Ferrari world united arab emirates. Get up near Ferrari Park. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. Attractions for the smallest

The American Formula Rossa stars are the “flowers” ​​of the programs at the Ferrari World park. Most of the world, the stench spreads up to 240 km/year. Behind the wild stench of the 6th in the world - 2,000 meters, but the alps are passing by in less than 92 seconds.

Other great American weights. The stench is stylized at the beginning of the 20th century by the famous ace Francesco Baracca. Spend on the new significantly simpler, lower on the Formula Rossa, the draws are significantly smaller, and the attraction is bigger myst - 28 osib.

This attraction (just like in Formula Rossa) may be special - the track is located outside the boundaries of the Crete Park. With a strong wind, the attraction is not safe to operate, and it is simply closed for a certain hour, until the wind subsides. With wind speed - 10 m / s (20 knots) and more than a robot, the attraction is definitely attached. At wind speeds of 5 to 10 m/s, the staff of the park will be allowed to do so.

The launch here is not carried out by a catapult, like on Formula Rossa, but in the traditional way - by pulling the trolleys uphill at a slope of 51 degrees at a height of 63 meters.

Flying Aces can boast of a record "dead loop" of 52 meters (shown in the photo, press for more), over 10 months of zero gravity and a speed of up to 120 kilometers per year. Carriage of chiming at the style of a litak hour in the First Light. The length of the track is 1.5 kilometers. The Flying Aces attraction was recently opened notably - at the fierce fate of 2016.

Permissible growth of vіdvіduvacha - vіd 1.3 to 1.96 meters. The maximum boost is 4.8G. An hour is more expensive - 2.5 hvilini. Let's face it, the attraction is not for people with weak nerves.

The third pride of the Ferrari World park. The combination of American gyros and the attraction “Vilne fall”. Potyag vm_schuє 12 osіb, from 6 of them at the start to sit with your back, 6 osіb. The train is pulled apart and z'zhzhdzhaє on a vertical rail, as if it were ringing along its axis.

If you marveled at the photo of the Ferrari World park from above, then they commemorated the virva in the center, the axis from the center of the virvi is the main attraction (right-handed in the photo, click on the photo for enlargement). It will be close to 3 seconds at the height, to look around, and then the train falls down along the same vertical rail.

Few people who see it know for the first time what happened to them. It is recommended to ride on the Turbo Track as a minimum two.

The height of the track is 64 meters, the train reaches speed of 102 km/year. This is the newest attraction at Ferrari World, which was seen only in the birch of 2017. Until now, there was a great attraction "free fall" here, known as G-Force. For a glance around the heights of the G-Force, it was richly handy, the shards looking down were sitting vertically on the new one. New Turbo Track tsіkavіshy z look hostrih vіdchuttіv.

For the rest of the day, that test of the Turbo Track at the Swiss company Intamin went more than rock. The attraction has undergone extensive testing with mannequins and sensors. Safety guaranteed.

Permissible growth of vіdvіduvacha - vіd 1.3 to 1.96 meters. Too late, people can be seen from the attraction before the start, so as not to be able to fix the passenger's possession. Before the trip, it is necessary to take out all the necessary items, to leave mobile phones at the entrance. An hour is more expensive - 30 seconds. Zagalna dozhina kolіy - 180 meters.

The attraction of the parallel American gyros. Tobto two tracks are laid one by one, two trains go along them in parallel. The trailers imitate the famous sports car Ferrari F430 Spider. The track is ruled by such a rank that the trains alternately veer forward, seem to be moving between them. Obviously, the stench may come to the finish line at once.

The route will pass beyond the borders of the Crete Park and may be closed in times of strong wind.

The simplest American guitars at the Ferrari World park. I'm afraid to go to Formula Rossa or Flying Aces, but rather to the Fiorano GT Challenge. There are no dead loops, sharp turns, sharp descents and descents here.

This is one of the oldest attractions in the park, it works here from the very sight. Kolis vin zdavavsya pinnacle of engineering thought. Rozgіn zdіysnyuєtsya linear electric motors, galvanization magnets. The Fiorano GT Challenge was organized by the Maurer company from Nіmechchini (Munich).

The best thing is to ride in pairs at different trains, even if you want to finish for a couple of seconds. Cherga here buvaє, ale is small. The attraction accommodates 24 individuals.

The maximum speed is 95 km/year. Dovzhina trace - 1080 meters. The maximum charge is 2G. An hour is more expensive - 1 hvilina 20 seconds. Intermediate growth - from 1.3 to 1.95 meters.

Ferrari Museum

This museum is called "Galleria Ferrari". Another friend after the world exhibition of cars and Ferrari trophies after the museum in Maranello. The warehouse of the exhibition is periodically changed, but every Formula 1 car can be used here forever.

I tell you how mandriving, who read the reviews on the Internet and got there on his own in a rented car, and that means you don’t know where to go there, without knowing English, with a team of that trio of summer children in your arms.

The navigator showed the exact way to the parking lot, it won't cost anything.


Whom the diva needs to add a whole day! I'm not a formula 1 fan, and without becoming one after seeing the park, but it's a miracle! Everything is thought out to the brim. We lied to hang out there, disregarding those who had heard a lot of negative opinions in Dubai, saying there was nothing to work there, before that, a child less than 110 cm tall was practically not allowed anywhere. One person purposefully advised me to watch the park, to my power, that I didn’t deserve it, saying EVERYTHING!))) I only want to go through them, cheer me up, go to Ferrari and don’t ride there?!)))


The park is great. We arrived about 11 and went about 20. At the checkout in the park there is a Russian staff, who can explain everything in a report, only you can say what “Russian Cashier” is needed for. If you see two tickets, without a card, you can pay 440 dirhams (1 dirham 9 rubles) and a sash entry is 240 dirhams. But on some of the attractions you can get a premium ticket, you can spend on a card with such people, but they are not so rich.

You can see the map of the park at the ticket office there, ask where children are allowed, where is the most important thing and all the food that will tickle you. Children up to 3 years free of charge. Bags are checked at the entrance, food cannot be carried in. The child was at the vіzku, they let her in without any problems.

We went ahead to the F1 simulator, because there you need to sign up (D) (given in the arches the number and letters shown on the map).

Kermo at F1 simulator.

Vіz for kerm simulator.

The original F1 car and the seemingly simple Ferrari car, the cost is 100 dirhams, the entrance to the attraction is cost-free and in the necessary quantity you want to ride 100 times on one, only the black is needed to be new. At 11-30 cherga bula at 14-00, paid 200 dirhams for two and went further. They didn’t lie to one, because no one is ahead of it and it’s not written that it’s lower than ~ 165 cm, then in the simulator you don’t get pedals))) The team drank it like that, with a growth of 160 cm, it was possible to hang the head of the s-pіd kerma, then push down on the pedals, without turning the screen yourself. If it is lower than 165 cm, go not to F1, but to a simple car, as if to stand right-handed.

Seeing the squeaky ganyaeshsya 10 hvilin, after a new kind of shaking, bring on press ailments. Druzhina was not worthy for reasons given.

Like a paid simulator, there are small, cost-free analogues, for example, it’s also black and you need to sign up for a long time. We took the coupons, but we did not get to them.

The park has a lot of different features: cars that spin, car bodies on the walls, a couple of right ferrari, different layouts that show the aerodynamics of the car, etc.


Dali just looking around where to drink and know on the map what to know. The enemy is still so so. The hour has come to deprive the squad of the child and drink alone to try everything. I borrow money from the attraction (O). In the midst of 20 hvilin, natovp zaishov at the booth de on TV showed some drops, I think they rushed))) Ask us to go further, sit down and buckle up ....... and the axis started here) Tse super))) I won’t describe the whole process, for you we ourselves wanted to visit there. Friends tezh befitted.

I get up on the line on the Ross formula (A), I check the whilin 30 and the axis of the vins of the final moment. Start and press you to your seat, because you can’t shake your head. The enemy is a miracle, the squad is not good.

I’m the most lucky that I stood at the cinema hall (T) ... hvilin 40 des. On the map you can see three stacks of three rows, so the seats in which you lift up to the screen and you take the fate of the races! Great, we got it. Through the first year of the proishov, there were no other people among the cherz.

On (Q and K) you ride on special trailers and marvel at the history of the creation of the car. Let's say okay.

They didn’t ride on (G), the shards just roll on the stake in round “wheels”, they didn’t spend an hour. On (H, B, I) the child was not allowed.

Do you want to change the right wheel on the F1 car?

Go to that attraction (N). They give a pneumatic wrench at your hand, so you can turn the nut on the wheel, clean up the old wheel and put the new one on and tighten it. I’ll show you first, how to work, then we’ll change for the next hour! There was a girl in front of me, as if she was changing the wheel with ease, I guess POWERFUL!, but then it seemed even easier.

Svitlana Parfyonova

If you are a fan of speed and good taste, then you, without a doubt, should visit Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. This place will be left in memory for a long time, even if it is the first theme park in the world, consecrated to the legendary Italian marz Ferrari.

The wines are located on the pieced island of Yas in Abu Dhabi, which in itself is a drive for the discovery, until then, this name complex occupies an area of ​​200,000 square meters, and it is so grandiose to put Ferrari World on the first month of the p'edestal in mid parks. , which are planted in the premises.

As you can see, in the United Arab Emirates to love, so that everything was done with a special chic. Here are the best houses near the world of life, the most expensive cars, the most grandiose fountains. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, as the largest indoor park in the world, is not limited by the first month of its worlds, there is also the most famous American car, Formula Rossa, the maximum speed of which is 240 km / year, and it can reach less than 5 seconds (in razhe, chi not this way?). The length of the road is 2.2 km, and the shape of the attraction is inspired by the legendary Italian racing track in the Monza area.

To the point, the Ferrari logo, which will ever be, may be 65x48.5 meters and the largest ever created company logo. The unique design of the Ferrari World was broken up by the architects of Benoy, as they sighed at the idea, marveling at the wild profile of the Ferrari GT. 12370 tons of steel were beaten to support the dahu, in the center of which there is a hundred-meter-long covered funnel. All other works on the spore, planning and designing the facade were carried out under the strange ceramics of the Ramboll firm. Zvedennya budіvl_ trivalo two rocky, from leaf fall 2008 to leaf fall 2010 rock. The official announcement of the Ferrari World took place on the 4th leaf fall of 2010, and from that hour the park was accessible to the whole river.

The layout of the theme park was chosen so that it would be easy to reach both the bagmen and the guests of the OAU. You can get wine for 30 hours from Abu Dhabi, you can get to Ferrari World by bus number 109. And the road from the international airport on a car loan is less than 10 hvilin. The park operation mode is from 11:00 to 20:00, and the most popular days for visiting are from Friday to a week, so you can change the hour of planning your trip. Tickets to the park are subdivided into three categories, and it’s easier to buy a ticket for a ticket on the official website:

1st category - bronze, you have access to attractions for the whole day. Price: a grown-up ticket - 250 dirhams (about 5,000 rubles), a child ticket (one whose height does not exceed 1m 30 cm) - 205 dirhams (4,000 rubles). The variant included 5 dirhams for the purchase of souvenirs.
Category 2 - silver, so you get access for a whole day, plus you can go three times faster to the attractions. Price: adult ticket - 350 dirhams (6900 rubles) І child - 305 dirhams (6000 rubles). The option includes a gift for a souvenir for 10 AED.
3 category - gold. For 500 dirhams (9,800 rubles) You will be free of access to all attractions, and you will also be able to get free access to more comfortable places. This ticket includes 15 dirhams for the purchase of souvenirs.

For children up to 3 years old, the park is free of charge. Irrespective of those who may not be at the entrance, at the attraction there will be a greater stench for everything. So if you are obzhezhenі by the hour, then, it is possible, and varto pay more for the "hassle passed." When you see your own card, the map of the park and the list of "attractions" are marked on it.

Mi perebіshuєmo, if we write "attractions". No, no, it’s obvious that American races and spaceshot (“free fall”) are checking on you, which will take you to a confusing height of 62 meters from the ground, so that we will suddenly “fly” down, but there is a large part of the park with exhibition stands, which I depict be , For example, Formula 1 paddock

or a gallery of parts and machines,

a virtual tour of the Ferrari factory in Maranello, which allows guests to view the design, folding and testing of the Ferrari GT, mini-cinema and іn.

There are also racing simulators, a childish soft playful little street with miniature Ferrari radios, a 4D cinema or a ride through a piece of water canal in the middle of the Ferrari 599 engine. There are 20 so-called “attractions” in the park.

Scuderia Challenge is a racing simulator. You can play the role of a Formula 1 pilot, get into a racing car and take a part in a racer on the Yas Marina virtual track, alone or together with a group. Just like the simulators that the Scuderia Ferrari racers have won in training, this simulator will make you think about racing.

Speed ​​of Magic - 4D application about the usefulness of the racer boy Nello, at the same time you can climb the sky, climb into the heart of the jungle, find risk in the crying caves and wind the ocean on the days. Considering the extreme temperatures, vologis, the light that stirs up the damage, similar to a fantastic fit. Tim yourself can try out the “magic” of Ferrari and throw yourself into the world at once with your strength.

Driving with Champions is an interactive show that turns the dream of a Ferrari test pilot into reality. Together with the racer you can see the path, step by step, through the races of the GT class up to Formula 1. Walk along the swedish turns of the Fiorano track and the streets around Maranello. Aje is not a skin day, you can ride at once from the legend of hauls.

Bell'Italia is a exhibition stand that shows the famous regions of Italy, which were held that month of racing events. You can choose a Ferrari 250 California Spyder for a ride on the attraction or take a walk along the 570-meter path.

There are also presentation cars of various Ferrari models near the entire park.

Crimea themselves "atraktsioniv", near the Ferrari World park to pass the show. Some will take you far in the past, to the 1920s, and show you the way to the world of the creator of the Enzo Ferrari brand, others will allow you to turn your head around the world of Ferrari. Abo, for example, show a comedy show, how funny it can be to change the wheel on the pit stop.

Leaning forward at the Ferrari World, you can’t stream, so you don’t see your company in front of you. Leather car attracts to itself, literally saying to you "Take a picture with me!"

And the Great Grand -Belief with the attribute of the beears, de -prepares the personal Suveniri for you, Zvikhi, TRASIBEN HAS, SCHOL ZORITUVATOVE TO ROSISISE IN THE YAKIS INDIVODONOSTISTIC I KUDI KUDI - Do not look at the year old. You definitely won’t get bored, but if you’re hungry, you can look into one of the dozens of representations of restaurants here, smartly, italian. Zha, zvichayno, vіdrіznyaєs vіd ієї, yak without intermediary serve at the very Іtalії, but the wild coloring of dotrimany. If you are facing a choice to go to Ferrari World, don’t hesitate: it’s necessary to see the park, and smut - completely, without hurry.

Recently in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the OAU, the Ferrari World park was opened. Everyone loves in the Emirs, and the Ferrari park does not become a wine. Ferrari World is the largest park in the world, with an area of ​​86,000 sq. m. On the back of the park, the largest Ferrari logo in the world, its length is 65 meters, and the area is 3000 square meters. Near the park, the most popular attraction in the world - Formula Rossa - has a maximum speed of 240 kilometers per year, and trolleys are moved to it in less than 4.9 seconds (in 2 seconds from 0 to 100 km / year). About such items, as the world's largest metal expanse of construction, which consists of 172,000 elements, and from the metal that you can induce two Eiffel Towers, you can not say. It's a pity, in the pursuit of "nai-nai" the park officials forgot about its main recognition - as the park is not up to provincial American attractions.

Let's look at the companion's signs. Chervoniy doh rozvazhnogo complex, vykonaniya near the shape of three pelyustok embellishing the Ferrari logo. The greatest logo for the brand, which is the first creation in history.

Inventions and expansions of the whole world are known by the Benoy architectural bureau, the design of the Ferrary World theme park is inspired by the side profile of the Ferrari GT. The height of the warehouse complex is 50 meters, and the perimeter of the Dahu is 2200 meters. 12,370 tons of steel went to support the structure, covering an area of ​​200,000 square meters. As materials, vikoristan steel is the same, the main task in the design of the water and the selection of materials used for protection of the design and heating in case of falling sleepy changes.

F1 racing track (Abu Dhabi Grand Prix), hotels, large marina

This is an old photograph, at the same time the territory looks more finished, but everything is the same, just one great life.

Before the speech, unreasonably, now it was necessary to be so wise with the dash, but still you can’t see the stars, cream of the helicopter.

The cost of a mature ticket is 225 dirhams (62 dollars), a child - 165 dirhams (45 dollars). For about $100 you can buy a premium ticket that gives you access to the attractions without a ticket.

As long as the guards didn’t sound like turnstiles, the workers of the park gave up for them.

The interior of the park is easy to finish, it’s clear that they didn’t take much care of it, it’s even richer in steep solutions, and the quality of the cut was lower than the middle one.

I'll be next day after visiting the park, regardless of the weekend, the wine will be empty.

Now marveling at the amusement park. The most important, and the only one, for the sake of such a varto see the park - Formula Rossa. This central attraction is to allow the merciful people to overthink their nerves and see all the excitement that one knows about the Ferrari F1. Rozgin for 200 km/year less, lower for 5 seconds. Moreover, immediately after the dispersal, the trolleys are lifted vertically uphill, and then everything turns around and for the hvilin everything ends. Only for the sake of this attraction Varto come here.

For the dispersal of aircraft, a system similar to that is established, which is installed on aircraft carriers for the dispersal of aircraft. A lot of photos of this attraction near the magazine Oleksiya -

You can book a virtual tour of the factory to pick up a Ferrari.

Here they tell how they design, and choose legendary cars every year.

Part of the tour is shown on the screen.

Actual stages of folding are illustrated by real models from the factory.

You can look into the Paddock and marvel at how the Formula 1 cars are serviced for an hour of ferrying.

Okremy booth of assignments to the aerodynamics of the cars.

There is also a great museum on the territory of the park, where the entire history of the brand is presented.

This is the opening part of the virtual American guitar Speed ​​of Magic. Then the gazers sit at the trailer, dress up the 3D eyepieces and break the road with a trivial light. The large screens, where the image of the trailer itself is projected, create a visual effect on the virtual worlds on a large scale. Psuє everything is just not like 3D graphics.

The axle is so originally made benches.

Similar racing car and serial model Ferrari.

Near the park there are a few restaurants, the cost per person is about 50 dollars.

Ferrari World has a simulator, which is designed for training racers of the Ferrari team. Sob on the new one there wasn’t a big black, the tickets needed to be bought okremo. 3 projectors, an exact copy of a racing car. Children are not allowed on the simulator.

Natomist for them is a route from electric vehicles. Shvidkist total 5 km/year)))

For lovers of romance, there is the "Little Italy" attraction. The route is 570 meters long to pass in the entourage of the Italian mountains. Like a trolley, the Ferrari 250 California Spyder models act.

To the least to propagate to turn the pedals.

There were more sprats of attractions, but they haven’t been opened yet. In principle, on such an area it would be possible to spread more money. It is recommended to visit the park less often in that moment, as if you are a right fan of Ferrari, then it will be more difficult. And їhati for the sake of attractions, I did not become bi, there is only one wine, everything else can be known in any kind of rose park.

And now the shop!

The Zagalna area of ​​the Ferrari Store is becoming 825 sq. m.

Here you can buy whatever junk with the Ferrari logo at exorbitant prices.

And you can buy real parts of car engines, like they won races. Usogo 200,000 rubles and your kolіnval.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to name it correctly, but for 300 thousand you can put it on the bench.

Sholomi, autographs of pilots.

Meni duzhe vouchsafed the body model of the car.

If you pay 100,000 dollars, you can get a motor.

Axis and certificate for new .

Abu Dhabi is to develop the tourism business, and the sports car manufacturer is to win the most successful brand in the whole world. The plans of the company include the existence of other similar parks. “Feeling the same brand is even more important for luxury car dealers. Rich clients buy cars and light around them.”

Ferrari World is located in the United Arab Emirates on Yas Island, which is 10 miles from Abu Dhabi International Airport, 30 from Abu Dhabi and 50 miles from Dubai

Velika Dyakuyu Oleksiya for the company!

Before we speak, there are more photos of the park you can look at my side on the site There, before the speech, there is a unique frame, which will be taken from the credit after the Formula Rosso attraction)))