How to draw a happy birthday picture. What to give grandfather with birthday ideas

Grandpa's birthday is coming soon. Most likely, he does not even expect gifts from his beloved grandchildren, because they do not have money to buy them. But this is wrong, yes, if someone does not receive a well-deserved gift in honor of their favorite holiday? Of course not. However, grandfather forgot that grandchildren can make a gift with their own hands.

Let's arrange a surprise for grandfather, let him be surprised and delighted when he sees that his grandson or granddaughter not only remember his birthday, but also managed to create an interesting gift on their own.

Gift "Fish"

Such a gift is made simply and quickly, but it looks very beautiful.

We will need:

  • cardboard or very thick paper;
  • multi-colored threads, better floss;
  • ready-made eyes for animals or small buttons;
  • pencil;
  • copy paper;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

We begin to make a fish.

  1. Find the image of any fish in the children's book and transfer it through carbon paper to cardboard.
  2. Cut the fish out of cardboard.
  3. Thread the body of the fish.
  4. Glue eyes or buttons.
  5. Paint the fish’s tail with felt-tip pens.

The fish is ready!

If you cut a lot of different fish and wrap them with threads of different colors, then you will get a whole aquarium made from an ordinary cover from a shoe box. Do not forget to hang the fish on a string and attach it to the top of the aquarium box. The bottom can be decorated with shells and pebbles.

You can glue a ribbon to the fish and hang them from the chandelier in the grandfather's room.

The fish can also be used as a keychain.

Pictures for grandfather

You can draw a funny picture for grandfather not only with paints and a brush, but also with the help of hands and feet. Let's try.

We will need:

  • gouache of different colors;
  • thick cardboard;
  • brush for drawing small details of the picture.

The painting "Apple tree and apples"

  1. Take a piece of thick paper or cardboard.
  2. Lay it on the floor.
  3. Dilute the brown gouache to a state of thick sour cream.
  4. Pour the paint into a plate.
  5. Step on the paint with your bare foot.
  6. Put your foot on a piece of paper and leave an imprint on it.
  7. Brush the green crown of the apple tree.
  8. Draw red apples.

The picture is ready! How simple, isn't it?

Other paintings can be drawn in the same way.



Good ghosts

Funny flowers

And now it’s the turn to cut out different animals, birds and insects from colored paper.

Funny paper figures

In order to make funny animals, we need:

  • pencil;
  • tracing paper;
  • colored smooth paper (thick, you can use velvet paper);
  • carbon paper;
  • scissors.

Getting started…

Train for grandfather

For grandfather, you can make an unusual train. You will see, although grandfather is already an adult, he will really like the train and you will play it together.

To make such a train, you will need:

  • two transparent plastic bottles;
  • four covers;
  • four straws for a cocktail;
  • two thin sticks slightly longer than straws;
  • glass paints;
  • glue for plastic, for example, “Moment”.

We begin to make a train.

  1. Take the covers and drill holes in them.
  2. Put glue on their sticks, insert them into the covers, but only on one side.
  3. Put the cocktail tubes on the sticks.
  4. Put the covers on the other side of the sticks. Now you have the finished wheels.
  5. Take the plastic bottles and connect them together using cocktail straws as you see in the main photo.
  6. Glue the wheels to the bottom of the train.
  7. Color the train with paints. If you do not have special paints, then you can stick pictures or colored paper.

The train from plastic bottles is ready!

The train can be made from one bottle or from a bag of milk.

From one plastic bottle you can make a cute dog on wheels and with his tongue sticking out.

Show your imagination, color the dog, stick the ears and tongue, draw eyes and make a tail. A cheerful four-legged friend with great pleasure will congratulate grandfather with you.

Grandpa's birthday is coming soon. Do not forget to stock up on the right materials in advance and start making gifts. After all, he will become so happy to see your gifts.

Some believe that making a grandfather or uncle’s birthday card with your own hands is a difficult task, because for many it is very difficult to imagine what style it should be decorated in. In fact, there are many interesting solutions that will help you make such a cute present for such dear and close people.

Greeting card for grandfather or uncle's birthday with a do-it-yourself cake

The cake can decorate not only a festive table, but also a festive postcard prepared for grandfather or uncle for his birthday.

The first step - we select paper or cardboard in size A4. Next, you need to choose a satin ribbon. The ribbon should create a contrast with the color of the paper.

We bend the paper base to get two halves. Glue long ribbons to the lower opposite edges of the cover. It should turn out so that they will slightly recede from the bottom edge and look at each other. Next, we tie them with a bow, cut off the excess and glue the bow itself.

Exactly the same ribbons with a bow need to be done in the inside of the card, only here they should be located vertically at the edges.

In order to make cakes, you need long thin pieces of paper in different colors. Fold the longest piece of paper with an accordion - this will be the base of the cake. Next, we take a little piece of paper and by the same principle we make the second tier. The optimal number of tiers is 7.

One such cake needs to be glued to the cover, and the other inside. Do not forget to make a beautiful top on the cake, draw balloons around and write on the cover “Happy Birthday, Grandfather!”.

DIY birthday card for grandfather or uncle in the form of a do-it-yourself car

Such a present is especially suitable for those who are motorists. The first step in its creation is to draw a figure on paper, the upper part of which will represent a trapezoid with soft angles, and the lower one - an oval.

Between them at the edges should draw small ovals - these are mirrors. Fold the colored paper in half and transfer the drawing onto it so that the roofs of both cars are connected.

Glue a small white trapezoid with soft angles on the front part - this is a windshield. Next, create the headlights from yellow paper, the car number from white and the emblem of the manufacturer. Do not forget to attach the wheels to the inner sides of both parts of the card. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe windshield we place a steering wheel made of paper and a photo of the recipient, as well as do not forget to write congratulations with wishes inside.

Grandfather is a close and beloved person who appreciates the attention of relatives. Therefore, it is important for his birthday to receive a gift attesting to your reverence and your feelings.

Try to please your loved one, demonstrate what place he occupies in your life, this is important. You should choose based on the interests of your grandfather, or present a memorable present-surprise, uplifting.

Some people prefer to give a present right away for a married couple, that is, for grandparents. Over the years of marriage, their interests often coincide.

Let's figure out what to give to grandparents for their birthday and this gift will be joint or only grandfather will receive it.

Gift beloved grandfather ideas

Perhaps this will be a thing that will brighten up everyday life, amuse, cheer up. for instance board game  (lotto, chess).

  • Or a watch;

  • unusual alarm clock;

You can give your beloved grandfather a birthday books or collectibles;

A surprise will surprise a loved one:

  • soaring globe;

  • giant pen;

  • peace pipe;

Approach the question more rationally and present a useful thing that it needs, for example:



vegetable cutter, or other household appliances;

  • set of tools;

  • barbecue for a summer residence;

In order not to make a mistake, take a grandmother as an accomplice, who probably knows the wishes of her husband and gives useful advice.

Grandfather's birthday present from granddaughter

What to give grandfather for a birthday from his granddaughter, a question to which they often look for the answer. The attitude of the grandchildren towards the old man is especially warm. Therefore, the gift should talk about her overwhelming feelings.

A schoolgirl can present hand-made crafts or prepare an original number: sing a song, read a verse, play a sketch. For an elderly man, such an "inexpensive" gift will be the most valuable of all the things donated.

An older girl will take care if she presents an element that is good for health:

orthopedic pillow;

  • mattress;

  • massage chair;

  • massager;

What to give grandfather on a birthday with grandson tips

A very small child will delight his grandfather with his presence and smile. But soon, this time passes, and the grandchild of school age has to wonder about the present for his grandfather.

Here you may need the help of adults to help with do it yourself airplane, tank, ship  or another detail that can impress grandfather.

An adult grandson should be guided by his grandfather's hobby. There is one hobby that almost all pensioners do - gardening. However, it is possible that your grandfather is a pro in this area, so you should not give the elderly man the trivial things that every gardener has, look for new items, make an effort.

DIY grandfather birthday present

A good gift from grandchildren is a DIY item that carries respect and love. There are many ideas for such souvenirs:

If you think about what you can give grandfather a birthday with your own hands from your granddaughter, show your imagination and creativity. Who better than you can know all the secret desires and aspirations of a loved one.

An original gift to the grandfather of the sailor for 70 years

The anniversary of the "sea wolf" is an important event. The desire to give 70 years to grandfather for his birthday is something significant, it is understandable.

T-shirt  to order with a marine theme and an original inscription, any sailor will like it.

Various themed souvenirs;

Take care of the theme design of the whole holiday with your own hands. Decorate the room with an anchor, a compass and other marine objects.

What to give to the grandfather - a fisherman on his birthday for 60 - 65 years old list

Age is not a hindrance to fishing. There are many options for a gift:

When a person has a hobby, this is a great opportunity for friends and family to give him the desired thing. In this case, it is unnecessary to rack one's brains and come up with ridiculous options. This applies to hunters, beekeepers, collectors, etc. Go to a specialized store and buy everything you need there.

What to give grandfather for a birthday with his own hands from his granddaughter 12 years

A birthday present for a grandfather from a twelve-year-old granddaughter should be unique and necessary. The granddaughter puts skills and love into a homemade gift, tries to guess the dreams of an elderly person, and make a real surprise. Here are some ideas:

  • Handmade soap.

Despite what present you will make for your birthday, be sure to hug your grandfather and tell how you value and value him.