Fired up on a yak powered up. On the basis of food, read the words

Vivchennya Russian movi in ​​zagalno-svitnіh schools includes knowledge of such a part of movi, as a word. Yak words lie down to the whole group, and on which food is given a word, children know the same from another class. Ale persh nіzh othat razbіr given by those who need to know about the scientific values, how to sound approximately like this: the word is one of the leading independent parts of the sign of the movi, which means the meaning of the object. You can often reach the end of the camp. (Sit), power (Zaykatisya), shodo (Rivnyatisya), And inodі navіt, I can get to know (Siniti).

What is also the information?

Correcting for another class, schoolchildren know how the word is given to nutrition scho zrobiti? abo how robiti? Itself in this form of action and information. In other words, the form is not meaningful, as there are permanent signs. Words that suggest food in speech can be:

  • Підлягає. for example: Read the skin well.
  • With a parcel. for example: Bootie board.
  • Additional updates. for example: Everyone asked for it.
  • Praised. for example: She has a lot of money to live with.
  • The furnishings. for example: I take a walk.

What is the transition and intransition of the processes?

It is important to talk about those that are given a part of the move and can be put into a dressing-up with him for a child who is a child for childbirth. The very peculiarity of words, which means a stage, is called transitivity. for example:

Іnshі dієwords overlap to non-transient, many of them may be called bitwise-transient.

The turn and the lot of people

If the word is given to food scho zrobiti? abo how robiti? and in its construction, it is a word-forming suffix -sya: laugh, write, be afraid to read, perebuvati, baluvatisya, such words are called zorotnye. As a rule, some form is set up as a form without -sya (vchit, baluwati, you know), Protect, do not expect, (Write, be afraid, be afraid)... Zvorotnі dієwords can carry in their own little meaning dії:

  • straight on yourself: nalashtovuvatisya, mitisya, zatisuvatisya, haircut;
  • vzaєmozalezhne diyu two and more sub'єktiv: make up, put up, tsiluvatisya;
  • see specific interests: Buduvatisya, get laid;
  • special statok sub'єkt: turbuvatisya, happy, have fun, get angry;
  • potential active sign of any individual: bite (you can taste);
  • potential passive sign of the subject: b'єtsya (maybe rozbitisya);
  • bezosovost_ signs: bend, pimp, cook.

As a rule, all verbal words are not transferable, protest: be afraid, squabble tata.

Thorough and incomplete vidi diesliv

Falsely from the post-morphological signs, which can be attributed to the nature of the repetition of the day any of the rise in the hour, there can be many details (SV) and incomplete appearance (NSV).

Otzhe, in what nutrition did you say the word SV? In the Information Center of Nutrition scho zrobiti? As a rule, this is the form of the value of the endings. (Read) for dostyag yakogos mezhi (Skinny) view. As a rule, such words describe facts. for example: Winter has come, it has become cold and vipav snig.

In the sleepy lovers, one can embroil the implantation of a word as a fact of a repeated act. for example: It’s like that with her: now she’s laughing, now she’s crying.

At the same hour, when the word is unassigned form (NSV), then the stench can appear on food how robiti? The words do not characterize the finished one, for it has tightened the singing line. However, such words become stagnant more often, and there can be mother's meaning:

  • Diya yak process. for example: Early spring was coming, the sun was shining, and the snow was shydko tanuv.
  • Repeated action. for example: Vaughn is often missed.
  • Post-delivery of one sub'єct to the last one. for example: The streets of Lenin and Pushkin are changing.
  • Synonymous meaning SV. for example: I have already read the article. - I have already read the article.

sposib diesliv

The way of doing things is by non-perceptible morphological acquaintance and three types: action, order and cleverness. The skin of them bends in its own special way until the present hour.

So, an effective way to create a real show, as it is already seen, is seen in a given moment, or if it is seen in a future. Whenever possible, it is possible to say, in the way of food, it is written in a way: shou shy? how to rob? and what will you be doing?

The verb, abo, how to call it, imperative, according to the essence, є sponunds to the dії in be-yakіy formі. Tse can be good fortune, passing through the instructions. So it is, as if in a practical way, order the words to change for the clock. The establishment of such words can be seen for the help of the Sufix abo call without a new one. There are also ways of doing things in one or in many. to tell us about those who are in front of us a word in one, as it is based on the nutrition of the cob form of the word: how robiti? Well you can see the end -ti That is the form of a plurality. for example: take care - take care, go - go, sit - sit.

A clever way, abo, how to name it, cleverly, means such a deed, how it will be deprived of the singing circumstances, or minds. There is also a way for people to pretend to be the path of a part of b until the word of the last hour. for example: went b, came b, knew b.

Zmіna dіeslіv for hours

Hour, like and in a way, є with an innocent morphological acquaintance, I begin at that moment, in which one is about a singing event. So, if the action, about how in the Danish moment of the move, it was already seen, then it’s like it’s going to be caught at once - nini, and if you don’t have to plan - maybutnє.

When approved, get used to the sufix -l: sil, bachiv, knowing and so far . Vikoristannya viraziv, which will take an hour, can be set up until the same time. And such an hour is only in the minds of the children of an incomprehensible mind, about which have already been spoken about earlier. for example: Win thinking, go ahead of all.

Nutrition for the day at the present hour can start from the beginning of the meaning:

  • steel: Kalmius flows into the Azov Sea.
  • Systematic repetition: Won’t read the Kazakhs in the evenings.
  • Potential sign: Deyaki cats are dry up.

It’s not so good, if you’re going to eat, you’ll say the word of the hour, and you’ll be told to do it, if you’ll come back to talk about it. for example: I’m going to the market.

individuals diesliv

The words of a practical and orderly way in the future and the present hour can be such a non-perceptible morphological sign, as a person, as a person who will order those who are to see the process. Total є 3 forms of an individual:

  • 1st person - virobnik diyu that, hto talk about new;
  • 2 nd person - a time to be carried out, hto hearing a warning;
  • 3rd person - virobniki do not take part in this negotiation.

Dieslova, for whom it is possible to see a person, they call it special. Urazi, who is a person, stand up unhappily, a non-specific word. for example: Sutenin, light, dark.

Vidmіnuvannya dіeslіv

Zmіna dієslіv guise that numbers are called dієvіdmіnoyu.

The table of Russian translations is a word and such words, which can be placed before the first, and before another day (in the fallowness of the individual). Such words are called differently conjugated.

1. Dіeslovo- the tse part of the move, how does it mean the deyu about the body of the object, which will be taken into account? scho zrobiti ?: come, come, get sick, pidbadioritisya.

2. Kozhen word maє takі form:

  • cob shape, yak be called unassigned form(abo information). Won end on -th, -th, whose(Tse): color ti, ne whose, kupa be Xia... The form is not meaningful, but it is called diyu abo stan, which does not apply to the hour, not the number, not the individual, for that the form of the word. Vona Volodya only with the perpetual signs of the word;
  • see forms (information). The stench of volod_yut with permanent and non-perceptible signs of a word;

3. Words to share on transition  і unchanged(Tse of post_yna sign of d_esl_v). Transitional words mean the transition to the same subject, which name can be reversed

  • іmennik (or a bribe) in a well-known vidmіnku without a receiver: read the newspaper, bachichi yogo;
  • A child in a generic form without a receiver, which means a part of a chogos: vipiti tea, vіdrіzati hlіba;
  • іmennik (or a hareman) in a generic form without a receiver in case of conditions from the following: don't mother right, don't bachiti її.

All of the words are intransigent: walk by the park, be good.

4. Dіeslova, scho may post-phіksi -sya (-s), are called zvorotnymi: holiti Xia, katuwati Xia ... reshta dieslova non-reversible: dumati, nobility(Tse of post_yna sign of d_esl_v). All the ringing words are intransigent.

5. words bang hammered abo incomplete mind (tse post_yna sign of d_esliv). You see the words to show, like a counter to the diyu.

The words of the complete mind are converted to food scho zrobiti? and contribute to the completion of the show, its result, the end of the show and the ear: sleep... The stench may be two o'clock: gone slept) I maybutnє is simpler, how can it be composed in one word (how can it be broken? - sleep). The forms of the present hour do not seem to be a complete word.

Words of an incomplete mind are brought up to food how robiti?і at the designated stage, do not indicate the completion, the result, the end, or the ear: spivati... The stench may be three o'clock: gone (who robbed? - read), Syogodennya (how to shrug? - color) і maybutnє foldne, Which will be stored in two words - "I will" ("will be") and unassigned form of the given word (will you be robotic? - you will be armchairwillspivati).

The Russian movement has a small number of two species dislіv, so that such dislіv, such as in the fallowness in the context, may be meaningful to the scho zrobiti?), That is an incomplete mind (і look for food how robiti?): strategy, friendship, friendship, greatness, doslijuvati, situation, zaareshtuvati, atakuvati that in. For example: A little bit widened across the edge, so the king was especially I am (How to rob? - an understated look) your own enemies; King I am (How to beat? - a thorough view) kolka zakolotnikiv.

6. Dіeswords mayut three forms nakhiliv(Tse non-perceptible signs of dyesliv). Form a way to show, how to speak otsenyu diyu, that is, Chi vvazhaє vіn yogo real, chi not bezhana if you think about it.

  • in a good way I will show that it is real, for the purpose of seeing it, it will become: mi vorogiv zustrіchaєmo simply: beat, b'єmo  і we will beat .
  • Umovny (umovne) nahil I will show you how you can deprive me of a singing mind: Without you I not getting b to the place i frozen bi on the road... A clever way of getting into the form of the last hour by way of the end of the part b (B)... Part b written okremo.
  • Penalty way I mean diyu, yake to command, ask, please to zrobiti: sprinkle with water... A punitive way to pretend to be the path of the sufiks - і to the base of the spoken (maybutny simple) hour, without a suffix: carry - carry - n_s і ... Many do post-fit -ti: carry ti .

7. The effective way of the word varies according to hours

  • nini hour: hoju, I think;
  • maybutn hour: bring(Maybutnє is simpler), I will bring(Maybutnє foldable);
  • passed hour: walking thinking.

8. In the forms of the current and Maybut hour, the word can be categorized individuals(Tse non-perceptible signs of dyesliv):

  • 1st person: I am go, mi ydemo;
  • 2nd person: ti ydesh, in and go;
  • 3rd person: vin(won, out) Yde, stink go.

Deyakі dієslovа call the camp, dіyu, how to see without the participation of an official, as bi by itself. Such words are called non-specific: Svitaє. Freeze. I'm evil.

9. Number- non-perceptible sign of the word, powering all the alternate forms of the word:

  • alone: go, ishov, go;
  • plurality: ydemo, yshli, pіdemo.

10. Рід- non-perceptible sign of the word, powering the forms alone in the last hour and in the intellectual way:

  • cholov_chiy family: want bi;
  • zhynochiy birth: wanted b;
  • middle age: wanted b.

11. Speak the word є additive and at the same time, with a submission, I set up the grammatical basis of the proposition: month yaskravo realizing the whole valley.

Ale іnfіnіtiv can be a member of the proposition:

  • live- Batkivshchyna serve (live- subtitle, serve - additives );
  • I want join in the conservatory (I want to join - storage of dіeslіvne additives) ;
  • I have a viniklo gostre bazhannya look around (bazhannya(Yake?) look around value );
  • Vona asked me read sheet (asked(about what?) read dodatok) ;
  • there was in favor(sat down(what do I mark?) in favor furnishing meti ).

12. Morphological survey of diesliv (plan)

1. Part of movi, more grammatical meaning and nutrition.

2. Pochatkova form (іnfіnіtiv).

  • view (thorough, undersized);
  • revolving (bezpovorotny, swivel);
  • transition (transition, non-transition);
  • vidminyuvannya (I, II, multi-conjugate abo archaic).

4. Non-consistent morphological signs:

  • nahil;
  • hour (in a practical way);
  • number;
  • person (in the present, maybutnyh hour; in the mandated way);
  • рід (in one past hour and in a smart way).

5. The role in the speech (as a member of the speech є the word in the whole speech).

Educating the audience

Love to ride - love and sleigh to carry.


what robish?
2. N. f. kohati.
3. Post-morphological signs:
1) uncomprehending view;
2) bezpovorotny;
3) transitional;
4) II vіdmіnuvannya.
1) in a practical way;
2) the present hour;
3) alone;
4) the 2nd individual.


1. Dіeslovo; poznacha diyu; feedback on food how robiti?
2. N. f. ride.
3. Post-morphological signs:
1) uncomprehending view;
2) swivel;
3) non-transient;
4) I vіdmіnuvannya.


1. Dіeslovo; poznacha diyu; feedback on food robi?
2. N. f. kohati.
3. Post-morphological signs:
1) uncomprehending view;
2) bezpovorotny;
3) transitional;
4) II vіdmіnuvannya.
4. Non-consistent morphological signs. Living in the form:
1) the punitive method;
2) alone;
3) the 2nd individual.
5. The proposition has a part of the folded dieslivny additive (additional dieslovo).


1. Dіeslovo; poznacha diyu; feedback on food how robiti?
2. N. f. carry.
3. Post-morphological signs:
1) uncomprehending view;
2) bezpovorotny;
3) transitional;
4) II vіdmіnuvannya.
4. Non-consistent morphological signs. Living in the form of information (non-form).
5. The proposition has a part of the folded dieslivny additive.


  • The head of "Dіeslovo" in the book of Zubkovo A. "Russian mova and culture of movi"
  • Rozdil "Dieslovo" in the booklet Litnevskaya E. "Russian mova: a short theoretical course for schoolchildren"

Dodatkovo to Guenon:

How do you read the words of a complete and incomplete form? Thoroughly Request friends, overcome the enemy, request a friend, tie a bow, brush the child's hair, bring the truth. Unsophisticated Ask for friends, welcome children, re-magate a voroga, tie a bow, sacrifice a child. Once, once, quickly. Dovgo, skin day, often. What's up? How robiti?

slide 9 from the presentation "" Dіeslovo "repetition of the 6th class"... One hundred and ninety-one KB format archive with presentation.

Russian mov 6 class

short change of the first presentations

"Communion" 6th grade "- the forget-me-nots grew, bіlya strumka vzhe rozkvіtli. Forget-me-nots, well, grew bіlya strumka, even rozkvіtli. We got fucked up by everyone who is alive in cich mists. Dyakuyu for the robot. Dієpricmetnik. Know the odd turnover in the offensive words. Arrange the distribution signs. Gilkoyu, vidlamaniy from the tree, mislivets meaning the next and making his way to the water. Kviti, frozen overnight, step by step revived. Specify the numbers of the propositions, the deeds of standing Komi.

"The form of the ordering method" - Without deceit, it is impossible here. Reverse the staff. Nahilennya. Finishing. Fair balagani. Fairs in Nizhny Novgorod. You can go to the fair if you can go to the fair. Rozvagi to the fair. Znavts_v competition. Lite. Presenting the buffoons in the booth. Winter. To the first part, send me to add a part to a friend. Dieslova. Shop for goods. Dzvonovy row. Land. Competition "Take the Priest". Lyalki. Peddlers. Dіeslova in the form of the mandate method.

"Russian imenniki" - Sounding of music. Creative laboratory. Іmennik. The Russian language on the skin has 100 cases of seizure and 40 menniks. Khlib movi. Stitches based on menniks. Evening, yak soot. New propositions. Perevir yourself. The new one has no good word for it. I know the boards, I know the fog. The road is far away. Serpen. Nich. Know the stitches. Whisper, fearful dikhannya. Creativity. The price of the wounds, the joy of the heat. Earth. Porivnyannya.

"Russian numbers" - Ordinal numbers. Spelling of numbers. Збірні numbers. Shilyannya kіlkіsnykh numіvnikіv. Shilyannya ordinal numbers. The names of the numbers change for the names, numbers and canopies. The first way to "write" the numbers of boules is notches on the club. Shilyannya іmen numberіvnikіv. What is the name of the number for food? and what? Number. Fractional numbers. The history appears.

"Slovnikova robot in the lessons of Russian language" - Write down the words, inserting letters, in alphabetical order. Syntactic word definition. Continue the row. Remember the writing of words. Significance of visual words. Pick up the words behind the warehouse. Yake is the word to zayve. Write down words according to their lexical meaning. The old days of war. Write off, insert literi. Insert the missing letters. Accept synonyms. Slovnikova robot. Visions of words. Write down the same root words.

"Writing Sufiks" - sposterіgayuchi. Syntactic rosy. Such are the sufiks. A practical robot for fixing the material. Cіlі and initiation of the new course of the Russian language. New line of children from Russian mov. Orthoepic rozminka. Chim danis are based on principle, they are derived from traditional handlers. Phonetic rosy. Robot with "large-block" suffixes. Perevirt. Know the word in a suffixal way.

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