero, with a computer grizzly or video.

In the Danish hour, there is a majestic number of sites and web sites, which can be lock up without koshtovno be like an avatar. Ale is not singingly skinny knowing that you can easily play with your hands, Having switched on your own code and speeding up to be a graphic editor, for example photoshop anyway GIMP. There is nothing folding here. And why should I change my mind, I will share your respect and my new simple lesson.

Yak create an avatar in Gimpa

Croc 1. I want you to see a picture for a cob, with which you can create an avatar. To run the editor, go to the menu "File - View" and in the dialog box select the image.

Croc 2. Now, if the photo is blocked, it is necessary to frame it, so that you can see the unused areas and deprive you of that part of the image, as it will be victorious as your avatar.

Schob tse zrobiti vibramo on the panel of tools of the editor. The tool is called "Kadruvannya" and the region is visible to the bazhan.

Now there is an onslaught of "Enter" or LFM (lіvu mishі button), for storing the tool.

Dodaimo Effekti on Photography

Croc 3. For bazhannya, you can add up to the sharpness of the picture, for which you can go to the menu "Filter - Polishing - Bad mask" and having overshadowed the standard parameters of the onslaught on "OK".

Croc 4. Now it is necessary to open a new foresight sphere. For tsogo go to the menu "Ball - Create a ball" or by pressing a new ball on the pictogram.

and in the dialogue window, vibrate color. For tsiy in the field "HTML-size" enter the digital code 40cdbb

We will replenish the ball with a color. For others, simply drag the color from the pallet to the working space with a bear, or use the Fill tool to speed it up.

Now set the mode of applying the ball to the "Multiplier". To click on the item "Normal" and in the list, select "Multiple"

The opacity of the flowing ball can be changed up to 30-32%. To do it, just push the opacity indicator or use the numbers from the keyboard.

Croc 5. For an analogue with an alternate crochet, open a new eyeball and fill it with a color (c7a599). Set the ball mode to "Rekrittya". Opacity in this type of fall is not chic. Vaughn is 100% overshadowed.

Croc 6. Now the duplicate of the main ball is dissolved. For that, go to the lower ball and pull on the pictogram "Make a copy of the ball"

For an additional pictogram of arrows, move the ball up. Change the mode of applying the ball to the "Screen" and opacity up to 60%.

Croc 7. Now, as soon as possible, open a new glimpse of the ball on top of all current and paintable c7c299. Set the ball mode to "Rose light"

Croc 8. Create more than one ball and paint over it 374976, the mode of superimposing the ball with vibro "Rekrittya"

Zmіna razmіrіv image

Even more often, avatars display their own parameters - fixed parameters of width and height, wagu, etc. Such an exchange for them will add a website or a forum, you must enter. For example, in the “LiveJournal” pattern, the size of avatars should be changed to 100 to 100 pixels. In such a rank, at the stage of the frame, the guilt is to set the frame on the basis of the important \ u200b \ u200b individuality, so that the square of the vision area will grow.

Acceptable, for a given butt, we need create an avatar zavshirshki not more than 200 pixels. Yak, however, is imprinted at once, but everything is simpler. Go to the menu "Image - Image size" and in the dialog box the value in the "Width" field, and "Visota" will change automatically, depending on the proportions of the image.

Onslaught "Zminity". Now we have lost only to save, I am ready an avatar in the required format (jpg or png).

Preserving the finished robot

For GIMP 2.6.11 - For tso go to the menu "File - Save yak" and in the dialog box set the name and extension of the avatar.

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