How to become a brave and confident person. How to be brave

Method 2: Act Boldly Get What You Want

You are not a rag for anyone. To be brave is to create opportunities for your success, and not wait until the opportunity itself comes to you. Waiting for something to happen can be long and frustrating. Read on to find out how to get up, shake off, and get what you want.


Part 1 Acting Bravely

  1. 1 Take the first step.  Courage is the opposite of indecision. Whenever you hesitate in interactions with others or in making decisions for yourself, learn to step over pride and take the first step. Ask a friend if he wants to go to a nearby bar for a drink after work. Tell the person you are interested in that you have two concert tickets and that you want this person to go with you. Hold your soulmate tight and apologize for the time you reacted too sharply a few months ago. Smile and wink at an attractive cashier.
  2. “Excessive thinking” is often the cause of indecision. If you can say “I want this”, then you said enough to make a decision. Do it!

  3. 2 Do something unpredictable.  What could you do to completely amaze people who know you? Wear high heels? Jump with a parachute? Take dancing lessons? Brave people are not afraid to try something new, and one of the reasons why it is so interesting to be in their company, because they always remain a mystery.
  4. Start small, perhaps try wearing clothes of a style or color that you usually don’t wear, or go to a bar or restaurant that you don’t usually visit. Book the trip abroad that you always wanted to go to. In the end, move on to shake people's opinions about you. Go rafting or start a new business venture.

  5. 3 Rediscover yourself.  Ultimately, courage is connected with your center; it determines what you believe in. This is not what you do, but who you are. Start to truly appreciate your uniqueness.
  6. Avoid courage in the style of “midlife crisis”, which includes seemingly arbitrary, uncharacteristic actions in the name of surprise of people. If you do not want platinum-colored hair and nose piercing, then do not do this only to shock people. Be honest with yourself What you need is to act in accordance with the decisions that you have already made for yourself, and not get involved in what you do not want to do or are not interested in. Create opportunities, not surprises.

  7. 4 Imagine you're already brave.  If you could swap places with someone whose assertiveness and courage you admire, what would this person do in your place? If you already know a brave man, imagine how he would act. Also think about the character of the movie or book who is daring and brave, and imagine his courage in your life.
  8. What would James Bond do if your boss asked him to come to work on the day he specifically took leave? What would Erin Brokovich do if she saw a businessman with bluetooth mock a friendly barista?
  9. 5 Be prepared to say no.  You are not a rag for anyone. If someone asks you to do something that you do not want to do, refuse. “No” is often the earliest statement of personality that a child makes, often when he refuses to eat. For a child, opening his mouth is one of the few things that he can control, so failure is a statement of courage and personality. The ability to say “No” will be cheering on your personality and helping you feel brave, ensuring that you are ready to go out and achieve what you want.
  10. Sometimes it seems that we can’t refuse if the only reason is “... because I don’t want to.” If your friend calls on Friday and invites him to have a beer, but you would like to stay home and read a book, do not come up with a complicated reason rejection: “Oh, I have to go to bed early today, because my brother will come tomorrow.” Just say no: “I think I will stay at home and honor.” People must learn to respect your honesty and courage, and you will receive what you want.
  11. 6 Let your words correspond to actions. Bold statements and promises that you cannot keep will not make people think of you as a brave person, it will make people consider you a mattress. It is always more bold to be completely honest. When your word is firm, people will trust you and look at you as a brave, reliable and faithful person.
  12. If you agreed to take part in a conference at work in which you have no desire to participate, only to please the boss, then it is too late to refuse. Next time, do not forget to say no and defend your position.

Part 2 of 2: Get What You Want

  • Do not let people knock you down when trying new things. These are, as a rule, those people who want to be brave, but do not have the courage to do what you do.
  • Although there is strength in trying to try something new, there is also a great chance of failure due to lack of experience. Accept failure, this is not the opposite of success, it is a necessary component. The opposite of success is inaction.
  • Do not confuse courage with aggression. Aggressiveness often involves suggesting one’s views or actions to others. Courage does not affect the people around you, it is overcoming your fears and taking action.
  • Do not worry about failure. Try to make your invitations to others look “without consequences”, that is, the opposite of inviting your mother to dinner. Conversely, if your invitation is rejected, feel free to accept the refusal and let this person / people feel comfortable with their choice.
  • You do not need to be fearless to be brave. Let people know that you are afraid, but moving forward, keep going and do not look back. I was afraid to jump off the ledge, I did it, although I was afraid.
  • Courage brings respect and love to others. Brave people are never doomed to failure.

Hello dear friends!

It seems to me that everyone wants to be brave and confident in their own abilities. Naturally, the reason for such a desire is understandable and logical. Courage is not a simple and banal desire to go on the rampage. This is a heroic ability to control your fear.

Being daredevils, we can turn mountains, not be afraid to watch tomorrow and make maximum efforts for today. We are not afraid of problems, the tail with a gun, and in our eyes - the anticipation of victory and glee.

How to develop courage to the maximum level? In fact, this is not an easy task, but quite feasible. To become a superhero, you should go out of such a cozy, but native comfort zone.

In order to cultivate strength of mind, you need to tune yourself in the right wave. Psychological settings should not be underestimated. Indeed, the effectiveness of actions depends on how you think.

Through research, the wise minds of the science of psychology have proven that 90% of the end results are in proper mental attitudes and only 10% of skills and inclinations.

In order to become a brave personality and completely change the format of your thinking, first you need to learn how to control thoughts. You need to program yours in advance for a positive outcome of battles with yourself.

In the second courage building advice, I would like to draw your attention to. To become brave means to believe in one’s potential, qualities and, of course, ideas.

Forget how the world evaluates you! In order for faith in yourself to return, you should stop considering yourself a doppelgänger. What is useful in such a method, you ask? And how to live without evaluation?

In fact, when you specify the “ 2 " or " 5 "Digging deeply in the past, then images from past failures treacherously begin to climb into the head.

And at that moment when your ears are stretched out to listen to the all-knowing advice of relatives or relatives, then you strengthen the power of doubt inside yourself. So, friends, start believing in yourself! After all, if it turned out for another, then you will definitely succeed!

The most productive tip is this rule: “Always face fear” to foster sound courage. A brave personality is a warrior who tirelessly fights with his monsters. And in the end, he tames them!

Understand that constantly avoiding fear - their number continues to grow, but only “fear of fear of accumulated fears” will be added to them.

Are you afraid of flying an airplane? - train your courage on your first flight! A couple of years of horror to express their wishes to the boss? - go ahead, it is time to take the reins of government over life into your own hands!

Tip 4. Take action and calmly lose

Many individuals are afraid to start changes, since they have grown very strongly into their image of a “whiner” or ostentatious nonsense. And some are fundamentally afraid to take a step left or right, because of fear of fatalities.

I advise you to use the defeat awareness method. Scroll a couple of times the picture of failure in your head before completing an important business. After such a session of negative therapy, you can feel lousy. But ask yourself now: " What can I be afraid of now?". And there’s nothing to be afraid of!

Fear will let you go free swimming. But this is exactly where the reverse rite is worth it. Tune in to a positive outcome through positive affirmations.

Support yourself with the settings: " I will succeed!», « I am a brave man!», « I will do everything possible!"And just act. Such a combination perfectly demonstrates itself in the matter of increasing levels of courage.

Tip 5. Get rid of shyness and expand your circle of acquaintances.

I advise you to practice correct and quality contact with people. You will not believe it, but most of us are subconsciously or clearly afraid of making new acquaintances.

To overcome and isolation, and with them the lack of courage, will allow constant communication. Show yourself in a crowd of strangers to you. Be courageous and go into battle with your fears of being rejected or uninteresting in your conversation. As they say, two birds with one stone!

Praise is a great motivator and incentive to put more effort into achieving greater results. You managed to overcome a few steps and even look under the tip of the iceberg, but you still lack the courage?

Then be sure to praise yourself for your efforts. Be sure to fix the taste of victory over yourself in the halls of reason and memory! Due to the fact that a person torments himself for failure, and for success does not encourage, and the decline of faith and courage is born.

A comfort zone can be dangerous. You get used to it and categorically do not want to leave its borders. But this advice is the opposite. Strive to fill your life with novelty. Try new professions, travel itineraries, food and sports.

In the beginning it will be scary, but you know what you can do about it! Do not go to night clubs - you are welcome! Afraid - go to the stand-up show!

No one is mistaken who does nothing, laying a stone at the bottom of a muddy river. It’s better to realize the plan as much as possible and fail, rather than do nothing at all! Any mistake is an experience and an opportunity to derive invaluable benefit from it.

Turn on the power of imagination when fear began to creep up on you. To get rid of cowardice will help a method called "bring to absurdity." Watching what is happening, imagine a situation without negative emotions and panic.

Practice observing position, add a touch of humor and creativity to the picture. I’m sure it might turn out to be an interesting grotesque that can bring a smile to your face.

Stop lying to yourself. Learn to fish out those moments when you are manic trying to present reality with a different sauce to protect your vulnerable Ego. May truth and Strength be with us!

Friends, be sure to subscribe to blog updates!

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

The brave is the one who knows how to be stronger than fear. Train your courage and courage!

Training courage is like training muscles in a gym. First you take a small weight, such as you can lift. When you take this weight already lightly, go to a heavier weight and try to lift it. Similarly with fear. First you train yourself against a little fear, then move on to a stronger one.

If you’re afraid to speak to the public, speak more often where you’re scared, but not really, where you will be supported - for example, at a training in a training group. Go through self Confidence Training  . Want to cope with this fear yourself? Great: gather your friends and speak before them - until it becomes an easy task for you. Then collect 30 people and speak in front of them. If at this stage you have problems, you are afraid, forget what you have to say, get lost, train with such an audience until you get used to it and start to feel comfortable. Next, go to an audience of 50 people and so on at least up to 1000.

If you are not a very sociable young man and are afraid to meet girls, start with your grandmothers: you will be able to start a conversation with them. Next, see How to meet on the street. Understand the main principle: learn to overcome small fears, then take on big ones.

The following exercises will help you to train your courage and overcome fear in the future:

Nurturing courage in children

We all want our children to be successful, self-confident, strong-willed, able to overcome obstacles and win! How to educate this? I will tell you how these qualities were brought up in noble families: here is an episode from the memoirs of Princess E. Meshcherskaya.

My older brother, Vyacheslav, considered it his duty to educate my sister Katya. Knowing that his sister was afraid of a thunderstorm, he dragged her by force onto the windowsill of an open window and set her up under a downpour. Katya lost consciousness because of fear, and when she regained consciousness, the brother wiped her wet face with his handkerchief and said: “Well, answer: will you still be scared and afraid of the thunderstorm?” Then, carrying the girl in her arms down the stairs, he said: “ And you, if you want me to love you and consider you my sister, be brave. Remember: there is no vice shameful than cowardice. ”

The riskiness of such educational procedures was largely explained by a sincere belief in their beneficence, and this belief made a corresponding impression on the children: they perceived such experiments on themselves not as arbitrariness and cruelty of the elders, but as a necessary tempering of character. So, Ekaterina Meshcherskaya, already an old woman, recalls this incident from her childhood without resentment and indignation; on the contrary, she concludes with satisfaction: “And I was never again afraid of a thunderstorm.”

How today parents bring up courage in their children, see →

Limits of applicability

  • Courage is not always justified. Courage, like any other manifestation of personality, is appropriate and inappropriate. See →
  • Not every fear needs to be removed. It is important to keep in mind that not every fear and it is not always necessary to remove: if a sense of fear stops you from real danger, then perhaps you should not remove the fear, but stop risking your life in vain and do something more productive.
  • It is not always necessary to pay attention to fear. It’s often scary in war, but adults are used to it just like the fact that life is hard, sometimes cold, sometimes painful. If there are more important tasks, they remove this from the field of attention and are engaged in the main activity, rather than working with fear. At the same time, during the training of cadets, work with fear occurs: for example, creeping under a barbed wire when a machine gun with live ammunition is scribbling over you. Cadets should be ready for really scary situations.

The technique of training courage in practical psychology is called implosive therapy. This is a method of treating phobias (fears) when a client is immersed in a situation of maximum tolerable fear for a sufficiently long time - until he gets tired of fear and realizes that fear is stupid and useless.